The difference between an actor and an artist. Artist is an ambiguous term The difference between an artist and an actor

Actor. Artist

The talented actress Liya Akhedzhakova (played in Eldar Ryazanov's films "Garage", "Office Romance") said in an interview with a journalist: "Not every actor is an artist."

Well said. Akhedzhakova emphasizes that the concepts and words of the actor and the artist have their own characteristics. Commendable. The difference is not always pointed out by linguists.

What are the features of the words actor and artist? They are often mistakenly used as identical synonyms.

The words actor and actress came from the French language (acteur, actrice - from the Latin actor "performer, actor". The accent actor is outdated).

Actor used in a literal and figurative sense:

a) direct meaning: "performer of roles in theatrical performances" (tragic, dramatic, comic, pop actors, film actors).

Now, if we could find a dramatic, young, good actress (A. Ostrovsky).

b) figurative meaning: "a pretender, a person who shows himself not as he really is."

What a serious look and a displeased look. Yes, I did not know that you are such an actor (Lermontov, "Masquerade").

The nest of root words includes: actor, actress, actor, actor, acting, acting, acting.

The word acting, like an actor, has a direct and figurative meaning: direct - "the profession of an actor", theatrical art "; figurative -" artificiality, pretense, acting ".

Word artist (from French - artiste), f. R. artist. Direct values:

1. "a person who has chosen as his profession activity in the field of stage or pop art". In contrast, actor - artist, actress - artist emphasizes the difference between profession and talent.

Mrs. Karatygina is really a gifted artist, in comparison with other actresses of the Alexandrinsky Theater (V. Belinsky).

2. "a person engaged in creativity in the field of any art."

I, grandmother, want to be an artist. - As an artist? - As an artist ... After university I will go to the academy (Goncharov, "Break").

The word artist is often used figuratively, "a person who performs something with great skill and love."

Your son is an artist of his craft.

The nest of single-root words includes: artistic, artistic, artistry, etc.

In the dictionaries of synonyms, the words actor, artist and actor are in the same nest. It should be borne in mind that the actor and the artist have semantic connotations, and the actor is outdated. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the synonym for lyceum was used, as a rule, with a touch of irony.

In the Ukrainian language, the word actor "actor" and its derivatives, the actress is widely used. As in Russian, actor and actorhood have both direct and figurative meanings.

O. E. Olshansky

An artist is a sufficiently meaningful term, by which it is customary to understand a representative of some kind of performing arts: theater, music, ballet, cinema, stage or circus. In the feminine gender, the word "artist" is used.

The meaning of the word "artist"

An artist is (fr. Artiste, medieval - lat. Artista - artisan, artist, master from lat. Ars - art) a person who conducts his activities in the field of art. An artist is called a person who shows his talented skill in front of the audience. The meaning of the word is very voluminous in nature. It combines several directions in its concept.

So, an artist can be an opera singer, circus worker, drama actor, stage performer or performer of roles in films. They also divide artists into musical, choreographic, stage, and dancers. A figurative, ironic interpretation of this word is also in demand.

An artist is a person with high skill in some creative field. From the word "artist" the adjective "artistic" is formed, which characterizes a person as a person possessing creative skill or gifted in the artistic field.

Also, an artist can be called an artist in the narrow sense: a painter, sculptor, architect, engraver. The word "artist" was not known in ancient times. The Greeks and Romans understood this word as two expressions. So, an artist could be both an artist-artist and a craftsman.

In the modern world, it is difficult to draw a specific line that could determine where artistic activity ends and craft work begins. Therefore, the word "artist" is a concept that sometimes refers to the masters of one or another branch of industry, bringing into their activities a small part of taste and understanding of the elegant.

The origin of this concept

The ancestors of the artists, oddly enough, were shamans and sorcerers. Representatives of this kind of activity turned out to be the first people who sang songs and demonstrated various dance movements, transforming themselves into patrons of the family - totem animals. However, it is worth noting that shamans and sorcerers did not make much effort to arouse sympathy among their contemporaries, since their main goal was to connect with the other world.

It turns out that according to its inner content, the word "artist" can be applied to anyone who seeks to make the impression of being beautiful, graceful or harmonious in any way. At the same time, it does not matter whether the embodied idea of ​​beauty is a personal creation and a manifestation of the talent of a particular person, or it is an example of skillful imitation.

Artist or actor

Both concepts come from the French language. They are, of course, interconnected. However, it is a misconception to think that they are synonyms.

So, an actor is a person with a profession that can be applied on a theatrical stage, in a film frame or in a promotional video. Actors play a variety of roles.

Comparison of consonant words

The main distinguishing feature of the actor is his narrow specialization. A person is exclusively engaged in playing roles. He can perform both a comedic role and a tragic one. The actor must have the skill of masterful transformation and perfectly fit into the image of this or that hero. Outwardly, such a transformation takes place with the help of a successful make-up and selection of costumes. Actors must have the right characteristics to be successful.

However, it is worth noting that a person who has reached heights in her creative activity is called an artist. This word is always included in the honorary state title.

The words "actor" and "artist", which came from the French language, are undoubtedly interconnected. But they cannot be considered absolute synonyms. What is the difference between an actor and an artist? To understand this, let's consider each of the concepts in more detail.


Actor Is a profession, whose representatives can be seen on theatrical stages, in motion pictures and advertising videos. Actors play diverse roles there. Public performances have been held in the human community since time immemorial. But the emergence of acting as an art is associated with the emergence of the first ancient Greek theaters.

Artist(in a general sense) - a person who conducts his activities in the field of art. In a narrower sense, an artist is someone who performs on the stage or arena of a circus: a singer, musician, poetry reader, juggler, trainer. There is also a figurative, ironic interpretation of this word. An artist can be called a dodger, a rogue: Well, you are an artist!


Thus, the word "artist" used in the meaning of "man of art" is very voluminous. Art includes many directions. This is theater, choreography, stage, and much more. Once upon a time, painters and sculptors were also justly called artists. Consequently, the actor as an artist is also an artist. Moreover, this profession has its own specifics.

The difference between an actor and an artist lies in the fact that he is exclusively engaged in the performance of roles. The actor can be, for example, comic or tragic. People serving this profession must be able to masterfully transform, successfully enter the image of this or that character. Outwardly, this is achieved by applying makeup, choosing a costume, as well as developing gestures, intonation, and demeanor of the depicted person. The decisive role is played by the actor's ability to reliably convey the character traits of the hero, to show how the character lives, what worries him.

It should be noted that a person who has reached the heights in his work is called an artist. This word is always included in honorary state titles. For example, a talented novice actor can later, thanks to his work, become an honored artist.

In addition, you can understand the difference between an actor and an artist by analyzing the derivatives of the words "acting" and "artistry". The first of them, apart from the direct meaning of "the profession of an actor", also has the following meaning: pretense, fake image, convenient social role. Artistry, in turn, means grace and virtuosity in work, exquisite workmanship, as well as the ability to present oneself.

A m. Artiste m. 1. Artist .. Artist; a person practicing any art in which the assistance of fiction and hands is required. Musicians, Painters, Sculptors, Engravers, Architects are Artists. Jan. 1803 1 219. Go to see what is ... ...

ARTIST- (French artiste, from Latin ars, artis art). A person practicing any fine art. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. ARTIST 1) a person who is engaged in some kind of art, as a profession ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

ARTIST- ARTIST, artist, husband. (French artiste). 1. Engaged in the public performance of works of art. Opera artist. Drama artist. Ballet dancer. Variety artist. Circus artist. The title of People's Artist. || Actor. Artists of the art theater ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

artist- See actor, virtuoso, connoisseur, musician, rogue, artist ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. artist, actor, virtuoso, connoisseur, musician, artist, dancer, jumper, magician, ... ... Synonym dictionary

ARTIST- military (military artist). 1. Zharg. injection. Iron. Swindler, swindler. SRVS 2, 164. // Approved. A high-class fraudster. HOUSE, 14. 2. Zharg. gom., lag. Passive camp homosexual. Kz., 120. Artist [from] the burned-out theater. 1. Spread. Iron. Human… … A large dictionary of Russian sayings

ARTIST- husband. female artist, French artist engaged in fine arts, arts; more uotr. about musicians, actors, dancers, magicians, even cooks, etc. jokingly, | in general, a master of his craft, an artisan, a dock, a trader. What kind of artist to my ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

artist- ARTIST, actor, buffoon, outdated. comedian, outdated. lyceum ARTIST, actress, obsolete, colloquial reduced, neg. actor, outdated. comedian, outdated. lyceum ARTISTIC, acting, comedian, buffoonery ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms for Russian speech

ARTIST- (French artiste from Lat. ars art), the same as the actor. In a broad sense, a person engaged in creativity in the field of any art. In a figurative sense, a person who has achieved mastery in his business ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

ARTIST- ARTIST, ah, husband. 1. A creative worker engaged in the public performance of works of art (actor, singer, musician). Opera A. A. stage. Circus A. Dramatic A. A. cinema. 2. what. A person who possesses high skill in what ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

artist en shwe- * artiste en cheveux. Hairdresser. If some portico or palazzo is a work of art on the basis that it is beautifully built and pleases the eye with the correctness of its forms, then on the same exact basis it will be necessary to call it works ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms


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