Gordey: meaning and history of the name. The meaning of the name Gordey, character and fate The meaning of the name Gordey for a boy

The male name Gordey came to us from the legend about the founder of the city, Gordion Gordius, the Phrygian king, who ordered the tying of a tangled knot (the legendary Gordian knot), cut by Alexander the Great. This name was not widely used in our country, and its owners are rare even today.

Characteristics of the name Gordey

Gordey has a rather positive character; he is hardworking, peaceful, optimistic, and honest. As a child, he is a calm, shy, very obedient and intelligent child, very respectful of his parents. Everything the parents invested in this boy comes back a hundredfold, because young Gordey is an excellent student, plays sports, and is loved by his friends. As an adult, he is a well-mannered man, positive, serene, and sometimes appears timid because of his dislike of showing off. He values ​​stability, works hard for his good name, and enjoys the respect of others. His friends adore him, because he is a very witty and interesting conversationalist, the life of the party, a loyal and reliable comrade. Sometimes, in the process of improper upbringing, Gordey can grow up complacent and arrogant, so parents should not praise their child, but instill in him respect for people and independence.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Gordey is most suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Taurus or Cancer. Taurus (April 20-May 20) is a sign of simple, modest and patient people, under whose influence Gordey will retain his expedient determination, emotional and material reliability, and will also become a little pragmatic, appreciating comfort and a beautiful life. Cancer (June 22-July 22) is similar to Gordey in his cheerful disposition and tendency to hide his true feelings; he will endow the owner of this name with homeliness, diplomacy, sensitivity, and bohemianism.

Pros and cons of the name Gordey

What positive and negative qualities can be noted in the name Gordey? On the one hand, this is a beautiful, bright and unusual name that goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and, in addition, has several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Gordyusha, Gordya, Gordeyka, Gordik. The character of most Gordeevs also evokes more positive than negative emotions, so there are no obvious disadvantages in this name.


The health of the owners of this name is quite good, but in childhood they are constantly plagued by infectious diseases, and in adulthood they suffer from sciatica and insomnia.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Gordey is not the best family man. He is very amorous and tender at the peak of love, so his wife hopes for a happy marriage. But Gordey’s feelings cool down quite quickly, and he becomes a strict, demanding husband and father, whom his children and wife may even be afraid of.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Gordey is distinguished by his hard work and diligence. He does not strive for leadership positions, feeling comfortable in the role of a simple performer. The owner of this name can make a good employee of a bank, statistical department or archive. Creative professions are also close to him - dancer, artist, sculptor. In addition, Gordeys successfully prove themselves in medicine, journalism, management, and advertising.

Name day

The meaning of the name Gordey eliminates parental doubts regarding the choice. Since childhood, the boy has been giving positive emotions. A smart and modest child finds activities on his own and tries to learn as many new things as possible. A smart boy encourages communication and is shy when he is praised.

Having studied the meaning of the name Gordey for a boy, you can introduce yourself to a strong personality, a powerful character manifests itself in the most important moments of life.

People who don't know him well may get the impression that a passive, balanced boy is only ready to study the school curriculum. In fact, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, enjoys spending time on the sports field, and achieves serious results. Because of his modesty, he often does not dare to participate in competitions; the support of loved ones is necessary for the young man to decide to perform in front of the audience.

The meaning of the name Gordey for a child allows us to conclude that the talents of a developing personality will manifest themselves in everything. The boy needs to be provided with all-round development: attending sports clubs and creative clubs.

Prefers to avoid conflict situations, especially with the use of physical force, but if necessary, he will give a worthy rebuff. The interpretation of the name reveals a purposeful personality, the young man confidently overcomes obstacles, solves any problems without unnecessary emotions, showing ingenuity and determination.

A man's name sounds proud; self-esteem is of particular importance to its owner. Ready to defend my honor and protect the weak. He feels comfortable in any company, his erudition and wit allow him to maintain relationships with a wide variety of interlocutors. An indisputable advantage is a sense of proportion in drinking alcohol; in addition, company is important to him.

He is in good health and is not afraid of physical work. He tries to be in nature more often, enjoys freedom and landscapes.


Having fallen in love, a shy young man changes beyond recognition. This means that he is ready to do anything for the sake of his chosen one. First love is a spectacular girl, whose attention is not at all easy to achieve. But the purposeful, talented guy easily manages to outperform his rivals. Knows how to look after and behave with dignity in any society. Prefers long-term relationships based on trust and mutual understanding, fidelity is of particular importance, and does not forgive betrayal.

A breakup can cause short-term depression; he withdraws into himself, under no circumstances complains, or seeks compassion. A woman feels comfortable next to a decent man, a monogamous woman does not have casual relationships, and turns the life of her “muse” into a fairy tale.

Love has a special meaning for a man and is a source of inspiration.


Shyness is not an obstacle in his personal life; rather, on the contrary, after the wedding he turns into a caring, attentive family man, aggression on his part is excluded. A self-confident woman is considered the ideal companion for a timid man; opposite characters will allow you to achieve harmony in a relationship. The appearance of a wife is of particular importance to a creative person; he does not skimp on his wife’s wardrobe.

After the birth of the child, not a trace of shyness remains; for the sake of the family, he is ready to do anything. Children are an incentive for him. This often means that after the birth of the first child, he is rapidly moving up the career ladder. Finds time to help his wife around the house and play with the children. For the full development of children, she considers it necessary to purchase a pet.

As a rule, the family belongs to the wealthy category; the children and wife are not denied anything. He does not neglect his elderly parents, and always finds time to spend time together. Patiently listens to their instructions, although he makes decisions relying solely on his own intuition.
Be sure to find time to go to the theater together; art is an integral part of life.

Generosity is an invaluable quality; it organizes unforgettable holidays that remain in the memory of guests for a long time. The house is always full of friends, they are charged with positive energy. Sincerity and the ability to pay attention to everyone are the basis of a special atmosphere. An adult man prefers to spend his free time in solitude, studying the collection, which is an integral part of the life of a creative person.

Business and career

A creative person needs to realize his abilities; he can become a famous artist, dancer, or journalist. A diligent and intelligent employee deserves recognition from management and colleagues. He achieves material well-being quite quickly. The workaholic never ceases to amaze with his activity.

Restraint and the desire to solve all problems on your own can cause a nervous breakdown.

He does not strive to become a leader, which means he is satisfied with the role of a conscientious performer. If your professional activity is not related to creativity, you will definitely find time to realize your abilities: drawing, music.

Justice is of particular importance; he can get carried away with politics; intelligence and confidence allow him to acquire a worthy status in society.

Origin of the name Gordey

There are several options for answering the question of where it came from and whose name parents choose. One version is the Greek origin of the name Gordey. According to legend, the peasant tied the cart with a special knot at the gate of Zeus; it was simply impossible to untie it, only to cut it. The etymology is ambiguous. The history of the Slavic peoples contains facts about family ties with Gordomil, Gordobor. In any case, the secret of the name is associated with a proud, purposeful person.

Characteristics of the name Gordey

The characteristics of the name Gordey reveal the pros and cons of a strong personality. It is safe to say that there are much more positive qualities. The optimism of a calm man is transmitted to others, and you feel confident around him.

A true masculine character is a rarity; he also knows how to listen and admit his mistakes. Friendship is of particular importance; a man is surrounded only by loyal, trusted people. He does not wait to be asked for help; the support of his loved ones is a matter of honor for him. He does not take revenge for betrayal and meanness; he prefers to simply exclude communication.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone: garnet.
  • Name day: January 16 (3).
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name: Capricorn.

Famous people

  • Gordey Gorshkov - figure skater;
  • Gordey Kosenko is a badminton player.

Different languages

The translation of the name Gordey usually satisfies young parents; there are several versions: “king”, “formidable”. It is often necessary to know exactly how it is translated into foreign languages,

  • in Chinese 戈尔杰伊 gē’ěrjiéyī.
  • in Japanese 誇りに思う.

Name forms

  • Full name: Gordey.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Gordeyka, Gordya, Gordyunya, Gordyukha, Gordyusha.
  • Declension of the name – We are proud, I am proud.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Gordey.

The name Gordey came into the Russian language from ancient Greece and, unfortunately, does not have an exact meaning. In the language of ancient Hellas it sounded like Gordias (Γορδίας) and was directly related to ancient myths. It was this name that was borne by an ordinary peasant who, by the will of the priests of the temple of Zeus, became the ruler of Phrygia. It was from here that he tied the famous “Gordian Knot”. According to the oracle's predictions, whoever can untie this knot will rule the world. Many tried to untie it, but no one succeeded. According to legends, having conquered Phrygia, Alexander the Great came to the temple and simply cut this relic. The expression “Gordian knot” began to be used to describe extremely complex problems, the solution of which is extremely difficult.

The meaning of the name Gordey for a child

In childhood, proud people are characterized by calmness and some shyness, and this is especially evident in an unfamiliar situation. However, despite his shyness, the boy has many friends, because he is a truly loyal friend. Parents and teachers find it easy to get along with Gordey, as he is a very obedient child. The same properties will be characteristic of him when he becomes an adult. The boy’s neatness and ability to concentrate have been noticeable since childhood. This is quite a rare trait for children, so Gordey stands out a bit for this.

All of the above positive qualities greatly help Gordey in his studies. The ability to concentrate especially helps a child. He understands the material easier and better than many other children. Also in childhood, his high ability to work becomes noticeable. He also has good strong-willed qualities, without which long-term hard work is in principle impossible. It is worth noting that the boy is growing quite athletic and can achieve good success if he starts playing sports more seriously. He has excellent natural abilities, and the ability to work hard will perfectly complement his natural abilities.

Gordey usually has average health, but if the boy plays sports, he can noticeably improve his health. The weak point of Gordey's health is usually his joints and insomnia. True, all these problems will become noticeable in adulthood, so you shouldn’t worry too much about this in childhood.

Short name Gordey

Gordya, Gordik, Gordeyka.

Diminutive pet names

Gordeychik, Gordeyushka, Gordeechka, Gordeenka, Gordyunya, Gordyukha, Gordyusha.

Children's middle names

Gordeevich and Gordeevna. It has no established colloquial forms.

Name Gordey in English

The name Gordey is not available in English, which means you need to use a transliteration of the name.

Name Gordey for international passport- GORDEI, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Gordey into other languages

in Belarusian - Gardzei
in Ukrainian - Gordy

Church name Gordey(in the Orthodox faith) - Gordius. It is this form of the name that is used in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Characteristics of the name Gordey

Adult Gordey is characterized by calmness and balance, as in childhood. This attracts many people to him, since there are quite a few such people. At the same time, Gordey is a wonderful conversationalist with an excellent sense of humor. He also has excellent manners, which seem to have been ingrained in him from birth, and his sense of humor often makes him the life of the party. There are few people whom Gordey considers true friends, but there are a huge number of good comrades. All these qualities help Gordey more than once in life.

Gordey loves and knows how to work. His hard work and diligence are especially in demand. You can call him a perfectionist at work, although this is not entirely true. He just loves to do anything well. His modesty seems to be an obstacle to promotion, but this is absolutely not the case. It is this quality of his that earns him a certain respect. Often it is his colleagues who promote Gordey to higher positions, as he truly cares about the work and success of the team. He even has to be persuaded to take a leadership position.

But in family relationships, Gordey cannot be called a role model. He is a rather amorous man, which naturally causes certain problems in the family. It is better for him to marry at a later age, when his attraction to the female sex has faded somewhat. Having become a husband, he will be a worthy family man and a good owner of the house. It is worth noting that Gordey is quite strict in everyday life and demanding of his family, so you should not expect from him the tenderness that is inherent in him during the courtship process.

The secret of the name Gordey

The secret of Gordey can be called his tendency to vanity and narcissism. This happens if he is overpraised. This is especially important in childhood, as it is very dangerous for an unformed character. You shouldn’t praise Gordey too much even in adulthood, otherwise he may begin to show unpleasant signs of narcissism.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Bumblebee.

Name color- Black.

Tree- Elm.

Plant- Carnation.

Stone- Pomegranate.

Those with the name Gordeya, as a rule, turn out to be trendsetters for a narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can “afford not to follow fashion.” The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body itself looks, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for quite a long time, each time appearing in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Compatibility of the name Gordeya, manifestation in love

Proud, you know how to love sincerely, deeply and reverently. With your characteristic maximalism, you attach paramount importance to your feelings. And if your partner is ready to reciprocate your feelings and at the same time meets all your requirements - both in his external appearance and internal content - love can take over your entire being for a long time and become the meaning of life. At the same time, your desire to dominate, coupled with the inability or reluctance to demonstrate the depth of your feelings, can greatly complicate the relationship for your partner: you are passionately in love, but cold and withdrawn; You are ready to idolize, but at the same time you are constantly being put in your place.


The basis of your motivation is the desire for an independent position. That is why you always choose the path that no one has taken before. If the direction has not been mastered, it means there are no “authorities”, and no one will be able to correct your actions, indicate how and where you need to move.

As a result, you do not recognize anyone’s right to claim that your opinion is wrong and your choice is not sufficiently justified. It is almost impossible to turn you off the path, to make you doubt your abilities. On the contrary, any criticism spurs you on, provoking you to take even more decisive steps.

What definitely speaks in your favor is the fact that you never try to “shift” the responsibility for your actions onto someone else. If you want to achieve success in singles, you are prepared for the fact that if you fail, you will be blamed for it.

However, a clear mind and courage, which, as you know, “takes cities,” make such an outcome unlikely. Therefore, they believe in you and willingly follow you.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Gordey, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac Gordeya - Capricorn
  • The planet Mars
  • The color of the name Gordey is black.
  • Auspicious tree - elm
  • The treasured plant of Gordeya - carnation
  • The patron of the name Gordey is the bumblebee
  • Gordey's talisman stone is garnet

What does the name Gordey mean? king (the name Gordey is of Greek origin).

Short meaning of the name Gordey: Gordya, Gordeyka, Gordyunya, Gordyukha.

Patronymic name Gordey: Gordievich, Gordeevich, Gordievna, Gordeevna.

Gordey Angel Day: The name Gordey celebrates his name day once a year: January 16 (3) - The Holy Martyr Gordey, a warrior, declared himself a Christian during the persecution of Christians and, after suffering for his faith, was beheaded in the 3rd century.

Signs of the name Gordey: January 16, on Gordey, you can reprimand someone with a seizure, but if this disease was sent by evil spirits, then it attacks the cattle with particular force.

Character of the name Gordey: Gordey is a man of action, moderate, reserved, judging people based on the results of their professional skills. This is a typical “worker bee”, which is very contemptuous of the very concept of intuition, considering it “ladies’ things.” Outwardly, Gordey is quite calm and serene, but it happens that passions rage inside him. No one will ever guess about this, even his wife will not believe that Gordey only dreams of cheating on her, but only dreams.

Gordey is a modest person, a little shy, and an extremely active person. The name Gordius is the Phrygian king who, according to legend, tied a knot, which Alexander the Great cut with his sword. He is peaceful by nature, tries to stay in the shadows, and therefore gives the impression of a timid, indecisive person.

In the sphere of communication, Gordey is an excellent, witty interlocutor, very sociable, balanced, tolerant of other people's shortcomings, and knows how to listen. Very lucky, talented, quickly achieves a strong position in society. The meaning of the name includes abilities in medicine, journalism, painting and performing arts.

Choosing a profession by name: In general, Gordey has many chances to succeed in professions related to technology or the exact sciences. He is a good leader, not afraid of responsibility and knows how to take risks. When choosing his path in life, the name Gordey usually prefers one where everything will depend on his personal efforts, which, however, does not prevent him from working under someone else’s leadership.

Business and career of Gordey: In his youth, Gordey, despite his disruptive character, will have difficulty earning money. It is not easy for him to find his calling, and only after reaching middle age will he finally “go on the right course.”

Love and marriage of Gordey: Gordey is irresistible in the eyes of women, but this does not mean that his family life will be happy, because, accustomed to easy victories, he may be too frivolous about marriage and his promises. The union of the name with Agatha, Vasilina, Glafira, Zemfira, Marfa, Thekla is favorable. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Alina, Violetta, Gella, Lina, Maya, Teresa.

Health and talents named after Gordey: Gordey is ready to exhaust himself with backbreaking work just to achieve what he wants. If he does not stop doing this, he faces severe nervous breakdowns. There is no need for this self-exhaustion: the name Gordey will already dominate those around him in the most natural way thanks to his strong will.

Name Gordey in other countries: The translation of the name Gordey in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Gordius, in Ukrainian: Gordіy, in Belarusian: Gardzey.

The fate of the name Gordey in history:

  1. Gordius - Phrygian king. At first he was a simple farmer, and one day while plowing, an eagle sat on the yoke of his oxen. This was interpreted as a sign foreshadowing Gordiya's royal power. Soon the Phrygians lost their king. The oracle, to whom they turned for advice, ordered to choose the one whom they would first meet riding to the temple of Zeus on a cart. This man turned out to be Gordius. Having become king, Gordius founded the capital, which bore his name. In the citadel of the city he placed a cart, to which he owed his power, and tied the yoke of the cart with a most complex knot. It was believed that the one who could untie this knot (the “Gordian knot”) would become the ruler of all Asia. According to legend, Alexander the Great, unable to untangle the knot, cut it with a sword... and conquered not only Asia, but also half the world.
  2. Gordiy Semenovich Sablukov (?-1880) - orientalist, professor at the Kazan Theological Academy on missionary work against the Mohammedans, an expert on Mohammedanism. He owns the best translation (from Arabic) of the Koran of Mohammed; an appendix to it and two treatises: “Information about the Koran” and “Comparison of the Mohammedan teaching about the names of God with the Christian teaching about them.” He also translated into Russian from Turkish the 1st part of “The History of the Turks” by Bogadurkhan.
  3. Gordey Levchenko - (1897 - 1981) Soviet naval leader, admiral (1944). In 1942-1944 he commanded the Leningrad and then the Kronstadt naval base, participating in the defense of Leningrad. Provided transportation and supplies for troops during the breaking of the blockade. USSR awards: 3 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Ushakov, 1st degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star.
  4. Gordy Kotsyuba - (1892 - 1938) real name - Kotsegub; Ukrainian writer.
  5. Mark Antony Gordian I Africanus - (159 - 238) Roman emperor in 238 of noble origin (descendant of the Gracchi). He was rich and educated, was fond of poetry and wrote poetry himself (even in his youth he wrote “Antoninias” in 30 books that glorified both Antonines - Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius.
  6. Mark Antony Gordian Sempronius - (192 - 238) Roman emperor in 238, co-ruler of his father Gordian I. The son of Gordian Africanus, in addition to noble origin, was also distinguished by his education and beauty. Gordian's library consisted of about 60 thousand books. He began his military service under Heliogabalus, under Alexander he served as praetor, and immediately after that he received a consulate.
  7. Gordian III, Mark Antony Gordian Pius - (225 - 244) Roman emperor (238-244). The son of Gordian II or, more likely, the son of the daughter of Gordian I. In the latter case, the name of his father is unknown, as is the name that he himself bore before taking the imperial title in honor of his grandfather.

Gordey (name): meaning and origin

Recently, parents have been trying to give their child an unusual and ancient name. And today the name Gordey is becoming increasingly popular. Its meaning for a child and its influence on fate can be found in our article. Here you can read about how Gordey is called for short and on what days his name day is celebrated.

Gordey (name): meaning, origin

There are two versions of the origin of the name:

  1. It came from the ancient Greek language, comes from the name Gordius and translated means “lord”, “master”, “king”.
  2. From Greek the name is translated as “formidable”, “fast”. It comes from the ancient name Gorgias.

In Hellas times this name sounded like Gordias and was associated with Greek myths. This was the name of a simple farmer who, by the will of the oracle of the Temple of Zeus, became the ruler of Phrygia. The capital of the kingdom became a city named after him, and in the fortress protecting it from enemies, Gordias installed a cart, thanks to which he became king. He tied the yoke of the cart with a complex knot, which later became known as the “Gordian knot.” It was believed that the person who would unravel it would become the ruler of all of Asia. After some time, the capital of Phrygia was truly conquered. In 334 BC, the “Gordian knot” was cut by the sword of Alexander the Great.

It was from the farmer who became the ruler that the name Gordey came from. The meaning is abbreviated therefore as “ruler” or “king”. The origin of the name has a direct impact on the fate of Gordey.

The meaning of a name for a child

Gordey is growing up as a calm, balanced and slightly shy child. Thanks to these qualities, as well as perseverance and hard work, he finds it easy to study. He is characterized by accuracy, punctuality and the ability to concentrate on the subject, which is appreciated by all teachers. Despite his calm character, the boy has many friends.

The meaning of the name Gordey defines him as a powerful person, regal and formidable. The boy's volitional qualities are very well developed, but they appear later, in adolescence. A child’s strong character is especially evident in sports. Thanks to hard work and the will to win, he can achieve high results in this field.

Sport will also be useful for Gordey’s poor health. Thanks to proper physical activity, it will be possible to strengthen the joints in which he may suffer from pain.

Character traits of an adult Gordey

A serious and calm person who performs clearly balanced and deliberate actions - this is how the adult Gordey can be described. He is neat, has good manners, is an excellent conversationalist and friend. Gordey can be called the soul of any company, and all thanks to his excellent sense of humor. He has quite a lot of friends and comrades. Hard work, balance, prudence, kindness, modesty, good manners - these are just some of the positive qualities that Gordey possesses.

The name, the meaning of which is translated as “ruler” and “king,” plays an important role in shaping the character of this person. Thanks to his rare name, since childhood, Gordey considers himself one of a kind, which is why he often grows up to be selfish. This character trait manifests itself especially clearly in relationships with the opposite sex.

Love and marriage

Few women can resist Gordey’s charm and charisma. And he knows about it. Gordey treats women very lightly, considering relationships with them nothing more than just another hobby. He is used to easily gaining their favor, so he is not able to appreciate his chosen one. But this does not mean at all that Gordey will never marry.

He enters into marriage out of necessity rather than out of love. His family life is not going too well, mainly due to Gordey’s frivolous attitude towards it. He is not used to fighting for a woman and does not take his promises seriously. The meaning of the name Gordey defines him as a strong and serious man. In fact, his seriousness and responsibility end exactly where the marriage begins. Only Agata, Zemfira and Vasilina can become happy with this energetic person.

Choice of profession

The name leaves an imprint on the choice of profession and on a person’s further career growth. Gordey is no exception. The meaning of the name for a child is associated with the ancient Greek words “formidable”, “lord”, “ruler”. This means that Gordey can become a good leader or businessman, but only at a more mature age.

This person can achieve success in professions related to technology and the exact sciences. He prefers to do the work himself, without shifting it to others. It’s hard for him to work under someone else’s leadership, and the poet Gordey strives to go into “free swimming” as quickly as possible. Thanks to his strong will, this person will always dominate the people around him. He has an enormous capacity for work, which is why he often brings himself to exhaustion and nervous breakdowns.

Short forms of the name Gordey

In the abbreviated version, the name Gordey sounds like Gordik, Gordya and Gordeyka. Gordeychik, Gordeyushka, Gordeechka, Gordeenka, Gordyusha are diminutive forms suitable for a child who bears the name Gordey. Less commonly used are options such as Gordyunya and Gordyukha. Children will accordingly bear the patronymic names Gordeevich or Gordeevna.

The meaning of a name for a child has a direct impact on the formation of his character. Despite the soft sound in the abbreviated and diminutive forms, the boy still grows up as a strong, serious and self-confident person.

Name Gordey: meaning of the name for a child, name day

Gordey celebrates Angel Day twice a year: January 16 and June 18. These days, the Orthodox Church venerates saints with this name. By the way, the church form of the name sounds like Gordius.

January 16 is the day of remembrance of the martyr Gordius of Cappadocia, who lived in Caesarea back in the 3rd century. At a young age, he entered military service and was appointed centurion for special merits. However, as soon as the persecution of Christians began, Gordius withdrew into the desert, preparing himself to confess the name of Christ. Later, he spoke before the city rulers in defense of Christians, for which he was tortured and suffered martyrdom.

In June, on the 18th, the day of memory of Gorgias of Egypt is celebrated. Together with other martyrs, he died during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Maximian. For their faith, Christians died in prison from hunger and thirst.

Thanks to the patron saints, a person named Gordey will be under special protection. The meaning of a boy's name plays a big role in his development. He will definitely grow up to be a strong and self-confident person, a real ruler and ruler.

What does the name Gordey mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Origin: Gordey from the Greek - the name of the Phrygian king.

Derivatives: Gordeika, Gordya, Gordyunya, Gordyukha, Gordyusha.

Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Planet: Mars.

Color: black.

Auspicious tree: elm.

Treasured plant: carnation.

Patron name: bumblebee.

Talisman stone: pomegranate.

Characteristic: This name imparts many wonderful qualities to a person. Gordey is a truly positive person: modest, even somewhat shy. With an accommodating, peace-loving character, an optimist (not a whiner!), moderate in alcohol consumption (and “summer” ones are not drinkers at all). Sometimes he gives the impression of an indecisive, timid person due to his inherent desire to stay in the shadows and not stand out. In fact, this is an extremely active nature, infecting others with its energy. Gordey is an excellent conversationalist and a witty storyteller; he is irreplaceable in company. He is balanced, tolerant, knows how to listen to other people’s opinions (this does not apply to “winter” ones, who, on the contrary, are quick-tempered over trifles and impatient). Men with this name, as a rule, are talented, among them there are many creative personalities: artists, dancers, journalists, translators. They work successfully in medicine. They are lucky and achieve a strong position in society.