Description and examples of men with different combinations of rank and primativeness. Highly primative - living only by emotions and desires (instincts)

Natural hierarchy of the tribe with sex substructures.

Consider the hierarchy of a tribe consisting of a large number individuals of both sexes, taking into account this gender heterogeneity. The first thing that fundamentally distinguishes him from the family is that the tribe has a fairly powerful buffer part, there are many men in the tribe. That is, the loss of an individual male is not so dangerous for the survival of the tribe as a whole, and this will not affect reproduction in any way, there is always a male inseminator. Second, the tribe is heterogeneous. There are strong and weak, stupid and smart, etc. But what is much more important for further narration is that there are high-ranking and low-ranking, high-primative and low-primative.

The hierarchical structure of the male part is similar to the structure of the herd - pyramidal. The position in the hierarchical pyramid (rank) is determined by the overall vitality of the individual. In the ancient tribe, this vitality is defined as in the human herd, rank potential plus physical data and aggressiveness. Although the pyramid is supported not only due to the rigidity of domination, but also due to rational motivation, and due to the altruism of the lower layers.

At the very top of the pyramid of power is the leader - the most aggressive and strongest warrior. He is the most agile in wielding his stone ax, so challenging his authority is fraught with trouble. Psychologists call such a man "alpha". Ethologists call such a high-ranking male. Below the leader are the strongest and most aggressive warriors of a lower rank in the middle-rank "scale", but they have a real chance to take the place of the leader in case of something. Even lower - all the rest, low-ranking "omegas" who may not even dream of the place of the leader, but dream and strive to become middle-ranking.

The high-ranking ones get bigger and better pieces of loot. Women love them. Since here we are considering the biological foundations of our species and instinctive behavioral programs, then it will be more logical and more convenient to use the terminology of ethologists who study animal instincts.

Signs of a high rank according to Protopopov:

High self-esteem, a tendency to not appreciate others
Belief in your infallibility, no doubt
Resolute concern for your comfort, health and safety
Optimism, confidence in the future
Boastfulness, self-righteousness
The tendency to make decisions quickly, without much deliberation.
Ability to act in spite of opinions and problems of others, asociality
High threshold of self-awareness
Painful perception of criticism, difficulty with self-criticism
Decisiveness, enterprise, initiative, perseverance
Great professional, social and property ambitions
Organizational ability
Openness, shamelessness, extraversion
Stubbornness, obsession, conflict initiative, selfishness
Conflict resilience
Sexual success

Signs of low rank according to Protopopov:

Low self-esteem, tendency to form an inferiority complex
Ability to tolerate inconvenience, discomfort, and unsafe living conditions
Tendency to pessimism and depression; uncertainty about the future
Indecision, long thoughts before making decisions.
Dependence on the opinions of others, fear of offending someone, reflexivity
Low threshold of awareness of one's own guilt, bashfulness (a feeling of guilt arises at the slightest provocation)
Willingness to be satisfied with the status quo, conformism
Lack of big career and property ambitions
Low organizational skills
Altruism, self-sacrifice, self-criticism
The tendency to bow before authorities, to believe them; religiosity
Stealth, introversion
Shyness, compliance, modesty, shyness, law-abidingness
Touchiness and squeamishness
Sexual failure

This pyramidal hierarchical structure is copied to this day, for example, in Russian army... The rank of the male in the hierarchy is determined by certain signs on the shoulder straps, and the rank and file are artificially humiliated, tortured and deprived of the opportunity for sex in order to bring down rank ambitions and force them to obey unquestioningly.

Women are, as it were, a little aloof, not clearly entering the male hierarchy and not clearly forming their own clear hierarchical structure. And at the same time they keep close to their men. But when it is necessary to throw a scandal on men, they quickly unite. The female community forms the reproductive nucleus of the tribe, so it is unusually close-knit. And not only psychologically, but even physiologically. In women, groups even ovulate are synchronized. And they all gaze at the leader and strong warriors. And none of them like it weak men... This has a deep biological meaning. The offspring must be viable, so a strong, viable male must be the father. A weak and unviable one should not reproduce, even despite the excess of women. Therefore, in many, including some modern cultures, polygamy is practiced. A viable (and therefore rich) man has many women and children from them. The communities of many animals are organized in a similar way. Strong males have harems, and weak males have no chance of mating with a female. Everything is logical and rational from a biological point of view.

As long as the tribe remained small, all the instincts of the people exactly corresponded to their biological purpose and a real lifestyle. Therefore, the majority in the tribe were still strong and rather aggressive men with high ranking potential and behavior governed by these instincts. Simply put, they did not really think about the meaning of life and other lofty matters, but lived in a simple way. They did what they wanted. And they wanted what instinct dictated. Since the desires and emotions of a person are nothing more than a manifestation of the instincts that control this person. People who live by instincts, that is, desires and emotions, are called highly primative ... Living by reason - low primative ... We will be especially interested in the high-ranking, low-primative members of our tribe. Psychologists designate such a man with the letter "beta". These are the men who think more with their heads than trust their emotions. This is either a shaman or a skilled hunter who prefers the thrill of the hunt to the struggle for the place of the leader. In the ancient tribe, there were few high-ranking low-primates, since the instinct corresponded to the way of life, and ancient man it was more profitable to be nevertheless highly primarivny. In addition, the low-primative high-ranking leader did not like the high-primative high-ranking leader, whose male hierarchical instinct saw him as a competitor. After all, both the shaman and the good hunting hunter enjoyed great authority of their fellow tribesmen, had their own opinions and interests, which inevitably undermined the authority of the leader, led to conflicts with him. But since both the shaman and the prey hunter are very necessary for the leader and did not really claim his place, the leader tolerated them in small quantities. Well, the female instinct of women could not understand why they were not like everyone else, and took a low primativeness for a low rank. That is, not all women were able to love them. There were few of them in the primitive tribe, quite a bit ... However, later, as the society grew larger, the role of low-primative ones increased sharply, they multiplied and formed the basis of civilization.

All this is very important for our further narration, so the reader should remember all these terms and their meaning, at least in a simplified way, they will be encountered very often in the text. Moreover, understanding the further text is unthinkable without knowledge of these terms:

High ranking - confident, successful, authoritative, cool.
Low ranking - a weakling and a loser.
Highly primative - living only by emotions and desires (instincts).
Low primative - capable of rational behavior, able to oppose reason and calculation to emotions and desires (instincts).
Rank potential - the ability to become high-ranking.

Types of males:

High-ranking highly primative - a violent self-confident unteachable uncontrollable, constantly proving in a fight that he is right. In ancient times, a leader. These days - either an alcoholic and a loser, or a bandit.

High ranking low primative - Self-confident smart strong male. In ancient times, a shaman or a good hunter. Nowadays - a successful businessman, boss or highly paid specialist.

Low ranked highly primative - a loser, a coward and a bastard. Six. At all times.

Low rank low primative - a coward and weakling, but trainable. V ancient world- food for tigers. V modern world Is a lifelong petty clerk.

Mid-ranking ones combine the qualities of high-ranking and low-ranking ones in different proportions. Transitional form. When interacting with low-ranking ones, they behave like high-ranking ones. When interacting with high-ranking ones, it is similar to low-ranking ones.

Now read the meanings of the terms at least 5 more times in order to better remember them. It is important. And bookmark this page in case you do forget. I promised not to abuse scientific terminology. But without these key concepts, further narration is simply unthinkable. They are the basis for understanding the structure of human societies, evolution, history and inter-sex relations.

Let's make a reservation right away that no matter how low-primative a person is, he is not able to completely suppress instincts by reason. Only to a certain extent. A highly primative person is not capable at all. Moreover, instincts are capable of turning off the mind. Then they say that a person acts spontaneously, in a state of passion, on a whim, overwhelmed by passions, emotions, stupid, etc. If the instinct blocks a person's channels of information input, they say that the person is stupid. For example, a highly primative child may not perceive information from a teacher, since the child's hierarchical instinct does not consider the teacher to be sufficiently authoritative, high-ranking. But it is worth raising the authority of the teacher or introducing elements of the game into learning, as the blockage is removed, and the child begins to perceive the information normally. That is, if we take into account the play of instincts, then they can be controlled. For example, a man's mind says that he needs to lose weight. But suppressing the food instinct with the mind is very difficult. I want to eat. In this case, you can make an installation that you need to lose weight in order to please young women. In this case, a strong sexual instinct works against the food instinct. Therefore, it is easier to lose weight. These methods are used by psychology and psychotherapy. If instincts interact with weak reason, then this is called dullness. If with a strong mind - emotionality.

So, the ancient small tribe consisted mainly of highly primative individuals with a relatively high ranking potential and controlled by innate instinctive behavioral programs of both the human herd level and the tribe with a paired internal structure. Instinctive programs were formed in the living conditions of a small community of people surrounded by wild nature, and they corresponded to the same conditions. The main differences between the set of human instincts of the level of an ancient tribe and herd ones are the appearance of weak altruistic instincts, elements of innate morality, low primativeness, as well as instincts for interaction between a male and a female in a stable pair.

All that is described in this chapter, all formed over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of our kind and over tens of thousands of years of evolution of our species, the qualities, elements of behavior and the basis of relationships necessary for human survival, were genetically fixed in the form of innate instincts. It will be difficult for you to believe this, and at the same time, a simple truth is obvious to any biologist: WE HAVE NOT CHANGED SINCE THEN... Well, there, the loincloth began to be called a mini skirt, it is sewn from a different material and is decorated differently. And all the mammoths have already been eaten. And everything else is the same. That is, everything that we have just spied with such interest in the tribe of our ancestors is fixed in our instincts (innate biological programs) to this day. Our entire civilized life today consists of pieces of these programs, and reason, upbringing and education only serve and slightly adjust their work.

For the further presentation, it is important for us to understand one very important thing:

Our species was formed when people lived in small communities. Family, small tribe. That is, in our innate instincts, the behavioral stereotypes necessary for survival in a family or a small group surrounded by wild nature in an environment of danger and lack of food are fixed. Since then, we ourselves and our instincts have not changed, only the conditions of existence have changed. And instincts - do not correspond to the changed conditions of existence. In other words, desires and emotions govern us as if we live in a primitive world, but really around the 21st century and a technogenic civilization.

In the instinctive firmware of the male, 3 main programs were formed, which are included depending on his position in the hierarchy.

Hierarchy of males. Rank

Leader instinct (high-ranking) - a set of instinctive programs that allow the leader to manage the herd, to control the situation. Here there is increased conflict resistance, and the highest self-confidence, and imperious intonations, and the ability to manipulate individuals and groups. The instinct of the leader also includes responsibility. The leader vigilantly monitors the situation, raises the alarm in case of danger and protects his herd, leading a detachment of males. The leader feels the flock as an extension of his organism. Perceives him as a part of himself. The leader also has an instinct for territory, from which the human instinct for property later developed. The leader has an unlimited number of pairings with females and is convinced that it cannot be otherwise. He drives other males away from females whenever possible.

Mid-rank instinct. Mid-ranking males are less responsible than the leader, they control low-ranking males, seek the favor of females by feeding, since they are below them in the herd hierarchy, value sexual handouts and are afraid of the leader. When the leader weakens, the strongest of the middle rank takes his place, and the instinct of the leader is activated.

Low ranking instinct. A low-ranking person has very low self-esteem, is afraid of middle-ranking ones, worships the leader, and only dreams of females. When trying to copulate with a female, it is driven away by females and middle-ranking males. Doesn't value life. Doesn't care about himself. But pleases others in the hope of their favor. In the absence of pressure, he takes the position of a middle rank, in connection with which he has an appropriate set of instincts.

Signs of a high rank according to Protopopov:

o High self-esteem, a tendency to evaluate others low.

o Faith in your infallibility, no doubt.

o Resolute concern for your comfort, health and safety.

o Optimism, confidence in the future.

o Boastfulness, complacency.

o The tendency to make decisions quickly, without much deliberation.

o Ability to act, regardless of the opinions and problems of others, asociality.

o Non-reflexivity, proactivity.

o High threshold of self-awareness.

o Painful perception of criticism, difficulty with self-criticism.

o Decisiveness, enterprise, initiative, persistence.

o Great professional, social and property ambitions.

o Organizational skills.

o Openness, shamelessness, extraversion.

o Stubbornness, obsession, conflict initiative, selfishness.

o Conflict resilience.

o Sexual success.

Signs of low rank according to Protopopov:

o Low self-esteem, a tendency to form an inferiority complex.

o Ability to put up with inconvenience, discomfort, and unsafe living conditions.

o Tendency to pessimism and depression, uncertainty about the future.

o Indecision, long reflections before making decisions.

o Dependence on the opinions of others, fear of offending someone, reflexivity, reactivity.

o Low threshold of awareness of one's own guilt, bashfulness (a feeling of guilt arises at the slightest provocation).

o Willingness to be satisfied with the existing state of affairs, conformism.

o Lack of big career and property ambitions.

o Low organizational skills.

o Altruism, self-sacrifice, self-criticism.

o Stealth, introversion.

o Shyness, compliance, modesty, shyness, law-abidingness.

o Touchiness and scrupulousness.

o Sexual failure.

It is interesting that a male with the instinct of a leader turned on is practically unable to lower his rank in the hierarchy. It is irreversible. He can be killed, banished, but not demoted. In a solitary state, he has a truncated version of the leader's instinct - the instinct of a single male. Leader without the herd mode. The rank of the middle rank can be downgraded to the low rank.

Thus, we can conditionally assume that the biological species Homo sapiens, in fact, has 4 sexes. Females and three sexes of males are high-ranked, medium-ranked and low-ranked. What sex a male is is determined by the instinctive program that is currently active in his brain. This program determines both his behavior, including psychophysiological elements, and the behavior of the female in relation to this male. The last three genders are usually called with one word - men. A lot of confusion traditionally comes from here, which has not allowed to correctly describe and interpret modern inter-sex relations.

In the modern world, a low-ranking or high-ranking is not a position in the real modern social hierarchy, but a set of active instincts. You can hold a position general director, but at the same time possess a set of instincts (self-awareness) of a low-ranking one. Although, usually the position in the real hierarchy and the set of instincts still correspond to each other.


As long as the tribe remained small, all the instincts of the people exactly corresponded to their biological purpose and real way of life. Therefore, the majority in the tribe were still strong and rather aggressive men with high ranking potential and behavior governed by these instincts. Simply put, they did not really think about the meaning of life and other lofty matters, but lived in a simple way. They did what they wanted. And they wanted what instinct dictated. Since the desires and emotions of a person are nothing more than a manifestation of the instincts that control this person. People who live by instincts, that is, desires and emotions, are called highly primative. Those who live by reason are low primative. We will be especially interested in the high-ranking, low-primative members of our tribe. Psychologists designate such a man with the letter "beta". These are the men who think more with their heads than trust their emotions. This is either a shaman or a skilled hunter who prefers the thrill of the hunt to the struggle for the place of the leader. In the ancient tribe, there were few high-ranking low-primates, since the instinct corresponded to the way of life, and it was more profitable for the ancient man to be still highly primative. In addition, the high-primative high-ranking leader did not like the high-primative high-ranking leader, whose male hierarchical instinct saw him as a competitor. After all, both the shaman and the good hunting hunter enjoyed great authority of their fellow tribesmen, had their own opinions and interests, which inevitably undermined the authority of the leader, led to conflicts with him. But since both the shaman and the prey hunter are very necessary for the leader and did not really claim his place, the leader tolerated them in small quantities. Well, the female instinct of women could not understand why they were not like everyone else, and took a low primativeness for a low rank. That is, not all women were able to love them. There were few of them in the primitive tribe, very few ...

However, later, as society grew larger, the role of low primative people increased sharply, they multiplied and formed the basis of civilization.


High-ranking - self-confident, successful, authoritative, cool.

Low-ranked is a weakling and a loser.

Highly primative - living only by emotions and desires (instincts).

Low primative - capable of rational behavior, capable of opposing reason and calculation to emotions and desires (instincts).

Types of males:

High-ranking highly primative - violent self-confident, unteachable, uncontrollable, constantly proving in a fight that he is right. In ancient times, a leader. These days - either an alcoholic and a loser, or a bandit.

High-ranking low primative - self-confident smart strong male. In ancient times, a shaman or a good hunter. Nowadays - a successful businessman, boss or highly paid specialist.

Low ranking highly primative. - a loser, a coward and a bastard. Six. At all times.

Low-ranking low-primative - coward and weakling, but trainable. In the ancient world - food for tigers. In the modern world, he is a lifelong petty clerk.

Mid-ranking ones combine the qualities of high-ranking and low-ranking ones in different proportions. Transitional form. When interacting with low-ranking ones, they behave like high-ranking ones. When interacting with high-ranking ones, it is similar to low-ranking ones.

Hierarchy of females. Rank

High ranking.

Characteristic average age- from 15 (puberty) to 21-23 years old. At this age, a woman has maximum sexual attractiveness. She is able to sincerely love a man, idolize him, that is, treat him like a leader. In the ancient world, a young (and therefore not completely independent, vulnerable and requiring care) female, as soon as it matured, was given to the leader. She loved him. He was wanted and provided with unlimited sex. They were guarded and fed. And from him she gave birth to the first, healthiest cubs. That is, it performed the main function of the female - it continued the genetic line of the most viable male. Accordingly, she was perfectly happy, since her sexual and hierarchical instincts were satisfied. That is why, in our species, it is young females that are most sexually attractive, and not mature, like monkeys. Having a young girlfriend or wife has always been prestigious, since, according to our program, this is a leader's marker. That is why all old women are diligently trying to be like the young (on which the entire "beauty industry" is actually built).
In the modern world of VR, the female is a faithful loving friend and wife. Most traditional balanced cultures support this (BP) regime and stretch it for life. That is, the youth and happiness of a woman is prolonged for life. That is why virgins have always been prized. That is why they got married when they were 13-15 years old. And an 18-year-old unmarried woman was considered "overstaying in girls." That is why kindness, complaisance, modesty - the qualities of the female's VR, were valued in a woman. That is why the wife and mother is a respected person in traditional society... This is an exclusive female, guarded by a leader. From childhood, the girl was brought up in the spirit of respect (recognition of a high rank) by a man. A husband is fate, it is for life. It is a woman's duty to honor him and obey. This is how the family hierarchy was purposefully formed with a husband - a leader and a wife - his exclusive female.
In this context, the attitude towards the firstborn is also understandable. The firstborn is a cub from the leader, from the most viable male. And he is given the maximum chance to become a leader if it is a boy. Therefore, in our species there is a cyclical dependence of the qualities of the child on the mother's pregnancy number. And the firstborn has the maximum innate rank potential. This could not be overlooked at the early stages of the formation of civilization. And that is why, in most traditional cultures, firstborns are valued, and they are the ones who inherit the material resources of the father.
Under matriarchy (in SR-NR society), this VR level is refined. That is why early marriages are not encouraged in matriarchy. Girls are brought up to disrespect men. Thus, dominant SR females do not allow attractive young, potentially VR females to reach the resources of mature males. And mature males are prohibited from sexual contacts with young sexually mature females, for example, increasing the so-called "age of consent".

Average ranking.

The typical age is 23-30 years. Having matured and lost the "charm of youth", the female was driven out by the leader and dropped to a lower level, CP. Usually she already had a cub or cubs from the leader. And from old memory she enjoyed some protection of the latter. But in order to feed herself and her offspring, she provided strictly dosed sex to sufficiently strong and prey CP males for feeding and protection. In order to survive in the CP layer, the female needed completely different qualities than in the CP layer. Now it was necessary not so much to love, obey and be faithful and altruistic, but to manipulate, maneuver, intrigue, profit and compete with other female SRs for the prey of males. Survive. Therefore, the set of active CP instincts of the female is very different from that of the female CP. The female CP strives to provide sex to that of the males who has prey, and not to the only loved one. Simply, it is a prostitute.
Any balanced culture that actively forms a lifelong VR stratum of society in every possible way keeps the female's innate programs from switching to the CP level. The traditional culture is actively fighting with active female sex workers, that is, with professional and domestic prostitutes. They are called fallen, vicious, purposefully deprived of access to resources and driven to the bottom of society. That is why they used to say "spoil" the girls. The fact is that the inclusion of the CP level is often triggered when the first, beloved man throws it. At this moment, an instinctive reaction to the expulsion of the favorites from the harem by the leader is triggered. And this change in the work of instinct is irreversible. Therefore, from the point of view of a balanced society, such a female, unable to love and be faithful, is defective. That is why the premarital sex life of women is unacceptable in traditional cultures. The change in the female's active program from VR to SR can also be age related. And that is why, in the region of 21-23, on average, the psychology of many women changes radically. They themselves are surprised to notice that they become "bad", that is, more cynical, calculating, lose the ability to love and respect a man, gain experience of domination and manipulation. It’s just a biological clock.
With modern matriarchy, the SR layer is as wide as possible and is actively reproduced. Women who can truly love strong man are extremely rare. The female CP, seeing the BP female, is jealous and tries in every possible way to lower her to her own level. For example, a classic situation is when lonely divorced women, be they work colleagues or “girlfriends,” purposefully provoke married woman cheating on her husband or other actions leading to the destruction of her family. A negative image is deliberately formed for females. Loving and obeying a man is considered stupid. And loyalty is considered a relic. On the contrary, it is considered to be profitable to be sold as prestigious and smart. It is an honor to be a kept woman, that is, a household prostitute who sells sex wholesale. The ultimate dream of many modern women.
Sexual freedom also contributes to the expansion of the CP layer, cooperative learning boys and girls, as well as the lack of education of young people in traditional culture. Girls usually go through the VR level too quickly, back in school, when they fall in love with some fool, whom the female instinct, according to formal signs, will take for the leader. When the aforementioned idiot throws the girl "spoiled" by him, her CP level of the program turns on. And having dropped to the CP level, she hones the methods of manipulating males right up to the attempt at marriage. This happens often, but not always. Sometimes a young female continues to search for her leader for a long time. She wants to be exclusive and loyal. But with each new male, the likelihood of starting the CP program increases. Sexual freedom, provoking a young female to frequent changes of sexual partners, also makes it difficult for her to perceive any male as exclusive, loved. That is, a woman loses the ability to become a VR. Women call this "wasting yourself." The upbringing of girls in the spirit of selling sex, their orientation towards the consumption of material goods - also contributes to the inclusion of the SW program at once. In matriarchy, thus, a woman, quickly passing or even bypassing the level of VR, immediately descends to the CP or HP level. That is, her basic instinct cannot be satisfied in principle. And this means that she is doomed to be unhappy, and all her life to be content with only small gratifications from the consumption of material goods.
Inside the CP layer of females there are own structure hierarchies with very fierce competition for the resources of males. The status of the female in the CP layer of the herd was determined by how satisfying the CP males fed the given female for sex. Therefore, for the SR of females, as well as for the SR of males, an exaggerated desire to acquire and demonstrate the amount of resources that an individual possesses is characteristic, simply bragging and show-off. What is the biological basis of a consumer society. Individuals who are lowered to the CP level, not confident in themselves, are much more inclined to possess objects of material culture that they do not need. Especially if you position these items as status items. Female SWs are actively engaged in shopping in order to somehow compensate for the lack of happiness by receiving small pleasures. Actually, the greatest fraud of the modern world - the consumer society - is based on the fact that first all people were lowered to the CP level. And then they sold them a mountain of various crap, which objectively they do not need. That is, they replaced happiness with petty pleasures. And the man became the unhappy owner of the things he had gotten into, but completely unnecessary.
SR females at an age fiercely envy and hate young competitors. I did the following experiment one day. On one of the women's forums on the Internet, where most of the participants were in their 40s, I created a topic that young women are much more attractive and desirable than old ones. Despite all the evidence of this thesis, the forum participants alternately tried to convince me otherwise and spewed abuse at me for three whole years !!! Moreover, in women's collectives consisting of female SRs, one can observe how, when a female's SR gets there, a campaign of her psychological persecution immediately unfolds. SR females bully her in every possible way, making fun of her loyalty to her husband or her virginity, depending on age. SR females persistently try to lower it to their level, emotionally winding it up, provoking betrayal or hatred and consumerist attitude towards men.
Females of the CP level are characterized by emphasized sexual behavior, makeup and clothing. Therefore, an intelligent man does not pay attention to emphatically sexy women. An experienced female CP, successfully manipulating males, that is, dominating over them, can enter the mode of stable dominance with age. Then they say that the woman is "fucked up." She becomes self-confident, “stubborn to impenetrability,” aggressive, conflicted, loses the ability to compromise with a man, negotiate, and concede. She no longer sells sex for feeding, but achieves submission directly. Accordingly, such a woman no longer seeks to emphasize her sexuality and monitor her appearance... She no longer needs it. Very often, these females are obese.
The CP level of the herd hierarchy largely consisted of young males and older females. An echo of this herd tendency is such a modern matriarchal phenomenon as the increase in the number of couples, where an experienced, dominant, middle-aged woman dominates a young husband or lover.

Low ranking.

Over time (typical age from 30 years to death), the female grew old, lost sexual attractiveness, mobility, became uninteresting to anyone for feeding and protection, and became generally available. An HP female is a female who copulates with many males in the hope that at least someone will feed her (in the modern world they are called the word fucking). So it did not exist for long in the HP layer, until some predator devoured it. Therefore, after the age of 30, women usually have an increase in "sexuality". Paired existence and reproduction at this age are not biologically envisaged. Therefore, marriages with women "over 30" are usually unstable, and gynecologists call these women "late-bearing". This is also the reason that at the age of about 30 many women who are already married begin to actively cheat on their husbands and destroy their families.
In traditional society, this stratum is practically absent or exists in the form of a thin stratum at the social bottom. In modern matriarchy, on the contrary, it is wide enough, which additionally destabilizes society and contributes to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Woman's happiness.
The basic Instinct human being, the block of hierarchical and reproductive programs, can only be satisfied at the VR level. Accordingly, only the VR female experiences a feeling of happiness. The main program of the female is executed only if she is at the top of the hierarchy, is the exclusive female leader, receives food from him, is protected by him and has offspring from him. Therefore, it is this regime that is purposefully initiated and supported in traditional cultures by the method of forming a family hierarchy with a husband at the head. And that is why modern matriarchal women are unhappy, despite their material well-being.


Males (males) performed external, most dangerous functions. Hunting, defense, war and prey capture. All this requires a large physical strength, courage, dexterity, powerful mind, curiosity, ability to learn, coherence of actions in a group, the ability to sacrifice oneself for the interests of the tribe. Therefore, men are usually characterized by such behavioral features as friendship, mutual assistance, a tendency to be guided not only by their own benefit, but also by the interests of comrades-in-arms and the tribe as a whole, the ability to plan actions, including for a very distant future, and the ability to act in extreme situations... In fact, men performed a buffer function between the reproductive part of the tribe (women and children) and the aggressive environment, were an expendable part of human society and a working material for evolutionary experiments of natural selection. Of course, the strongest and most viable men survived and gave birth to offspring. Without men, surrounded by the wilderness of the tribe, it was completely impossible to survive. Therefore, the birth of a boy, a future hunter and warrior, was considered a very great success. The more warriors and hunters, the stronger the tribe.

Children, human babies. Everything is clear with them. Their function is to survive and learn. Therefore, they kept in the wings among women and old people and "reeled on their ears" all their gossip and stories. The children did not require special upbringing, since their innate instinctive programs corresponded to their lifestyle, and they learned automatically, listening to the conversations of adults, observing their actions and becoming involved in the life of the tribe as they matured. In the same way, children of wild tribes in isolated corners of our planet do not receive special training.

Old men. With the extinction of the reproductive function, and with it the hormonal background, people become calmer (wiser) and talkative. They love to teach young people about life and remember aloud about their youth. That is, the old people played the role of a repository of the tribe's experience, its information and training center. Therefore, the elderly were supposed to be respected and obeyed. With a new level of satiety and safety, the tribe could already afford to support the surviving elderly. Moreover, the repository of the life experience of the previous generation added the competitiveness of the tribe, made it stronger.

Females (women). The main function is reproductive, reproduction. In order to implement it (conceive, bear, feed and raise a child to a relatively independent state), a woman needs several years. That is, the woman was a very valuable, reproductive part of the tribe. Therefore, it was placed in the safest, satisfying and comfortable part of the human habitat (cave, house, hut) next to the hearth and food. Therefore, a woman was always guarded by men and was a valuable war booty. However, with a lack of providing and protecting the tribe of men, a woman immediately lost her value, and society in a number of cases even got rid of an excessive number of women as from "extra mouths" by killing newborn girls, burying women together with dead husbands and other barbaric ones. vision modern man ways.

Let's make a reservation right away that no matter how low-primative a person is, he is not able to completely suppress instincts by reason. Only to a certain extent. A highly primative person is not capable at all. Moreover, instincts are capable of turning off the mind. Then they say that a person acts spontaneously, in a state of passion, on a whim, overwhelmed by passions, emotions, stupidly, etc. If the instinct blocks the channels of information input in a person, they say that the person is stupid.

For example, a highly primative child may not perceive information from a teacher, since the child's hierarchical instinct does not consider the teacher sufficiently authoritative, high-ranking. But it is worth raising the authority of the teacher or introducing elements of the game into learning, as the blockage is removed, and the child begins to perceive the information normally. That is, if we take into account the play of instincts, then they can be controlled. For example, a man's mind says that he needs to lose weight. But suppressing the food instinct with the mind is very difficult. I want to eat. In this case, you can make an installation that you need to lose weight in order to please young women. In this case, a strong sexual instinct works against the food instinct. Therefore, it is easier to lose weight. These methods are used by psychology and psychotherapy. If instincts interact with weak reason, then this is called dullness. If with a strong mind - emotionality.


So, the ancient small tribe consisted mainly of highly primative individuals with a relatively high ranking potential and controlled by innate instinctive behavioral programs, both at the level of the human herd and the level of a tribe with a paired internal structure. Instinctive programs were formed in the living conditions of a small community of people surrounded by wild nature, and they corresponded to the same conditions. The main differences between the set of human instincts of the level of the ancient tribe and herd ones are the appearance of weak altruistic instincts, elements of innate morality, low primativeness, as well as instincts of interaction between a male and a female in a stable pair.

All that is described above, all formed over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of our kind and over tens of thousands of years of evolution of our species, qualities, elements of behavior and the basis of relationships necessary for human survival, were genetically fixed in the form of innate instincts. It will be difficult for you to believe this, and at the same time, any biologist will understand a simple truth: WE HAVE NOT CHANGED SINCE THEN.

Our species was formed when people lived in small communities. Family, small tribe. That is, in our innate instincts, the behavioral stereotypes necessary for survival in a family or a small group surrounded by wild nature in an environment of danger and lack of food are fixed. Since then, we ourselves and our instincts have not changed, only the conditions of existence have changed. And instincts - do not correspond to the changed conditions of existence. In other words, desires and emotions govern us as if we live in a primitive world, but really around the 21st century and a technogenic civilization.

This pyramidal hierarchical structure is copied to this day, for example, in the Russian army. The rank of the male in the hierarchy is determined by certain signs on the shoulder straps, and the rank and file are artificially humiliated, tortured and deprived of the opportunity for sex in order to bring down rank ambitions and force them to obey unquestioningly.

The high-ranking ones get bigger and better pieces of loot. Women love them. Since here we are considering the biological foundations of our species and instinctive behavioral programs, then it will be more logical and more convenient to use the terminology of ethologists who study animal instincts.

Bondage sex is certainly not one-way. The woman also enjoys sex. But this sexual attachment is different, since it serves the biological purpose of selecting and retaining a genetically promising inseminator, therefore, a woman's desire and pleasure will mainly depend on whether her female instinct for this particular male is genetically promising.

Thus, who dominates over whom, in a biological species, Homo sapiens in their natural habitat depends on the circumstances. From the one in whose area of ​​competence the action takes place. In conditions of safety and well-being, the female dominates, in conditions of danger and the struggle for survival, the male. When circumstances change, dominance inversion occurs. Either when a danger arises, the female, driven by fear, yields to the male and hides behind his broad back, or when more favorable conditions come, she controls him, directing his actions in the interests of providing for herself and her offspring. Therefore, the more militant the people or the more difficult the life of the stratum of society, the more men dominate there. Conversely, the more satisfying and prosperous life is, the more women dominate.

So: in the species Homo sapiens, in the absence of an external threat, the female occupies a dominant position in the pair. In the presence of an external threat, a male. The transition of dominance from hand to hand, inversion of dominance, occur under the influence of instinctive mechanisms as a reaction to a change in external conditions.

Now let's consider the hierarchy of a tribe, consisting of a large number of individuals of both sexes, taking into account this gender heterogeneity. The first thing that fundamentally distinguishes him from the family is that the tribe has a fairly powerful buffer part, there are many men in the tribe. That is, the loss of an individual male is not so dangerous for the survival of the tribe as a whole, and this will not affect reproduction in any way, there is always a male inseminator. Second, the tribe is heterogeneous. There are strong and weak, stupid and smart, etc. But what is much more important for further narration is that there are high-ranking and low-ranking, high-primative and low-primative.

The hierarchical structure of the male part is similar to the structure of the herd - pyramidal. The position in the hierarchical pyramid (rank) is determined by the overall vitality of the individual. In the ancient tribe, this vitality is defined as in the human herd, rank potential plus physical data and aggressiveness. Although the pyramid is supported not only due to the rigidity of domination, but also due to rational motivation, and due to the altruism of the lower layers.

At the very top of the pyramid of power is the leader - the most aggressive and strongest warrior. He is the most agile in wielding his stone ax, so challenging his authority is fraught with trouble. Psychologists call such a man "alpha". Ethologists call such a high-ranking male. Below the leader are the strongest and most aggressive warriors of a lower rank in the middle-rank "scale", but they have a real chance to take the place of the leader in case of something. Even lower - all the rest, low-ranking "omegas" who may not even dream of the place of the leader, but dream and strive to become middle-ranking.

Fig. 9. Natural hierarchy of the tribe with sex substructures.

Signs of a high rank according to Protopopov:

High self-esteem, a tendency to not appreciate others

Belief in your infallibility, no doubt

Resolute concern for your comfort, health and safety

Optimism, confidence in the future

Boastfulness, self-righteousness

The tendency to make decisions quickly, without much deliberation.

Ability to act in spite of opinions and problems of others, asociality


High threshold of self-awareness

Painful perception of criticism, difficulty with self-criticism

Decisiveness, enterprise, initiative, perseverance

Great professional, social and property ambitions

Organizational ability

Openness, shamelessness, extraversion

Stubbornness, obsession, conflict initiative, selfishness

Conflict resilience

Sexual success

Signs of low rank according to Protopopov:

Low self-esteem, tendency to form an inferiority complex

Ability to tolerate inconvenience, discomfort, and unsafe living conditions

Tendency to pessimism and depression; uncertainty about the future

Indecision, long thoughts before making decisions.

Dependence on the opinions of others, fear of offending someone, reflexivity

Low threshold of awareness of one's own guilt, bashfulness (a feeling of guilt arises at the slightest provocation)

Willingness to be satisfied with the status quo, conformism

Lack of big career and property ambitions

Low organizational skills

Altruism, self-sacrifice, self-criticism

Stealth, introversion

Shyness, compliance, modesty, shyness, law-abidingness

Touchiness and squeamishness

Sexual failure

Women are, as it were, a little aloof, not clearly entering the male hierarchy and not clearly forming their own clear hierarchical structure. And at the same time they keep close to their men. But when it is necessary to throw a scandal on men, they quickly unite. The female community forms the reproductive nucleus of the tribe, so it is unusually close-knit. And not only psychologically, but even physiologically. In women, groups even ovulate are synchronized. And they all gaze at the leader and strong warriors. And none of them like weak men. This has a deep biological meaning. The offspring must be viable, so a strong, viable male must be the father. A weak and unviable one should not reproduce, even despite the excess of women. Therefore, in many, including some modern cultures, polygamy is practiced. A viable (and therefore rich) man has many women and children from them. The communities of many animals are organized in a similar way. Strong males have harems, and weak males have no chance of mating with a female. Everything is logical and rational from a biological point of view.

As long as the tribe remained small, all the instincts of the people exactly corresponded to their biological purpose and real way of life. Therefore, the majority in the tribe were still strong and rather aggressive men with high ranking potential and behavior governed by these instincts. Simply put, they did not really think about the meaning of life and other lofty matters, but lived in a simple way. They did what they wanted. And they wanted what instinct dictated. Since the desires and emotions of a person are nothing more than a manifestation of the instincts that control this person. People who live by instincts, that is, desires and emotions, are called highly primative. Those who live by reason are low primative. We will be especially interested in the high-ranking, low-primative members of our tribe. Psychologists designate such a man with the letter "beta". These are the men who think more with their heads than trust their emotions. This is either a shaman or a skilled hunter who prefers the thrill of the hunt to the struggle for the place of the leader. In the ancient tribe, there were few high-ranking low-primates, since the instinct corresponded to the way of life, and it was more profitable for the ancient man to be still high-primitive. In addition, the low-primative high-ranking leader did not like the high-primative high-ranking leader, whose male hierarchical instinct saw him as a competitor. After all, both the shaman and the good hunting hunter enjoyed great authority of their fellow tribesmen, had their own opinions and interests, which inevitably undermined the authority of the leader, led to conflicts with him. But since both the shaman and the prey hunter are very necessary for the leader and did not really claim his place, the leader tolerated them in small quantities. Well, the female instinct of women could not understand why they were not like everyone else, and took a low primativeness for a low rank. That is, not all women were able to love them. There were few of them in the primitive tribe, quite a bit ... However, later, as the society grew larger, the role of low-primative ones increased sharply, they multiplied and formed the basis of civilization.

All this is very important for our further narration, so the reader should remember all these terms and their meaning, at least in a simplified way, they will be encountered very often in the text. Moreover, understanding the further text is unthinkable without knowledge of these terms:

High ranking. - confident, successful, authoritative, cool.

Low ranking. - a weakling and a loser.

Low primative - capable of rational behavior, capable of opposing reason and calculation to emotions and desires (instincts).

Ranked potential - the ability to become high-ranking.

Types of males:

High-ranking highly primative - violent self-confident, unteachable, uncontrollable, constantly proving in a fight that he is right. In ancient times, a leader. These days - either an alcoholic and a loser, or a bandit.

High ranking low primative - Confident smart strong male. In ancient times, a shaman or a good hunter. Nowadays - a successful businessman, boss or highly paid specialist.

Low ranking highly primative. - a loser, a coward and a bastard. Six. At all times.

Low ranking low primative. - a coward and weakling, but trainable. In the ancient world - food for tigers. In the modern world, he is a lifelong petty clerk.

Mid-ranking ones combine the qualities of high-ranking and low-ranking ones in different proportions. Transitional form. When interacting with low-ranking ones, they behave like high-ranking ones. When interacting with high-ranking ones, it is similar to low-ranking ones.

Now read the meanings of the terms at least 5 more times in order to better remember them. It is important. And bookmark this page in case you do forget. I promised not to abuse scientific terminology. But without these key concepts, further narration is simply unthinkable. They are the basis for understanding the structure of human societies, evolution, history and inter-sex relations.

Let's make a reservation right away that no matter how low-primative a person is, he is not able to completely suppress instincts by reason. Only to a certain extent. A highly primative person is not capable at all. Moreover, instincts are capable of turning off the mind. Then they say that a person acts spontaneously, in a state of passion, on a whim, overwhelmed by passions, emotions, stupid, etc. If the instinct blocks a person's channels of information input, they say that the person is stupid. For example, a highly primative child may not perceive information from a teacher, since the child's hierarchical instinct does not consider the teacher to be sufficiently authoritative, high-ranking. But it is worth raising the authority of the teacher or introducing elements of the game into learning, as the blockage is removed, and the child begins to perceive the information normally. That is, if we take into account the play of instincts, then they can be controlled. For example, a man's mind says that he needs to lose weight. But suppressing the food instinct with the mind is very difficult. I want to eat. In this case, you can make an installation that you need to lose weight in order to please young women. In this case, a strong sexual instinct works against the food instinct. Therefore, it is easier to lose weight. These methods are used by psychology and psychotherapy. If instincts interact with weak reason, then this is called dullness. If with a strong mind - emotionality.

So, the ancient small tribe consisted mainly of highly primative individuals with a relatively high ranking potential and controlled by innate instinctive behavioral programs of both the human herd level and the tribe with a paired internal structure. Instinctive programs were formed in the living conditions of a small community of people surrounded by wild nature, and they corresponded to the same conditions. The main differences between the set of human instincts of the level of an ancient tribe and herd ones are the appearance of weak altruistic instincts, elements of innate morality, low primativeness, as well as instincts for interaction between a male and a female in a stable pair.

All that is described in this chapter, all formed over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of our kind and over tens of thousands of years of evolution of our species, the qualities, elements of behavior and the basis of relationships necessary for human survival, were genetically fixed in the form of innate instincts. It will be difficult for you to believe this, and at the same time, any biologist will understand a simple truth: WE HAVE NOT CHANGED SINCE THEN. Well, there, the loincloth began to be called a mini skirt, it is sewn from a different material and is decorated differently. And all the mammoths have already been eaten. And everything else is the same. That is, everything that we have just spied with such interest in the tribe of our ancestors is fixed in our instincts (innate biological programs) to this day. Our entire civilized life today consists of pieces of these programs, and reason, upbringing and education only serve and slightly adjust their work.

Not all men can be seduced with coquetry, it all depends on the psychotype to which this or that representative of the stronger sex belongs. What are men? There are several classifications by psychotype, and here is one of them: men are low primative and highly primative.

However, this classification is also true for women. And this classification was developed by a Russian writer Alexander Sviyash, describing it in one of his books on popular psychology.

Who are highly primative people

In highly primitive people, instincts prevail over reason and its arguments.... Such people live under the motto: "Love everything that moves." Many highly primative people live in the Caucasus, for example, in Georgia. Alexander Sviyash notes that highly primative people are born and grow up mainly in countries with difficult living conditions. So, in prosperous Europe, people with low primativeness have been born for a long time.

Low primative people

Low primative people are different, as you probably already understood, predominance of reason over instincts... It is common for them to think about their actions before committing them, while highly primative people first do, and only then ponder. However, in defense of highly primative men and women, it should be said that there are quite a few downright stupid personalities among them.

Highly primitive men (and women too) are great lovers - hot, passionate... However, partners for intimate relationships they usually have plenty.

Sexual omens of highly primative men

Men, whose reason prevails over instincts, and over the reproductive instinct in particular, also want sex.. But they want him not with many women, but with one single lady of the heart.... They prefer calm relationships based on trust. Although they, in principle, can have mistresses, but not always in the role of additional partners for sex. Sometimes you want to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone, and if your legitimate wife has no time to talk, why not find yourself another companion?

Key concepts of human ethology

Natural hierarchy of the tribe with sex substructures.

Consider the hierarchy of a tribe consisting of a large number of individuals of both sexes, taking into account this gender heterogeneity.

The first thing that fundamentally distinguishes him from the family is that the tribe has a fairly powerful buffer part, there are many men in the tribe. That is, the loss of an individual male is not so dangerous for the survival of the tribe as a whole, and this will not affect reproduction in any way, there is always a male inseminator. Second, the tribe is heterogeneous. There are strong and weak, stupid and smart, ... high-ranking and low-ranking, high-primative and low-primative.

Hierarchical structure of the male part similar to the structure of a herd - pyramidal. Position in the hierarchical pyramid ( rank) is determined by the overall vitality of the individual. In the ancient tribe, this vitality is defined as in the human herd, rank potential a plus physical data and aggressiveness (energy)... The pyramid is maintained not only due to the rigidity of dominance, but also due to rational motivation, and due to the altruism of the lower layers.

At the very top of the pyramid of power is leader- the most aggressive and strongest warrior. He is the most agile in wielding his stone ax, so challenging his authority is fraught with trouble. Psychologists call such a man “ alpha". Ethologists call such a male high-ranking... Below the leader - the strongest and most aggressive warriors, below the average rank " gamut", But they have a real chance to take the place of the leader if something happens. Even lower - all the rest, low-ranking " omegas”, Who may not even dream of the place of the leader, but dream and strive to become middle-ranking.

The high-ranking ones get bigger and better pieces of loot. Women love them.

Signs of a high rank according to Protopopov:

High self-esteem, a tendency to not appreciate others

Belief in your infallibility, no doubt

Resolute concern for your comfort, health and safety

Optimism, confidence in the future

Boastfulness, self-righteousness

The tendency to make decisions quickly, without much deliberation.

Ability to act in spite of opinions and problems of others, asociality


High threshold of self-awareness

Painful perception of criticism, difficulty with self-criticism

Decisiveness, enterprise, initiative, perseverance

Great professional, social and property ambitions

Organizational ability

Openness, shamelessness, extraversion

Stubbornness, obsession, conflict initiative, selfishness

Conflict resilience

Sexual success

Signs of low rank according to Protopopov:

Low self-esteem, tendency to form an inferiority complex

Ability to tolerate inconvenience, discomfort, and unsafe living conditions

Tendency to pessimism and depression; uncertainty about the future

Indecision, long thoughts before making decisions.

Dependence on the opinions of others, fear of offending someone, reflexivity

Low threshold of awareness of one's own guilt, bashfulness (a feeling of guilt arises at the slightest provocation)

Willingness to be satisfied with the status quo, conformism

Lack of big career and property ambitions

Low organizational skills

Altruism, self-sacrifice, self-criticism

Stealth, introversion

Shyness, compliance, modesty, shyness, law-abidingness

Touchiness and squeamishness

Sexual failure

This pyramidal hierarchical structure is copied to this day, for example, in the Russian army. The rank of the male in the hierarchy is determined by certain signs on the shoulder straps, and the rank and file are artificially humiliated, tortured and deprived of the opportunity for sex in order to bring down rank ambitions and force them to obey unquestioningly.

Women are, as it were, a little aloof, not clearly entering the male hierarchy and not clearly forming their own clear hierarchical structure. And at the same time they keep close to their men. But when it is necessary to throw a scandal on men, they quickly unite. Women's community forms reproductive nucleus of the tribe therefore it is unusually cohesive. And not only psychologically, but even physiologically. In women, groups even ovulate are synchronized. And they all gaze at the leader and strong warriors. And none of them like weak men. This has a deep biological meaning. The offspring must be viable, so a strong, viable male must be the father. A weak and unviable one should not reproduce, even despite the excess of women. Therefore, in many, including some modern cultures, it is practiced polygamy... A viable (and therefore rich) man has many women and children from them. The communities of many animals are organized in a similar way. Strong males have harems, and weak males have no chance of mating with a female. Everything is logical and rational from a biological point of view.

As long as the tribe remained small, all the instincts of the people exactly corresponded to their biological purpose and real way of life. Therefore, the majority in the tribe were still strong and rather aggressive men with high ranking potential and behavior governed by these instincts. Simply put, they did not really think about the meaning of life and other lofty matters, but lived in a simple way. They did what instinct dictated. The desires and emotions of a person are a manifestation of the instincts that control this person. People who live by instincts, that is, desires and emotions, are called highly primative... Living by reason - low primative... We will be especially interested in high ranking low primative members of our tribe. Psychologists designate such a man with the letter "beta". These are the men who think more with their heads than trust their emotions. This is either a shaman or a skilled hunter who prefers the thrill of the hunt to the struggle for the place of the leader. In the ancient tribe, there were few high-ranking low-primates, since the instinct corresponded to the way of life, and it was more profitable for the ancient man to be still highly primative. In addition, the low-primative high-ranking leader did not like the high-primative high-ranking leader, whose male hierarchical instinct saw him as a competitor. After all, both the shaman and the good hunting hunter enjoyed great authority of their fellow tribesmen, had their own opinions and interests, which inevitably undermined the authority of the leader, led to conflicts with him. But since both the shaman and the prey hunter are very necessary for the leader and did not really claim his place, the leader tolerated them in small quantities. Well, the female instinct of women could not understand why they were not like everyone else, and took a low primativeness for a low rank. That is, not all women were able to love them. There were few of them in the primitive tribe, quite a bit ... However, later, as the society grew larger, the role of low-primative ones increased sharply, they multiplied and formed the basis of civilization.

High ranking- confident, successful, authoritative, cool.

Low ranking- a weakling and a loser.

Highly primative- living only by emotions and desires (instincts).

Low primative- capable of rational behavior, able to oppose reason and calculation to emotions and desires (instincts).

Rank potential- the ability to become high-ranking.

Types of males:

High-ranking highly primative- a violent self-confident unteachable uncontrollable, constantly proving in a fight that he is right. In ancient times, a leader. These days - either an alcoholic and a loser, or a bandit.

High ranking low primative- Self-confident smart strong male. In ancient times, a shaman or a good hunter. Nowadays - a successful businessman, boss or highly paid specialist.

Low ranked highly primative- a loser, a coward and a bastard. Six. At all times.

Low rank low primative- a coward and weakling, but trainable. In the ancient world - food for tigers. In the modern world, he is a lifelong petty clerk.

Mid-ranking combine the qualities of high-ranking and low-ranking in different proportions. Transitional form... When interacting with low-ranking ones, they behave like high-ranking ones. When interacting with high-ranking ones, it is similar to low-ranking ones.

Let's make a reservation right away that no matter how low-primative a person is, he is not able to completely suppress instincts by reason... Only to a certain extent. A highly primative person is not capable at all. Moreover, instincts can turn off the mind... Then they say that a person acts spontaneously, in a state of passion, on a whim, overwhelmed by passions, emotions, stupid, etc. If the instinct blocks the channels of information input in a person, they say that the person is stupid. For example, a highly primative child may not perceive information from a teacher, since the child's hierarchical instinct does not consider the teacher to be sufficiently authoritative, high-ranking. But it is worth raising the authority of the teacher or introducing elements of the game into learning, as the blockage is removed, and the child begins to perceive the information normally. That is, if we take into account the play of instincts, then they can be controlled... For example, a man's mind says that he needs to lose weight. But suppressing the food instinct with the mind is very difficult. I want to eat. In this case, you can make an installation that you need to lose weight in order to please young women. In this case, a strong sexual instinct works against the food instinct. Therefore, it is easier to lose weight. These methods are used by psychology and psychotherapy.

If instincts interact with a weak reason, then this is called stupidity.

If with a strong mind - emotionality.

The ancient small tribe consisted mainly of highly primitive individuals with a relatively high ranking potential and controlled by innate instinctive behavioral programs of both the human herd level and the tribe with a paired internal structure. Instinctive programs were formed in the living conditions of a small community of people surrounded by wild nature, and they corresponded to the same conditions. The main differences between the set of human instincts of the level of an ancient tribe and herd ones are the appearance of weak altruistic instincts, elements of innate morality, low primativeness, as well as the instincts of interaction between a male and a female in a stable pair.

All the qualities, elements of behavior and the basis of relationships necessary for human survival, formed over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of our kind and over tens of thousands of years of evolution of our species, were genetically fixed in the form of innate instincts. It will be difficult for you to believe this, and at the same time, any biologist will understand a simple truth: WE HAVE NOT CHANGED SINCE THEN. Well, there, the loincloth began to be called a mini skirt, it is sewn from a different material and is decorated differently. And all the mammoths have already been eaten. And everything else is the same. That is, everything that we have just spied with such interest in the tribe of our ancestors is fixed in our instincts (innate biological programs) to this day. Our entire civilized life today consists of pieces of these programs, and reason, upbringing and education only serve and slightly adjust their work.

Our species was formed when people lived in small communities. Family, small tribe. That is, in our innate instincts, the behavioral stereotypes necessary for survival in a family or a small group surrounded by wild nature in an environment of danger and lack of food are fixed. Since then, we ourselves and our instincts have not changed, only the conditions of existence have changed. And instincts - do not correspond to the changed conditions of existence. In other words, desires and emotions govern us as if we live in a primitive world, but really around the 21st century and a technogenic civilization.