Renovation in the bathroom in a small apartment. The choice of tiles in the process of designing a small bathroom

Making repairs in the bathroom is a pleasure: picking up new plumbing, neatly arranging cabinets, hanging shelves and carefully fitting a washing machine. But the technological process in terms of the construction of residential buildings went in a slightly different way. Today, sometimes you have to be content with the mini-format. Few people know that the most incredible projects can be successfully placed in a two-square-meter room.

Fashion trends

Yes, the areas of modern bathrooms are practically not designed for relaxing, relaxing in a hot bath and enjoying this process to your heart's content. And the rhythm of life today often does not allow this. However, a successful design in a small apartment will help to concentrate in the bathroom all the essentials and the most trendy this year. The main stylistic trends in the decoration of bathrooms are calculated in the loft, naturalism, fantasy, hi-tech and neoclassic that have gained popularity. Each of them has acquired a new zest in the arrangement of accents in a small bathroom.

Among the colors in the plumbing palette, white continues to predominate. But as for the finish, the decision to create a bathroom in light colors will still be indispensable.

As a rule, light shades allow you to visually enlarge and expand the room, which is planned to be achieved in small rooms. The game of contrasts can also significantly affect the appearance of the room and create a kind of inner infinity. Marine shades also confidently hold their positions. Scaled tiles, wavy sea-green reliefs and imitation of the bottom of a reservoir or reflections of its surface. All this is reflected in modern bathroom color combinations.

The internal filling of rooms (furniture and plumbing) can not always be correctly placed in a small area. But you really want the bathroom to be a full bowl. So that in this place everything is at hand and there is no feeling of discomfort. For this, hanging toilets and overhead structures have become fashionable today. They allow you to hide ugly pipes and use this place as practical as possible. Ergonomic washbasin, transparent shower and rain shower go beyond design thinking. They become public and proudly step over the thresholds of the most ordinary bathrooms to bring an element of organization and order into them.

Leading designers advise using ceramic tiles to a minimum. Only when it is necessary to focus on a certain area or fix a smooth transition from one point of the room to another. Moisture-resistant paints and varnishes, natural or artificial stone, wood are in the first place today. Environment is paramount today. In order for a small bathroom not to seem like a heap of plumbing, furniture and inventory, you need to carefully choose the design of the room. It should definitely take into account the unity of style both in decoration and in content (we are also talking about decor). Choose colors and shades depending on their effect on the visual perception of the area, but use no more than 2-3 in your bathroom renovation. Get closer to the new generation of plumbing: floating toilets and small sinks installed in countertops, on top of washing machines and in the corners of rooms.

Capabilities of square meters

Taking an evaluating look at your bathroom, it is worth determining what should remain in it from the furniture after the repair is completed.

There are things that will definitely not tolerate disappearance from such a small bathroom, namely:

  • toilet;
  • bath with shower;
  • wash basin;
  • washing machine.

Everyone chooses the future filling of the room for himself. The same list is intended to show the most necessary items. In this case, a combined bathroom or not also plays a very important role. Our standard "Khrushchev" pleases with a two-meter separate bathroom and toilet. When there were two square meters for each such room, there was no need to think much about comfort and usable space. Today, a person puts forward more specific and practical requirements for these premises.

Of course, oversized bathrooms can let the imagination run wild. But if you don’t stop it in time, then the bathroom can turn into an additional pantry, where all sorts of rubbish is stored “until better times” or moving to the dacha or garage. Small bathrooms keep the owner in good shape. They are very demanding and selective about what should be inside and side by side with new plumbing and decoration. Small bathrooms are good because everything can be arranged in such a mobile way that even the morning shower ritual and brushing your teeth can go unnoticed: comfortably, quickly and naturally.

The small dimensions of the room do not mean constantly beating your elbows against surrounding objects or sitting on the toilet, resting your knees on the locker. Such an area becomes a playing field for professional designers and high-quality consumers.

Stylish Solutions

In order to somehow understand the possibilities of the useful area of ​​​​a small bathroom, you should pay attention to several options for solving this problem. At first glance, doing something intelligible and adequate seems to be an absolute fairy tale and completely unrealistic. But you can always find a way out.

Combined variant

Talking about the placement of furniture and plumbing in a separate bathroom is pointless. There, and so everything is already placed in its place, has a clear structure. It simply cannot be otherwise, although there are nuances. What can be done when the dangerous proximity of the bathtub and the toilet can prevent each other from functioning properly. It should be understood that the combination of a toilet and a washroom may not give the privacy that exists in separate rooms. This is especially true for families with small children. But competent repairs can help here, which will put everything in its place even in a typical apartment in a nine-story building. In such situations, plumbing fixtures come to the rescue of minimal sizes, but acceptable for all family members, the corner design of a bathroom or shower, which harmoniously fit into even the smallest project.

Sample project

The standard finish of a bathroom in a panel house, as a rule, directly depends on the plumbing and sewer connections that the builders completed. They did everything right, according to the project and the construction plan. However, this does not sometimes fit into the dreams of a beautiful and practical bathroom design. Often, the owners leave the wiring, agreeing to a typical project of a typical bathroom. But, as practice shows, even here you should not lose heart. Since a wide selection of modern plumbing allows you to choose exactly the model that fits in all respects.

In "Khrushchev"

In the old five-story houses, called "Khrushchev", everything was thought out at the design stage. The bathroom was divided into two rooms by a thin partition. One had the same standard white toilets, the other had the same featureless bathtubs and sinks. The decoration was as standard as everything around.

The main mistakes are as follows:

  • tiles on the floor and on the walls;
  • pipes and tubes sticking out from everywhere;
  • partition that eats up useful space.

In such rooms it was really possible to retire. The only window that provided natural light in the bathroom opened onto the kitchen. Often, the owners closed it up to use the wall for shelves and hooks. Thus, there was a clogging and narrowing of the already cramped space.

If you want to fix just such a typical room with your own hands, you should try to start with a partition if it does not carry much functionality.

After that, it is worth taking a closer look at the sanitary benefits of civilization of non-standard shapes and sizes.

  • Shells. They can be overhead and suspended, with a minimum diameter (30x20 or 25x15) or corner structures.
  • Toilets. Suspended compact models will require the installation of additional bulky equipment - an installation, which, however, will allow you to hide the pipes behind a false wall.
  • Bath, shower is better. For a minimal space, either a modest seated corner bath or the same corner, radial shower with transparent or matte sliding doors that will not sharply divide the room into “before” and “after” will do. And also today on sale there are original bathtubs of irregular geometric shape, which also solve the issue of space in a small "Khrushchev" or studio bathroom.

With corner bowl

So, corner structures in mini-format bathrooms are becoming more common. Today, you can mount not only a radial shower in the corner of the bathroom. Hanging toilet bowls, sinks, bathtubs - it is also convenient and practical to hide in the corners of a small toilet-bathroom. And the rounded edges of all plumbing items allow you to use them as safely as possible.

A corner bath has such undeniable advantages as:

  • takes up little space - the first and important requirement to be achieved;
  • it is light in weight, which allows you to save on loaders;
  • easy to install - even a person who has never done this before can handle the installation.

Along with this, such a thicket has the following disadvantages:

  • in it it is impossible to comfortably accommodate an adult in full growth;
  • it is difficult to choose curtains that cover a person in the process of using the shower. Water splashes all over the room;
  • there is not enough space on the surface of the bath to accommodate personal care products.

Nevertheless, all of the above nuances make it possible to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe available space and, if necessary, put a washing machine in the bathroom. As for the corner bowls of the sinks, everything is much more prosaic and clear. There are both standard wall-mounted washbasins that are attached directly to the corner of the room, as well as special overhead models. The advantage of the latter is that an additional work surface is created to locate the necessary funds, in the form of a small tabletop. And there are also unique sinks that are installed directly above the hanging toilet, they are mounted in one installation - a false wall in which all pipes and communications are hidden.

With shower

Today, professionals are increasingly recommending the installation of showers in small bathrooms. There are many variations on a theme. Of course, it is absolutely not worth choosing massive hydroboxes, since space savings in this situation are no longer planned. Shower cabins, like their bowls, come in a wide variety of sizes and types. They are open and closed; semicircular, oval, square, rectangular; small, medium and deep. Their functionality is difficult to overestimate, however, and they can make the bathroom as attractive and practical as possible.

Today it is very fashionable to install showers without bowls. The so-called rain shower. A simple drain system is installed in the floor, a special diffuser-watering can is attached to the ceiling. Often such a design is completed with transparent glass walls or a door. The trick of transparent showers in general is that they allow you to zone the space without eating up the usable area. In this case, it is very advantageous to use a ceramic tile mosaic, as if combining a bathing and washing area.

The unity of style and space distracts attention and turns a minimalist bathroom into a spacious bathroom.

with washing machine

The opinion of experts about where the washing machine should be: in the bathroom or in the kitchen, still differ. They never came to a single point, but it still needs to be installed. While theorists are thinking, practitioners are coming up with a large number of designs for a combined bathroom, where the machine either acts as a pronounced detail or is hidden in a false cabinet under the sink. In any case, equipping a small bathroom with a washing machine is no longer something wild and impossible. In more detail about the various layouts and methods of filling will be discussed on examples of the interior of specific areas of bathrooms.

Interior for 5 sq.m.

On five squares, arranging everything you need for a toilet-bathroom is as easy as shelling pears. But still, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and subtleties here. There are already much fewer restrictions in terms of the number and type of furniture and plumbing. But an unusual image of the room can give the right choice of materials, style and color palette. For small rooms, designers recommend using no more than two different colors. It is desirable that they be approximately close to each other. Although the game of contrasts is also welcome.

Here you can already walk around and put a separate bath, shower, stationary washbasin and even a washing machine. But even here it is very important not to overdo it. Depending on what will become the center of the exposition, you will have to choose the content of the room and its color scheme.

You can decorate a small bathroom with a wide variety of materials.

  • Ceramic tile. But you need to be careful, because the most non-slip surface should be chosen for the floor, the squares of the material should be placed diagonally, so the room acquires a visual increase. Do not be afraid to decorate the interior with bright colors. You can make a beautiful accent with an unusual color and repeat it in the design elements of furniture, flooring or plumbing.
  • Moisture resistant paint. Very easily, this material climbed into second place in popularity. In terms of price, it is practically not inferior to tiles, but is less traumatic. In case of an unsuccessful experiment or a change of mood, you can change the main color of the bathroom at any time.

  • Tree. Oddly enough, but in the most humid room today you can not do without it. Wooden wall panels, flooring and other decorative elements made of this simple and eco-friendly material look stylish and rich. All surfaces, as a rule, are treated with special moisture-resistant compounds, due to which they serve for a long time and truly.
  • Natural or artificial stone not very often used in flooring, but sometimes it is used to lay out a picture or ornament on one of the walls. The floor in the shower stall without a bowl is also customarily made from this material. In bathrooms with an area of ​​5 m², it is very convenient to install a mobile worktop made of noble stone, into which a built-in or countertop sink fits.

In such rather spacious rooms there is already a small opportunity to roam. It is necessary to ensure that the wild imagination of the designer does not lead him away from practicality and functionality.

Ideas for 4 sq.m.

In a combined bathroom of a small area of ​​​​four square meters, it is also convenient to place the most basic components of the interior. Well, in order for the design to come out not only beautiful, but also as convenient as possible, you should use a few secrets.

  • More light. Designers advise not only to increase the number of fixtures, but to choose an individual model for each zone. For example, original bright spotlights with warm light are suitable for a bath or shower. In the center of the room, mini-chandeliers of a “non-toilet” purpose will look good. If earlier lamps were divided into categories depending on the room in which they are applicable, now this line has already been washed away. This year's new trend is unusual chandeliers in the general style of the bathroom.

  • Light furniture, more than ever, will come in handy in the interior of a bathroom of 4 m². Glossy surfaces, mirrored facades or a large mirror above the washbasin - this will make the room almost dimensionless.
  • A combination of the incompatible. Finishing materials will also look harmonious even in contrast. For example, dark tiles and soft light paint, delicate light wood and rough pristine stone.

After such a renovation, even the most inconvenient layout of the apartment will seem like an excellent opportunity and inspiration for future design decisions.

Chic and shine on 3 sq.m.

In a small bathroom, it is already much more difficult to arrange an oasis of your own preferences. But even here there are techniques and means that allow not only to visually increase the space of the room, but also to do everything with the latest fashion and technology. The arrangement of the "baby" is proposed to begin with the complete abandonment of the bath. It is fully replaced by a shower, as mentioned earlier. On the walls, the best option would be simple tiles or PVC panels, waterproof paint.

A washing machine would not be very appropriate in such a small room. Therefore, it is better to install this equipment in another place. The most acceptable style directions for a small three-square bathroom are modern, ethno and retro. Chic and brilliance in details and finishes will create an incredible combination of design imagination and a reasonable approach.

Every little thing in such an interior plays a role, so everything must be in its place.

Economy class makeover

The budget option for finishing mini-bathrooms involves independent design and self-repair. Such work is carried out, as a rule, in the case when there is no need to touch the plumbing and sewer wiring. When finishing is the minimum investment of money and effort. It is worth talking in detail about the home-made transformation of walls using PVC panels.

The standard set of works with an economical approach looks something like this:

  • Plumbing replacement. This stage may be complete, or it may include only some elements. For example, replacing only the toilet or only the bathtub;
  • Wall cladding with ceramic tiles or PVC panels. You will have to choose a color based not so much on fashion trends as on the cost of the coating itself. The most popular shades have the highest cost;
  • Treatment of the genital area. It also selects the most economical option. This is often an ordinary tile that does not slip. For the bathroom, this can be dangerous;
  • Bath decor. Mounting it in a box that can serve as additional storage space. The main thing is not to start putting excess and unnecessary rubbish behind a convenient facade;
  • Ceiling work. Today, suspended structures are ready to be installed everywhere. But in a small room, this is not only inconvenient, but also pointless, since 20–30 cm of the available height are lost. PVC panels can also work with this part of the room.

A material such as polyvinyl chloride has all the positive qualities of facing raw materials, namely:

  • durability;
  • profitability;
  • water resistance;
  • simplicity.

The last point concerns, rather, the method of installation than the appearance. The choice of PVC panels is so wide that it allows you to arrange a safari in the bathroom, black and white confrontation, gray-blue silence and others. The great news for owners of small bathrooms is that this type of repair is economical not only from the material side, but also from the time. Interior decoration with PVC is quick, simple and with minimal discomfort.

Beautiful examples

The small bathroom of 2 m² contained a sit-down bathtub with a walk-in shower with transparent walls that protect against splashing water on the floor. Rectangular hanging sink, which seems to be installed on a wooden bedside table for bath trifles. A pleasant color scheme, organized by white ceramic tiles on the floor and as a backsplash on the walls, combined with a pale green waterproof paint. The room contains everything you need, light colors allow you to see a decent space in which there is nothing superfluous.

Another small but already combined bathroom. All items are arranged along the free walls, and there is still a free patch near the washing machine, which would be nice to decorate with an original decor element to match the general style of the room. Bright orange tiles on the floor and half of the perimeter wall. The bath box is also lined with a brightly colored material. Snow-white plumbing and the same walls to the ceiling enliven the space and make it breathable, voluminous and roomy. All communications are hidden by additional boxes lined with ceramics.

From this article you will learn:

  • What to do at the initial stage of renovating a small bathroom
  • How to renovate small bathrooms of different sizes
  • What should be the finish in a small bathroom
  • What furniture will look good in the interior of a small bathroom

Renovation of a small bathroom includes not only the technical side of the matter in the form of updating plumbing and finishing work, but the functionality of the room is also very important. It is necessary to organize a small space in such a way that it carries as much payload as possible. How to achieve this, read our article.

The beginning of a small bathroom renovation

The sequence in the performance of work will allow you to quickly and efficiently make repairs in a small bathroom. Here it is better to act in stages, observing a certain order. As a result, you will not be mistaken and will not waste time and money on rework.

Initially, you need a project for your future small bathroom. You can do it yourself or use the services of specialists, but display your ideas on paper or electronically so that they are visual. Here are some practical planning tips:

  1. Choose a walk-in shower instead of a bathtub and you'll free up up to 30% of the room's space.
  2. Install the sink and toilet of compact models.
  3. Place the washing machine in the kitchen, pantry, or other accessible space where it is appropriate.
  4. Place plastic water and sewer pipes, hiding them in the walls.

One of the good tricks to increase space when renovating a small bathroom is to combine it with a toilet. At the same time, it will be easier for you to place all plumbing fixtures, a sink, a toilet bowl, because the corresponding installation systems already exist.

It will also be useful to use the following visual design techniques when renovating a small bathroom:

  • choose light colors for surfaces;
  • install special lighting;
  • place wide stripes vertically on the walls and make narrow borders;
  • do not overload the space with details;
  • choose finishes for surfaces with glossy and mirror textures.

When designing a small bathroom, it is important to remember to free up as much space as possible. Therefore, everything that does not carry a functional load, feel free to remove it.

The next stage of the repair of a small bathroom in Khrushchev in Moscow is dismantling, which means that we free up space from coatings and old plumbing. To do this, do the following:

  • we remove all furniture, including wall cabinets;
  • disconnect and remove plumbing;
  • the bathtub is also removed;

  • dismantled wall, ceiling and floor cladding.

An important point of this stage: no need to dismantle communications yourself (excluding, of course, the option that you are a professional builder)! This work should be trusted only to specialists who will qualitatively replace both wiring and old pipes.

It is better that these works (dismantling of the old and installation of the new) be completed on the same day.

Renovation options for small bathrooms of different sizes

Now consider the possibilities that a small bathroom of different sizes gives. Yes, yes, different sizes, because in the range from 3 to 5 square meters. m. each additional area gives tangible results.

  1. Mini-bathroom 3 m²
  2. In this interior, the utmost conciseness and functionality are important. There is a chance that you will have to sacrifice something at the expense of convenience.

    In such a small room it is very difficult to place even the necessary minimum, so we choose the most compact plumbing models. It is better to abandon the bath and install a corner shower. This will make it possible to put the toilet.

    Perhaps this is the maximum set of equipment for such a space; there is no longer enough space for a washing machine.

    For wall decoration, it is better to choose ceramic tiles or plastic panels (budget option), because the use of other materials in a very small space with high humidity will be critical.

    Decorative ideas for renovating such a small bathroom combine: firstly, the quality of materials; secondly, the purity of forms and lines; thirdly, the subtle play of details. In terms of style, you can choose three directions that compensate for the small area with their unusual atmosphere, original design: modern, ethno and retro.

  3. Decorating a 4 m² bathroom
  4. On such an area it is already easier to place a bath and a toilet, although there will be nowhere to roam especially here. Renovation in a small combined bathroom is aimed at visually increasing the space and placing storage wherever possible.

    Here are a couple of hacks for renovating a small 4m² bathroom.

    The task of visually expanding the space can be solved through a variety of lighting: place the lamps not only on the ceiling, but also near the mirror above the washbasin. An additional effect will be given by another mirror opposite, for example, on the door.

    The room will look more spacious with light glossy furniture facades.

    Two types of finishes can be used in different areas: ceramic tiles where there is direct contact with water, and waterproof paint or wallpaper for the rest. Materials with visual special effects are already suitable here, which will create an additional perspective: photo wallpapers with a variety of landscapes to your taste (nature or city). It is better to give preference to black and white images that look more stylish in chamber rooms.

    A wonderful idea for renovating a small bathroom would be hanging furniture, a washbasin, a toilet bowl, which will give a feeling of lightness and allow housewives to clean up more quickly.

  5. Bathroom 5 m²
  6. Such a room, although also small, already provides more opportunities. It is easier to stick to a certain style and create comfort. There is already a place for household appliances, and for pleasant little things (linen baskets or banquettes), and for decorative elements that can, for example, separate zones.

    But still, you need to remember that this is a small bathroom renovation, and therefore use the most appropriate style directions in the decoration. You can’t put a bath in the center of the room, and there won’t be enough space for an additional accessory in the form of a dressing table. Therefore, it is practically impossible to fully realize the classics, art deco, Provence on such an area. But modernity and minimalism will be just the way here.

    In general, light colors, ergonomic models, a minimum of accessories - these are the guidelines for the selection of furniture, plumbing and decoration.

  7. Bathroom in Khrushchev

When repairing a small bathroom in Khrushchev, a number of other difficulties arise related to the specifics of the building:

  • very small area;
  • communications are located inconveniently;
  • building structures leave much to be desired - the walls are uneven, the coatings are skewed and much more.

The only thing that can be done to remedy the situation is to combine the bathroom with the toilet (if they are separated), move the communications, and level the walls and, if possible, hide the water pipes in them.

When choosing a design for such a small bathroom, it is better to avoid contrasts so as not to divide an already compact space. The solution must be built on the play of textures and color nuances.

Ceramic tiles are best suited for walls and floors, and for the ceiling - a stretch coating that perfectly hides imperfections.

A shower cabin for a small bathroom is, of course, preferable, as it saves a lot of space, especially corner models. But what if a bath is a necessary item on your wish list? There is also a way out - this is a corner bath for one person, which will delight you and your loved ones.

Here are a couple more small bathroom remodeling ideas. Don't place a lot of furniture and extra storage space inside the bathroom itself. Find opportunities for this elsewhere. When choosing doors, pay attention to sliding models, they are very ergonomic. If you are installing classic doors, let them open outward. And on them you can hang a beautiful organizer for hygiene items and towels.

Finishing during the renovation of a small bathroom

When using the bathroom, a lot of steam and condensate is generated. Therefore, when choosing materials for high-quality finishing of a small bathroom, special attention should be paid to their characteristics such as water resistance and resistance to temperature extremes.

You might think that it will be enough to tile the concrete base and that's it. But in fact, you should perform a couple more operations before proceeding to the top decorative layer. By installing the "warm floor" system, you will get a comfortable floor, which will be nice to stand with bare feet. You also need to take care of waterproofing, a dense layer of which will help with an accidental flood and prevent unintentional harm to neighbors.

In general, the sequence of floor repair work should be as follows: a layer of bituminous primer is applied to the concrete floor slab, then waterproofing is laid (the edges of the film go onto the walls at least 15 cm, the canvas overlaps, the seams are well glued). This is followed by a cushion layer of fine quartz sand. Then the heating elements are laid, and the tile is mounted on top of them on the tile concrete adhesive. Floor tiles should be chosen special, large in size, with a rough surface so that it does not slip, light in color.

  • Walls

Finishing materials for repairs in a small bathroom: ceramic tiles, plastic panels, paint, artificial stone and even moisture-resistant wallpaper. As you can see, the choice is wide enough to realize your design ideas.

The surface must be well prepared: plaster, putty, primed. If you use aquapanels as a leveling material, you can avoid a laborious preliminary step.

If you decide to paint the walls, then you need to choose non-toxic paints: water-based acrylic, latex or silicone. Oil paints should not be used - they contain acetone, the smell of which will be felt for a long time, it will take a long time to dry, and such a coating will crack quickly from elevated temperatures and moisture.

  • Ceiling

One of the best options for a ceiling when renovating a small bathroom is stretch film with a mirror effect. It looks attractive and is resistant to water vapor. It is easy to care for: wipe with a soft sponge as it gets dirty. With proper maintenance, this coating will retain its original appearance for at least ten years. In case of accidental flooding, such a ceiling will save you from big troubles.

The budget option is the usual painting of the ceiling, but it requires an annual update.

The next version of the ceiling cladding is siding (plastic paneling). Under this material, it is necessary to make a frame from a stainless metal profile.

Plumbing and furniture in the interior of a small bathroom

When it comes to renovating a small bathroom, a shower cabin is considered the best option. Now there are such magnificent models with deep trays with a jacuzzi that there will be enough opportunities to relax in comfortable conditions.

In addition, it has economical water consumption. A built-in ventilation above the shower quickly removes moisture and prevents condensation from entering the finish and under it.

If you really want to put a bath all the same, then there are excellent options: angular and curved models, the length of which is enough, even to fit in full height. Ideas for renovating a small bathroom, the photos of which can be seen below, will help you with the choice of equipment.

For extra space, choose a small rectangular or square washbasin with high sides. It mounts well in a cabinet.

It is better to remove the toilet bowl from the wall, and leave a button for draining on its outer part. If it is not possible to install the installation, then it is worth looking for a non-standard tank - a corner one or a tall and narrow one.

Even in a small bathroom you can find a place for a compact washing machine. It is built into a niche under the sink or boiler, in the corner between the bathroom and the wall or above the toilet. In this case, it is necessary to provide an accessible insulated socket and hide the pipes.

High cabinets, hanging shelves, towel dryers all fit perfectly on the walls, providing enough storage space for small items and not taking up space on the floor.

Shelves-doors on brackets that open at an angle of 45–60 degrees, or narrow horizontal shelves with sliding screens in the sides of the bath will be an excellent place for shampoos, gels, foams and other hygiene products.

When installing furniture after renovation in a small bathroom, you can find a place for a compact pull-out rack. It will perfectly fit clean towels, and there they will not be afraid of moisture.

Cooperate with the company "My Repair" - it is reliable and prestigious. The specialists working here are professionals of the highest level. The company "My Repair" operates throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

Owners of small bathrooms think that the lack of space limits their ability to stylishly and comfortably equip the interior. Do not worry, there are many ways to make even a very tiny room cozy, beautiful and functional. Moreover, it often turns out to be more original, due to bold decorative solutions and rational use of space.

Let's cast aside doubts and worries and see how we can equip our existing plumbing room.

We act according to plan

Before you start bathroom renovation Let's answer a few basic questions:

  1. Is it important to keep a separate bathroom or both rooms can be combined. In the second case, the area of ​​​​the room will increase significantly due to the demolished partition.
  2. What plumbing fixtures can a family do without? It is clear that the set will be minimal to free up usable space. It is more correct to limit yourself to a standard bathroom, or even better, a shower cabin (we will talk about this below), a toilet bowl and a washbasin.
  3. Will the relocation of utilities be required during redevelopment?
  4. Is it possible to install the washing machine outdoors, for example in the kitchen or hallway. From this small bathroom design will only win.
  5. Is a full-fledged bathtub necessary in this case, or can it be replaced with a compact hydrobox, which can give no less pleasure from water procedures.

Down with partitions

The optimal solution for a small bathroom it will be combined with a bathroom. Sometimes, it turns out to further expand the area due to the corridor and the kitchen - this option is only welcome.

The absence of an internal partition allows you to easily install a washing machine, an additional piece of furniture or a plumbing fixture.

Considering that now instead of two doors to the bathroom you will need one, it can be replaced with a sliding structure - it saves space and looks aesthetically pleasing.

Global restructuring will require a lot of work and money, but the result is worth it. Possibilities to equip will expand significantly.

In an apartment where a large family lives with young children, a separate toilet is necessary. And if it is not possible to make it in addition to the combined bathroom, you will have to forget about the merger of the two rooms.

Diversify without a toilet is quite difficult. It is necessary to place a standard set of plumbing fixtures and furniture on several square meters, what scope for creativity is there? However, not everything is so clear cut.

  1. Let's decide on a style. For chamber rooms, modern, minimalism or oriental trends are suitable, since they involve simple, concise forms, local colors and an almost complete absence of decor.

Pay attention to the Japanese style - it can turn small bathroom interior into a work of art. The Japanese, like no one else, know the secrets of the rational use of small areas, why not take advantage of their centuries-old experience?

  • We use hanging cabinets. Why place a simple mirror above the washbasin when you can hide a flat storage section behind it? So we will save space, and visually expand the space due to the mirror surface. The cabinet under the washbasin is also better to make a hinged one. Thanks to this approach, small bathroom will seem more spacious and "airy".
  • If the washbasin has a countertop, its edge may well hang over the bathroom, turning into a convenient stand for bath accessories.
  • Corner furniture will maximize the use of space and diversify small bathroom design. Not only cabinets are suitable, but also open shelves, they visually expand the space. The corner washbasin is another great solution for optimizing the ergonomics of the bathroom.
  • A wide buried shelf can be placed above the door. This is a convenient place to store supplies of detergents and household chemicals.
  • Under the locker, it is recommended to convert the space under the bathroom, if there is no desire to replace it with a shower cabin.
  • Here's another one - placing a washing machine under the washbasin. In this case, the device must be only with horizontal loading.

Bathroom design on an area of ​​4 m²

Such a space makes it possible to organize a combined bathroom, however, it is very compact. The main task in this case will be a visual increase in the room and the organization of spacious storage spaces.

Some tricks for a small bathroom, with an area of ​​4 m².

  1. It is advisable to install several light sources - general and local to create a spatial game in the room. The same task will be performed by mirrors located opposite each other, for example, on the door and above the washbasin.
  2. It is better to choose light-colored furniture with glossy facades, the room will seem more spacious.
  3. The area is quite suitable for use in small bathroom design two types of finishes. In the bathing area, ceramic tiles are needed, the rest of the room can be decorated with waterproof paint or wallpaper. You should pay attention to the "tricks" that create an additional perspective. Excellent idea for a small bathroom become photo wallpapers with natural or urban landscapes. Black and white images in small spaces will look more stylish and effective than color ones.
  4. Hanging furniture, a washbasin and even a toilet bowl will create a feeling of lightness and allow housewives to spend less time cleaning.

Mini bathroom in 3m²

It should be extremely concise and thoughtful in function.

Some amenities may have to be sacrificed.

  • For example, to place a toilet bowl in the chamber space, you will have to give up a full-fledged bath, replacing it with a corner shower.
  • As a rule, we are not talking about a washing machine in such interiors.
  • Ceramic tiles are suitable for wall decoration, or, in a budget version,. The use of other materials in a very small room with high humidity is critical.

Decorative small bathroom ideas are based on a subtle play of details, the quality of finishing materials, the purity of forms and lines. Among the most suitable styles, modern, ethno and retro trends should be highlighted. They will create an unusual atmosphere, compensating for the lack of space with the original design.

Bathroom in 5m²

With such an area, it is much easier to equip a comfortable and styled room. You don’t have to go to tricks to squeeze in a washing machine and plumbing, there is where to place furniture, there is even a place for pleasant little things, such as a decorative partition that separates the toilet from the main space, a beautiful laundry basket or banquette.

However, we still have small bathroom, which has certain style restrictions. Modern trends - modern and minimalism are still preferable to classics, art deco, country or Provence, where more space is required. You can’t put a bathroom in the center of the room on five square meters, and it will be cramped for an exquisite dressing table.

Finishing, furniture and plumbing in this case are selected, focusing on - light colors, ergonomic models and a minimum of accessories.

» developments, stack with several problems at once:
  • record-breaking small area;
  • inconvenient location of communications;
  • poor-quality building structures - uneven walls, distortions of coatings, and the like.

There is only one way out - to combine a separate bathroom, transfer communications and carefully align the walls, while hiding at least part of the water pipes in them.

When developing, a shower cabin is increasingly being chosen as a bathing place.

Its advantages for small spaces, especially when it comes to corner models, are obvious. However, in order for such a device to harmoniously fit into the interior, certain conditions must be observed:

  1. The bathroom should be designed in a modern style: loft, modern, minimalism or high-tech are suitable. For classics, and even more so Provence or country, a hydrobox sparkling with glass and metal is not suitable.
  2. The best option for those who small bathroom There will be an open shower. It lacks two side panels and a top. The cabin is installed in the corner of the room in place of the dismantled bathtub, connected to an existing drain. It is better to purchase models measuring 800 by 800 mm with a deep tray that reliably protects against flooding in emergency situations. Equipment doors should be transparent and sliding for aesthetic and ergonomic reasons.
  3. Closed showers or boxes are more comfortable, but take up more space. They are best left for spacious rooms.
  4. Developing small bathroom design, it is not recommended to highlight the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shower stall with color or material. On the contrary, this device should merge as much as possible with the surrounding space, as if to dissolve in it, without cluttering up the room.

A corner bath takes up less space than traditional counterparts, in addition, it has a stylish, modern look and can become one of the main "highlights" of a small room.

Modern models are often produced multifunctional, which allows not only to take care of personal hygiene, but also to improve your health with the help of hydromassage or other equally useful procedures.

To improve, corner baths should be matched to the color of the rest of the plumbing, or with a transparent front wall.

If the container is tiled, it is better to use light-colored mosaic panels.

For the convenience of bathers, it is desirable to organize local lighting in the bath area.

Let's highlight the main points that should be considered when decorating interior of small bathrooms in the apartment.

  1. The room should be designed in light colors, with a minimum amount of contrasting accents. Pure white is best avoided, replacing it with more eye-pleasing creamy, light sand or milky shades.
  2. It is more correct to choose rectangular ceramic tiles for decoration, medium in size - it does not distort the space. Mosaic is good only in the form of small panels or in the facing of curved surfaces.
  3. To make the bathroom seem more spacious, it is better to lay the floor tiles not directly, but diagonally.
  4. Hanging furniture and plumbing is preferred.
  5. Good lockers with glossy facades, without pretentious decor and pattern. Open glass shelves are a great addition to any small bathroom.
  6. Furniture made of high-quality MDF or plastic in small bathrooms will last longer than wooden furniture.
  7. Accessories should not be abused so as not to create the impression of a mess.
  8. Mirrors - and bright lighting visually “push the walls apart” and add air to the room.

Whatever the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom, you want to equip it with maximum comfort. By choosing the right finishing materials, plumbing and furniture, a small room will turn into an oasis of peace. And if you add some design tricks to this, you can see that the bathroom was not so miniature, it's just an irrational use of space and a pile of unnecessary things. Before heading to the store for new materials and, we suggest looking at a photo selection of small sizes that will help you choose the right interior.

A small bathroom requires careful preparation for renovation. It is important to decide on the style, and you will need to redo absolutely all the details of the interior, from the replacement and the heated towel rail to the decor. Proper planning will help to avoid unnecessary expenses and to some extent save money. Unfortunately, there are not so many options for decorating a small area; it should not be satiated with decor. A set of plumbing, a minimum number of storage spaces, and that, perhaps, is all.

Classic design of a small bathroom: photos of beautiful interiors

Classic style for a small bathroom is the perfect solution. The main design can be done in the following range:

  • ivory with shimmering gold;
  • porcelain luster will expand the boundaries of a small room.

You can stop at the floral ornament - you get a truly royal room of true aristocrats. Classics suggests abundance and gloss, visually this is a bathroom.

Provence style in the bathroom

A small boudoir in France, along with simplicity and freedom. For decoration you need to use only pastel colors:

  • gently lavender;
  • muted green;
  • light pink;
  • blue.

You can choose finishing materials with a small floral print, it is important that it is also decorated in delicate colors. On light vintage furniture, an element of antiquity is allowed - scuffs.

Interior of a small loft-style bathroom: photos of finished projects

The design of a bathroom of 3 m² in implies bare walls with imitation stone or, preferably in a grayish-white hue. The ceilings must be whitewashed, and the absence of any decor is obligatory. This style is suitable for people with an artistic nature, for whom everyday life is alien and freedom is important.

Related article:

How this style appeared, how to design your own residential and non-residential premises in this style, choose the right furniture for your home and apartment - all this and much more you will find in our material.

Minimalist small bathroom design

Modern minimalism is the most ideal solution for a small bathroom. The compact form of the equipment will save quite a lot of space. All utensils must be placed in miniature. A small room should be filled with lightness and spaciousness.

Scandinavian bathroom design with small bathtub

The snow-white room with small accents of black and gray resembles a mountain one. Such an interior invigorates in the morning and fills with energy. During decoration, it is not recommended to use bright details and decor.

What should be included in a bathroom renovation project?

After choosing a style, they proceed to the layout of the main repair. It is at this stage that a decision can be made to combine and transfer pipes. This issue must be approached very carefully. It may not be suitable for a large family, but for 1-2 people it is quite reasonable. This will expand the area, because it is better to have one more spacious room than two tiny ones.

Important! Changing the standard dimensions of the bath, the layout of the premises and the transfer of partitions requires approval from the BTI.

After the decision on redevelopment, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • it is necessary to perform all measurements and;
  • on a piece of paper in a box or a computer with the help of you need to draw up a plan of the room on a scale;
  • on the plan, all plumbing outlets, as well as sewer drains, should be noted;
  • then you should make a list and equipment in priority order and find out if such products are produced for small rooms;
  • Cut out all items from paper to scale. If the circuit is drawn up on a computer, you should check if the program has equipment of this size.

With the help of such planning, it is easy to determine the arrangement of equipment and furniture in accordance with the recommended standards.

How to properly plan the bathroom, you can see on the video:

Small bathroom piping layout

Next, you can start planning the pipeline. The layout of the water pipes must be suitable for everyone. If possible, pipes of small diameter are installed in a hidden way, you need to remember that in case of leaks, everything will have to be dismantled. Therefore, a good way out would be to hide the wiring in a box from, the surface of which can also be used as additional storage space. The bulky old-style towel warmer is being replaced with a modern miniature one. No need to choose complex designs; for a small bathroom, you should focus on the simplest model.

Floor waterproofing

At the next stage, the repair must be done. Suitable materials for this:

  • mastic from bitumen;
  • waterproofing roll or sheet with bituminous impregnation;
  • cement-polymer mixtures;
  • rubber-based hydrobarriers.

This should be known! Polyethylene and materials with it for waterproofing cannot be used in the bathroom, as they do not allow water vapor to pass through, and there will always be high humidity in the room. And this is fraught with the formation of mold and fungus.

Professionals advise using any rolled material; for greater reliability, the waterproofing is covered with a good layer of bituminous mastic.

Space zoning

Zoning can be done in two ways: color or using. Partitions, even if lightweight and transparent, are not suitable for every bathroom. When choosing bright accents, the main thing is not to overdo it with colors.

With the help of finishing, you can highlight a specific area, for example, or. An interesting technique is the asymmetric reflection of the pattern on opposite walls. A good option is to finish all surfaces in a light tone, and the area with mosaics or accent tiles. If the bathroom is combined, you can also highlight the placement area in a contrasting color and stretch it to the ceiling.

With the help of lighting, a shower cabin, a bathroom area and a zone are distinguished. You can use a diode tape to highlight the horizontal surfaces of the shelves and storage areas, the edging of the bathtub will look interesting and romantic, when it is turned on, all other lighting should be turned off.

The area should be illuminated with more natural warm light from both sides. It can be spotlights or decorative sconces. All these subtleties of the modern design of a small bathroom without a toilet are presented in the photo selection.

Lighting design for a small bathroom

In a small bathroom, several light sources are installed, but in no case should there be a chandelier. Ordinary ones should be replaced with LED ones, they do not heat up, and they are not afraid of splashing water. To give some bohemianism and romance, you can stretch a neon ribbon around the perimeter, and install luminescent elements on the floor, spotlights are used to illuminate the shelves. The bathroom has high humidity, so everyone should fit these parameters. Junction boxes should be taken out of the room so that a short circuit does not occur during accidental flooding by neighbors.

Finishing materials for small bathroom renovation: photos of interesting solutions

Finishing materials in a small room are selected in accordance with the chosen style.

wall decoration

The ideal solution is ceramic, manufacturers produce a variety of collections that can be selected for any room design. For small bathrooms, you should opt for light shades with a glossy surface that will visually expand the space. An interesting trick is to install separate fragments of mirror paintings, this will create an imitation of a window opening. You can visually change the space using different tile laying technologies:

  • laid horizontally will visually increase the volume of the bathroom;
  • vertical rows visually raise the ceilings;
  • you can focus on one wall or a small mosaic panel, but you should not choose bright shades. The selection of certain zones, for example, mirrors or shelves, looks good in the interior. It is important that they match in color with the main style.

Also used for painting, they can be finished with plastic, lay a decorative stone or choose with a moisture-resistant effect. Another good solution, however, it will cost a little more - a beautiful one with a protective coating. It will create an atmosphere of intimacy in a small space.

Related article:

In the publication, we will consider sizes, applications, varieties, advantages and disadvantages, criteria for the right choice of panels, average prices, popular models, expert advice.


The ceiling in the bathroom can simply be whitewashed or painted with a water-based emulsion, you first need to perfectly level the surfaces. This is a rather troublesome job, and in time it can take more than one day. Therefore, many choose just a few hours - and the repair can be considered almost complete.

A stretch ceiling with a glossy surface will also visually increase the volume of the bathroom. In addition, it will easily hide the consequences of flooding neighbors. Another good alternative is a false ceiling, but it can only be installed if the height of the bathroom allows. It will be completely replaced by siding, plastic panels are resistant to high humidity, in addition, it is easy to care for it.

Choosing the design of a small bathtub or shower enclosure for bathrooms

What to choose - a small bath or a shower for small bathrooms, should be decided by the owners themselves. For some, the priority is to lie in fragrant foam, and someone loves a contrast shower, there are positive moments on both sides. When choosing a bathroom, it is important to pay attention to its shape:

  • oval- irrationally takes up a lot of space;
  • rectangular- this is the best option for small rooms;
  • angular or asymmetric- allow you to install additional equipment.

When choosing a bathtub in a small room, the main parameter is the width, unfortunately, the height of users is not always taken into account here, and for the sake of planning and placing equipment, you can sacrifice something. However, if the parameters of the room do not allow you to install a full-fledged bath, compact dimensions may not be convenient for everyone, in which case it can solve all problems. It is available in rectangular or corner shape with sliding doors. The main advantages of the equipment are:

  • significantly saves space;
  • water consumption is reduced several times;
  • modern equipment will successfully replace the outdated one.

Along with the positive characteristics, it should be noted the disadvantages of such equipment:

  • the formation of plaque on the walls and doors of the booth;
  • if the water is of poor quality, the filtration system may become clogged frequently.

The most optimal booth size is 80 × 80 cm; equipment with parameters of 90 × 90 cm can also be suitable for small bathrooms.

The choice of bath design in Khrushchev with a washing machine

Everyone is already accustomed to the comfort in the apartment and cannot imagine life without additional equipment, which significantly saves the time and energy of the hostess. Now the market allows you to choose the optimal model in terms of functionality and size. A compact product with side loading can be installed in a niche, for example, if there is a gap between the wall and the bath, approx. Manufacturers have created a compact washing machine with a washbasin. Be sure to first bring out an insulated outlet and consider the location of the pipes, the drain should be led directly into the sewer.

The bathroom is the most visited part of the house, which should be comfortable and functional. But most apartments have a small bathroom, which does not prevent our specialists from turning it into a comfortable and beautiful room.

Our company in Moscow will help you renovate a small bathroom, modernize it so that it seems much larger to you. We will select the right interior style, apply a variety of methods to obtain the desired result. We employ only qualified specialists with extensive experience and know their business perfectly.

All in our hands

Before you start renovating small bathrooms, you need to carefully consider every detail, determine the appropriate design of the room. We will always find ways out of any situation and select the best options for arranging a bathroom. With the help of a variety of materials, we will carry out finishing work in such a way as to realize any idea.

We offer you several styles that we use in small bathrooms:

  • Japanese style - simplicity, rigor, thoughtfulness;
  • classic - natural materials, smooth curves;
  • modern - bright colors and materials, non-standard forms;
  • Provence - pastel shades, peace.

Such styles will give volume to small rooms and turn them into a favorite place in the apartment.

We guarantee:

  • high quality of work;
  • affordable prices;
  • repair of any complexity.

Over the years of activity, we have received many positive reviews, which gives us the opportunity to boldly move forward. We are very easy to contact both through our website and by phone. We work seven days a week in Moscow and the Moscow region. Always happy to help you.