Description of the scales of a man. Libra in marriage

Every man is a certain secret, a riddle for a woman, and his soul is always difficult to unravel.

And the Libra man is especially mysterious. And he is not just mysterious, but also an interesting, multifaceted personality.

This unusual zodiac sign is a true intellectual and gentleman. He is well-mannered, gallant, and has an innate respect for women and elders. In addition, this man is smart, well-read, erudite.

Among the men of this zodiac sign it is impossible to meet a parasite or a bandit. By nature, Libras have a sense of duty and honor, a sense of self-importance, regardless of origin, wealth and status.

This person is interesting and sociable, can keep up any conversation lively, knows how to adapt to the interlocutor and be pleasant to everyone. Everyone likes him, but he’s not an upstart. True, the representative of this zodiac sign is not a fan of making important decisions and avoids serious responsibility. Therefore, Libras rarely achieve great career heights.

Close to my beloved

The Libra man is created for romance - loving and being passionately loved is a necessity for him, almost the first in life. A courteous, romantic and infinitely sweet Libra man is a real poet in love, he is ready to endlessly give wonderful compliments and be sophisticated in gifts and surprises.

This sign is inclined to adore everything beautiful - it is Libra men who appreciate beauty and aesthetics more than anyone else. He loves feminine, elegant and well-groomed ladies, loves to go on dates and is very open to relationships.

In bed, this gentle and attentive lover will do everything to make his chosen one more beautiful than ever with other men. He really likes long caresses, he loves hugs and tender words.

This man in bed thinks more about the pleasure of his partner than about himself - but at the same time, he is a skilled lover and receives great satisfaction from caresses. In addition, the Libra man loves experiments in bed, he is bold and relaxed - he likes various unusual things.

As for the family, Libra can be called the ideal spouse. There is only one nuance - the representative of this zodiac sign is faithful and devoted to his wife, his chosen one, but his natural need to be in the company of beautiful ladies will not go away over the years - and not every wife will be able to understand this.

He always has a lot of girlfriends, as well as friends - and he will have to come to terms with this. Otherwise, Libra is a family sign; he has an extremely serious attitude towards marriage. He will love his chosen one tenderly and devotedly, if, of course, she gives him the same.

Any chance?

This zodiac sign generally has a very pleasant characteristic regarding the sphere of love relationships. But in order to understand whether he is a good fit for you, you should find out the compatibility - and only then draw conclusions.

1. The Aries lady can attract this man with her brightness and courage, but if he turns out to be in love with her, he cannot do without stormy scenes. Both of these zodiac signs are very emotional, and there is no one to calm them down.

In general, the compatibility of such a union is not bad, and a harmonious union is likely. But only, of course, if you manage to understand him and adapt to his needs.

2. A Taurus woman is an ideal passion for a representative of the Libra sign. And although her nature is not as subtle as that of this man, their compatibility is extremely high.

This girl will be able to understand him, love him and become a soul mate. Both of them are simple, romantic, kind and open, do not like conflicts and know how to adapt to their partner - which means the union can be harmonious.

3. Strange soy: a Libra man and a Gemini woman, few people believe in this couple, but its characteristics are very good. Gemini is a very fickle and contradictory zodiac sign, the same can be said about the Libra man, and this already unites them. Whatever problems arise in a couple, they can be solved, because the signs are very similar and will be able to support each other.

4. A Libra man and a Cancer woman are also highly compatible. She is serious, thoughtful, careful and very emotional, which is exactly the kind of girl Libras like.

In addition, she is not easy to win - which means that Libra will value his chosen one if he is in love with her. A good, harmonious and bright union can be formed by these signs together.

5. Complex union: Libra man and Leo woman, although it occurs quite often. First, Libra wants to win such an obstinate lioness, and then, if this man is in love with such a bright lady, he will have a hard time with her.

Whatever adventures they will have to go through - conflicts, quarrels, struggle, amazing emotions, passion, and variety in bed. If you manage not to put pressure on him, not to alter him or criticize him, compatibility will be excellent.

6. A sign such as Virgo attracts a Libra man with her vulnerability, modest femininity and beauty. She is not easy to win and conquer, she is faithful and knows how to love. If you are lucky enough to have a Libra gentleman in love with you, you can count on many years together. Compatibility is very high, and harmonious families are often created.

7. Libra is a controversial sign, this applies to both men and lovely ladies. A man will feel comfortable with a woman of his own zodiac sign.

He knows how to win her and how to charm her, they understand each other like no one else, in bed there is harmony and similar needs, as in the rest of life. Such a pair has excellent characteristics and can make a strong pair.

8. Libra with Scorpio has a very difficult and contradictory characteristic. This sign is so emotional and bright that you can expect anything from such a woman. This bright couple can have a lot of pleasure in bed, a vibrant romance and passion.

But also scandals with breaking dishes and unwillingness to give in to another. The Scorpio lady will be able to conquer and charm the Libra man with her bright spontaneity, but in order to keep him and create a harmonious couple, it won’t hurt her to be softer.

9. When a Libra man is in love with a Sagittarius girl, miracles happen! He will be able to win this bright lady with his intelligence and charm, and the horoscope states that the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman are made for each other. They will understand and love each other, and will be able to live a long life together.

10. It will not be easy for this man to win a Capricorn lady - she is too conservative and serious, and he is contradictory and too romantic. But even if they come together, it will be difficult for them to reach an understanding.

11. It is unlikely that a Libra man and an Aquarius woman will become a strong couple - they are both contradictory, changeable and fickle, and in a couple at least one of them must be committed to building a relationship. Such alliances rarely work out.

12. It will not be easy for a Libra man to win a subtle and distrustful Pisces girl, but for him this mission will become important, like a game of chance. A couple can work out - Pisces will like the romantic Libra, and he will appreciate her beauty and tenderness. Understanding will not always be easy, but it is likely.

According to the eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope will help you better understand the complex nature of Libra, and find out what this man is like, what to expect from him and what to get used to. If you know in the year of which sign your loved one was born, be sure to look at his full characteristics.

  • Libra the rat is a typical representative of the sign. Smart, sociable, cunning and insightful, he will be able to avoid difficulties and mistakes and solve any problem cunningly, in a roundabout way.
  • The Ox has a heavy character, while Libra, on the contrary, is characterized by lightness and mobility. Such a man is heavy on his feet, but at the same time he can be frivolous. He is very resilient and likes to see things through to the end; he is not in a hurry.
  • The tiger is love and a thirst for adventure, adventurism, and unrestrainedness. He is an active, brave man, there is always some kind of struggle inside him, he rushes into any business and achieves success quickly.

  • A cat is a calm, affectionate man, he loves comfort and stability, but with this combination of signs he is inclined to take risks, loves to accumulate knowledge and learn new things. Sociable, courageous, not afraid of difficulties, realistic.
  • Libra the dragon is a bright man who cannot be ignored. He can be illogical, loves adventures and adventures, takes risks, loves high stakes. All or nothing is his slogan, he rushes to extremes and always gets his way.
  • The Libra snake is a man who is active, intelligent, has intuition and a deep understanding of things and people. Loving, observant, loves the best.
  • A horse in combination with this sign is a impetuous man, but he often gives up what he starts without finishing it. He hates boredom and monotony, so he often changes his goals and dreams.
  • The Goat is a bright, capricious sign. Such a man is talented, creative, charming and sociable, but sometimes he is not serious.
  • A monkey is a smart person, in this case he is sociable, cheerful, and active. Very erudite, quick-witted, grasps everything on the fly.
  • The rooster is a bright, dangerous sign. This man will stop at nothing, he is a brawler, knows how to create a stir and shock people. Active, optimistic, self-confident.
  • A dog is a sign of intelligence and kindness. This man is loyal, a fighter for truth and justice.
  • The Pig is a charming sign in this case. Sweet and kind, extremely romantic, loves pleasure and joy.

Meeting a Libra man can change your life. A horoscope will help you get to know him better, but your intuition and sincere interest in a person with his inner world are the most important thing. Author: Vasilina Serova

You can always hear a huge amount of free advice from this person. If you have any problems, he will always find the right solution. But you shouldn’t tell yourself that he is the ideal man: he really can solve all problems, except one - your relationship with him. His habit of analyzing everything, even love, can drive him crazy.

It will not be easy for you to break off a relationship if you Libra Man will spread its charm, attempts to free itself from which are similar to attempts to get out of a trap without outside help. You will be so fascinated by him that you will lose any ability to resist and will no longer be able to think and decide for yourself. He will persuade you to stay if you decide to leave him, using all the eloquence that he has, and using such clever evidence that you can only agree with him.

Over time, you will develop the same habits as him, you will begin to completely share his thoughts, and gradually your only desire will be to make him happy and please him.

For his part, he will do nothing to make you feel constantly at the height of bliss. It is unlikely that life with him will be smooth and calm. When he is in an unbalanced state, he will be completely indifferent to your feelings and thoughts. But this state will be replaced by a serene and happy time. Because it’s fun, easy and pleasant to be with him when he is in a state of balance.

Libra men are very passionate. But he has a different attitude towards love from other zodiac signs. Love for Libra is a high art. He rises in the expression of his love to unprecedented heights and has an all-encompassing passion. If his chosen one does not correspond to his idea of ​​reciprocal passion, this type of man is bitterly disappointed. Libra men still tend to seek variety even in conditions where their life partner meets his requirements and is flexible. They just need more opportunities to express themselves.

Making any decision is the biggest difficulty for Libra. Their opinion can change every day. A man born under this sign is able to conquer almost any woman, and it seems that Libra has surpassed everyone else in love affairs. They not only invented romance and love, but also made them the highest form of art. They do not lose interest in love until old age. Often this is only a platonic interest, but undoubtedly its presence in the life of Libra to the end.

The Libra man is often surrounded by girls; he always has a lot of fans, whom he cannot get rid of. If Libra manages to curb their temperament, harmony and well-being are achieved. But it happens that the whole world is overshadowed by the need for pleasure. During this period, they may have more than a dozen novels at different stages of development. For Libra, this condition is fraught with nervous disorders and breakdowns. Libra is not able to simply say “no” and immediately end this painful relationship, although it is much more cruel to prolong it. In the case when the relationship is so deep and sincere that almost the only possible solution is to say “yes” - you can say the same thing. Libra is a Libra, and there seems to be no end to their painful indecision. They, not daring to take the necessary step, drag and shirk.

For Libra, extremes are exceptions. Many of them always know how to provide themselves with sufficient freedom so that, without allowing themselves to be tied to the sentimental ties of marriage, they can fully enjoy love affairs. They rarely remain heartbroken. It is most typical for them to imagine every third woman as their partner.

But if Libra Man- experts in love affairs, then they are not such in matters of the soul. They are unlikely to want to look into your spiritual inner world or learn your secrets; the motives of your behavior are absolutely not interesting to them. Sometimes it may seem that they are not only indifferent, but also callous.

They reason intelligently and a lot, but the purpose of these reasonings is the usual consideration of issues of an abstract nature, and not the desire to understand another person. Even if someone tries to pour out their soul to a Libra, they will be even more upset due to the fact that they will not pay any attention to other people’s experiences.

Libra The man is quite generous with money. True, he will never invite many guests to his house, guided by quality, not quantity. Therefore, simply interesting, smart interlocutors, and stars will be among the invitees. Libras physically cannot stand large gatherings, and cannot stand being in crowded, noisy places. Peace is dear to them more than anything in the world.

The typical Libra man really wants to impress others, no matter whether this happens on the beach, on a romantic date or at an international conference; has financial ability; spending money on things that bring pleasure can be wasteful. Needs harmony and loves art; willingly gives advice; To make a more intelligent decision, usually analyzes the facts; at any age is interested in the opposite sex.


Men's horoscope - choose your zodiac sign





People born under the sign of Libra are known for their charm and desire to surround themselves with beautiful things. They love adventure, strive for novelty, and their character is a tangle of contradictions. Often because of this, they remain misunderstood by society, but like many other people, they dream of love and seek stability in relationships. They are concerned with the question: with whom is Libra compatible, a man of this zodiac is just as interested in the answer as a woman.

What is a Libra man like?

Libra is a symbol of balance. On the one hand, a man of this sign is calm, strives for stability and tries to avoid stressful situations that could destroy the existing way of life. On the other hand, this is a person who loves novelty, parties, and communication. Men of this sign, being aesthetes, love to surround themselves with beautiful objects, and especially with attractive representatives of the fair sex. They know how to maintain a dialogue, but they become truly sweet-voiced when they try to seduce the woman they like. Their lovers bask in their love; they are ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of their chosen one.

It is difficult to refuse such a romantic gentleman, however, the compatibility of a Libra man with women of other signs is far from always ideal. Many people dream of finding love for life, but want to do it as quickly as possible. A horoscope is one of the tools that will help you discover the kind of person with whom you would like to create a strong family. The horoscope for the compatibility of a Libra man with other signs is generally favorable: he will be able to find happiness with many women.

Sex and marriage

The compatibility of a Libra man with other signs is in some way associated with their understanding of the ideal woman and marriage. In marriage, such a person behaves sloppy and demanding. He wants a stable marriage and an ideal wife, however, he himself strives to live up to the ideal. He is a great father and a wonderful lover.

For such a spouse, it is important that his woman is sexy and beautiful. He himself will not disappoint in bed either. However, his hedonism leads to the fact that he often sees nothing wrong with having multiple sexual partners, even if he is officially married. However, if he sincerely loves his lady, there is no need to be afraid of betrayal on his part.

The ideal woman, in his opinion, on the one hand, should take care of him and the house, be the “keeper of the hearth,” and be responsible for maintaining comfort. On the other hand, she should not be a housewife whose thoughts and ideas are exclusively related to the home.

Libras are a little dreamy people and, being in love, they do not want to come down from “heaven to earth.”

  • Mars in Libra means that a man needs an active woman who can take responsibility;
  • Venus in Libra speaks of the desire to find a brilliant lady with whom he could attend parties and get-togethers;
  • The Moon means finding a like-minded woman with whom a guy would like to spend time in intellectual conversations.

Combination of year and sign

When calculating the compatibility of a Libra man with other signs, you can do additional work and add the year of birth.

  • Those born in the year of the Rooster are somewhat shy when communicating with women. He studies her for a long time before making a decision: should he let her into his heart? This is a reliable partner.
  • The Dog sign combines both light and dark character traits. People of this year are sociable, but prone to cruelty, sensitive, but capricious.
  • The monkey is a cheerful creature, optimistic and charming. A person like air needs love, and if he fails to find it, he feels unhappy.
  • If a Cat or Rabbit finds a beloved, he literally dissolves in her. Besides her, he doesn’t need anyone else, and he needs an internally strong partner, since he himself is very passive.
  • The tiger loves bright and spectacular women, but there are no feelings behind beautiful gestures and romance. Tiger men value only appearance, not paying attention to the feelings and inner world of their chosen ones, which pushes them away from them.
  • Being not too emotional, the Dragon is interested in bright and emotional women; as partners they are very reliable.
  • The Ox is sociable and gentle, and at the same time active and responsible, which is often not characteristic of Libra. He strives to start a family, but carefully selects a woman for himself. He is in no hurry to marry someone who is not ideal for him.
  • People born in the year of the Rat are distinguished by their business acumen. The Rat also speaks of a desire for praise and compliments. Men of this sign prefer generous women;
  • The horse is a symbol of reliability, but gaining its trust takes time. He is patient and forgives his beloved a lot. He needs a lady of his heart who can appreciate his loyalty and patience;
  • The goat seems inconspicuous at first, but then reveals bright features in itself. In marital relations, he needs to show flexibility so as not to suppress his beloved;
  • The Boar or Pig values ​​stability and loyalty above all else. The best lady of his heart is the one who is ready to constantly show attention to him. The financial aspect is also important;
  • The snake is pragmatic. A man born this year is looking for a relationship only with a woman who is suitable for him. He should be more attentive to his family so that his union with his chosen one is strong.

Compatibility with Fire Signs

The characteristics of an ideal woman are quite complex and not every woman can match it. Who are Libra men compatible with?

  • Aries. The Aries girl is sometimes overly impulsive. In relationships, she tries to take on a dominant role, which her partner may not like. Libras are also more rational in nature, they are prone to reflection and weigh the pros and cons. The compatibility of an Aries woman and a Libra man is not bad, but work on the relationship is needed;
  • A lion. The compatibility of these zodiac signs can be either 100% or impossible. It all depends on the behavior and personalities of the partners. The lioness is decisive, and her partner will gladly submit to her. However, conflict can just as easily break out between people. How can you smooth out a quarrel between signs? Only common sense and the ability to turn a blind eye to each other’s shortcomings will help here;
  • Sagittarius. This is an almost ideal relationship for a Libra marriage. The character of the woman and man in this pair complement each other.

Compatibility with Earth element signs

  • Calf. The compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Libra man is one of the best, although you will have to close your eyes to each other’s shortcomings. In this pair, the partner is romantic and tends to have his head in the clouds when it comes to love, while the partner is less romantic and more specific. If a couple is wise enough to leave each other enough freedom, their lives will be harmonious;
  • Virgo. Compatibility between a Virgo woman and a Libra man can hardly be called ideal. Their relationship is complicated, complicated by misunderstandings and constant quarrels. The man in this couple is romantic, has his head in the clouds and dreams of love and admiration, while Virgo is pragmatic and cold;
  • Capricorn. The pair of Capricorn and Libra turns out to be very strong, as they complement each other. The Capricorn woman dreams of romance, which she herself lacks, at the same time she is firm and proactive enough to take decisions into her own hands.

Compatibility with Air Signs

  • Twins. The compatibility of a Libra man and a Gemini woman has a rather strange character. The partners in such a couple are too similar to each other. The woman in such a couple is more energetic, while their partner is more attached to the home. In such a pair, partners learn from each other. This is good compatibility, such a harmonious couple: their life will be spent in calm conversations, diluted with adventures.
  • Scales. The compatibility of a Libra man and a Libra woman is unpredictable; the partners are too similar to each other. They are both romantic and indecisive, do not want to take responsibility and shift it to each other. Hence the disputes and disappointment in the union.
  • Aquarius. There is no better marriage option for a Libra man than an Aquarius woman. Partners complement each other and strive to avoid conflicts.

Compatibility with Water signs

  • Cancer. Compatibility between a Libra man and a girl born under the zodiac sign Cancer is possible, but one cannot confidently say that the relationship of such a couple will last long. The woman in this couple is romantic and will find in her boyfriend everything she dreams of. But both people are indecisive, which means one of the partners will have to take decisions and responsibility for them. This will cause constant quarrels and subsequent breakup, unless the couple manages to reach an agreement.
  • Scorpion. The life together of Scorpio and Libra is tragic. The partner is decisive and impulsive, and her lover is passive. Over time, the girl will begin to feel burdened by the relationship. The guy’s only opportunity to maintain the union is to gain trust and become more open.
  • Fish. The union of Pisces and Libra is not suitable for marriage. Both partners tend to build castles in the air, forgetting about material things. Here the woman is more romantic, so the partner will have to take responsibility.

Among all 12 zodiac signs, Libra is considered one of the most mysterious signs. This sign is the only one that symbolizes an inanimate object among the entire zodiac series. However, this in no way makes him callous and soulless. On the contrary, men with the sign of Libra are very receptive, sensual and gentle in their interactions with other people.

General characteristics of the sign

Libra's horse is developed intuition, which participates in the knowledge of the surrounding world on a par with rational intelligence. But such sensitivity also has its drawbacks: many have such qualities as indecisiveness and slowness. An innate keen sense of justice makes people under the sign of Libra suffer in cases where they cannot change or change anything. And yet, the advantages undoubtedly outweigh the disadvantages of Libra, so one can sincerely envy those who were born between September 25 and October 23.

The Libra man's horoscope is not accurate information that can be relied upon. The description of possible events often does not coincide at all with what happens in real life. Therefore, you don’t need to believe everything written on the Internet or in newspapers.

Attitude towards people and life

Their personality is quite unusual and multifaceted. The characteristics of the Libra zodiac sign in men combine many different and sometimes contradictory qualities. This unusualness lies in the fact that, paradoxically, they contain qualities that are opposite in essence. A passion for learning new things, an intuitive mindset, at the same time the presence of developed logical thinking, sensitivity to emotions, the mental states of other people - this is the list (albeit incomplete) of the qualities of men who are Libra according to the horoscope.

But at the same time as a craving for innovation, they usually have extremely conservative character. They do not like haste in important matters, and in some cases they can even show pedantry and tediousness. They have a poorly developed sense of time, which is why they can regularly engage in so-called procrastination - putting things off until tomorrow.

Sociability, observation, tact and sincerity distinguish those men who were born in the midst of autumn. They are welcome guests in almost any informal company of people. Outwardly calm and even slightly “cold,” the man is incredibly transformed in the environment of people close and loved to him.

The ability to look at problems from different angles is also the calling card of Libra men, and this is not surprising given the fact that they often doubt before choosing anything. In general, choosing anything is truly torment for those born under the sign of Libra, and this should be understood by their loved ones and relatives.

The emotional life of Libra depends very much on which partner is next to them. In the overwhelming majority of cases, Libra men prefer equality in family and partner relationships (this is due to the fact that Libra perceives the dominance of one of the partners as an injustice that they cannot stand). The need for affection and tenderness and the desire to give this affection and love to their neighbors is present in abundance in Libra, which is why they can even become a little obsessive.

Features in love and sex

Libra's aforementioned indecisiveness can be a stumbling block in some respects. Jealousy and paranoia can manifest themselves in those frequent cases when there are omissions, secrets and secrets from each other in a relationship. This is the emotional characteristic of the Libra man, what kind of women he likes: open, sincere, who can be trusted with all the most intimate things.

You can win a Libra man with fidelity, as well as with a kind and affectionate word - they also love with their ears. Such men like monogamous women who can also be not only a wife, but also a best friend. The issue of trust between spouses is key for such men. As a result, Libra husbands have a hard time with infidelity and try to never make such mistakes themselves.

As Libra ages, it is difficult to change. They especially don’t like it when their partner tries to correct them and impose any point of view. The guy is not much different from a mature representative of this zodiac sign, except that young people are less conservative. Passion may exist in such guys, but only as part of youth, which will inevitably give way to a calmer and more sensible maturity.

Sexual relationships are, of course, very important for men, although they do not come first. Vulgarity, vulgarity, as well as various innovations (for example, in the form of sex toys, etc.) - this is exactly what such men resist, preferring classical methods of satisfaction. He is used to taking care of his beloved, trying first of all to please her, and only then to himself.

Definitely, the advantages of this zodiac sign significantly outweigh their negative qualities and traits, which are jealousy, vulnerability, and a tendency to analyze past grievances. This can be quite annoying for their loved ones. Despite this, one can sincerely envy those who are the partners of this sensitive, responsive, caring man.

Family relationships

They see their main task as being as united as possible for their family. This means that men perceive their family as a single organism that must experience all the sorrows and joys together. All holidays, achievements and successes of children should be celebrated within the family circle, and it doesn’t matter where, but it is important that all members of this “family union” are together. Exactly the same thing happens when a family is going through difficult times - a caring husband and father is ready to poke his nose into the affairs of his loved ones, since he perceives their problems and troubles as his own.

Libra definitely needs a woman who is ready to sacrifice everything for her family, including her free time. The fact is that it is the woman who creates the microclimate Libra needs in their family. To do this you need to literally “live as a family.” Therefore, lovers of parties, entertainment, as well as career women should think about the advisability of marrying Libra - he will torture you to death.

Hospitality is one of the character traits of Libra men. This allows them to make friends with entire families and friends. Such friendliness may not always be appropriate, since they are almost always ready to help those who ask them for it. Therefore, a wife may sometimes have the “honor” of removing from her husband’s neck those who are planning to solve their problems at the expense of the kindness of another.

Men, having a common house with their wife, are demanding on this point, and they themselves are clean and ready to help their wife in cleaning their house - it is extremely important for them that their other half shares their opinion. There is nothing worse for a Libra than a spouse who throws her clothes all over the house.

Professional qualities and career

Of course, the best job for them is the one that is connected with people. Their sociability and friendliness can best be realized in teams that are united by a common idea, interests and goals. It’s not for nothing that they say about such men that their “team is a second family.” And, on the contrary, any squabbles, gossip and disputes at work can cause serious moral harm to male representatives of this sign.

Libra men most often choose professions such as:

  • diplomat;
  • salesman;
  • dealer;
  • lawyer;
  • theater artist, musician.

Since they prefer intellectual work rather than physical work, there are no blue-collar professions among them, which, however, in no way excludes them. If they cope with their immaturity and indecision, these men are capable of achieving the highest success in almost any area.

They do not tend to like risk and various adventurous enterprises; they try to spend their finances carefully. We can safely say that next to such a man, not a single woman will go hungry, since he always has money.

Having many acquaintances and friends often guarantees Libra a relatively easy path up the career ladder. True, their conservatism and unwillingness to make quick decisions can become a serious drawback in business, where, as you know, you need to be able to make the right decisions faster than your competitors.

Strengths and weaknesses in terms of health

In addition to not particularly strong physical health, there is a danger of weakening your psyche with worries and doubts. Male sensitivity has long been known. An impressionable person takes everything personally, so you need to try not to dwell on the bad and not pay attention to offensive words; health is more important.

Libras should definitely take care of their health, since they do not have the strongest immunity, which allows pathogenic bacteria and viruses to freely penetrate their body.

Libra men often have problems with vision and skin, which for them is something of an indicator of their condition and well-being. Cold and frosty weather is dangerous for this zodiac sign, causing not only colds, but also various complications. Therefore, it is extremely important for Libra to dress warmly (according to the weather!), even if it seems that it is not cold outside.

But it is still worth noting that with proper upbringing, they are not as vulnerable as it might seem at first. They have an excellent self-regulation mechanism, which allows them to independently overcome even severe depression and other similar mental conditions.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

Which zodiac sign is suitable for Libra:

Famous Libra men

People such as Nietzsche, Bunin, Yesenin, Verdi, Kramarov, Roerich, Lermontov, Camille Saint-Saens, Jean-Claude Van Damme and even V.V. Putin were born between September 25 and October 23.

Attention, TODAY only!

This person will give you a lot of advice. He always has solutions to all your problems and questions. You don't have to assume that he meets your girlish dreams. He will change some of them and object to others. His habit of rationalizing everything, including love, can drive you crazy. I must warn you that once Libra has cast its spell on you, you will have a hard time leaving the relationship. Trying to free yourself from it is the same as getting out of a bear trap. If you try to leave him, he will persuade you to stay with such logical and clever arguments that it is useless to try to defeat him. He will become so pleasant and gentle that you will forget about his annoying shortcomings. And your heart will turn to him again. And from now on, consider that your fight is lost. His dreams will become your dreams and you will do everything for his happiness. You will be waiting for a smile on his face, and few can resist his smile. Libra's charm is not the same as Scorpio's hypnotic attraction. Libra's attraction is real and logical. There is nothing supernatural about it.

His behavior is full of contradictions. You may have to yell at him or stand on your head to get his attention. Don't be so naive as to think that love with him will be smooth and calm, even though he is ruled by Venus. However, when he remains in a state of balance, life with him is pleasant, easy and fun. It is a huge stress for him to make any decision, and even after making it, he can change it without good reason.

The words “love” and “Libra” are practically synonymous. It was Libra who invented the love story and reduced it to an art that cannot be compared with the novels of Leo, Scorpio and Taurus. This already says something! He will use any trick to woo you and can win over almost any woman. However, having acquired it, he does not always know what to do with it next. Having carefully processed and charmed her, he begins to hesitate. Should he take advantage of her defenseless state or marry her, or maybe both or neither. A mental struggle begins. And this is where the difficulties begin. He will not lose interest in women until he is 90 years old. This may just be interest if he is happily married, but he will never get tired of love itself. Even if it takes the form of a simple thought: “What would it be like with another woman?”

Since love is surprisingly easy for him and comes to him early, he is often surrounded by girls whom he cannot get rid of. Libras don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, although very often they don't even realize how they can hurt a person when they are in a bad mood. He doesn’t like to say “no” and rarely realizes that dragging out an affair is more cruel than a quick and honest breakup. And prolonged agony can even be painful. And only Aquarius can make this or that decision with great reluctance.

If Libra feels that they are not being fair to someone, then there will be no end to their painful indecision. To be unjust for them is the same as to kill. His reluctance to be cruel may push him into an unsuccessful marriage. Thus, Libra may miss true love in their life. The natural tendency of the Libra man is to value every third woman as his only partner. And very often his friendship and love are inappropriate. But surprisingly, Libras don't suffer from a broken heart very often. He may forget you with insulting speed and perhaps less than another man will allow himself to regret a past love. He might have a few bruises from the explosion, but he won't have any long-term worries. Exceptions are rare.

It is much easier to imagine a soft-hearted Libra man in the clutches of a determined woman who has convinced him that leaving her is a great sin. Caught in such a snare, Libra will be an unhappy prisoner. But both of these extremes are exceptions. Most Libras remain free enough to enjoy romance to the fullest, without allowing themselves to be tied down by sentimental ties. They are not too interested in your secrets, although at first glance it seems that he is interested in everything connected with you. But look more closely and you will understand that he does not notice what is happening under his own nose. Everyone can notice, but not him.

And although he can reason a lot, the purpose of his reasoning is not to understand another person, but to talk about abstract things and strive for balance. His questions are not aimed at finding out the reason, he just wants to sort the facts into pieces. He will discuss the pros and cons with amazing logic and rationalism. His conclusions will be very fair, accurate, reasonable and practical. But he has no desire to find out the personal motives and feelings hidden beneath the surface. He is only interested in facts. Deep penetration into the character of Pisces, Scorpios, Aquarius, in his opinion, only spoils the clear picture that he strives for. He instinctively feels that such psychological research is not suitable for him. The way it is.

If you look extravagant, he concludes that you are a splurge. Therefore, you cannot be relied upon in this regard. And the fact that spending money can calm you down from some kind of shock does not occur to him. He's not a psychiatrist. If you are greedy, he may think that you just need someone's approval that you are good with money. But he has no desire to discover that you have a secret fear of losing your independence if you find yourself without money. Libra is the judge. Always remember that Libra argues out of abstract curiosity. It seems like he's trying to get something out of you, but he's not. He is absolutely not a gossip, as he might seem. And it is almost impossible to get the secret out of him. Therefore you can trust him.

But as far as your personal experiences are concerned, you will have some difficulty with him. You can pour out your soul to him, but you will suffer from the fact that he does not notice your inner experiences. He wants you to feel good, but he rarely understands your deepest desires. And just because he is a master of love and love techniques does not mean that he penetrates deeply into your moods.

It is quite difficult for him to cope with his own. Nothing can be more annoying than you rushing to him to complain that someone hurt you, you are looking for sympathy. What will you get in response? His first question will be: “What did you do to make him do this?” And then he will start telling you what you were wrong about until you cry with resentment. And even so, he will not take your side if he believes that you are really wrong. And many troubles stem from this lack in Libra - a lack of understanding of the soul of their partner. And this seems incredible given that he has such intuition, such logic, such a clear mind. He will not be a miser; on the contrary, typical Libras are quite generous. He is happy to spend money on things that bring beauty and happiness. Get ready to be a good housewife, because... his home will be a center of hospitality at any time of the day or night.

Don't take him to places where there are a lot of people, because he physically doesn't like large gatherings. Crowds of strangers disturb his balance. All Libras have an instinctive aversion to physical contact with crowds. His social life will be filled with intelligent, bright personalities, but again this should not be a crowd, otherwise he will not have enough air. Libra may unexpectedly leave you alone in the theater because he is overcome by claustrophobia - a typical Libra tendency.

The biggest danger in living together with them and the closest road to divorce from him is a mess in the house. For him, it is extremely important how the house is run. Don't forget about this, otherwise he will quickly move away from you. He himself may not be very tidy, but he believes that you should clean up after him. He may not complain, but gradually a secretary with delicate taste may become more and more attractive to him. He needs harmony in everything to maintain balance. His home should be a beautiful, quiet oasis in a chaotic world. You need to be smart enough to understand why he began to disappear from the house or why he sleeps when he is at home. Since he is weak even in analyzing his soul, you must analyze more often yourself. He may not even suspect that his bad condition is caused by the fact that he saw you covered in glitter cream. He may not even realize that he doesn't like the orange color of his bathroom curtains. So get yourself in order as well as your home and one day realize that your husband is a wonderful person.

Children get a lot of good things from him, he will always explain to them why he punishes them. And this will not make the child angry. He will charm children with his charm. But oddly enough, the Libra man does not have a great desire to have children. For him, his wife will always come first. And of course, if you fall in love with this man, you must offer him absolutely everything yourself, even a marriage proposal. But pay attention to one subtlety, because of which he forces you to make decisions: if something turns out wrong, he will quickly say: “Well, you decided, not me!” Know what you are doing. When you hear such a phrase, you should say: “Yes, I decided, if I left the decision up to you, we would still be standing under the street lamp talking about love and would have gotten pneumonia long ago!” Naturally, he will immediately begin to argue with you, but as soon as he gains his balance and smiles at you, you, like in the old days, standing under the lantern, say again: “I love you!”