Minecraft how to make the village of residents. How to build a big and beautiful village in Minecraft

If you play "minecraft", then you know that you will need to build buildings to hide from mobs. Moreover, you can design other facilities that will perform various functions. At the same time, you can travel around the world and not see any other structure, which is quite logical, since the mobs are not able to build anything. But if you are debugging the entire card and you will not find any homes at all, it means that you have been looking for bad because there is a village in every world. NPC live in it, that is, non-player characters controlled by a computer. The village in Maincraft is a full-fledged unit of society with which it will be very interesting to encounter.

What is a village?

Many players can immediately ask the question of how to find this settlement. What is worth paying attention to? In fact, everything is much easier than it seems - the village in the "minecraft" consists of a fairly large number of buildings that can be easily seen from afar. Therefore, make sure that you do not have any piece of the card, otherwise you can not find a settlement. It is best to look from the air, it opens a much wider overview, so if you have the opportunity to climb the sky - use it. At the same time, you can take advantage of bioma tips, because the village in the "minecraft" can be placed far from everywhere.

Biomas where you can find a village

If you are experiencing problems with the search for settlement, then it is quite possible, you simply are not looking there. The village in Maincraft can not stand in the mountains or in the forest, so you need to concentrate on certain biomes. First of all, the search should be carried out on the flat locality, since there are more often the settlements. But they can also be in the desert, and the material depends on this, from which the village buildings will be made.

If you find it in the desert, you can be sure that all houses are built there using sandstone. If the place of the settlement location was plain, then everything will be much more standard - stone and wood will be used in construction. Some players do not want to spend a lot of time looking for, remember specific biomes, so they ask about how to make a village in Minecraft on their own. In fact, this is a fully logical question, since this function is present. But it is only available in creative mode, so in the survival mode you will not be able to use it. So arrow the information available and go to search.

What is useful to the village

The game "Minecraft" LED on the village is very popular, as it is with its help settlements are created. This suggests that the players have the demand for the fact that residents can offer. But what is it? Why do you need a village? The answer to these questions is very simple - most frequent causeThose people are looking for or create villages is trading with locals. If you have absolutely all resources without a settlement yourself, then with its appearance you get the opportunity to exchange one type of resources to another. It is difficult to overestimate how much this method is convenient, so you should not ignore the villages, as they bring you a lot of benefit. Moreover, in settlements, you can very often find a large number of chests in which you will find useful items and materials. Therefore, without inflatable, go to search for the settlement or use the knowledge about how to make the village in the "minecraft" yourself.

Reputation in the village

Highly an important pointconcerning settlements is the reputation that you earn there. In fact, it is she determines how they will be treated in the village. It's not so easy to earn a reputation, because to get one point you will need to complete one deal with someone from the village. Maximum amount Positive glasses are ten, but they do not affect how you treat you, because initially settlers perceive you positively. However, this stock will allow you not to go into minus when performing actions that take points.

If you attack one of the inhabitants, one point is removed if you kill it - two more is taken away. The attack on the child will cost you not one, but three points. In addition, in each village there is a kind of guard, and he is so strong that you definitely do not want to contact him. He relates to you neutrally and does not pay attention to you, while your reputation does not reach Fifteen minutes. After that, he becomes aggressive, while hiding from him you will not succeed - even if you find yourself in different parts of a huge card, he will still begin to pursue you. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the killing of the golem takes out five more points, so you have to have to heal and make it not to die from your hands.

Last hint in the search village

As you can see, the village is a fairly fun place. And so that you were easier to find it, the developers were introduced into the "minecraft" map. The village on it is displayed very clearly, so you do not need to search all corners of the world.

Each player B. Minecraft Sooner or later, he found a group of small buildings in his gaming world, inherent in funny men. In addition to the pleasure of a meeting with sempodic, for the character of the village have more practical value - its inhabitants can be a source of rare materials obtained in the trade process. However, it is easy to find a village that is often not enough. Village every night is attacked by mobs with the risk of destroying all the inhabitants. And they initially be very small (even 1-2). About, how to build a village in minecraft It will be discussed in our article.

How to strengthen and expand the village?

Start follows from inspection of the territory. Often at home and towers of the village are in very bad, from the point of view of protection against mobs, condition - no doors, minimum lighting. It should be fixed first. Install the doors in all houses (wooden, as NPC is not smart enough to open the doors with the buttons), arrange torches inside and outside the houses, as well as around the perimeter of the village. These simple measures will reduce the spun and aggression hostile mobs.

To increase the number of residents in the village are necessary at home. Build a village in minecraft will have to manually, but it is not too difficult task - Especially sophisticated in architectural design is completely optional. Requirements for dwellings are simple - width 5 for 5 cubes, height 4 cube, one door and steam-triple windows. The door can be replaced by just a hole in the wall in 2 cube height, but it is still better to put a normal wooden - for security purposes. Materials can be any. Roofs, paintings, beds and the like - allowed in any options, but is not a prerequisite. The house can be absolutely empty from the inside.

Residents will fill the village gradually. Their number will increase in proportion to the number of empty houses, and when they are 10 or more (and the total number of doors - from 21), a mob-guard will appear in the village - Iron Golem. He is neutral in relation to the player and aggressive to hostile mobs. Thus, villagers will be protected even during your absence Iron Golem can be created independently. To do this, it is necessary to place 4 iron blocks in the form of the letter T, and put a pumpkin on its top (the Jack's fan is also suitable).

The artificially created golem has significant differences in behavior - first, it will protect only the player from the mobs, and secondly, he will never attack the player, even if he attacked the village of the village. The village-defender of the village will attack the player when he attacked the resident.

Thus, it is possible to ensure the village with the population and protection, and the internal tasks (harvest and crop creation, the creation of a garden) The locals will successfully fulfill themselves. You will only have to visit them as you need.

How to make a village in minecraft? If you want to build a village, then you need to do in creative mode. This is done as follows. Any resident considers even a box with their home if there is quite light enough, that is, a sufficient number of torches have been established. Also in such a resident of the resident there should be no holes in the walls, floor and ceiling. Be sure to place the wooden door so that enemies and monsters can not penetrate inside.

Make a village in minecraft

If you want to see what happens inside, then put glass door. The inhabitants you can sustain with the help of spawn eggs. So you can build a village and create residents for her. For the protection of residents, the golems are usually built, which can give flowers to settlers in the truce, and in the threat - to turn into monsters. For more more detailed information You can watch on our website Minecraft video how to make a village. We provide you with information on how to create new items, functions, settlements in the game completely free. Good luck!

Help the village!

Zombies can attack the villages and turn their inhabitants into the zombies. In mode Hardcore (Hardcore) or difficulty level Complicated (Hard) Zombies can be broken even wooden doors. You can not share with the zombie items, and you can perish if he attacks you. Rustic residents do not reproduce quickly, they may accidentally die, coming to Lava or falling into the well. So the population is easily reduced.

To cure a zombie, insulace it, throw the potion "weakness" in it and tick the gold apple. Rustic resident will shake for a few minutes before recovering

How to help save the village

Go to bed as soon as it is dark. At the same time, the game time will change, and the new day will come. The night will be "skipped" along with the darkness in which mobs may appear. This allows you to minimize the number of zombies. Kill them in the morning.

Fence the village fence. Rear residents in homes until the end of work is to protect them.

Remove the stairs in front of the doors, replace broken doors and make sure that the doors are correctly installed outside. (Do not add the door in the forge. The nature of this building knocks away the inhabitants, and they begin to gather outside.)

Light the territory around the village to prevent the appearance of mobs.

Get rid of cacti, swimming pools with lava and caves in which mobes appear.

If possible, heal the zombies, throwing the potion "weakness" and feeding the gold apple. To restore the health of the inhabitant, you will need a few minutes, so tosize it so that it does not harm himself and other residents.

You can protect the villagers with iron goals, build new homes to expand the village and increase the chances of its inhabitants to survive.

Iron heads

Iron's heads appear themselves if there are ten inhabitants in the village and twenty-one house. If there is no iron golem in the village, create it. You will need a pumpkin or lamp of Jack and four block of iron located on Earth (and not in the craft grid) in the form of the letter "T". Iron goals protect only villagers and can leave if they are outside the village. You can keep iron golems in a pen, a fence, or put on a leash.

Creating iron golem, put a pumpkin or lamp last


A resident of the village depending on his kind of classes offers you certain items. As a rule, you buy and sell for Emeralds. With the first exchange with the village of Village, he is only one sentence. It will make new when you exchange the last subject from his list and close the inventory window. If residents of the village are ready to offer you something new, you will see green and purple particles above their heads.

If the inhabitants of the village have a new offer for you, you will see above their heads green and purple particles

There are hundreds of proposals and opportunities for exchange. Farmer (in brown clothes) you can buy flint, steel, scissors and arrows. The butcher (in white apron) is leather armor and saddle, and the blacksmith (in black apron) - iron and diamond objects, as well as the mail. The priest (in purple clothing) you can buy an eye of the edge, a glowing stone, a bubble for shocking and a red stone, and a librarian (in white clothes) - books with spells, bookshelves, clock and compasses. The priest can impose a spell on some subject, for example on iron or diamond armor. Grow wheat that can be exchanged for emeralds by the farmer. Use these emeralds to buy other items from the villagers.

Five types of rustic residents: priest, blacksmith, librarian, butcher and farmer

Increase population

Add new houses. To "understand" what you created new house, she must first "see" new door. The door is considered part of the house if there is a roof with one side of the door. As long as this rule is followed, you can create at home as you like. You can only build the door with one roof block. After creating the door, the program checks five blocks in front of the door and behind it for the presence of roof blocks. The roof block is any block that is blown up the ground from sunlight. With one of the sides of the door there may be more roof blocks than on the other. (With a lack of resources, you can create a house from the door and one dirt block.) Finally, to be considered a house, the door should be near the village of Village. For every three and a half doors, a new resident is created, so it will have to make seven doors to create two residents. The inhabitants should be at least two, so that they have children.

For the construction of the simplest rustic house need only the door and one block roof behind it

Be polite!

In each village you earn popularity glasses. The countdown begins with 0, can rise to 10 and drop to -30. Purchase from a resident of the village of the last object from the inventory adds 1 point. An attack on a village resident takes 1 point, murder - 2 points, killing a child of a resident - 3 points, the destruction of iron golem - 5 points. With the score -15 Iron Golem Village attacks you.

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Find on the Internet a tool for finding a village. The fans of the game came up with a tool that analyzes your LED or saving and finds a village for you. Then you can take the coordinates and use them to search for a village in your game. Note that the accuracy of such programs is about 66%, so that one village of three will not be there, where the program indicates you.

  • One of the most popular tools for finding villages is Chunkbase. To use them, go through this link: chunkbase.com/apps/village-finder. Run the updated browser, for example, Chrome to take advantage of all the search engine features.
  • On the this moment No tools for searching villages suitable for Minecraft PE.

Enter your LED or download the save file. Most fast way Download your world - enter the current LED. If you play on your computer, you can download the LEVEL.DAT file located in the% AppData% \\. Minecraft \\ saves.

  • To find the current game LED, enter the chat / seed window. If you play a multiplayer game, find out the LED at the admin.
  • Remove the card. After you download LEDs, brown dots appear on the grid, which are villages. If you bring the card too much, you can see anything. Remove the card by twisting the mouse wheel until you see points.

    Remember the location of the villages to then check their presence in the game. Change the coordinates by conducting the mouse cursor around the map. Mouse over one of the points to see its coordinates in the game. Since the map shows all possible locations of the villages, you should remember several places in case these villages have been generated.

  • Find your coordinates in the game. When you return to the game, find our coordinates. It will help you find villages. You can also use the teleportation team and move directly to the village, not examining any space for this.

    • If you play on your computer, press the F3 key to find out your coordinates. If you play Minecraft PE to learn your coordinates, you will have to use third-party programs. In the version for consoles, your coordinates can be seen on the map. You will find more information in the article "How to determine the coordinates in Minecraft".
    • To move to a specific place, enable cheats and enter / TP Name X Y Z. To teleport in Minecraft PE, use the Inventory Editor. In the version for consoles, you can teleport only to other players. More information can be found in the article.