Midshipman - who is this? Ship ranks. Understanding military ranks Who is older than the rank of midshipman lieutenant

In order to know exactly how, according to the regulations, you are supposed to address a military personnel, you need to understand the ranks. Ranks in the Russian Army and shoulder straps provide clarity in relationships and allow you to understand the chain of command. In the Russian Federation there is both a horizontal structure - military and naval ranks, and a vertical hierarchy - from the rank and file to the highest officers.

Rank and file

Private is the lowest military rank in the Russian Army. Moreover, the soldiers received this title in 1946, before that they were addressed exclusively as fighters or Red Army soldiers.

If the service is carried out in a guards military unit or on a guards ship, then when addressing a private, it is worth adding the same word "guard". If you want to contact a military personnel who is in the reserve and has a diploma of higher legal or medical education, then you should contact - "Private Justice", or "private medical service". Accordingly, it is worth adding the appropriate words to someone who is in reserve or retired.

In a ship, the rank of private corresponds to sailor.

Only senior soldiers who perform the best military service are given the rank Corporal. Such soldiers can act as commanders during the latter's absence.

All additional words that were applicable for a private remain relevant for a corporal. Only in the Navy, this rank corresponds to Senior sailor.

The one who commands a squad or combat vehicle receives the rank Lance Sergeant. In some cases, this rank is assigned to the most disciplined corporals upon transfer to the reserve, if such a staff unit was not provided for during service. In the ship's composition it is "sergeant major of the second article"

Since November 1940, the Soviet army received a rank for junior command personnel - sergeant. It is awarded to cadets who have successfully completed the sergeant training program and graduated with honors.
A private can also receive the rank - Lance Sergeant, who has proven himself worthy to be awarded the next rank, or upon transfer to the reserve.

In the Navy, a sergeant of the ground forces corresponds to the rank foreman.

Next comes the Senior Sergeant, and in the Navy - chief petty officer.

After this rank, there is some overlap between land and sea forces. Because after senior sergeant, in the ranks of the Russian army appears Sergeant Major. This title came into use in 1935. Only the best military personnel who served excellently in sergeant positions for six months deserve it, or upon transfer to the reserve, the rank of sergeant major is awarded to senior sergeants certified with excellent results. On the ship it is - chief petty officer.

Next come warrant officers And midshipmen. This is a special category of military personnel, close to junior officers. Complete the rank and file, senior warrant officer and midshipman.

Junior officers

A number of junior officer ranks in the Russian Army begin with the rank Ensign. This title is awarded to final year students and graduates of higher military educational institutions. However, in case of a shortage of officers, a graduate of a civilian university can also receive the rank of junior lieutenant.

Lieutenant Only a junior lieutenant can become a junior lieutenant who has served a certain amount of time and received a positive educational certificate. Further - senior lieutenant.

And he closes the group of junior officers - Captain. This title sounds the same for both ground and naval forces.

By the way, the new field uniform from Yudashkin obligated our military personnel to duplicate insignia on the chest. There is an opinion that the “runaways” from the leadership do not see the ranks on our officers’ shoulders and this is done for their convenience.

Senior officers

Senior officers begin with rank Major. In the navy, this rank corresponds to Captain 3rd rank. The following Navy ranks will only increase the rank of captain, that is, the rank of land Lieutenant Colonel will correspond Captain 2nd rank, and the rank ColonelCaptain 1st rank.

Senior officers

And the highest officer corps completes the hierarchy of military ranks in the Russian army.

Major General or Rear Admiral(in the navy) - such a proud title is worn by military personnel who command a division - up to 10 thousand people.

Above the Major General is Lieutenant General. (A lieutenant general is superior to a major general because a lieutenant general has two stars on his shoulder straps and a major general has one).

Initially, in the Soviet army, it was more likely not a rank, but a position, because the Lieutenant General was an assistant to the general and took on part of his functions, in contrast to Colonel General, who can personally fill senior positions, both in the General Staff and in the Ministry of Defense. In addition, in the Russian armed forces, a Colonel General may be the deputy commander of a military district.

And finally, the most important serviceman who has the highest military rank in the Russian army is Army General. All previous links must obey him.

About military ranks in video format:

Well, new guy, have you figured it out now?)

(hence the name of the position) and ensured the exact execution by the team of the orders of the captain or watch commander, for whom the sails set often limited the view of the middle and bow parts of the deck. To gain practice, candidates for promotion to the officer rank (midshipmen) were often appointed to this position.

The military rank of midshipman exists today in the Navy (Navy) of some other states. In the UK, for example, it is assigned to senior cadets of the Naval College, in the USA - to cadets of the Naval Academy (Naval Academy).


Sequence of military rank in the Russian Imperial Navy
100px Junior ranks: Midshipman Senior rank:
Chief boatswain
Senior paramedic

In the Russian Navy, the rank of midshipman was first introduced in 1716 as a non-commissioned officer.

Subsequently, from to (excluding 1751−1758, when midshipmen again classified as non-commissioned officers) midshipman - the first chief officer rank in the navy, corresponding to a lieutenant in the army.

The rank of midshipman was awarded to midshipmen who successfully passed theoretical and practical examinations. Midshipmen were appointed to the positions of commanders of artillery towers of ships, commanders of mine artillery plutongs, navigators of small warships, and so on.[[K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] [ ]


In Soviet times, the military rank of midshipman was first introduced by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on November 30, 1940 as the highest rank for foremen of the Navy, naval units of border and internal troops. This decree was in effect until 1972.

Before the introduction of shoulder straps in 1943, the insignia of midshipmen were sleeve patches - four stripes of narrow golden braid under a red cloth star.

In 1943, in connection with the introduction of shoulder straps in the Armed Forces of the USSR, removable shoulder straps on a button with a trapezoidal upper cut were installed for midshipmen, with the so-called “petty officer's hammer”: a narrow gold-colored braid along the longitudinal axis until it intersects with a wide transverse braid in the upper third of the shoulder strap.

Subsequently, the shape of the shoulder straps and insignia on them changed.

In 1955, sewn shoulder straps were introduced on overcoats and tunics (double-breasted uniforms) without buttons with an oblique upper cut; the narrow longitudinal braid was replaced with a wider one.

In 1963, the insignia on the shoulder straps was changed: the transverse braid was canceled, and the longitudinal braid reached the upper cut.

In connection with the introduction of warrant officers and midshipmen in the Armed Forces of the USSR on January 1, 1972 (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 18, 1971), military personnel with the rank of midshipman became a separate category of Navy personnel (on ships, vessels, in coastal combat support units of the Navy) and naval units of border and internal troops. In terms of their official position, duties and rights, they, just like warrant officers, have a status close to junior officers; they are their closest assistants and superiors for sailors (soldiers) and petty officers (sergeants) of the same ship (unit) with them.

In this regard, the insignia of midshipmen has changed - shoulder straps of a new type without gaps were introduced for them, on which two stars are located along the longitudinal axis.

On January 12, 1981, the military rank was introduced in the USSR Navy (on ships, vessels, in coastal combat support units of the Navy), as well as in the maritime units of the border and internal troops. senior midshipman(simultaneously with the introduction of the rank of senior warrant officer in the Soviet Army, coastal units and aviation of the Navy, border and internal troops of the USSR Armed Forces), for which shoulder straps of a new type were introduced: without gaps, on which three stars are located along the longitudinal axis.

Midshipman rank insignia, USSR

Midshipman Senior midshipman
100px 50px 50px 55px 55px 55px 55px
Sleeve insignia
Shoulder strap
Shoulder strap
Shoulder strap
Shoulder strap
Shoulder strap

After the collapse of the USSR, these ranks were retained in the Russian Armed Forces and in most republics in the post-Soviet space.

Before the military rank of a serviceman serving in a guards military unit, on a guards ship, the word “guard” is added.

To the military rank of a citizen who is in the reserve or retired, the words “reserve” or “retired” are added, respectively.

Russian Federation

A midshipman in the Russian Navy is ranked higher than a chief petty officer and lower than a senior midshipman, who, in turn, is lower than a junior lieutenant.

The rank of midshipman is usually awarded upon completion of the relevant schools (courses).

Midshipman Shoulder straps for midshipmen of the Russian Navy since 1994 Senior midshipman
Notes (BO-6) (VO-7)
← NATO rank code 55px 55px
Universal shoulder strap (removable and sewn on)
for outerwear (1994−2010),
removable shoulder strap for a demi-season raincoat,
← NATO rank code ← NATO rank code blue tunic and woolen jacket (since 2010)
Sewn shoulder strap
for a jacket, a demi-season raincoat and an overcoat,
for a jacket, a demi-season jacket and a woolen coat

(since 2010)

see also

Senior midshipman

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  • Literature
  • Midshipman // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional ones). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907. // Adaptive radio communication line - Object air defense / [under the general. ed. N. V. Ogarkova

Rank XIV

And here, on the ground, in a lonely empty cave, on a round pebble, hunched over, sat a man... He looked very small. And very scared. Bitterly, crying hysterically, he furiously rubbed his angry tears with his fists and swore in his childish soul that the day would come when he grew up, and then he would definitely correct the “wrong” world of adults... He would make it joyful and good! This little man was Beloyar... the great descendant of Radomir and Magdalena. A small, lost in the world of big people, a crying Man...

Everything I heard from the lips of the North once again flooded my heart with sadness... I asked myself again and again - are all these irreparable losses natural?.. Is there really no way to rid the world of evil and evil?! This whole terrible machine of global murder made the blood run cold, leaving no hope of salvation. But at the same time, a powerful stream of life-giving force flowed from somewhere into my wounded soul, opening every cell in it, every breath to fight traitors, cowards and scoundrels!.. With those who killed the pure and brave, without hesitation, by any means, just to destroy everyone who could be dangerous to them...
– Tell me more, Sever! Please tell me about Qatar... How long did they live without their Guiding Star, without Magdalene?
But for some reason the North suddenly became agitated and answered tensely:
- Forgive me, Isidora, but I think I’ll tell you all this later... I can’t stay here any longer. Please stay strong my friend. Whatever happens, try to be strong...
And, softly melting, he left with a “breath”...
And Caraffa was already standing on the threshold again.
- Well, Isidora, have you thought of something more sensible? – without saying hello, Karaffa began. – I really hope that this week will bring you to your senses and I will not have to resort to the most extreme measures. I told you completely sincerely - I don’t want to harm your beautiful daughter, rather the opposite. I would be glad if Anna continued to study and learn new things. She is still too hot-tempered in her actions and categorical in her judgments, but she has enormous potential. One can only imagine what she would be capable of if he was allowed to open up correctly!.. How do you look at this, Isidora? After all, for this I only need your consent. And then everything will be fine with you again.
- Apart from the death of my husband and father, is it not, Your Holiness? – I asked bitterly.
– Well, it was an unforeseen complication (!..). And you still have Anna, don’t forget that!
– Why should anyone “stay” with me at all, Your Holiness?.. I had a wonderful family, which I loved very much, and which was everything in the world to me! But you destroyed it... just because of an “unforeseen complication,” as you just put it!.. Do living people really not matter to you?!
Caraffa relaxed into a chair and said quite calmly:
“People interest me only to the extent that they are obedient to our most holy church.” Or how extraordinary and unusual their minds are. But these come across, unfortunately, very rarely. The ordinary crowd doesn't interest me at all! This is a bunch of little thinking meat, which is no longer good for anything other than carrying out someone else's will and someone else's orders, because their brain is not able to comprehend even the most primitive truth.
Even knowing Karaffa, I felt my head spinning with excitement... How was it possible to live thinking like that?!
- Well, what about the gifted?.. You are afraid of them, Your Holiness, aren’t you? Otherwise you wouldn’t have killed them so brutally. Tell me, if you burn them in the end anyway, then why torture them so inhumanely even before they go to the fire? Is the atrocity you are committing by burning these unfortunates alive not enough for you?..
– They must repent and confess, Isidora! Otherwise, their soul will not be cleansed, despite the fact that I will betray them to the flames of the holy fire. They must get rid of the devil in them - they must get rid of their dirty Gift! Otherwise, their soul, having come to Earth from darkness, will again plunge into the same darkness... And I will not be able to fulfill my duty - to unite their fallen souls to the Lord God. Do you understand this, Isidora?!
No, I didn’t understand... because it was the real delirium of an extremely crazy person!.. Caraffa’s incomprehensible brain was a mystery for me behind seven of the heaviest locks... And, in my opinion, no one could comprehend this riddle. Sometimes the Holy Pope seemed to me the smartest and most educated person, knowing much more than any ordinary well-read and educated person. As I said earlier, he was a wonderful conversationalist, shining with his tenacious and sharp mind, which completely subjugated those around him. But sometimes... what he “uttered” didn’t seem like anything normal or understandable. Where was his rare mind at such moments?..
- For mercy, Your Holiness, you are talking to me now! Why pretend?!. What “lord” are we talking about here? And to which “lord” would you like to unite the souls of these unfortunate “sinners”? And in general, would you mind telling me which Lord you yourself believe? If, of course, you believe at all...
Contrary to my expectation, he did not explode in anger... But he just smiled and said in a teacher’s tone:
“You see, Isidora, a person does not need God to believe in something,” seeing my dumbfounded face, Karaffa laughed cheerfully. – Isn’t it funny to hear this from me, Isidora?.. But the truth is true, although I understand that from the lips of the Pope it must sound more than strange. But I repeat - man truly does not need God... For this, another person is enough for him. Take Christ, for example... He was simply very gifted, but still a MAN! And all he had to do was walk on water, revive a half-dead man, show a few more of the same “tricks”, well, and for us to correctly declare that he is the son of God (and therefore almost God), and everything went exactly as was always the case - the crowd, after his death, joyfully rushed after their redeemer... even without fully understanding what it was that he truly redeemed for them...

Radomir (Jesus Christ), who knew how to walk on water...

As I told you earlier, people need to be able to direct and manage them correctly, Isidora. Only then is it possible to have complete control over them.
– But you will never be able to control entire nations!.. For this you need armies, Holiness! And even assuming that you would somehow subjugate these peoples, I am sure that brave people would again be found who would lead the rest to win their freedom.
“You’re absolutely right, Madonna,” Caraffa nodded. – Peoples do not submit voluntarily – they must be subjugated! But I'm not a warrior, and I don't like to fight. This creates great and unnecessary inconvenience... Therefore, in order to subjugate peacefully, I use a very simple and reliable method - I destroy their past... For without a past a person is vulnerable... He loses his ancestral roots if he does not have a past. And just then, confused and unprotected, he becomes a “blank canvas” on which I can write any story!.. And would you believe it, dear Isidora, people are only happy about this... because, I repeat, they cannot live without the past (even if they don’t want to admit it to themselves). And when there is none, they accept anything, so as not to “hang” in the unknown, which for them is much more terrible than any stranger’s, made-up “story.”
– And do you really think that no one sees what is really happening?.. After all, there are so many smart, gifted people on Earth! – I exclaimed indignantly.
- Why don’t they see it? The chosen ones see it and even try to show it to others. But from time to time we “clean up” them... And everything falls into place again.
– Just as you once “cleaned up” the family of Christ and Magdalene? Or today – the gifted?.. What is this “god” to whom you pray, Your Holiness? What kind of monster needs all these sacrifices?!
– If we speak frankly, I don’t pray to the gods, Isidora... I live BY THE MIND. Well, God is needed only by the helpless and poor in spirit. For those who are used to asking for help... for benefits... and for everything in the world! Just don’t fight yourself!.. These are little people, Isidora! And they are worth managing! And the rest is a matter of time. That is why I ask you to help me live until the day when I gain complete power in this insignificant world!.. Then you will see that I was not joking, and that the Earth will completely obey me! I will make my empire out of it... Oh, I only need time!.. And you will give it to me, Isidora. You just don't know about it yet.

- (English midshipman). In England, the naval rank is equal to our cadets. In Russia, the first officer rank in the navy. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. MICHMAN English. midshipman. In England, the naval rank is equal to... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

MICHMAN- (from English midshipman) military rank (rank) in a number of the Navy. In the Russian Navy in 1713 32 and 1751 58 non-commissioned officer rank, in 1732 51 and 1758 1917 the first officer rank corresponding to the rank of army lieutenant. In the Navy and naval units of the border troops... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

MICHMAN- (Sub lieutenant) the first officer rank in the old Russian fleet. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L.: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 Midshipman is the military rank of military personnel of the Navy. In Russia it was first introduced into... ... Marine Dictionary

MICHMAN- Midshipman, midshipman, plural. midshipmen and (marine) midshipman, husband. (English midshipman) (marine pre-revolutionary and loaded). First naval officer rank. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

MICHMAN- MICHMAN, ah, plural. s, ovrazg.) a, ov, husband. 1. In the navy: the military rank of persons voluntarily serving beyond the established period, as well as the person (assistant officer) holding this rank. 2. In the old Russian and certain other fleets: ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

MICHMAN- husband. first officer rank in the navy, army lieutenant; he is followed by a lieutenant (captain). Midshipman, belonging to him; Russian, related to it cf. rank, rank of midshipman. nsha wife midshipman's wife. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

midshipman- noun, number of synonyms: 3 rank (113) chest (27) rank (78) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin... Synonym dictionary

midshipman- midshipman, pl. midshipmen, b. midshipmen and in the speech of midshipman sailors, midshipmen... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

midshipman- A; m. [from English midshipman] 1. In the Russian Navy: military rank of persons voluntarily serving beyond the established period; person holding this title. Serve as a midshipman in the navy. Duty m. // In the USSR Navy in 1940... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

midshipman- junior lieutenant in the navy, for the first time in Ust. Morsk. 1710; see Smirnov 197. Borrowed. from English midshipman naval cadet, see Matzenauer 254; Meulen 135; the latter questions the etymology of Smirnov - from Goal. mitsman... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer


  • Midshipman Easy. Wreck of the "Great Ocean". Ghost Ship, Frederick Marryat. We present to your attention the collection of Frederick Marryat "Midshipman Easy. The Wreck of the Great Ocean. The Ghost Ship"... Buy for 380 rubles
  • Midshipman Hornblower, Forester Cecil Scott. Young Horatio Hornblower was very unlucky. A midshipman with no experience found himself in a society of salty sea wolves, to whom the devil himself is no brother. At seventeen, the young officer was too serious, but...

Ship ranks in the navy are used in the Russian Navy and are assigned to sailors to the extent they are able to take responsibility for the command of a particular military personnel. They are also assigned to the military coast guard of the border troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, underwater and surface units of the Navy and naval units of the troops.

Almost all naval ranks differ from the missile and ground forces, airborne forces and airborne forces. From 1884 to 1991 they changed due to a number of events:

  • the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917;
  • the creation of the Soviet Union and its subsequent collapse 1922-1991;
  • creation of the Russian Federation in 1991

Modern ranks in the navy are divided into 4 categories:

1. Conscripts of conscript and contract service. This includes: sailor, senior sailor, foreman of the second class, petty officer of the first class and the chief petty officer. The senior ranks also include a midshipman and a senior midshipman.

2. Junior officers of the fleet. These are: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant and lieutenant commander.

3. Senior officers of the Navy. Ranks are divided into: captains of the third, second and first rank.

4. Senior officers. Consists of: rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral and fleet admiral.

Detailed description of ship ranks in ascending order

Sailor- a junior rank in the navy that corresponds to a land private. These are conscripts for military service.

Senior sailor- a parallel to the army rank of corporal, which is assigned to a sailor for maintaining discipline and exemplary performance of duties. Can be an assistant sergeant major and replace a sergeant major of the second class.

Petty Officers

Foreman of the second article- junior rank in the senior ranks, which was introduced on November 2, 1940. Situated in rank above the senior sailor and below the first class petty officer. May be a squad leader.

Petty Officer of the first article- a sailor of the fleet who is ranked higher in rank than the petty officer of the second article, but below the chief petty officer. Second in order of growth in the list of senior officers, introduced on November 2, 1940. This is a squad commander who has shown excellent results in performing military and organizational duties.

Chief petty officer– military rank in the Navy of the Russian Federation and Coast Guard. Occupies a place between the first class petty officer and the midshipman of the fleet. The naval rank of chief naval sergeant corresponds to the army rank of senior sergeant. Can replace a platoon commander.

Midshipman– a word of English origin, which is assigned to a sailor after completing appropriate training programs and courses. In land terms, this is an ensign. Performs organizational and combat duties within the framework of a platoon commander or company sergeant major.

Shoulder straps for midshipmen of the Russian Navy since 1994- a military rank in the Russian Navy, which is higher in rank than midshipman, but lower than junior lieutenant. Similarly - senior warrant officer in other branches of the military.

Senior officers

Rank junior lieutenant comes from French and translates as "substitute". Occupies the first rank in the junior officer ranks, both in the ground and naval forces. May be a post or platoon commander.

Lieutenant- second among ranks in the navy, in rank above junior lieutenant and below senior lieutenant. Awarded upon completion of service with the rank of junior lieutenant.

Senior Lieutenant- a naval rank of junior officers in Russia, which is higher in rank than lieutenant and lower than lieutenant commander. With excellent performance in the service, he can be an assistant to the captain of a ship.

Lieutenant Captain- the highest rank of junior officers, which in the Russian Federation and Germany corresponds to captain of the army of the ground forces. A sailor with this rank is considered the deputy captain of the ship and the commander of a company of hundreds of subordinates.

Senior officers

Captain 3rd rank- corresponds to an army major. The abbreviated name for the shoulder strap is “captri”. Responsibilities include commanding a ship of the appropriate rank. These are small military vessels: landing craft, anti-submarine ships, torpedo ships and minesweepers.

Captain of the second rank, or “kapdva” is the rank of sailor in the Navy, which corresponds to lieutenant colonel in land ranks. This is the commander of a ship of the same rank: large landing ships, missile and destroyers.

Captain of the first rank, or “kapraz”, “kapturang” is a military rank in the Russian Navy, which is higher in rank than captain of the second rank and lower than rear admiral. May 7, 1940 exists among ranks in the navy, decided the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. "Kapturang" commands ships with complex control and enormous military power: aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and cruisers.

Military ranks of the USSR

Rear Admiral can command a squadron of ships and replace the commander of a flotilla. Adopted since 1940 and since that time corresponds to major general of the ground forces and aviation.

Vice Admiral- a rank of sailors in Russia, which allows you to replace an admiral. Corresponds to a lieutenant general of the ground forces. Manages the actions of flotillas.

Admiral translated from Dutch as “lord of the sea”, therefore he is a member of the senior officer corps. Army employees are assigned the rank of Colonel General. Manages the active fleet.

Fleet Admiral- the highest active rank, as well as in other types of troops, army general. Manages the fleet and is assigned to active admirals with excellent combat, organizational and strategic performance.

What types of troops are assigned naval ranks?

The Navy of the Russian Federation (RF Navy) also includes the following units:

  • Marine Corps;
  • coast guard;
  • naval aviation.

The Marine Corps is a unit that carries out the defense of military installations, coastal areas and other sea lines. The Marines include sabotage and reconnaissance groups. The Marine Corps motto is: “Where we are, there is victory.”

The Coast Guard is a branch of the military that defends Russian naval bases and special facilities in the coastal zone. They have at their disposal anti-aircraft, torpedo, mine weapons, as well as missile systems and other artillery.

Naval aviation is troops whose responsibilities include detecting and destroying the enemy, defending ships and other elements from enemy forces, and destroying enemy aircraft, helicopters and other air structures. Russian aviation also carries out air transportation and rescue operations on the high seas.

How and for what is the next rank assigned to sailors?

The assignment of the next title is specified in the current laws of the Russian Federation:

  • For a senior sailor, you must serve 5 months;
  • obtaining a sergeant major of the 2nd article can be expected after a year of service;
  • three years for senior sergeant and chief petty officer;
  • three years to become a midshipman;
  • 2 years for junior lieutenant;
  • 3 for promotion to lieutenant and first lieutenant;
  • 4 years to become a captain-lieutenant and captain of the 3rd rank.
  • 5 years to captain 2nd and 1st rank;
  • for senior officers, at least a year at the previous rank.

It is also worth knowing that military ranks in the navy may be assigned if the due date has not yet passed, but the military man has demonstrated his organizational, tactical and strategic abilities. A bad sailor is one who does not want to become an admiral, especially since it is possible. There are many examples of motivated, big-thinking sailors who became admirals.

Midshipman(from English midshipman ( middle ship man ) , literally - “average shipman”) - naval military rank of military personnel in Navy(Navies) of a number of countries.

The military qualifications and service status of the persons to whom it was assigned have changed several times. Initially, the title was assigned to sailors of the sailing fleet who performed the corresponding position. Midshipmen served on large sailing ships approximately in the middle of the deck (hence the name of the position) and ensured the precise execution by the team of the orders of the captain or watch commander, whose sails were often limited to the view of the middle and bow parts of the deck. To gain practice, candidates for promotion to the officer rank (midshipmen) were often appointed to this position.

Military rank midshipman exists today in Navy(Navy) of some other states. In the UK, for example, it is assigned to senior cadets at the Naval College, in USA- cadets of the naval school (naval academy).

Rank in the Russian Navy midshipman first introduced in 1716 as a non-commissioned officer.

Subsequently, from 1732 to 1917 (excluding 1751−1758, when midshipmen again treated as non-commissioned officers) midshipman- the first chief officer rank in the navy, corresponding to a lieutenant in the army.

Rank midshipman awarded to midshipmen who successfully passed theoretical and practical exams. Midshipmen were appointed to the positions of commanders of artillery towers of ships, commanders of anti-mine artillery plutongs, navigators of small warships, and so on.


In Soviet times, military rank midshipman was first introduced by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated November 30, 1940 as the highest rank for petty officers Navy, naval units of border and internal troops. This decree was in effect until 1972.

Before introduction shoulder strap in 1943, the insignia of midshipmen was sleeve stripes- four strips of narrow golden braid under a red cloth star.

In 1943, in connection with the introduction shoulder strap in the Armed Forces of the USSR, removable shoulder straps on a button with a trapezoidal upper cut, with the so-called “senior’s hammer”: a narrow golden-colored braid along the longitudinal axis until it intersects with a wide transverse braid in the upper third of the shoulder strap.

Subsequently, the form shoulder strap and the insignia on them changed.

In 1955, sew-on shoulder straps on an overcoat and jacket(double-breasted uniform) without buttons with an oblique upper cut, the narrow longitudinal braid was replaced with a wider one.

In 1963 they were changed insignia on the shoulder straps: the transverse galloon was canceled, and the longitudinal braid reached the upper cut.

In connection with the introduction of the institution of warrant officers and midshipmen(Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 18, 1971) military personnel in the rank midshipman began to represent a separate category of personnel Navy(on ships, vessels, in coastal combat support units Navy) and naval units of border and internal troops. In terms of their official position, duties and rights, they, just like warrant officers, have a status close to junior officers, are their closest assistants and superiors for sailors (soldiers) and petty officers (sergeants) of the same ship (unit) with them.

In this regard, they have changed insignia midshipmen - for them were introduced shoulder straps a new sample without gaps, on which two stars are located along the longitudinal axis.

Since January 12, 1981 in Navy USSR (on ships, vessels, in coastal combat support units