Puzzles for adults not. Merry riddles for a fun company

Summary - Wedge, and unfold - damn.

* * *
Five Chulanov, one door.
* * *

The farmer had a flock of eight sheep: three white, four black, one brown.

How many sheep can answer that in the herd there is at least one sheep as suit like it?

(No, sheep do not speak)
* * *
There is no language, and the truth will say.
* * *
I have no fire, nor the heat, but everything is setting.
* * *

Ourselves - riding, and the legs are behind the ears.

What sign to put between numbers 5 and 4 so that the answer was less than 5, but more than 4?

(Need to put a comma)
* * *
Without which a person cannot live?
(No name)
* * *
Not a bird, but flies.
* * *
What in your hands do not hold?
* * *

In the forest, it is not found,

In the river she is alone

In the barn it does not fit

And in the wallet of them 2!

(Letter K)
* * *

How to jump from a ten-meter staircase and not injured?

(If you jump off the bottom steps)
* * *
God does not know, but tears sheds.
* * *
You go, you go, and you will not find the end.
* * *
What is not in the world:
neither measures or weight, no prices?
* * *
Blue tent covered the whole world.
* * *
Without head, but with horns.
* * *
What flies without wings and fires without fire?
(The sun)
* * *
Gray grandfather at the gate to all the eyes of the challenges.
* * *
It flies not a bird, however, does not be a beast.
* * *
Where can not go or ride?
* * *

Not a bird, but flies, with a trunk, not an elephant,
* * *

What does the horse differ from the needle?

(On the needle first sit down, then bounce,
to sit on the horse: first jump, then sit down)
* * *
There is a language, but does not say
There are wings, but does not fly.
* * *
In winter, it stretches, and in the summer rolled out.
* * *
Crumbled peas at seventy roads,
No one will pick it up:
Neither king nor the queen nor a red maiden
* * *

Baron is, and the emperor does not have.
Bogdan has in front, and Zuraba has behind.
The grandmother has two, and the girl is none.
What is it about?

(About the letter "B")
* * *

Shakes a wet beard over dry furrows.

(Watering can)
* * *
Yesterday it was, today there will be tomorrow.
* * *

What makes the day and night?

(Soft sign)
* * *

What goes from the city to the city, but does not move?

* * *
Not fire, but burns.
* * *
White carrot in winter grows.
* * *

What disease do not hurt on land?

* * *

What is in Russia in the first place, and in France on the second?

(Letter "R")
* * *

Two nails fell into the water. How is Georgian surname?

* * *

* * *

Ducks flew: one ahead and two behind,

One behind and two ahead

One between two.

How many were there?

* * *

From the birth of all dumb and curves.

Stand in a row - Conspiring!

* * *

Saw and - Rada,

But all the looks.

(The sun)
* * *
Tubers, and not bite.

* * *

Once a collector of vintage money saw a coin in an antique store, on which the date was stood: 175 BC. The Roman coin was damaged, but was greater value. However, its cost was not high. The collector did not bought it. Why?

(The collector understood that this was a fake.
The master who made a coin did not know that "lives to our era")
* * *

Lies on the back - no one needs.

Levels to the wall - she will come in handy.

* * *

What kind of women's name ends on a sign?

* * *

It is possible to tie, and it is impossible to unleash.

* * *
What is among the Volga?

(Letter l)
* * *
They say here, and in Moscow heard. What is it?

* * *
There is no mind, and hecta is a beast.

Vova and Sasha played in the attic. The face of Vova was swirling soot, and Sasha was left clean.
When the guys went down, looked at each other at the light of the day, but I didn't want to wash it,
and Sasha. Why?

(Sasha looked at Vova and decided that he was also evolved and went washed.
And Vova did not even think that could be chumazim)
* * *

You are in the chair of the aircraft, the car goes ahead, the horse jumps behind.
Where are you?

(On the carousels)
* * *

There are no roads - it is impossible to drive,

Earth is - you can not plow,

Meadow is - it is impossible to mow

In the rivers, seas, no water oceans.

(Geographic map)
* * *

What are them more, the weight is less. What is it?

* * *

If there is a grip in a smelter,

Then answer the question: -

Who has a heel's nose,

Or before the heel nose? ...

* * *

All me is trampled, and I am only better from it.

* * *

Imagine that you are participating in the marathon race.
You managed to overtake the second athlete.
Where did you find yourself?

(If you overtook the second, then it took its place, and
consequently, run second, and not the first)
* * *

What is impossible to keep, although it is lighter than the Pyryshka?

* * *

What can be taken only in the left hand, but can never take right?

(Elbow right hand)

This section presents the most interesting riddles for adults of different subjects - funny, on a mixture, with trim, in verses, vulgar, about sex. Puzzles for adults are good for any occasion. It is perfect for a funny company, especially when the guests have already been tired of absorbing salads and dance, you can sit at the table to continue fun. Make funny riddles with trick for their guests and the continuation of the banquet is provided! Schoolchildren and students will also be able to choose the material for their parties. Try to make one of the mysteries of our site to your friend or girlfriend - a good mood is guaranteed to you and your friends! Mysteries for adults with a trick will help you not just play out friends, but also close from the soul over the answers. Riddles with answers are well suited for holding contests to solve riddles at holiday events or just fun to spend time with friends. This section of the riddles for adults is designed to improve the mood of adults, give them the opportunity to reflect a little, in general, have fun!

We guys are deleted, we climb in the gap floor.

I wanted to stick to my wife, just "my friend" did not want.
I thought that the infection turned out to be a shame, lost ...


Hairy head per cheek comes cleverly.

Above the knee, lower the navel, the hole is such that the hand will fit.

In a dark room, on a white sheet 2 hours of pleasure.

Schwarzneger has a big d. Schaan's little at Madonna at all,
and Pope has not enjoyed this for a long time

Word of three letters, which is afraid of any man?

What is the difference between beer and medicine?
Medicine first discharge, and then drink, and with beer, on the contrary

This dish attribute on a holiday dish is served.
It is on the festive table, but calls:

Birthday is good, tomorrow will be bo-bo
After vodka and wine. Oh, sore headache.

What hides the birthday girl, hiding in a dark fridge?
It is tasty and fresh, pour us

Dry cleaning will not help you if the teeth are growing close.
And you only need a native, wooden one ...

That woman is on the body, the Jew on the mind,
Used in hockey and chessboard?

What is the difference between a woman from the TV?
TV first shows and then breaks

First small, sluggish; Then elastic and big!

What is the difference between director and husband?
The director knows his deputy, and no husband

Guess the riddle that under the eggs smoothly?

I take two hands, Suja between my legs, five minutes, and then ballad ???

With claws, not a bird, flies and shared.


If you do not grandmother lochmatushki - the grandfather of the beater would be frown.

1. To stroke in front, you need to lick behind. (Postage Stamp)
2. Hair around, in the middle of sausage. (Corn)
4. Hair hair, body on the body and the dark matter begins. (Eyelids)
5. That cold - then hot, then hanging - then standing. (Shower)
6. There - here - back, you and I am pleased. (Swing)
7. What are you looking at me? Understand, I'm yours! (Bed)
8. Hairy head behind the cheek comes deftly. (Toothbrush)
9. We are guys removed, Lazim in the gap floor! (Broom)

10. Lies on the back - no one needs. Levels to the wall - she will come in handy. (Stairs)
11. In a dark room, 2 hours of fun on the white sheet. (Cinema)
12. You remember him a little, will become solid as potatoes. (Snow)
13. I will take it in your hands, sorry it is hard - it will become elastic and hard as repka. (Snow)
14. Red head in the hole climbs deftly (woodpecker)
15. Small, black, wrinkled - every woman has. (Raisin)
16. If you do not grandmother of Lochmatushki, the grandfather of the beater would be frowning. (Mittens)
17. HE HOW, not carrot - red head. (Pioneer in the pilot)
18. Rear came up, put and went. (Slippers)
19. How good to you and me when you lie on your back ... (Hedgehog with an apple)
20. I take two hands, Suja between my legs ... (bike).
21. Which well done drips from the end in the morning. (crane)
22. What is - out of three letters, in one ear enters, and from the other it comes out? (Scrap)
23. Us (C) athi, striped. (Mattress)
24. What is: enters dry, gets wet, gives heat and joy? (Bag with tea)
25. What is lengthened when it takes him in hand, pass between the breasts and shove into the hole? (Safety belt)
26. If all women are sitting on the twine, what will happen? (Land Piz ... thoves)
27. Grain, past fire, water and copper pipes. (Moonshine)
28. The new name of the favorite musical instrument of the former American president. (Sexphone)
29. Why are women in the morning scratch eyes? (Because they have no eggs)
30. The most harmful insect, the back is black, white abdomen, paws in manure. (Summer resident)

32. What is common between "formula-1" and sex? (Pete Stop - Rubber Change)
33. What comes the last to the head of the beetle flies into the windshield moving machine? (His ass)
34. You are sitting on the plane, ahead of you horse, behind the car. Where are you at? (On Carousel)
35. Who is: red heels stick out of beds? (Red-refinery)
36. With claws, not a bird, flies and shared. (Electrician)
37. With onions with eggs, but not a pate? (Robin the Hood)
39. Scarlet sugar himself, a green velvet caftan. (Negative on color film, imprinuable "new Russian")
40. From above black, inside red. How to shove it - so beautiful. (Galoshi)
44. How many programmers are needed to spin the light bulb? (None. This is a hardware problem, the programmers do not solve them)
45.What is this: small, gray and weighs 3 kilograms? (Mouse that has problems with weight)
46. \u200b\u200bWhat word starts with three letters "g" and ends with three letters "I"? (Trigonometry)
47. One eye, one horn, but not a rhino? (Cow from the corner looks out)
48. What has his head, but does not have brains? (Cheese, onions, garlic)
49. What is: black outside, yellow inside? (Chicken-ninja)
50. What is: with eyes - not sees, with a beak - and does not peck, with wings - and does not fly? (Dusty Crow)
53. Not barking, does not bite, as well as called. (@)
54. About 40 million people do this at night. What it is? (Internet)
56. What is: black in white written? (Toilet bowl who has ebb)
57. What woman first rub near you, and then requires money? (Conductor in the tram)
58. What plant knows everything? (Horseradish)
62. What is: green, bald and jumps? (Soldiers on the disco)
64. What is: 90/60/90? (Speed \u200b\u200bwith traffic cop)
65.What is this: hanging on the wall and crying? (Climber)
66. What is: Eyes are afraid - Hands do. (Sex by phone)
67. What is: there is a head, no head, there is no head, no heads? (Chrome behind the fence)

51. What is it: in white lace, mibys and on earth crawls? (Quenched bride)
52. What is it: a lot of heads, the tail is long, the eyes are burning, the eggs are small and dirty? (Queue for eggs of 90 kopecks of the 80s of the twentieth century)
31. What is the difference between women's breasts from a toy railway? (Nothing: both are created for children, but play with them dads)
63. What is a small, white blood sucks? (Tampon)
45.What is it: Red-white-black, standing in the corridor, and can not turn around? (Nun with a spear in the throat)
90.What is easier to unload: car with bricks, or with dead babies? (With babies, because they can be 3-4 on the forks to punish)
99.What is this: green, and click on the red button? (Frog in the electric center)
6. What is so small, red, knocks on the glass? (baby in microwave)
59. What is the difference between a young bachelor from the old? (A young bachelor climbs in his house to invite a woman, and old invites a woman to the house to be filmed)
60. What is the difference between the pedophile's teacher? (Pedophile really loves children)
61. What is: two ends, two rings? (gay)
43. How many babies fit into a double baby carriage? (And this, depending on how to nourish ...)
45. How many eggs can hold a woman in one hand? (Both)
55. What is: black and white, black and white, black and white? (Monastery Kubarem from the mountain rolls

1. How many giraffes go to Zaporozhets?
2. 2. And how many hippos climbs into "Zaporozhets"?
3. How many operations need to be made to put the giraffe in an ordinary refrigerator?
4. And how much operations need to put hippo in the refrigerator?
5. What is this: small, green, at a depth of three meters sits and stones swallowed?
6. What is this: funny, red, with specks, sticks out of beds?
7. What is this: black, big, on one leg?
8. And this is: black, big, on two legs?
9. But this is black, big, on three legs?
10. There were three tourists through the woods, and it was in a backpack on three three pie. On the first day they ate one pate. On the second day they ate the second pate. On the third day they look at the backpack - empty! Where is the third pate?
11. Imagine that Moscow's MZ through the center of the Earth broke the mine with a diameter of 1 meter and threw a diameter of 5 cm. Does it declare to the opposite end of the mine?
12. Who runs faster around the Kremlin - giraffe or hippopotam?
13. Two acquaintances drove in oriental express. One had a German shepherd, and the other is a domestic suitcase. Once they quarreled, and in the mouth of a quarrel first threw a suitcase into the window, and the second in the backstage threw a dog into the window. After that, both rushed "Stop Crane". The train stopped, they ran out - and see: Shepherd rushes to them, and in her teeth she ... What?
1. Three: Although the car and quadruple, but one place is intended for the driver.
2. Not one, because all the places in the "Zaporozhet" are already engaged in giraffes.
3. You need to make three operations: open the refrigerator door, shove the giraffe there, close the door.
4. This time you already need four operations: open the door, pull the giraffe, bump hippo and close the door.
5. The answer is that simple: it is a small green cokelotor.
6. Even easier: a cheerful red-made giborkor.
7. Single-legged black
8. Two single-legged negro (and not just a black man, as some thought!)
9. Piano (and not three single-legged negro).
10. They lost it.
11. No, because at a depth of three meters it will eat a small green cokelotor.
12. Giraffe, because Hippo sits in the refrigerator and cannot participate in this competition.
13. Not a suitcase (it would be too easy for a third kind of riddle). The correct answer is: in the teeth shepherd holds a pate, which lost three tourists in the forest.

Name a word in which 40 vowels.
Forty (forty "a").
Hippopotik flew across the sky, and a hunter fell on the ground behind him. The hunter shot, and the hippo fell on him. Who stayed left?
Elephant, because he flew later.
How many peas can enter one glass?
Not at all because Peters do not go.
What is it: hanging on the wall and smells?
Clock: Cuckoo died in them.
Why don't the elephants fly?
By air.
What does the horse differ from the needle?
First you sit on the needle, then you jump back, and you will jump on the horse first, then sit down.
What is the first floor different from the ninth?
From the first floor you will fall: "boo! - Aaa!" And from the ninth "ah! - boo!"
What is the difference between the public in a circus from a balloon?
The air ball is first inflated, then they are allowed, and the public is first imparted, and then inflated.
What is the person different from the locomotive?
The locomotive first whistles, then he goes, and a man will first touch, and then walks and whistles.
Not really a children's mystery: what is the difference between a young bachelor from the old?
A young bachelor is closed in his house to invite a woman, and the old invites a woman to the house to be filmed.
What is common between money and coffin?
Both are first smooth, and then descend.
Two nails fell into the water. How is Georgian surname?
What makes the day and night?
Soft sign.
What is it: blue, big, with a mustache and completely naked with hares?
What is it: flies, rustles, not a rustle?
Brother Schurchavchik
a) Pet, on "T" begins.
b) Pet, on "d" begins. When Tarakana.
c) Pet, on "s" begins.
Jazho one cockroach.
What is it: sits on the window, speaks French?
How to say correctly: "I do not see the white yolk" or "I do not see a white yolk"?
Yolk cannot be white.
Why in Paris girls go red?
On the ground.
What is the difference between the tractor from the tomato?
Tomato red, and in the tractor, the door opens out.
What it is: there is in the sky, there is no in the ground; Baba - two, in a man - not one?
Letter "B".
What word begins with three letters "g" and ends with three letters "I"?
The mystery is absolutely children:
a) What is this: worth black, on one leg?
One-legged black.
b) What is this: worth black, on two legs?
Two single-legged negro.
c) Is black, on three legs?
No, these are not three single-legged negro, but only a piano :-)
One eye, one horn, but not a rhino?
Cow from behind the corner looks out :-)
What is standing in the middle of the earth?
Letter "M".
Moscow started, what is the first nail of killed?
In a hat.
How to say: I have no tooth, fish have no teeth or fish there are no teeth?
Fish has teeth.
Who is the small, live in the ground, is it starting to "u"?
Why does pop hat buys?
Because no gift is given.
What duck floats?
From the shore.
She walked a hunter past the clock tower. Got a gun and shot. Where did he get?
By the police.
What is the difference between water from twins?
Water - H2O, and Gemini - Oh, already two!
Small, sulfur, on an elephant look like?

Tasks with foaming
1. In three tractor drivers there is Sergey's brother, and Sergey has no brothers. Can it be?
2. In the room burned 50 candles, 20 of them blew. How much will it remain?
3. If it rains at 12 o'clock in the morning, then it is possible to expect that after 72 hours there will be sunny weather?
4. On the edge of the table was put a tin can, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 banks hung off the table. After some time, the bank fell. What was in the bank?
5. Is it possible to create another element from two chemical elements?
6. As you know, all the original Russian women's names erected either on "a" or on "I": Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is a single female name that does not end on "a" or on "I". Name it.
7. Name five days without calling numbers (eg, 1, 2, 3, ..) and days of days (eg, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ...).
8. When is the black cat best get into the house?
9. On the table is a ruler, pencil, circus and gum. On a sheet of paper you need to draw a circle. Where to begin?
10. One train rides from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes, and the other from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes. Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow, when will they meet?
11. Three swallows flew out of the nest. What is the likelihood that after 15 seconds they will be in the same plane?
12. There are two coins on the table, in sum they give 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What are these coins?
13. What speed should the dog run, so as not to hear the sovereign of a pan tied to her tail?
14. One turn around the Earth satellite is done for 1 h 40 minutes, and the other is in 100 minutes. How can it be?
15. The roof of one house is not symmetric: one slope is with a horizontal angle of 60 degrees, the other is an angle of 70 degrees. Suppose that the rooster puts the egg on the roof crest. Which way will the egg fall - in the direction of a more common or steep skate?
16. There is an elevator in a 12-storey building. On the first floor there are only 2 people, from the floor to the flood, the number of tenants is doubled. What button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others?
17. The boy fell from 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs break the boy if falling from 40 steps?
18. Very old mystery: Kondrat went to Leningrad on the railway, and five guys went to meet him. Each of the guys had 2 Lukushka, in each lukshka - 3 cats. Each cat in the teeth 2 mice, and each mouse also has a mouse. The uncle Kondrat thought: how many of the guys, kittens and mice went to Leningrad?
19. Is it possible: two heads, two hands and six legs, and in walking only four?
20. What wheel does not spin at the right turn?
21. Another mystery "with a beard": two fathers and two sons went, they found three oranges. Began to share - everyone went to everyone. How could it be?
22. 90 apples grew on birch. Towing a strong wind, and 10 apples fell. How much is left?
23. What words were Winnie Pooh?
24. What tree sits the hare when it rains?
25. How far in the forest can run a hare?
26. What word always sounds incorrect?
27. From which dish, it is impossible to eat anything?
28. Where does chicken go, turning the road?
29. What horse does not eat oats?
30. When is the day in short: in winter or summer?
31. In what cases is the number called fruit?
32. What are you thrown when necessary, and raise when it is no longer needed?
33. What will be a blue horse, if you redeem him?
34. How many eggs can you eat an empty stomach?
35. What stones geologists have not yet been detected in the rivers of existing rivers?
36. Where is the water standing?

1. Yes, if the tractor drivers are women.
2. It will remain 20: bother candles will not burn completely.
3. No, - after 72 hours it will be midnight again.
4. A piece of ice.
5. Yes, galvanic.
6. Love.
7. The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.
8. Many immediately say that at night. Everything is much easier: when the door is open
9. We must get a sheet of paper.
10. At the time of the meeting, they will be at the same distance from Moscow.
11. Three points always form one plane.
12. 1 and 2 rubles.
13. This task in the company immediately identifies physics: the physicist immediately responds that she needs to run with supersonic speed. Of course, the dog is enough to stand still.
14. 1 h 40 min \u003d 100 min
15. Roosters do not put eggs.
16. Regardless of the distribution of residents on the floors, the button "1".
17. Total one, because The second has already broken.
18. Not at all - they all went to meet him.
19. Yes, it is a horseman for a horse.
20. Spare.
21. These were grandfather, father and son.
22. On birch, apples do not grow.
23. Long.
24. Under wet.
25. Before the middle. On, he will run out of the forest.
26. The word "incorrect."
27. From empty.
28. On the other side of the road.
29. Chess.
30. Day is always 24 hours.
31. At the School "Unit" - "Banana", on the shooting range "Dozen" - "Apple".
32. Anchor.
33. Wet.
34. One (the second will not be on an empty stomach :).
35. Dry.
36. In the glass.

Good riddles nice to make up and interesting to guess. It develops thinking, logic and expands the horizons. The whole family can be interesting to spend the evening with friends if you arrange a quiz.

Interesting riddles with trick with answers

When the question is hidden, not distinguishable immediately, it becomes doubly difficult. Running in reasoning regarding the question, sometimes forget about the condition. And here is important every little thing. Otherwise, the answer will be wrong. According to this principle, complex riddles are built with multiple data and numbers, but the answer lies on the surface, and even the child can give the correct answer.

Interesting riddles with answers:

  • You are the pilot of the plane, which flies along the route "Paris - Amsterdam" with two transplants in Berlin. What is the name of the pilot?

/ The condition says that you are leading the plane. So, the surname is also yours. /

  • In the whole house turned off the light. But in Chulana is a gas stove, there is a kerosene lamp and a candle. Only one match remained in the match box. What will you walter first?

/ First you should light the match. /

  • By a country road to a strong shower, a bus was driving. All passengers fell asleep, only one driver was awake. How was his name and what is the route number?

/ In such a shower are not distinguishable numbers. And the driver is Anatoly. /

  • An exam is held in the military school of communication. Silence in the audience, only occasionally the teacher knocks the pencil on the table. The cadet takes the ticket and sits down at the table. A minute later, he silently comes up with a donkey, and the teacher, not asking any question, puts him "excellent." Happy student leaves. Why?

/ Lecturer checked both knowledge and vigilance of students. For this, he, using the ABC of Morse, was trying: "Who will come to me now, will get" excellent. " The student reacted one of all correctly. /

Sometimes the riddle is similar to a small task: there is a condition, there is a question. For kids, perhaps it will be complicated. It is necessary to keep the condition in memory to guess. And the horizon is still small. But for children of younger school age, interesting riddles on logic with answers will be helpful:

  • What cup cannot be drunk from?

/ From empty. /

  • By what shrub hide during the rain of the hare?

/ All bushes and trees during rain wet. The hare will be screwed under the wet bush. /

  • Two absolutely identical people go towards each other. Which of them will greet another first?

/ He who is more polite. /

  • The weight of the full barrel of water is 100 kilograms. What should be done so that its weight change is 10 kilograms?

/ Do it hole in it. /

  • What constrained, not touching your hands?

/ This is your own breathing. /

  • Electric train moves towards the wind. Where is the smoke?

/ It does not have smoke, fireboxes in other trains designs. /

  • It is known that white bears - predators. Nevertheless, Nerpen is eating, but a penguin - no. Why?

/ Just they do not meet, penguins do not live in the north. /

  • When does the sky beside the ground?

/ When it is reflected in the pool. /

  • No matter how much a saucepan is, there is something that will never fit into it. What is it?

/ Pan cap always make a little greater circle. /

  • It is in the room, but in it - the room itself. What is this?


Short logical riddles

This is the name of the tasks in which the logical sequence of reasoning is required. She will lead to the answer. Here, too, attentiveness to the condition is the guarantee of the right solution. Here are interesting logical riddles with answers:

  • A person can not sleep for seven days. Nevertheless, he found a way out. What?

He decided that he would sleep at night - because it is impossible to do it only during the day. /

  • One farmer returned home from the field. Suddenly, a strong wind flew out and rain began. The farmer has nothing to defend himself, and he came home completely wet. But it turned out that no hair on his head was not wetped! How did he achieve this?

/ Farmer was lys. /

  • One teacher of physics clearly demonstrated the laws of nature. He could close a closed jar on the table in such a way that most of it hung over the floor. True, then the bank still fell. What is the secret of physics?

/ He first froze the water in the jar, putting it horizontally. Waters were approximately one third of banks. When he put it on the table vertically, the ice column was always located on the table, and an empty part over the floor. When the ice began to melt, the weight was distributed throughout the bottom and the bank fell. /

Funny riddles

Brainstorm can be tired. Therefore, we alternate complex tasks with funny questions. The main thing in them is a smile of the listener. Interesting riddles with answers:

  • There is a word that is always pronounced incorrect. What's this word?

/ This is the word "incorrect. "/

  • He has two horns, but it's not a bull, he has legs, but there is no hoof, he flies - WORLD WORLD, LOSE - Earth Root.

But a chain of funny mysteries that will be cheating and children and adults:

    • How to place a giraffe in the refrigerator at once or twice?
      /one. Open. 2. We are giraffe. 3. Close. /
    • How about two or three or four places an elephant in the fridge?
      /one. Open. 2. Throw away the giraffe. 3. Super an elephant. 4. Close. /
    • Lev ordered everyone to appear at the meeting. One did not come. Who! / This is an elephant, he sits in the refrigerator. /
    • How to move across the river full of crocodiles? / Quickly until the crocodiles returned from the meeting. /

For adults

Some large commercial corporations in the selection of employees use logical tasks. When not intelligence is needed, but the ability to take non-standard solutions. These questions, over which you have to think carefully, will ask to taste to parents and senior schoolchildren. There is something to break her head. Interesting riddles for adults with answers:

  • The prisoner gives a chance of liberation, provided that he will correctly decide his fate. Otherwise, he is waiting for the execution. It is put in front of two doors that guard two guards. It is known that one always says the truth, and the other - once. The prisoner has the right to set two questions only to one, but he does not know who is who of the guards. He was able to solve the task and freed. How did he do it?

/one. Are you cute? 2. Is this door to freedom? /

  • Mr. Jones called the police and reported that he was threatened to kill Mr. Wils. He insisted that someone immediately sent to him. Arriving in place detective discovered the body of Jones. Turning on Johns's voice recorder, he heard: "Wills will kill me. He is already here. Hide useless. This entry will be the basis for its arrest. " Detective understood that this is a false mark. The true criminal was discovered later. Why not arrested Wills?

/ Smoked dictaphon film spoke about the fabrication of the evidence against Willes. If he saw Jones speaks something in the voice recorder, he would destroy the record. /

For children

  • Why are you going to sleep on the bed?

/ On the floor. /

  • What happens to a red scarf if you omit into the river?

/ Inmoknet./

  • Write the word "Mousetrap" with the help of five letters.
  • What does sheep have one, the sparrow is two, and the mouse is not one?

/ Letter "O" ./

  • Name the canvas from which it will not be possible to sew anything.

/ Railway.

  • Name the forests in which no one lives.


  • Name the wheel of the car, which does not rotate during the movement.

/ Once.

  • Name five days in a row without calling numbers.

/ Day after tomorrow, tomorrow, today, yesterday, the day before yesterday. /

  • Name the first pilot woman.

/ Babbajaga./

  • What crest is not suitable for hairstyles?


  • How do water wear in solid?

/ In ice. /

For the whole family

Stories about Sherlock Holmes read both adults and children read with interest. Immediately I want to apply his deductive method, and then say the best friend: "Elementary, Watson!" And if there were cell phones in his time, it would be quite simple. For you - interesting riddles with the answers where the famous detective appears.

  • Once again, walking in London, Sherlock Holmes noticed a woman lying on Earth. Unfortunately, she was dead. Holmes took the phone from her handbag and found the spouse number there. By calling him, he said: "Your wife died. Urgently come. " When he arrived, he was already waiting for the police. Holmes pointed to him as a criminal. Why?

/ Holmes did not name the street where the corpse found. /

But the task about the inhabitants of the remote Russian depths:

  • He lived on the farm of the orphan girl. She had 3 cats, 3 dogs, 3 parrots and 2 hamsters. Hamshers had babes, 7 pieces. It took to buy food with these animals. The road went to the store first by the field, then the forest, then again the field, then again the forest, then again the field. But it turned out that the feed was not delivered. I had to go to another store: a field, forest, field, forest, field, forest. It was an unfamiliar forest, and the girl fell into a well-disguised pit. Then she heard the condition: if she gets out of the pit, her mother will die. If it remains in the pit, her dad will die. How to be?

/ Get out of the pit, because it has long been dead. /

After reviewing all these interesting riddles with the answers, you can withdraw the principles for which they are made up, and try to please close new options about Sherlock Holmes or confusing tasks, in which the main thing is to remember well.

Adult Riddles with Answers

Riddles for adults
    What is: Eyes are afraid - hands do.

    Answer: Telephone sex

    How can I walk sitting?

    Answer: In the toilet - on the toilet

    Of three letters consists
    On "x" begins.
    When it works,
    When the cums can go!

    Answer: Khor.

    Hairy head behind cheek tickles deftly.

    Answer: Toothbrush

    Which one got a drop drip from the end?

    Answer: Samovar, Crane

    Hanging - dangles, called three letters. In the middle of "y".

    Answer: Souls

    What you look at me, undress, I'm yours.

    Answer: Bed.

    Winter, forest, everything is covered with snow. The crushed dick is on Big Obelis. What is it?

    Answer: Winter has come to the end

    Hedgehog on the lawn runs - drags, laughs. Why laughs?

    Answer: Because the grass pussy tickles

    What is 100 x% E E and one rope?

    Answer: Burlaki on the Volga

    What is 100x% EV and 100 ropes?

    Answer: Burlacks on parachutes

    What kind of woman first rub near you, and then requires money?

    Answer: Conductor in the tram

    The boy with a girl in the grass did something on "e".

    Answer: ate strawberries

    How good to you and me, I'm under you, and you are on me.

    Answer: Hedgehog apple carries

    Answer: Sex

    What is: 15 cm long, 7 cm in width and really like women?

    Answer: $ 100 banknote

    About 40 million people do this at night. What it is?

    Answer: internet

    That a woman is on the body
    In the Jew on the mind,
    Used in hockey
    And on a chessboard?

    Answer: Combination

    How many eggs can keep a woman in one hand?

    Answer: both

    The letter H. is called, P. will see rises.

    Answer: Trunk food takes

    What is Adam in front, and Eva from behind?

    Answer: Letter "A"

    Without hands, without legs on the Babo Skok!

    Answer: Korberry

    It is a woman on the floor, the opening of his hole.

    Answer: Pechka.

    To stroke in front, you need to lick behind.

    Answer: Postage Stamp

    Quietly approached, jumped twice and went.

    Answer: Slippers

    In two hands I take, between Foot Suja, five minutes, and then Baldyuya.

    Answer: Exercise bike

    Hair on the hair, body on the body - the dark matter begins.

    Answer: Eye closes

    Running hedgehog on the lawn - crying. Why cries?

    Answer: The grass screamed

    What is 100 ropes and one x%?

    Answer: Parachutist

    What is: two ends, two rings?

    Answer: Gay Wedding

    What is: first white, then VZH-Zhik, and red?

    Answer: Padel Necklaces in a mixer

    He left the grandfather, and left her grandmother ...

    Answer: Sex

    Why in winter women in stockings are warm, and men in jeans are cold?

    Answer: Because the men have a heater X @ #e, and in the bab n @ $

    What is under the eggs smoothly?

    Answer: Skin

    I buried a prostitute, on the tombstone wrote: "Now they will always be together." Who are they?

    Answer: Fellow

    What unites the burning bread, drowned and a pregnant woman?

    Answer: did not have time to pull out ...

    What is: solid in soft inserted, and balls are dangling next?

    Answer: Earrings

    How to say without a mat "on x% of the snowflake"?

    Answer: "Snow went to the end"

    Hair, hair, and in the middle of sausage.

    Answer: Corn

    What kind of blacksmiths in the forest koute?

    Answer: And x # i know him!

    What can be reset from the nude secretary?

    Answer: Nude Chief

    Then hanging, then standing, then cold, then hot.

    Answer: Souls

    With onions, with eggs, but not a pobe?

    Answer: Robin Hood

    When a woman's leg raises what you see? Five letters, on P begins, on but ends.

    Answer: Heel

    In a dark room, on a white sheet - two hours of pleasure.

    Answer: Kinosreans

    There and back: you and me are nice.

    Answer: Swing