What is a household drainage pump? Drainage pump - device, principle of operation, features of selection and repair Submersible drainage pump for low level

For the purpose of effectively controlling the level of surface water and ensuring the pumping out of excess liquid, it is customary to use drainage pumps. One of the leaders in the world production of this equipment is the Italian concern Pedrollo. A distinctive feature of its pump is the presence of a low residual water level during pumping. Some of them demonstrate a 2-mm residual liquid level, that is, they allow it to be pumped out virtually dry.

Obtaining economic benefits from pumping equipment begins at the stage of its acquisition. According to studies conducted by the US Department of Energy Resources, over 65% of pumps are selected incorrectly. A similar situation is observed in Russia. Often purchased equipment has insufficient or excessive performance, and electric motors operate with constant underload or overload. If the pump is not selected correctly, its parameters during operation go beyond the operating characteristic zones. In this case, there is a disruption in the normal course of work processes:

  • vibration from vortex formation increases in the area of ​​the outlet tongues, as well as at the outlet of the impellers;
  • pulsations in the pressure pipes increase;
  • significant radial as well as axial forces are created;
  • fluctuations in pressure levels in the sinuses of the body increase;
  • vibration occurs and is transmitted to seals, bearings and pump shafts;
  • the equipment enters forced mode;
  • unstable operation of the seals is observed;
  • leaks occur;
  • bearing wear accelerates;
  • mechanical and hydraulic efficiency decreases;
  • electricity consumption increases.
  • On the contrary, a drainage pump that meets specific operating conditions allows you to ensure long-term trouble-free operation and minimize costs. What aspects should you consider when choosing a sump pump?

    Work Environment Characteristics

    The characteristics of the purchased pumping equipment must ideally match the operating conditions: climatic factors, temperature, physical properties and chemical activity of the pumped medium. It should be remembered that such equipment is intended for pumping out significant volumes of water, usually containing no more than 5–10% of mechanical impurities. It is recommended to install mesh filters in front of drainage pumps to prevent large particles from entering the working parts.

    The diameters of solid inclusions in the pumped medium for Pedrollo drainage pumps must not exceed:

  • for the TOP-FLOOR series - 2 mm;
  • for the TOP, TOP-GM, RX, D, DC, ZD series - 10 mm;
  • for the TOP-VORTEX series - 20 mm;
  • for the RX-VORTEX series (modifications 4/40 and 5/40) - 40 mm.
  • For all Pedrollo drainage models, the operating fluid temperature is not allowed above +40 °C. An exception is the RX-VORTEX series, the operating temperature for which can reach +50 °C.

    As for the chemical activity of the working environment, all Pedrollo drainage series are designed for pumping light, contaminated wastewater that does not have chemical aggression towards the pump construction materials.

    Thus, the objects where these pumps can be used are: flooded basements, garages, warehouses, storm drains and ponds without a thick layer of sludge, provided that the pump is fixed to a solid surface (base plate). They should not be used in construction pits with a sand-crushed stone mixture, or sewage wells with thick silt deposits, since in this case the drainage pump will clog and its thermal protection will turn on.

    Scope of use of drainage pumps

    Drainage pumping equipment is widespread. It can be used:

  • for domestic purposes (for pumping liquid from a variety of flooded objects, sewer basins, artificial reservoirs and pools, drains, ponds, pits, collectors, as well as for irrigation and for supplying clean water to fountains) - TOP, TOP-GM, TOP- series FLOOR , TOP-VORTEX , TOP-VORTEX-GM , , RX-VORTEX , RX VORTEX-GM , , , TOP MULTI ;
  • in public utilities - RX, RX-VORTEX, RX VORTEX-GM, D, DC series.
  • Emptying level

    An important characteristic of drainage pumping equipment is the level of emptying. The TOP-FLOOR series demonstrates the minimum level of emptying, in this case it is only 2 mm from the bottom.

    Other series have the following emptying levels:

  • 14 mm - TOP series (modifications TOP 1-2-3), TOP-GM, RX (modifications RX 1-2-3);
  • 15 mm - D (modifications D15-D30), DC (modifications DC 15-DC 30);
  • 21 mm - ZD;
  • 23 mm - D (modifications D8-D10-D18-D20), DC (DC8-DC 10-DC 20);
  • 25 mm - TOP-VORTEX, TOP-VORTEX-GM, RX (modifications RX4-5, RX 2/20, RX 3/20), RX VORTEX-GM;
  • 30 mm - TOP (modifications TOP 4-5), TOP MULTI;
  • 50 mm - VORTEX series (modifications RX 4/40, RX 5/40).
  • Calculation of drainage pump performance

    It is unlikely that drainage pumps will help save a facility from a serious pipeline accident or from complete flooding. For pumping out small bays, the minimum capacity is sufficient. This is available, for example, in the TOP-FLOOR series with a flow rate of up to 160 l/min, which is also capable of providing virtually dry pumping (2 mm from the bottom).

    If it is intended to equip a drainage system with a pump, then it is necessary to set the intensity of the inflow of the pumped out liquid. The method for calculating this parameter is simple.

    The volume of inflow water (To) is created from the volume of drainage water (Tdr), the volume of storm water (Td) and the volume of wastewater (Tst):

  • To = Tdr + Td + Tst
  • for sandy soil: Tdr = K x 0.008;
  • for clay soil: Tdr = K x 0.003, where K is the length of the drainage infrastructure.
  • Stormwater volumes are determined as follows: Td = U * Y * C, where

  • U is the nominal intensity of the shower;
  • Y - flow coefficient;
  • C is the size of the catchment area.
  • It is enough to accept the following parameters of the nominal intensity of the shower:

  • for flat conditions: U = 0.014;
  • for mountain conditions: U = 0.023.
  • The following consumption coefficients are accepted:

  • for roofs of houses and waterproof surfaces - 1.0;
  • for surfaces with joints containing gravel or grass - 0.8;
  • for gravel - 0.6;
  • for garden plots - 0.1.
  • The catchment area (C) refers to the areas from which runoff enters the drainage system.

    The influx of wastewater (Tst) depends on the number of people living in the house: Tst = 150 l/day for each person.

    Thus, having determined the volumes of supply water, you should select a suitable drainage pump model. In this case, its productivity must be higher than the calculated maximum value. Excess limits are limited by the throughput of pipelines.

    Consumers have the opportunity to choose Pedrollo pumps with different capacities:

  • up to 100 l/min. - TOP MULTI series;
  • up to 160 l/min. - TOP-FLOOR series;
  • up to 180 l/min. - TOP-VORTEX, TOP-VORTEX-GM, RX, VORTEX-GM series;
  • up to 260 l/min. - TOP-GM series;
  • up to 300 l/min. - RX, ZD series;
  • up to 380 l/min. - RX-VORTEX series;
  • up to 400 l/min. - TOP, D, DC series.
  • Calculation by pressure

    To calculate the minimum required pump pressure, it is necessary to determine the distance to which the water should be discharged and the height of its expected rise. The height is determined by the difference in height between the pump location and the discharge point. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the pressure loss in the process of overcoming the hydraulic resistance of the pipeline. As a rule, the value of this indicator when crossing horizontal sections of pipelines is equal to 1 meter of pressure per 10 m of pipeline (coefficient = 0.1).

    A drainage pump is a unit that is used by residents of country houses and dachas to pump out waste and groundwater that floods basements, inspection pits in garages, trenches and living quarters. The compact drainage pump allows you to quickly get rid of large volumes of water from various artificial and natural reservoirs. Below we will consider the design of the unit, the features of its selection and self-repair.

    Drainage pump design - device design

    One of the main advantages of a sump pump is its simplicity of design. The unit for pumping water from a well consists of a housing, an electric motor and a pump unit. The last element is responsible for the uninterrupted supply and pumping of liquid. Blades or an impeller are installed on the pump shaft. The shaft is fixed in the bearing units of the device.

    The motor design includes a rotor and a stator, and the design of the pump unit includes a suction pipe and a discharge pipe. The automatic control unit consists of an overheat protection relay, a thermostat and a circuit breaker.

    The blades of the device are made of durable technical polymer that is resistant to corrosion and mechanical damage. Some modern dirty water models are equipped with steel blades, which are more durable than polymer parts.

    All pump parts are housed in a durable metal casing. The body of the submersible drainage unit is made of stainless steel, and the body of the surface unit is made of cast iron or composite alloys.

    Operating principle of the drainage pump

    The drain pump works on a very simple principle. Immediately after connecting the unit to the electrical network, the engine starts, which drives the shaft with blades. Water under high pressure enters the device through the suction pipe, after which the blades act on it. The latter pushes the liquid through the pump unit into the discharge pipe. From there, the water is pushed into the outlet pipe.

    For the pump to operate more efficiently, the water must contain a minimum of solid particles. The unit can be used for sewage in a private house only if the diameter of the fractions in the water composition does not exceed 1.2 cm.

    The immersion depth of the drainage device is also of great importance. In practice, the shallower the depth, the better, because in extreme cases it will be easier to pull out the equipment and fix the problem in a timely manner.

    Drainage and fecal units are quite similar to each other, both in design and operating principle. However, there are a number of differences between them.

    The main difference between a drainage pump and a fecal pump is the size of the particles that can get inside the device. Most drainage devices are designed for clean water with fractions whose size should not exceed 1.2 cm.

    Fecal units can be used for contaminated water that contains solid fractions with a diameter of more than 10 cm. A more powerful fecal pump for industrial needs is capable of absorbing particles with a diameter of more than 12 cm.

    The second difference lies in the sources for which both types of equipment can be used. Drainage units are intended for the basement, for barrels and other tanks in which more or less clean water accumulates. Often such units are used for a swimming pool located outdoors. Fecal appliances are used only for cleaning cesspools with large amounts of sand, lime and debris.

    Drainage pump - how to choose a suitable unit?

    When choosing a drainage pump for a summer house or private home, you should adhere to certain criteria. Among the most important factors it is necessary to highlight:

    • Operating conditions of the device - when purchasing, you need to remember that the efficiency and duration of operation of the drainage pump depends on the degree of water contamination. Dirt, lime and sand can quickly damage even the most powerful household units;
    • The pressure created by the device - when calculating, you need to remember that one vertical meter is equal to 10 horizontal meters. If the depth of the basement or inspection hole is more than 5 meters, then the pump pressure according to the passport should be approximately 45–50 m;
    • Dimensions and noise level during operation - for pumping water out of a small basement, a small pump is best. The mini unit operates quietly, is reliable, easy to connect and durable;
    • Availability of protection against dry running - experts advise buying equipment with a built-in float. With the necessary automation, it is better to choose units equipped with a water flow relay and with a vertical switch;
    • Pump drive - when buying a manual device, you should remember that pumping out water with it will take a lot of time and effort. Units with electric motors will be better and easier to operate. With high performance, they consume a minimum of electricity and are easy to install, operate and maintain.

    The listed factors will help you determine the appropriate option for use in your home and household, and not overpay for it.

    The drainage pump hums, but does not pump water - determine and fix the problem

    One of the most common sump pump problems is that the unit does not pump water but continues to hum. Among the most common causes of this malfunction are:

    • The water level in the source is too low;
    • Short circuit of the motor in the area between the turns;
    • Mechanical failure;
    • Air valve failure.

    Each drainage pump is installed only under water - this is a prerequisite for the operation of equipment of this type. To protect the device from running dry, it is equipped with a built-in float that automatically turns off the device if the required amount of liquid is not available.

    This function is made possible by a ball located inside the float switch. As soon as there is less water, the ball changes position, opening the contacts in the electrical circuit of the device. Sometimes the pump does not work, but continues to hum due to a change in the cavitation mode. The latter is formed if the unit has excess power, which is why the liquid does not always have time to seep through the blades on the impeller. In this case, the device must be lowered a couple of meters deeper.

    Another cause of failure is an interturn short circuit. This is easy to find out by starting the engine - if it starts to hum and the pump cable gets warm, then the reason lies in the short circuit. This problem arises in connection with the operation of the unit on “dry running”, since the motor is cooled precisely due to contact with the pumped water. If the motor overheats, this causes a breakdown in the integrity of the insulation of its internal winding.

    Mechanical failure may occur while the motor is running. For example, damage to the impeller blades causes the unit to hum but not pump out water. To check the pump, you need to disconnect it from the power supply and remove it from the water source. Next, you need to try to rotate the impeller - if it does not rotate, then you will need to disassemble the unit.

    Some drainage pumps are equipped with additional valves to release air. The ball placed in the valve sometimes gets stuck if the pumping water is too dirty. The sticking of this ball makes it difficult for air to escape, causing the engine to start idling. To eliminate the malfunction, you need to immerse the unit in clean water and let it work in such an environment for about half an hour.

    Often, when starting the pump, the circuit breaker may turn off, which leads to the melting of the cable supplying the unit. This situation occurs due to the shaft jamming between the bearings or when the motor overheats. In this case, you will smell a strong smell of burnt wiring.

    Another reason for the breakdown lies in a clogged filter. As a result, the pressure of the liquid that enters the hose drops sharply. It is quite simple to identify this problem - in this case, the pump will hum and get very hot. To solve the problem yourself, you need to dismantle the filter, clean or replace it. You will also need to check all connections for leaks. If necessary, the joints will need to be treated with a special sealant and FUM tape.

    Reading time: 8 minutes.

    Drainage pumps are an indispensable device in a suburban garden. With the help of such a device, water is pumped out from utility rooms and basements, drainage is pumped out, and contaminated pools and reservoirs are drained. The ability to pump mechanical impurities with water further expands the scope of application of the drainage pump.

    A high variety of models and design solutions allows you to choose an electric pump exactly according to the parameters of the intended work. At the same time, the reliable design and durable materials ensure the performance and longevity of the device.

    Types of drainage pumps

    In terms of design and method of application, there are several types of drainage pumps for pumping out water. The main distribution is carried out according to the method of placement relative to the source of liquid. There are two options here:

    • surface drainage pump;
    • submersible drainage pump.

    Surface Models

    A surface pump, as the name suggests, is installed near a reservoir that is planned to be drained. Liquid suction occurs through a flexible hose that is lowered into the tank. As a rule, such a device is designed for pumping liquids with a low content of silt or abrasive.

    The body of surface models is made mainly of a plastic composition. The motor part is made of stainless steel. Household drainage pumps of this type, unlike submersible ones, are equipped with a motor sensitive to external moisture. In addition, the insulation of such a unit is not enough to protect the device. Therefore, it is installed in dry places.

    Liquid is removed from the device using a discharge hose. If necessary, the switch for surface drainage pumps is equipped with special automation that responds to the liquid level in the source. If the water rises beyond this level, the power is immediately turned off.

    Surface devices are also used for irrigation from open sources. For this purpose, models are sold with a receiver (or standard versions are equipped with it), and the outlet pipe is supplemented with a diffuser. The receiver in this case is responsible for an even supply of water.

    The main advantage of this type of device is high mobility and easy dismantling. If necessary, the device can be easily moved to a new location.

    Submersible options

    Household drainage pumps are used after preliminary immersion in the thickness of the liquid. This water pump differs from surface models in its higher level of insulation of the engine compartment and vertical orientation during operation.

    Submersible drainage pumps draw water from a reservoir through holes in the lower surface of the housing. A mesh filter installed above the holes is responsible for protecting against the entry of large stones and long-fiber fractions. A separate segment is a pump with a cutting mechanism, in which a chopper consisting of two metal plates is also located on top of the holes.

    To ensure autonomous operation of the device, a plastic float is often installed on it, connected to a switch. Such equipment allows you to reduce the minimum water level at which the device operates to 5-10 mm. After this, the pump automatically turns off. Restart occurs when the liquid level rises to the specified level.

    Such water pumps are used not only for draining domestic reservoirs and tanks, but also for work on construction sites, in the oil, chemical, and technical industries.

    Design and principle of operation of drainage devices

    Both the submersible apparatus and surface drainage pumps for clean water have the same design. The operating principle of the drainage pump is centrifugal. Therefore, the basis of this design is a centrifugal disk with curved blades. Some models are equipped with a multi-stage impeller, which includes several sequential disks.

    The impeller rotates due to the transmission of rotation from the electric motor to the wheel drive. The shaft is responsible for transmitting rotation. The place where the shaft passes between the engine and pump compartment is sealed with a graphite or ceramic gasket. This is necessary to prevent water from entering the electrical part.

    After immersion in water, when the device is turned on, the blades begin to accelerate the water flows in a circle, giving them acceleration and moving them towards the inner walls of the chamber. When sufficient speed is reached, the blades push the water out of the outlet pipe. The distance from the edge of the blades to the walls of the housing allows the passage of large particles up to 5 mm.

    The design and quality of the material from which standard water drainage pumps are made allow pumping waste with a maximum temperature of 50 degrees.

    Specialized models are designed to work with higher temperatures.

    How to choose the right drainage device?

    The choice of drainage pump is based on a number of parameters, the calculation of which will allow you to select the most efficient model. These parameters include:

    1. The degree of pollution of the reservoir. For example, for draining a basement from wastewater that contains a low level of impurities, the Belamos DWP 250 device, designed to work with fractions up to 15 mm, is suitable. If you plan to use the device on a construction site, the Patriot f 900 drainage pump, with a throughput capacity of up to 35 mm, deserves attention. For particularly contaminated liquids or for topaz, it is better to use ones equipped with a cutting element.
    2. Power and calculation of the required pressure. This characteristic comes from the depth of the source. It should be remembered that every meter of upward movement of liquid corresponds to 10 meters of horizontal transportation. It is this ratio that allows you to achieve maximum pressure. So for a well, the best option would be to use a drainage pump DN 550N. To pump water from a shallow basement, it will be more economical and efficient to use the Metabo tp 6600 device.
    3. Selection of the required type of device based on the intended location. In this regard, attention should also be paid to the reservoir. If you plan to drain a pond or pool, the submersible version of Patriot devices (Patriot f 400, Patriot f 900) is suitable. If you have to work with a well, it is better to take the surface option. Such a pump will stand in a caisson at the head of the well. Acceptable options are Gardena devices (3500/4 Classic, 4000/5 Comfort).

    Certain models of drainage devices are designed for pumping out condensate from a split air conditioning system. Specialized stores sell such devices. A popular model in terms of performance and efficiency is the Orange mini device.

    Among the popular models, the Ukrainian-made Dnipro M drainage pump also stands out. In terms of characteristics of the Dnipro drainage pump, high pressure parameters stand out - 16 m, and productivity - up to 8000 l/hour.

    For summer cottages, the sub 257 p device from the Unipamp company is in demand. This model supplies liquid at 6 m3, and the productivity is 4.8 cubic meters. m/hour. Despite the high performance, the device is very economical in price.

    Nuances of choosing drainage pumps (video)

    Features of installing drainage devices

    Installation of a drainage device consists of several simple steps that will allow you to get the maximum result from the purchased device. This includes:

    How to install a drainage pump on the surface? In this case, a special recess or caisson is installed near the entrance to the well or other reservoir. The height of such a pit is at least 1.5 m. The bottom is carefully leveled; for more comfortable working conditions, it can be filled with concrete. If necessary, such a structure can be used in the future for water supply stations and water pumps. In the case of a stationary placement, it is better to cover the top of the pit to prevent precipitation from entering.

    When the pumping device is located in the basement, it is advisable to place it in close proximity to the walls of the room. The minimum distance from the outer surface of the walls to the outlet point must be at least 3 m. Installing the device near the wall will allow water to be supplied over such a distance.

    Drainage pumps pump out water for us from pits, low-yield wells, basements, reservoirs for irrigation and cleaning areas. In a suburban area, they have a lot of important functions that drainers can handle only with proper selection. Agree, there is little benefit from a device that is not used due to technical limitations.

    We tell site readers in detail how to choose a drainage pump. Let's figure out what variety is needed to do a certain job. Here you will learn all the subtleties and technical criteria according to which the appropriate drainage pump model is determined.

    The article presented for your review lists all the factors that ensure an error-free choice. Popular drainage pumps, the quality of which has been tested in practice, are given as an example and described in detail. The informative content of the text is complemented by photo and video applications.

    Initially, these devices were created to pump water out of basements flooded with water. Later the scope of use expanded. Modern models are designed for pumping lightly contaminated liquids from pits, wells, pools, pumping and cleaning wells.

    In addition, they are used in production and included in the technological process. Most devices are capable of pumping liquids with impurities measuring about 10 mm.

    Drainage pumps are specific equipment designed for a fairly narrow range of work. Using it for other purposes is not recommended. Despite the fact that drainers are used in mine wells, they are not intended for permanent work in them.

    The devices cannot work as a fecal pump, although some “craftsmen” are trying to replace them.

    Drainage pumps are designed for pumping and pumping clean or slightly contaminated liquids; they can be used for draining small ponds, pumping and cleaning wells

    Drainage equipment can only work with lightly contaminated liquids. The amount of solid impurities, depending on the type of apparatus, varies from 3 to 40 mm.

    Most often, the purchase of such specific equipment as a drainage pump is associated with the urgent problem of pumping water, for example, from a basement or on a suburban area. In the best case, a suitable drainage unit can be rented from friends or neighbors; in the worst case, the pump is bought “by ear,” on the advice of product sellers or from superficial information available on the Internet. Often, a “drainer” is purchased in a hurry, based on immediate tasks and cash, although one could show a little patience and buy a truly universal and useful unit.

    What kind of “beast” is this and why are drainage pumps needed?

    From the name itself, an electric pump for drainage work, it is clear that this is a device that allows you to relatively quickly remove or pump out water or liquid from holes, ditches, gutters, any basement or basement premises, wells, pits and simply containers for collecting water.

    But in practice, you can use a drainage pump to solve a wider range of problems:

    • Very suitable for watering and irrigation systems, beds, lawns, any vegetation on the site where the power and water pressure of a fire hydrant is not required. In this case, drainage pumps for sewage successfully use rainwater collected in a storage tank;
    • Can be used for technological pumping of water from a holding tank at a car wash, for cleaning and washing asphalt or concrete paths around the house;
    • Suitable for sewerage in a private home, washing and disinfecting objects such as sewerage systems, communications and septic tanks;
    • Using a drainage pump, you can easily fill and pump out water from the pool, wash it, and even put out a small fire.

    Important! In design and purpose, a drainage pump for sewage is not a copy of a fecal pump; there are small differences between these two units that fundamentally affect their functions and performance in certain environments.

    How the drainage pump works and how it works

    Both units, a submersible drainage pump and a fecal pump unit, are built according to a scheme using a centrifugal blade wheel mounted on an electric motor shaft. The principle of centrifugal spinning of the liquid in the housing allows the design to dispense with valves, which makes it possible to work even with dirty water and large amounts of sand. An attempt to use a conventional submersible pump in this case will very quickly lead to “burnout” of the valve system and failure of the entire unit.

    An electric drive with a power cord is packaged in a sealed case with an external protective casing made of plastic, stainless steel or even cast iron.

    The main difference between devices for drainage work and pumping fecal water or masses is the design of the centrifugal wheel, the shape and location of the blades, and the configuration of the volute of the pumping unit.

    Important! A sewage pump is always inferior to a drainage unit in terms of pressure, efficiency and performance. But at the same time, it is more versatile and less demanding of working conditions.

    Such a device will be able to pump out water contaminated with clay, plant debris, dense and viscous nodules without damaging the impeller of the unit. Some drainage pump models can work with dirty water containing a suspension of sand or silt, but up to certain concentrations.

    In both cases, drainage and fecal pumping units are designed in the form of vertical buildings with sheathing at the bottom of the device. The unit is immersed on a hanging cable or cord into the liquid to a certain depth and fixed. There is a pipe in the top or side wall of the pump unit for connecting the outlet hose. The pumping device is controlled using float sensors or internal liquid level sensors.

    What to look for when choosing a sump pump

    There are a large number of models of drainage pumps. Sometimes drainage systems include surface centrifugal pumps, to which you can connect a pipe or rigid plastic suction hose immersed in the pumped liquid. Such models are not airtight and are not intended to be immersed in water or waste liquids. They are less versatile, but still have great power and performance. Such designs are usually used for stationary drainage systems, performing constant pumping of water from relatively uncontaminated and clean containers.

    Selecting drain pump parameters

    Before choosing a specific sump pump model, you need to answer a few basic questions. But the main condition is to decide why and for what purposes you plan to purchase a pumping unit. Based on this, you can focus on the following pump characteristics:

    1. Immersion depth of the pump unit. This is the first of the main criteria. It determines the maximum depth from which water can be pumped out and released onto the site or beyond. If the length of the horizontal section of the outlet hose is more than 5 m, the maximum working depth will have to be reduced based on the following proportions: for every ten horizontal meters of laid hose, the maximum working depth should be reduced by one meter;
    2. Quality of body materials, waterproofing, protective coating of metal parts, power cord, suspension system, float mechanism, sealing rubber bushings and couplings;
    3. The presence of protective devices, for example, a thermal relay or load sensor. It is advisable to choose a drainage pump that automatically turns the engine on and off when a certain liquid level is reached. Almost all models are equipped with a float sensor, which allows the unit to turn on when the water level rises above critical;
    4. Unit performance. This is an important indicator, but most often it is the last thing people pay attention to, unless, of course, you need to pump out several dozen cubic meters of water daily. In addition, the pump performance significantly depends on the immersion depth, so it is chosen with a margin of 30-40%.

    Important! Manufacturers actually deceive buyers of drainage pumps by indicating both the maximum depth and maximum performance. In fact, the declared productivity, for example, 5 cubic meters per hour according to the passport, is achieved only on the surface. At a maximum depth of 5 meters, the productivity of the pumping unit will be a maximum of several hundred liters per hour.

    In addition to the listed criteria, when choosing, pay attention to the weight of the drainage pump and the housing material. Firstly, the large weight of the unit sharply reduces the ease of working with it, and secondly, there are often cases when, when lifting a pumping device after pumping out water, it was dropped onto a solid base from a decent height of several meters. Aluminum and cast iron casings were cracked, thin-walled steel ones were deformed, plastic ones got off with light scratches. But in an abrasive environment, with a large amount of small crushed stone, slag, and sand, a cast iron body has the best resistance.

    If you need to pump water out of a container or well with a space cluttered with branches and debris, pay attention to a drainage pump without a float with an electronic water level sensor. But first study the instructions and characteristics of the selected model. For normal operation of such a unit, it is necessary to correctly manually adjust the sensor that will control the operation of the pump. In some cases, the manufacturer abandons the float system altogether, providing the ability to control the operation of the motor manually.

    Most units operate freely on water with microparticles up to 0-3 mm; in some cases, models can be modified to increase the linear size of microparticles to 10 mm, but their content should not exceed 10%.

    Features of drainage pumps

    Each drainage pump model has its own specifics, advantages and disadvantages.

    For example, the minimum depth from which a drainage pump is able to pump out water. Usually, such problems are much more difficult to solve than pumping water from a well when the water level is several tens or hundreds of centimeters high. Most often, this situation occurs when the basement or yard is flooded, in early spring or after a month's rainfall has fallen. Typically, the minimum water level from which a “drainer” can collect water, for example, from the cement floor of a basement, is 5 cm; drainage units for dirty water and fecal pumps can operate from layers from 7-8 cm. But some models of the Danish company Grundfos » able to work with a layer of clean water up to 1 cm.

    Maximum immersion depth of the unit. Oddly enough, high pressure only improves the operating conditions of the pump. When water is removed in the form of a thin layer of liquid, part-load operation may occur, which threatens to overheat the motor, whereas at depth such a problem does not arise. It is clear that models with a steel body are cooled much better than plastic options. On average, drainage pumps are designed for a depth of 5 meters, but there are many models for depths of 8-10 meters or more.

    Material of the impeller and volute of a centrifugal pump. Most often, these parts are made of wear-resistant plastic or chromed aluminum. For sump pumps designed to handle high abrasive water, ceramic or cast iron parts may be used. Such units are repaired in the same way in all models - by replacing or installing a repair kit.

    Special options for drainage pumps. To work with acidic or aggressive media, special pumps are used, in which the flow part is made of cast iron or special grades of bronze. If the pump is designed to operate with hot liquids, most of the electric motor parts, gaskets, bushings and cuffs are made of silicone rubber or heat-resistant rubber. In addition, special protection for the power cord and additional cooling of the motor are used.


    According to marketers, most people who have tried a drainage pump at least once in their work subsequently purchase one of the samples they like for their household needs. Pumps are not cheap, but thanks to their high versatility, drainage units are gradually moving from the category of a curiosity to the category of an essential tool.