How long after removal of condyloma is impossible. The healing process, recovery and consequences of condyloma removal

Condyloma is a dangerous viral inflammation and without timely treatment leads to the development of complications, including cancer.

The causative agent is the human papillomavirus, which is transmitted in most cases through sexual contact. The disease affects both women and men, and in the absence of contraindications, it is treated through surgery.

What are condylomas and do they need to be removed?

Condylomas are papillary neoplasms that appear on the external and in the anus. At the initial stage they are single, at an advanced stage they are multiple, located next to each other. In addition, the disease often affects the arms or legs. People aged 18 to 35 years who have regular sexual intercourse are mainly susceptible to the appearance of condylomas. At risk are pregnant women and other people with weakened immune systems.

The papilloma virus, the cause of the disease, lives in the body of many people, and they don’t even know about it. This can only be detected with the help of special urogenital tests that determine the type of virus. From the moment of sexual contact with an infected person until the development of pathology, 2–3 months or even more pass.

The virus can remain in the body for a long time asymptomatically, after which it begins to cause warty formations. They are observed not only on the genitals, but also in the mouth and other places where the mucous membrane is located. You can find out about the appearance of condylomas by the following first signs:

  • redness;
  • small blisters under the skin;
  • presence of formations on the cervix (during routine examination of women).

Without proper treatment, the symptoms will intensify and cause anxiety. Condylomas interfere with sexual activity, cling to underwear, look aesthetically unattractive, and cause the development of complexes, psychosomatic disorders, and complications in the form of gynecological problems. This is why in the vast majority of cases, condylomas are removed. Modern techniques make it possible to do this efficiently, painlessly and safely.

Indications for removal of pointed forms

In some cases, condylomas lead to the development of diseases of other organs, cause pain, and reduce the quality of life. Therefore, there are a number of reasons for surgical removal of these tumors:

  • the disease progresses rapidly: the number and size of condylomas are constantly growing;
  • lack of response of formations to conservative treatment with ointments;
  • sharp pain during sexual intercourse, urination or defecation;
  • frequent bleeding due to injury to condylomas that have grown under linen or during hygiene procedures;
  • when condylomas are located on the cervix in women preparing for childbirth;
  • the threat of oncological problems when virus types 16 and 18 are detected;
  • external defect leading to moral discomfort.


A doctor can choose the right treatment, including the appropriate method for removing condylomas, only after a complete examination and obtaining a detailed medical history.

REFERENCE. New growths are not removed if the woman is breastfeeding or pregnant. The exception is those cases when condylomas interfere with childbirth, and conservative treatment has not yielded results.

In addition, surgical intervention is prohibited if:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • low platelet levels in the blood;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • oncological processes;
  • herpes infection;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • epilepsy;
  • dermatological diseases.

Pregnancy after withdrawal

The papilloma virus does not affect the ability to become pregnant and bear a child. A woman can safely plan to replenish her family within a few months after removal of condylomas. It is important that during this time all existing wounds after the intervention heal and no complications arise.

The recovery period can be up to 1 year at an advanced stage of development of formations. At this time, the doctor recommends abstaining from sexual activity, and then using barrier methods of contraception until complete recovery.

If a woman plans to give birth, then after removal of condylomas she should inform the doctor about this. The fact is that not all medications used during the recovery period are useful for the expectant mother. The doctor will select the correct and safe treatment that will not harm the child.

How is the process carried out?

If the size of condylomas exceeds 6 mm, and the period of their formation is 3–4 months, then conservative methods are powerless. In this case, mechanical removal of the formations is carried out using one of the available methods: laser, chemical, radio wave, cryodestruction. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, the recovery period does not take much time.

The essence of the procedure is the excision of condylomas. In terms of time, the intervention does not take more than 3–5 hours, if the case is not advanced, then less than 1 hour. Some methods are effective for multiple manifestations, others - only for single ones.

In addition, there are operations that do not require local anesthesia, and those that are unacceptable in the presence of certain factors. Different methods also differ in price, duration of intervention, degree of effectiveness and relapse rate.

How to remove using laser, advantages and disadvantages of the procedure?

The peculiarity of the procedure is that the laser beam acts in a targeted manner. Only the focus of the condyloma is treated, and the healthy tissue around it remains unaffected. There is practically no blood observed during the operation, since the vessels are instantly coagulated. The advantages of the procedure include:

  • no age restrictions (the operation is successfully performed on both elderly people and children);
  • fast recovery;
  • traces of intervention are insignificant.

However, there are also a number of disadvantages. Firstly, the procedure is quite expensive, and secondly, skin irritation may occur. Thirdly, a patient with hormonal imbalances often ends up with keloid scars.

Radio wave method

This procedure is highly effective and allows you to get rid of condylomas completely, subject to proper rehabilitation. The essence of the method is that the doctor, using a special radio knife equipped with an electrocoagulation function, cuts off the affected tissue. In this case, all small vessels are cauterized, which avoids bleeding.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, but several hours after the intervention, the patient may experience pain and redness of the skin. Usually these symptoms go away quickly, recovery does not take more than a month. One of the significant disadvantages is the high risk of scar formation.


The intervention is carried out using liquid nitrogen. The doctor ensures crystallization and subsequent destruction of the contents of condyloma cells. The undeniable advantage of this operation is its speed: processing each formation does not take more than 30 seconds. So, repeat up to 4 times until the condyloma is completely eliminated.

The operation is suitable for those who cannot tolerate anesthesia: the intervention is carried out without it, since the procedure is practically painless. Scar formation after cryodestruction is extremely rare, rehabilitation is simple and quick. The effectiveness of getting rid of condylomas is up to 88%.

Chemical method

This method involves treating condylomas with special means that lead to tissue death. For example, solcoderm is often used, which contains lactic, acetic and nitric acids. The chemical method is used only for external tumors, since it causes a burn to the mucous membrane.

The doctor applies the product using a special applicator that allows you to preserve healthy tissue. This operation often takes a long time and may require repeated treatment after a few days. For multiple condylomas, the intervention is carried out in stages, up to several weeks. The chemical method is characterized by high efficiency in treating single formations at an early stage.


The method involves removing affected tissue under high temperature. This operation is highly effective, but quite painful.

During the procedure, local anesthesia is used, and afterward the patient may feel discomfort for up to several days. Additional medications are often prescribed to alleviate the condition. Electrocoagulation involves the presence of small scars, but the risk of recurrence is quite low.

Getting rid of the virus at home

You can get rid of condylomas on your own by using one of the medications that are applied directly to the affected area. Popular drugs are those that contain podophyllotoxin. It is available in the form of a cream or solution.

Its action is based on disruption of epithelial cell division. Use the medicine for three days in a row, 2 times a day. After this, take a break for 4 days and repeat the treatment algorithm 3-4 times. Within a month, a visible effect is observed, especially when taken by men.

You can also use imiquimod, a drug that activates cells of the immune system. It is applied to the skin 3 times a week before bedtime. In the morning, wash off the drug with soapy water. The duration of treatment is at least a month, but not more than 16 weeks. The product is effective for single condylomas at the initial stage.

All drugs for removing condylomas have contraindications, in particular for use by pregnant women. In addition, side effects often occur: itching, redness, erosion at the application sites. If such signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How long does rehabilitation take?

Rehabilitation can take from a couple of weeks to several months. The duration depends on the method of surgical intervention, the number and size of condylomas, the age and health of the patient. Postoperative treatment of wounds plays an important role, accelerating healing.

Since it is accompanied by the appearance of scabs, sexual activity should be suspended for the period of their healing. Usually this is no more than 14 days, but the exact period is indicated by the doctor. The patient may feel discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse: in this case, the period of abstinence can be extended to 2-3 months. In addition, barrier contraception should be used for 2-5 months to avoid infection of the partner and the recurrence of condylomas.

In order not to aggravate the condition of postoperative wounds, you should not use tight underwear or a hard towel. It is important to pay attention to hygiene and regularly shower with soap. The removal sites should be cleaned thoroughly, but carefully, without using pressure or friction. If necessary, hygienic procedures are carried out using healing agents recommended by the doctor.

Do not treat wounds with peroxide, or with products containing alcohol or iodine. These drugs cause damage to the genital mucosa. If the operation was performed on external tissues, the doctor will prescribe ointments, gels, and solutions. Suppositories are used for internal wounds.

During the recovery period, you should not use tampons, even during menstruation. As a last resort, you should limit their number. If a woman is bothered by spotting after genital wart removal, she can use pads and change them regularly. If there is heavy bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor.

During rehabilitation, patients are advised to take medications that strengthen the immune system. If treated incorrectly during the recovery period, there is a risk of recurrence of condylomas. At the same time, they can develop faster than last time.


Possible complications are associated with the fact that the papilloma virus is not treated and remains in the human body. After some time, relapses of condylomas are possible. The main complications after surgery include:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • swelling and pain;
  • bleeding;
  • atypical discharge and erosion of the cervix (with internal condylomas);
  • formation of purulent wounds.

If any of the listed symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely therapy will prevent aggravation of the patient’s condition and eliminate unpleasant manifestations.

Cost of getting rid of growths

Prices for the removal of condylomas vary depending on the degree of neglect of the disease, as well as on the number of tumors and inaccessibility.

To get rid of the disease using the radio wave method costs from 500 rubles. for single condylomas and up to 15,000 rub. for multiple ones. Laser intervention will cost women from 550 to 30,000 rubles, men - up to 50,000 rubles. depending on location. Electrocoagulation costs up to 11,000 rubles. with extensive rupture of formations.

You can eliminate one condyloma with liquid nitrogen for only 250 rubles, even complex cases are not valued at more than 9,000 rubles. You can also get rid of condylomas inexpensively using a chemical method. The issue price is from 200 rubles.

Preventive actions

To prevent the initial appearance of condylomas or relapse of the disease, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Maintain personal hygiene.
  2. Vaccination against the most dangerous types of papillomavirus.
  3. A healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition.
  4. Avoidance of casual sex.
  5. Taking vitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system.


You can quickly and painlessly get rid of condylomas with the help of modern surgical intervention, as well as at home. Thanks to the large number of methods for removing tumors, you can easily choose the appropriate treatment method. To avoid relapses, it is important to follow the recommendations during the rehabilitation period and apply preventive measures.

What do condylomas look like? These are growths on the skin and mucous membranes in the form of pointed papillary formations. They bring physical and aesthetic discomfort and are easily injured by clothing.

Condylomatosis is one of the types of external manifestations of the human papillomavirus (HPV). A condyloma is a small skin growth that is slightly darker than the skin or has a flesh color. The growth is attached to the body through a stalk in which the feeding vessel is located. 80% of people are infected with this virus, but condylomas occur only when the concentration of the pathogen in the blood increases and the immune system is weakened. In a person with a high level of the body's defenses, the growth of condylomas does not occur. There are more than a hundred different types of human papillomavirus. Genital warts are caused by HPV types 6 and 11. Infection occurs from an infected person through any surfaces (toiletries, cutlery, etc.).

HPV is easily transmitted by water, so it is possible to become infected when visiting a swimming pool.

Condylomas during pregnancy

The danger of condylomas during the prenatal period is due to the fact that the virus can enter the child’s body. In pregnant women infected with HPV, due to changes in hormonal levels and decreased immunity, a high percentage of neoplasms appears. Tests for the presence of papillomavirus in the body must be carried out at the planning stage. If condylomas are detected, they must be removed and the appropriate therapeutic course must be taken before ovulation occurs. In pregnant patients, the elimination of neoplasms must be carried out in the first trimester, since in later stages they are likely to grow rapidly, which can cause serious complications. After the condylomas are removed, the specialist must carefully monitor the condition of the woman and the fetus until delivery occurs. Along with the elimination of neoplasms, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs are treated and the microflora in the vagina is brought back to normal.

The most common localization of growths

Dermatologists have found that skin pathologies caused by HPV often form on the genitals and in the anus.

Formation of condylomas in the vagina

In women, condylomas occur more often on the labia, vaginal walls and cervix.

The first 2 varieties may either not cause pain or cause discomfort during sexual intercourse. In the absence of barrier protection, the partner will become infected with HPV. However, the virus is also transmitted through the skin, so using a condom does not guarantee against transmission of HPV.

Removal of condylomas on the female genital organs must necessarily be accompanied by a histological analysis of the excised tissue.

Condylomas on the genital organs in men

In representatives of the stronger sex, genital warts most often occur on the edge of the frenulum of the penis. New growths on the reproductive organ usually do not cause pain, but can cause discomfort during sexual intercourse. Their main unpleasant feature is their lack of aesthetics and the possibility of transmitting the virus to a partner. They can range in size from several mm to 1 cm. They are often localized in groups, affecting healthy adjacent areas of the skin.

Anal condylomas

Genital warts around the anus are also common. Formations may appear on the external and internal surfaces of the anus. Condylomas can cause both aesthetic discomfort and painful sensations during bowel movements. Microtraumas of the skin around the anus often occur, which contributes to the spread of condylomas. This happens quickly, so it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately after detection and remove the tumor.

To delete or not to delete?

Indications for getting rid of the disease:

  • progression of pathology: increase in the size of condylomas or their number;
  • the presence of large tumors that cannot be removed with local drug treatment;
  • constant friction of condylomas until they bleed;
  • physical discomfort during sexual intercourse, urination, defecation;
  • the threat of complications of the upcoming birth (if localized on the external and internal genital organs) and infection of the baby;
  • the occurrence of psychological discomfort due to a cosmetic defect.

Do condylomas need to be removed? Small genital warts that do not cause discomfort to a person do not require surgery.

As studies of the last decade have shown, with oncogenic types of papillomavirus 16 and 18, condylomas on the cervix can lead to squamous cell carcinoma.

Main directions of therapy:

  • use of antiviral agents and immunomodulators;
  • use of liquid nitrogen;
  • laser exposure to the skin;
  • radio wave treatment;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • excision;
  • diathermocoagulation;
  • the use of cauterizing and mummifying drugs.

Therapeutic measures

For genital warts, treatment involves the use of Panavir, a drug active against HPV. The medicine is available in the form of a solution, gel and suppositories.

The pharmacological product cannot be used in case of severe pathology of the kidneys and spleen, during breastfeeding and in case of intolerance to the components.

To increase immune protection, Immunomax and Likopid are prescribed. They increase the body's resistance to pathogens. Interferons (Lokferon or Inferon) are often used.

Cauterizing medications for topical use are also used (Solcoderm, Verrukacid, Condilin, Ferezol): they destroy the affected tissue, and after a short period of time the condylomas disappear. Such healing methods are effective, but relapses are common after them.

An effective method of excision of condylomas is removal using a surgical laser. The method is considered one of the most gentle for the operation. Removal of condyloma is carried out using a laser beam, which flocculates the vessels and evaporates the pathological tissue. The wound after manipulation disappears within 5-7 days, and after 10 days you can already live a full life.

Laser cauterization is the main way to get rid of condylomas on the genitals.

With this method, condylomas are removed using a special radio wave medical generator Surgitron Dual, which operates through radio waves, avoiding contact with tissue. The procedure is quick, almost does not injure the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, and is characterized by the absence of pain.

Radio wave excision - the elimination of genital warts using radio waves - is a low-traumatic, high-precision method of hardware surgery, since it flocculates the excised tissue, while simultaneously preventing bleeding. After it is performed, no scars are formed and no stitches are required.

Experts consider physical ablation to be more effective for keratinized condylomas. For soft tumors on the genitals, a contact chemical method of removal is more suitable.

Cryodestruction of condylomas (removal with nitrogen) – destruction of condylomas by short-term (within 10-20 seconds) freezing of tissues with liquid nitrogen (temperature below -195° C). Necrosis and rejection of the condyloma occurs. This method is most often used to remove several small growths, especially those located on the penis, vagina, rectum and urethra. Manipulation is not used in hard-to-reach places.

Local anesthesia is used if warts are present in several places, as well as if the affected area is large.

Is it painful to remove condylomas with liquid nitrogen? During the procedure, patients feel a burning sensation, and after its completion - moderate pain. Blisters and skin hyperemia may appear, but there are practically no scars left. Healing occurs on average within two weeks. The probability of relapse of the pathology (after several months) is 20-40%.

Treatment of condylomas at home

Self-removal of condylomatous growths is similar to chemical methods and involves the use of plant juice containing substances that can necrotize tissue. Therapeutic manipulations consist of preparing compresses, infusions, and solutions based on medicinal plants. For home removal of condylomas, the following are used:

  • propolis is a general tonic;
  • garlic gruel - suitable for getting rid of newly appeared growths;
  • onions – frequent application (up to 15 times a day) of freshly squeezed plant juice will help get rid of condylomas;
  • celandine is an effective remedy for treatment at home, but requires caution;
  • dandelion - an infusion of plant flowers in triple cologne, mixed with salt, promotes the rapid drying and falling off of condyloma growths;
  • calendula is an immune-strengthening medicinal plant; to treat human papillomavirus infection, you should drink a decoction with the addition of ginger, chamomile, raspberries, and lemon;
  • vinegar – for the treatment of condylomas, you need to use a solution diluted to a concentration of 3-5%;
  • baking soda is a safe remedy that is used at home to slow down the growth of tumors and reduce their size.

During the entire recovery period and after its completion, the patient should not stop drug therapy to avoid recurrence of infection.

Postoperative treatment procedures

The basis of post-operative health measures for HPV is the regular use of immunomodulatory drugs, which will strengthen the body’s protective functions and reduce the chance of the pathology returning. Along with the use of immunomodulators, it is necessary to observe preventive measures and take vitamin and mineral complexes.

While the tablets suppress the infection inside the body, the site of condyloma removal should be treated with topical antiviral drugs (ointments, sprays, solutions, gels). Anti-wart medications will stimulate local immunity, accelerate wound healing after removal of growths and destroy viral cells that remain in the tissue structure.

Specifics of using antiseptics

Not all antiseptic drugs are approved for treating damaged mucous membranes of the genital organs. Therefore, to disinfect a postoperative wound, it is prohibited to use:

  • alcohol-containing liquids;
  • brilliant green solution;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Replace them with the following safe drugs:

  • chlorhexedine (spray, vaginal suppositories, liquid);
  • baneocin (ointment).

How long does rehabilitation take?

After removal of the condyloma, the patient undergoes a mandatory course of rehabilitation measures. During this time, damaged tissues are regenerated, inflammation will disappear, and postoperative wounds will heal.

In the absence of complications, the rehabilitation period ranges from one week to 30 days. Its duration is influenced by the type of procedure for getting rid of warts:

  • cryotherapy – from 7 days to two weeks;
  • electrocoagulation – 2 weeks;
  • chemotherapy – 1-2 weeks;
  • radio wave destruction – 8-10 days;
  • laser destruction – 10-15 days;
  • excision of condylomas with a scalpel - from two weeks to one month.

During the rehabilitation period, you need to be especially careful about hygiene. If discharge appears after the procedure or itching persists, you should consult a specialist.

The most common complications after removal of growths are pain, swelling and hyperemia of tissues, discharge, incl. bloody (in case of damage to blood vessels), erosion, inflammation (in case of infection). All removal methods have a significant rate of disease recurrence.

It should also be remembered that excision of condylomas will not cure the human papillomavirus, which remains on the skin and mucous membranes in an inactive state, and a person can spread the infection through contact and sexual contact.


Prevention of the disease comes down to increasing immunity and taking measures to avoid infection. The following recommendations must be followed:

  • approach the choice of a sexual partner responsibly;
  • do not have promiscuous sex life, refuse sexual relations without a condom;
  • change underwear more often;
  • take a shower daily;
  • do not overwork;
  • eat more fruits, berries and vegetables;
  • take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • eliminate stress;
  • prevent acute and chronic infectious diseases;
  • promptly treat STIs.

Cost of getting rid of condylomas

Patients themselves choose how the growths will be removed. The price of procedures in Moscow depends on the location, quantity, and size of tumors. The method by which therapy will be carried out is also important. For example, laser removal costs from 4500 to 5000 rubles. (if there are no more than 10 condylomas). For high-frequency exposure you will have to pay 900-2000 rubles per unit, depending on the size. Elimination of formations with nitrogen – 400-450 rubles/piece.

Treatment and removal of condylomas is a long process. Conservative methods of therapy are effective, but require prolonged exposure. Surgical methods are more effective, but are traumatic, cause significant pain and require rehabilitation measures.

How to treat condylomas: Video

This method involves the use of a strong energy flow of light, which significantly increases the temperature inside human tissues.

Many will say that removing growths is not necessary, but this is not true. In addition to the fact that they do not look very aesthetically pleasing, condylomas can also be subject to injury and infection. And the viral component of such warts can be transmitted from one person to another, for example, sexually.

Cause of itching in the scar area after condyloma removal

Why do scars itch after a surgical procedure? You should worry about the postoperative period in advance. Proper care and careful handling of weakened skin will avoid dangerous consequences for the entire body.

An experienced specialist will tell you how to treat the affected areas and how to help the skin heal faster. All kinds of discharge or discomfort should not be tolerated; if the place where the growths were located hurts or bothers the person, the patient should immediately consult a doctor.

In cases where the wound does not heal after removal, the specialist prescribes additional examinations of the entire body. A weakened immune system can cause weakness and a difficult postoperative period.

If the scar becomes inflamed again, small ulcers form at the site of the old wound and create an ideal environment for secondary infections by infections and pathogenic microorganisms. If any complications or additional symptoms appear, the patient is prescribed medications or procedures. How to care for the skin in intimate areas after removal of condyloma?

Condylomas during pregnancy

Condylomas during pregnancy are dangerous because the newborn baby can be infected with the virus. A pregnant woman who is infected with papillomavirus, against the background of changes in hormonal levels and decreased immunity, has a very high percentage of the development of neoplasms.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you should conduct a test for the presence of HPV in the body. If condylomas are found, they should be removed and appropriate treatment should be completed before pregnancy.

In women who are already pregnant, treatment of condylomas should be carried out in the first trimester of pregnancy, since their rapid growth can be predicted at a later date. This can cause complications during further pregnancy and childbirth.

After removal of condylomas and until the moment of delivery, the attending physician must constantly monitor the condition of the pregnant woman. Simultaneously with the removal of condylomas, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are treated and the vaginal microflora is brought back to normal.

As mentioned above, the most gentle and effective means for removing condylomas in pregnant women and, in general, in gynecology, is the method using the Surgitron apparatus. The drug "Solcoderm" is quite suitable for the treatment of condylomas in the vagina and in pregnant women.

Treatment of condylomas

Is there a need for further treatment of the disease after removal of the condyloma? Drug therapy continues after the procedure prescribed by a specialist. The patient, who does not want to suffer from growths on his private parts again, continues to fight the virus. The first step is to take medications that strengthen the body's immunity. Without immunostimulants you will not be able to protect yourself from the virus.

Treatment after removal of condyloma includes prevention, which should not be neglected. Exercising, conditioning the body and a healthy lifestyle will increase the period of remission.

The growths that appear are a consequence of the patient’s lifestyle and his attitude towards his own body. Safe sex after recent removal of condylomas will not be a disappointment for partners if you follow all the specialist’s recommendations.

Large condylomas do not appear immediately after removal, but after a few months, such a problem threatens the person again.

How long should treatment be continued after removal of complex condylomas? Rehabilitation determines the degree of neglect of the disease and the condition of the human body. If a man or woman understands how the affected tissue heals, then any consequences will not be a big surprise to the patient.

Viral warts can be eliminated using medications purchased at the pharmacy. It is important to remember that treatment should occur only after consultation with a doctor and diagnostic testing.

Therapy for eliminating papillomas consists of a properly selected set of drugs that fight infection and restore the body’s previous protective function.

Preparations for external use on mucous membranes should have a gentle effect, since conventional medications for warts are aggressive and cause burns to the skin. The patient can choose the most suitable remedy, guided by the advice.

Modern pharmacology allows you to purchase medicine in a form that is convenient for humans. Pharmacy products for eliminating HPV growths come in the form of ointment, cream, gel, treatment solution, patch, aerosol or oil.

To treat the papilloma virus and remove papillomas, the doctor prescribes:

  • Allokin – Alpha;
  • Viferon;
  • Interferon;
  • Epigen intimate;
  • Cryopharma;
  • Collomak;
  • Dermavit;
  • Kondilin;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Lycopid;
  • Cycloferon.

Anti-inflammatory medications are sometimes prescribed to relieve the obvious discomfort of the growths. Malavit is popular because it relieves itching and has a calming effect. Some doctors insist on using iodine, oxolinic ointment and hydrogen peroxide solution.

After purchasing medications, it is important to follow the recommendations, as well as instructions for use of the product. Some drugs require special attention and precautions.

Main directions of therapy:

  • use of antiviral agents and immunomodulators;
  • use of liquid nitrogen;
  • laser exposure to the skin;
  • radio wave treatment;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • excision;
  • diathermocoagulation;
  • the use of cauterizing and mummifying drugs.

Therapeutic measures

For genital warts, treatment involves the use of Panavir, a drug active against HPV. The medicine is available in the form of a solution, gel and suppositories.

The pharmacological product cannot be used in case of severe pathology of the kidneys and spleen, during breastfeeding and in case of intolerance to the components.

To increase immune protection, Immunomax and Likopid are prescribed. They increase the body's resistance to pathogens. Interferons (Lokferon or Inferon) are often used.

Cauterizing medications for topical use are also used (Solcoderm, Verrukacid, Condilin, Ferezol): they destroy the affected tissue, and after a short period of time the condylomas disappear. Such healing methods are effective, but relapses are common after them.

Laser removal of warts

An effective method of excision of condylomas is removal using a surgical laser. The method is considered one of the most gentle for the operation. Removal of condyloma is carried out using a laser beam, which flocculates the vessels and evaporates the pathological tissue. The wound after manipulation disappears within 5-7 days, and after 10 days you can already live a full life.

Laser cauterization is the main way to get rid of condylomas on the genitals.

Radio wave method

With this method, condylomas are removed using a special radio wave medical generator Surgitron Dual, which operates through radio waves, avoiding contact with tissue. The procedure is quick, almost does not injure the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, and is characterized by the absence of pain.

Radio wave excision - the elimination of genital warts using radio waves - is a low-traumatic, high-precision method of hardware surgery, since it flocculates the excised tissue, while simultaneously preventing bleeding. After it is performed, no scars are formed and no stitches are required.

Experts consider physical ablation to be more effective for keratinized condylomas. For soft tumors on the genitals, a contact chemical method of removal is more suitable.


Cryodestruction of condylomas (removal with nitrogen) – destruction of condylomas by short-term (within 10-20 seconds) freezing of tissues with liquid nitrogen (temperature below -195° C). Necrosis and rejection of the condyloma occurs.

This method is most often used to remove several small growths, especially those located on the penis, vagina, rectum and urethra. Manipulation is not used in hard-to-reach places.

Local anesthesia is used if warts are present in several places, as well as if the affected area is large.

Is it painful to remove condylomas with liquid nitrogen? During the procedure, patients feel a burning sensation, and after its completion - moderate pain. Blisters and skin hyperemia may appear, but there are practically no scars left. Healing occurs on average within two weeks. The probability of relapse of the pathology (after several months) is 20-40%.

Treatment of condylomas at home

Self-removal of condylomatous growths is similar to chemical methods and involves the use of plant juice containing substances that can necrotize tissue. Therapeutic manipulations consist of preparing compresses, infusions, and solutions based on medicinal plants. For home removal of condylomas, the following are used:

  • propolis is a general tonic;
  • garlic gruel - suitable for getting rid of newly appeared growths;
  • onions – frequent application (up to 15 times a day) of freshly squeezed plant juice will help get rid of condylomas;
  • celandine is an effective remedy for treatment at home, but requires caution;
  • dandelion - an infusion of plant flowers in triple cologne, mixed with salt, promotes the rapid drying and falling off of condyloma growths;
  • calendula is an immune-strengthening medicinal plant; to treat human papillomavirus infection, you should drink a decoction with the addition of ginger, chamomile, raspberries, and lemon;
  • vinegar – for the treatment of condylomas, you need to use a solution diluted to a concentration of 3-5%;
  • baking soda is a safe remedy that is used at home to slow down the growth of tumors and reduce their size.

Before the introduction of laser removal of papillomas into medical practice, it was possible to get rid of tumors either surgically or by exposing the growths to low-temperature nitrogen, chemical reagents, or high-frequency electric current.

But due to the pain and long rehabilitation period of these procedures, specialists have invented an innovative technique, the essence of which is to expose the wart to a laser beam. As a result, her body seems to evaporate.

Modern medicine has not yet come up with a drug that can remove from the body or destroy the infection that causes condylomas. Therefore, all treatment is limited to local removal of tumors and a course to enhance immunity.

There are the following methods for removing condylomas. This is cryotherapy (removal with liquid nitrogen); treatment with products that contain concentrated acid; determocoagulation (exposure to high-frequency radiation, high temperatures or electric knife); laser therapy.

Cost of getting rid of condylomas

Patients themselves choose how the growths will be removed. The price of procedures in Moscow depends on the location, quantity, and size of tumors.

The method by which therapy will be carried out is also important. For example, laser removal costs from 4500 to 5000 rubles.

(if there are no more than 10 condylomas). For high-frequency exposure you will have to pay 900-2000 rubles.

/unit depending on size.

Elimination of formations with nitrogen – 400-450 rub. /PC.

Treatment and removal of condylomas is a long process. Conservative methods of therapy are effective, but require prolonged exposure. Surgical methods are more effective, but are traumatic, cause significant pain and require rehabilitation measures.

How is the laser removal procedure for condylomata performed?

If condylomas are located in large numbers, then 2-3 operations will have to be performed to remove them. As with other interventions, a person may experience discomfort after laser therapy. For example, itching appears, which indicates the healing of the crusts. But still, when compared with other methods, laser therapy provides for a short recovery period.

Much also depends on how faithfully the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations, for example, the main ones include the following:

But it is still worth remembering that laser treatment cannot eliminate the virus itself. Therefore, therapy is based on an integrated approach. At the same time, you will have to take medications to fight the pathogen itself. The only unpleasant moment if the operation is successful is a small scar at the site of the former location of the condyloma.

Lasers have been used in surgical practice for a long time. Today, there are laser equipment with wide operational capabilities. Laser operations are performed quickly and with virtually no bleeding. This happens because the tissue is exposed to powerful laser radiation on a specific area of ​​the tissue.

Laser removal of condylomas is performed under local anesthesia. For this purpose, anesthetic ointments or injections of novocaine and lidocaine are used. The operation lasts no more than a quarter of an hour. It takes about one minute to remove a unit of condyloma.

The laser beam kills the condyloma tissue without touching it and sealing the blood vessels. All microflora in the wound area is also destroyed. The laser beam acts very precisely, which allows it not to affect adjacent tissues. During the operation, the surgeon adjusts the power of the laser beam, the area of ​​the impact zone, the width and depth of the incision.

If the disease is advanced and it is necessary to remove a large number of condylomas, then the operation can be carried out in several stages. Moreover, the breaks between stages range from two to four weeks. If the operation is performed correctly, scars practically do not develop. After the procedure for removing condylomas, the wound should not be injured or wet for 24 hours.

Laser removal is a modern and effective procedure. Its advantages include speed and lack of bleeding. The disadvantages are pain. But it should be remembered that the use of laser is effective only with complex treatment. If you do not monitor your health and do not carry out antiviral and immune-strengthening therapy, the disease will definitely return.

Removing papillomas at home with Supercleaner

Supercelandine is an aqueous preparation intended for the removal of papillomas, warts and calluses. During its use, skin defects disappear almost without a trace. Judging by the reviews of doctors, just a few drops of Super Clean liquid easily cleanse the skin of papillomas.

But experts warn against spreading the product onto healthy tissues and rubbing it into the tumor. The drug is effective in the treatment of benign elements.

Indications for removal of genital warts

Among women:

  • external part of the genital organs;
  • vagina;
  • Cervix;
  • opening of the urethra;
  • crotch;
  • the inner and outer parts of the anus.

For men:

  • foreskin;
  • head of the penis;
  • scrotum;
  • place near the urethra;
  • urethra;
  • anus, its external or internal part.

Possible complications

The period after complex removal of condylomas will require special attention and caution. Only proper care will avoid excessive scarring of the skin and serious consequences.

Why is the rehabilitation period dangerous? The most dangerous and annoying consequence of removing condyloma is their reappearance. If you do not carry out prevention and do not take care of the condition of your own body, the neoplasm will appear again in the third month after a difficult procedure.

When the disease reappears, complications are difficult to avoid.

The basis of any prophylaxis that prevents relapses are special preparations and products for local treatment of intimate areas. Often, a scar bleeds in the place where the growth was previously located. During sex, the wound is re-injured. Consequences of excision of papilloma on the perineum or near the anus:

  • severe discomfort;
  • itching and severe burning;
  • repeated injuries;
  • scarring of adjacent and affected tissues;
  • discomfort during urination and intimacy;
  • pain during bowel movements.

Why do warts appear?

People suffer from skin rashes in the form of warts, papillomas, and condylomas as often as acne. Warts appear as a result of human infection with human papillomavirus.

In appearance, they resemble small tubercles, the diameter of which can reach 3 mm.

Unfortunately, you cannot completely get rid of the virus, but you can take the necessary measures to prevent skin rashes.

Infection occurs from a carrier of the virus not only through household items, but also through sexual contact. You can often catch the virus in a sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, or other public places. To prevent infection, it is better to use personal items.

  • What is this procedure?
  • Contraindications
  • Removing warts with liquid nitrogen
  • Post-procedure care
  • What is better to remove warts: laser or nitrogen?
  • Consequences
  • Video

Hello, our dear readers! Continuing the topic of condylomatosis, I would like to talk about the complications that can occur after the removal of warts.

It is worth noting that bleeding after removal of condylomas is the most common reason for returning to the doctor.

Condylomas are small pointed warts that are localized mainly in the groin area, external genitalia in women and men, and also near the anus.

It is worth noting that these epithelial tumors do not bring pleasure to anyone, but when they are located in the genital area, it is not only discomfort, but also a serious threat to health.

With constant friction, warts can begin to bleed, and without appropriate treatment, the growths can transform into cancerous forms.

It is worth noting that among all the strains of the IF virus studied, a third of them cause cancer of the genitourinary system, both in men and women.

To prevent such development of the disease, it is necessary to promptly contact a medical institution for qualified medical care.

Many methods of conservative and surgical treatment have been developed to remove condylomas, but none of them provides a 100% guarantee of a complete cure for the disease.

If the virus enters the body, it will remain there forever, but with a strong immune system, it has no chance for clinical manifestation.

For effective treatment of genital warts, an integrated approach is used:

  1. radical removal using chemical, thermal, radio wave, laser techniques;
  2. local use of medications that promote the production of interferon and the restoration of damaged tissues;
  3. pharmaceuticals to strengthen the immune system and fight viruses.

In most cases, treatment measures are well tolerated and without complications, but there are other cases.

After cauterization or freezing of the condyloma, a scab forms in its place, which, during a successful rehabilitation period, disappears and is replaced by young epithelium.

Since removal by a radical method causes a deep burn, a small amount of serous discharge may appear at the site of the wart, sometimes mixed with blood or pus.

In this case, you still need to see your doctor and get recommendations from him. But, in most cases, it will be enough to treat the area with hydrogen peroxide and an antiseptic alcohol solution of brilliant green or iodine.

As prescribed by a doctor, it is possible to use special immunomodulatory drugs with local action.

Unfortunately, medicine knows of cases when, after self-removal of condyloma at home, after some time bleeding began from the affected area.

Genital condyloma is a modified, overgrown epidermis, the pathological processes in which are provoked by the human papillomavirus.

If this disease is not treated, the papillary outgrowths become overgrown with capillaries, providing blood supply to the skin tumors.

Naturally, if you remove a wart yourself, bleeding may occur.

In most cases, this complication occurs when a wart is damaged and localized in areas of increased friction and sweating (genitals, anal area, inner thighs, feet and hands).

For those who want to get rid of warts on their own, I hasten to inform you that after the papilloma is torn off, a new formation, and possibly several, will appear in its place over time, because the root of the wart remains in place in the deep layers of the epidermis.

If the tissue in the area of ​​the wart changes its appearance, you must immediately consult a doctor and show the wound surface; you may have to clean it or excise the wound.

How to stop bleeding?

If bloody discharge appears from the site of papilloma attachment, you must:

  1. rinse with an antiseptic solution;
  2. stop bleeding using a tampon soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  3. Apply an aseptic bandage to the injury site and immediately consult a doctor.

If the bleeding cannot be stopped on your own, you must call an ambulance or go to a medical institution at your place of residence.

Having assessed the situation, the doctor can remove necrotic tissue using a laser or thermocoagulation, and give recommendations on treatment and prevention.

When treating condylomas with special chemicals, it is recommended to apply them exclusively to the affected tissue, protecting the healthy epithelium.

Despite the wide range of available means to combat warts, it is best to remove these tumors in a hospital, under the supervision of a physician.

To prevent the appearance of new warty elements you need to:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • constantly monitor your health;
  • undergo regular preventive medical examinations with mandatory tests;
  • when the first symptoms of the disease appear, you must immediately visit your doctor;
  • keep the body and genital area perfectly clean;
  • use special prophylactic agents for external use;
  • avoid casual unprotected sex;
  • treat your health with trepidation and care.

If you discover any new growths on your skin or mucous membrane, under no circumstances should you forcefully remove, tear or scratch them; first of all, consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations.

Self-medication very often causes irreversible changes in a person’s health, which they later regret.

Genital warts are growths on the skin that appear in the genital area or in the mouth. Since this type of condylomas appears primarily in intimate areas, they are sometimes called genital warts.

Why do genital warts appear?

Genital warts are an infectious disease that is transmitted primarily through sexual contact.

In 90% of cases, genital warts are the result of infection with HPV types 6 or 11.

How are genital warts transmitted?

Genital warts are transmitted mainly during unprotected sex with a person who is infected with human papillomavirus (HPV) type 6 or 11. This disease can be transmitted during vaginal, anal and oral sex, as well as through contact with secretions of an infected person (for example, if an infected partner first touched his genitals and then yours). You may not even realize that your partner has given you HPV, since he or she does not have to have genital warts for the virus to be passed on to you.