In oseev, there are one or many blue leaves. Extracurricular activities

© Oseeva V.A., usl., 2017

© Kukushkin A.S., ill., 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017


Blue leaves

Katya had two green pencils. And Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:

- Give me the green pencil.

And Katya says:

- I'll ask my mom.

The next day both girls come to school. Lena asks:

- Mom allowed?

Katya sighed and said:

- Mom allowed something, but I didn’t ask my brother.

- Well, ask your brother more, - says Lena.

Katya comes the next day.

- Well, allowed my brother? Lena asks.

“My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you’ll break your pencil.”

- I'm being careful, - says Lena.

- Look, - says Katya, - don't fix it, don't press hard, don't put it in your mouth. Don't draw too much.

- I, - says Lena, - only need to draw leaves on the trees and green grass.

“That's a lot,” says Katya, and she herself frowns. And she made a displeased face.

Lena looked at her and walked away. She didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her:

- Well, what are you? Take it!

- Don't, - Lena answers.

In the lesson, the teacher asks:

- Why are you, Helen, blue leaves on the trees?

- There is no green pencil.

- Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?

Lena is silent. And Katya blushed like a cancer and says:

- I gave it to her, but she doesn't take it.

The teacher looked at both:

- We must give so that we can take.

Magic word

A little old man with a long gray beard was sitting on a bench and was drawing something on the sand with an umbrella.

“Move over,” Pavlik told him and sat down on the edge.

The old man moved over and, looking at the boy's red, angry face, said:

- Has something happened to you?

- Well, okay! What is it to you? - Pavlik looked sideways at him.

- Nothing for me. But now you were shouting, crying, quarreling with someone ...

- Still would! The boy grunted angrily. “I’ll soon run away from home altogether.

- Will you run away?

- I'll run away! I’ll run away because of one Lenka. Pavlik clenched his fists. - I almost gave it to her now! Doesn't give a single paint! And the most!

- Does not give? Well, it's not worth running away because of this.

- Not only because of this. Grandma drove me out of the kitchen for one carrot ... right with a rag, a rag ...

Pavlik gasped with resentment.

- It's nothing! - said the old man. - One will scold, the other will regret.

- Nobody pity me! - Pavlik shouted. - My brother goes for a ride on a boat, but he doesn't take me. I say to him: "Take it better, anyway I will not leave you alone, I will carry the oars, I will climb into the boat myself!"

Pavlik slammed his fist on the bench. And suddenly he fell silent.

- Well, does not your brother take you?

- Why do you keep asking?

The old man smoothed his long beard.

- I want to help you. There is such Magic word

Pavlik opened his mouth.

- I'll tell you this word. But remember: you must say it in a low voice, looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to. Remember - in a low voice, looking straight into the eyes ...

- What is the word?

- It's a magic word. But do not forget how to speak it.

- I'll try, - Pavlik grinned, - I'll try right now. - He jumped up and ran home.

Lena was sitting at the table and drawing. Paints - green, blue, red - lay in front of her. Seeing Pavlik, she immediately raked them into a heap and covered them with her hand.

“The old man has deceived! - thought the boy with annoyance. - Does such a person understand the magic word! .. "

Pavlik walked sideways to his sister and pulled her sleeve. The sister looked around. Then, looking into her eyes, the boy said in a low voice:

- Lena, give me one paint ... please ...

Lena opened her eyes wide. Her fingers unclenched, and, removing her hand from the table, she muttered in embarrassment:

- What do you want?

“I'm blue,” Pavlik said timidly. He took the paint, held it in his hands, walked with it around the room and gave it to his sister. He didn't need paint.

There were pencils on Katya's table, of which there were exactly two green ones.

Lena, sitting next to her, did not have a pencil. Green colour... Lena asked Katerina:

Please lend me a green pencil! Oh, I don’t have them, but you have two!
- I have to ask my mother. - quickly answers her friend.

The next day, Lena came to school and again asked her friend a question:

Well, now you can use a pencil? What did mom say?
- Yes, my mother allowed, but my older brother don’t know? - the classmate answered calmly.

The third school day has come. The girls sat down at the desk and Elena asked:

Hey! How are you? Allowed your brother to use a colored pencil?
- Yes, my brother does not mind you coloring! But, I'm scared, I think that you can break it.
- I will draw very carefully. - said a neighbor on the desk.
- Just don't press hard, you can't take it in your mouth and repair it! Don't paint too much.
- Well, I will paint rowan leaves and green nettles.

Katya frowned and made a displeased expression on her face. “You, what! That's a lot! " - she expressed sternly.

Then the schoolgirl did not take the pencil and left. Katya stood in surprise and ran after her friend.

Here, take it! What happened?
- No longer needed! - said the girl.

The drawing lesson has begun and the teacher asks:
- Are the leaves on the trees blue?
- I don't have a green pencil. - the student answered quietly.
- Could I have taken it from Katerina?

Lena got up and was silent. And Katya felt ashamed, covered with red spots, and said:
- I gave it to her, but she didn’t want to take it!

To which the teacher replied: "If you give something, you have to give it so that you want to take it!"

The story teaches: Being greedy is bad. The deception will open anyway! And if you did a bad deed, admit your mistakes.

Picture or drawing of blue leaves

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary of Sand Consuelo

    The main character of the novel is named Consuelo. She does not have beauty and wealth, does not know her father at all. She is the daughter of a gypsy woman with a beautiful voice. Seeing the talent and exceptional hard work of the girl

  • Summary of Noses Dreamers

    I read the story of Evgeny Nosov Fantazery several times, because I really liked it. This is a story about two funny and kind boys. Stasik and Mishutka are very fond of coming up with all sorts of funny and fantastic stories.

Ivan (04:23:49 21/06/2013):
Normal story. I remember it for the rest of my life, for example. And he teaches just not to be greedy, and not to "shift responsibility."

Alena (15:12:55 29/11/2013):
It's my favorite children's story... It is on these that you need to educate your children, if you want them to grow good people.

Olga (05:44:53 04/01/2014):
A normal story for that time. Such situations can still occur, only in a more sophisticated form. And the essence is the same: if you give, then give and do not reproach with it.

Eve (23:35:54 12/01/2014):
I remember this story from school and over the years, communicating with some people, I realized ... that sometimes it is, and if you take it apart piece by piece ... there is a lot of meaning ... although at first glance it comes about the greed of a friend initially ... a good story ... I met such people and then gave them a link to read .. this story .. even some apologized .. it is shameful ...

Danil (18:31:28 04/19/2014):
in my opinion, their friendship was like a twig, and then the thread of friendship immediately broke

Animaisa (03:27:23 22/04/2014):
The story is childish, but its essence can serve as a lesson, as they say, for all times and ages. That is why they say that sometimes giving something to another can humiliate him more than taking away. A person will do a good deed, and he will trumpet about his kindness, or even offer with such a feeling that he will not want to take it. And responsibility on others to shift this story does not teach at all, because the girl answered the teacher's question that she did not have the necessary pencil, but did not transfer the blame to her friend and did not say that she did not give the pencil. So, friend Roman, without making the correct conclusion from the story for 2nd grade children, you should probably not decide for the Minister of Education what to exclude from the school curriculum. with a friend, because. their conclusion was voiced by them themselves: do not blame others for the fact that you do not have a pencil (bread, telephone, money for travel, etc., etc.), and therefore you are right, grandfather Krylov: what I want to eat!, He said, and in dark forest I agree with everyone: the story has an even more subtle meaning and very important, but this is already, as it is said in the Great Book of all times and peoples: who has ears, let him hear !!!

Andrey Zolotov (17:06:24 06/19/2014):
Good story! In this life, you must ask someone for something! Therefore, you must always remember this so that you \ "do not get paid back with the same coin \"

Marina (12:42:24 21/10/2014):
And I would ask the children to tell Lena how she could do without a green pencil. What would you answer?

Valera. (16:57:48 01/01/2015):
I myself remember a story from my old school years. And now about my case. We live with our ex-wife under the same roof, so if something stays in the fridge, she comes to me- * here I have some nasty stuff lying around, won't you take it? not humiliate, cannot. I take it - I'm not proud ..)

sergey (21:11:00 11/03/2015):
when I read the story, I realized the meaning of what should be shared not to be greedy. mk greed leads to big problems not only at school (college) but also at home in the company of loved ones.

Natalia (11:56:40 07/21/2015):
Just now my daughters (3 and 11 years old) had a fight over a pencil. I read this story to them ... Everyone understood everything) deep meaning look in more mature age... Of course, I was asked the question of the oldest - 17 years old - And where are the parents, others could be asked ... that is, to rely on yourself, to look for the most solution to the problem. But 11 and 3-year-olds were fine with everything. Katya is greedy, and so bad. Moreover, they said - at least immediately said - NO! and that encouraged the same friend.

Vadim (18:35:37 01/14/2016):
I have this story with school years remembered him for the rest of his life. And now, many years after school, I found him here to meet my childhood.

Irina (21:34:34 01/15/2016):
Today my wish came true: I read a story from my childhood, which I remember very much. Years passed and I again wanted to read it. So the events of my life developed that I remembered this seemingly unpretentious story. I thank the wise author V.A. Oseev. I wish you all health, kindness, prosperity!

Ludmila (20:35:30 11/09/2016):
Thank you, I remembered my childhood, I have lived with this truth for 60 years, I am not offended by the actions of people, I just say to myself - "Blue Leaves", if I get something like that ... they don't even understand what I mean.

Galina (05:05:50 10/12/2016):
In my opinion, it says that the problem is in the girl who did not take the pencil. She does not know how to enjoy a little delayed pleasure, she needs it now or never ... From the comments it follows that the emotions of one girl are acceptable, and the other is not. The one who did not give, she turned to her feelings, tried to maintain integrity or her boundaries, she honestly showed with an expression on her face that she was sorry, but she coped with herself and offered a pencil. But what happened to the one who refused? How to understand it? Is she being refused at home? Indifference to the emotions of the giver, coldness? Arrogance? Envy? You can go on ...

Victoria (16:46:19 09/02/2017):
Galina, what you call arrogance is elementary self-respect. Yes, the girl reacted not childishly, but adequately. And where does "delayed pleasure" have to do with it? There is a specific task that needs to be done. There is no need to seek out meanings that are not in the story.

© Oseeva V.A., usl., 2017

© Kukushkin A.S., ill., 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017


Blue leaves

Katya had two green pencils. And Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:

- Give me the green pencil.

And Katya says:

- I'll ask my mom.

The next day both girls come to school. Lena asks:

- Mom allowed?

Katya sighed and said:

- Mom allowed something, but I didn’t ask my brother.

- Well, ask your brother more, - says Lena.

Katya comes the next day.

- Well, allowed my brother? Lena asks.

“My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you’ll break your pencil.”

- I'm being careful, - says Lena.

- Look, - says Katya, - don't fix it, don't press hard, don't put it in your mouth. Don't draw too much.

- I, - says Lena, - only need to draw leaves on the trees and green grass.

“That's a lot,” says Katya, and she herself frowns. And she made a displeased face.

Lena looked at her and walked away. She didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her:

- Well, what are you? Take it!

- Don't, - Lena answers.

In the lesson, the teacher asks:

- Why are you, Helen, blue leaves on the trees?

- There is no green pencil.

- Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?

Lena is silent. And Katya blushed like a cancer and says:

- I gave it to her, but she doesn't take it.

The teacher looked at both:

- We must give so that we can take.

Magic word

A little old man with a long gray beard was sitting on a bench and was drawing something on the sand with an umbrella.

“Move over,” Pavlik told him and sat down on the edge.

The old man moved over and, looking at the boy's red, angry face, said:

- Has something happened to you?

- Well, okay! What is it to you? - Pavlik looked sideways at him.

- Nothing for me. But now you were shouting, crying, quarreling with someone ...

- Still would! The boy grunted angrily. “I’ll soon run away from home altogether.

- Will you run away?

- I'll run away! I’ll run away because of one Lenka. Pavlik clenched his fists. - I almost gave it to her now! Doesn't give a single paint! And the most!

- Does not give? Well, it's not worth running away because of this.

- Not only because of this. Grandma drove me out of the kitchen for one carrot ... right with a rag, a rag ...

Pavlik gasped with resentment.

- It's nothing! - said the old man. - One will scold, the other will regret.

- Nobody pity me! - Pavlik shouted. - My brother goes for a ride on a boat, but he doesn't take me. I say to him: "Take it better, anyway I will not leave you alone, I will carry the oars, I will climb into the boat myself!"

Pavlik slammed his fist on the bench. And suddenly he fell silent.

- Well, does not your brother take you?

- Why do you keep asking?

The old man smoothed his long beard.

- I want to help you.

There is such a magic word ...

Pavlik opened his mouth.

- I'll tell you this word. But remember: you must say it in a low voice, looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to. Remember - in a low voice, looking straight into the eyes ...

- What is the word?

- It's a magic word. But do not forget how to speak it.

- I'll try, - Pavlik grinned, - I'll try right now. - He jumped up and ran home.

Lena was sitting at the table and drawing. Paints - green, blue, red - lay in front of her. Seeing Pavlik, she immediately raked them into a heap and covered them with her hand.

“The old man has deceived! - thought the boy with annoyance. - Does such a person understand the magic word! .. "

Pavlik walked sideways to his sister and pulled her sleeve. The sister looked around. Then, looking into her eyes, the boy said in a low voice:

- Lena, give me one paint ... please ...

Lena opened her eyes wide. Her fingers unclenched, and, removing her hand from the table, she muttered in embarrassment:

- What do you want?

“I'm blue,” Pavlik said timidly. He took the paint, held it in his hands, walked with it around the room and gave it to his sister. He didn't need paint. He thought now only of the magic word.

“I'll go to my grandmother. She's just cooking. Will he drive it away or not? "

Pavlik opened the kitchen door. The old woman was removing hot cakes from a baking sheet.

The grandson ran up to her, turned his wrinkled red face with both hands, looked into her eyes and whispered:

- Give me a piece of pie ... please.

Grandma straightened up.

The magic word shone in every wrinkle, in his eyes, in a smile.

- I wanted hot ... hot, my dear! - she said, choosing the best, ruddy pie.

Pavlik jumped up with joy and kissed her on both cheeks.

"Wizard! Wizard!" He repeated to himself, remembering the old man.

At dinner Pavlik sat quiet and listened to every word of his brother. When his brother said that he would go for a boat ride, Pavlik put his hand on his shoulder and quietly asked:

- Take me, please.

Everyone at the table fell silent at once. The brother raised his eyebrows and grinned.

“Take it,” the sister said suddenly. - What do you need!

- Well, why not take it? - smiled grandmother. - Of course, take it.

“Please,” Pavlik repeated.

The brother laughed loudly, patted the boy on the shoulder, ruffled his hair:

- Eh you, traveler! Okay, get ready!

“It helped! It helped again! "

Pavlik jumped out from the table and ran into the street. But the old man was no longer in the park. The bench was empty, and only on the sand were incomprehensible signs drawn by an umbrella.

Grandmother and granddaughter

Mom brought Tanya a new book.

Mom said:

- When Tanya was little, her grandmother read to her; now Tanya is already big, she herself will read this book to her grandmother.

- Sit down, grandma! - said Tanya. - I'll read you a story.

Tanya read, grandmother listened, and mother praised both:

- That's what clever girls you are with me!


Two boys stood on the street under the clock and talked.

- I did not solve the example, because it was with brackets, - Yura justified himself.

- And I because there were very large numbers, - said Oleg.

- We can solve it together, we still have time!

The street clock showed half past one.

- We have a whole half hour, - said Yura. - During this time, the pilot can transport passengers from one city to another.

- And my uncle, the captain, during the shipwreck in twenty minutes managed to load the entire crew into the boats.

- What - for twenty! .. - Yura said in a businesslike manner. - Sometimes five to ten minutes means a lot. You just need to take into account every minute.

- And here's the case! During one competition ...

Many interesting cases remembered the boys.

- And I know ... - Oleg suddenly stopped and looked at his watch. - Exactly two!

Yura gasped.

- Let's run! - said Yura. - We were late for school!

- What about an example? - Oleg asked fearfully.

Yura just waved his hand as he ran.

Rex and Cupcake

Slava and Vitya sat on the same desk.

The boys were very friendly and helped each other as best they could. Vitya helped Slava to solve problems, and Slava made sure that Vitya wrote the words correctly and did not stain his notebooks with blots. Once they had a strong argument:

- Our director has big dog, her name is Rex, - said Vitya.

“Not Rex, but Keks,” Slava corrected him.

- No, Rex!

- No, Cupcake!

The boys had a falling out. Vitya went to another desk. The next day, Slava did not solve the problem assigned to the house, and Vitya handed the teacher a sloppy notebook. A few days later, things got worse: both boys received a deuce. And then they found out that the director's dog was called Ralph.

- So, we have nothing to quarrel about! - Glory was delighted.

- Of course, not because of what, - Vitya agreed.

Both boys sat down on the same desk again.

- Here's your Rex, here's your Cupcake. Nasty dog, we grabbed two deuces because of it! And just think about why people are quarreling! ..

Labor warms

Firewood was brought to the boarding school.

Nina Ivanovna said:

- Put on your sweaters, we'll carry firewood.

The guys ran to get dressed.

- Maybe give them a better coat? - said the nurse. - Today is a cold autumn day!

- No no! - the guys shouted. - We will work! We will be hot!

- Of course! - smiled Nina Ivanovna. - We will be hot! After all, work warms!


Yurik woke up in the morning. Looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day.

And the boy wanted to do something good himself.

Here he sits and thinks:

"What if my sister was drowning, and I would have saved her!"

And the little sister is right there:

- Take a walk with me, Yura!

- Go away, don't bother thinking!

The little sister was offended and moved away. And Yura thinks: "Now, if the wolves attacked the nanny, I would shoot them!"

And the nanny is right there:

- Take away the dishes, Yurochka.

- Take it away yourself - I have no time!

The nanny shook her head. And Yura thinks again:

"Now, if Trezorka fell into the well, and I would have pulled him out!"

And Trezorka is right there. Wagging its tail:

"Give me a drink, Yura!"

- Go away! Don't bother thinking!

He closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes. And Yura went to his mother:

- What would I do that good?

Mom stroked Yura's head:

- Take a walk with your little sister, help the nanny clean up the dishes, give Trezor some water.


Valya did not come to class. Her friends sent Musya to her.

- Go and find out what happened to Valya: maybe she is sick, maybe she needs something?

Musya found her friend in bed. Valya was lying with her cheek tied.

- Oh, Valechka! - said Musya, sitting down on a chair. - You probably have a gumboil! Oh, what a flux I had in the summer! A whole boil! And you know, my grandmother just left, and my mother was at work ...

- My mom is also at work, - said Valya, holding her cheek. - And I need a rinse ...

- Oh, Valechka! I was also given a rinse! And I felt better! As I rinse, it's better! And I was also helped by a hot-hot bottle ...

Valya perked up and nodded her head.

- Yes, yes, a heating pad ... Musya, we have a kettle in our kitchen ...

- Isn't he making a noise? No, that's right, rain! - Musya jumped up and ran to the window. - So it is, rain! It's good that I came in galoshes! And then you can catch a cold!

She ran to the hall, tapping her feet for a long time, putting on galoshes. Then, thrusting her head through the door, she shouted:

- Get well, Valechka! I'll come to you again! Of course I'll come! Do not worry!

Valya sighed, touched the cold heating pad and waited for her mother.

- Well? What did she say? What does she want? - the girls asked Musya.

- Yes, she has the same flux as I had! - said Musya happily. - And she didn't say anything! And only a heating pad and a rinse help her!

Until the first rain

Tanya and Masha were very friendly and always went to kindergarten together. Now Masha went to fetch Tanya, then Tanya to fetch Masha. Once, when the girls were walking down the street, it started raining heavily. Masha was in a raincoat, and Tanya was in one dress. The girls ran.

- Take off your cloak, we'll cover ourselves together! - Tanya shouted as she ran.

- I can’t, I’ll get wet! - Bending down her head with a hood, Masha answered her.

V kindergarten the teacher said:

- How strange, Masha's dress is dry, and yours, Tanya, is completely wet, how did this happen? You walked together, didn't you?

- Masha had a raincoat, and I walked in one dress, - said Tanya.

- So you could hide with one cloak, - said the teacher and, glancing at Masha, shook her head.

- It seems that your friendship is before the first rain!

Both girls blushed: Masha for herself, and Tanya for Masha.


Mom gave Kolya colored pencils.

Once his friend Vitya came to Kolya.

- Let's draw!

Kolya put a box of pencils on the table. There were only three pencils: red, green, and blue.

- And where are the others? - asked Vitya.

Kolya shrugged his shoulders.

- Yes, I gave them out: my sister's friend took the brown one - she needed to paint the roof of the house; I gave pink and blue to one girl from our yard - she lost hers ... And Petya took the black and yellow from me - he just lacked these ...

- But you yourself were left without pencils! - the comrade was surprised. - Don't you need them?

- No, they are very necessary, but all such cases, that it is impossible not to give!

Vitya took pencils from the box, turned them over in his hands and said:

- All the same, you will give it to someone, so you better give it to me. I don't have a single colored pencil!

Kolya looked at the empty box.

- Well, take it ... since such a case ... - he muttered.

Three comrades

Vitya lost his breakfast. At the big break, all the guys had breakfast, and Vitya stood aside.

- Why do not you eat? Kolya asked him.

- Breakfast is lost ...

- Bad, - said Kolya, biting off big piece white bread... - It's still a long way to lunch!

- Where did you lose it? - Misha asked.

“I don’t know…” Vitya said quietly and turned away.

“You probably carried it in your pocket, but you have to put it in your bag,” Misha said.

Volodya didn’t ask anything. He went up to Vitya, broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed to his friend:

- Take it, eat it!


Two women took water from a well. A third approached them. And the old old man sat down on a pebble to rest. One woman says to another:

- My son is clever and strong, no one can cope with him.

And the third is silent.

- What won't you say about your son? - ask her neighbors.

- What can I say? - says the woman. - There is nothing special about it.

The women took full buckets and went. And the old man follows them. Women walk, stop. Hands hurt, water splashes, back aches.

Suddenly, three boys run out to meet them.

One tumbles over his head, walks on a wheel - women admire him.

He sings another song, floods like a nightingale - his women listened.

And the third ran up to his mother, took the heavy buckets from her and dragged them.

The women ask the old man:

- Well? What are our sons?

- Where are they? - the old man answers. - I see only one son!


Katya went to her table and gasped: the drawer was open, new paints were scattered, brushes were stained, there were pools of brown water on the table.

- Alyoshka! - Katya shouted. - Alyoshka! - And, covering her face with her hands, she cried loudly.

Alyosha stuck his round head through the door. His cheeks and nose were stained with paint.

- I didn’t do anything to you! He said quickly.

Katya threw herself at him with her fists, but the little brother disappeared through the door and jumped through the open window into the garden.

- I will avenge you! - Katya shouted with tears.

Alyosha, like a monkey, climbed the tree and, hanging from the lower branch, showed his sister his nose.

- She cried! I started crying because of some colors!

- You will cry too! - Katya shouted. - Even how you cry!

- Will I pay it? - Alyosha laughed and began to quickly climb up. - And you first catch me.

Suddenly he stumbled and hung, grabbing a thin branch. The branch cracked and broke off. Alyosha fell.

Katya ran into the garden at a run. She immediately forgot her spoiled paints and her quarrel with her brother.

- Alyosha! She shouted. - Alyosha!

The little brother was sitting on the ground and, covering his head with his hands, looked at her in dismay.

- Get up! Stand up!

But Alyosha pulled his head into his shoulders and closed his eyes.

- Can not? - Katya asked fearfully, feeling Alyosha's knees.

- Hold on to me.

She put her arms around her brother's shoulders and gently set him to his feet.

- Does it hurt you?

Alyosha shook his head and suddenly began to cry.

- What, can't you stand? Katya asked.

Alyosha cried even louder and clung to his sister.

“I will never touch your colors again… never… never… I will not!


Tolya often came running from the yard and complained that the guys offend him.

“Don’t complain,” the mother once said, “you must treat your comrades better yourself, then your comrades will not offend you!

Tolya went out onto the stairs. On the site one of his offenders, a neighbor's boy Sasha, was looking for something.

“My mother gave me a coin for bread, and I lost it,” he explained gloomily. - Do not go here, or you will trample!

Tolya remembered what his mother had said to him in the morning, and hesitantly suggested:

- Let's search together!

The boys began to search together. Sasha was lucky: a silver coin flashed under the stairs in the very corner.

- There she is! - Sasha was delighted. - She got scared of us and was found! Thank you. Come out into the yard. Guys will not be touched! I'm just running for bread now!

He slid down the railing. From the dark flight of the stairs came a cheerful voice:

- You-ho-di! ..


The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Directly in front of her, huddled against the fence, sat a little disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and meowed plaintively. Two boys stood nearby and waited for what would happen.

A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily shouted to the boys:

- Shame on you!

- What is embarrassing? We didn't do anything! - the boys were surprised.

- This is bad! The woman replied angrily.

Just an old lady

A boy and a girl were walking along the street. And in front of them was an old woman. It was very slippery. The old woman slipped and fell.

- Hold my books! - shouted the boy, handed the girl his bag and rushed to help the old woman. When he returned, the girl asked him:

- Is that your grandmother?

“No,” the boy replied.

- Mama? - the girlfriend was surprised.

- Well, aunt? Or a friend?

- No, no, no! The boy answered her. - It's just an old woman!


There was a hill of red clay in the courtyard. Squatting, the boys dug intricate passages in it and built a fortress. And suddenly they noticed another boy on the sidelines, who was also digging in the clay, dipping his red hands into a can of water and diligently smearing the walls of the clay house.

- Hey you, what are you doing there? The boys called out to him.

- I'm building a house.

The boys came closer.

- What kind of house is this? It has crooked windows and flat roof... Oh you, builder!

- Just move it, and it will fall apart! One boy shouted and kicked the house.

The wall has collapsed.

- Oh you! Who builds like this? - the guys shouted, breaking down the freshly oiled walls.

The "Builder" sat in silence, clenching his fists. When the last wall came down, he left.

And the next day the boys saw him in the same place. He again built his clay house and, dipping his red hands into the tin, diligently erected the second floor ...

On the rink

The day was sunny. The ice glittered. There were few people at the rink. A little girl, with her arms spread out in a funny way, rode from bench to bench. Two schoolchildren were tying up their skates and looking at Vitya.

Vitya performed various tricks - either he rode on one leg, or he whirled around.

- Well done! One of the boys shouted to him.

Vitya dashed like an arrow in a circle, dashingly turned and ran into the girl. The girl fell. Vitya got scared.

“I accidentally ...” he said, brushing the snow off her fur coat. - Did you hurt yourself?

The girl smiled:

- Knee ...

There was laughter from behind.

"They laugh at me!" - thought Vitya and turned away from the girl in annoyance.

- What an unprecedented knee! Here is a crybaby! He shouted as he drove past the schoolchildren.

- Come to us! They called.

Vitya went up to them. Holding hands, all three glided merrily on the ice. And the girl was sitting on the bench, rubbing her bruised knee and crying.

What is not allowed, that is not allowed

Once mom said to dad:

And dad immediately spoke in a whisper.

No really! What is not allowed, that is not allowed!


Mom poured cookies onto a plate. Grandmother clinked the cups merrily. Vova and Misha sat down at the table.

“Delhi one at a time,” Misha said sternly.

The boys scooped out all the cookies on the table and arranged them in two piles.

- Exactly? - asked Vova.

Misha measured the group with his eyes.

- Exactly. Grandma, pour us some tea!

Grandma served tea. The table was quiet. The cookie piles diminished rapidly.

- Loose! Sweet! - Misha said.

- Yes! - Vova responded with a full mouth.

Mom and grandmother were silent. When all the cookies were eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted himself on the stomach and climbed out from the table.

Misha finished the last bite and looked at his mother - she was stirring the tea with a spoon. He looked at his grandmother - she was chewing a crust of bread ...


The little girl's mother fell ill. The doctor came and saw that mom was holding her head with one hand, and tidying up the toys with the other. And the girl sits on her chair and commands:

- Bring me the cubes!

Mom picked up the cubes from the floor, put them in a box, gave them to her daughter.

- And the doll? Where is my doll? - shouts the girl again.

The doctor looked at this and said:

- Until the daughter learns to tidy up her toys, mom will not recover!

Who punished him?

I offended a friend. I pushed a passerby. I hit the dog. I was rude to my sister. Everyone left me. I was left alone and wept bitterly.

- Who punished him? - asked the neighbor.

“He punished himself,” Mom replied.


We were alone in the dining room - me and Boom. I dangled my feet under the table, and Boom nibbled lightly on my bare heels. I felt ticklish and funny. Above the table was Dad's big card - Mom and I had only recently given it to enlarge. On this card, dad had such a cheerful, kind face. But when, playing with Boom, I began to sway in the chair, holding on to the edge of the table, it seemed to me that Dad was shaking his head.

“Look, Boom,” I said in a whisper, and, swinging strongly in my chair, grabbed the edge of the tablecloth.

There was a ringing ... My heart sank. I quietly slid off the chair and lowered my eyes. Pink shards were scattered on the floor, the gold rim glistened in the sun.

Boom climbed out from under the table, carefully sniffed at the shards, and sat down, head tilted to one side and one ear raised.

Rapid footsteps were heard from the kitchen.

- What is it? Who is this? - Mom knelt down and covered her face with her hands. “Daddy’s cup… Daddy’s cup…” she repeated bitterly. Then she raised her eyes and asked reproachfully: - Is that you?

Pale pink shards glittered on her palms. My knees were trembling, my tongue twisted.

“This… this is… Boom!

- Boom? - Mom got up from her knees and slowly asked: - Is it Boom?

I nodded my head. Boom, hearing his name, twitched his ears and wagged his tail. Mom looked at me and then at him.

- How did he break?

My ears were burning. I threw up my hands:

- He jumped a little ... and paws ...

Here is an introductory snippet of the book.
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The main heroines of the story "Blue Leaves" are two schoolgirls, Lena and Katya. One day Lena needed a green pencil to paint leaves and grass in a drawing. She knew that Katya had two of these pencils. But when Lena asked Katya for a green pencil, she said that she needed to ask her mother's permission.

When the next day Lena turned her request to Katya again, she was refused. Katya said that she still needs to ask her brother's permission. On the third day, Katya agreed to give Lena a green pencil, but immediately began to teach her how to use a pencil correctly so as not to damage it. And upon learning that Lena was going to paint over a lot of leaves and grass in her drawing, Katya finally frowned.

Looking at Katya's reaction, Lena decided not to take the pencil from her and walked aside. Katya offered her her pencil again, but Lena refused. In the lesson, the teacher noticed that in Lena's drawing, the leaves are colored blue. He began to find out why the girl chose this color? Upon learning that Lena did not have a green pencil, the teacher was surprised, asking why she did not ask her friend for a pencil. Katya hurried to tell the teacher that she offered Lena to take a pencil, but she refused.

After looking at both girls, the teacher said that help should be offered in a way that doesn’t have to be refused.

This is summary story.

The main idea of ​​Oseeva's story "Blue Leaves" is that true friends should help each other sincerely and unselfishly. Katya took so long to decide whether to give her friend a pencil that Lena was eventually forced to refuse her help. The story teaches you not to be greedy and to help friends and family.

In the story I liked Lena, who, realizing that it was a pity for her friend to give her a pencil, decided that it would be easier to refuse Katya's help and paint the leaves in the drawing in blue than to listen to reproaches and moralizing from Lena later.

What proverbs fit the story "Blue Leaves"?

You can't beg for snow like this in winter.
The miser locks tightly, but rarely serves.