How to close a facebook page permanently. How to delete a facebook profile permanently or deactivate temporarily

The functionality of social networks should have the option to delete the profile. Otherwise, there would be so many of them that user IDs would take up dozens of characters, and there would be a huge number of full namesakes. It also sometimes happens that just changing the information in the old profile is not enough, you just need to register again. Therefore, I feel it is my duty to tell you all about deleting your Facebook account.

Can I delete my Facebook account?

As I wrote above, deleting your Facebook account is a must. social network. Without it, FB's organized directory of users would turn into a garbage heap. Another thing is that there are some nuances, and you can get rid of the profile in different ways. This is not VKontakte with its one “delete page” button, after which there is time to recover.

If I delete my account, can it be restored?

  1. Temporary.
  2. Constant.

In the first case, you can easily regain your profile at any time. And in the second, of course, it will be lost forever. I will tell you a little lower about how to implement both of these possibilities and how to restore the page.

Step-by-step instructions on how to delete a Facebook account

First, let's talk about the temporary deactivation of the page. Why you need it - decide for yourself. Personally, if I delete a profile for a short time, it is only to attract someone's attention. I can’t think of any other use for this, I’m so petty. Consider both options: temporary deactivation and permanent deletion of the page.

Page deactivation

To temporarily deactivate your page, do the following:

  • In the upper right corner we find a triangle next to the question icon. Then click on "Settings".

  • We find the item "Account Management", click on "Edit".
  • Then you need to click "Deactivate account". After that, the social network may require you to enter the password again. Naturally, we enter.

Deleting a Page

This method involves the complete erasure of user data from the servers. Therefore, be careful, but do not rush to download all the data in advance.

Why? Let me explain below:

  • Click "View" next to the item "Delete account and information."

Ways to recover a deleted profile

If you deleted the page following the second instruction, nothing will be returned. This method of removal is irreversible. But if you simply deactivated the page, it will be enough to simply log in online to restore it.

So, deleting a page is a necessary function of any social network. And Facebook allows you to temporarily disable your profile, or completely erase all your data from their servers. How much better or worse this system is than those to which we are more accustomed, I will not speculate, because there is convenience both there and there.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today, most of the world's inhabitants with Internet access are registered in the largest social network, which is called.

The lion's share of network users belongs to Russian-speaking region- and this is not surprising. It is thanks to Facebook that many people have the opportunity to receive the latest information from the first sources, to meet and communicate with other people.

However, situations often arise (for both old and new users) when, for some reason, you need to delete your account. There can be many reasons for this, but the main one is the lack of attention of third-party users of the social network. If the reason for the need to delete an account lies precisely in this, then there is always a way out! For example, you can contact the promotion service for help - .

Deleting (deactivating) a Facebook account

All subscribers attracted to your group or account are real users of the social network. This method increasing the number of users is quite effective, and most importantly, completely safe. In the event that you have firmly made your decision, then today we will try to answer the question of how you can deactivate or delete a page on Facebook as accurately and informatively as possible.

And today we will try to answer the question of how to deactivate or delete facebook page.

First of all, consider the option of deactivating a page, or, in other words, temporarily deleting it. To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps:

It should be noted that the page is not deleted completely, but only temporarily deactivated. This means that in the future you have the opportunity to restore it and continue further use.

How to completely delete your page on Facebook?

If you have made the final decision regarding the deletion, then you must click on the "Delete my account" button. Within two weeks, all information from your Facebook page will be deleted and will not be available to other users.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Many users of the social network Facebook sooner or later face the problem of completely deleting pages. Today there are several available ways her solutions: you can permanently deactivate them using a browser on your computer or using the application in cell phone.

Ways to delete a page on Facebook

There are two main methods of deletion: selectively through the settings or when the account is deactivated. When choosing the second option, along with the user profile, all pages that are linked to it will be automatically deleted.

Through the menu in the settings

  1. Go to your FB profile.
  2. Go to the page you want to disable.
  3. Select "Settings" from the top menu.
  4. You will be redirected to the "General" tab, scroll down, the penultimate item will be the inscription "Delete page".
  5. Click on it, the line will expand and show the corresponding link.
  6. Click on it. After that, you will be able to restore the page within 14 days from the date of deactivation.

Close account with deleting pages

In order to deactivate the page permanently, there is alternative way, which suggests deleting the Facebook account. This method will completely erase the profile with all records, personal data. Step-by-step instruction for deactivation:

  1. In the upper right corner on the social network control panel, click the gear button.
  2. Then select "Settings".
  3. In the column on the left, click on the line "Your information on Facebook."
  4. Then click the inscription "Delete account and information", then select "Delete my account".
  5. If you decide to permanently delete your profile, you will be asked to confirm your decision by entering the password provided during registration and the code from the picture.
  6. Confirm the operation, after which a window will appear with information that within 14 days it is possible to restore the account.

It is hard to imagine modern man without social media. However, sometimes you have to give them up. For example, due to lack of time. Below we will talk about how to remove Facebook from your phone. Can it be done at all? And what will it take to bring the idea to life? If you follow the suggested instructions, you will be able to cope with the task in just a few minutes.

Chances of Success

How to remove facebook from phone? Can it be done? Each user is able to leave this popular social network at any time and in a convenient way. It doesn't matter if it's on your phone, tablet or computer. But how do you get out of Facebook?


It is worth remembering that the question under study can be divided into several parts. To answer how to permanently delete Facebook from your phone, you will have to:

  1. Delete profile data on a social network. Do not confuse this technique with temporary deactivation.
  2. Get rid of the application of the same name on a mobile device.

Only after that it will be possible to say with confidence that the user has completely got rid of the profile on Facebook.

About deactivation

From mobile platforms, a person can only deactivate their profile. Complete removal is possible only with the help of browsers or computers.

How to remove facebook from phone? To deactivate the questionnaire, you must:

  1. Open the Facebook app.
  2. Log in to the system with your username and password.
  3. Press the "Menu" button in the upper right corner of the window.
  4. Open "Account Settings".
  5. Go to the "Security" block.
  6. Click on the line "Account".
  7. Click on "Deactivate".
  8. Confirm request.

In any case, these steps will help bring this idea to life. But how to remove Facebook from your phone? What will be required for this?

Deleting a profile

As already mentioned, the Facebook mobile application does not allow you to work with deleting a profile. But this does not mean that the operation cannot be carried out from the phone.

It is enough to use any mobile browser. If you work with such software, then answering how to delete a Facebook page from your phone will be as easy as shelling pears.

It is proposed to act as follows:

  1. Open
  2. Log in to your profile.
  3. Click on the arrow in the upper right corner of the window.
  4. Go to the "Settings" submenu.
  5. Go to the "General" block.
  6. Click on the "Request account deletion" hyperlink.
  7. Indicate the reason for leaving the social network.
  8. Click on the "OK" button.
  9. Enter a password to confirm the action. It's about about a secret combination to enter the questionnaire.
  10. Type in a special window the text from the captcha.
  11. Click on the "Submit" button.

At this stage, you can relax. Almost all necessary operations are done. The main task is completed - the profile is deleted from the system. Now it's worth doing from the program of the same name.

From application

How to delete Facebook account from phone permanently? The answer to this question will no longer cause any trouble. We looked at several common methods for deactivating a profile on a social network. Now everyone can decide for himself what suits him. It is not always necessary to completely delete a profile. And then temporary deactivation will help. It is passed through mobile applications as well as with browsers.

How to permanently delete Facebook from your phone? For example, with "Android"? The application manager will help you do this. It will be difficult to do without it.

As soon as the user has the appropriate software, he will have to:

  1. Launch file manager.
  2. Go to the "Applications" section.
  3. Find Facebook there.
  4. Click on the "Delete" button.
  5. Confirm the submission of the request.

If before these actions you do not delete the profile through the entrance to the social network, then as a result of the operation, you will only get rid of the official application for Facebook. The user profile will remain untouched.

Fast Track

Similarly, you can get rid of the corresponding program on iOS. It is enough to use the application manager.

How to delete a page on Facebook from your phone? Some prefer to use accelerated deactivation.

It will require:

  1. Open the social network page in the browser.
  2. Click on the "Delete account" button.
  3. Enter the password for the profile in the selected social network.
  4. Click on the "OK" button.

That's all. From now on, it’s clear how to delete Facebook from your phone or computer. Even a schoolboy can cope with these tasks.


We figured out how you can get rid of your Facebook account. To do this is not difficult. And if you follow the instructions offered to your attention, the user will cope with the task in just a few minutes.

What is the difference between complete deletion of the profile and deactivation? In the first case, you will not be able to restore your profile on Facebook. Profile data will be permanently deleted. But a person can always re-register in the system.

Deactivation means temporarily disabling the questionnaire. In this case, each user will be able to restore access to his profile when he needs it. You just need to log in to your profile using your username and password.

Deactivation is the first thing that the social network administration recommends to users. With this method, you can easily delete a page on Facebook forever. It is enough to go to the menu of your account by clicking on the small black arrow in the upper right corner of the page. Select the "Security" item, where you need to use the "Deactivate account" option and confirm the correctness of your decision.

As soon as you complete the operation, your profile will be completely deleted from the social network, and other users will not see it either on their pages or in searches. However, "deactivation" is called so for a reason. First of all, other users will still see the dialogues they had with you. Also, you will still have the opportunity to restore the profile within 90 days from the date of the deactivation procedure. In addition, the Facebook administration reserves the right to store some information of deleted users for personal and legal purposes.

How to delete a page on Facebook without the possibility of recovery

Each user of the social network has the opportunity to delete a page on Facebook forever immediately and without having to wait for automatic uninstallation within 90 days. To do this, just write to the Facebook administration through the feedback form in the main menu and state the reason why all data must be erased immediately. For example, site representatives in such cases go towards users who are highly likely to be hacked by other persons. But you can specify other reasons, including personal ones.

Also, through the feedback form, you can ask the administration to delete the Facebook page of another user who is your relative. The profiles of users who are under 13 years of age, as well as physically or mentally handicapped people who cannot do it themselves, are immediately deleted. The same applies to persons serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty or who are on long-term medical treatment. In any of the above situations, do not forget to save all personal data from your Facebook profile to your computer in advance, as all of them will be permanently deleted without the possibility of recovery.