How to make time in minecraft. Eternal day

It is known that, depending on the time of day, a variety of events occur in the Mininraft. Plant growth processes are coming, mobes and many other things that are not noticeable to the player will be saved. But what to do, if you want to play in this moment, and survive the night there is no time? How to "Minecraft" make a day?

We play according to the rules

Officially, there are no ways to change the night for a day. Any teams that you could enter from the console are broken game process And, of course, contradict the rules of the game. How to "Minecraft" make a day? Of course, for this you need a bed and a safe place.

In order to create a bed, you will need the following materials.

  • Boards. Recruit from any wood, which can be chopped in the near forest.
  • Wool. It's more complicated here. If you have scissors, then you can go and squeeze a few sheep. Well, or just kill them, but then get much less resources. Or you can kill several spiders or cut a web. In this case, you will get a thread from which you can create wool blocks.

From three boards and three wool blocks you can create a bed. If you fall to sleep, then the night will instantly change the day. More precisely, the dawn. In online mode, there is one feature - all players should sleep sleep.


There is another way as in the "minecraft" to make a day. Of course, this is a system / server command from the administrator. There are several variations of the team. The problem is that different versions And team modifications, teams can vary slightly. Therefore, for the beginning there is a universal method: / Help + Enter.

A help menu appears in which you can find and clarify the correct writing of the team. In general, two ways can be distinguished:

  1. Alphabetical. The command is as follows. / Time Set Day (/ Time Set Night). For the day and night, appropriate. The team is good for solitary mode.
  2. Digital. / Time Set XXX, where xxx is a time from 0 to 24000. 0 - dawn time.

As it was already said, writing commands may vary. Also, be careful to the spaces. An extra space in a written team makes it an inoperable.

Command block

To configure the day in the Mininfraft, you can create a whole setting of time control. To do this, you will need a command block, a button, red dust and any block, for example, the Earth. Because it is impossible to create in the game manually, it remains for creative mode, server administrators and cheaters. The main thing - remember that the installation is configured once and allows you to rewind time to a certain value. If you want to regularly change the time, you will have to put several such instruments.

Admit, would you like to suffer with omnipotence? In each of us sits Napoleon. Someone has a snot in the triangle, which would be cool to "Trokin's bucks per day," a commander sat down in someone, saying that he should not sell himself less than behind the director's chair in Gazprom. And other Bonaparte stubbornly jershoot: "Only the whole universe, only hardcore." The last set also includes the subordination of space, and superiority over time. We do not know which Corsican settled in you, but even if not the most rumming, you know ... let yourself dream.

Although, dreams of dreams, but biblical Elijah in his time stopped the sun for three days. It's not my own strength, of course, but then there was no minecraft. And then he managed to put the shine in place, not letting him go beyond the horizon. And imagine what you can do, the lords of the game world. Let your omnipotence be out of virtual reality, but it is necessary to start with something. So start with the management of the main "light bulb" Solar system. We will open you a secret: you are not required to adapt to the daily cycle imposed on the creators of Minecraft. Now we will tell you how to stop a wonderful moment.

"Plus minus"

You can control the time of day in minecraft in several ways. But all of them imply that you either have operator rights on the server (if you prefer a multiplayer), or did not forget to turn on the cheats mode (if your lot is longerness). So, the first way to make an eternal day.

IN command line You need to take and write: / Time Set Day. From now on, if you missed anything, you will enjoy the lack of night. We do not know how long you are enough, because darkness has its advantages. But this is clearly not a problem, you are the lord of time, did not forget? And as soon as you bother in minecraft luminous above your head, you just need to write almost the same. Only instead of "Day" need to put "Night". It turns out like this: / Time Set Night.

Turn on gradation

The day is good. But the black and white world is not very. If you love any "shade" of the day, the second method is prepared for you. The same command "/ Time Set", at the end of which any number from zero to 24,000 was delivered through the space, will allow to diversify the daily cycle. We give examples:

  • "/ Time Set 6000" - and permanent day you are provided.
  • 18000. Such a team ending will like Lunatic, because it will cover Minecraft at night.
  • 12000. Dedicated to the fans of twilight.

In general, experiment. You can put any value and see what happens in minecraft.

Automated method

Automation fans will suit this method. It is based on a command unit that is usually not done. But this is not a barrier, and if you need it, you will achieve it in Minecraft. Besides him "armared":

  • Redstone
  • Any block to which you can hook a button
  • The button itself

From the command block, stretch to the Redstone button, in the KB interface, suck the command from the past method, and turn on when it is imparted, day. Of course, so in minecraft you can do the night, and anything.

How to make night in minecraft?

Night is the time of day in the miniskraft, when the whole world is populated by aggressive mobs, as they appear in the dark. Night duration - just 7 minutes. And if you decide to hunt for monsters, you are not so much time for such entertainment, because with dawn all night mobes burn in the sun. At night, you can get valuable resources, such as powder from the creeper, which is necessary to create TNT, or bones from skeletons, of which bone dust is created, sometimes necessary in the farm. There are two ways to extend the night time, since you want a long hunt.

Creating Night

Unfortunately, mods to switch from day to night or its extension does not exist, so it will not automate the process - you have to do everything manually.

Initially, it is necessary to make sure whether you have the opportunity to introduce cheat codes (in a single-user playing game). If not, then, while in the game, press the ESC key and in the menu that appears, click the "Open for Network" button. In the settings for the network, put the use of cheats to "On" And click "Open World for Network". After this operation, you can "Chiterite", how much you need.

Now press "T" (the chat window opens) and in the command prompt, "/ Set Time XXX" in the command line, where XXX needs to set a value from 18500 (evening). The value of 18000 corresponds to midnight. If you do not need some definite time, but just want to extend the night, write "/ Time Night".

But what if you don't want to introduce commands to the console every five minutes, because it is very distracting from the fight against mobs? In this case, you need to install an eternal night.

How to make an eternal night in minecraft

You can install the desired time of the day with the command unit. Since it is impossible to scratch it, in order to get it, enter the command "/ Give your nickname 137". Place the command block on the surface, open its interface using the right mouse click and in the text box that appears, write the Tame Set 17000 command. Next you need red dust, a block of any material and a stove or a button. Then you need to connect the command block with the block to which you installed the stove or button. Thus, if you press the button or slab, then the parameters you entered into force, and the night will be until you enter other values. For example, in order to remove the eternal night, you must use the "/ Time Day" command.

Also for the eternal night, you can create a design of this kind: to place several repeater blocks on the surface, turning on the command block with the Tame Set 17000 knob, connect the chain on the corners with the help of red dust and file a signal, putting next to one of the redstone blocks from red dust.

Knowing how to make a night, you can always diversify your game.

In Minecraft, the day has a somewhat different meaning than in reality. Since computer characters do not have biological clocks and even more so do not associate their activity with them, in this sense dark time The day is not a rest time for them. (Although, creating a bed and lay down on it, they can take a nap, simply skipping the night.)

Daytime watches for gamers are important in several other terms. The time when the game shines the sun is good for the construction and strengthening of its home, the production of ore, crafting tools and weapons to protect against hostile mobs. When the night comes, those under the canopy of her darkness begin to spawn, and they will need to hide somewhere, and if necessary, make a breakdown - to fight back.

Naturally, in such a week a second fear for your own life, the player hardly manages to perform anything at least as useful. In addition, until the dawn comes, and most of the enemies (with the exception of cries and spiders) will not begin to burn under sunlight, the gamer in general, every moment risks to die, and in some situations - and losing your inventory in some situations (if the end comes as a result Explosion or other similar circumstances).

That's why many are dreaming so that the night goes faster or was not at all. In fact, it is not so unattainable. Switch at the daytime day in Minecraft, in contrast to reality, you can sometimes and even in several ways. One of them is the use of special teams.

Ways to turn on daytime

IN single game It is the command method that is especially good because the player is usually the owner itself. On the server or on other multiplayer resources, only administrators are endowed with the permissions for switching day and night. The ordinary players should or install special mods, or even when creating a new gaming world, to register in its settings the possibility of applying cheats.

First of all, you need to call a console (which serves for gamers also means writing messages to chat) by pressing T, and then enter the / Time SET command in it and specify a certain numeric value through a space. For different days, it will be from 0 to 24,000, and 0 corresponds to the earliest dawn, 6000 - noon, 12,000 - sunset and 18000 - midnight. Accordingly, it will require any integer value within 1000-12000.

However, if a player is afraid to get confused with numerical indicators and accidentally set the time interval that he needed, he can write the above team a little different. After / Time Set, he should write Day - and then the day will come in the game. By the way, the team will work even when you pass in it the word SET.

Another way to cause a day when needed is to do it through the command block. Such object B. conventional conditions It is available exclusively to users playing in creative mode, as well as admins of multiplayer resources. In addition, gamers can get gamers using a special cheat code - / give command_block - and instructions through the number of quantity.

In the interface of this block, after clicking the right mouse button, you must enter the / Time SET command with the desired numerical value (its limits mentioned above). In order for the day to become eternal, not sin use the 5000 indicator. At some distance from such a command panel, install a solid block with the button and spend from the first to the second track of the Redstone dust. With the press button, the day will come and will continue until the player get bored.

Jupiter day lasts 10 hours. Minecraft is still steeper - the daily cycle here is 20 minutes. Of these, 10 notch answered the day, one and a half minutes to sunset and dawn, and the remainder of the time is 7 minutes - the night. Is such a rapid rotation of the gaming planet around his own axis (or in minecraft the sun revolves around us?) It is not always suitable for all. It is understandable: only, figuratively speaking, strokes, and it's time to sleep. Yes, and not at that, we came to play so that we were told to tell me how much we wake, and how much time to dedicate time. We would real life It is not at all away to manage nature, including time, and in such a creative sandbox, like minecraft ... I wanted to say: "He himself ordered", but only it does not make much.

Well, nothing, we, crafters - Einsteins themselves. We are well known that time is relative, and if so, there must be a way to stretch and compress it according to our will. And this is exactly the case when the method not only has to, but also must, and we will tell you what it is.

First of all, today we are interested in how to make night in minecraft. This is a dangerous, but also useful and amazing time. And the danger and the benefits of it - in the bloodthirsty mobs who crawl out of their abode, only the sun will go on peace. The night is the time when we risk our lives, but it also gives us invaluable drop and experience after meeting with monsters. And how often we lacked these unfortunate seven minutes! But now everything will change in your life. You will become full time lords in Minecraft. You will understand how to make a night.

Commander Night and Day

In order for your ambitious dream to be implemented, you must either have server operator rights, or if you prefer a single and creative, enable cheats mode. If you are not limited to these conditions, you can learn how to use the console in minecraft. To make a night, write an almighty command on the command prompt - "/ Time Set Night". It will turn your game into endless walks under the moon and, of course, in constant scuffle with monsters. If this is what you want, forward. Since we spoke about the night, it is unreasonable not to affect the day. It can be made by the opposite team - "/ Time Set Day".

A day, however, is not limited to Minecraft with these opposites. To be able to install any time of day, you need to learn a different command - "/ Time Set xxx". Instead of ices it is necessary to put the desired value - from 0 to 24000. See examples:

  • 18000 . With this number you "appear" in the mincraft deep night (midnight).
  • 6000 . Love the midday heat? This is the number for you.
  • 12000 . It is easy to guess that as a result of prescribing this number, you will find yourself at dusk. Before the numbers, be sure to place a space.

We make a team management team

In order to simplify the command to the Minecraft as possible, you can use the command unit. Just not to do it - all the same conditions should be present: the operator's rights, etc. But they, as we understand, you have, if you are going to manage time, already exist. Then write "/ Give<ваш ник> 137 ", and get around command block. Besides him, you will need:

  • Red dust
  • Button
  • Some block on which secure the button

It is better to make two "commander" in minecraft. One is responsible for the day, the other - per night. Set any numerical commands already known to you, spend from them to blocks with the Redstone buttons, and enjoy the game in the omnipotent "electrician."