Humorous fables for children 9 13 years old. The funniest bass

Ivan Andreevich Krylov - by all the favorite writer, his fables - this is "the property of the people, they constitute the book of the wisdom of the people themselves."

Ivan Andreevich Basni Short and long, understandable and difficult meaning, mainly intended for an adult audience. But the little reader also does not plan to stay aside and wants to know the Basinie of the Great Grandfather of the Krylov.

Children's Baszy Krylov are written with an amazing sense of humor. They do not have hard morals, and there are only briefly emphasized truths, who will not prevent anyone, including children.

Works of Ivan Andreevich - School of Life. What is good and what is bad, the children will understand, reading such fables as "dragonfly and ant", "Swan, pike and cancer", "Crow and Fox", "Elephant and Mosk", "Quartet", "Marty and glasses" .

Marty and glasses

Martie to the old age of weak eyes became;
And people she had heard
That this evil is not so big hands:
Only it is worth the glasses.
Glasses from half a dozen she got it;
Retrieves the glasses and Syak:
Then to the topic they will fit them, they dial them on the tail,
They sniff them, they polish them;
Points do not work in any way.
"Ugh puffy! - she says, - and that fool,
Who listens to all of the History;
All about glasses only naked me;
And there is no on-hair in them. "
Martyry here with annoyance and sorrow
About the stone so enough them
That only splashes flashed.
Unfortunately, it happens in people:
No matter how much the thing is - the prices are not knowing
Ignorant of her sense all to the Klonite Klonit;
And if ignorant of cheating,
So he is also chasing it.

Dragonfly and ant

Pumping dragonfly
Summer red lost;
Lookane did not have time
How winter rolls in the eye.
Dailed pure field;
There are no days of those bright more
How under each shelter she
Was ready and a table and a house.
Everything went: with winter cold
Need, hunger comes;
Dragonfly does not sing:
And to whom will go to mind
On the stomach sing hungry!
Evil longing dedict
She crawls to ant:
"Do not leave me, cum dear!
Give me to get together with force
And to the worldwide days
Proactors and heating! " -
"Kumushka, I'm strange it:
Did you work in the summer? " -
Tells her ant.
"Before that, Blowjob was?
In soft mouisa we have
Songs, harefaction every hour,
So what turned head. " -
"And so you ..." - "I am without a soul
Summer whole sang. " -
"Have you sang everything? this case:
So look, babes! "

Swan, pike and cancer

When there is no agreement in comrades,
On the way, their business will not go,
And it does not come out of it, only flour.
Once again swan, cancer yes pike
And together three, everything was injected into it;
From the skin we climb ok, and it's not a move!
Choking for them seemed easy:
Yes swan rusting into the clouds,
Cancer is five back, and the pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame from them, who is wrong - not to judge us;
Yes, only WHO and now there.

A Crow and a fox

How many times did the world told
That flattery is harmful; But only everything is not
And in the heart of the smoke always deducts the corner.

Rainer somewhere god sent a piece of cheese;
On a spruce flame
Breakfast was quite already gathered,
Yes, I was thoughtful, and I kept cheese in the mouth.
On that bit fox nearby running;
Suddenly, the Cheese Spirit Fox stopped:
Fox sees cheese, fox cheese captured.
Plutka to the tree on tiptoe fits;
Turns the tail, from the crows the eye does not reduce
And he says so sweet, a little breathe:
"Golubushka, as good!
Well, what kind of neck, what kind of eyes!
Talk, so, the right, fairy tales!
What Pinger! What a sock!
And, right, Angels should be a voice!
Sphlee, Svetik, do not get together! What, if, sister,
With the beauty of such and singing you master, -
After all, you would have a king bird! "
Stunina with praise turned his head
From joy in Zobu, the breath was walked, -
And on the welkers of Lisitsyna words
Crow cut into all the roronieu throat:
Cheese fell - with him there was a row.

Elephant and Moskka

On the streets of the elephant drove,
As can be seen at the bottom -
It is known that the elephants in the wonder we -
So behind the elephant crowd Zewak went.
I turn off, either, towards the Musk to them.
Seeing the elephant, well, howling it,
And bark, and squeeze, and break,
Well, it climbs into a fight with him.
"Neighbor, stop singing",
Shawka says to her: "Do you feel mess around with an elephant?
Look, you fucking, and he goes
And your lady does not notice at all. "
"Eh, Eh!" To her, Pumpka answers:
"This is what I and the Spirit attaches,
That I am completely without a fight,
I can get into big gabbs.
Let the dogs say:
"Ay, Pug! knowing it is strong
What barks on an elephant! "


Mozyushka lean
Yes Kosolapy Mishka
We started playing quartet.
Got notes, bass, alta, two violins
And sat on the meadow under Lipki, -
Failure to captivate with its art.
They hit the bow, fight, but there is no sense.
"Stop, brothers, stand! - Screams Marty. - Wait!
How to go music? After all, you are not so sitting.
You and Bas, Misha, sit against Alta,
I, Prima, Sad against the Second;
Then the music does not follow:
We will scare the forest and mountains! "
Zavekat, started quartet;
He is still on the way.
"Wait, I saw a secret! -
Shouts downtown - we, right, we can we
Kohl Sit down. "
Donkey was obeyed: it was satisfactory in a row;
Still, the quartet is neudows on the way.
That's the stronal of the former walked
And disputes,
Who and how to sit.
It happened a nightingale to the noise to fly.
Here, with a request to him, to solve them in doubt.
"Perhaps, they say - take patience for an hour,
So that the quartet is in order to cite:
And we have notes, and there are tools,
Say only how we sit down! " -
"So that a musician be so necessary to reduce
And your ears of your rudder, -
Solovyov is responsible for them -
And you, friends, no matter,
All in the musicians are not good. "

Basnya - one of the ancient types of artistic works, originating from the III Millennium BC. from Sumerian and Babylonian literature. Bassni is always laid morality and narration.

The bass is changed by the dark sides of the human character, and since these vices are not powerful over time, then the tesses of the past past years are relevant and understood. They help develop moral and ethical qualities in children and carry a considerable educational role in themselves, instructing the true path.

The founder of Basni is the ESOP - an antique poet-basinist of ancient Greece (VI-V century BC), who wrote his works in prose. Original plots and wisdom of his works that have passed through many centuries, served as the basis for the plots of other well-known authors-Basnopisians J. Lafontena and I.A. Krylova.

Read fables online

In this section, you will find the best collections of Basen Krylov, Ezop, J. Lafontena, for children of any age, which will be useful in the process of developing and raising a child.

The funniest bass

Happiness where there is love!

Three girls in the evening
Gathered for a friend in the house:
Polystali catalog,
Cola drank, cognac.
Broke out, stumbled,
Slowly drank ...

Says one maiden:
- "I met the prince, I met
I would be for all things -
Patzanca gave birth!
But first - a fur coat, a wheelbarrow,
Well, on the ruble dacha! "

To her girlfriend answered:
- "Exactly from the oak you fell!
Now the prince is not in honor,
We must "Papika" Pasta!

So that "beaver" was with gray,
Idle so that Il widow,
To keep a solid bank
To go to the club elite!

If I got such
Once b feast mountain!
To the evening wife,
And in the morning, the widow! "

The Three Maidel got up:
- "So the girls, not suitable!
And will not be in the life of the proc
Without love, but by calculation!

Let not the prince of the blood of elite,
Yes, and not "beaver" solid!
If only I believed and loved
And the family cherished! "

Two girlfriends laugh,
Third fool called.
We sat, laughed ...
Well, and until the time we broke up.

Passed five years since
How was the conversation.
And at a promine courage
Ile fate than goodbye
Radi again met,
Well, and chat remained.

Pickwith the first maiden:
- "Wanted, fool, prince!
There is a fur coat, there is a car,
There is a dacket on the ruble.
Only I am at the dacha that
Like in a gold cage!
Neither friends and no girlfriends
Crowd guards around!
I'm a boredom day-day
In this cage gold! "

- "Yesa-A, - the second answered,
- I once knew I once
That the worst of all in the world
Be for the life of "Beaver" in response!
Promised me Mount Zlata
And slipped two contracts,
For which you do not believe
Naked mealing out the door!
And now even a wolf howl
God forbid me to become widow! "

The third Maiden Maiden:
- "Yes, not sweet to you, sister!
My Vanyusha is not like that -
Employing and simple.
People have more honorable
Son is growing and daughter.
In the house we live our
And we are doing together!

Here it is light on mom
Together with her daughter with his son.
Well, girlfriends, I have time!
You, nor fluff, no feather! "

Husband handed her husband
Son hugged her daughter
Sat in white "Mercedes",
Here and fairy tale the end!

The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint
Young siblings lesson!
We will remind you again and again:
Happiness where there is love !!!

Family of Lviv without unnecessary fuss
The question decided positively, it seems.
In the forest since then no poverty
(And Zaitsev, by the way, not noticeable too).

Here are friends at the weekend.
Of course, the table was broken.
Drinks was so much alcohol,
From the envy of Bakhus walked!
The hostess ate a lot and saw.
Guests, not forgetting, pouring,
Well, and a dog, from the pans
Snacks, the point, served.
There was a dispute between the case.
Laugh, Balagurili a lot.
In the merry rhythm there was a conversation,
But, nevertheless, heroin became a lot.
To the fence removed away
For her and Paddelius evaporated.
Has her husband cheaned his friends all night
And in the morning the picture appeared.
When, to the dawn, guests diverged,
He sleepily wanted to get down to his beloved,
And then the evil spirits in bed and appear
Without need in that required.
On the site of adulted wife
Chernel with tail, hooves, horns
Prescrutic image of evil Satan,
Librated to hell for a long time.
To the rubble hand and, bright light
He opened his eyes to a suited spouse.
My beloved on the bed is not at all,
But he finds a girlfriend on the floor.
On the rug she sleeps dog
And Paddelikha on her bed.
Let me reader forgive me
But who of all that evening was amented to? !!
Host, Rye as Merin in Klelev,
The other lie died left.
And I, of all reading call
To ensure that I studied over the errors.
Morality here is primitive and simple:
An, if the nice holiday happened,
I since the nectar watched the mouth,
Shot to the passage did not raise

Wolf on diet

Hungry wolf said Wolfitsa:
- I missed the bird so much.
I will not give up from the lamb.
So appetizing his pic!
- Quietly, - Molchitsa polly, -
Ile you forgot that it is not suitable,
Even children know about it
Dream about meat on a diet?!
- I, dear, I also know
But with hunger just Thay.
Before the eyes of the pellery.
Prey is often not visible.
And even if something can be seen,
Cannot catch up. Here is a shame!
Health bought, as in the fly.
We'll have to interrupt the diet.
Let high cholesterol,
I'm still a wolf, and not downtown.
Read the reader, the fancy this,
Before you sit on a diet!

Dragonfly and Murai.

Pumping dragonfly
I knew my business tight:
The whole repertoire was dug,
Forgetting about the brakes.

She is familiar with different styles,
Understand yourself,
Vamig dance has been promoted
On the bills of the whole country.

No in tour respite,
No in mom's mom
Notorious Murai.
Impresario with her.

And grows the dragonfly tribe,
Having fun from the soul.
That's what it means in our time
"So look, babies!"

Two Batons Sausages (Bass)

Once two batches of sausages
Before falling on the scales,
Told and quite frankly.
The Russian Baton behaved arrogantly!
"Do you know? - He said: After all, my parent
Russian our native distiversity,
Not that you - born abroad,
Shining and smelling Pijon! "
"Perhaps I am a Pijon replied to the tone
Beautiful imported baton
But now you look at yourself.
In you, Russian is nothing inside:
Spies from Germany was brought,
And I bought the meat in Italy!
And in order to be felt like a gain,
Spanish additives fell in you.
Only shell, like from Russia,
All makes better painting.
But the shell, like a condom,
Which will hide any negative.
And here I am imported Baton.
Abroad produced.
But on the recipe,
Where there are no traces of Russian Duri:
Without soybeans, substitutes of raw materials.
Therefore, I'm looking at the rest of me. "
No matter where Baton is born.
Useful should be tasty!
No need to use a condom
The child must be healthy and beautiful!

New Basnie About Cot Vaska

Mice one fine evening
(I apologize for the stamp)
Vaska's cat invited to meet
Movement "Cats - Mice!"

Cat Vaska (current Vasily)
Presented the block created by him ...
(His, as you can see, little beat
For the fact that fat firs.)

I have been friends with mice since childhood! -
He said, climbing the mustache,
-Moy slogan- all mice for dinner
Swiss, but free, cheese!

Solemnly give you a word, -
Here he was lit up,
- What about the bunch of mousetrap
I will promote the law.

Fucked mice: -Waska - Dushka!
What is his eyes! -
Giving him unanimously
Sympathy and voices.

For rapid applause
Cat Vaska said he was glad
Have such intelligent
And devotee electorate,

Thinking: - And besides delicious! -
Lean with a young mouse ...

With the morality of this fable sad
Observing my reader myself!

Bass about Greek

One day very wise Greek,
Having built a cake
said that there is no rivers in the world
in which there is no broth.
Said and lowered the water
His not a tricky structure,
Left on the vest that there are strength,
Trying to cope with the flow.

Bystrina passed, before him
River quiet - oblique shallow
Suddenly sees a miracle: do not fall,
Do not lin, not bream, not som, not perch.
Six paws, mustache, claws and tail,
Well, exactly the caterpillar truck,
And take a look, so the breakdown of diarrhea
And ask it five as cancer.
"Who are you?" - asked our brave Greek.
"Well, answer me more
I passed a lot of rivers,
But I did not see any terrible. "
Silent like a fish only tail
The sand quietly swalls.
Our Greek wanted his oars,
Then thought: suddenly break!
And we will not pass past too
so you can see a pouse
And even the most darling yrsh
Above the Greek will be awesome.

And here is the Greek Five
Under muddy water hid
He would have a tail, so there is no, in a culley ...
Over the river echo for a long time

This fables have a thought one:
You are not caught in the river with your hands,
what if the crocodile fish
Or that scary - Piranha!

Wolf and Wolf Working (Bass)

In one launched fishing
With a chapboity and swamp
The wolf came to be arranged
On wolf work.

Grinding with a resin
And sprinkling the wool nectar
Comes gray to booze,
Head of personnel.

And immediately to business, they say, teeth
Ruddova is enough
Work, see, ready
Specifically, in the wolf flock.

Kaban Already grew, as if waiting
Other statement.
- Yes, you are a wolf, and not a jackal? -
So with a perturbation.

What else to hell with jackal? -
He made a applicant.
- Well, consider that I did not get
You are in our logistics, buddy.

Kaban about the stump shot ass,
Spearbed slyly:
- Wolves have wolves filled
Brigado Shakalov.

In the Shakaly forest? .. That's the times -
The wolf is mamlit in an explicit trance. -
Or maybe this ... you have
Others from vacancies?

I could exactly like foxes
Mice catching both birds.
Caban laughs:
- Oh, focus!
We have no chanchers.

Instead of them in the forest live
Visiting hyenas.
Not what foxes plow here
Furiously in three shifts.

So I would go to the hares.
Let me teach me. -
Thinks wolf. - It is a shame,
But since the case fell ...

Boar laughs:
-Is, die!
You can see, looked!
We have long been kangaroo
Here they jump instead of the hares.

So me to die at all?
Exclaimed the wolf in despair.
- Well, where the bear sits,
Toptygin, your boss?!

Medve e-food! - stucked like annealing,
Boar. - Well, you and the Tsanta.
Forgotten the word even. a lion
We now have in the kingdom.

So where did I get, boar? -
The wolf prays dim.
Boar in response:
- Widged Shaitan
You are Russian.

But only here we have now
Big changes -
Other fauna and beast
According to new thinking.

We have no beaver in the river.
But there are hippos,
Kulik, in his waters gaining water,
Flamingam passed the swamp.

Yes, I will tell you, and myself
I will give a sick chair.
So, come on. Adew. Salam.
Search for another place.

Toptygin and Koslapaya

Friendly fun raises
Raughty intrigue!
Wedding all the forest goes down, -
Marry now Toptygin.
Zhenka nice arda
At the side, the Bear, Playfully,
It strokes her gently lapure, -
Irresistible diva.

Rada forest all residents -
Happiness came to their reserve!
Only there were connoles,
Fucking brought to the holiday.
Ropot went a quiet sapoy:
"Watch, the spouse will be
Individly slightly closer!
By chromotype, it's judging ... "

After a honeymoon
No console brawling!
Everything walks. Thinks. Fucked!
Closely perceived everything too.
Whether otherwise, stake drip
Loss, foxes and wolves:
"Did you buy Kosolapay?
What was not softer withers? "

Putting Toptygin. Torn.
Is there a flawlessness of the spouse?
It seems to be trying around the house,
As in family leisure.
Knit, erases and cuts out.
No and in sex claims.
But, anyway, Koslapaya, -
If you take a value in Tayzhny ...

Well, ridicule to squeam
Not going to beasts!
If the hares are drunk
About clumsy pitch.
"What accommodated humbly me
They allowed insult? "-
Thought brazing, despicable
Feeling by changing the dwelling ...
New graveyard is in the reserve.
Which is one there is a grave there.
Who pronounced on that holiday
"About closure cute"?

And people with disabilities increased.
There is no paws in part.
Mishkina Honor was noticed,
Let not really and ethically.

That Kosolapu is concerned -
She became "Mrs. Forest".
She is now admired.
He writes about her often press.

There are neither morality in history
There is no other population in it.
There is only a moratorium
Hayan on and reproes!


Demolished the milf egg
Huge, so six kilos
Sensation! For the first time in the world!
This was not in mom
Correspondents, journalists
From abroad journalists
And Guinness with his book
Wishes to record in it.
In the chicken, they are all rushing
And they ask for interviews to give them
Ready camera notebook:
- Tell us, Mother's Pestrushka
As with the rooster you could
Giant egg to demolish?
-Secret, -Im kura says
And Tomno Edak looks in the distance.
-Name what are you next?
-As, they walled you all away.
And the rooster is worth
And he mows at all.
Correspondents all to it
- tell me how you could
Giant egg to demolish?
-Secret, - he needs his teeth
And maliciously very much in the distance.
-What plans for a pen?
-The care does not give,
I used karate lessons take,
To give an ostrich in the face.

At the dawn, you will not be boudes

One rooster found excellent work:
He hired in the chicken coop to serve
Under the morning squeeze something
And on time to wake up.
However, life is full of tragedies.
And soon in the house near the neighbors
Became the young rooster shouting Kukarek.
It's a shame. It became an old man.
And he began to screamed him early
While the neighbor even dreamed.
But he did not wait for revenge
And even earlier shouted ...
The night became very shorter.
They so early began to sing,
That this singing tolerate
The owners did not become urine.
In the end of the rooster
There were only labor,
But even the cat devoured them.

Morality here - very little:
You need to know everything that life success
Not to cook before all.

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Baszy for children Vladimir Shebzukhova continue to meet

If you want to get acquainted with other works of this author, you can simply score in the line of searching for any browser "Poems Vladimir Shebzukhov" and you will find a lot of them. Or you can contact the author ourselves on this page.

This is the name of our today's release of dating with the work of Vladimir Shebzukhova.

Lisitsa and Lev.

Lisa came across the claws of the lion.
The twuth of the Namig found words
What is in the forest - in honor of being
Beasts, they say, to keep everyone in fear ...
And, how suddenly Lero, not to know about that?!
After all, who wants to offend
Retribution can not be avoided!

Already the hair on the mafe got up -
"We have seen such batchies.
In the village - spit in the eyes - dew!
Skinny everything, old fox! "

"Well, if you don't believe, you will be killed."
You walk with me in the forest,
I don't even need a formidable roar,
All the animals will scatter in the midst! "

And here on the forest lion with a fox
(This will not even dream)
Go like close friends.
From fear, the beasts scattered,
And the birds, in the flock that was shot down -
To fly around for the sea!

Lion thought, however.
"Not lying fox. And how to be here,
After all, they fled everything from fear?!
Perhaps I am friends with Fox! "

But the truth in the fairy tale is such -
They were afraid not a fox, but a lion!

Cat and Lev.

What will not meet in fate ...
Walked in itself
Suddenly having met on the forest path
Kittenka-Lions, somehow, cat.

Still not learning to be angry
Having tails, lion, that a lion's mother
The hunters were killed in a fight,
It became not childish bitterly crying.

It seemed, here's a little bit,
A cat burned with a lion.
Listening to the breath -
Took the child on the rise ...

It's time to become a terrible lion.
Food such a beast is a little!
Not fed was from what is ...
I decided to eat a mammy-cat.

Ready, it was, and attack,
On the tree cat climbed.
Lion how to climb neither tried
A, evil - under the tree remained.

"What has happened suddenly?
You taught me a lot.
On the tree, did not show the lion -
To climb himself! "

"You are the lion, the beasts of all the Lord.
But, strong - my angel, keeper!
That can "on the chest of a snake",
I did not learn! "

Two macaics

Barely calling bliss MiG,
Do not hurry to teach others
Hurry to hand out
Learn whether they need them?

Stara as the world of Moral, however.
Recalls us about her story
About how the first time Macak
Tassed ripe pineapple ...

Delight was not limit!
It seemed that all the dreams came true!
Thime to surprise Santa decided:
"Try, grandfather, and you!"

But grandfather, asked, got angry:
"Who wakes up old in the morning?!
I'm born with pineapples! ..
Well, I will die with pineapples! ..

That's if sweet youth
You will be able to bring my grandfather -
And I will not consider it for nonsense,
And you - Budge me ... Budy! "

Owl, Fox and Yozh

Lisa gave a jet Council:
"Listen to you,
Birthdays are not in fashion for a long time,
What a fur coat is in a heat - not the weather!
You've got to the hairdresser,
And asked him to resell

Your unwitting needles,
About koi only - bad senses.
Let him trim "under the turtle" ...
You will see how everything is acne! "

From the forest to the city of Yuzh rushed
Streaming that he has fallen behind.
Advice heard not often
When the owl suddenly met,
Asked her, the rights of Lisa -
Spiny, they say, it is not in fashion?
Answered Owl: "You yourself
In appearance, the animal is not stupid, sort of
In the light, tea, not a little lived.
You look, and Dalle live ...
Kohl to the hairdresser go,
I ask that refresh
He, after a haircut, all lotion -
Carrot, apple, honey ... "

- "Why am I so honored?"

- "So that all delicious ... fox eat!"

Two badgers

"If friendship is over,
So it ... was not! "

Saw suddenly from the mountain badger -
From his own hole
Frequently friend came out
(Considered to this pore).

And then, not sick feet,
Run quickly ran.
And he could also get angry
How the grief-friend in the trapping fell ...

Vorishka began to shout loudly.
Well, you need to get off a friend!

Talked for trick
Thus, two friends helped!
Kohl on friends to hone offense
What will we leave for enemies?

Wolf and Lisa

Red rod stolen
The man is deftly a basket
That fishing was full.
I already gathered all to eat alone,
As much as she has expired,
How suddenly the wolf appeared before
(Koy knew not small in the fish well).

"And how and what caused you?"
"Only lowered his tail in the cut,
It was full of basket! "

"Blimey! - thought the wolf,
As soon as the fox fox board -
She is not a pity to her !!! "

So truth, gray, without learning,
Tail at the cheating, tonging
To the pond rushed ... fishing ...

Kaba Plutovka shared,
You look, the tail would not lose!

Yozh and Lisa

In Plutarch *

Sorry Lisa with a hedgehog.
Perhaps the dispute is not called
Then boasting, which is just with
Compare tricks, she should be!

And, as a diligent student,
Razing the ears, listened to the Yozh.
Enlighten, the head of the juicer ...
"Eh, I would also like it!" And what:

Though managed fox to be able
Trick to avoid drone
Hunter walking on the heels
Throwped the network on the cheer.

Only the spout of the bembling the animal,
Anticipating a new catch -
"Well - ka - to the network! .. And who is
I'll figure it out for sure! "

Curled in the fear of Yozh in the ball,
What did not let down the "student":
Hunter grab could not
And ... cursed the cactus animal ...

What morality to be - I do not know ...
One trick, but - Kaka-ah !!!

* Plutarch from Heronea (Dr.-Greek. Πλούταρχος) (OK. 45 - OK. 127) -
Ancient Greek philosopher, biographer, moralist.

Lion and Shakal

Shakal be Shakal - Little!
He b, sacking, be modest.
An, no! Wanted to go fame
About him in the desert, the intention of animals.

He decided Lero, for the sake of the vanity,
(Any anima - do not dream)
To say that you donate attention:
"Well, you are talking to me!"

Lion looked lazily, sleepy.
I could not understand
What is worried - in his launo!
Closing her eyes, gathered to sleep.

Long tongue has a long.
Again the lion was disturbed by peace:
"All beasts will tell in the desert,
What Stroyl fight lion with me! "

"I dream of sleeping speeches these!
Listen to the desert wind,
How the lion suddenly turned out to be a coward
What, the king of animals - with jackal fought! "

Lazy boa

Bathed in the sun tangerines
The preventable slept for the help of ...
It's time to start to start.
"Only - get down!" - He screams.

I was a snake goal one -
Circling a minute for sleep.
Lazily swallowed it to the TRU -
"Perhaps I'll sleep! .."

So born about the little joke,
(Is it not connected with you?) -
Always there is a minute
To kill an hour, another!

Wolf and Moul

According to Ezopu

Not a wolf, but - miserable only "power" ...
Even a little bit and - the wind faded ...
I saw suddenly, as near the grove
Graze on the lawn Moul ...

"... what kind of breed treat?
You are not a cow and - no ox!
Graze like a mare like
But at the same time - you like dose!

Replied Moul, inspiring the nostrils:
"I am Sirotin from the Small years ...
Who am I by name - I do not know
But the name is not a secret at all ...

Look at the rear hooves,
(You, we are with them, not the same):
On them (already in the river washed),
Read and name you are mine! "

So bypassing the left of the mule,
Hungry wolf went to read ... (?)
Here "power" - and without wind "blew" ...
For kilometers, ADAC, five ...

"Toli - Fool?! Tol - tired?!
Fool - and only! Wonders!!!" -
Exclaimed suddenly surprised
Everything observed, Lisa ...

Given the row to know
What is this wolf ... could not read!

Brave hunter

Huntered the hunter to look for a lion trail.
And only illuminated the rays of Dew,
I am looking for a hunter trail lion in the forest.

And somewhere in the evening, tiredly cropped,
I saw the lumberjack walked.
Calculated: "Have you seen a lion trail?
I was a little light on the search I was released. "

In response, it was submitted: "The trace is not needed, believe.
I am ready to indicate where the beast itself! "
But a brave hunter, correcting the right,
Marstain: "Not a lion, but only a mark I'm looking!"

There was a brave hunter - there is no brave!
I decided that the hunter to find a lion trail ...

Owl and wolf

In the forest, I dried in search of animals,
Though fed, but terribly angry
Single wolf (the light did not see the evil),
Not knowing where to find peace.

Barely did not break off the hare
And the whitelle was almost short ...
All anthill legs in a snack
Unfortunately from the cliff - down.

What did it seem to be missing?
To this question, the wolf said his owl:
"I am anger my, if I already gotten,
I decided to break the beast on everything in a row! "

Owl, yawning (since the day only sleeping):
"I hear somewhere on the right, there in the bushes,
Surely, a living chapel.
Know someone hides your fear from you! "

How rushed into the bushes - not interesting
But from the bushes - the battered wolf itself ...
"Who did with me so - it is not known
But the anger than anything happened ... Clear!

What was the secret, Kohl pointed, knowing? " -
"On the weak evil to tear, appear, not ah!
The secret is not, and the truth is only such:
With you a bear all the anger ripped in the bushes! "

Morality is not the one where the medium of sheep
The tail is dismissing well!
In defense of weak remember to us
That before someone is weak and himself!

(A, since the anger of whom was able to "get" -
On strong, everything is more reliable, tear!)

Parable about two wolves

Between the true and lies,
Various only - one,
What is the opportunity
Make a choice - yourself!

Indian with grandson shared
An old truth one.
To the knowledge of the grandfather sought
And ... to wisdom, as such.

He told the grandfather that in man -
Fighting Mattech two wolves.
One - for kindness in the world
The other is for the kingdom of sins!

Barely, for a while, scatter,
How to join each other again.
One - to revenge on the saucer,
The other is for peace and for love!

Grandson, listening to the trouble
Fastened in the sense sense.
Asked a question relatively -
"What wins wolf?"

Customizing this question
And with wise cunning in the eyes,
(Told grandfather, see, not just
Story about two wolves) -

"I since asked the question, so listen to:
This is not disclaimed to be -
Only wolves wish to eat
Who are you - choose to feed! "

To new meetings!

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  1. Vladimir Shebzukhov
  2. Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Lesson and Owl
    Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Clinging for the burdock is malicious
    When the road passed,
    The fox was angry, know, not easy,
    Kohl bang out of the last forces.

    Forest Bird in Fising
    Asked if the Council needed?
    Lai did not give, (and he was loud)
    Quite often, sleeping owl!

    "Well, if you give it not difficult
    Sovic wise advice,
    You look, he will avoid help
    Spiny, everyday trouble! "

    "You can't confess yourself,
    Spines to win these
    Walking dear, try,
    By their side bypass!

    Forget about prickly troubles,
    Kohl wage them once, the other ...
    You yourself will distribute advice,
    When we evaluate my advice! "

    Owl's right, was convinced
    Lesson, because the council helped ...

    Referencing is malicious, no matter how angry
    From anger and longing ... Slow!

    Replied (a):
    August 8th, 2014 at 23:09

    Hello! Something already repeated !? Before that, there was already published by such verse.

  3. Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Irisha ... I do not remember .. it seems not sent .. I look at what charm (there is a shocked illustration for him, send it)

    Cowardly hunter

    A cowardly hunter recreed on the berry.
    In the eyes (unforeseen), mig a fright.
    Singing a bear one at the threshold,
    I looked at everything with interest around.

    The hunter, with fear, turned to him:
    "Does, at home, Mom?". Suddenly, timid - "no!".
    Nice, cowardly, was surprised again,
    Hearing, about dad, the same answer.

    "Well, what, the animal, do not wait for mercy!
    For a long time I dreamed of bear!
    Anyone wishes such a scenario
    When the Bear itself appears before! "

    I cried the kid, he did not understand the words,
    But, the smell of danger - for sure!
    There was a cry, as a habit, unwitting ...
    The whole forest trembled from him - "Grandma-ah-ah !!!"

    Not everyone will be "hero" can become
    Caught, weak offend!

    Replied (a):
    December 3rd, 2013 at 21:49

    @ Vladimir, there was no such poem yet. In this record, there is about the "brave hunter" and, by the way, look at him the picture

    Vladimir Shebzukhov answered (a):
    December 3rd, 2013 at 21:54

    @ Irina, and .. yes yes yes ... how do you like this hunter? .. cool yes?

    Vladimir Shebzukhov answered (a):
    December 3rd, 2013 at 22:01

    The most interesting thing .. The brave hunter is written in Ezopu ... there I have a morality (it's the same fable)
    So and the talker (since the language without bones),
    Only rights in words - he is not bounce!
    And things tire, surprise them people
    The reason will find. After all, on the ... Boltun!
    But when Moral was not written .. We performed at school and there among high school students stood Rzhachka when I read .. now with a moral adult fable .. and without-for children (smile smile)

    Replied (a):
    December 3rd, 2013 at 22:07

    @ Vladimir, agree to all 200%. Almost negotiate (about morality) and adults may not understand
    And emoticons in the comment can be put by clicking on one of them at the bottom of the comment field

    Vladimir Shebzukhov answered (a):
    December 3rd, 2013 at 22:13

    @ Irina, I have a psychological cunning ... sometimes I write-delighted (smile smile)

  4. Anna Kotsaba

    Basni very pleased, I am generally writing Vladimir style! Anna Kotsab invites you to visit and offers to read the post Dolphinarium and his artists

    Vladimir Shebzukhov answered (a):
    July 5th, 2013 at 19:46

    @ Anna Kotsaba, thank you, Anechka .. In an adult, the liberty of the fox and the lion is such a morality


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    Vladimir Shebzukhov answered (a):


  7. Vladimir Shebzukhov



