When to dig potatoes according to the lunar calendar. When to harvest potatoes? Rules for harvesting potatoes

The Moon, the natural satellite of planet Earth, has a tremendous impact on life! Gardeners, summer residents, and peasants have long noticed that if the work on the plot is checked with the lunar phases indicated in the calendar, then they have less time to spend on weeding or it is easier to win the war against pest hordes, or in the fall to collect a significant harvest that will be deliciously preserved. The rhythms of the Moon have a greater influence both on the crop itself and on the time of its digging.

And when to dig?

And although the potato is a guest from Central America, it managed to adapt to our conditions. Including the conditions of lunar biorhythms.
Over time, summer will come to an end, and by this time, numerous summer residents and potato growers are eager to begin harvesting potatoes. Of course, people often do this process on occasion - out of convenience, time, or if the weather permits. But by approaching this problem “scientifically”, you can avoid numerous problems when storing potatoes.
The condition and shelf life of potatoes is affected by several factors. The main one is the dilemma of the harvesting period.

Lunar calendar 2017 potato harvesting

It is quite possible to recognize suitable days by and, if it is in the “collective” signs of the zodiac circle.

So, if tubers are needed for urgent consumption, they are dug up on the waxing Moon (August 7-14 and September 7-13). The closer to the full Moon phase, the more nutrients accumulate in them.

And if the harvest is intended for processing or preservation, potatoes are dug on the waning (waning) Moon. At this very time, the intensity of microbes weakens, which is very good for good preservation of tubers. These days are in August (27-31) and from September 25 to 30. To ensure excellent preservation of the cultivated potatoes, it is necessary to dig them when Selena passes through the constellations of Aries, Capricorn, Leo.

A completely unfavorable moment for harvesting tubers is the movement of the Earth's satellite through the constellations Virgo and Pisces (4, 5, 6 and 18,19,20, 31 August and 1,2,3,15,16,17 September). During this period, the gifts of fields and gardens become “liquid”, rapidly rotting and becoming covered with a coating of all kinds of molds.

  • Favorable days for harvesting potatoes
  • unfavorable days for harvesting potatoes

By using a similar technique, and the best times for digging potatoes this year are indicated above, you can improve their preservation and reduce losses during winter storage.

The main thing is that to preserve the potato harvest, it must be dug up in dry, cloudless weather. In long, slushy weather, potatoes have every chance of rotting in the ground (they are more likely to rot if they have not been dried on the ground). Therefore, they dig them at the very beginning of the rainy period and dry them under a canopy. Since, in accordance with atmospheric situations and the “lunar calendar”, the weather here will still be “more serious”.
You also need to keep in mind that by the end of September, all the potatoes must be dug up.

Potato harvesting by region

But do not forget that different regions of the Russian Federation have their own characteristics. What is good for the Urals is not suitable for Siberia.

According to long-term weather station data, potato digging in Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk and the southern regions of the Russian Far East begins in early September.

And for the Urals and Siberia, the time is approximately similar, but there they look more closely at the morning performances and, as soon as the first strong morning performance “beats” the tops, you should immediately begin cleaning. Otherwise, frozen potatoes will be stored extremely poorly.

And in Southern Siberia, the time to dig mass varieties of mid-late and late potatoes falls throughout September. Some farmers and summer residents, when it is warm in the fall, can dig potatoes at the beginning of the tenth month (there are similar cases).

Before you start digging potatoes, you can mow the tops and grass, leaving 10-15 cm of the above-ground part. Mowing is done 2 weeks before the start of potato harvesting. What does it give

  1. without tops, nutrients will flow into the tubers, thereby ripening the potato peel faster and increasing shelf life
  2. diseases from the tops will not be able to penetrate the tubers, which also increases the safety of potatoes

After digging up the potatoes, be sure to clear the ground of tops and weeds, which gives:

  1. protection from the spread of diseases accumulated in the tops, protection of next year’s harvest
  2. reducing future weeds

It is best to dig up potatoes in dry weather so that the dug up tubers can be aerated in the field. Then the potatoes are either scattered or poured into bags and left in a dark place to ripen for 1-2 weeks.

What does it give:

  1. During this time, the skin on the potatoes will become denser
  2. diseases, if they exist, will have time to manifest themselves
  3. after you sort the potatoes, you can safely put them on

Many gardeners, regardless of whether they are beginners or experienced, often wonder when to plant potatoes in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar. Or rather, this question remains relevant every year and rightly so. It has been noticed for a long time, and we can only preserve this unique knowledge, that different lunar days affect the growth of a wide variety of crops, including potatoes.

If we consider specific favorable days when to plant potatoes in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar in Ukraine or other countries with the same climate, we can note:

  • April: 4.5, 8 and 9, 23rd.
  • May: 1,2,5 19-20, 29-30.
  • June: 2 and 3, 25-26.

Potatoes in our country, as well as in countries that are old and good neighbors for us, regardless of current political circumstances, are not just a garden crop to grow. This is a real cult and potatoes are always grown on the site without fail. How can it be carried out?

About choosing the landing time

To get a good potato harvest, it is extremely important to carry out all stages of planting and growing this crop in accordance with specific days and recommendations. In particular, you should not plant potatoes too early. If frosts of three degrees below zero and below occur, this crop will simply die.

Advice! Experienced gardeners advise focusing on the weather when choosing the optimal time for planting potatoes. As soon as birch and bird cherry begin to bloom, this is the ideal period to plant tubers of the crop.

The best time for planting potatoes can be determined by the weather, and then look at the Lunar calendar in order to select the optimal and most suitable phases of the Moon for planting in a specific period. Since potatoes are planted somewhere at a depth of 10 cm, it is extremely important that the ground warms up to 6-10 degrees Celsius.

However, of course, few people in the garden can afford to walk around the plot and measure the temperature of the earth at depth. In this case, you need to focus on the air temperature. As soon as it has established itself at around 15 degrees Celsius, you can start planting.

If we look at the southern territories of Russia, they begin to plant potatoes around the end of March. As for Moscow and the middle region of our country, the approximate landing time is May 10, you can also focus on the end of April and the beginning of May for those who live in Voronezh, Tambov, Saratov and near these cities.

Important! After May 25, it is too late to plant potatoes in central Russia. If you are even ten days late from the time of planting, this will sharply reduce the yield of each bush.

How to choose a place

In addition to the fact that you should accurately determine the most suitable time for planting potatoes in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar, you also need to choose the right planting location. Under no circumstances should the crop in question be planted where plants from the Solanaceae family previously grew. First of all, these are the potatoes themselves, also tomatoes and eggplants, peppers.

Advice! To plant potatoes this year, you can safely choose plots of land where any greens or cabbage, legumes, beets or cucumbers previously grew.

About the choice of planting material

It must be remembered that potatoes reproduce by tubers. You can’t just plant a tuber in the ground; you have to know how to prepare it correctly. Choosing high-quality planting material is the key to success and a whole science. Attention should be paid not only to taste and color, but also to yield and zoning of a particular variety. Also, potatoes can be early, medium or late in the speed of their planting and ripening.

As for the characteristics of the chosen variety, pay attention to the fact that it is resistant to various fungal infections, as well as the development of nematodes. The tubers chosen for sowing are quite large; it’s great if they weigh about 50-100 grams. Such tubers will be able to give rise to a strong and healthy plant, which will ultimately delight you with an excellent harvest. When is it best?

Depending on the ripening period of a particular potato variety, the harvest can be harvested at different times:

  • The early harvest requires 50 to 65 days to fully mature.
  • Mid-early varieties will ripen within 65-80 days.
  • There are also mid-season potato varieties that ripen within 80-95 days.
  • Mid-late potatoes ripen in the period from 95 to 110 days.
  • Late potato varieties can be dug up only after 110 days or more from the moment they were planted in the ground.

It is clear that early ripening potatoes will not be as productive as other varieties. Also, its tubers are less resistant to various diseases, they contain less starch. As for the central part of our country, it is best to choose early and mid-season varieties for growing on your site. Because other varieties of this vegetable may simply not have time to ripen.

Specific dates for planting potatoes in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar:

  • Planting takes place on April 4-5, as well as on April 23. You can also plant potatoes on May 1, 2, 5 and 29-30, and planting can also be done on May 2 and 3, 25 and 26.
  • Conditionally favorable days for planting, if we consider the Lunar calendar, will be April 8 and 9, as well as May 19 and 20.
  • Watering vegetables can be done at any time except for the full and new moon phases.
  • You can also consider the most favorable days for applying fertilizer to the soil. These are May 3-5, 22-26, also June 4 and 5, 23, 24 and 27, 28, then comes the beginning of July and the very end of the second summer month.

Conditions for growing potatoes

The last point that I would like to note in this material is the presence of the most favorable days every year. The point is that every month of every year may be the most successful day for carrying out this or that manipulation. Let’s say that already on February 4 this year you can plant potatoes in a greenhouse. On March 15, active planting of tubers of early potato varieties for germination begins.

You can also mark the day of March 17, when it is best to spread out the tubers for 30 days in the light at an average temperature, so that in the end a month later, by the time of planting, you will get excellent planting material. The best days to plant potatoes in April will be the 13th-15th, and in May, pay attention to the 6th-7th.

If we talk about the general rules and deadlines, in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar, then this begins to be done at the end of April, and ends somewhere before mid-May. The best time is considered to be that period of spring, when the soil has already warmed up sufficiently.

The best time to dig potatoes is the first days of September. It's good if it's dry sunny days. I don’t recommend digging potatoes in the rain - it’s unpleasant, and the tubers then need to be dried well so that they don’t rot during storage. I read the following recommendations from Galina Kizima for harvesting potatoes and they seemed practical to me:

  • Mow the tops about a week before harvesting. She claims that it cannot be left on the field, because when digging young potato tubers out of the ground, late blight from the tops can get on them. If you leave some of the potatoes for seeds, then they will already have pathogens on them next year garden will be affected by late blight.
  • The tops need to be dried and then burned,
  • But the resulting ash can be used to feed plants and deoxidize the soil. The causative agent of the disease is no longer in it.

How to dig potatoes

The easiest way is to use a pitchfork to avoid damaging the tubers. Stick the pitchfork into the ground approximately 15-20 cm from the base of the bush and carefully turn the ground over. Then stir up the soil from the edges of the hole; some tubers will be there.

Place young potato tubers in one layer in one place to dry in the fresh air. In the evening, shake off the dried soil from the potatoes, put them in bags and send them potatoes for storage.

After you dig up the crop, plant green manure or winter rye in this area. This is done to improve the soil health and to prevent weeds from growing. In the spring, green manure needs to be mowed and the ground must be dug up along with this green mass and roots.

About a week later, after digging, you can plant potatoes.

Please note that this procedure introduces a lot of nitrogen into the soil, so there is no need to additionally add mineral nitrogen fertilizers to the soil.

When to dig new potatoes

It happens that you want to eat new potatoes in the summer, already in July or even in June. To do this, you need to plant potatoes at home in peat pots in February.

My mother-in-law does this and gets wonderful results in the form of new potatoes at the end of June. But she doesn’t dig it, but carefully plunges her hands into a mound of earth near the potatoes, feels for the tubers there and pulls them out.

There is also a way to understand when you can dig potatoes:

  • she has already bloomed,
  • about 2 weeks have passed since flowering,
  • the leaves began to turn slightly yellow, yellow veins appeared,

It's time to try digging potatoes, just 1-2 bushes, to understand whether to do it now or not. If you are satisfied with the size of the tubers, then feel free to dig the potatoes, at least to eat the new potatoes right now.

When to dig potatoes according to the lunar calendarin 2016

  • In August, harvest root vegetables: turnips, early potatoes, onions, garlic; the most favorable days according to the Lunar calendar are August 5, 12, 13, 21, 24, 26, 30.
  • In September, harvesting potatoes and other root crops is favorable on September 3, 5, 10, 17, 20, 2016.

It often happens that rain and bad weather prevent you from digging up potatoes on time, and is it even possible to dig up potatoes after the rain? It is possible to dig up potatoes in the rain and after, but it will be much more difficult than in dry weather; more effort is required to dig and the soil to stick to the shovel. After harvesting, the crop should be taken under a canopy and wiped with a dry cloth.

The quality of the potato harvest depends on many factors, but the most important are planting time and weather conditions. In order to accurately determine the optimal time for placing tubers in the ground, many gardeners and gardeners turn to the lunar calendar. The scheme, invented long ago, really helps to grow a good harvest. Potatoes dug up on time are of good quality and can be stored for a long time. Therefore, the time to dig potatoes in 2018 is often calculated according to the lunar calendar.

It is not for nothing that the Moon is a satellite of the Earth. Everything that grows on our planet, one way or another, comes under the influence of this celestial body. Through inexplicable forces, the Moon helps to grow a good, rich harvest. But this only works if it is planted and harvested during the correct phase. Therefore, it is important to refer to the lunar calendar in 2018 when you decide to dig potatoes.

How the Moon and zodiac signs influence potato harvesting

Our ancestors also knew about the influence of the Moon on all living things and actively used this to their advantage. Just as the Moon influences the ebb and flow of the tides, the celestial body can help the rapid growth of a plant, or, on the contrary, destroy it.

Let's look at how the phases of the moon are divided for planting:

  • new moon is the “dead” phase of the moon. All living things seem to freeze during this period, hibernating until the next phase;
  • the first quarter is the next phase after the new moon, all living things begin to “wake up”, the nutritional juices of plants begin to rise, a surge of energy goes to the leaves and buds;
  • full moon - all living things during this period are filled with energy and nutrients;
  • after the new moon, all the juices go back to the stem of the plant and its roots.

Root crops are best planted, fed and hilled in a favorable phase of the Moon for their further successful growth. Gardeners plant tubers immediately after the new moon. At this time, seed potatoes in the soil begin to actively gain vital energy, which contributes to a rich harvest in the future.

Favorable zodiac signs for potatoes

The moon passes through different zodiac signs, this is also worth taking into account when referring to the lunar calendar in 2018, when you plan to plant and dig potatoes. Each zodiac sign, in tandem with a certain phase of the moon, can influence the growth and quantity of the harvest.

Let's consider a successful combination:

  • It is better to harvest potatoes during the position of the Moon in Aries or Leo;
  • a favorable time for collection is also the phase in Capricorn or Taurus;
  • The harvest will be stored for a long time if it is harvested during the Moon in Gemini.

Unfavorable time for planting and harvesting:

  • picking potatoes from the garden at a time when the Moon phase is in Virgo or Pisces is not recommended, otherwise there is a risk of getting watery tubers;

Advice: you shouldn’t rely entirely on the 2018 lunar calendar to take care of potatoes. Without timely care, potatoes are unlikely to produce a rich and tasty harvest, even if you know when to plant the plant and when to dig.

In addition to the phase of the moon, it is important to take weather conditions into account when harvesting potatoes. It is best to harvest before the end of September, otherwise, being in the ground for a long time, the root crops will lose their mass.

Favorable and unfavorable periods for potatoes

Even the most experienced gardener will not say exactly when it is time to harvest potatoes. Many rely on the experience of past years, others on the weather, but most often people turn to the lunar calendar.

Favorable days for collecting tubers:

Unfavorable days for collecting tubers:

To get a good harvest

All summer residents dig up new potatoes, so to speak, “for food.” This is best done in August from the 7th to the 14th, but they dig it earlier. To determine whether the tubers have grown or not, it is enough to dig up the outermost bush.

But from August 18 to 20, harvesting is not recommended. Also, experienced gardeners do not dig up potatoes in early September: from 1 to 3. On these days, there is a high probability of getting watery tubers. Such a crop cannot be stored for a long time.

Please note: in this article we provide general recommendations for harvesting potatoes. When planning to dig up tubers, it is also worth considering the type of fruit. There is a wide selection of potato types on the market. The fruits differ from each other in appearance, ripening period and taste. Therefore, when planting and digging up fruits, you should pay attention to the recommendations for this variety.

Collecting tubers based on region

Depending on the region in which the potatoes were planted, the harvest time varies. The climatic conditions of the region should also be taken into account based on the lunar calendar of the assembly. If you take into account all the nuances, the tubers will be excellent.

  1. In the first half of September, residents of the Far East dig up their potatoes.
  2. In the Urals and Siberia, potatoes are dug up at almost the same time as in the Far East. But mostly residents of cities such as Omsk, Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk focus on when the tops of the bush have withered. After three weeks, no more, the potatoes can be dug up. But at the same time, it is important to monitor weather conditions in order to have time to collect the root crop before the first frost.
  3. For residents of the Moscow region, everything is a little simpler. Gardeners from this region can harvest potatoes on favorable days according to the lunar calendar: this is the end of the first half of August and the beginning of September.
  4. In the South Siberian region, you can harvest potatoes throughout September without worrying about frost. In this corner of a large country it is quite warm, so the tubers are left to ripen in the soil until almost the end of September.

Rules for harvesting potatoes

Before you start digging up potatoes, you need to remove the tops and all unnecessary plants from the garden bed. It is worth leaving only 10 cm of the bush above the ground. This is done two weeks before the expected harvest date.

Important! Do not cut off the tops completely! The tubers still need substances from the greenery, with which they will be nourished for the last 14 days. If they are deprived of their only source of minerals, the fruits will not be of high quality, the process of rotting may begin, and this will also affect the shelf life of the potatoes.

After the entire harvest has been harvested, it is important to remove all remaining tops from the beds. Harmful microorganisms will accumulate in the residue, which will negatively affect the future harvest.

It is best to dig up potatoes in dry weather, as the fruits need to air dry. In order for young fruits to ripen, they are placed in a dark place for one or two weeks. Here the potato skin will become much thicker, which will protect the fruit from dangerous diseases and the tubers will be able to be stored longer.

Afterwards you need to sort the harvest. Many gardeners cover their potatoes with mint leaves or birch branches. Such shelter protects the crop from harmful microorganisms that can cause rot. The same is done with seed material. Until next year, potatoes for planting will retain their original condition and will not rot.

The potato harvest is the most anticipated moment of the entire crop growing season. Many farming enthusiasts follow the lunar calendar to plant and harvest potatoes.

If you adhere to this theory, then it is important to know the harvest dates.

How the moon affects plant growth

It has long been known that the moon affects plant growth. For a good harvest, it is important to adhere to the phases of the moon, which allow you to get the best possible result. Planting works best when the moon is waxing. There is a rule according to which root crops must be planted within two weeks from the moment of the full moon to the moment of the new moon. This can be done both on the new moon and a few days before the new moon.

Watering potatoes is best done on days when the moon is in the signs of the water elements. These elements are considered the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. It is also best to fertilize potatoes on a waxing moon.

Potatoes need to be weeded within three days before the full moon and within three days after the full moon. The best signs during this period are considered to be Sagittarius, Virgo, Aries, Gemini. It is in these constellations that the moon will have the most beneficial effect.

When to dig potatoes in 2018

The best time to harvest potatoes is after the full moon. It is not worth harvesting on a new moon, since the tops will be saturated with juices and the fruits will not receive the necessary nutrition.

If the potatoes are of an early variety, then you can dig them out of the ground as early as July. The optimal month for harvesting potatoes is September.

Following the lunar calendar, harvesting in July 2018 is worth:

  • the fourteenth;
  • the fifteenth;
  • twenty-third;
  • on the twenty-eighth.

In August 2018, the following days are considered favorable:

In September 2018, it is worth digging up tubers:

  • third of September;
  • fourth of September;
  • the seventh of September;
  • September eighth;
  • September twenty-sixth;
  • the thirtieth of September.

You should not harvest in July 2018:

  • the fourteenth of July;
  • fifteenth of July;
  • twenty third of July;
  • twenty eighth of July.

In August, unfavorable days are:

  • seventeenth of August;
  • eighteenth of August;
  • twenty sixth of August.

In September, harvesting should be abandoned:

Location of the moon in the zodiac constellations

The location of the moon in the constellation Leo and Aries will allow the tubers to be stored for a long time. Placement in Taurus and Capricorn is also considered favorable. If the moon passes through Pisces or Virgo, then the harvest will be watery. It is important to remember that in addition to the influence of the moon, you also need to monitor the weather. Harvesting should be done in dry weather; if you harvest on a rainy day, the potatoes may become moldy.

If the harvest takes place in Siberia, the Urals, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk or Omsk, then the tops should dry out. This time falls in September. If frost sets in and the potatoes get stuck, then such a crop will not be able to be stored for long.

If the harvest will take place in the Moscow region, then it is best to do this at the end of August, if the weather and the condition of the tops are suitable.

Harvesting in the southern regions occurs in July-August. This is due to the fact that the earth warms up very much and potatoes can bake in the ground.

Rules for harvesting potatoes

A couple of weeks before the planned harvest date, you need to cut the tops off the potatoes. The tops need to be cut off at the top by about 15 centimeters. This procedure saturates the tubers with useful substances, thickens the peel and allows them to resist diseases and infections. Harvesting is carried out during dry times of the day.

It’s easy to check whether the fruit is ready for harvesting. If the skin peels off, then the fruit is technically ready and can be dug up. If you start harvesting too early, the fruits will not lie. The dug up fruits need to be cleared of pieces of earth and dried in the sun.

If you want to dig up potatoes for food in the summer, then you need to do this:

You should not harvest for food in the summer:

  • August eighteenth, 2018;
  • nineteenth August 2018;
  • twentieth August 2018.

The beginning of autumn also has its forbidden dates:

  • the first of September 2018;
  • September 2, 2018;
  • September 3, 2018.

It will not be possible to store the harvest harvested on these days. This is due to the predominance of the water element. The potatoes will have a watery taste, which significantly affects the quality of their storage.

Importantdo not forget about the type of fruit. It is the variety that also influences the harvest.

Early potato varieties begin to be harvested 60 days after planting.

Medium varieties are ready for harvesting in 60-80 days. A mid-season variety will require 90 days. Mid-late day requires 10 days of ripening.

Late varieties require ripening within 110 days.

When planting, the variety is selected according to the region in which the fruit will grow and be harvested.

The Zhukovsky early variety gives good results. Early variety. Potatoes are considered pink. This variety is suitable for frying and can also be quickly cooked. The variety needs protection from late blight, but can cope with a large number of diseases and is well stored in cold weather.

The “Udacha” variety, an early one, can produce a harvest of 800 tons from one hundred square meters of land. The variety can be grown in any soil. It can resist diseases, but is powerless against torsion.

The “Elizabeth” variety stores well and has good taste. Copes with illnesses. The variety is mid-season. The variety can be grown in any soil. The potato flesh is white and tasty.

“Sineglazka” is a mid-season variety. The potato flesh is white. Has blue eyes. The yield per acre is 570 kg.

The Zhuravlinka variety is a late-ripening variety. This variety is used for the production of chips. Productivity is 750 kg per hundred square meters. The starch content in fruits is increased.

To get a good harvest, you need to use high-quality seeds. The most productive varieties can be ordered on the official website "Gardens of Russia". Large selection of varieties for every taste.

The variety "Asterix" is late. The softness is soft, delicious. The pulp is yellowish in color. Can resist diseases and various viruses. Used for commercial purposes, has a good presentation.

Growing conditions

Moderately warm weather with moderate amounts of rain is most favorable. Frequent rains will cause the tubers to rot right in the ground, which does not guarantee results and tasty fruit.

The soil for growing must be dry. It is best if it is sandy. The planting depth should be 20 cm. It is this depth that allows moisture to reach the tubers. If the soil is clay, the fruits will ripen more slowly. This is due to the fact that the clay is saturated with moisture, which is also not favorable.

There are also more planting methods. Each method guarantees a certain result.

Planting methods:

  • planting with a shovel;
  • Chinese landing;
  • according to Mittleider;
  • square nest planting.

Storage rules

It is worth storing whole potatoes without signs of disease or damage. To do this, the harvested crop must be sorted immediately. Fruits need to be sorted by variety, degree of ripeness, presence of defects and diseases. The tubers should be dried before storing. You cannot wash the fruits with water, since after this procedure they will not be stored.

The storage area should be well ventilated and cool. If there is no cellar and the harvest will have to be stored in an apartment, then this should be done on the balcony. In cold and frosty weather, the crop should be covered with a warm blanket so that the tubers do not freeze and lose their taste properties. The optimal storage temperature is 2-5 degrees. Humidity should be no more than 90%.

To prevent tubers from sprouting in early spring, it is important to reduce the storage temperature. First of all, early potato varieties sprout. The storage temperature at this time is +2 degrees. To induce the growth of sprouts, on the contrary, you need to increase the temperature to 15 degrees. It is at these indicators that growth will be most intense.