Presentation on the topic "Internet safety." Internet safety educational institution "Larionovskaya school" class teacher: Shirogorova T.A

Benefits of using Internet resources in schools: For schoolchildren - a source of additional information to increase erudition and complete educational projects Examples of sites for educational purposes: Classroom physics - for the curious (School mathematics (Mathematical studies (Biology for schoolchildren and students) (Video lessons "Internet Lesson" (Interactive) mathematics lessons (Internet as a fun, exciting learning (game element)

Examples of online encyclopedias: Wikipedia - a free encyclopedia (Yandex - Encyclopedias and dictionaries (Megabook - Mega-encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius (Encyclopedia Around the World (

Public communication services are: email (), instant messaging systems (such as ICQ), Internet telephony (Skype), social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Moi Mir, etc.). INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS.

Information about obtaining educational services on the websites of educational organizations School websites provide the opportunity to obtain reliable first-hand information about the educational institution of interest (school, college, university, etc.), gain access to their “news feeds,” etc. . Website address:

Internet safety Nowadays, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. With its help, we receive information, communicate, exchange data, pay for goods and services, send documents for admission to universities and do much more. However, the Internet is fraught with dangers, you need to know about them in order to avoid them.

Virus Protection Use anti-virus software with updated virus signature databases. Do not open attached files or links received by e-mail, through a social network or other means of communication on the Internet, without making sure that the file or link does not contain a virus. Carefully check the domain name of the site (for example, since attackers often use similar site names to mislead the victim (for example, Pay attention to browser or search engine warnings that the site may threaten the security of the computer. Do not connect unverified removable devices to your computer carriers. Do not succumb to intruders’ provocations, for example, with demands to transfer money or send an SMS to unblock the computer.

Use complex passwords (complex passwords are at least 10 characters long, include upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters, and do not contain the user name or known facts about the user). Do not tell anyone your password. To recover your password, use the mobile number associated with your account, and not the security question or mailbox. Do not transmit login credentials and passwords over unsecured communication channels (unprotected, as a rule, open and public Wi-Fi networks are). Carefully check the domain names of sites where you enter credentials. Protection against account hacking

Fake lottery winnings The user may receive a message (by phone, mail or SMS) that he has won a certain prize, and to receive it he must “pay tax”, “pay delivery” or simply top up some account in Yandex.Money. In this case, of course, the user will not receive any promised prize.

Free downloading of files with a subscription Often, in order to download a free file or watch a video in good quality without advertising, sites ask you to enter a mobile number. If you do this, the subscription will be activated and money may begin to be debited from the specified number. Recommendations: Do not indicate your mobile number on unfamiliar sites. If you have already subscribed, call the operator's support service and ask to disable it.

Educational resources Video lessons “Internet Lesson” – VSEVED: everything about education – Collection “History of Education” of the Russian General Education Portal – Methodological materials and software for schoolchildren and teachers: website of K.Yu. Polyakova – Educational projects of the company “Cyril and Methodius” – Educational network Olympiads – Website “Career guidance: who to become?” – School sector of the RELARN Association – http://school- The game “Study the Internet and manage it” - allows you to study the structure of the Internet through a game form.

BIOLOGY FlorAnimal: portal about plants and animals – Living beings: electronic illustrated encyclopedia – Interesting about botany. Plant life – Rare and endangered animals of Russia – Environmental education of children and study of the nature of Russia –

HISTORY History of the Ancient World: electronic supplement to the textbook for 5th grade – History of Ancient Rome – History of Russia from ancient times to the present day – Motherland: Russian historical illustrated magazine – Great Russia: information site about the Russian state –

LITERATURE --Krylov Ivan Andreevich – Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich – Laboratory of rhyme – all about rhyme and versification – Leo Tolstoy and “Yasnaya Polyana” – Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich – Virtual Museum of Literary Heroes

ART Official website of the Russian Museum – Official website of the Tretyakov Gallery – Official website of the Hermitage – Portal “Architecture of Russia” – Portal “Culture of Russia” – Portal of Russian Museums – Repin Ilya Efimovich –

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation – Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book – Russian writing: the origin of writing, manuscripts, fonts – Svetozar: Open International Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language – Scroll – History of writing in Rus' – Syntax of the modern Russian language – books/xbook089/01/index.html?part-029. htm books/xbook089/01/index.html?part-029.htm

Install a comprehensive protection system! Installing a regular antivirus is a thing of the past. Today, so-called “comprehensive protection systems” are relevant, including an antivirus, a firewall, an antispam filter and a couple or three more modules to fully protect your computer. New viruses appear every day, so do not forget to regularly update the signature database; it is best to set the program to automatically update.

Be careful with email! You should not transmit any important information via email. Set your email attachments to be blocked because many viruses are contained in attachments and begin to spread as soon as the attachment is opened. Microsoft Outlook and Windows Mail help block potentially dangerous attachments.

Use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Apple Safari browsers! Most worms and malicious scripts are targeted at Internet Explorer and Opera. IE still holds the first place in the popularity ranking, but only because it is built into Windows. Opera is very popular in Russia because of its illusory convenience and a really large number of settings. The security level is very poor in both one and the second browser, so it’s better not to use it at all.

Update your Windows operating system! Keep your Windows operating system updated. Microsoft periodically releases special security updates that can help protect your computer. These updates can prevent virus and other attacks on your computer by closing potentially dangerous entry points.

Don't send SMS messages! Nowadays, sites offering access to other people’s SMS and call printouts are very popular; also very often, when downloading files, you are asked to enter your number, or a blocking window suddenly appears, which supposedly can be removed by sending an SMS. When sending an SMS, at best, you can lose rubles on your phone account - if you need to send a message to a short number for payment, at worst, a terrible virus will appear on your computer. Therefore, never send SMS messages or enter your phone number on dubious sites when registering.

Use licensed software! If you download pirated versions of programs or a new hacker program, run it and deliberately ignore the antivirus warning, be prepared for the fact that you can install a virus on your computer. Moreover, the more popular the program, the higher this probability. Licensed programs will save you from such a threat!

Use strong passwords! According to statistics, 80% of all passwords are simple words: names, brands of phones or cars, the name of a cat or dog, as well as passwords like 123. Such passwords make the job of hackers much easier. Ideally, passwords should be at least seven, and preferably twelve, characters long. It takes 2-4 hours to guess a five-character password, but it will take 2-4 years to crack a seven-character password. It is better to use passwords that combine letters of different case, numbers and different icons.

Make backups! At the slightest threat, valuable information from your computer can be deleted, or even worse, stolen. Make it a rule to create backup copies of important data on an external device – flash card, optical drive, portable hard drive.

The Parental Control feature will keep you safe! For a child’s psyche, the Internet is a constant threat of psychological trauma and the risk of becoming a victim of criminals. Do not try to hide from your parents the range of topics that you discuss online and from new Internet acquaintances; this will help you realistically evaluate the information you see on the Internet and not become a victim of deception.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Materials used: 1. Melnikov V.P. Information security and information protection: textbook for students of higher educational institutions; 3rd ed., St.-M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, – 336 p. 2. Wikipedia - a free encyclopedia Safe computer and Internet for children: a new program for advanced training of APKIPRO teachers //Microsoft in education. [Electronic resource]. Electron. Dan. – cop – Access mode:

  • Presentation is prepared by:
  • Bugaeva L.I., computer science teacher
  • MBOU "Secondary school No. 45 in Belgorod"
  • Shekhovtsova M.A., computer science teacher
  • MBOU "Secondary school No. 45 in Belgorod"
What is the Internet?
  • What is the Internet?
  • What dangerous threats are there on the Internet?
  • Physical education minute
  • Practical work
  • Summarizing the information received
  • Drawing up a summary table of rules of conduct on the Internet
  • Useful tips
What is the Internet?
  • This is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks for storing and transmitting information.
  • Often referred to as the World Wide Web and the Global Network, as well as simply the Network. Built on the TCP/IP protocol stack. The World Wide Web (WWW) and many other data transmission systems operate on the basis of the Internet.
Dangerous threats on the Internet:
  • Threat of infection by malicious software (software);
  • access to inappropriate content;
  • contacts with strangers via chats or email;
  • searching for entertainment (eg games) on the Internet;
  • uncontrolled purchases.
Threat of malware infection
  • To spread malware and penetrate computers, email, CDs and other removable media, or files downloaded from the Internet are used. These methods are quite often used by hackers to distribute Trojan viruses.
Access to inappropriate content
  • This is violence, drugs, pages encouraging suicide, refusal to eat, murder, pages with nationalist ideology.
  • Regardless of the user's wishes, many sites display pop-up windows containing such information.
Contacting strangers using chat rooms or email
  • More and more often, criminals are using these channels to trick children into giving up personal information. Posing as a peer, they can find out personal information and seek a personal meeting.
Searching for entertainment (such as games) on the Internet
  • Sometimes, when searching for a new gaming site, you can end up on a card server and lose a large amount of money.
We'll all smile together
  • We'll all smile together
  • Let's wink a little at each other,
  • Let's turn right, left
  • And then we nod in a circle.
  • All ideas won
  • Our hands shot up.
  • The burden of worries has been shaken off
  • And let's continue the path of science.
Practical work
  • Visit the site
  • Reading the introductory article on the site
  • Follow the link “Middle classes”
  • Reading the “You Should Know This” section
  • Discussion of safety rules
Recommendations that can help make browsing the Internet less dangerous:
  • Visit the Internet with your parents, or share with them your successes and failures in mastering the Internet;
  • If something bothers you on the Internet, then you should not hide it, but share your concerns with adults;
  • When communicating in chats, using programs such as ICQ, using online games and other situations that require registration, you cannot use your real name. Select a login name (alias) that does not contain any personal information;
You cannot give out your personal information, such as your home address, phone number and any other personal information;
  • You cannot give out your personal information, such as your home address, phone number and any other personal information;
  • Respect your interlocutors on the Internet. The rules of good manners apply the same on the Internet and in real life;
  • You should never meet friends from the Internet. After all, people may not turn out to be who they say they are;
  • Not everything you read or see on the Internet is true. Ask adults about anything you are unsure about.
  • Recommendations that can help make browsing the Internet less dangerous:
  • Never
  • Always
  • Never give your phone number, home address, or school number to people you meet online without parental permission.
  • Always be careful when visiting chat rooms. Even if the chat says that it is only for children, you cannot say for sure that all visitors are really your age.
  • Never send a photo of yourself to anyone without consulting your parents.
  • Always ask your parents for permission to chat
  • Never arrange a meeting with online acquaintances without adult accompaniment. They are not always who they say they are.
  • Always leave a chat if someone's message makes you feel uneasy or worried. Don't forget to discuss this with your parents
Drawing up a summary table of rules of behavior on the Internet
  • Never
  • Always
  • Never open files attached to an email sent from a stranger. Files may contain viruses or other programs that can damage all information or computer software
  • Always keep your password information to yourself and don't tell it to anyone.
  • Never respond to unkind messages or messages with suggestions, always tell your parents if you receive one
  • Always remember that if someone makes you an offer that is too good to be true, it is most likely a scam.
  • Always stay away from "over 18s only" sites. Such warnings on websites are created specifically for your protection.
  • 1. Ask adults
  • Always ask your parents about unfamiliar things on the Internet. They will tell you what is safe to do and what is not.
  • "If something is not clear
  • scary or unpleasant
  • Hurry quickly to the adults,
  • Tell and show"
  • 2. Install a filter
  • To avoid encountering unpleasant and upsetting information on the Internet, install a filter on your browser, or ask adults to do this - then you can safely use pages on the Internet that interest you.
  • “Like everywhere else on the planet,
  • There is danger on the Internet.
  • We eliminate the danger
  • If we connect filters"
  • 3. Don't open files
  • Do not download or open files that are unknown to you or sent by strangers from the Internet. To avoid infecting your computer with a virus, install a special program on it - an antivirus!
  • "I don't want to get in trouble -
  • I'll get an antivirus!
  • To everyone who goes online,
  • Our advice will come in handy"
  • 4. Don't rush to send SMS
  • If you want to download a picture or a melody, but they ask you to send an SMS, don’t rush! First, check this number on the Internet to see if it is safe to send SMS to it and whether you will be deceived. This can be done on a special website.
  • “Sometimes you on the Internet
  • Suddenly there are liars.
  • Don't trust scammers
  • Check the information!”
  • 5. Be careful with strangers
  • Don't meet people from the Internet in person without your parents. On the Internet, many people tell lies about themselves.
  • "Evil people on the Internet
  • They set up their networks.
  • With strangers
  • Don’t go to the meeting!”
  • 6. Don't talk about yourself
  • Never tell strangers about yourself: where you live, where you study, your phone number. Only your friends and family should know this!
  • “So that the thief does not come to us,
  • And the stranger didn’t find us,
  • Your phone number, address, photo
  • Don't put it on the Internet
  • And don't tell others"
Thank you for your attention!
  • Materials used:
  • Blinkov I.A.: Safety of children and youth on the Internet
  • Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
  • Website
  • Images used:
  • Presentation background:, picture in the lower right corner: scanned and processed image of the certificate (CJSC Prazdnik), produced by IPF Stezya
  • Slide 1
  • Slide 7

2 slide

Predators These people use the Internet to lure children into meeting in person. File Sharing Abuse Unauthorized sharing of music, videos, and other files may be illegal or may result in the download of malware. Cyberbullies Both children and adults can use the Internet to harass or intimidate others. Invasion of privacy By filling out various forms on the Internet, children can leave confidential information about themselves or their family. Inappropriate Content If children use the Internet unsupervised, they may be exposed to images or information from which they may wish to be protected. Top threats to children's safety on the Internet

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Internet protection and security Protection. It is necessary to protect computers using modern technology, just as we protect the doors in our homes. Safety. Our behavior should protect us from the dangers of the Internet.

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CHILDREN'S SAFETY ON THE INTERNET. Legal, psychological, technical aspects of safe work on the Internet

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Internet - a world of wide possibilities The Internet allows you to: communicate with friends, family, colleagues; access information and entertainment; study, meet people and learn new things.

6 slide

Read the privacy statements Be sure to understand what you are agreeing to before confirming submission or providing personal information

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8 slide

Archive your files Save them to CDs, DVDs, USB drives, or other external media Use online backup services

Slide 9

Other ways to protect your computer Back up your data regularly Think before you click Read privacy statements on websites Close pop-up windows with the red X button

10 slide

Install and regularly update anti-spyware software Microsoft Security Essentials - a program that can be used to fully protect your home computer in real time from major types of threats

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Install and update anti-spyware software regularly Use anti-spyware software such as Microsoft Windows Defender to prevent unknown programs from snooping on your online activities and stealing your information.

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Install and update antivirus software regularly Antivirus software helps detect and remove computer viruses before they can cause harm. For anti-virus software to be effective, update it regularly. Don't let it expire

Slide 13

Use Automatic Updates to download the latest software updates Install all updates as soon as they become available Automatic Updates provide the best protection

Slide 14

What you can do Your computer Turn on the Windows Internet Firewall. Use Microsoft Update to automatically download the latest Windows updates. Install and regularly update antivirus software. Install and regularly update Windows Defender (Microsoft Windows Defender) You yourself Develop a line of online behavior that reduces risks. Handle personal information carefully. Leverage the anti-phishing and anti-spam technologies built into Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows Live, and Microsoft Outlook. Your Family Talk to your children about what they do online. Set clear rules for using the Internet. Keep personal information private. Use family safety settings in Microsoft software.

15 slide

Turn on Windows Internet Firewall The Internet Firewall creates a protective barrier between your computer and the Internet

16 slide

Junk Email Unsolicited email, instant messages, and other forms of communication Phishing Email messages sent by criminals to trick you into visiting fake Web sites and providing personal information Identity theft Kidnapping crime personal information and gaining access to cash or credit Hoaxing Emails sent to trick a user into giving up money Top threats to personal safety online

Slide 17

Keep personal information private Teach children to consult with you before giving out personal information online Monitor children's online activities Teach children to report suspicious activity to you Help children choose appropriate nicknames and email addresses protect

18 slide

Pay attention to what children are doing online Keep the computer at the center of attention Find out what your children use the Internet for Let your children teach you Teach them to trust their instincts Encourage them to report any troubles

Slide 19

Actions to help protect your family Talk to your children about what they do online Keep personal information private Set clear rules for Internet use Use family safety software

20 slide

Only close pop-up windows by clicking the red button (X) Always use the red button (X) in the corner of the pop-up window. Never click “Yes”, “Accept” or even “Cancel” as this may cause the program to be installed on your computer.

21 slides

Talk to your children about the dangers of the Internet Talk openly with your children about the dangers of the Internet, including the following. Internet criminals Inappropriate content Invasion of privacy Explain to them how their own behavior can reduce the threat and keep them safe online

22 slide

Discuss the dangers of the Internet with your children Turn your conversations with your children into a fun game with an interactive Internet safety course ( in dex.html)

Slide 23

How is Microsoft strengthening security and safety? Developing software products and tools to improve security and safety helps reduce Internet risks and make informed choices. Collaborating with civil society organizations, technology companies and governments around the world to ensure Internet safety. Providing helpful guides to help you learn about online dangers and how to counter them. Collaboration Technologies Guides

24 slide

Get a copy of your credit report and make sure your account is flagged as “Fraud” and “Victim Report” If your identity is stolen Report it Keep records Change all passwords Report fraud on your credit reports

25 slide

Benefit from anti-phishing and anti-spam technologies Many email providers, as well as programs such as Windows Live Hotmail® and Microsoft Outlook®, filter out most spam messages Internet Explorer® Anti-Phishing blocks and alerts you to suspicious websites .com/rus/protect

26 slide

Develop online behavior that reduces your security risks Delete junk email without opening it Beware of online scams Use strong passwords

The average daily audience of the Russian Internet (Runet) reached 52.2 million people, which is 45% of the population.

Daily children's audience of Runet: 13-16 years old;

The average age for starting independent work on the Internet is 10 years, and today there is a tendency to reduce the age to 9 years;

30% of minors spend more than 3 hours a day on the Internet (the norm is 2 hours a week!)

What do 7-8 year olds do on the Internet?

Children of this age love to surf the Internet and play online games. They may use email and may also access websites and chat rooms.

What do 9-12 year olds do on the Internet?

Children this age use the Internet to develop school projects. They also download music, use email, play games, and visit fan sites for their idols. Their favorite way to communicate is instant messaging.

What are teenagers doing on the Internet?

They download music, use email, instant messaging and play games. In addition, teenagers actively use search engines. At this age, the Internet becomes part of the social life of children: they meet and spend time on the Internet, look for information related to their studies or hobbies. At this age, children typically go through a period of low self-esteem, seek support from friends, and are reluctant to listen to their parents.

  • Pornographic sites;
  • Sites that incite national hatred and racial hatred.
  • Depressive youth trends.
  • Drugs.
  • Dating websites.
  • Sects.
  • Content risks
  • Electronic security
  • Malware
  • Cyber ​​fraud
  • Cyberstalking

  • Newbies to the Internet who are not familiar with netiquette;
  • Unfriendly users;
  • Those who strive to try everything new, associated with thrills;
  • Actively seeking attention and affection;
  • Rebels;
  • Lonely or abandoned;
  • Curious;
  • Having problems with

sexual orientation;

  • Those whom adults can easily

to deceive;

  • Those who are attracted to the subculture

beyond the understanding of their parents.

  • Dangers. Tell your children about the dangers that exist on the Internet and teach them how to get out of unpleasant situations correctly.
  • Computer. Increase the overall security level of your computer.
  • Time. Ensure your child achieves a balance between online and offline time.
  • Rules. Discuss family rules for using the Internet.
  • Etiquette. Teach your children to respect others online.

  • Be attentive to your children’s actions on the World Wide Web;
  • Inform your child about the opportunities and dangers that the Internet brings;
  • Choose a convenient form of monitoring your child’s online presence;
  • Regularly improve your computer literacy so you know how to keep children safe;
  • Establish family rules for using the Internet.


Monitor your children's online activities using modern programs. They will help filter out harmful content, find out what sites your child visits and what he does on them. In Russia, about 8 million global network users are children. They can play, get acquainted, explore the world... But unlike adults, they do not feel danger in the virtual world. Our responsibility is to protect them, to make the Internet as safe as possible. This goal is achievable if parents realize their primacy in ensuring the safety of their children.

Sources of materials