Seal a crack in a rusted pipe in the country. How to repair a crack in a cast iron sewer pipe

A sewage system made of cast iron pipes is installed in most Soviet-built multi-storey buildings. Maintenance and, moreover, the planned repair of these systems is rarely done by someone. Therefore, the risk that the pipes become unusable and may leak increases every year.

Many residents do not wait for an emergency and change the cast iron pipeline to. Those who do not have such an opportunity use the old and hope for the best. If the pipe leaks at the joint or a crack appears on it, do not rush to panic. You can fix this kind of problem yourself, without replacing the entire pipeline or part of it.

Repair of a cast iron sewer pipe

Small leaks can be repaired with special clamps or repair couplings. To do this, you need to buy a clamp of a suitable diameter in any hardware store, put it on the pipe in the right place and tighten it. As an alternative to a purchased clamp, a piece of rubber is fine, which needs to be wrapped around the leak and tightened with wire. Elimination of breakage in this way takes place in a few minutes.

The next method, with the help of cement, takes more time and you can use the pipeline only after the cement has solidified (about a day). So, you need to stock up on cement and bandage. The bandage is cut into equal parts, about 40-50 cm long, and the cement is diluted in water or liquid glass.

Next, the bandage is dipped into the prepared solution and after it is well saturated, the damaged area is wrapped around it and sprinkled with dry cement. This work is repeated until a small "cocoon" is formed on the pipe, which can be processed from above with liquid glass (silicate glue). Also, instead of cement, you can take epoxy resin, all stages of work will be the same.

A small crack can also be repaired with ready-made silicone-based sealants. To do this, it is necessary to slightly expand the damage, giving it a-shaped shape. Then clean, degrease and dry. After that, pour sealant into the crack, wait for it to dry and you can use the sewer.

You can make a quality sealant yourself by mixing 3 parts of copper oxide with two parts of phosphoric acid. This mixture should be applied to the degreased surface immediately after preparation, as it hardens very quickly.

Also, as a patch, you can use a special mixture - "cold welding". Stages of work: cleaning and degreasing the repaired place, applying a "patch" and over it a rubber seal.

How to seal the joint of a cast iron pipe

If the sewer pipe has leaked at the junction, then this situation can be corrected as follows:

  1. Deck - remove cement and tow residues.
  2. Dry with a building hair dryer and remove dirt.
  3. Tightly stuff a linen plumbing tape into the resulting gap.
  4. With an aqueous solution, with polycement and PVA glue, coat the joint several times.
  5. After 24 hours, the sewer can be used.

If you use silicone sealant instead of flax and mortar, then the system can be used much earlier.

On a note!

Do not fill up cracks and holes with improvised means: plasticine, chewing gum, glue, and so on. All this will fix the problem, but for a short time. Also, do not hammer chopiki into the holes, since cast iron is a brittle material and this can lead to even greater damage.

In conclusion, I would like to note that if a crack has appeared in one place of the pipe, it is possible that soon the same will happen in another. And all these patches, no matter how high-quality they may seem, are a temporary fix. Therefore, it is better to immediately go for new ones, contacting specialists or on your own. Otherwise, the next leak can lead not only to minor repairs of cast-iron pipes, but also to large-scale flooding and subsequent repair of a neighbor's apartment.

Video: How to repair a crack in a cast iron sewer pipe

A leak in a sewer pipe is a very unpleasant situation that can happen to any system. The appearance of holes occurs from natural wear of the pipe or its improper operation. How to close up a crack in a cast-iron sewer pipe, if the problem was caught by surprise, there is no time and money to call the master.

Unusual ways to seal a leak

Simple ways to eliminate leaks with improvised means

Most often, problems arise with cast iron pipes, from which the water supply in the apartment was made in Soviet times. The best way to eliminate the problem associated with high system wear and tear is to completely replace the piping and sewer in the toilet. When money is not enough for this, many methods can be used to temporarily fix the crack.

Before starting repair work, preparatory actions should be carried out:

  • Shut off the water supply in the plumbing and riser.
  • Inspect the place where the breakthrough was formed. To do this, carefully examine the connection points of the branch pipes. These places are the most vulnerable cast iron pipelines. The reason for the appearance of a leak at the junction can be the negligence of the plumber when installing the entire drainage system or as a result of impulse influences (water hammer).

After the location of the leak is installed, actions are followed to eliminate it. The problem of how and how to seal a cast-iron sewer pipe is solved in different ways, while both improvised and modern materials can be used to seal cracks. It is worth clarifying here that the repair of the old cast-iron system is possible if the problem is minor and the hole is small. Or the problem is in the joints.

Leakage on the surface of pipes can be eliminated in the following ways using available tools.

1) Installing the clamp in place of the leak using rubber gaskets. This method of closing the crack requires access to the pipeline at a distance of at least 50 mm. This condition is not met in small rooms, especially with an angular location of the bathroom. Before installing the clamp, the surface should be cleaned with metal brushes from dirt and old paint.

Metal clamp in place of the leak

2) Applying gauze soaked in cement mortar or waterproof glue in the areas of longitudinal cracks. This method is only effective for low pressure pipes. The work is carried out according to the following scheme:

3) Another common method is to install a stub. To do this, you need a small wooden wedge so that it does not clog the drainage system. Install the plug in the place of the hole, and secure it by wrapping it with ordinary gauze bandage. Before this, the material should be soaked in an epoxy solution.

4) If the crack is large, it can be covered with a special prepared agent from phosphoric acid and copper oxide. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • The place of the leak is cleaned of rust and remnants of old paint.
  • The crack is deepened and the coating around it is degreased.
  • Prepare a solution of 3 parts copper and 2 parts acid.
  • It is necessary to seal the crack with the resulting composition immediately after preparation, since the mixture quickly hardens.

Note! The problem with a large crack can be eliminated using this method only temporarily. Only a complete replacement of the entire sewage system will help to completely avoid problems.

5) Epoxy resin. It is made on the basis of glue. The advantages of this material include a long service life, which reaches 50 years. But she does not tolerate exposure to chemicals. Therefore, if necessary, it will not be possible to remove the blockages using dissolving chemicals.

Epoxy with gauze cloth

Technical sulfur. To use it, you need a burner that heats up the material. And then they fill it with a crack. You should work with it carefully, using special protective equipment.

Sealing with sealant

New materials can be used to eliminate fistulas and small cracks in cast iron pipes. These include sealants. When using this product, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations indicated on the label, the hydraulic pressure in the system and observe the technical regulations.

The sealant is chosen taking into account the diameter and length of the sewer system and drain pipes. The solution of issues related to leakage at the joints must be taken seriously. Several types of insulating material are classified:

  • Self-adhesive tapes. They are used to seal the joints between pipes, insulate couplings, assemblies, drainage systems of the drainage structure. Anti-corrosion tape is made from a bitumen-rubber mixture, a protective film is applied on top. The advantages of this material include high strength and resistance to chemicals of any composition. It is able to reliably contain leaks, allowing the pipe to remain in working condition for a long time.

Repair using self-adhesive tape
  • Silicone based sealant. There are two types: neutral and acidic. Removing problem areas with a neutral agent will be more expensive than filling gaps with an acidic sealant. The material is made on the basis of silicone, which has excellent adhesion properties.

Self-adhesive tape is a modern insulating product that can be easily used in emergencies related to pipe leaks. To use it correctly and carry out high-quality repairs, you need to carry out the following steps:

  • Prepare a metal surface near the leak, having previously cleaned it from rust and dirt.
  • Tear off the tip from the whole roll of tape and attach it to the side of the crack to be repaired.
  • Then, with winding movements, the tape is placed on the problem area. When working, make sure that the material is tightly stretched and overlapped in a spiral.
  • Ultimately, the crack should be under a double coat of sealant.

Silicone sealant is a universal tool for sealing holes not only in cast iron, but also in plastic. To work with this material, you will need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • Before starting, inspect the pipe surface to make sure it is dry and clean.
  • Lift the nozzle of the gel tube and gently spread it over the entire crack surface, including adjacent areas.
  • It should be applied in 2-3 layers, without smearing on the sides of the joint, but only slightly going beyond the boundaries of the problem area.

Silicone Sealant Moment

Experts advise to squeeze out the sealant using a specially designed pistol device. If this is not the case, you can use a regular hammer.


If you run into problems in a cast iron sewer system, do not despair. There are a variety of remedies available to help repair the crack and avoid a lot of trouble. Observing all the rules for working with the material, you can carry out a high-quality seal of the leak with your own hands.

In modern communications, plastic pipes are increasingly used, especially for domestic needs. Sewerage, water supply and heating systems for the most part consist of polypropylene pipes or PVC products. Such popularity is due to the long service life, ease of installation and reliability of polymer pipes. But even such products sometimes need repair. This article will discuss how to glue a plastic pipe.

What to do first if a leak occurs

If a leak appears in the high-pressure pipes, heating system or other communication in an apartment or house, then the first step is to close the shut-off valves. This truth is familiar to everyone. But what to do next?

The emerging leak can be "plugged" with clamps. Such structures are simply put on the desired area and tightened with bolts.

You can use the old way - use rubber. Using this method, I often repair a heating or water supply pipe. The problem area is wrapped with a piece of rubber (for example, from car tires) and clamped with a clamp or pulled over with a thin wire or strong cord.

Note! You can use regular paint. The place where a crack or leak appears is wrapped with a cloth and painted over with oil paint.

But all of the above methods can be considered a temporary solution. If such patches are left for a long time, then the leak will appear again. That is why many masters recommend replacing the problem area, especially since it is quite easy to do this using plastic pipes.

Sealant and epoxy adhesive

There can be many reasons for the appearance of cracks or leaks on plastic pipes. This may be a violation of the installation rules, improper operation or a simple defect in production. If the crack is small, then you can not replace it, but try to glue the pipe.

The first way to carry out repair work is to use a silicone sealant. This method is suitable when the crack is blind. As a rule, this method is used when repairing sewer pipes. The work progress will be as follows:

  • The crack is cleared and expanded as far as possible. This is necessary for the sealant to penetrate as deeply as possible.
  • Further, it is necessary to degrease and dry the place of repair work.
  • A layer of sealant is then applied and allowed to dry.

But how to repair a through hole, for example, in the same sewer pipe? In this case, it is better to use a two-component epoxy adhesive. The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The cracked area is cleaned, degreased and dried.
  • Then we prepare a suitable bandage. A piece of fiberglass or other dense and flexible material is best for this.
  • The repaired section along the entire length of the crack is wrapped with a bandage with a margin, while the number of revolutions should be at least five.
  • The last step is to apply a layer of epoxy adhesive.

This method is quite suitable both in the case of repairing sewer pipes and for water (for example, for a heated towel rail).

We use sealing tape

One of the modern ways to eliminate small pipe leaks in a bathroom or toilet is the use of sealing tape. This material is a special impregnated adhesive fabric. As a rule, sealing tape is used at the joints and at the joints, but it is quite suitable for straight sections.

The work progress will look like this:

  • The pipe section to be repaired is cleaned of contaminants and dried.
  • Stretch a small piece of tape and start winding it around the pipe. In this case, the material must be constantly kept in tension in order to prevent the appearance of folds.
  • When winding, you need to lay the next section of the tape on half of the previous one. As a result, your pipe will be “packed” in two layers of sealing material.

Note! This method has one drawback. The sealing tape does not tolerate sunlight well. Therefore, the repaired area must be covered with a protective layer.

We use cold welding

Today in specialized stores you can find special, so-called dry cold welding. Its composition is intended specifically for the repair of plastic pipes intended for water supply, cooling systems, heating or other needs.

Cold welding can reliably seal almost any crack or leak. In this case, there is no need for heating, the constituents of the material are brought to the desired state as a result of a chemical reaction.

The progress of work to eliminate a leak or seal a crack will look like this:

  • The first step is to prepare the surface. We process the entire problem area with an emery cloth. Next, you should degrease the surface (it is better to do this with liquids containing alcohol). This procedure is mandatory, otherwise the service life of the patch will be minimal.
  • Then we determine the amount of required material. This is done by eye, the main thing is that the resulting mass is enough to cover the entire problem area.
  • The material is taken by hand (while they should be wearing wet rubber gloves) and crumpled until ready. The color of the mass will indicate readiness, it should turn brown. In this case, the material reaches the consistency of plasticine;
  • The mass is applied to the desired area and pressed with a tourniquet. After that, the pipe is not touched for an hour. After removing the harness, cold welding turns into a strong and dense substance that can be drilled, cut and any other action can be performed.

Note! It is important to observe safety precautions when working with cold welding. The composition contains substances harmful to the body, so you need to work with gloves and goggles.

To speed up the work, you can use tricks from specialists. For example, cold welding hardens better when exposed to warm air. If you want to quickly finish the repair work, then you can use a construction or regular hairdryer.

Modern manufacturers offer to purchase cold welding, with which you can repair plumbing fixtures. Today, sticking a chipped piece of a sink or toilet bowl is not a problem. The main thing, when making a purchase of cold welding, carefully read the label. Check the expiration date of the material, its composition (it must contain epoxy and amine resins, as well as steel and mineral fillers), and also ask for a quality certificate.

Repair required or cast iron pipe burst? Read on for details on how to repair a crack in a cast iron sewer pipe!

The use of cast iron sewer pipes is now almost complete, but in many apartments or houses they are still working out their service life. Durability, reliability and lack of noise still attract users; cast-iron risers are almost everywhere installed in apartment buildings of old buildings. It is difficult to replace them, since for this it is necessary to completely replace the entire riser. It is easier to solve local problems that may arise during operation. Consider how to repair a crack in a cast iron sewer pipe and how it is usually done.

The causes of cracks

There are two main reasons for cracks or fistulas in cast iron pipes:

  • negligence of installers;
  • the fragility of cast iron as a material.

Poor-quality sealing of the joints of sewer products often causes leaks. They occur both on old connections and on transitions from cast iron to plastic pipes, if standard adapters were not used. Cement slurry was used to seal the sockets, and mixing ratio errors could cause leakage over time in weak areas. In such situations, it is easiest to repair cast-iron sewer pipes.

If a crack or a hole has formed in the drain, the cause can only be a mechanical effect - shock, damage caused by unqualified installation or repair work. Many users perform some actions with their own hands.

Lack of professional training and poor understanding of the properties of cast iron prevent them from repairing the cast iron sewer pipe properly. Careless actions, the use of ordinary hammers instead of rubber mallets, falling pipes - from all these influences, cast-iron pipes burst and fail. Often cracks go unnoticed, or just careless plumbers install a knowingly defective product in the hope that everything will work out somehow. Sewerage is a free-flow system, so cracked elements are not immediately detected, sometimes after several years of operation.

There is another possible reason for the formation of holes - corrosion. Poor-quality castings with cavities or shells can rust through, especially if the drainage system has been in operation for a very long time.

Ways to solve the problem

The most correct answer to the question - how to repair a crack in a cast-iron sewer pipe - will be to replace a section that has failed. However, this option is not always available, especially for residents of the lower floors. In most cases, you will have to sort out the entire riser, or perform a partial replacement with cutting and removing the problem area. You cannot use the sewage system and water supply for the entire duration of the work, which is extremely inconvenient for all neighbors and very difficult to organize. Therefore, they usually prefer to temporarily plug the hole with something until a better repair is possible. If the work is done accurately and efficiently, the drainage system can serve for many more years without increasing the problem.

Consider how to repair a cast-iron sewer pipe without replacing the problem area:

  1. The simplest, but quite effective way is to install a rubber pad, pressed against the crack with a clamp. A patch is cut from a piece of soft rubber, which is applied to the crack and pressed with a standard or homemade clamp. It is recommended to use non-corrosive materials - nylon or copper.
  2. Installing a homemade bandage from a bandage soaked in cement mortar. This method is more complicated and requires stopping the sewage system for about a day, therefore it is used much less often. Most often it is used when it is impossible to do with simpler methods. When creating a solution, water can be replaced with glue (liquid glass), and instead of a bandage, take old tights.
  3. Using a repair sleeve. Basically, it is a modified way to repair a pipe using a clamp and rubber. The coupling consists of two halves that completely encircle a certain area of ​​the element and are tightened with bolts. It remains only to install a rubber gasket on the resulting gap and press it with a sleeve to completely seal the hole.

Cold welding

One of the temporary (although often permanent) options can also be mentioned - cold welding for cast iron sewer pipes. It is a two-component (most often) compound that is mixed immediately before application. Before starting to cover the crack with cold welding, the surface must be cleaned of rust and other layers, degreased and dried. There are two types of such glue - liquid and thick mass, similar to plasticine. The first type is mixed with a hardener, and the second, before starting to seal the gap, is kneaded intensively to achieve softness and elasticity of the material.

There can be quite a few ways to repair a crack in a cast-iron sewer pipe. The basic principle of such a repair is to apply a rapidly hardening compound to the problem area, fill the crack and apply it over a fixing band or clamp. New tools are constantly appearing on sale that allow you to solve the problem without calling plumbers and performing time-consuming and expensive repair work.

What materials can be used

To resolve the issue - how to plug the sewer pipe - the following materials can be used:

  • rubber patch with a clamp;
  • cement mortar;
  • cold welding.

These materials and the method of performing the work have already been discussed above. There are other technologies for which the corresponding materials are suitable:

  • self-adhesive tape... There are plastic or metallized types with a sticky layer, which are very easy to use, and the result is very effective. The only limitation is the difficulty (or impossibility) of winding some pipes with tape due to the tight abutment to the wall surface;
  • silicone sealants... These are materials that are in a semi-liquid state, but harden in air and become rubber-like. They do not react at all to the effects of moisture, fill the entire cavity with cracks, have a long service life;
  • to seal the sockets, use the usual linen plumbing impregnated with PVA glue and cement. Before filling the hole in the sewer pipe, it is necessary to clean it of the old filler or layers;
  • a mixture of copper oxide and phosphoric acid in a ratio of 3: 2... This compound is used to fill large holes or potholes. The solution hardens quickly, so first prepare the area for application and only then start mixing the components.

Most users try to use the simplest and most accessible materials that are at hand or on sale.

So, the cast-iron sewer pipe burst - what to do? First of all, you need to carefully examine the entire surface of the riser accessible to the eye. There may be more cracks than meets the eye. Then you need to decide on ways to solve the problem - change the section of the riser to a plastic pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, or glue it yourself using improvised means. If the fastest ways to resolve the issue are not suitable, you will have to go and negotiate with your neighbors for a while not to use the sewerage and water supply system. This is very uncomfortable, but sometimes there are no other options.

A crack or leak in a sewer line is a real problem that anyone can face. As a result of natural aging, communication systems become vulnerable, so the question of how to repair a crack in a cast-iron sewer pipe can be asked even by people who have not yet been affected by this problem.

Moreover, the relevance of this issue is constantly growing. The most optimal solution may be a complete replacement of damaged sewer sections with more modern products, but not all homeowners have this opportunity.

Reasons for the formation of cracks in cast iron sewer pipes

In order to choose the right way to eliminate damage in the sewer pipe, it is important to establish the cause of this situation. First of all, you need to accurately determine the place where the crack formed in the cast iron sewer pipe. To do this, inspect the joints of the branch pipes and reveal obvious defects in the cast-iron pipeline.

The reason for the leakage of the sewer at the junction of the fittings is the negligent attitude of the plumbing workers to the assembly of the system.

Cast iron is a material of weak resistance, therefore, during its operation, any impulse effects, including shocks, should be avoided. Although the uniform load distributed throughout the pipe prevents the problem of repairing the sewer pipes in the apartment.

Modern cast iron products are more durable, but can only withstand minor impacts. At the same time, a load of any intensity for 10-20 years still leads to the formation of a crack, which at best can be simply covered up, and at worst, the pipe will have to be changed.

Ways to eliminate leaks in the sewer system

The problem of how to eliminate a leak in a cast iron sewer pipe is solved in several ways, the choice of which depends on the strength of the pipeline, the presence of cracks and chips, and also their size.

The repair of sewer pipes without replacing the damaged area can be done in the following cases:

  • The body has minor cracks and holes.
  • A leak was found at the junction of the pipes.

Leakage at the junction of sewer pipes involves sealing up a cracked connection, for which the following steps are performed:

  • The system is temporarily turned off.
  • Dry the joint with a rag or hair dryer.
  • Clean the joint from the cement and remove the packing from the cracks.
  • Using a linen plumbing winding, a gap between the pipes is minted.
  • Prepare a solution of polycement and PVA glue and coat the crack with it.
  • It is recommended to start the operation of the sewer system only after a day.

A crack at the junction of sewer pipes can be closed with waterproof glue, epoxy resin, raw rubber, ordinary plasticine or a special silicone sealant. In the latter case, the sewage system can be used after 3 hours.

In order not to have to constantly deal with the repair of cast-iron sewer pipes, it is better to replace the part of the system that has become unusable before its final destruction. Otherwise, as a result of the failure of engineering communications, sewage can flood the apartments of the floors located below.

If the leak is caused by a small hole, you can use the following materials:

  • Bandage-rubber... It is better to use such material for short-term repair of cast-iron pipes, while the bandage must be fixed with aluminum or copper wire.
  • Plug... This repair element is a wooden wedge. When manufacturing, it is important that the product is not very long, as it can cause a blockage in the sewage system. The finished part is hammered at the leak and the pipe is wrapped with a strip of gauze. Finally, you can soak the material with epoxy.
  • Gauze... This material, previously soaked in epoxy resin or cement mortar, is wrapped around the pipeline. Such a winding should be in the form of a cocoon.
  • Special clamp... In this way, any leaks in the cast-iron sewer pipe are eliminated even if the water pipe burst. The repair process is as follows: a crack or hole is wrapped with a rubber gasket, covered with a clamp, which is then tightened. Read also: "".

A small crack in a cast iron sewer pipe is eliminated in this way:

  • The crack is widened into a V.
  • The site is degreased and dried well.
  • Cover this place with sealant or silicone.

Cast iron pipe sealing materials

The methods of sealing the joints of sewer pipes are described above, especially since they have become known since the advent of pipes made of cast iron for the sewer system (read: ""). However, innovative technologies are constantly being introduced into this area, and now experts say that the most effective way to eliminate leaks is to use phosphoric acid and copper oxide.

As a result of the reaction of these substances in the damaged area, a strong solid anlage is formed.

To answer the question of how to seal a crack in a cast iron pipe using this method, you should perform the steps in this order:

  • Sand the area where you plan to place the bookmark using sandpaper or a stiff metal brush.
  • Degrease the prepared area with acetone or other solvent.
  • Prepare a mixture for sealing by mixing phosphoric acid and copper oxide in a ratio of 2: 3.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the damaged area immediately after mixing. The bookmark hardens very quickly, so you cannot leave the prepared mixture even for a short time. Sewerage after such a repair can be used in a few hours.

The list of ways to eliminate leaks in a cast iron sewer pipe can be completed with one more option. In this case, a mixture of powdered ammonia, sulfur and iron filings should be prepared. All ingredients are mixed and diluted with water until a thick consistency is obtained. This method has been used in practice for a long time, and has proven itself from a very good side.

The formed joints, obtained during the repair of damaged areas and in the process of sealing the joints of sewer pipes, are distinguished by long and flawless operation.

Easier ways to seal a sewer pipe

Quite often, homeowners wonder how to glue a cast-iron sewer pipe if a leak is found at a stamped joint. In this case, use a silicone sealant. The actions are carried out in the following order: the socket of the sewer pipe is cleaned of old putty, debris is removed and the pipe is well dried. After that, the joint is covered with a sealant.

Sometimes you can observe the following situation: there is no leak in the connection, but unpleasant odors are constantly felt. In this case, it is possible to seal the sewer pipe with the help of cement mortar, with which the joint is simply covered. If you add a little sodium silicate to the cement, then the connection will be stronger, and the solution will set faster.

The easiest way to repair a cast-iron sewer pipe is to use the Cold Welding adhesive. To eliminate the leak in the system in this way, it is necessary to clean the sewer pipe from the existing liquid, dry it and mark with chalk the place where the leak is found. Next, the pipe surface is degreased and a small amount of adhesive is applied. A rubber pad is made on top of it. This method may well be used to eliminate a leak in a sewer made of plastic pipes. In addition, "Cold welding" helps to solve the problem, than to repair the crack in the water pipe.

In addition to all the above methods, it is possible to eliminate the malfunction at the junction of the sewer pipes with a tape, which consists of a copper or aluminum layer on a bitumen-rubber base. The sealing of the sewer pipe, made in this way, is strong and durable, and the process itself does not have any difficulties.