Breath odor of acetone in patients. Why your breath may smell like acetone: causes, symptoms of disease and treatment of chemical odor in adults

Update: October 2018

A breath odor as atypical for humans as acetone always alarms and frightens people; it is very difficult to confuse it with other aromas. Its source is air from the lungs.

That is why the smell of acetone from the mouth has a peculiarity - it cannot be gotten rid of by brushing your teeth. There are not many conditions and diseases that are characterized by acetone breathing. Some of them are absolutely safe and physiological, while others should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor (see).

How is acetone formed in the body?

The body of any person receives most of its energy from glucose. It is this that is carried by the blood throughout the body and enters every cell. If the amount of glucose is insufficient, or it cannot get inside the cell, then the body is forced to look for other sources of energy. Typically this source is fat.

As a result of the breakdown of fats, various substances enter the bloodstream, including acetone. Having appeared in the blood, it begins to be excreted by the kidneys and lungs. The test for acetone in the urine becomes positive, and in the exhaled air a characteristic strong odor of acetone is felt from the mouth (the smell of pickled apples).

Causes of acetone odor
  • Fasting, diet,
  • Diabetes ()
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Liver and kidney diseases
  • Predisposition in young children

The smell of acetone when fasting

The fashion for all kinds of diets has embraced the entire female and part of the male population. Moreover, some of the food restrictions are not related to medical reasons, but to the desire to meet beauty standards.

  • It is precisely these “non-medical” diets that often lead to deterioration in health and appearance.
  • A diet with a complete refusal of carbohydrates can lead to energy deficiency and increased breakdown of fats.
  • As a result, the body will be filled with harmful substances, intoxication and disruption of the functioning of all organs will occur.
  • The smell of acetone, loose skin and nails, weakness, dizziness and irritability - this is an incomplete list of all the consequences of a strict carbohydrate-free diet.

Therefore, an experienced nutritionist should be involved in developing a balanced diet for losing weight. It will also help you get rid of the consequences of independent attempts to correct your figure. The smell of acetone from the mouth itself does not require treatment.
TOP 5 dangerous low-carb diets:

  • Kremlin diet
  • Atkins diet
  • diet of Kim Protasov
  • protein diet
  • french diet

The smell of acetone in diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is the most common and most alarming cause of acetone breath in adults. There is excess sugar in the blood that cannot penetrate the cell due to insulin deficiency, resulting in a dangerous condition - diabetic ketoacidosis. More often it occurs when the blood glucose level is above 16 mmol per liter.

Signs of ketoacidosis in diabetes:

  • smell of acetone from the breath, positive test for acetone in the urine
  • dry mouth, extreme thirst
  • abdominal pain, vomiting
  • consciousness may be depressed to the point of coma

If the above symptoms occur, you should urgently call an ambulance, since without treatment, ketoacedosis can result in deep coma and death. People with risk factors need to pay particular attention to the symptom of acetone odor from the mouth.

Risk factors :

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus, which was discovered for the first time.
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus with incorrect and untimely administration of insulin
  • infections, operations, pregnancy and childbirth with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Treatment of diabetic ketacidosis:

  • Insulin administration is the most important part of treatment. To do this, IVs are placed in the hospital and the drug is slowly administered for a long time.
  • Treatment of dehydration
  • Maintaining proper kidney and liver function

To prevent ketoacidosis, patients with diabetes should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, administer insulin in a timely manner and pay attention to all warning signs.

The diagram below clearly shows why the smell of acetone occurs from the mouth during fasting and diabetes:

The smell of acetone for thyroid diseases

The smell of acetone from the mouth, which is caused by improper functioning of the thyroid gland, is a very alarming sign. When an increased amount of hormones is produced. This condition is usually successfully controlled with medications. But sometimes the level of hormones becomes so high that the metabolism noticeably accelerates.

  • this condition occurs when hyperthyroidism is combined with thyroid surgery
  • pregnancy and childbirth
  • stress
  • inaccurate examination of the gland

Since the crisis occurs suddenly, all symptoms also occur simultaneously:

  • strong smell of acetone from the mouth
  • excited or inhibited state (up to psychosis or coma)
  • heat
  • abdominal pain, jaundice

Thyrotoxic crisis is a very dangerous condition that requires medical intervention. Such patients are given IV drips to eliminate dehydration, stop the release of thyroid hormones, and support the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Treating this condition at home is impossible and life-threatening.

Liver and kidney diseases

The main organs responsible for cleansing our body are the kidneys and liver. They are the ones who take on all the harmful substances, filter the blood and participate in removing toxins out. In case of chronic diseases of these organs (hepatitis, kidney inflammation), the excretory function is disrupted and harmful substances, including acetone, accumulate in the body.

In severe cases, the acetone smell comes not only from the patient’s urine and mouth, but even the skin emits acetone vapor. After treatment with liver disease or, often with hemodialysis, this unpleasant symptom goes away.

How to determine the presence of acetone in urine yourself?

To do this, you can purchase special Uriket test strips in pharmacies (50 pcs. 130 rubles).

It is enough to place the test strip in a container with urine; depending on the concentration of ketone bodies in the urine, the color of the tester will change. The more saturated the color, the greater the amount of acetone in the urine.

The smell of acetone in children with a predisposition to acetonemia

Many parents note that their children periodically have a specific smell of acetone in their breath. For most children, this happens 2-3 times in their lives, and some exhale acetone until they are 7-8 years old. Most often, the smell appears after viral infections and poisoning accompanied by high fever. This phenomenon is associated with the baby's limited energy reserves.

If a child with such a predisposition gets sick with ARVI or any other infection, then his body may not have enough glucose to fight the disease. Typically, the blood sugar level in such children is at the lower limit of normal, and during infections it decreases even further. The fat breakdown mechanism is activated to produce additional energy. The substances formed during this process, including acetone, enter the blood. If there is a lot of acetone, it can cause symptoms of intoxication (nausea, vomiting). This condition in itself is not dangerous; it will go away on its own after recovery.

What should parents of a child with a predisposition to acetonemia do?

  • When you smell acetone for the first time, be sure to check to rule out diabetes.
  • In case of infectious diseases, poisoning, teething, you need to give the child sweet tea or sugar.
  • You can slightly reduce your intake of foods with a lot of fat.
  • If the smell is not pungent, and it is not always possible to detect it, then you can buy special test strips for determining acetone in urine.
  • If an odor appears and if there is vomiting or diarrhea, oral rehydration solutions should be used, 2-3 spoons every 15 minutes (Oralit, Rehydron).
  • The smell of acetone from a child’s mouth is not a reason to panic. All features of such children usually disappear by 7-8 years.

Algorithm of actions when the smell of acetone appears from the mouth

The acetone smell is an important signal from the body, a reason for examination by a doctor and a more attentive attitude to your health.

When a person, an adult or a child, has such an atypical odor from the mouth as the smell of acetone, it is always frightening and alarming. The source of the smell of acetone from the mouth is air from the lungs.

If there is such an odor, it is impossible to get rid of it by brushing your teeth. There are not many diseases and conditions characterized by the appearance of acetone breath. Some of them are completely safe and natural, while others should prompt immediate medical attention.

The main mechanisms for the appearance of acetone in the body

The human body obtains a large amount of energy from glucose. It is carried by the blood throughout the body and enters every cell.

If the amount of glucose is insufficient, or it cannot penetrate the cell, then the body looks for other sources of energy. As a rule, this source is fat.

After the breakdown of fats, various substances enter the blood, including acetone. After it appears in the blood, it is excreted by the lungs and kidneys. The urine test for acetone becomes positive, and the characteristic odor of this substance is felt from the mouth.

The appearance of acetone odor: reasons

Doctors name the following reasons for the smell of acetone from the mouth:

  1. Diet, dehydration, fasting
  2. Diabetes
  3. Kidney and liver disease
  4. Thyroid diseases
  5. Childhood.

Fasting and the smell of acetone

The demand for all kinds of diets in modern society worries doctors. The fact is that most of the restrictions are not related to medical necessity, but are based only on the desire to meet beauty standards. This is not exactly a treatment, and the consequences may vary.

Such diets, which have nothing to do with improving the well-being of an adult, often lead to deterioration in health. For example, a diet with a complete exclusion of carbohydrates provokes a dangerous lack of energy and increased breakdown of fats.

As a result, the human body is filled with harmful substances, intoxication occurs and the functioning of organs and systems is disrupted, and the smell of acetone appears on the breath.

Moreover, this condition more often occurs in an adult, because such diets are simply not necessary for a child.

The consequences of a strict carbohydrate diet are also well known, these are:

  • sagging skin,
  • general weakness,
  • constant dizziness,
  • irritability,
  • smell of acetone from the mouth.

To lose weight successfully and without harm to your health, you do not need to experiment on your own; it is better to consult a nutritionist.

The doctor will also help you get rid of the negative consequences of losing weight on your own, if you already have them.

It is important to note that the smell of acetone from the mouth in itself does not mean that treatment is necessary, it goes deeper and the underlying cause will require treatment.

We list the 5 most low-carb diets with unpredictable consequences:

  • Atkins diet
  • Diet of Kim Protasov
  • French diet
  • Kremlin diet
  • Protein diet

Diabetes mellitus and the smell of acetone

This disease is the most common and most alarming, due to which an odor of acetone may appear on the breath of adults and children.

Diabetes, a condition in which there is an excess amount of sugar in the blood that cannot enter the cell due to insulin deficiency.

This provokes a dangerous violation -. The condition appears most often when blood sugar levels are above 16 mmol per liter.

Signs of ketoacidosis and diabetes mellitus:

  • vomiting, abdominal pain
  • dry mouth, thirst
  • positive urine test for acetone
  • clouding of consciousness up to coma.

If these symptoms appear, you must urgently call an ambulance. Without appropriate treatment, ketoacedosis is dangerous due to the onset of deep coma and death.

It is important to pay close attention to the smell of acetone from the mouth for people at risk.

Risk factors are:

  1. Surgeries, infections, pregnancy, childbirth and type 2 diabetes;
  2. type 1 diabetes mellitus detected for the first time;
  3. type 2 diabetes mellitus, subject to untimely administration of insulin.

Treatment of diabetic ketacidosis

The main treatment is insulin injections. In the hospital, IVs are placed for this purpose for a long time. There are two goals here:

  1. Remove dehydration
  2. Support liver and kidney function

As a preventive measure for ketoacidosis, diabetics should strictly follow medical recommendations, administer insulin on time and monitor all warning signs.

The smell of acetone for thyroid diseases

Often there is a smell of acetone from the mouth, the reasons may not be related only to diabetes. For example, in a child, as well as in an older person, such a smell of acetone from the mouth may be caused by a malfunction of the thyroid gland, and I must say, this is a rather dangerous sign. With hyperthyroidism, a high amount of hormones appears.

Typically, the condition is successfully controlled with medications. However, sometimes the volume of hormones is so high that the metabolism accelerates.

Acetone odor from the mouth appears here due to:

  1. combinations of hyperthyroidism and thyroid surgery
  2. pregnancy and childbirth
  3. stress
  4. insufficient examination of the gland

Since the crisis occurs suddenly, the symptoms appear simultaneously:

  • inhibited or excited state up to coma or psychosis
  • strong smell of acetone from the mouth
  • heat
  • jaundice and abdominal pain

Thyrotoxic crisis is an extremely dangerous condition that requires urgent medical intervention. The patient undergoes several procedures at once:

  1. an IV is placed to eliminate dehydration
  2. stops the release of thyroid hormones
  3. Supports kidney and liver function.

Please note that treating the condition at home can be fatal!

Kidney and liver diseases

The human body is mostly cleansed by two organs: the liver and kidneys. These systems absorb all harmful elements, filter the blood and remove toxins.

If there are chronic diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis or kidney inflammation, then the excretory function cannot fully function. As a result, toxins, including acetone, are heated.

As a result, the smell of acetone appears from the mouth, and the treatment here is focused on the topic of diseases of the internal organs.

In the most severe cases, the smell of acetone may appear not only in the mouth, but also in the patient’s urine. Sometimes even the skin emits vapors of the substance.

After successful treatment of renal or liver failure, most often using hemodialysis, bad breath goes away.

Self-determination of acetone in urine

To detect acetone in urine on your own at home, you can buy a special Uriket test strip at the pharmacy.

Simply place the strip in a container with urine, and the color of the tester will change depending on the amount of ketone bodies in the urine. The more saturated the color, the greater the volume of acetone in the urine. Well, this will be the first symptom that cannot be ignored.

Many people notice that children periodically have the smell of acetone on their breath. For some children this happens several times in their lives. There are children who exhale acetone until they are almost 8 years old.

As a rule, the acetone smell occurs after poisoning and viral infections. Doctors associate this phenomenon with a deficiency in the child’s energy reserves.

If a child with such a predisposition becomes ill with ARVI or another virus, the body may experience a deficiency of glucose to resist the disease.

Blood glucose levels in children are usually at the lower limit of normal. The rate decreases even more during infections.

Thus, the work of breaking down fats to produce additional energy is activated. In this case, substances are formed, including acetone.

With a large amount of acetone, symptoms of intoxication are observed - nausea or vomiting. The condition itself is not dangerous; it will go away after general recovery.

Basic information for parents of a child with a predisposition to acetonemia

It is important to check your blood sugar level at the first time the smell of acetone appears to rule out diabetes. As a rule, the smell goes away by 7-8 years.

During infectious diseases in a child, as well as intoxication and teething, it is useful to give sugar to the child or give him sweetened tea.

In addition, you can exclude fatty and fried foods from your child’s diet.

If the acetone odor is not strong and not always noticeable, you can purchase test strips to determine the presence of acetone in the urine.

The appearance of the smell of acetone from an adult is an alarming sign that may indicate the presence of a serious illness or a failure of metabolic processes in the body.

Where does acetone come from in the body?

Acetone belongs to the group of ketones, or, as it is correctly said, ketone bodies. This group of substances is formed in the liver as a result of the conversion of fats.

After this, ketones travel with the blood to the cells of all tissues of the body, where some of them serve as material for the construction of new substances (cholesterol, amino acids, phospholipids). Another part of them breaks down into carbon dioxide and water, and is then excreted through the kidneys, skin and lungs.

If there are disturbances in this complex metabolic chain, the amount of ketone bodies can exceed the permissible limits, and then a person’s skin, urine and breath smell of acetone.

What is the smell of acetone from the mouth is well known to most young mothers. When a small child is sick, for example, with a viral infection, the necessary reserves of glucose quickly deplete themselves and then fats and proteins become a source of energy. Fats are broken down, ketone bodies are formed, and an acetone smell appears. That is why sweet drinks are recommended for sick children.

In the muscles and liver of an adult there is always a supply of sugars, which can easily replenish the body’s losses during a minor viral infection. And, if there is a smell of acetone from the mouth, the reasons can be varied, so there is a need to have an examination with a doctor.

Main causes of acetone odor

The smell of acetone from the mouth can appear due to several reasons:

  • errors in nutrition and lifestyle;
  • lack of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • excess fat and protein in the diet;
  • exhaustion;
  • obesity;
  • intense physical activity;
  • starvation;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • kidney diseases;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • intoxication.

Errors in nutrition and lifestyle

This group includes all the causes of the smell of acetone from the mouth that are not associated with the presence of any disease.

When a person is obese, or the diet is dominated by fatty and protein foods, the mechanism of increased formation of ketone bodies is quite logical. Excess fat will always, one way or another, provoke an excess amount of ketones. This is why a person may smell like acetone. In this case, reasonable correction of weight and nutrition will easily help to quickly solve the problem.

But, at present, in addition to excess weight, there is another, no less serious problem. This is a craze for diets, fasting, the desire to reduce your weight as much as possible, even to the point of exhaustion and anorexia. The most popular among all currently existing diets are:

  • low carb;
  • no carbohydrates;
  • so-called “drying”;
  • protein-carbohydrate alternation;
  • ketogenic diet.

All of these nutritional systems imply an almost complete or significant restriction in the diet of any carbohydrates, be it vegetables, fruits, cereals, not to mention the so-called fast sugars such as sweets and starchy foods. The ketogenic diet also suggests adding increased amounts of animal fats to the diet.

People who lose weight in this way purposefully put themselves into a state of ketosis. Within a maximum of three days, all glycogen reserves are fully used, and the body’s energy needs begin to be met with fats.

In addition to this style of eating, those losing weight on low-carbohydrate diets promote strength training in the gym for several hours every day. As a result of this lifestyle, in addition to truly significant fat loss, a person gets intoxication of the brain with ketone bodies, a number of problems with the kidneys, liver, gall bladder and, in fact, the smell of acetone from the mouth and body.

Endocrine diseases

The smell of acetone from the mouth may appear due to diabetes mellitus or thyrotoxicosis.

In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and blood sugar is not utilized properly. In type 2 diabetes (diabetes of adults and older people), there is enough insulin, but the tissues simply do not absorb glucose. As a result, the body's cells do not receive the necessary carbohydrate nutrition, all sugar remains in the blood, and The body uses fat and proteins to replenish energy losses.. All this explains why:

  • the smell of acetone in the exhaled air;
  • profuse urination, which helps remove excess sugar;
  • extreme thirst to replenish water loss.

Patients with diabetes, as a rule, are aware of their disease and take a number of measures to prevent the occurrence of carbohydrate starvation of cells. The appearance of the smell of acetone in this disease may indicate the approach of a hyperglycemic coma, which, if timely assistance is not provided, can threaten the death of the patient.


When the functions of the thyroid gland are impaired, increased amounts of thyroid-stimulating and other hormones are produced. All of them, one way or another, affect the acceleration of metabolism and increased destruction of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are consumed first. As a result of this, a person loses a lot of weight, becomes irritable, excessive sweating appears, and due to the destruction of fat, the amount of ketone bodies increases, which is responsible for the presence of the smell of acetone. Additionally, dry hair and skin and periodic trembling of the limbs may be present. If these signs appear, you must visit a medical facility.

Kidney diseases

In some pathologies in the kidneys and renal tubules, when not only filtration abilities are disrupted, but also general metabolic processes in the body, the breakdown of fats to ketones increases. They begin to accumulate in the blood and urine, which gives the latter such an unpleasant and pungent odor. This phenomenon is characteristic of nephrosis and impaired renal function. If symptoms such as swelling, pain in the back, or problems with urination occur at the same time, you should immediately visit a specialist.

If treatment is started in time, the kidneys are completely restored, otherwise the process may lead to complete cessation of kidney function.

Chronic diseases of the digestive system

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract always, one way or another, provoke disturbances in the processes of absorption and processing of nutrients. Therefore, with chronic gastritis, or a violation of the filtration function of the liver, an increase in ketone bodies in the blood and the appearance of the smell of acetone in the exhaled air are possible.


An infectious disease or poisoning with various substances (for example, alcohol) is always accompanied by general intoxication of the body. In this case, the body turns on all its defense mechanisms to eliminate toxins. This includes the acceleration of metabolic processes, which leads to rapid consumption of carbohydrate reserves, and further to the breakdown of proteins, fats and the formation of acetones.

That is why, to relieve intoxication, the patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, and large volumes of fluid and glucose are given intravenously.

The appearance of acetone odor from the mouth of an adult is always a reason to undergo diagnostics in order to promptly identify possible diseases and begin treatment. As you can see, the main cause of the pathology is metabolic disorders.

The unpleasant odor of acetone in children can occur due to problems with the digestive system, malfunction of the pancreas, and poor nutrition. The cause of this phenomenon can be constant nervous shock and chronic stress. The accumulation of ketones in the baby’s body may be associated with intestinal diseases, the presence of worms, and acute respiratory diseases. Particular attention should be paid to infants. The appearance of an acetone smell in them may be associated with intestinal problems or poor diet.

The smell of acetone from the mouth is a sign of some kind of malfunction in the body. If this symptom appears, it is better to contact a medical professional to identify the exact cause and select the necessary treatment.

Bad breath is a fairly common problem. Therefore, the relevant question in case of smell from the stomach is how to get rid of it, since this nuisance can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person.

Various diseases such as ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, etc. do not cause unpleasant emotions in others. Often people simply don’t realize about them. Another thing is the not very pleasant smell coming from the mouth. It can interfere with a date with a loved one, when applying for a job, and during ordinary communication. Talking to someone who smells bad is unpleasant. He develops complexes and tries to reduce communication to a minimum. How to deal with this disease?

Is there really a smell and why does it appear?

First you need to find out whether there really is bad breath. A person, as a rule, gets used to his smell and does not feel it. What to do? You can just ask a loved one. If for some reason you cannot ask, you can use other methods. Take a teaspoon, lick it, let it dry and smell it. Of course, the spoon will not smell as strongly as your mouth, but you will detect the presence of the smell. If you don’t have a spoon at the right time, you can cover your wrist with saliva.

So, you have determined that your breath really smells bad. Next you need to find out the reason for this. This smell appears for many reasons, including poor oral health, eating specific foods (alcohol, onions and garlic), and smoking. In this case, we will talk about the smell that occurs in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the digestive organs.

Stomach problems and Helicobacter pylori infection

The stomach is separated from the oral cavity only by the larynx and esophagus. When a person breathes, these cavities are open and the walls of the cavities are relaxed. Air flows freely from the stomach into the oral cavity and back. In the stomach, food is exposed to gastric juice (a kind of acid). If a lot of food has accumulated in the stomach, it emits a specific smell. This is especially noticeable if a person has eaten something with a strong smell: onions, garlic.

True, such a “aroma” is a temporary phenomenon. It lasts until food enters the intestines. If a person does not eat anything with a strong smell, but there is bad breath, this is already a sign of a serious illness. In addition, it can be caused by esophageal achalasia.

The digestion of proteins in those who suffer from chronic gastritis with low acidity slows down significantly. An unpleasant odor appears. To get rid of it, experts recommend taking enzymes and gastric juice. In some cases, the odor is a symptom of a disease such as esophageal diverticulum (a bulge in the wall of the esophagus).

The smell is especially common in those who suffer from stomach ulcers or gastritis. With these diseases, there is a pathology of the esophageal sphincter, which does not close completely. The smell enters the mouth from the stomach.

Very often, an unpleasant odor occurs with intestinal diseases such as colitis and enteritis. With these diseases, toxic substances enter the blood, which are then eliminated from the human body, including through the lungs.

Another cause of bad breath is Helicobacter pylori infection. It is caused by a specific gram-negative bacterium that has a spiral shape. It penetrates the stomach and duodenum. According to experts, this infection is the cause of diseases such as stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, duodenitis, gastritis, and possibly some cases of stomach cancer.

Diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas

With diseases such as cirrhosis or liver failure, your breath smells like rotten eggs or sulfur. When metabolism in the liver is disrupted, the content of trimethylamine (trimethylaminuria) increases in the air that a person exhales. This leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Kidney failure leads to uremia. The air that a person exhales smells of ammonia.

If your breath smells like acetone, this is a sign of dysfunction of the liver, biliary tract or pancreas. So, in a diabetic coma, the breath smells of acetone.

Unbalanced diet

Very often, an unpleasant odor is due to the fact that there are problems with digesting certain foods.

For example, meat stays in the stomach for a very long time. When it is exposed to gastric juice, which is a kind of acidic broth, compounds are formed that give an unpleasant odor.

All people who practice long-term fasting know: at a certain stage, bad breath appears. This is due to the fact that the body has begun the process of breaking down fats, during which various ketone substances are released (acidification process, or acidosis). It is this process that leads to the unpleasant odor.

The individual characteristics of the body are also of great importance. A person may regularly eat a product (for example, milk) and not know that his body does not digest this product well. When it is digested, decomposition products are formed in the stomach. They are completely useless for the body, but at the same time they create an excellent breeding ground for various putrefactive bacteria, which lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Medicines as a cause of unpleasant odor

Another reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor is the use of certain medications. Those drugs that are used to treat bronchial asthma or mental disorders lead to xerostomia (dry mouth). Children who take antibiotics for a long time develop dysbiosis (disturbance of microbial balance in the body). The number of microorganisms beneficial to the child is significantly reduced. Yeast or putrefactive flora develops in the oral cavity. True, such a smell is a transitory phenomenon. It disappears as soon as the child stops taking antibiotics.

How to get rid of odor

Anyone who has encountered such a problem knows: neither lollipops, nor fashionable sprays and chewing gums, nor special drinks will help. The fact is that they all fight not with the cause, but with the effect.

First of all, you should not overeat. If a lot of food enters the stomach, it takes a long time to digest it. The less you eat, the faster the food will enter the intestines.

You should not eat a lot of foods that actively generate odor (onions, garlic).

Try eating different foods and see which foods cause discomfort in your body. They may be the ones you shouldn't eat.

Be sure to contact a gastroenterologist. The smell may be the first sign that you are developing a serious illness and require treatment.

Several folk recipes

  1. Onions and garlic should be eaten with celery or parsley roots.
  2. If the unpleasant odor is associated with a stomach disease, take 0.5 liters of water and dilute 1 tablespoon in it. salt and drink in the morning immediately after getting out of bed. After a few minutes, drink kefir or milk. True, such treatment is contraindicated for ulcers and gastritis.
  3. Melt water helps a lot. Take regular water that you drink, place it in the freezer, then let it melt and drink. At the same time, water exchange in the body accelerates, and the gastrointestinal tract is cleared of germs and bacteria. Try to drink more, as a dry environment favors the development of microbes.
  4. Drink freshly brewed strong tea.
  5. Take a handful of dry cloves and chew it for about 5 minutes. You are guaranteed several hours of clean breathing. Another option is to chew coffee beans.

Eat the right foods. Those substances that form an unpleasant odor are released mainly from foods containing protein. It is known that vegetarians experience bad breath much less often than meat lovers. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits.

Treatment of bad breath from stomach

Such a delicate and very common problem as bad breath is a negative factor for many people, causing difficulties in communication and self-doubt, both in their personal lives and at work.

There is a common belief that the cause of a musty, rotten odor emanating from the mouth is associated solely with a dental problem and can be resolved by regular visits to the dentist and careful oral care. However, this theory is fundamentally incorrect, since such symptoms are characteristic not only of patients with a “problem” mouth - they can be the first signal of serious malfunctions in the stomach and intestinal tract. Modern medicine has identified bad breath as a separate disease called halitosis, which we will discuss in more detail in our article.

Modern medicine distinguishes three types of this disease:

The reasons that cause the progression of the disease are:

Diagnosis of halitosis

A person cannot independently and objectively determine whether any foreign aroma is emanating from his mouth, as well as the degree of its severity. To determine the smell, modern medicine resorts to a special device - a halimeter. If the results of this manipulation show its presence, then the next step should be a microbiological examination of the plaque formed in the oral cavity. This procedure will help identify the cause of the unpleasant odor, on the basis of which further therapy will be prescribed by a specific specialist.

How can you be sure that bad breath is caused by your stomach? To do this, the attending physician prescribes a number of special laboratory tests, as well as a special diagnostic complex. In particular:

  • Biochemistry and general clinical blood test.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Fibrogastroscopy of the stomach.
  • Ultrasound examination and biopsy of the stomach lining (this procedure is prescribed extremely rarely).
  • Lithotripsy is a procedure during which stones are removed from the gallbladder and bile ducts.

These procedures can be extremely unpleasant for the patient, but they should not be neglected, since a complete examination will help to correctly identify the problem, and timely treatment will help to avoid possible complications in the gastrointestinal tract.

Drug treatment of the disease

Based on the results of laboratory tests and diagnostics, a specialized specialist, as a rule, prescribes drug therapy. In cases where halitosis is detected in a patient during examination, it is necessary to resort to drug treatment. In such cases, the following drugs are used (see table below).

Name of the drug:


Amoxicillin: These tablets are a universal antibiotic, the action of which is aimed at restoring the acid balance in the stomach cavity, and also normalizes the state of beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. The remains of this drug are eliminated naturally and quickly and painlessly for the general condition of the body. It should be remembered that medications of this kind should not be taken on an empty stomach.
Almagel: Another medication whose effect is aimed at treating the stomach and intestines. The specificity of its action is to envelop the gastric mucosa, due to which harmful bacteria die and inflammation is reduced. As a rule, after a few days of using this drug, stomach problems, and with them bad breath, go away.
Omeprazole: This drug will come to the rescue when a diseased stomach is not able to digest food efficiently and quickly.
Festal: It qualitatively and quickly cleanses the body of toxins and helps restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Ursosan: This drug is prescribed in cases where the problem is abnormalities in the functioning of the biliary tract.

Do not forget that self-medication can aggravate the situation, accelerating the development of the disease. Therefore, all the medications listed above must be taken strictly following the instructions of the attending physician, who, based on the examination, will select an individual dosage and duration of therapy.

Folk remedies for bad breath

How to get rid of bad breath caused by gastrointestinal dysfunction using methods from traditional medicine? Everything is quite simple.

We will need a weak saline solution. Salt cleanses the cavity of the smelly stomach from harmful bacteria, which cause an unpleasant aroma. It is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 0.5 liters of drinking water. You need to drink salt water on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up. After 10-15 minutes, to avoid stomach irritation, you need to eat milk porridge or drink some dairy product. The procedure must be repeated consecutively for five days.

Drinking melt water. One of the beneficial properties of such water is the acceleration of water exchange in the body, which contributes to the rapid destruction and removal from the stomach of pathogenic bacteria, the waste products of which cause the unpleasant odor from the stomach and oral cavity.

Herbal decoctions perfectly eliminate the unpleasant odor caused by gastrointestinal diseases: an infusion for rinsing the mouth from the leaves of wormwood, chamomile and strawberries. This decoction should be prepared using ingredients at the rate of: 1 tablespoon of dried herb per 200 ml of hot water. The broth is infused for half an hour, after which it is filtered. It is necessary to rinse your mouth with this infusion on an empty stomach. In the same way, you can prepare a decoction of mint (you should take 20 fresh leaves or a tablespoon of dry ones), a decoction of oak bark (a tablespoon per 200 ml of hot water) has an astringent effect, which will also strengthen the gums.

The smell of your breath after using such infusions will be much more pleasant, but you should remember that it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused the discomfort, and not its symptoms.

Constant or frequent belching of odorless air

Seizures in pregnant women and children

Frequent or constant belching of air during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon. This is caused by the following:

1. Hormonal changes in connection with the woman’s position.

2. The uterus, expanding, begins to put pressure on the organs. Thus, gases accumulate more and more, and belching appears more and more frequently.

3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

4. The stomach has changed location.

5. Excessive consumption of sour, salty, fried and fatty foods.

6. Uncomfortable posture after eating.

7. The woman lay on her back for a long time.

If the burp has no odor, then there is nothing to worry about. Most often this is normal and does not indicate pathological processes. However, if it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as heaviness in the stomach, nausea after eating, heartburn or a lump in the throat, you need to be more careful about your diet and consult a doctor for treatment. Only qualified specialists with experience will provide the correct therapy and advise how to avoid this phenomenon in the future.

Regarding the reasons for regurgitation of air in a child under one year old or infants, this is mainly caused by the ingestion of a large volume of oxygen at the time of feeding. Due to the fact that in young children the gastrointestinal tract has not yet been formed, air is retained in the organ and passes into the intestines. As a result, bloating is formed. Therefore, the child regurgitates excess oxygen so that it does not irritate the mucous membrane. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in children up to a year old; if the belching does not stop, you should consult a doctor for a diagnosis in order to cure a possible illness.

Another cause of seizures in a child is an irregularly shaped bottle or nipple. Constant regurgitation in children is caused by weak stomach muscles. However, as the child grows older, they become stronger, and the phenomenon is no longer a concern.

Belching on an empty stomach

Belching of air on an empty stomach occurs due to neuralgic conditions of patients, in which disorders and spasms are observed in the gastrointestinal tract. Such empty regurgitation of air, not associated with food intake, occurs against the background of a deep breath or nervous breathing.

Along with this, a person may experience a sensation of a lump in the throat or behind the chest, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, pain and bloating. Often there is a change in these signs into intestinal irritability, and as a result, various diseases. If the patient also has difficulty swallowing food and fluid gets stuck, then this is a good reason to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. The doctor will prescribe an examination, based on which he can establish a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

Belching food and heartburn

Oral regurgitation, in which all or part of the digested food is expelled, may taste unpleasant. Most often, patients with ulcer disease, gastritis with high acidity, as well as fermentation due to the lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach are observed. The expulsion of food along with regurgitation of air and a bitter taste also indicates that stomach contents and bile have entered the esophagus. This is where the bitterness in the mouth comes from. This manifests itself against the background of eating a lot of food, as a result of which the stomach is not able to process a large volume of food. In this case, digestion does not occur properly, and food residues begin to ferment, decompose and release ammonia. Therefore, a person belches and feels rotten in his mouth.

Almost 85% of all cases are accompanied by heartburn, which brings much more discomfort. This mainly indicates gastrointestinal dysfunction. Remains of food that are not expelled naturally begin to “walk” through the stomach, coming out in the form of belching, getting stuck in the throat and irritating the mucous membrane. After this, the person feels a burning sensation in the abdomen and chest, and an unpleasant odor develops in the oral cavity. This symptomatic picture is a good reason to consult a doctor. You already know what diseases can cause regurgitation.

Medication therapy

Pharmaceuticals provide a wide range of drugs to eliminate the symptoms of regurgitation and prevent it. Treatment of belching with medications must be carried out according to the instructions and based on consultation with a doctor. Self-treatment often leads to a worsening of the patient’s condition, and a painful syndrome may appear in the anamnesis. To avoid constant regurgitation of air, experts recommend undergoing an examination to identify the root of the problem.

In order to cure the disease, doctors most often advise taking the following medications:

  • Rennie.
  • Immodium.
  • Festal.
  • Almagel.
  • Motilium.

Any drug for the treatment of air belching should be taken strictly as prescribed by the gastroenterologist after the diagnosis has been established. Doctors prescribe antacids that soften the mucous membrane, prokinetics to normalize digestion and bile ducts, as well as drugs to reduce acidity.

It should be emphasized that if regurgitation occurs exclusively after eating and there is no discomfort, then treating such a manifestation is simple. It is enough to chew your food thoroughly, follow a diet, do not talk during lunch and drink water 20-30 minutes after finishing. In addition, doctors advise eliminating carbonated drinks and not overeating. If belching has become a constant occurrence and is accompanied by a specific smell, nausea, or a lump in the throat, then you need to consult a doctor. Ignoring these signs leads to pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract.

If belching of air and associated factors occur, you should contact:

  • therapist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • dermatologist;
  • surgeon;
  • cardiologist;
  • neurologist.

Treatment is a necessary measure aimed at restoring the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can return a person to a healthy lifestyle.

Prognosis of the disease

Belching air in itself is not a pathological process, but only a symptom that hides the root of the disease. The prognosis for frequent belching is positive. After all, if the main reason is food and how a person takes it, then it is enough to change the diet, regimen and your attitude towards eating food, and the problem will be solved overnight.

In cases where additional symptoms occur, you need to think about visiting a doctor. Relieving the causes of the disease definitely entails getting rid of the symptoms. Proper treatment and an attentive approach to health will allow you to return to a favorable lifestyle and enjoy it.

Acetone smell from the mouth is an alarming symptom, indicating a number of pathological processes in the human body. The causes of the smell of acetone on the breath are associated with a sharp increase in the content of ketone bodies in the systemic bloodstream - this is the body’s response to a stressful situation, in which normal lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism is disrupted.

The presence of ketone bodies in the blood in a certain amount is considered normal, which does not in any way affect the general well-being or the functioning of internal organs and systems. If the amount of these substances increases, acetone and its derivatives begin to “harm” the metabolism.

Why is there a problem?

What does acetone smell mean:

  • the body is under stress;
  • diabetes;
  • intoxication (toxic, food poisoning);
  • carbohydrate deficiency in the daily menu;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • renal failure;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas and liver;
  • alcohol abuse.


The smell of acetone from the mouth of an adult is accompanied by weakness, nausea, and a constant feeling of anxiety. Urinalysis confirms kenoturia. More severe forms of acetone halitosis are accompanied by shortness of breath, abdominal pain, chills, nausea, increased dry skin, and confusion. In critical cases, the taste of acetone in the mouth is accompanied by signs accompanying the course of a diabetic coma (the patient has a fever and loses consciousness).

Diabetes mellitus is the most common cause of acetone breath in children and adults

Most often, the aroma of acetone solvent in the mouth in adults occurs after drinking alcohol in high doses, and is also a classic symptom of diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2. Other causes of the problem are prolonged fasting or strict diets, tumor formations in the thyroid gland. In case of nephropathies (failures in liver function), acetonemia is accompanied by the smell of ammonia.

The appearance of acetone odor from the mouth of a child or an adult may be preceded by an increase in body temperature (increased metabolic processes, which are accompanied by chemical reactions with the release of heat). An excess of acetone compounds in the blood leads to nausea and vomiting. Due to the fact that “overloaded” kidneys cannot normally cope with the increased content of ketones (remove them from the body), they begin to “leave” the lungs - a chemical odor of acetone appears from the mouth.

Important! Due to the high risk of developing acetone halitosis during ARVI, therapists recommend drinking plenty of fluids (at least 2.5–3 liters of fluid per day) throughout the entire treatment period.

Migraine and acetone crisis have similar symptoms: intense headache of different localization, increased sweating, nausea, vomiting, dizziness. But with migraines, the breath does not stink of acetone, and urine and blood tests do not show an increase in the level of ketone bodies.

Causes and signs of childhood acetone halitosis

Why a child’s breath may smell like acetone: as a rule, in infants and children under 5 years of age, this sign indicates that the internal organs and metabolism are not fully formed and functioning properly. The smell of acetone from a child’s mouth can be primary and secondary. In the first case, the problem is caused by an unbalanced diet and periodic fasting. In the second situation, the acetone aroma indicates a certain disease (endocrine disorders, somatic disorders, infections, tumor processes).

Symptoms of secondary halitosis in newborns and adolescents are identical:

  • lack of appetite;
  • acetone odor from the mouth;
  • severe vomiting;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • nausea;
  • increased levels of acetone in urine and blood.

Acetonemia in a newborn baby may be a genetically determined phenomenon. It is noteworthy that factors such as physical fatigue, mental overexcitation, and climate change can provoke the appearance of a characteristic taste in a child’s mouth. The presence of acetone odor in adolescents is an indicator of pathological malfunctions of the thyroid gland, the initial stages of type 2 diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, infectious and inflammatory diseases occurring in chronic and acute forms.

Poor nutrition, renal and hepatic dysfunction, endocrine disruption in the body are factors that can lead to the taste of acetone on the oral mucosa


A wide range of laboratory tests can determine the causes of acetonemia:

  • detailed biochemical, general blood test;
  • studying blood glucose readings;
  • hormones (if indicated);
  • general urine analysis.

Instrumental diagnostics in the presence of acetone odor from the mouth involves ultrasound examination of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and thyroid gland.


To get rid of acetone halitosis, you should first of all establish the reason for this alarming symptom. As a rule, acetonomia accompanies the course of certain diseases; therefore, the main treatment should be aimed specifically at them. Thus, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1) is an indication for lifelong insulin injections in the dosage prescribed by the doctor; for type 2 of this disease, sugar-lowering drugs are selected to normalize blood glucose levels.

With acetonemic coma (syndrome) in a child, the situation is much more complicated. It “starts” with attacks of nausea and vomiting, which, in turn, lead to an abnormal decrease in blood glucose levels. In this case, drug therapy is aimed, first of all, at normalizing this indicator and restoring the “knocked down” water-electrolytic balance. Thus, children are recommended to drink herbal teas and dried fruit compotes. In addition, drugs against dehydration of the body (Regidron, Humana-electrolyte) are prescribed without fail.

Important! After attacks of nausea and vomiting caused by acetonemia, medicinal solutions are drunk in small portions (5–15 ml every 10–15 minutes).

If the smell of acetone from the mouth is accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen of unclear localization, uncontrolled vomiting, or deterioration in general health, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a doctor and undergo treatment in a hospital. Physiotherapy also helps to remove the acetone smell: for example, patients (regardless of age) are prescribed alkaline mineral waters (Luzhanskaya, Borjomi). It may be advisable to conduct a course of warm alkaline enemas (the medical task is to eliminate acidosis). Before giving a soda enema, the large intestine is thoroughly cleansed of accumulated toxins.

Traditional methods

What to do for mild forms of acetonemia (for example, during fasting): seek help from proven home remedies. It is important to understand that such measures are purely symptomatic and help improve digestion and metabolism.

In the morning, if you have a carbide smell from your mouth, it is useful to drink rosehip decoctions, infusions, as well as cranberry and sea buckthorn juices. These berries have a beneficial effect on the body's immune defense, stimulate intestinal motility, and normalize metabolism.

Blackberries are a healing berry that will help cope with acetone halitosis against the background of:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic enteritis;
  • food dysentery;
  • for aphthous stomatitis and inflammatory gum diseases.

Blackberry fruits contain a lot of components useful for the human body - organic acids, vitamins E, C, carotene. So, 1-2 tbsp. l. centaury is steamed with a glass of boiling water, left for 5 minutes, and drunk in small portions throughout the day. This plant copes with the taste of acetone against the background of gastritis with hypersecretion of gastric juice, with digestive disorders, fevers, vomiting, and diabetes. In addition, centaury is an excellent antiallergic and choleretic agent.

Folk remedies (berry and fruit juices, decoctions, infusions of medicinal plants) help to cope with discomfort in the mouth due to diets or fasting.


Those who feel an acetone taste in their mouth should adhere to a certain diet and generally adjust their daily menu. So, during periods of exacerbation of the disease - the root causes of halitosis - fried, fatty, protein foods, baked goods, whole milk, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables are excluded from the diet. It is recommended to eat exclusively light meals that are quickly digested and do not “overload” the organs of the digestive tract. These are, first of all, light porridges cooked in water, crackers, and baked apples.

After 2–3 weeks, you can add bananas, boiled lean meats, and fermented milk products to the menu.

Prevention and prognosis

Men and women suffering from acetone halitosis and who seek help from a doctor in time, with the right treatment tactics, fully recover. In children, the frequency and intensity of acetonemic crises gradually decrease with age.

Preventive actions:

  • rational daily routine;
  • lack of stress and overwork;
  • The duration of night sleep should be at least 8 hours;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • balanced diet.

So, acetone smell from the mouth is a symptom of “problems” in the functioning of various organs and systems. To establish the cause of the problem and choose the right treatment, you must promptly seek help from a doctor.