What is done makes us stronger. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger

Probably everyone is familiar with the expression: "Everything that cannot kill us makes us stronger." And I want to believe that failures harden us, and victories make us move on. Let's see what makes us stronger.

Spirit Formula

First, let's define what morality means. the strong man. Firstly, he steadfastly overcomes all the difficulties that fate has prepared. Secondly, he knows how to control himself and in any situation goes to achieve his goals.

Victories and defeats

As we wrote above, the strength of our spirit directly depends on success and failure. It is very important in case of blows of fate to be able to analyze your mistakes and try not to make them in the future. Defeat always throws a person back, and the faster he can get back on his feet and move forward, the stronger he is.

Success inspires us and gives us faith in ourselves and our strengths. Victory must drive forward. Many lucky people stopped and began to stagnate when it was necessary to go forward with double strength so that a little luck would grow into a huge success.

Moral qualities

Of course, the strength of the spirit can be cultivated in oneself, thanks to moral qualities. It is necessary to have not only diligence and patience, but also to be open, honest, decisive. Build all you need moral qualities our will helps. Let's look at what strong-willed qualities you need to develop in yourself.

  1. Initiative. This is the ability to voluntarily and independently solve their own affairs or embody new ideas. If necessary, you need to be able to involve outsiders to help.
  2. Purposefulness. The ability to set goals and work towards achieving them. In the article, we will also touch on the factors that affect the implementation of the plan.
  3. Determination. It is important not only to make decisions, but also to bring them to the end.
  4. Patience. It is the ability to accept reality, thereby affecting your comfort zone.
  5. Perseverance. The ability to withstand setbacks and stay true to the intended goal.
  6. Discipline. This is a code of conduct.
  7. Self-control. It is the control of one's feelings, speech and behavior. It is also important to be able to keep negative emotions.

How to become strong

  • get busy physical activity. Choose the sport that you like and do it with pleasure. Gradually, you can move on to more complex loads that are difficult. Overcoming this kind of difficulties, you temper the body and spirit;
  • Improve yourself. If you are strong in a certain area, read as much as you can. more books on this topic. Participate in discussions, seminars, conferences. If there is no area where you can boast of knowledge, then just take the time to read and gain useful information thus broadening your horizons. This also applies to sports, you can set yourself a goal - to become a candidate for a master of sports or to achieve certain heights. Choose an area in which you want to be at your best - sports, music, dance, science and study, study, study;
  • Set yourself a goal in life and go to its implementation. It is better to start small and take small steps towards the cherished goal, or maybe the goal of your whole life. After all, everyone knows: "If you really want to, you can fly into space";
  • Be prepared to change your habits and principles for your purpose. Learn to overcome laziness. To achieve the goal, set tasks and solve them;
  • Try to be concentrated. Do not spray on several goals or cases at once. Start with one and gradually increase your needs. Concentration will help strengthen your spirit;
  • Try to plan your day. It will be much easier for you if you know what awaits you tomorrow. This will not only make your life easier, but also give you confidence;
  • Learn to say "no" to your weaknesses. It will be a kind of struggle with yourself. For example, do not eat after 18 pm or give up cigarettes;
  • Be patient. Not everything can turn out the way you planned right away;
  • Learn to deal with failure. Believe that after defeat there will be victory, and continue to work on yourself;
  • Try to fight your fears;
  • Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself, regretting the past. Spend it on analyzing your actions and results;
  • Don't be afraid of change. Dare to take risks. This will help you discover your very best qualities;
  • Do not envy the success of others;
  • Don't be afraid of loneliness. Instead, use it to reflect on your present and plan for the future.

By adhering to these principles, you will build character and learn to make good decisions.

When a “black streak” begins in life, many fall into depression, thereby further exacerbating the current situation. Submitting to circumstances, they seem to admit in advance that they have lost. And they don’t even try to find a way out, deciding that there’s nothing to be done anyway. Such thoughts are the first sign of weakness. You need to fight in any case, no matter what trials life has prepared.

You don’t need to set yourself up for bad things, but you also don’t need to expect only gifts from life. Any circumstances should be perceived as an experience that forms an attitude towards the surrounding reality.

Do not count on the help and support of loved ones. Yes, when there are sympathetic people around, it is easier to survive troubles. On the other hand, this is also a step backwards. Support, words of comfort very often give rise to feelings of self-pity. They rarely motivate to take decisive action. The words of loved ones have a calming effect, and there is a desire to come to terms with the situation, and not overcome it. That's why it's often more beneficial to try to figure things out on your own. Of course, don't hesitate to ask for help. But also count on her, accusing others of indifference, too. Perhaps the self-elimination of loved ones from solving your problems is the first step towards the beginning of a new, brighter and rich life which you will manage yourself.

Don't blame yourself for all problems. Self-digging is the first step to deep depression. It is better to direct energy to find a way out of the current unpleasant situation.

Why life's difficulties make people stronger

Not everyone who has experienced unpleasant events is able to become stronger. Many “break down”, start drinking alcohol to forget. This is the path to the bottom. Intoxication only temporarily relieves problems, makes you stop thinking about them. But it doesn't solve them. Troubles accumulate, “wind up” on each other, and every day it becomes more and more difficult to find a way out. That is why it is necessary to deal with difficult circumstances as soon as they appear. Think about solving problems, look for ways to overcome them, and not hide from them. Only such behavior can turn a person into a strong whole personality. And the sooner this happens, the easier it will be to live on. Minor troubles that previously seemed insoluble will simply cease to be noticed. And major problems will be perceived not as tragedies, but as another way to show their best qualities and get new experience.

People inspire us in difficult situations, they can beautify your speech, use them in correspondence, on your page in in social networks. Someone chooses a particularly liked quote as their motto, and someone makes a tattoo with it. One of the favorite phrases of many is "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Let's get acquainted with its author, original, meaning and other interesting details.

Who said: "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger?" Meaning

Author catchphrase was a very ambiguous thinker Friedrich Nietzsche. The quote is understood in different senses, but the essence of the interpretations is the same: only after overcoming significant difficulties, and even troubles, having experienced grief, a person will become a truly spiritually strong person.

The phrase, however, was taken out of context. Nietzsche did not want to put a romantic, motivational meaning into it and somehow urge his followers not to be afraid of life's adversities. These words are connected with his doctrine of the superman.

Quote in original

Friedrich Nietzsche is known to have been a German. Therefore, it will be interesting to decide how "What does not kill us makes us stronger" sounds in the native language of the author.

Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker - this is how this quote would look in German.

Superman Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche devoted a lot of time to the study of the ultimate possibilities of people. And he believed that it was the superman who could go beyond these boundaries in order to become what he is. Note that Nietzsche characterized supermen with a rather large list of qualities, where going beyond the limits of emotional forces was just one of the points.

You can learn more about this topic by reading the work "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". Nietzsche's superman (Übermensch) is the image by which he denoted a being who by spiritual power would so surpass modern people how superior we are to the apes. According to the scientist's hypothesis, Übermensch is the next evolutionary step that will follow man.

However, F. Nietzsche noted that superhumans already exist among us, moreover, they were born a long time ago. To this category he attributed Julius Caesar, C. Borgia, Napoleon.

about the author

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche is a German philosopher, thinker, philologist, poet and composer. In addition, he is known to the world as the creator of an original philosophical movement.

If we look at the leitmotif of Nietzsche's works, we note his new criteria for evaluating the entire surrounding reality. He called into question all the principles and forms of morality, culture, art, social relations that existed in his era.

His most famous works are "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", "Beyond Good and Evil", "Twilight of the Idols", "Antichrist", Ecce Homo.

Nietzsche and aphorism

It's no secret that the thinker's teaching is broken down into quotations. The reason is that, being a philologist by education, Nietzsche paid great attention to the style of presenting his thoughts and views. They are not represented by him in a coherent system, but act as aphorisms - a concise short statement, a completely finished thought. In this phrase, the author tries to concentrate the essence of his judgments as much as possible and reflect the context of the expression.

Of course, Nietzsche did not choose this style of presentation in order to become famous for quoting his words. He spent a lot of time on long walks, and it was also difficult for him to sit over the records for a long time - the thinker began to have strong pain in his eyes. In particular, therefore, he chose such a short and capacious form of narration and reasoning.

How to understand the phrase?

Each of us is free to look for our own meaning in the phrase "What does not kill us makes us stronger." But still, let's see how other people understand it:

  • "There is no need to be afraid of difficulties and trials," turn sour "if there was a failure. We need all this to temper our character."
  • "We must not try to avoid problems, we must not be afraid to meet them face to face. Only then, having overcome them, we will gain invaluable life experience."
  • "If you feel bad now, it's temporary. You will definitely go through the test, transformed, becoming stronger."
  • "In order to understand something, to achieve something, it is necessary to overcome obstacles, disappointments, pain. Only this will make you a spiritually strong person."
  • "A person needs a negative experience in order to understand something, to rethink it. Only a personal experience of any difficulty can leave an imprint on the personality, character, worldview."
  • "There are difficulties and obstacles that can crush a person morally - the death of a loved one, the loss of everything that he cherished, the collapse of his ideals, faith, love. But if he copes with himself, finds the strength to move on, live and rejoice, this will be his victory. He became strong."

Nietzsche is wrong?

  • "The more a person experiences difficulties, the more he becomes indifferent, callous. But, is it stronger?"
  • "When a person meets with something that can kill her, spiritually or physically, she needs to become cruel, just to defeat it, not to let herself be overcome. So it's more correct to say: what does not kill us makes us cruel."
  • "Not all the difficulties and troubles that a person encounters will necessarily make him strong. Something will deprive him of faith in people, kindness, gullibility, faith in a happy future. And some difficulties can actually drive you crazy."
  • "Constantly repeating troubles lead to neuroses, fears, depressions, phobias. They make a person more embittered, more desperate, but hardly stronger."
  • "The phrase is applicable only to mental trials. A cancerous tumor that he managed to cope with, a serious injury that crippled his health, but did not kill him, will not make a person stronger."
  • "From this phrase it follows that everyone will someday meet with such a test that he cannot cope with, and it will kill him. Not a very optimistic quote."

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger?

The authority of Friedrich Nietzsche, like the words of his authorship, is so convincing that many take what he says on faith. And they continue to live by the principle: the more difficulties I go through, the stronger I will be as a person. But is it?

Surely you will be interested in a curious study conducted by a team of scientists from the University of California (USA), led by S. Charles. Experts, of course, did not try to verify the relevance of the brilliant phrase "What does not kill us makes us stronger", but decided to prove the fact that negative experience leads to far from good consequences.

In 1995, psychologist D. Almeida (USA, Pennsylvania) conducted an extensive survey in which 1483 respondents of different ages, men and women, took part. They were asked to evaluate on a 5-point scale (from "never" to "always") how often they experienced negative states over the past month: they felt unhappy, unnecessary, nervous. People should also note how many times they felt depressed, feeling like nothing was working out, the whole world was against them.

In another part of the test, the respondent noted whether he was in a state of stress the day before participating in the survey. The last part of the questionnaire included questions about whether the participant had ever been treated for emotional disorders, prolonged depression, and so on.

Ten years later, D. Almeida again tried to contact the respondents. However, by that time, someone was no longer alive, someone did not want to take the survey again. As a result, 711 people passed the second test. The questions in the questionnaire were the same.

A group of scientists led by S. Charles analyzed the results of D. Almeida's research. What this activity showed, fundamentally denied the phrase "What does not kill us, makes us stronger!". It turns out that the more often a person felt unnecessary ten years ago, abandoned, useless, fell into depression and was in stressful situations, the more likely that he currently has a serious mental disorder.

Of course, this trend is individual. Difficulties harden someone, and morally destroy someone. But one cannot but deny the fact that life's troubles, weak or strong, can not only strengthen the psyche, but also greatly weaken it. Therefore, Nietzsche's phrase "What does not kill us makes us stronger" is not relevant for everyone.

Other quotes from the author

Let's present to you the lesser-known aphorisms of Friedrich Nietzsche, but just as interesting, inspiring and meaningful:

  • "Surface people always lie. Because they are devoid of any content."
  • "I don't understand why slander? If you want to annoy someone, tell some truth about him."
  • "Winners don't believe in chance."
  • "The herd is not attractive in any way. Even if it follows you."
  • "He who is poor in love will be stingy even with politeness."
  • "A good marriage is built on friendship and talent."
  • "Duty is the right of others to us."
  • "There is a danger of falling under the crew of a person who jumped out from under another crew."
  • "Man is what he has overcome."
  • "Excess is the best guarantee of success."

So we got to know both the phrase itself and its author better. Although she is far from known deep sense what Nietzsche put into it, the quote is very common, causes a lot of controversy and reasoning.

A person is spoken of in a passive form. Those. there is a preset that nothing depends on the person.
The second substitution trick: "kills" - is it a process or a result? If "kills" - it means it makes you closer to death and more helpless, then the expression turns into "everything that does not make us weaker, makes us stronger" ... Tautology, yes neutral events are also ignored. when it is no longer possible to intervene and use force. Killed? So it made you weaker! Didn't kill? (And this is about everyone who is still able to read) So it made me stronger! It's very nice to read how you get stronger for free.
The third substitution trick: who decides what strength is? What about people who do not fit into the framework of this thought and do not feel their strength after an injury? And it's very simple. We need to tell them that they are strong (and this aphorism will give weight to your words). And mentally solve their problem for yourself, because other people's problems are solved elementarily. Is someone unable to do something? So you just need to “believe in yourself”, “try hard”, “let go of the bad”, “think constructively” and other meaningless motivational statements. And even if the “patient” resists and repels his strength, then this inconsistency between reality and the aphorism is temporary ... sooner or later he will either get out or die (and stop bothering, falling out of attention).
And now about the consequences: what will happen if you blindly follow this thought?
The person will strengthen his passive position and the conviction that nothing depends on him. And it will be easier to give up what he considers beyond his strength.
A person will receive the correct undeniable truth if he perceives "kills" as a process, or he will receive a criterion for solving situations that have already ended if he perceives "kills" as a result. After that, you can more confidently broadcast the truth (process) and not be afraid that the solution you proposed will cause negative consequences (outcome).
A person receives one more indestructible rule of life, which helps to feel the unity and limitations of this world at the cost of avoiding contradictions.
And in the end, about the reasons that made this aphorism so popular. The aphorism helps to distract from one’s impotence, it helps to communicate more confidently and be firmer in one’s decisions, it protects one from guilt and shame when dealing with other people’s unresolved problems, and, finally, it makes a more predictable and safer picture of the world. But the price is high! If you (according to your ideas) know how to admit your mistakes, are free and spontaneous in dealing with other people, are ready for surprises in this world and still adhere to this conviction, let me know and refute my words with your own example.

Life is pretty interesting thing. To some, it seems incredibly beautiful and light, while to others, on the contrary, it is unbearably heavy ... Who will say that it is unfair, and who, that there is no better fate, but who is truly right? The truth is that each person perceives life differently, one has learned to be glad that today, because yesterday he didn’t even have this, and no matter how much you give it to another, it will still not be enough! This is what human greed is all about.

People are beings who do not see light or darkness, they are beings who see only what they want to see, what they need, what attracts them!

My personal outlook was changed by a German philosopher who was ridiculed the scholars of that time, but he did not lag behind and did not change his mind. People, even under the pressure of the masses, did not change their minds, they always aroused my delight and respect, because not everyone can fight against the system. Even a small cancer cell that fights against the system in the body is respected, because it is also trying to survive, a lion that kills a defenseless lamb does not kill for pleasure, but in order to continue the race and so that its children can grow up and gain strength. The world is cruel, according to Darwin's theory, the strongest survive, and according to my own theory, the one who strives to survive survives!

“What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!” One small but brilliant phrase that was once said by the little-known philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche! A phrase that has passed through centuries, through time, through generations of people, so different, but so similar in their desire to live and procreate. There is a lot of evidence that people are the same animals, but there is one important feature, which is subject only to us! This trait, this gift, is the ability to think! And precisely because of this, even I have the opportunity to give free rein to thoughts and change something in our world, because you don’t need to try to change the world, you just need to change yourself!

Humanity… Time… Faith… God… Civilization… Progress… Might… Power… You… and Me! Things that did not appear without people who aspired for something! They did not renounce their ideas, but, in spite of everything, they went forward!
Nietzsche was very ill during his lifetime, and the disease did not become a hindrance to him! And until death knocked on his door, he created and wrote about things that help people believe in themselves, even to this day.

Let's break down one quote into root cause and conclusion. The root cause is “that which does not kill!” The conclusion is “what makes you stronger!”

That which does not kill! .. What doesn't kill us? Every morning we wake up and go to work or school, sometimes we do it through force, but we do it. This is how we overcome our laziness, it does not kill us, which means it makes us stronger! We communicate with people and do not always agree with them, enter into a discussion, gain experience. It also does not kill us, but it strengthens us! There is different people: some like us, and the rest are trying to trample us into the mud, and even as far as possible! We think, analyze and try to find the right way out of this situation... This does not kill us, and therefore makes us stronger.

We are trying to survive in a world where every man is for himself and everyone is trying to snatch a place under the sun! Life does not kill us, and therefore makes us stronger. A simple cold, a runny nose, a headache, due to non-compliance with the rules of hygiene or the rules of personal protection against colds, makes us think about whether it was necessary to dress so lightly yesterday, whether to use cigarettes and alcohol, I don't talk about drugs at all! But even here there is still a much deeper difference and a much more interesting opinion! When we get sick, our body thinks even without our permission, and even before the time when we start taking medication, the antibodies in the body are already beginning to destroy the foreign bacteria that have invaded their possessions, they will remember these painful bacteria and will be ready next time! It doesn't kill us, it makes us stronger! And we remember that God protects the safe, and we draw timely conclusions for ourselves!

Conclusion is what makes you stronger! Every day we fight, gain experience, try to become better, improve, strengthen ourselves. Physical labor strengthens our body, because we can’t just lie down and think all day, mental labor strengthens our consciousness, we get ready and don’t panic when it doesn’t work, but we learn to immediately find a way out of any situation, no matter how difficult it is was. We believe, and everyone has their own faith, and it is faith that helps us to strengthen spiritually and wake up in the morning with a dream that strengthens our desire to achieve something, to move forward! And no matter how many times you stumbled, how many times you fell. It is important that you can always rise and still reach the end. Do NOT bend, do not break, but stand to the end and reach your goal, your dream!

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger! Every new day this phrase goes with us inalienably through life! And it doesn't matter if we agree with this or not, but it's still true!

Once upon a time, one person discovered the truth that was known to everyone, but today all people are guided by one truth. Nietzsche's philosophy was entirely directed towards only one single goal! To prove to people that they can do absolutely anything if they believe in themselves!

After all, faith in one's own strength is the energy that gives birth to something new and extremely large! Faith in oneself is the power of the universe, the power of God, the power of the superman. Each person holds within himself that energy that can change not only the world but all of humanity. Internal energy gives rise to a force that changes the worldview of a person, some direct it to good, others to evil ...

Abraham Lincoln went bankrupt four times in his life and was left with almost nothing, but still did not give up, rose and went to his goal. Finally, these merciless blows of fate did not kill him, but only acted stronger, more resilient!
Walt Disney got kicked out of the newspaper for lack of creative thinking, and now look what he's become! Creativity legend!
Isaac Newton was one of the worst students at school, teachers constantly repeated that nothing good would ever come of him, and now we use ingenious formulas, and no one even remembers the names of his teachers.
Albert Einstein did not speak until the age of four, he was expelled from the technical school for deuces, and now he is recognized as one of the best minds of mankind.

Beethoven did not know how to hold the violin correctly and his teacher constantly said that music is a complete mediocrity ... It's funny, but if this "mediocrity" held the violin correctly, then perhaps today we would not hear such brilliant works as "Moonlight Sonata", "Melody tears”, “To Elise”, “The Tempest”, etc.

All these people fell, but still got up, they knew the cost of losses, but they also knew what victory is. For this, you can bow low to them. There is something to learn from such people and there is something to borrow.

Nietzsche's philosophy greatly influenced the history of mankind, because thanks to his works about the superman, such a tyrant as Adolf Hitler appeared. And although, no matter how sorry it is to talk about it, this person was also able to believe in himself and achieve heights from nothing, but his internal energy he directed not to good deeds, but to the seating of evil on planet Earth.

This proves once again that the elect, the best people does not exist, we are all equal and only those who believe in themselves, those who believe in their strength and those who are not afraid to rise after the first unsuccessful fall, will be able to achieve something,

You will never run first if you walk, you will never fall if you lie down, you will never be the first if you do not see the back of the enemy, you will never be able to call yourself a man if you just exist ...

And it doesn’t matter if you agree with me or not, because I will still stand my ground, no matter what awaits me ahead. I will still go, no matter how many times I have to fall, I will still get up and no matter what mark I get for opinions pouring from the heart, because I know one thing that can change the life of every living person on this earth : What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!