The alternation of vowels in the root of the word touch. Handbook of Russian Language

The topic of alternating vowels in roots causes confusion among schoolchildren. To remember all the alternations, you need to cram the rules, remember the exceptions, and do the exercises regularly.

In this article you will learn spelling rules, find exercises for alternating vowels in the root and answers to them.

Vowel alternation

In general, the letters also alternate. One morpheme can appear with different letters.

Vowel alternation is a feature of some roots that changes the vowel depending on certain factors. In other words, two words with the same root can have different vowels. For example, the word zag A r has the letter "A" at the root, and the word zag O say the letter "O".

This seems incomprehensible to schoolchildren. It seems that the words have the same root, but the roots are different... If you don’t want to get confused and make mistakes in exercises on roots with alternation, then read on our article.

History of Alternating Roots

Where alternation came from in the Russian language is not entirely clear. It is believed that the tradition of the language first appeared, that is, the habit of writing that developed over the years. For a long time, people wrote the way they liked, so words with the same root had different vowels. When linguists decided to streamline the language and subject spelling to rules, the alternating roots had to be left as they were used to seeing them.

Philologists constantly discover roots that they did not know before. The base of exercises on roots with alternating vowels, which students have to solve, is also being updated.

There are several factors that influence the spelling of alternating letters:

  1. consonant following an alternating vowel;
  2. accent;
  3. suffix;
  4. semantic meaning.

Spelling of vowels A-O: adjacent consonant

The alternation of "A" and "O" depends on all four factors. You need to remember which roots depend on which indicator.

The following roots depend on the adjacent consonant: lag-lozh, skak-skoch, rast-rasch-ros.

After “G”, “K”, “ST” and “SH” write the letter “A” at the root. After "F", "CH" put the letter "O" at the root.

For example: location ah to be located - to be located cool to be assumed ah at - assume cool it (but gender og), sk ak at - sun very good it. (but sk ah ok, sk ah y), p A sti - nar A to grow - to grow O merger (but p O drain, negative A sl, R O stov, r O stockman)

Spelling vowels A-O: stress, suffix

From accents six roots depend, alternating: plav-pilaf, zar-zor, pay-poy, gore-gar, clone-clan and tvor-tvar.

In an unstressed position in the roots -pl A v-, -z A p-, -p A th - write the letter "A".

For example: s O rka - z A rya, prip O th - p A yka, pl A vat (but s O roar, pl O vec, pl O sneeze).

In unstressed position in roots -r O r-, -tv O r- and -cl O n- put the letter "O":

For example: zag A r - zag O roar, TV A ry - TV O rhenium, cl A bother - bow O thread (but bulge A rki, prig A ry, utv A ry).

The roots kas-kos, lag-lozh depend on the suffix . If there is a suffix “A” after the root, then write the letter “A” at the root.

For example: to A With A to be - to O dream, exc. O live - forever A appropriately .

Spelling vowels A-O: root meaning

Only two roots depend on the semantic meaning: equal-even and mak-mok. In meaning, they are more likely to be different roots than two variants of the same root. However, they are considered roots with alternating vowels.

Root p A vn is used in the meaning “to equalize, to become equal.”

For example: ur A heed the rights, wed A attentive analysis.

Root p O vn is used in the meaning “to level, to make even.”

For example: other O heed (bangs), cf O get down to earth, p O vesnik Exceptions: p A vnina (r O obvious), p A opinion (become p O obviously).

Root -m A k- is used in the sense of “dipping into liquid.”

For example: prom A swipe with a napkin, m A drop cookies into tea.

Root m O k means “to let liquid through.”

For example: prom O beat to the bone, deputy O Wash your shirt before washing.

Vowel alternation A-O

Try to test your knowledge by solving exercises with answers to alternating roots.

Fill in the missing letters:

1) Put(_)a pin, naively put(_)gay, correctly express(_)thoughts, put(_)the toys in place, accidentally fell(_)fell, do not touch(_)hands, lay on( _) commitments are made, sit (_) on the sofa, contact (_) connection, cash (_) payment, Cathedral Street (_) location, offer (_) help; the famous pl(_)chikha, steel is smelted, pl(_)weight of the ship; old boots are wet (_) washed, wet (_) hands with a napkin, wet (_) to the skin;

2) R(_)involvement in the rows, dis(_)remove the concrete, compare(_)introduce two variants of the root, uncompared(_)attentive judgments, remove(_)remove the tan, increase the level of(_)life, p( _) pay attention to the best students, ur (_) take note of the pit, picturesque river (_) valleys; thick pores, congenital fusion of fingers, become weeds, pores grow as thick grass, modern branch of production, increased styles of strength.

Answers to exercises on alternating “A” and “O” in the root of a word:

1) Mean O lived a pin, naively gender A hey, that's correct A full of thoughts, floor O put the toys in place, accidentally O I woke up and didn't wake up A site by hand, cash A obligations are located A hang out on the couch, idiot O dream, cash O wife payment, Sobornoe st. O proposal, proposal A they are asking for help; famous square O sneeze, out A steel, pl A registration of the vessel; old prom boots O cabins, prom A wipe your hands with a napkin, prom O beat to the bone;

2) P A opinion in the ranks, size O listen to concrete, wed A understand two variants of the root, not A attentive judgments O take on the tan, increase your level O vein of life, p A pay attention to the best students, ur O listen to the pit, picturesque p A vnina; thick pores O sl, congenital sr A stretching fingers, charging A become a weed, then A thick grass, modern reflection A sl production, nar A styles of strength.

Alternating vowels e-i: spelling rules

Spelling is determined using one indicator - the suffix "A". If there is this suffix after the root, then we put the letter “I”. If there is no suffix, then we write the letter "E".

It is necessary to memorize the roots in which such alternation occurs. Namely: ber-bir, der-dir, mer-mir, per-pir, ter-tir, shine-blist, zheg-zhig, steal-steel, even-cheat.

For example: zab e ret - forget And R A yes, come e rushing - coming And R A yes, deputy e rli - deputy And R A no, zap e r - zap And R A yes, no e rsya - you And R A yes, bl e stit - bl And st A oh yeah e g - vyzh And G A ut, post e pour - dist And l A subtract e t - calc And T A t.

Exceptions: op. e T A t, op e T A tion.

Vowel alternation E-I

Test yourself by solving exercises with roots alternating “E” and “I”.

1. The glass is blowing, the stars are melting, mushrooms are gathering, toys are falling, dying with laughter, dying from admiration, otp(_) they open the door, open the gate, wipe the face, wipe the dust, pull out the tape, pull out the teeth; flex(_) muscles, twitch(_) tail, remember(_) about household chores, pronounce spells.

Glass bl e stit, stars bl And melt, mushrooms And paradise, personal e root toys, mind And heaven with laughter, deputy e r from admiration, ot e break the door, otp And the gates are opening, e rub your face, prot And they're throwing up dust e rip off the tape, yep And teeth are rotting; size And hiring muscle And tail wagging And they nag about household chores, pronounce the vow And knowledge.

And another exercise on spelling roots with alternating E and I:

2. Ripping through old clothes, crawling across the road, sleeping in the sun, freezing up in fear, locking myself in a room, harmonious commotion, exhaustion (_)to pick up from the table, to (_)to pick up the scotch tape, to (_)pick cherries, to die of laughter, dying out(_)looking, unlock(_)to pick up the castle, election campaign, torn T-shirts, pick up clothes, pull out a tooth, apply pressure to a wound, wipe off dust, look for typos, get busy _) mothering.

Pereb e we recycle old clothes And barks across the road, bl e sleep in the sun, deputy e I was crying out of fear, e hanging out in the room, harmonious op. e dancing, exhausting e get off the table, sd And take the tape, fuck And pick cherries, mind And laugh with laughter, you And paradise view, otp And army castle, hut And ral campaign, exhibition And early t-shirts, linen e decide clothes, vyd e they pull a tooth, press it And open the wound, get out And dig up the dust, come e rushes to typos, busy And swearing predprin And swearing.

And the last exercise on alternating vowels in the root of a word (“A” and “O”, “E” and “I”):

1. R(_)stislav Ivanovich over(_) ate the fish he caught in the morning. Its scales glowed brightly in the sun.

2. An election campaign was held in R(_)st-on-Don. Soon the residents of the Republic will go to elect deputies.

3. We are dying with impatience to see the brilliant performance of this actress.

4. Hearing the steps, everyone first froze in fear, and then immediately rushed out into the street, without even locking the door.

5. After moving into the apartment we bought, we had to sort through old things, sweep the floor and wipe away centuries-old dust.

Perform more root exercises in alternation, so you will remember them better. Orally or even in writing, group roots according to characteristics when doing homework. This will help you remember spelling rules.

Learn the theory, don’t forget about practice, and success awaits you!

Alternating a and o

1. At the root gar- - gor- under stress it is written a, without stress - o; zag A r, y A r - tan e ly, eel e t.

Exceptions: V y garki, And tan, etc. And gar (special and dialect words).

2. In the root zar- – zor- under the stress a vowel is written in accordance with the pronunciation, without stress – a: z a revo, z O ryka – zarn And tsa, ozar I t.

Exception: zorev A t.

3. At the root kas- - kos(n) - it is written o, if followed by a consonant n, in other cases - a: touch, tangent - touch, touch.

4. In the root clan- - clone - a vowel is written under stress in accordance with pronunciation, without stress - o: kl A bow, bow O n – bow And bow, bow e tion.

5. In the unstressed root lag- – lie- a is written before g, before w – o: preposition A yes, add A adjective - prepositional And yeah, cover e tion.

Exception: P O log (semantically no longer associated with the root lag- – false-).

6. The root poppy is contained in verbs that mean “immerse in liquid”: dip a cracker in tea, dip a pen in ink. The root mok- is contained in verbs meaning “to let liquid through”: get wet in the rain, get wet y be written. The rule applies to derivative words: dipping, blotting paper, raincoat.

7. At the root, a vowel sound can be stressed or unstressed: pl A swim, swim y honor, float O j. The root pilaf is contained in the words swimmer and swimmer; the root is floating - in the word quicksand.

8. The root equal is present in words with the meaning “equal, identical, on a par”: equation, compare, equal (become equal). The root is even- – in words with the meaning “even, straight, smooth”; equalize, peer, equalize, level. Wed: trim (make equal) - trim (make even); leveled (made equal) – leveled (made equal).

9. In the root grow- - it is written a before the subsequent combination st (also before sh), in other cases it is written about: grow, growth - grown, thicket, shoot.

Exceptions: industry (although there is no cm); sprout, outgrowth, moneylender, Rostov, etc. (although there is cm).

10. In the unstressed root skak- - skoch- before k is written a, before h - o: podskak A t - jump And t.

Exceptions: jump o k, jump y .

11. In the root tvar- - tvor- a vowel is written under stress in accordance with pronunciation, without stress - o: tver, tv O creativity - creativity And yeah, creative e c.

Exception: y creature (semantically no longer associated with the root creature- – creation-). In the roots of some verbs, when forming aspect pairs, there is an alternation of both unstressed and stressed o: persuasion And t-ugh A rip, waste O nut – zatr A earn money O to earn money A poke.

Alternating e and i

12. In the roots ber- – bir-, der- – dir-, mer- – mir-, per- – pir-, ter- – tyr-, shine- – blist-, zheg- – zhig-, stel- – stil -, even- – chit- is written and, if followed by the suffix -a-: collect, lift, freeze, lock, erase, shine, burn, subtract, spread; otherwise it is written e: take, tear, die, lock, erase, shine, burnt, deduct, spread.

Exceptions: combine, combination.

Alternation of a(i) and im, a(i) and in

13. In roots with alternation a(ya) - im, a(ya) - in are written by them and in, if followed by the suffix -a-: compress - compress, understand - understand, begin - begin. Compare: attentive, conjure, remind, accept, etc. In derivative forms it is preserved by it, even if the suffix -a- is not followed, for example: I will remove, remove, raise, raise, etc.

All roots with alternation table roots rules examples exceptions


Writing alternating vowels a/o, e/i, a(i)/im, a(i)/in the root of a word may depend on:

1) from the suffix following the root;

3) from the letter following the vowel;

4) on the meaning of the word.

Vowel spelling depending on the suffix following the root

1. In roots with alternating e/i (-bir- - -ber-, -blist- - -brilliant-, -dir- - -der-, -zhig- - -burned-, -world- - -mer-, -pir- - -per -, -steel- - -steel-, -tier- - -ter-, -read- - -even-) is written And -A-, in other cases - e : deputy And army - deputy e talk, st And army - st e howl, bl And become - bl e weave.

Exceptions: combine, combination, couple.

2. In roots with alternating a(i)/im, a(i)/in are written -in-, -im- , if followed by the suffix -A-: zan them at - zan I t, szh them at - szh A t.

3. In the roots –kas- - -kos-, -lag- - -false- is written A , if the root is followed by a suffix -A- , in other cases - O : To A with a tsya - to O dream, sentence A g a t - sentence O live

Vowel spelling depending on stress

1. In the roots -gar- - -gor- under stress it is written A , without accent - O : zag A r - zag O army.
2. In the roots –zar- - -zor- A , under stress are written A or O h A rya, z A rnitsa, but; h O ri, z Àrevo.

Exception: h O roar.

3. In the roots - clan- - -clone-, -creature- - -creation- in unstressed position it is written O , under stress are written A or O according to pronunciation: pokl O No, no A agree, bow Òn; TV O rѝt, tv A ry, shut up O R.

Exception : utv A ry.

4. In the roots - swim- - - swim- unstressed letter O written in just two words: pl O vec, swimmer. In other cases it is written A : popl A wok, pl A vnik, pl A granddaughter. In a word pl s wun is written s according to pronunciation.

Vowel spelling depending on the letter following the vowel

1. In the roots -growing- - -growing- is written A before st, sch , in other cases - O : R A st i, wed A schenie, p O sla.

Exceptions: R O drain, r O st, r O stockman, vyr O stock, R O stov, R O stislav; negative A sl.

2. In the roots -jump- - -jump- is written A before To ; is written O before h in unstressed roots: sk A to at - sun O h it.

Exceptions: sk A chok, sk A chu.

Vowel spelling depending on the meaning of the word

1. In the roots -mac- - -mok- is written A in words with meaning "immerse in liquid", O - with meaning “to let liquid through, to get wet”: m A kat (bread into milk); you m O whip (in the rain); prom O boiler room (paper), industrial O porridge.

2. In the roots -equal- - -equal- is written A in words with meaning "equal, identical", O- with meaning "even, straight, smooth»: Wed A opinion, wed A to listen; Wed O take heed.

Exceptions: R A vnina; R O vesnik, por O vnu, ur O Ven.


Roots with alternation. All rules

Alternation depending on the letters in the suffix or root

Rule I. Roots with alternating I//E

If the root is followed by a suffix A, then at the root we write the letter AND, but if the suffix A E.

  • -bir-a // -ber- (with bir at - for bEr eat)
  • -pir-a // -per- (for feast aet - under per yes)
  • -dir-a //-der- (with dir at - der yeah)
  • -tir-a // -ter- (with shooting gallery at - you ter yes)
  • -zhig-a //-zhech- (with JIG at - with zhEch b)
  • -blist-a // -brilliant- ( blist at - shines yes)
  • -stil-a // -steel- (re STYLE at - for STEL eat)
  • -cheat //-honest- (by cheat at - by hrs you)
  • -world-a //-mer- (for world al - for MEASURE yes)
  • Rule II. Roots with alternating A//O

    If the root is followed by a suffix A, then at the root we write the letter A, but if the suffix A no, then the letter is written at the root ABOUT.

  • -kas-a //-kos- (kAc get away - KOS nostalgia)
  • -lag-a // -false- (by lAg at - by lie it)
  • Rule III. Roots with alternating A//O

    If the root has letters T or SCH, then we write the letter A, but if these letters are not present, then the letter is written in the root ABOUT.

    • -rast-//-rasch- // -rOs- (you grows and you rasch married - you pOs Lee).
    • Exceptions: height ok, from races l, Height islav , height sheepman, Height ov.

      Rule IV. Roots with alternating A//O

      If the root ends in TO, then we write the letter A, but if the root ends in H, then the root letter is written ABOUT.

    • -skak // -skoch- (sk Akat – Sun Clear ).
    • Stress-dependent alternation

      Rule V. Roots with alternating A//O

      If on the roots - gAr - And – clan - the emphasis falls, then we write the letter in them A, but if these roots are unstressed, then we write in them ABOUT.

    • -gAr -//- hor- (for gAr - behind mountains at)
    • -clan-//-clone- ( clan to be - by clone happen)
    • Rule VI. Roots with alternating A//O

      If to the root - zar - If the accent does NOT fall, then we write the letter in it A, but if this root is stressed, then we write in it ABOUT.

      Exceptions: star Yankee, star eat.

    • -zOR-//-zar- ( zar I - dawn ka)

    Alternation depending on the meaning (meaning) of the word

    Rule VII. Roots with alternating A//O

    If the meaning of the word "immerse in liquid" then we write A, but if the word means "to pass liquid" then we write ABOUT.

  • -mac -//- mok- ( m ak melt bread into honeyabout mOK in the rain)
  • Rule VIII. Roots with alternating A//O

    If the meaning of the word "identical, similar" then we write A, but if the word means "flat, smooth, straight" then we write ABOUT.

  • -equal -//- equal- ( With equals itcharactersunder exactly make a garden bed).
  • Roots with alternating vowels: table and examples

    The root is the basis of the word, carrying the main lexical load. It is the most stable morpheme in the language: the basic vocabulary of any natural language dates back to ancient times. During the existence of a language, phonetics, syntax, grammar, and writing may change beyond recognition, but the root system is quite conservative. And it is by the root composition that such things as the relationship of languages, foreign influences and much more are established.

    With all its stability the root of the word also undergoes changes over time, and traces of these changes are present in the language; The Russian language is no exception here. Below we will talk about such a phenomenon as alternating vowels in the root of a word. In science, this phenomenon is called ablaut.

    In Russian, ablaut is a historical phenomenon. There are quite a lot of words with him. And if we are dealing with an unstressed alternating vowel of the root, then we cannot use the school rule, according to which the vowel must be stressed in order to find out which one to write. It is even more difficult for people learning Russian as a foreign language, because in many cases that are obvious to a native speaker (that is, there is no unstressed vowel at the root, there is an accent), a foreigner has to remember a non-standard model of word formation or inflection.

    Origin of alternating vowels in the root of a word

    Where the roots with ablaut come from in the Russian language is a vast topic and deserves a separate article. The reasons for this phenomenon will be summarized below. But I would like to note that the process continues: it currently exists in phonetics, despite the fact that the spelling norms of the Russian language have long been fixed.

    This is interesting: proverbs about family and family values ​​for grade 5.

    So, where does the Russian language have alternating vowels at the root of words?

    Sometimes several factors worked together, for example, in words X reap, reap, reaper, P pressing t Such diversity is fundamentally a consequence of both the disappearance of nasal sounds and the decline of reduced ones.

    Spelling roots with alternating vowels

    Be that as it may, in the Russian language there are about thirty words with ablaut, where native speakers themselves make mistakes. Those people who read a lot have the least problems with spelling: the graphic image of a word is not separated from the word itself, and therefore they do not need to know the rules. For the rest, we will try to create a summary table, where we will try to classify the types of alternation at the root and their spelling. The table is also useful because it will help in spelling precisely unstressed vowels at the root.

    Knowledge is such a precious thing that there is no shame in acquiring it from any source. Abu al-Faraj

    Thursday, September 6, 2012

    Table "Alternating vowels in the root of a word"


    very cool site)

    Yes, Maria, I agree with you.

    very cool site, just thank you so much!!

    Thanks a lot! Best educational site!

    very cool site

    Thank you so much! Helped a lot)))

    I searched, but didn’t find a connection with the admin or moderator of the page, so I’ll write in the reviews. The table is good, however, it can be improved. Write in front of the table how to identify words with alternating vowels in their roots. I searched for a rule for a long time and had difficulty finding something that clearly explained it. In the roots -gor- -gar-, the word exception is not written - vygarki, the stress falls on the 1st syllable, but is written in the second -gar-.

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  • 12. Roots with verifiable vowels. In order not to make a mistake in the spelling of an unstressed vowel, you need to change the word so that this vowel is stressed: povr e child — vr éd, teacher A fuck — teacher A there, prib. I well — prib. I no.

    Note. When applying this rule, remember the following:

    a) Vowels after sibilants and ts are written on the basis of special rules (see paragraphs 9, 10, 11).

    b) The spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked using imperfective verbs -yat , -ive , in which under stress instead of the root O happens often A : Tue O bird — Tue A peek, n O sit — n A sew, and so on.

    13. Roots with unverified vowels. The spelling of vowels in many words cannot be checked by stress: With O tank, V O bastard, V A trash and etc.; You should look up such words in a dictionary and remember their spelling.

    14. Roots with alternation O — A. To spell some roots with alternation A — O The following rules should be noted:

    a) At the root braid — cas (braid nudge — cas get on) is written A -A- : cas-a-tsya, cas-a-telny, at- cas-a-tsya, But: at- braid-well, at- braid-n-ovenie.

    b) At the root lodge — lag (before lodge it — before lag at) is written A , if the root is followed by a suffix -A- : from- lag-a-th, WHO- lag-a-th, at- lag-a-body, But: from- lodge-ing, WHO- lodge-it, at- lodge-ing.

    c) At the root clone — clan (By clone — clan to be) under stress can be and O , And A O : on clone yat, on clone come, With clone education, By clone education.

    d) At the root creation — creature (creation quality — creature b) under stress can be and O , And A , but without accent it is written only O : creation ez, with creation go, creation education.

    d) At the root mountains — gar (mountains eat — behind gar , on gar ) letter A happens under stress; written without accent O : mountains education, behind mountains at, behind mountains there are, behind mountains fir.

    f) Root float — pilaf spelled with a letter O only in two cases: pilaf ec, pilaf sneeze, in other cases it is written A : With float lie, float Nick, By float OK, float ounce (bug), float teaching(Remember the word pl s Woons subsoil layers saturated with water).

    g) At the root zar star (dawndawndawn) without stress is written only A: h A rya, s A rnitsa, s A roar, oz A bark, oz A rhenium.

    h) At the root growth height (grow - grew) without emphasis before st And sch is written A (ext. A style, age A st, nar A becoming, growing up A puppy, wed A tion); before With without follow-up T is written O (ext. O s, exp O sshiy, vodor O sly, nedor O sl).

    Exceptions: p O drain, r O stockman, R O stov, R O stislav; negative A sl, neg A left.

    i) Root equal- It is mainly written in words that are related in meaning to “equal” (“same”): R A numbered, R A pre-valued, Wed A understand, all R A clearly, and also in the words: R A opinion, R A pay attention, R A listening, since then A got involved, R A vnina; root exactly It is mainly written in words related in meaning to “even” (“smooth”, “straight”), for example: R O heed(tracks), other O heed(flower beds), etc., ur O ven, R O yay.

    Unstressed root vowels are usually divided into checked, unchecked and alternating. Each of these groups has its own characteristics. In our article, we will find out the distinctive features of unstressed alternating vowels of the root (and under stress), and decide on their spelling.


    When different vowels are used in the same root, which does not change the lexical meaning, then these vowels are called alternating (ugar - burn out).

    In different words, alternating vowels are in a strong (stressed) position and without stress.

    Unlike the unstressed vowel being checked, the alternating vowel is not checked by stress: it depends on it. Under the stress, you should write the vowel that is perceived by ear. In general, to correctly write alternating vowels, you need to remember the corresponding roots and the rules for choosing vowels in them.


    Let's describe rules for choosing alternating vowels . For each of them we give examples of unstressed alternating vowels of the root word or under stress:

    • Roots in which the vowel depends on the stress:

      gar - gore (stressed “a”, unstressed “o”: fume, burn), zar - zor (stressed “a” or “o”, unstressed “a”: dawn, dawn, dawn), clan - clone and creature - creation (stressed “a” or “o”, unstressed “o”: bow, bow, worship; creativity, creation);

    • Roots in which the vowel depends on the suffix:

      birA - ber, dirA - der, tiRA - ter, pirA - per, mira - mer, zhigA - burnt, stila - stel, blista - sparkle and spinner, chitA - even (if after the root -a-, then write “and” : take away - I’ll take away, light up - set fire, shine - sparkles), kaSA - braid (if after the root -a-, then we write “a”: touch - touch);

    • Roots in which a vowel depends on the following consonant:

      GROW, RASCH - ROS (overgrow - increase - grown up), jump - jump (jump - jump), LAG - LOD (offer - offer).

      Exceptions: industry, sprout, Rostislav, moneylender, Rostov; I'm jumping, jumping, jumping;

    • Roots in which the vowel depends on the meaning of the word:

      equal - even (“a” in words with the meaning “identical”, “o” in words with the meaning “straight”: equated, equation - even, level), mak - mok (“a” in words with the meaning “dip, immerse” into something”, “o” in words with the meaning “to let liquid through”: dip - get wet).

      Exceptions: level, plain, peer, equally.

    Over the past decade there have been significant changes in spelling dictionaries. This also affected words with alternating vowels. So earlier zarevat (zoryanka) was an exception and was written with an “o”, but now the recommended option is with an “a” (zarevoy).

    Pivot table

    To make it easier to memorize roots with alternating vowels, they are collected in the table below:

    What does it depend on

    List of roots


    clan - clone

    creature - creation

    birA - ber

    dirA - der

    tira - ter

    pirA - lane


    zhigA - burned

    stila - stela

    blistA - sparkle, spinner

    In roots with alternating vowels e - And (ber/bir, per/pir, mer/mir, der/dir, ter/tir, shine/blist, zheg/zhig, stel/steel, even/cheat) letter And written when the root is followed by a suffix -A-. For example: personal e root - sob And paradise, deputy e burrow - deputy And army, otp e howl-otp And army, support e pour - subst And bark, bl e stet - bl And become, survive e whose - vyzh And go away.

    Exceptions: combine, combination, couple.

    II. Roots with alternation A, I - them, in

    Spelling of roots in which a, z alternate with -them- , -in- based on the same principle as alternation e - And. Combinations -them-, -in- are written when they are followed by a suffix -A- , For example pl A t - pl them at,deputy I t - deputy in at,beginning A th - beginning in at.

    III. Roots with alternation O - A

    1. In the roots lodge - lag, braid - cas the letter a is written if the root is followed by a suffix -A- , For example: floor O live - gender A go to O dream - to A sit down.
    2. In the roots clone - clan, creature- creation , under stress can be and A , And O . (cl A bother - bow O n, tv A ry - TV O rchestvo), in an unstressed position only O , For example: skl O concentration, tilt O thread, TV O retz. Exception: utv A ry.
      Letter O written in the unaccented position and in the root gar- mountains , For example: zag O bark, bark O army, zag O mature(emphasis - A: G A ry, zag A R). Exception: vyg A rivers.
    3. Fundamentally star - zar a letter is written in an unstressed position A , For example: h O ri - z A rya, oz A yay, oh A rhenium. Exception: s O duckweed (bird).
    4. Fundamentally float - pilaf letter is written A (pl A wat, pl A wuchy, popl A wok); exceptions are words pl O vec, pl O sneeze, and pl s Woons.
    5. Fundamentally grow, grow - grew up A written only before consonants st And sch , in other cases the letter is written O , For example: age A st(But vyr O s, exp O sla), nar A becoming(But nar O if), nar A swearing. Exceptions: industry, Rostok, moneylender, Rostov, Rostislav and words derived from them, for example: industry, Rostov.
    6. Fundamentally with how-skoch unstressed letter A usually written before To , and the letter O - before h , For example: sk A kat - sun O read, prompt A kat - hint O read, shout O chka. Exceptions: sk A chok, sk A chu(1 l. unit), sk A chi(imperative mood).
    7. Writing A And O in the roots poppy-mock ,equals-exactly based on distinguishing the meaning of words.
      Root poppy written in words meaning “immerse, lower into liquid”, for example: m A roll(hand in the water) exchange A whip; root mock written in words meaning “to let liquid pass through”, for example: prom boots O cabins, non-industrial O stone cloak.
      Root equals It is mainly written in words related in meaning to “equal, identical, similar”, for example: R A right-sided triangle, Wed A understand, everything A sure, p A take heed. Root exactly It is mainly written in words related in meaning to “even, smooth, straight”, for example: R O heed(tracks), other O heed(flower beds), as well as in words ur O ven, r O wow, r O vesnik, por O vnu.

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