How to set up a gym in a private home. We make gym equipment with our own hands

Almost every person would like to make a home gym with their own hands. There are many reasons for this: from simple laziness to drag yourself to training in bad weather to saving money. But, before making this dream come true, you need to take into account many technical nuances so that playing sports is not only productive, but also enjoyable.

From this article you will learn how to equip a gym at home so that it is as functional, comfortable as possible and will serve you for many years.

Pros and cons of a home gym

Having your own “corner” for sports training at home or a specially designated room for this is already an undeniable plus.

There are many more advantages:

  • You can do the exercises slowly - no one will “stand over your soul” and ask you to free the exercise machine;
  • Don't be shy about trying new techniques;
  • You can study to your favorite music, and no one will ask you to turn it off;
  • You choose your own training time;
  • Everything is absolutely free. You only need to make a one-time investment that will quickly pay off.

But a home gym also has some disadvantages:

  • Small area compared to professional fitness centers;
  • You will have to practice on your own and, possibly, alone without backup, so the lack of an experienced trainer can lead to improper execution of exercises or injuries;
  • The most common drawback is laziness. At home it is much more difficult to motivate yourself to exercise regularly.

Choosing a location for a home gym

A gym at home with a minimum set of equipment can be created in a small apartment. In this case, an area of ​​2 square meters will be enough. It is best to allocate part of the bedroom for such a sports corner. But it will be more convenient for people living in private houses, because the most optimal solution would be to use an insulated veranda or attic. Any other well-ventilated room with windows will do. Agree that it is much more comfortable to study in a bright room than in a darkened basement.

Another important factor is the optimal area. According to sanitary and design standards, it is recommended to allocate at least 8 square meters for a training room. If you do not have such space, then you need to carefully consider what kind of exercise equipment you want and how to place them as correctly as possible. The free space must be planned so that between permanently installed equipment there is enough space for free sweeping movements, as well as for evacuation in case of possible emergencies or injuries.

Designing a room for a gym

To have a clear idea of ​​how to arrange sports equipment, you need to sketch out on paper a schematic plan of all the details that can have a direct impact on the arrangement:

  • We mark window and door openings. This is necessary so that when opening doors or windows, people involved do not get injured. You can also replace the structures with similar sliding ones - this will also save space;
  • We mark lighting fixtures and sockets. The lamps should be located on top and emit white light, similar to daylight. Exercise machines powered by electricity should be placed as close to electrical outlets as possible to avoid the use of extension cords that could cause tripping and injury;
  • In a poorly ventilated room, it is necessary to have ventilation, because during training, sweat will be released and condensation will accumulate. The simplest solution would be to install a regular fan. A more expensive option is a climate system;

  • If space allows, it would not hurt to allocate a separate relaxation area with a bench or sofa;
  • It is also necessary to put a table for drinks and various small items (keys, mobile phones), place a clock in a visible place or hang it on the wall, make several hooks or hangers for clothes;
  • In order to be able to watch educational videos or listen to your favorite music during classes, you need to install a TV with a built-in DVD player or USB port.

Choosing wall decoration for a home gym

It makes no sense to radically remodel the room allocated for the gym, but only need to slightly re-equip it, creating the most comfortable atmosphere for training. The selected finishing material for walls must be highly permeable and not retain foreign odors, so artificial products such as tiles, porcelain tiles or plastic are definitely not suitable. The easiest way would be to plaster the wall or wallpaper it. You can also use cork panels or natural lining.

It is better to decorate the interior in calm neutral colors. According to psychologists, the following shades are suitable for men:

  • White;
  • Blue;
  • Light grey;
  • Pastel.

Girls will be motivated to work on their figure by light, dim colors:

  • Peach;
  • Orange;
  • Yellow.

You should not use a green tint, as it does not stimulate performance.

You can make one wall completely mirrored. This will help you monitor yourself during the training process and develop the correct technique for doing the exercises.

Finishing the floor for the gym at home

Flooring for a home gym is perhaps the most important element, because during training the noise level is quite high. If you organize a fitness club in a separate private house without neighbors and in a room located on the ground floor or in the basement, problems with sound insulation fade into the background. The main criterion in this case is the wear resistance of the coating. The best choice would be a floating screed. Due to the presence of a gap, it does not transmit noise and sound vibrations to the surrounding space.

Home gym floors can be made from the following materials:

  • Rubber coating in the form of tiles or in rolls;
  • Carpet - a thickened base of the material is ideal for performing exercises in a lying or sitting position;
  • Cork has good soundproofing properties and springiness.

Also suitable:

  • Laminate;
  • Vinyl tiles;
  • Linoleum.

But before laying the flooring from these materials, it is necessary to make a thick rubber underlay.

If you place a gym on a loggia, you should definitely think about insulating the floor so that classes are comfortable, especially during the cold periods of the year. Infrared heating systems are best suited for this.

Home gym equipment

Inventory should be selected based on many parameters:

  • Room area;
  • Availability of funds;
  • Gender of people exercising;
  • Goals you want to achieve during your training.

For example, for a girl watching her figure, the following would be suitable:

  • Cardio machine (treadmill or exercise bike);
  • A pair of light weight dumbbells;
  • Jump rope.

Suitable for men:

  • Punching bag;
  • Strength multifunctional machines or a barbell with several plates and dumbbells;
  • Bars;
  • Horizontal bar.

When creating a home gym for the whole family, you can include the following equipment:

  • Fitballs;
  • A complex of wall bars, rings and rope;
  • Hoops.

If you have large spaces, you can even install a billiard or tennis table. You can make some equipment for your personal gym with your own hands. We wrote about this. It all depends only on your imagination and financial capabilities. To clearly understand how best to plan the available space, look at photos of home gyms on the Internet and, based on them, come up with your own interior according to your own preferences.

Video: Basics of creating a gym at home

The content of the article:

For almost any person who decides to start leading a healthy lifestyle, creating a home gym is a necessity. Now we will not talk about the reasons for its construction, because the technical nuances, of which there can be many, are much more important. This is a very relevant and important question that cannot be left unanswered. Undoubtedly. This is true if you don’t just want to know how to make a gym at home, but make it as comfortable as possible. Such a venue will serve you faithfully for many years.

Benefits of a home gym

The human body needs moderate physical activity. Jogging, swimming and training in the gym can be an excellent way to maintain tone. Outdoor activities are the most beneficial for health, but due to poor environmental conditions, they are not always effective.

If there is a park near your house, we recommend jogging there. If this is not possible, then you can equip a gym at home. Not every person today has free financial resources that can be spent on purchasing a subscription to a fitness center.

By equipping even a small room in your apartment, you can save money. Of course, some investment is necessary, but in the long run it will pay off. In addition, you should remember about the opportunity to save free time, because you don’t have to go anywhere.

Architectural solutions for a home gym

If you are interested in the question of how to make a gym at home, then you probably want to make it so that you can also get aesthetic pleasure in it. Today, anyone can create a gym in their apartment and for this you will need about two square meters.

According to the recommendations of experts, the hall should be located in the active sectors of the building, which will allow receiving additional energy. If you live in a multi-storey building, then you can allocate part of the bedroom for the living room. Residents of modern apartments have much more opportunities, because thanks to the fairly large area of ​​​​the premises, problems with the equipment of the training room practically do not arise.

The luckiest people are those who already have or are building a private home. If the construction process has not yet been completed, then you can prepare everything in advance for equipping the hall. Otherwise some changes may be required. However, the fact that there will be no problems with a place to create a hall is undeniable.

If your private house has several floors, then the first floor will be the best choice for the hall. Those people who live in high-rise buildings should not despair. Below we will talk about how to make a gym at home and in particular we will talk about soundproofing. First of all, you must really want to play sports, and in this case no obstacles will stop you.

How to choose the right place for a gym at home?

Most often, the first question that appears after making a decision to create a hall is - where? The best option, of course, would be the veranda or attic of a country house. When choosing a location for a gym, the main factor is the ventilation of the room and the presence of a sufficient number of windows.

Do not underestimate the importance of such a building element as windows. Thanks to their presence, you will not only be able to ventilate the room well, but will also create an excellent atmosphere that can stimulate your desire to exercise. As an example, mentally compare a semi-basement room with a bright room. It is quite obvious that in the second case the desire to engage will increase significantly.

The area of ​​the room is also important. According to sanitary standards, a room of at least eight square meters is required to set up a gym. It is clear that no one will check your gym for compliance with these standards, but comfort for training is of great importance. If you do not have the opportunity to allocate sufficient space for the hall, then you should not be upset. You will only have to think in more detail about the location of sports equipment and will probably have to reduce the number of exercise machines.

Drawing up a plan for upcoming work

When you have decided on a place to create a space for sports, you need to move on to design. Speaking about how to make a gym at home, you should pay enough attention to the creation of the project. We recommend that you draw up a plan of your premises and schematically indicate on it all the details that may in the future affect the location of sports equipment and equipment. There are often things that come up during this stage of building your room, and you'll need to make changes to your plan as you go.

Draw window and door openings on the floor plan. This step will allow you to avoid injuries when visitors open doors and position the mirrors correctly. If you need to save space, we recommend installing sliding doors.
You should also note the location of all sockets and lighting fixtures. If you are planning to do renovations in this room, then you should install sockets in advance in the places where the sports equipment will be located. This will avoid future confusion with extension cords and wires. In addition, remember two rules for lighting the gym:

  • Only overhead lighting is used.
  • The light should be white and match the daylight spectrum as much as possible.
It is very important to create good ventilation in the gym. During intense workouts, profuse sweating occurs, and without ventilation, all unpleasant odors will settle on the surface of objects and walls. As a result, the atmosphere in the room will become unpleasant not only for visitors, but also for yourself. We recommend installing at least a fan, and the ideal choice would be a climate system.

Don’t forget about the relaxation area, for which a sofa or bench is suitable, where you can relax calmly. If the space of the room allows, you can install a table for drinks and a TV. You can also think about separating the seating area with a bar counter.

Home gym wall decoration

If the room allocated for the hall is small, then it makes no sense to completely remodel it. It is quite enough to use what you already have and carry out an easy modernization. When choosing materials for wall decoration, you should focus on those properties that will create the most favorable conditions for classes. When we talk about how to make a gym at home, the materials you use, first of all, should be free to pass through and not absorb all odors.

As a rule, natural materials have such properties. We do not recommend using porcelain stoneware, plastic or tiles. It is best to wallpaper or plaster the wall. As we said above, choose only those wallpapers that can easily transmit odors. In addition, it is worth using calm colors, but not green, as it does not contribute to increased performance.

Psychologists are confident that the best choice for men will be light gray, blue, pastel or white. Girls are more stimulated to play sports by not very bright orange, yellow or peach colors. As we have already said, natural materials are well suited for the gym, for example, lining, which has almost ideal throughput.

One wall in your gym should definitely be mirrored. This will help you increase your motivation. However, it should be recognized that this option is not suitable for people with various complexes. For example, a woman with curvaceous figures may not feel comfortable if a girl with an athletic build is working out next to her. At the same time, mirrors in the gym are necessary to control the technique of performing movements.

Choosing flooring

If you want to know how to make a gym at home, then you need to approach the choice of flooring extremely responsibly. This is perhaps the most important element of a room equipped for sports. This is due to the fact that during training the noise load is quite high.

If your room is located on the ground floor, then no problems will arise and you don’t have to think about sound insulation issues. In this situation, the main issue will be the wear resistance of the coating. At the same time, we do not recommend using porcelain stoneware and clinker. The best flooring option for a gym, in our opinion, is a floating screed. Thanks to the gap, it is not capable of transmitting sound vibrations and does an excellent job of noise reduction.

Here are three materials that are well suited for the hall:

  • Carpet - use material with a thick base. It is an excellent choice for a gym where classes are often carried out in a sitting or lying position.
  • Cork wood - has excellent soundproofing properties and has good springiness.
  • Rubber coating - sold in the form of tiles or in rolls.
In addition to the materials listed above, you can use linoleum, vinyl tiles or laminate. Also remember that before laying the flooring you should lay the rubber underlay as thick as possible.

Find out more about your home gym here:

Like every modern person, we know that systematic exercise is the key to health, a good figure and excellent well-being. More and more often we see new advertising signs that dozens of new fitness centers and other health-improving establishments are opening, but often we, people who work and live at a crazy pace, do not have enough time to regularly visit such establishments.

Of course, exercising occasionally is better than nothing at all, but for visible results you need to practice regularly.

Many may have noticed that rather unusual but effective innovations in Western countries have a beneficial effect on people's lives. One of them is equipment for a gym at home.

However, you can do without this and just buy barbell And several pancakes, as well as dumbbells. Everything will depend on your preferences, goals and finances.

Be that as it may, it would be nice to buy at least one mat.

If the size of the hall allows, then you can install tennis or even a pool table, and place it on the wall basketball basket.

True, in such a gym you will have to separate everything into zones, but the bar counter, which we talked about earlier, will help with this.

What to do if there is no separate room for a gym at home?

I can select a small sports corner in the living room or bedroom, if the size allows.

For a mini gym, you can combine the room and. Be that as it may, try to make the sports corner closer to

Graphic stickers to keep you focused! Kanvi Homes

Take inspiration from your sports memorabilia! Sara Hopkins

Poster ensures you won't put off until next year Instyle Interiors

A collage of images or even a Buddha will keep your inner peace at a high level.

Pittsburgh Steelers uniform from the 1970s

Stunning MuralsWow Effects – Murals and Fine Art

Wall collage for motivation L.I.N.E.S Interiors

Buddha StatuesKollin Altomare Architects

Gray steel color

Speaking of walls, there is no universal rule for choosing colors. Not only black and gray colors can be used to decorate a gym. Crisp green, fuzzy yellow, passionate red or invigorating orange - the choice is up to you.

Colorful floor adds variety

Exposed brick wall O"Neal Interior Design

Get it right so you can reap the benefits over time.

Use the colors of your favorite sports team Distinctive Designs By Janelle

Cedar with rubber floor Atmosphere 360 ​​Studio

A Touch of Natural Kindness Celebrity Communities

It's hard to find a calmer look Curt Hofer & Associates

Use some Capstone Dwellings, Design-Build paint

A few more ideas for creating a home gym are presented in the video below.

Everyone wants to stay fit and look good. The difficulty is that it is not always possible to get to the gym.

There may be several reasons for this: firstly, often a subscription to a good gym can cost quite a lot and, not that it greatly affects the family budget, but, most likely, it’s just a pity to spend this amount on an event that you probably you will systematically miss it. Secondly, in today’s overly busy reality, there is not always enough time for such a seemingly simple thing as going to the gym. Well, thirdly, to be honest, often the main obstacle to going to the gym is basic human laziness. You have to find the strength in yourself and force yourself to get dressed, pack a bag with sneakers, get to the gym, and then work out there for at least an hour!

But, strictly speaking, it is absolutely not necessary to waste your time and energy traveling across the city to the gym. And most importantly, you don’t even have to spend money on classes there. It is absolutely possible to set up a simple, albeit slightly primitive, but no less effective gym right at home. Besides, you don’t even need a lot of space for this adventure. A one-room apartment, densely packed with furniture, is quite suitable. Here's what you need to create a gym at home:

1. Clear the area

Although you don’t need a lot of space, you still need space. Therefore, get ready for a small rearrangement in order to create the most comfortable conditions. Believe me, such sacrifices will fully compensate for all the costs of finance, effort and time that you will save. First, you need to clear a small island on the floor, on which you can easily sit, stretching out to your full height. Move the bed against the wall, the chair under the window, and put the books scattered on the floor on the shelves where they belong. In general, do everything to ensure that you have enough space on the floor. Turn your desktop, or just the computer that sits on it, so that it can be clearly seen from the area you just cleared (this is very important).

2. Used treadmill

Strictly speaking, this is completely unnecessary and not so important, but if space allows, and you have a desire to run without leaving home, then why not. Moreover, if you suddenly hear that someone you know wants to get rid of their treadmill in good condition, then it would be a sin not to take advantage of the opportunity (if space allows, of course). This machine, no matter what it is, provides the necessary cardio challenge, so it's worth considering the pros and cons before dismissing the idea outright. If you are confused by the fact that you also need to buy it, then, firstly, remember that it is used, and therefore does not cost as much as a new one, and secondly, it will obviously be cheaper than gym membership. By the way, a treadmill can be replaced with an exercise bike, which is also not bad.


But this is more important than a treadmill, and the discs don’t take up as much space. Many will not be able to come up with exercises on their own, especially since they need to be selected wisely. If you get a couple of DVDs with a good selection of cardio exercises, you get a free instructor, who you just need to repeat and follow the comments clearly. Nowadays you can find anything on DVD: aerobics, step aerobics, Pilates, cardio exercises, exercises exclusively for the abs, yoga, etc. Choose the ones you need most. You can buy different ones and diversify your daily sports activities. The plus is that it will cost even less than a treadmill, and even more so, cheaper than a gym membership.

4. YouTube

But it will be even cheaper. In fact, it's free! Everything that is on DVDs, which you can buy in a specialized store, can be easily found on YouTube, where there are also special channels. Moreover, every day you can choose a new video and get new and varied exercises. The advantage is that you don’t get tired of the same movements, and your muscles don’t have time to get used to them, thus getting regular exercise and training.

5. Weights

Many sets of exercises contain a number of loads that require a load. This adds efficiency. What can I use? Well, first of all, traditional dumbbells. They can be bought at any sports store. If this is expensive for you, look for non-new ones at flea markets on the Internet. Don't buy ones that are too heavy. Especially if you are not used to it, it will be difficult to cope with them. Up to a kilogram is what you need. You can get free dumbbells by pouring water or sand into half-liter plastic bottles. Cheap and effective.

There are also special sports gloves with weights. They are convenient because there is no need to hold anything in your hands and there is no danger of dropping the dumbbells on your foot at the most inopportune moment. Also, you will not need to be distracted by picking them up while performing a set of exercises. The gloves are always on you and clearly perform their function throughout the entire complex. True, it is not so cheap, but, nevertheless, it will not be a bad investment in the future.

6. Fitness ball

If you want to make a small financial injection into the future of your ideal figure, which will still cover any costs for the gym for many years to come, get a fitness ball. With a large fitball you can perform many useful exercises, especially for the abs.

But there is an even better simulator - Bosu Ball. This is a half ball on a flat stand - perfect for your abdominals. The good news is that this ball, like dumbbells, does not require as much space as a treadmill. A fitball can easily lie in the corner behind a closet, for example. And the Bosu Ball can generally be put under the bed next to the dumbbells.

Well, actually, the home gym is ready. It has everything: a treadmill (or a bicycle), dumbbells, a fitball, an instructor, and most importantly, you and your desire to exercise. Believe me, all this will cost much less if you take into account the cost of travel and payment for a subscription or one-time classes, as well as precious time on getting ready and traveling, which can be spent on something more useful. And also take into account that this will all remain with you for many years, and you will not need to periodically renew it, like a subscription. The main thing is not to be lazy and use it all for its intended purpose. Remember that no one will pay the necessary attention to your body, which always craves to be in good shape and in excellent condition.