Intercession Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral). St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square: a short history

    Intercession Cathedral, built in Moscow in 1555 60 to commemorate the annexation of Kazan to Rus state vu rus. masters Barma and Postnik (at the present time N. P. Kalinin put forward a hypothesis that this is one person). V. B. x. presents a composition of 9 ... ... Soviet Historical Encyclopedia

    - (a later and more common name for the Intercession Cathedral on the moat), in Moscow, on Red Square. An outstanding monument of Russian architecture. Now a branch of the State Historical Museum. Built of brick (foundations, plinth and a number of details from white ... ... Art encyclopedia

    In Moscow, an outstanding monument of Russian architecture. Built in 1555 60 by architects Barma and Postnik (according to some assumptions, the same person) to commemorate the victory over the Kazan Khanate. V. B. x. (originally the Intercession Cathedral that ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Cathedral of the Intercession, also called St. Basil's Cathedral Orthodox church located on Red Square in Moscow. A well-known monument of Russian architecture. Until XVII ... Wikipedia

    Basil's Cathedral- (Intercession Cathedral) a temple located on Red Square in Moscow. Built in the middle of the 16th century. by order of Ivan the Terrible in honor of the capture of the Kazan Khanate. October 1, 1552, on the feast of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, the assault on Kazan began, which ... Orthodoxy. Reference dictionary

    BASIL THE BLESSED TEMPLE (Pokrovsky Cathedral that is on the moat) in Moscow on Red Square, a monument of Russian architecture, now a branch of the Historical Museum. Built in 1555 61 by architects Barma and Postnik (according to some assumptions, one and the same person) in ... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    Basil's Cathedral- St Basil's Church. BASIL THE BLESSED TEMPLE (Intercession Cathedral on the Moat) in Moscow, on Red Square, a monument of Russian architecture. Built in 1555 60 by architects Barma and Postnik (according to some assumptions, one and the same person) in ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Intercession Cathedral on the Moat) in Moscow, on Red Square, a monument of Russian architecture, now a branch of the Historical Museum. Built in 1555-1561 by architects Barma and Postnik (according to some assumptions, one and the same person) to commemorate the conquest of ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Or the Intercession Cathedral in Moscow. In the place where this temple now stands, there was originally a church in the name of St. Trinity and the cemetery, where in 1552 St. B. Blessed. Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, after the conquest of Kazan, built ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Cathedral of the Intercession (St. Basil's Cathedral) on Red Square (gift edition), Elena Yukhimenko. Perfectly illustrated large format deluxe edition in a case. This book will be a wonderful gift. This publication for the first time gives the general reader the opportunity to detail ...
  • Pokrovsky Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral) on Red Square, Yukhimenko E .. Beautifully illustrated gift edition of large format in a case. This book will be a wonderful gift. ... This edition for the first time gives the general reader the opportunity to detail ...

St. Basil's Cathedral- a popular monument Orthodox Christianity and Russian architecture. It rises in the center of Moscow. Dates back to the 16th century.

The canonical name of the building is the Cathedral of the Intercession Mother of God that on the Moat. Another naming option is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Also known to many as Pokrovsky.

Interesting! The binding “to the moat” in the name is also not accidental. Until 1813, a defensive ditch was dug near the Kremlin wall.

In fact, the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of God is not one, but several churches, united into a single architectural ensemble.

Construction of St. Basil's Cathedral

The temple appeared during the time of Ivan the Terrible. Dates construction works: from 1555 to 1561 The tsar promised to build a cathedral in the event of the conquest of the Kazan khans. In honor of each major victory, a church was built. The name was given to the buildings after the name of the saint, on whose calendar day the battle was won. This is how eight wooden churches appeared. The main victory fell on the day of the Intercession of the Virgin. Hence the name of the main cathedral, stone.

The building has survived fires, several wars and revolutions. Throughout its history, the cathedral has been modified, repainted, reconstructed many times. It was "overgrown" with a bell tower, gallery, fence and other elements. Among the famous architects of the temple: Osip Bove (1817), Ivan Yakovlev (1784-1786), Sergei Soloviev (1900-1912)

In 1918, the cathedral received the status of a world-class architectural value, began to be protected by the state. In the early 90s of the last century, it was in the simultaneous use of a church and a museum.

Cathedral during the empire

There are various legends about the creators of the building. There is no one reliable version. Most researchers agree on the idea that erection temple - "handiwork" of the master, nicknamed Postnik. Full name- Barma Ivan Yakovlevich.

Some are sure that the Moscow Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed was designed by an unknown Italian architect.

Earlier, there was a version that the temple was erected by Postnik and Barma, that is, there were two masters at once. But historians have found too many inconsistencies in it.

Interesting! A popular legend says: Ivan IV ordered to blind the architects Postnik and Barma upon completion of construction. He did not want the masters to repeat their creation anywhere else. This fact is most likely fictitious, since it does not coincide with historical events.

Why is the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed so called

This name of the cathedral has taken root among the people for a reason. The name of the temple was given by the name of the holy fool who lived under Ivan the Terrible. The king himself was afraid of the blessed one for the gift of clairvoyance. The people loved Vasily. When he died, he was buried near the Trinity Church.

Basil the Blessed was canonized 29 years after his death. One of the churches of the temple was named after him. The relics of a holy fool, now a saint, are also kept here.

The structure and parameters of the cathedral

A distinctive feature of the temple is that it does not have a pronounced facade. Each side looks "front".

The Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God reaches a height of 65 meters.

Interesting! For two centuries after its appearance, it was the tallest building in Moscow.

The whole complex consists of eleven buildings. Eight more are located around the central church, four of which are grouped exactly on the cardinal points. The structure resembles an eight-pointed star. The tenth church is "lower". The eleventh building is the bell tower.

All churches have a single foundation, united by a closed gallery, internal common passages.

How many domes on St. Basil's Cathedral

The correct answer is 11. Of these, nine are church onions, two are tent-shaped with small domes. The domes of the central church and the bell tower end with a tent. All of them are colorful flowers, decorated with patterns. This festive decoration is explained by the fact that the domes of the temple symbolize the image of the Heavenly City of Jerusalem.

Thrones of the Protection on the Moat

The cathedral is represented by ten independent churches with thrones:

  • Protection of the Holy Virgin. The central throne is located here.
  • Adrian and Natalia. The church was named earlier in honor of Saints Cyprian and Justina (northern direction). The height of the building is 20.9 m. The Burning Bush is located here.
  • Three Patriarchs of Constantinople (northeast). The church is 14.9 meters high.
  • Holy Trinity (east). The building has a height of 21 m.
  • Alexander Svirsky (direction - southeast). The height of the structure is 15 m.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker (southern throne). Height - 28 m. Another name - Nikola Velikoretsky.
  • Varlaam Khutynsky (southwest). 15.2 m high. The church is illuminated by the oldest chandelier in the entire cathedral.
  • Entry into Jerusalem (direction - west). Differs in a particularly elegant decoration.
  • Gregory of Armenian (standing in the northwest). Height - 15 m.
  • Basil the Blessed. This is the lower annex. Only in it, of all the others, regular services are held.

The temple has a common basement. It contains ancient icons, access to it is not available for mass visits.

On a note! The coin with a face value of 5 rubles in 1989 was issued with an image on the reverse of the Intercession Cathedral. Its circulation is 2 million copies. The circulation of the improved quality is 300 thousand units. Now collectors can buy this coin for one and a half to three thousand rubles.

Information for visitors

The cathedral is a branch of the State Historical Museum and is open to the public. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Divine services are held here on Sundays.

Opening hours and ticket prices

The cathedral as a museum operates daily:

  • in summer - from 10:00 to 19:00;
  • September 1 - November 6 and all of May - from 11:00 to 18:00;
  • November 8 - April 30 - from 11:00 to 17:00.

Exception: every Wednesday in June, July, August and the first Wednesday of the rest of the months. These days there is a cleaning day in the complex.

The museum is open 1 hour longer during school holidays. On some holidays, the opening hours may change. Check these questions in advance.

Note! The ticket office and the entire territory will close 45 minutes before the end of working hours.

The cost of an adult entrance ticket is 500 RUR. The price is the same for representatives of all countries.

A family ticket will cost 600 rubles (for a couple with children under 16).

Persons from 16 to 18 years old, full-time students, pensioners and beneficiaries (repressed, members of large families, etc.) fall under a special category. For them, the entrance ticket is 150 RUR.

Children under 16 years of age, war heroes, blockades, prisoners, disabled people, orphans, museum employees, pilgrims, etc. can enter the museum free of charge. free entry it is necessary to present a supporting document.

How to get there

The main landmark is Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral cannot be overlooked. It stands out for its colorful domes.

The nearest metro stations are three. These are Okhotny Ryad, Kitay-Gorod and Revolution Square.

The Intercession Cathedral offers various excursion programs. According to them, the museum is open from 11:00 until 16:00. The program depends on age group, nationality, number and interests of visitors. The duration is two or three hours. The tour is designed for groups of up to 10 or up to 15 people.

For junior schoolchildren the total cost of the program is 2500 RUR, for middle school students - 3000 RUR, for high school students - up to 4500 RUR (depends on the number of hours).

The cost of the excursion for adult groups is from 5000 RUR to 10000 RUR. The price depends on the number of visitors and the chosen program.

Outside hours there is an opportunity to visit a special excursion for 1000 RUR for groups of 20 people with a guide.

Themed excursions are organized on some holidays.

  • The Orthodox Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed (XVI century) is a symbol of Russian church architecture that time.
  • V Soviet time there was a museum, services were resumed in 1991. Now held every week.
  • Architect, who built the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, was called Barma Postnik.
  • The magnificently decorated church was a thanksgiving to the Almighty for the outstanding military success - capture of Kazan.
  • The cathedral consists of nine separate churches, which are located on the same foundation and are connected by two galleries.
  • The relics of St. Basil the Blessed, the holy fool who lived in Moscow in the 16th century, are buried in the church.

The narrow galleries between the churches are also decorated: in the 17th century. they were painted with floral ornaments, and a little later - with subject frescoes. Special attention it is worth giving the basement, which previously served as a treasury. Its space is covered with complex corrugated vaults. In addition, a collection of icons is exhibited in the basement, as well as silver dishes, samples of weapons and a beautiful cover on the shrine of St. Basil the Blessed, embroidered in the 16th century.

St. Basil the Blessed and the shrines of the cathedral

Saint Basil the Blessed, whose relics are buried in the Cathedral, lived in Moscow in the 16th century. and was a holy fool - a religious and adherent who rejected worldly goods. His life says that he all year round walked without clothes, slept on the street and observed a strict fast. According to legend, he performed many miracles and possessed the gift of providence: Ivan the Terrible himself was afraid of his speeches. The saint was greatly revered, and the memory of him has survived to this day. The church also houses the grave of Blessed John of Moscow.

Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed in Moscow on Red Square - main temple the capital of Russia. Therefore, for many inhabitants of the planet, it is a symbol of Russia, just like the Eiffel Tower for France or the Statue of Liberty for America. Currently, the temple is a branch of the State Historical Museum. Since 1990, it has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in Russia.

From the history of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow on Red Square

On October 1, 1552, on the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, the assault on Kazan began, which ended in the victory of the Russian soldiers. In honor of this victory, by order of Ivan the Terrible, the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God was laid, now known as the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed.

Earlier on the site of the temple there was a church in the name of the Trinity. According to legend, in the crowd among the walking, one could often see the holy fool Basil the Blessed, who left home in his youth and wandered around the capital. He was known for having the gift of healing and clairvoyance and collecting money for a new Church of the Intercession. Before his death, he gave the collected money to Ivan the Terrible. They buried the holy fool at the Trinity Church. When the Intercession Church was built, his grave was at the very wall of the temple. Later, 30 years later, at the direction of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, a new chapel was built, consecrated in honor of St. Basil the Blessed. Since then, the temple began to be called by the same name. In the old days, the Intercession Cathedral was red and white, and the domes were golden. There were 25 domes: 9 main and 16 small, located around the central tent, side-altars and a bell tower. The central headquarters had the same complex shape as well as the side domes. The painting of the walls of the temple was more complicated.

There were very few people inside the temple. Therefore, during the holidays, services were held on Red Square. The Cathedral of the Intercession served as an altar. The priests of the church came out to the place of execution, and the sky served as a dome. The temple is 65 meters high. Before the construction of the Ivanovskaya bell tower in the Kremlin, it was the highest in Moscow. After a fire in 1737, the temple was restored, and in the second half of the 18th century, 16 small chapters around the towers were removed, and the bell tower was connected to the temple, which became multi-colored.

During its history several times the temple was on the verge of destruction. According to legend, Napoleon kept his horses in the temple and wanted to move the building to Paris. But at that time it was impossible to do this. Then he decided to blow up the temple. Suddenly pouring rain extinguished the lighted wicks and saved the structure. After the revolution, the church was closed, the bells were melted down, and its abbot, Archpriest John Vostorgov, was shot. Lazar Koganovich proposed to demolish the building to open the car traffic and hold demonstrations. Only the courage and perseverance of the architect P.D. Baranovsky was saved by the temple. Famous phrase Stalin "Lazar, put in place!" and the demolition decision was overturned.

How many domes on St. Basil's Cathedral

The temple was built in 1552-1554. at a time when there was a war with the Golden Horde for the conquest of the Kazan and Astrakhan kingdoms. After each victory, a wooden church was built in honor of the saint whose memory day was celebrated on that day. Also, some temples were built in honor of significant events. By the end of the war, there were 8 churches on one site. Saint Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow advised the tsar to build one church in stone with a common foundation. In 1555-1561. architects Barma and Yakovlev built eight churches on one foundation: four of them are axial and four are smaller between them. All of them are different in architectural decoration and have onion domes decorated with cornices, kokoshniks, windows, niches. In the center rises the ninth church with a small dome in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God. A bell tower with a hipped roof was built in the 17th century. Considering this dome, there are 10 domes on the temple.

  • The northern church was consecrated in the name of Cyprian and Ustina, and later in the name of Saints Andrian and Natalia.
  • The eastern church was consecrated in the name of the Trinity, the southern church - in the name of Nikola Velikoretsky.
  • The Western Church was consecrated in the name of the Entrance to Jerusalem in memory of the return of the troops of Ivan the Terrible to Moscow.
  • The northeastern church was consecrated in the name of the Three Patriarchs of Alexandria.
  • The southeastern church is dedicated to Alexander Svirsky.
  • Southwest Church - in the name of Varlaam Khutynsky.
  • Northwest - in the name of Gregory of Armenia.

Eight chapters, built around the central ninth, in the plan form a figure consisting of two squares located at an angle of 45 degrees and representing an eight-pointed star. The number 8 symbolizes the day of the Resurrection of Christ, and the eight-pointed star is the symbol of the Most Holy Theotokos. The square means firmness and constancy of faith. Its four sides mean the four cardinal points and the four ends of the cross, the four apostles-evangelists. The central temple unites the rest of the churches and symbolizes patronage over the whole of Russia.

Museum in St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow on Red Square

Now the temple is open as a museum. Its visitors can climb spiral staircase and admire the iconostases, which contain icons of the 16-19 centuries and see the patterns of the inner gallery. The walls are decorated oil painting and frescoes of the 16-19 centuries. The museum exhibits portrait and landscape painting, as well as church utensils of the 16-19 centuries. There are opinions that it is necessary to preserve the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed on Red Square in Moscow, not just as a monument of extraordinary beauty, but also as an Orthodox shrine.

St. Basil's Cathedral (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address and website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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The unusually beautiful Church of St. Basil the Blessed, or the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, on the Moat, flaunting on Red Square, is one of the most famous architectural monuments in Moscow. At the sight of a multicolored temple, the domes of which are one more beautiful than the other, foreigners gasp with admiration and grab their cameras, but their compatriots proudly declare: yes, this is what it is - majestic, elegant, withstood even in the difficult Soviet times for all churches.

Relatively last fact there is even a historical tale. Allegedly, presenting to Stalin a project for the reconstruction of Red Square, Kaganovich brushed off the model of the temple from the diagram, making room for demonstrations of workers, to which the secretary general strictly replied: "Lazar, put it in place." It was so or not, but the temple was one of the few that survived and during the second half of the 20th century was constantly restored.

History and modernity

The Intercession Cathedral was erected in 1565-1561. by order of Ivan the Terrible, who made a vow in the event of the successful capture of Kazan, to build a church in memory of this event. The temple consists of nine churches on one foundation and a bell tower. At first glance, it can be difficult to understand the structure of the temple, but once you imagine that you are looking at it from above (or indeed look at the temple from this angle on our living map), everything becomes clear at once. The main pillar-like church in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God with a tent crowned with a small dome is surrounded on four sides by axial churches, between which four more are arranged - smaller. The hipped bell tower was built later, in the 1670s.

Today the cathedral is both a temple and a branch of the Historical Museum at the same time. Services were resumed in 1990. Architecture, external decoration, monumental painting, frescoes, rare monuments of Russian icon painting - all this makes the cathedral a unique temple in Russia in terms of beauty and significance. In 2011, the cathedral turned 450 years old, throughout the summer, jubilee events were held, chapels that were previously inaccessible to visitors were opened by the memorable date, a new exposition was arranged.

St. Basil's Cathedral


Address: Red Square, 2.

Opening Hours: Tours run daily from 11:00 - 16:00.

Entrance: 250 RUB. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

The central church of the Cathedral is inaccessible for inspection due to restoration work.