Consider account learning. Child learning score

Why do I call my way easy and even amazingly easy? Yes, simply because a simpler and reliable way to teach the kids, I have not yet met. You yourself will soon make sure if you use it to teach your child. For a child, it will be just a game, and all that will be needed from parents is to give this game for a few minutes a day, and if you adhere to my recommendations, before or later your child will definitely begin to consider chairs with you. But is it possible if a child is only three or four years old? It turns out, it is quite possible. In any case, I successfully do it for more than ten years.

The whole process of learning, I pretend further in very detailed, with a detailed description of each studying game, in order to be able to repeat with my child any mom. And, in addition, on the Internet on my site "Seven steps to a book" (site) I placed video recording of my classes with children to make these lessons even more accessible to playback.

First, several entrance words.

The first question arises from some parents: Is it worth starting to teach a child to school?

I think that it is necessary to teach a child when he shows interest in the subject of learning, and not after this interest he has a UGAS. And the interest in the account and counting is manifested in children early, it should only be easily feeding and imperceptibly the day of day to complicate the game. If, for some reason your child is indifferent to the recalculation of objects, do not tell yourself: "He has no tendency to mathematics, I, too, at school in mathematics lagged behind." Try to awaken this interest in it. Just turn on in its developing games, what you still missed: recalculation of toys, butchers on a shirt, steps when walking, etc.

The second question: how best to teach a child?

You will receive an answer to this question by reading the complete presentation of my learning methodology to the interpretation.

In the meantime, I want to warn you from applying some methods of learning that do not bring benefits.

"- To add 3 to the 2nd, you must first add 1 to the 2nd, it turns out 3, then to the 3rd add more 1, it will turn out 4, and finally add 1 more to the 4th, as a result there will be 5 ";
"- In order to take 3 from 5 to, you must first take away 1, it remains 4, then it will take another 1 from 4 more, it will remain 3, and finally, from 3rd to take another 1, as a result, 2".

This, unfortunately, the common method produces and secures the habit of slow counting and does not stimulate the mental development of the child. After all, it is to be considered - it means to fold and take away the whole numeric groups at once, and not add and subscribe in one, and even by recalculating your fingers or chopsticks. Why does this not useful for the child are so common? I think because it is so easier to the teacher. I hope that some teachers, having familiarized themselves with my technique, refuse him.

Do not start learning a child to count with sticks or fingers and make sure that it does not start using them later on the advice of the older sister or brother. To teach read on your fingers is easy, but to wean hard. While the child believes on the fingers, the memory mechanism is not involved, the results of the addition and subtraction of integer groups are not postponed.

And finally, in no case, do not use the method of account "on Lineber" in recent years:

"- To add 3 to the 2nd, you need to take Lineshek, to find a number 2 on it, count from it to the right 3 times on a centimeter and read the result on Lineberka 5";
"- In order to take 3 from 5, you need to take Lineshek, finding it on it 5, count left 3 times on a centimeter and read the result 2 on Lineberry."
This method of accounts using such a primitive "calculator", like Lineshke, as if deliberately invented in order to wean the child to think and memorize. What is so learning to count, it is better not to learn at all, but to immediately show how to use the calculator. After all, this method, in the same way as the calculator, eliminates the memory training and slows down the mental development of the baby.

At the first stage of learning, the interpretation must teach the child to consider within ten. It is necessary to help him firmly remember the results of all the options for the addition and subtraction of numbers within ten, as we remember them, adults.

At the second stage of training, preschoolers are mastering the basic methods of addition and subtracting in the mind of two-digit numbers. The main thing is now not automatic extract from the memory of ready-made solutions, but an understanding and memorization of methods of addition and subtraction in subsequent dozens.

Both on the first and in the second stage, learning to the interpretation occurs with the use of game elements and competition. With the help of training games built in a certain sequence, it is not achieved by formal memorization, but a conscious memorization using the visual and tactile memory of the child with subsequent fixing in the memory of each learned step.

Why do I teach exactly the interpretation? Because only an oral account develops the memory, the child's intellect and what we call the smell. Namely, it will be necessary for him in the subsequent adult life. And the Scripture of the "examples" with a long-term thinking and calculating the response on the fingers of the preschooler nothing but harm does not bring, because Heates thinking quickly. Examples he will decide later, at school, working out accuracy of design. And the intelligence must be developed at an early age, which is facilitated by the oral account.

Even before start learning the child with addition and subtraction, parents must teach him to recalculate items in the pictures and in nature, count the steps on the stairs, the steps on the walk. By the beginning of training, the child should be able to count at least five toys, fish, birds, or ladybugs, and at the same time master the concepts of "more" and "less." But all these diverse items and creatures should not be used in the future for teaching addition and subtraction. Education to the interpretation should be started with the addition and subtraction of the same homogeneous items forming a specific configuration for each number. This will allow you to use the visual and tactile memory of the child when remembering the results of the addition and subtraction by integer numeric groups (see video file 056). As a manual for learning a interpretation, I applied a set of small countable cubes in a box for an account (a detailed description of the following). And to fish, birds, dolls, gods and other subjects and creatures, children will return later, when solving arithmetic tasks. But by this time, addition and subtraction of any numbers in the mind will no longer be a complexity for them.

For convenience, I broke the first stage of learning (an account within the first ten) into 40 lessons, and the second stage of training (the account in subsequent dozens) is another 10-15 lessons. Let you not scare a large number of lessons. The breakdown of the entire course of learning for lessons is approximate, with the prepared children, I sometimes pass on 2-3 lessons for one occupation, and it is quite possible that your baby will not need to be so many lessons. In addition, these classes can be called only conditionally, because Each duration is only 10-20 minutes. They can also be combined with reading lessons. It is advisable to go twice a week, and the fulfillment of homework is enough to give 5-7 minutes over the other days. The very first lesson is needed not to every child, it is designed only for children who still do not know the numbers 1 and looking at two subjects, they cannot say how many of them, without counting the pre-finger. Their training must be started practically "from pure sheet". More trained children can start immediately from the second, and some from the third or fourth lesson.

I spend classes at the same time with three children, no more to keep the attention of each of them and not let them bored. When the level of preparing children is somewhat different, you have to deal with them alternately with different tasks, all the time switching from one child to another. At the initial lessons, the presence of parents is preferably in order to understand the essence of the technique and correctly performed simple and short daily homework with their children. But it is necessary to place parents so that children forget about their presence. Parents should not interfere and wrap their children, even if those salyat or distracted.

Classes with children with an oral account in a small group can be started, approximately, from three years, if they are already able to count the items, at least up to five. And with his own child, parents may well be engaged in initial lessons on this technique and from two years.

First step.
Account learning within the first dozen (lessons №1 - №40).

Initial lessons of the first stage (№1 - №5). Account learning within five.

For initial lessons, five cards with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and five cubes are required with an edge size of approximately 1.5-2 cm installed in the box (see Figure 1 of Annex 1). As cubes, I use the "Cubes of Knowledge", or "Learning Bricks", which are sold in the shops of the developing games, 36 cubes in the box. For the entire course of study, you will need three such boxes, i.e. 108 cubes. For the initial lessons, I take five cubes, the rest will be needed later. If you fail to pick up ready-made cubes, they will be easy to make themselves. To do this, you only need to print on a dense paper, 200-250 g / m2, Figure 2 of Annex 1, and then cut the billets of cubes, glue them in accordance with the species available, fill in any filler, for example, some cereal, and salary Outside scotch. It is also necessary to make a box to install these five cubes in a row. It is as easy to glue it from the printed on dense paper and cut out pictures 3 of the application 1. At the bottom of the box, five cells are drawn in size of cubes, cubes should be placed in it freely. And the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 need to be cut from the table 1 printed on the tight paper.

You have already understood that the learning of the account at the initial stage will be made using five cubes and boxes with five cells for them. In this regard, the question arises: what is the way of learning using five county cubes and boxes with five cells better learning with the help of five fingers? Mainly the fact that the box of the teacher from time to time can take the palm or remove, so that the cubes and empty cells located in it are very soon captured in the child's memory. And the fingers of the child always remain with it, he can see them or grip, and in memorization simply does not arise, the stimulation of the memory mechanism does not occur.

You should not try to replace the box with cubes with counting sticks, other objects for account or cubes, not compiled in a box in a row. Unlike cubes built into a row in a box, these items are raised randomly, do not form a constant configuration and therefore are not postponed in memory in the form of a memorable picture.

Lesson number 1

Before the course of the lesson, find out how much cubes the child is able to determine simultaneously, without recounting them with a finger. Usually, for three years, children can say right away, without counting how much in the box of cubes, if their number does not exceed two or three, and only some of them see four at once. But there are children who can still call only one subject. In order to say that they see two subjects, they must calculate them, showing the finger. For such children, the first lesson is intended. The rest will join them later.

To determine how much cubes a child sees right away, put a different number of cubes alternately into the box and ask: "How many cubes in a box? Do not count, say immediately. Well done! And now? And now? You are right, well done!" Children can sit or stand at the table. Box with cubes put on the table next to the child parallel to the edge of the table.

To perform the tasks of the first lesson, leave children who can still define only one cube. Play with them alternately.

1. I "Put the numbers to the cubes" with two cubes.

Put the card on the table with the number 1 and the card with the number 2. Put the box on the table and put one cube into it. Ask a child how many cubes in the box. After he answers "one", show him and name the number 1 and ask for it next to the box. Add a second cube to the box and ask to calculate how much now in the box of cubes. Let, if he wants, considers the cubes with his finger. After the child says that there are already two cubes in the box, show him and name the number 2 and ask to remove the number 1 from the box, and put the number in its place 2. Repeat this game several times. Very soon, the child will remember how two cubes look like, and it will begin to call this quantity at once without counting. At the same time, he will remember the numbers 1 and 2 and will move to the box a number corresponding to the number of cubes in it.

2. Agra "Dwarfs in a house" with two cubes.

Tell your child that you will play with him in the game "Dwarfs in the house". The box is a bed of the house, the cells in it are rooms, and the dices are dwarfs that live in them. Put one cube on the first cell to the left of the child and tell me: "One gnome came to the house." Then ask: "And if another will come to him, how many gnomes will be in the house?" If the child makes it difficult to answer, put the second cube on the table next to the house. After the child says that now there will be two gnomes in the house, let him put a second dwarf next to the first cell. Then ask: "And if now one gnome goes, how many gnomes will remain in the house?" This time your question does not cause difficulties and the child will answer: "one will remain."

Then complicate the game. Tell me: "Now make a roof house." Cover the box with the palm and repeat the game. Every time the child says how many gnomes has become in the house, after one came, or how many of them remained, after one left, remove the roof palm and let the child add or remove the cube and make sure his answer is correctly . This contributes to the connection not only visual, but also the tactile memory of the child. You always need to clean the last cube, i.e. Second left.

Play games 1 and 2 alternately with all children in the group. Tell your parents present in the lesson that they should play at home with their children in these games daily once a day, unless children ask more.

Lesson number 2.

In the second lesson, children can join the games, which when testing in Lesson No. 1 managed to say at once, without counting that there are two cubes in a box. If there are many such children, it is desirable to split them into groups of three children. Play with children alternately.

1. I "Put the numbers to the cubes" with three cubes.

Put three cards on the table with numbers 1, 2 and 3. Put the box on the table and put two cubes into it. Ask a child how many cubes in the box. After he responds "Two", ask him to put next to the box number 2 (numbers 1 and 2 it already knows). Add a third cube to the box and ask to calculate how much now in the box of cubes. Let, if he wants, considers the cubes with his finger. After the child says that there are already three cubes in the box, show him and name the number 3 and ask to remove the number 2 from the box, and put the number in its place 3. Then remove the two cubes from the box and ask how many cubes left. After the child responds "one", ask him to remove the number 3 from the box, and put the number 1. Repeat this game several times. Very soon, the child will remember how three cubes look like, and it will start calling this quantity at once without counting. At the same time, he will remember the figure 3 and will now know the numbers 1, 2, 3 and move a digit to the box corresponding to the number of cubes in it.

2. The "Gnomitics in the house" with three cubes.

Play the same as in Lesson number 1 (see Lesson No. 1, paragraph 2), but this time the gnomes will come to the house and leave it and one, and two. Start the game with an open box, and then make the roof covering the box with the palm. Listen to every child all possible options for addition and subtraction within three. You can also ask: "And if three leave, how much will it remain?" When a child responds that no one left, tell him that "no one is different called zero. Show him a number 0, which for this can also be cut from table 1 application 2. Each time after the child's answer, remove the roof palm and let the child add or remove the cubes and make sure the correctness of his answer. You always need to remove the latest cubes, considering them from left to right from the child.

3.Iigra in "Maps" with numbers 1, 2 and 3.

Think to the child a corrosion card with numbers 1, 2, 3. If I called it right - won if I was wrong, you call the figure correctly, take it yourself, and after one move again give it to your child. When you won everything, ask him to fold the numbers in the column in order.

Play games 1, 2 and 3 alternately with all children in the group. Tell your parents present in the lesson that they should play at home with their children in these games daily once a day, unless children ask more. Note. Do not go to the next lesson if after the lesson number 2 the child does not want to say right away without counting that there are three cubes in a box. To help such a child to overcome the habit of counting with a finger, repeat some time the game of the lesson number 2 with it.

Lesson number 3.

In the third lesson, children can join the games who, when testing in Lesson No. 1, managed to say at once, without counting that there were three cubes in a box. If there are many such children, it is desirable to split them into groups of three children. Play with children alternately.

1. I "Put the numbers to the cubes" with four cubes.

Put four cards with numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the table. Put the box on the table and put three cubes into it. Ask a child how many cubes in the box. After he answers "Three", ask him to put next to the box number 3 (numbers 1, 2 and 3 it already knows). Add the fourth cube to the box and ask to calculate how much now in the box of cubes. Let, if he wants, considers the cubes with his finger. After the child says that there are already four cubes in the box, show him and name the number 4 and ask to remove the number 3 from the box, and put the number in its place 4. Then, remove two cubes from the box and ask how many cubes left. After the child responds "Two", ask him to remove the number 4 from the box, and put a digit on her place 2. Then remove another cube and ask how many cubes remained. The child has already understood the meaning of this game. He will say that one cube remained in the box, will move the number 2 in the figure and moves the figure to the box 1. Repeat this game several times. Very soon, the child will remember how four cubes look like, and start calling this quantity immediately, not counting. At the same time, he will remember the number 4 and will now know the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and move the number to the box corresponding to the number of cubes installed in it.

2. Their "Punked Popola" with four cubes.

Put four cubes into the box and ask the child to divide them between you and their equally, so that everyone has the same number of cubes. When a child takes two cubes and gives you the same, ask him to say how many cubes have and how much you have.

3. The "Gnomitics in the house" with four cubes.

Play the same way as in previous lessons, but this time the gnomes will come to the house and leave it and one by one, and two, and three. Start the game with an open box, and then make the roof covering the box with the palm. If, with a covered box, the child is still difficult to guess how much the gnomes will be in the house after two or three have already been added there, put these two or three cubes next to the boxed box. So the child will be easier to mentally fold some cubes with others. And if with a covered box it is difficult for him to guess how many gnomes will remain in the house after two or three leave, get these two or three cubes from the box so that it is not clear how much cubes remained in the box, and put them next to Box. For example, there were four gnomes in the box, and three were gone. The child has not yet forgotten how those four looked like, and, looking at three cubes, which you got from under the palm and put it near, without any explanation guess that one was left in the roof in the house. Listen to every child all possible additions and subtraction options within four. You can also remind you that in an empty box zero cubes. Start the game from the fact that installing all four cubes, cover the box and ask: how many dwarfs in the house now? That's right, four. And if two go, how much will it remain? " If the child can not immediately answer, remind him as he just shared four in half: two cubes took himself and two gave you.

When adding, first add to a larger number less, and immediately after that - on the contrary, to a smaller greater. Make it at first with an open box and clearly show the child that if, for example, one came to three gnomes, then they will become four, and if three will come to one, then there will also be four. Do not demand that the child understands and learned this explanation from the first time. Before it comes out gradually.

Each time after the child's answer, remove the roof palm and let the child add or remove the cubes and make sure in the correctness of his answer (you always need to remove the latest cubes, counting them from left to right from the child).

Full presentation can be downloaded on the left pane of this page.

Many kids are already a bill for three years. Account learning is mechanically. "Speakers" numbers of electronic alphabet, and fairy tales read with parents, and readers who are learning with children, and board games are promoted. But to teach a child not to be considered not mechanically, but a sensible rather not simple task.

Primary account learning

Everyone, without exception, prevailing prevails visual-shaped thinking. Therefore, everything that pronounces orally, they must be seen and even touch. Start training is always needed in the game. Playing with the child, you must consider dolls, cars, balls and other toys. For example, removed the machine, immediately counted items. Added a ball, recalculated items again. Next to the counted items can be put a card with a digit so that the children visually remembered how many items correspond to each digit.

At the same time, it is necessary to learn to compare items by asking various questions: "What is more bunnies or machines? Why more machines? How much more?" At the same time, it is necessary to start learning a bill with one or two items. Then gradually add the number of toys and, accordingly, cards with numbers.

You can use for account learning and exercise. Just say to the child, so that he jumped 5 times, crouched 3 times, bent 4 times or performed any other exercise a certain number of times. In this case, health benefits will turn into an exciting game.

"Before" (who is behind the bunny?);
"For" (who is behind the protein?);
"Between" (who is between the protein and the Mishutka?);
"What is the account ...?" (What is the elephant?).

Only after the child learn how to learn up to ten and lifting the bill in the reverse order, and also without errors will call the numbers standing for "for", "" before "and" between ", it will be possible to start addition and subtract.

Mastering simple calculations

At this stage it is very important to learn from the child the composition of each number. Without this, your kid will not figure out! You must begin with numbers 2.


2 is 1 and 1;
3 is 1 and 2 or 2 and 1;
4 is 1 and 3 or 2 and 2, or 3 and 1, and so on.

In this case, all exercises and tasks must be confirmed visually: with the help of pictures, toys, counting sticks and any other items. Each new number is formed by adding a number 1, and this can be shown to your child with the help of sticks.

Example: Put two sticks. How many sticks? Put one more. How much did the sticks become? How was the number of three? Two added one.

At the same time, you can teach a child to solve the simplest tasks with the words flew, flew away, ate and other similar. It is also not bad to ask the baby yourself to invent the challenges. This will not only consolidate the surveyed skills, but also contributes to the development of his imagination.

Account learning rules

Training should occur only in the game.
Do not raise the voice to the baby, if something does not work.
Praise the child even for the smallest success.
The desire to account should be mutual. Does not want to count today, do not dilute. Let's take care tomorrow.

Well, and finally, I would like to say: do not worry if you and your child do not work. In kindergarten and school it will definitely be competent everything will be taught by experienced teachers. So for excitement there are no prerequisites! But if the kid himself reaches his knowledge, be sure to help him master the bill. Believe me, it's not so difficult, and everything will definitely work out.

When the baby grows out of the diaper, it begins to run, speak and interested in a row, loving parents think about how to teach a child to count. These skills are very useful to a small person, and the earlier he will win them, the better.
Next, let's talk about how to introduce crumbling with numbers and numbers up to 100.

When to teach a child account?

No one can call exact deadlines, but scientifically proven that in 2-3 years the child arises the strongest need for new knowledge and receipt of information. Now Kroch is ready to teach everything, he absorbs knowledge like a sponge, stretches to the unknown and generally represents the ideal soil to determine those or other abilities.

That is why it is better to start to acquaint the baby with numbers from two to three years. However, it can be done before. Already in a year old, the children are able to understand that one and two different things, although to the end to realize the quantitative states of the subjects they are not yet able to.

How to teach count to 10?

The account up to 10 is the main task you need to put a parent of a small child. But to master the 10 digits at once, the baby can be difficult, so teach the crumb to first count to 5.

To do this, you can resort to the following methods that are easy to implement at home.

  • On the hand five fingers - pushing out from it, familiarize the karapuz with the "names" of numbers.
  • Show cards with items depicted on them (from one to five) - remember, the image of the numbers themselves is better not to show the baby.
  • Developing cartoons and transmissions - they can be found on the Internet.
  • Scores and other learning toys.
  • Paws and fun.
  • Account in everyday life.

Very good if you introduce your baby to home deals, parallel to teaching the bill. For example, you can instruct the crumb to wash five cups. At the same time, ask for a child: once a cup, two cups. Or before going to the store, ask the baby to remember the five positions from the product list. The child must remind you of what to buy. At the same time you can flex your fingers so as not to get away from the account. This will allow how to teach a child to believe in the mind and take care of the development of his memory.

We use cards with cards. Such benefits are sold in all bookstores and online stores for children. First, show the cards sequentially, then alternate - let the child responds how many items are depicted on the card (remember that writing numbers we do not yet learn!)

But try not to annoy the baby with your "mathematics". Do everything unobtrusively and easily, in a game form, so that the kid not felt a student in the school class.

This occupation is like when you want to teach a child to read in the syllables and gradually familiarize it with letters and sounds. Do not hurry, make sure that the baby learned the information well before proceeding to the next learning step.

How to teach a child to write numbers?

After the first 10 digits are studied, you can show the child as they are written. It is better not to load the baby's memory and study the day on one written figure.

Dedicate the number all day:

  • write it on a sheet of paper and hang in a prominent place;
  • together with the CHADE, cut out the digit from plasticine;
  • look at the transfer, where it is described about this figure;
  • create examples with the calendar. For example, the "2nd numbers we will go to the grandmother."

Write the figures to the baby will help such a simple and everyday item like a clock. The child probably saw him many times, so he will not be a novel in the dial.

How to teach count to 20?

The next stage of the mathematical learning of the child at home will be the score to 20. It should be started to classes only when the crumb has already mastered the numbers from 1 to 9 and the number 10.

  1. Explain that each subsequent (further 10) number will consist of two digits. In other words, each number is divided into tens and units. The first digit is dozens, the second - units.
  2. Use two boxes. Put ten objects (balls, cubes, etc.) to another - one (2, 3, 4), this visual example will help the baby to understand what.
  3. Tell me that all numbers in the position of units go one after another, that is, after 11 there is 12, then 13, 14, etc.
  4. When a child understands the essence of the account until 20, you can give him a small task. For example, ask for a child to put in an empty box of 16 dryers (candies, balls). At the same time, the baby should consider out loud.

How to teach count to 100?

By 4-5 years, when the baby already considers from 1 to 20, you can introduce it with numbers up to 100. It requires a certain patience and time, learning the process of a rather long and time consuming.

  1. First of all, tell me that there are 9 tens in a numeric number. There are 9. Name numbers - 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90. But make sure that there are still units between these numbers, that is, these Numbers do not go one by one.
  2. After that, a small review lesson, offer a child to learn 10 new numbers per day. Start with the third tent (21, 22, 23 ...). Before bed, ask the baby to tell what he learned. At the same time, it is possible to repeat and passing material, having counted any items.
  3. When a child examines several dozen numbers, play with him to the game: Show a numeric row with a missed number in the middle. The kid must find and paste the lost element.
  4. For the right answers, praise the child, rejoice in its successes. Motivate the baby to learning.

How to teach to fold and deduct?

Such basic operations, as an addition and subtraction, will be useful to the child before school. The ability to calculate the items in everyday life will give a crumb of self-confidence, and will also give an impetus to the development of intellect. But where to start?

First of all, remember - no lessons of mathematics! Only a game and interesting pastime.

  1. Prepare a visual material: apples, candy, cubes - what the kid will be interested in operating.
  2. First, disassemble a simple number (for example, 3). You can get in sum 3 by folding two candies and one. Ask the kid to show how much he understood the explanation.
  3. Continue to fold until the child understands what what, and only then go to subtraction.

Why do I call my way easy and even amazingly easy? Yes, simply because a simpler and reliable way to teach the kids, I have not yet met. You yourself will soon make sure if you use it to teach your child. For a child, it will be just a game, and all that will be needed from parents is to give this game for a few minutes a day, and if you adhere to my recommendations, before or later your child will definitely begin to consider chairs with you. But is it possible if a child is only three or four years old? It turns out, it is quite possible. In any case, I successfully do it for more than ten years.

The whole process of learning, I pretend further in very detailed, with a detailed description of each studying game, in order to be able to repeat with my child any mom. And, in addition, on the Internet on my site "Seven steps to a book" I placed video captures of my classes with children to make these lessons even more accessible to playback.

First, several entrance words.

The first question arises from some parents: Is it worth starting to teach a child to school?

I think that it is necessary to teach a child when he shows interest in the subject of learning, and not after this interest he has a UGAS. And the interest in the account and counting is manifested in children early, it should only be easily feeding and imperceptibly the day of day to complicate the game. If, for some reason, your child is indifferent to the recalculation of objects, do not tell yourself: "He has no tendency to mathematics, I also go back in mathematics school." Try to awaken this interest in it. Just turn on in it that you still missed: recalculation of toys, butchers on a shirt, steps when walking, etc.

The second question: how best to teach a child?

You will receive an answer to this question by reading the complete presentation of my learning methodology to the interpretation.

In the meantime, I want to warn you from applying some methods of learning that do not bring benefits.

"To add 3 to the 2nd, you first need to add 1 to the 2nd, it turns out 3, then to the 3rd add more 1, it will turn out 4, and finally, to add more 1 more, as a result there will be 5" ; "- In order to take 3 from 5, you must first take away 1, it will remain 4, then it will take another 1 from 4 more, it will remain 3, and finally, from 3 more to take another 1, as a result, 2".

This, unfortunately, the common method produces and fixes the habit of slow counting and does not stimulate mental. After all, it is to be considered - it means to fold and take away the whole numeric groups at once, and not add and subscribe in one, and even by recalculating your fingers or chopsticks. Why does this not useful for the child are so common? I think because it is so easier to the teacher. I hope that some teachers, having familiarized themselves with my technique, refuse him.

Do not start learning a child to count with sticks or fingers and make sure that it does not start using them later on the advice of the older sister or brother. To teach read on your fingers is easy, but to wean hard. While the child believes on the fingers, the memory mechanism is not involved, the results of the addition and subtraction of integer groups are not postponed.

And finally, in no case do not use the method of account "on Lineber" in recent years:

"To add 3 to the 2nd, you need to take Lineshek, to find a number 2 on it, stern from it to the right 3 times on a centimeter and read the result on Lineberka 5";

"To take 3 from 5, you need to take Lineshek, to find a number 5 on it, stern from it to the left 3 times on a centimeter and read the result 2 on Lineshek.

This method of the account using such a primitive "calculator" as Lineshke, as if deliberately invented in order to wean the child to think and memorize. What is so learning to count, it is better not to learn at all, but to immediately show how to use the calculator. After all, this method, in the same way as the calculator, eliminates the memory training and slows down the mental development of the baby.

At the first stage of learning, the interpretation must teach the child to consider within ten. It is necessary to help him firmly remember the results of all the options for the addition and subtraction of numbers within ten, as we remember them, adults.

At the second stage of training, preschoolers are mastering the basic methods of addition and subtracting in the mind of two-digit numbers. The main thing is now not automatic extract from the memory of ready-made solutions, but an understanding and memorization of methods of addition and subtraction in subsequent dozens.

Both on the first and in the second stage, learning to the interpretation occurs with the use of game elements and competition. With the help of built in a certain sequence, it is achieved not a formal memorization, but a conscious memorization using the visual and tactile memory of the child with subsequent fixing in the memory of each learned step.

Why do I teach exactly the interpretation? Because only an oral account develops the memory, the child's intellect and what we call the smell. Namely, it will be necessary for him in the subsequent adult life. And the Scripture of the "examples" with a long-term thinking and calculating the response on the fingers of the preschooler nothing but harm does not bring, because Heates thinking quickly. Examples he will decide later, at school, working out accuracy of design. And the intelligence must be developed at an early age, which is facilitated by the oral account.

Even before start learning the child with addition and subtraction, parents must teach him to recalculate items in the pictures and in nature, count the steps on the stairs, the steps on the walk. By the beginning of the teaching, the child should be able to count at least five toys, fish, birds, or ladybugs, and at the same time learn the concept of "more" and "less." But all these diverse items and creatures should not be used in the future for teaching addition and subtraction. Education to the interpretation should be started with the addition and subtraction of the same homogeneous items forming a specific configuration for each number. This will allow you to use the visual and tactile memory of the child when remembering the results of the addition and subtraction by integer numeric groups (see video file 056). As a manual for learning a interpretation, I applied a set of small countable cubes in a box for an account (a detailed description of the following). And to fish, birds, dolls, gods and other subjects and creatures, children will return later, when solving arithmetic tasks. But by this time, addition and subtraction of any numbers in the mind will no longer be a complexity for them.

For convenience, I broke the first stage of learning (an account within the first ten) into 40 lessons, and the second stage of training (the account in subsequent dozens) is another 10-15 lessons. Let you not scare a large number of lessons. The breakdown of the entire course of learning for lessons is approximate, with the prepared children, I sometimes pass on 2-3 lessons for one occupation, and it is quite possible that your baby will not need to be so many lessons. In addition, these classes can be called only conditionally, because Each duration is only 10-20 minutes. They can also be combined with reading lessons. It is advisable to go twice a week, and the fulfillment of homework is enough to give 5-7 minutes over the other days. The very first lesson is needed not to every child, it is designed only for children who still do not know the numbers 1 and looking at two subjects, they cannot say how many of them, without counting the pre-finger. Their training must be started practically "from pure sheet". More trained children can start immediately from the second, and some from the third or fourth lesson.

I spend classes at the same time with three children, no more to keep the attention of each of them and not let them bored. When the level of preparing children is somewhat different, you have to deal with them alternately with different tasks, all the time switching from one child to another. At the initial lessons, the presence of parents is preferably in order to understand the essence of the technique and correctly performed simple and short daily homework with their children. But it is necessary to place parents so that children forget about their presence. Parents should not interfere and wrap their children, even if those salyat or distracted.

Classes with children with an oral account in a small group can be started, approximately, from three years, if they are already able to count the items, at least up to five. And with his own child, parents may well be engaged in initial lessons on this technique and from two years.

Initial lessons of the first stage. Account learning within five

For initial lessons, five cards with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and five cubes are required with the edge size of about 1.5-2 cm installed in the box. As cubes, I use the "knowledge cubes", or "Learning Bricks", 36 cubes in the box in stores. For the entire course of study, you will need three such boxes, i.e. 108 cubes. For the initial lessons, I take five cubes, the rest will be needed later. If you fail to pick up ready-made cubes, they will be easy to make themselves. To do this, you only need to print on a dense paper, 200-250 g / m2, drawing, and then cut the billets of cubes, glue them in accordance with the species available, fill in any filler, for example, some kind of cereal, and go from the outside of scotch. It is also necessary to make a box to install these five cubes in a row. It is also simply glued to glue it from a damned paper and cut drawing. At the bottom of the box, five cells are drawn in size for cubes, cubes should be placed in it freely.

You have already understood that the learning of the account at the initial stage will be made using five cubes and boxes with five cells for them. In this regard, the question arises: what is the way of learning using five county cubes and boxes with five cells better learning with the help of five fingers? Mainly the fact that the box of the teacher from time to time can take the palm or remove, so that the cubes and empty cells located in it are very soon captured in the child's memory. And the fingers of the child always remain with it, he can see them or grip, and in memorization simply does not arise, the stimulation of the memory mechanism does not occur.

You should not try to replace the box with cubes with counting sticks, other objects for account or cubes, not compiled in a box in a row. Unlike cubes built into a row in a box, these items are raised randomly, do not form a constant configuration and therefore are not postponed in memory in the form of a memorable picture.

Lesson number 1.

Before the course of the lesson, find out how much cubes the child is able to determine simultaneously, without recounting them with a finger. Usually, for three years, children can say right away, without counting how much in the box of cubes, if their number does not exceed two or three, and only some of them see four at once. But there are children who can still call only one subject. In order to say that they see two subjects, they must calculate them, showing the finger. For such children, the first lesson is intended. The rest will join them later. To determine how the number of cubes, the child sees immediately, put a different number of cubes alternately and ask: "How many cubes in a box? Do not count, say right away. Well done! And now? And now? Right, well done!" Children can sit or stand at the table. Box with cubes put on the table next to the child parallel to the edge of the table.

To perform the tasks of the first lesson, leave children who can still define only one cube. Play with them alternately.

  1. Game "Put the numbers to cubes" with two cubes.
    Put the card on the table with the number 1 and the card with the number 2. Put the box on the table and put one cube into it. Ask a child how many cubes in the box. After he answers "one", show him and name the number 1 and ask for it next to the box. Add a second cube to the box and ask to calculate how much now in the box of cubes. Let, if he wants, considers the cubes with his finger. After the child says that there are already two cubes in the box, show him and name the number 2 and ask to remove the number 1 from the box, and put the number in its place 2. Repeat this game several times. Very soon, the child will remember how two cubes look like, and it will begin to call this quantity at once without counting. At the same time, he will remember the numbers 1 and 2 and will move to the box a number corresponding to the number of cubes in it.
  2. Game "Dwarfs in a house" with two cubes.
    Tell your child that you will play with him in the game "Dwarfs in the house". The box is a bed of the house, the cells in it are rooms, and the dices are dwarfs that live in them. Put one cube on the first cell to the left of the child and tell me: "One gnome came to the house." Then ask: "And if another will come to him, how many gnomes will be in the house?" If the child makes it difficult to answer, put the second cube on the table next to the house. After the child says that now there will be two gnomes in the house, let him put a second dwarf next to the first cell. Then ask: "And if now one gnome goes, how many gnomes will remain in the house?" This time your question does not cause difficulties and the child will answer: "one will remain."

Then complicate the game. Tell me: "Now make a roof house." Cover the box with the palm and repeat the game. Every time the child says how many gnomes has become in the house, after one came, or how many of them remained, after one left, remove the roof palm and let the child add or remove the cube and make sure his answer is correctly . This contributes to the connection not only visual, but also the tactile memory of the child. You always need to clean the last cube, i.e. Second left.

Play games 1 and 2 alternately with all children in the group. Tell your parents present in the lesson that they should play at home with their children in these games daily once a day, unless children ask more.