Rating of the most beautiful dogs

If you ask the opinion of dog breeders, in most cases, the most beautiful dog is their pet, and this is a correct judgment, because friends are valued not for their appearance, their heads or long legs. A friend is a faithful, devoted comrade who will support in grief, put a bullet in his chest in case of danger and sincerely share joy. And the dogs are ideally suited for this description, no wonder they are called the "best" friends of man.

Representatives of some breeds are indeed owners of a more attractive appearance. Of course, the beauty canons are changing, and if yesterday a huge, stately German Great Dane was considered the most beautiful dog, then today, more often, smaller ones of the canine world fall into this category. But, in any case, completely different representatives can get into the category “the most beautiful breeds of dogs”.

This decorative dog looks like a very nice toy that you want to take on the pens and not let go. He does not have a special article, or a proud posture, but is handsome in his own way. Most often, dogs of this breed, originally from German Pomerania, have a compact size and are ideally suited as room pets.

This is a great option for families with children, as a tireless "Pomeranian" is able to spend days and hours in games and fun. His funny look is deceptive - oranges are cunning, clever and need compulsory education and training, otherwise the kid can grow self-willed and even periodically show aggression.

But, fortunately for the owners, the representatives of this breed are perfectly trained, learning not only basic skills, but also more complex teams. Not recommended as a pet for beginners. Pomeranian is a small, but “loud” dog that loves to bark. People who live nearby may not like this neighborhood. He is somewhat selfish, but he gets along well with other pets.

Difficulties may arise during pet training, but here it is important for the owner to be patient and not to back down. In the end, pomeranus obey and everything is normal. High temperatures and humidity are detrimental to dogs of this breed, as they can cause heat stroke that can kill a baby. It is important to protect the pet from a long stay in the heat and know the rules for first aid, if the situation does occur.

Not so long ago this beautiful, graceful dog with a luxurious fur coat and an elegant, aristocratic face could be found in almost every yard. Today, the breed's popularity has declined markedly, however, this had no effect on the charm and charm of its representatives.

Like all sheep dogs, the "Scots" once engaged in grazing, guarding livestock and doing other work, which made them hardy, strong and intelligent dogs. Collies are able to make their own decisions, so the owner should become a leader for the pet, whose teams are “not discussed.”

The ancestors of the collie, like themselves, have lived side by side with a man for centuries, they are loyal to their family, obedient and quite docile. They are perfectly trained, striking their intelligence and capabilities. Collies are not fully watchmen, but they look at strangers for a long time, and in case of danger they are able to show aggression.

There are several varieties of Scottish Sheepdogs - with short, tough and long hair. All of them have excellent working qualities and character, but the most beautiful of them are still the long-haired collie - with a rich collar and feathers, amazing colors and proportional addition. But future owners should take into account - this type of coat requires more laborious and thorough care.

They have a peculiar appearance, typical of the majority of aboriginal northern breeds - Malamutes, likes, Samoyeds, and it is difficult to identify which of them is more beautiful. But if you take into account the popularity, the Huskies are ahead of the rest. Scientists managed to find out that the ancestors of this breed are the first dogs that appeared on the earth, and they existed almost 32000 years ago!

Huskies have a really beautiful appearance, a special article and a great color. But at the same time remain working dogs, and in any case not decorative. In their homeland, in a harsh land, they performed and continue to perform important work — they carry people and goods, and, unlike laika, are not hunters.

When taking such a pet into the house, the owner should remember the peculiarities of the husky - the pet barks rarely, but more often it uses it for conversation, and it sounds like a wolf. The dog needs daily physical exertion, otherwise, he may dirty. In addition, these northern friends are very freedom-loving, and if given the opportunity to escape, they will sooner or later do it.

It is better to keep husky on the street in the aviary, but giving the opportunity to run on the local area. No frost is terrible for such a pet, but they suffer the heat worse - they need a place where they could hide from it in the summer. A plus of the breed is the absence of the smell of "dog". It is recommended to start such dogs to people who are active, who do not tend to sit in one place.

This is a beauty from the Middle East, whose ancestors lived here more than one thousand years ago. Images of such elegant dogs were found on the rocks during archaeological excavations in Egypt. Afghan hounds have wool of amazing beauty, it gives the dogs a majestic, aristocratic look. In addition, dogs have an elegant, sophisticated head, long limbs and a balanced physique.

Yes, the "Afghans" are great, but you can not call them docile pets. Newbies who try to train such a dog, in most cases, fail, being sure that the stupid dog is to blame, unable to assimilate the program. However, experts point out another problem - the lack of the right approach.

Such a dog is devoted to its owner, and is able to attract other family members to itself. But it is extremely difficult for her to find a common language with children, the dog does not like and may be frightened by harsh sounds and sudden aggressive actions. “Afghans” are friendly to those around them, without alertness, therefore the guard or guard cannot be made from him.

Representatives of the breed mature for a long time; a truly mature dog only becomes 3-3.5 years old. Therefore, it is not necessary to demand a balanced, calm behavior from a pet earlier.

The dogs are not only with golden hair, but also with a "golden" character. From this pet it turns out patient nurse, a great companion and a great friend. Retrievers have high intelligence, according to research results, according to this indicator, they are among the top five. These dogs can adapt to the mood of the owner, feeling all the changes. The main desire of the dog is to please his beloved master, to please him.

The breed is quite popular, because its representatives are beautiful, docile, intelligent and kind. Such a pet can be taken into the house with other animals, children. The dog will not show leadership qualities, and for the child will be an excellent companion for playing together. One caveat - they need constant communication, do not like to be alone.

Retrievers are not conflicted, but can fight with other dogs if a critical situation arises. In most cases, the advantage is on their side, as these dogs have good physical data. When purchasing a puppy of a given breed, it is worth knowing that the pet will not become a guard or guard, as the retrievers are too trusting and good-natured to those around them.

These dogs of impressive size were derived for specific purposes - the dog should become a symbol of the city of the same name - Leonberg, whose name translates as "city of the lion". Given these requirements, surprise does not cause the main requirement - the dog should remind the lion to the maximum.

As a result of the breeding work, a large, powerful dog with a luxurious coat and a proportional physique turned out. When he first saw Leonberger, a person has mixed feelings - fear and admiration. But upon closer acquaintance, the first feeling quickly passes, as the representatives of this breed are not aggressive by nature.

With the right upbringing, gentle, patient nannies will turn out from the Leonbergers, who will protect their ward from any troubles. In addition, it is a very calm, phlegmatic pet, able to maintain composure, even when everyone around you panic.

He is amenable to training, is not prone to stubbornness and is not afraid of difficulties. The inhabitants of Leonberg are rightfully proud of this animal, and an exhibition of dogs of this breed is held here annually.

Representatives of this breed for a long time acted as shepherd dogsThey are perfectly adapted to the harsh climatic conditions and have an independent character. And even earlier, their ancestors, dog-like Molossians, participated in battles - dressed in armor, they fought bravely side by side with the warriors.

Their descendants are more peaceful, but they took all important qualities from their ancestors. There will be no difficulties in teaching a doggie if you approach the process “wisely”. It is important to remember that a pet may get bored with a monotonous program or be offended by an unfair punishment. And having established contact with the pet, the owner can hope for excellent results.

The main decoration of the dog is the coat - medium length, thick, with a bright, memorable color - tricolor. Due to the wool color of the Bernese Mountain Dog is difficult to confuse with dogs of other breeds.

In addition, the Burns look like real aristocrats, despite their large size, they are not without elegance. These dogs are strong, balanced and reasonable. They are able to make decisions even in critical situations, and their vigilance makes them excellent guards and watchmen.

Having decided to have such a pet, the future owner should think about whether he can provide the dog with “work”, since it’s vitally important for Bern to be in demand. This is not a decorative dog for a sofa and funny tricks. Another nuance - the dogs of this breed are very difficult to tolerate separation from the owner, and abandoned berns often need psychological support.

Representatives of this breed are included in a variety of ratings: "The Best Service Breeds", "The Most Popular Dogs", "The Smartest Dogs", etc. And indeed, the "Germans" have long been at the peak of popularity and more often others are used for official purposes. But do not forget about their uncommon appearance.

The German Shepherd is a courageous dog, from which it breathes strength. However, it does not cause fear or horror. Most often there are individuals with a black coat - a dark muzzle and a saddle, however, the standard allows dogs with monochromatic black wool or zonarous, so-called "wolf" color.

But, regardless of coat color, all “Germans” have a harmonious constitution, an expressive face and an open, attentive look. It is about this pet that many boys dream, and growing up, take a puppy "German".

Representatives of this breed are universal - their high learning ability allows you to literally “make” a pet's dog with a certain set of skills. The dog will become not just a pet, but a true loyal friend, protector, guard. In case of danger, he will not hesitate and, without thinking, will give his life for his family members. Thanks to the excellent physical form, "German", in most cases, comes out the winner from the fight.

Perfectly coping with different jobs - at customs, the border, police stations, as bodyguards and guide dogs, representatives of this breed also make excellent companions and family dogs. The pet gets on well with all households and other animals, but it is desirable that he be raised and undergo a course of early socialization.

“German” is, first of all, a shepherd dog, which means that he will perceive his family as a herd. He will keep a watchful eye on his younger members, taking care of their safety. But representatives of such breeds who have been accustomed to living with a person for centuries, to work with him side by side, are very difficult to experience separation and do not like being alone. Going on a hike or a trip, it is better to take your pet with you - it will not take the trouble and will receive a lot of pleasure.

Stately, slim, beautiful dog with a serious appearance - Doberman, a dog that never goes unnoticed and is admired by others. His attentive eye observes what is happening, and it seems that he is about to intervene in the situation. However, an educated dog of this breed possesses self-control and will not become aggressive without serious reason.

Doberman - dogs of the official breed, which are excellent "work" on the trail, and their sensitive scent helps to identify chemical and toxic substances. In addition, representatives of this breed are excellent guards and watchmen. By purchasing a Doberman puppy, a person receives not only a working dog, but also a devoted friend, with high intelligence and a desire to learn.

Secrets and conjectures still hover around the breed, supported by the fact that breeding work on it has not been documented. A man who was far from dog breeding - Friedrich Louis Doberman, who needed a four-legged partner - took up breeding.

He was engaged in collecting taxes and other deductions, and residents at all times were not eager to give "their hard-earned money" to the treasury. And if you carry out this activity in a company with a “serious” dog, then there will be much less objections.

Having organized the process, Doberman was engaged in a difficult activity, and among professionals his idea seemed amateurish. However, the result exceeded all expectations - the breed, which subsequently received its name in honor of its author, met all the requirements. The dogs turned out to be large, menacing and angry, they immediately received the nickname “spik” among the townspeople.

Initially, its representatives were quite aggressive, but subsequent work with the breed somewhat smoothed this quality. However, the modern Doberman also requires early socialization, training and a strong hand.

Among the lapdogs, this species is distinguished by a long, snow-white fur coat, in dogs a pretty face with beady eyes. Puppies "Maltese" are adorable and resemble a soft toy, but what should the future owners know when they buy such a handsome one?

The long hair of dogs is exclusively a decorative element, it does not protect the pet from the cold. In addition, a doggie of this breed is not recommended to be brought into a family with small children, since the miniature pet is not suitable for active games with shouts and possible physical influences.

Bologna are well aware of the team, but do not particularly strive to fulfill them, showing obstinacy. For fruitful work they need a certain attitude. In order to change such behavior, the owner will need to come to grips with bringing up the dog, showing who is the boss.

Maltese gets along well with other pets, including cats. However, a dog may seek dominance and jealousy. She will choose one owner for herself and will be immensely loyal to him, but will also be tied to the household. This crumb does not like to be alone, she is bored and upset.

Bred Maltese can be attributed to long-livers, representatives of the breed quite often live to the old 18 years. That is how much this small, fluffy four-legged friend can be near, naturally, with appropriate care. But owners should not forget that, in addition to the basic procedures, their silky, luxurious fur deserves special attention. It should be regularly combed out, and the pet itself should be constantly bathed and dried.

Statistics show that there are over 400,000 breeds, and despite the fact that some of them inevitably disappear, their total number does increase. People do not stop breeding, getting dogs that meet modern requirements.

Is it possible to distinguish among them 10, 20, 30 or even the 100 most beautiful? After all, each animal has special qualities, charm and appearance. And the owners of one of the representatives of the breed believe that it is their dog that is more beautiful, smarter and more charming than the others, at first glance, like dogs.

There is no unequivocal answer to the question, which the most beautiful breed of dog in the world. For each owner of the four-friend, it is his pet that is the most sweet and attractive. But among all existing breedsIn our opinion, there are a dozen pets that deserve special attention to their appearance.

In the top 10 entered the most beautiful dogs in the world.


Akita Inu

Japanese akita Inu opens the ten most beautiful dog breeds in the world. The beast, having Japanese roots, can not leave indifferent a single person. Akita outwardly resembles at once three wild animals: a wolf, a fox and a bear. This is a perfectly folded dog with a powerful body and strong long legs. Akita ears have an unusual shape and resemble pockets. The breed is very revered at home, and is a living symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun. According to the standard for an Akita, only three colors are permissible: absolutely white, brindle with white uragiro and red with white.


Golden retriever

The most beautiful dogs in the world golden retriever. His distant ancestors are the Irish Setter and Bloodhouse. As a result of crossing these breeds, the puppies turned out to be of an incredibly beautiful golden color. Golden retrievers are hunting, thanks to its ideally folded build. According to the standard, the animal can have a golden, medium intensity color. Absolutely unacceptable dark shades of wool. These animals have an intelligent and expressive look. Dark brown eyes have a dark outline. Among all the representatives of the breeds - these are the kindest creatures for whom aggression is absolutely not peculiar. They are very disciplined and obedient.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Welsh Corgi Pembroke  - one of the smallest and most beautiful dog breeds in the world. The appearance of the Pembroke was the reason for the birth of a legend that says that during the cattle grazing two boys found two small chanterelles. They brought them home, and they learned from their parents that these were puppies that the Welsh elves rode. These little elegant dogs have a lively mind and good-natured temper. Acceptable colors in the standard: red, black with red, red, fawn and fawn. Pet's coat is incredibly smooth and thick, of medium length.


Chow chow  among the ten most beautiful dogs in the world. Quite a large size pet immediately resembles a lion and a teddy bear. A feature of the breed is that it has an unusual, blue language. There is even a legend that the beast is a relative of the bear. But this is just human speculation, scientifically unconfirmed. A more realistic version suggests that the animal is descended from a polar wolf, for which the blue tongue was also typical. For chow-chow the following colors are characteristic: white, cream, blue, red, cymt and black. Wool can be both short and long.


Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky belongs to the most beautiful dog breeds in the world. The husky has an incredible resemblance to a wolf. And it is not surprising: wolves and northern dogs are considered their ancient descendants. The predominant colors that occur most often among this breed are gray-white and black-and-white. Huskies wear a white or black mask around their eyes. The animal has a thick, but not long, hair with a soft undercoat. The word "husky" is like the distorted American word "eski", which means Eskimo. Today it is one of the most popular breeds, actively participating in exhibitions.


Labrador retriever

Labrador retriever  one of the five most beautiful dogs in the world. This is a very active, gentle dog with intelligent and kind eyes. The color of this breed was originally exclusively black. Therefore, there is a version that the animal got its name in honor of the Labradorite stone. The strong, muscular beast of a dense constitution has a wide skull, a deep and wide chest, a strong lower back. The standard allowed three color: brown, fawn and black. Short pet hair does not require special care.



Leonberger  - this is not only a beautiful dog, but also very strong and intelligent. Translated into Russian, the name of the breed sounds like "mountain lion". Externally, Leonberger really resembles a lion. A large, muscular and beautifully built animal has a noble posture and magnificent long hair. The standard of the breed is characterized by various shades: from fawn to reddish-brown, a black mask is necessarily present on the muzzle.


Pyrenean Mountain Dog

Pyrenean Mountain Dog  - one of the most beautiful and large breeds  in the world. The dog is striking at first sight with its beauty and grace. Shaggy pet touches not only its grace, beauty, but also strength. Previously, an animal was used to guard cattle. The Pyrenean is able alone to cope with a wolf, and two such dogs are capable of covering a bear. Pyrenean wolfhound has a powerful body and paws, deep chest and wedge-shaped head. The long, fluffy tail in an excited state is a shaggy ring. The pet's dark amber eyes have a rim resembling glasses. The Perineus wolfhound has a predominantly white color, or white with gray, pale yellow or badger marks.


Pomeranian spitz

Pomeranian spitz - one of the smallest and most beautiful dogs in the world. The standard allows about 12 shades of the Pomeranian Spitz: two-tone, white, black, blue, zona-gray, zonarno-sand, orange, cream, brown, etc. Thick hair with abundant undercoat allows you to show all the hairdressing salon fantasy and create incredibly beautiful haircuts that make the spitz like a teddy bear. This breed can not leave indifferent any pet lovers. The clever, kind eyes of a small animal make him an even sweeter creature.


Samoyed Like

Samoyed Like  tops the ranking of the most beautiful dogs in the world. Acceptable standard colors: white, white with fawn markings or cream. Incredibly friendly and active dog has a soft coat of unparalleled beauty, especially completely in white color. Wool, to look beautiful and well-groomed, requires careful maintenance. Samoyed husky is also called a smiling dog because of the raised corners of the lips. Pet has an elegant, proud posture. It is believed that the Samoyed husky is closely related to the spitz, but significantly larger than it. Samoyeds are often used in the north to transport people. There is a version that the breed received its name from the fact that being harnessed to a team, the dog was riding in the snow and was not visible. It seemed that the sleds themselves were riding. Hence the name Samoyed.

One of the most devoted, intelligent, beautiful and tamed creatures on Earth is a dog. Thanks to the efforts of genetic engineering for many years, mankind has managed to bring the most different breeds  these beautiful animals, each of which has its own distinctive qualities.

So, for example, there are dogs that can search for objects by smell, lead the blind along the road, hunt, feed herds. And some breeds were born only to give the world beauty and admiration. The most beautiful dogs in the world are always well-groomed, beautiful and behave more quietly and sublimely. In more detail about such luxurious representatives of barking pets we will tell you now.

The most beautiful dogs of the world

  1. In the first place is deservedly the Scottish Terrier. Their black color in combination with modern haircut makes the breed unique.
  2. The second place in the list of the most beautiful dogs in the world is rightfully occupied by the Siberian Husky. This light, medium-sized dog with thick, dense hair, painted in white, black, brown or brown, with blue eyes, black and white pattern on the face and a bald tail resembles a teddy bear.
  3. The third in the top of the most beautiful dogs in the world is a golden retriever. The color of the dog is like gold, between red and beige, but the main beauty of retrievers is the physique, their protruding chest and thinner loin create a very pretty silhouette.
  4. The German Shepherd Dog has also at all times been considered one of the 10 most beautiful dogs in the world. Fluffy tail, long, brightly red with a black shade of wool, and an elongated muzzle are very attracted to the eye of hunters who prefer beautiful, and most importantly intelligent dogs.
  5. The dwarf spitz does not stand aside because of its small size, an unusual color (orange, cream or black) causes delight in others. A sharp little ears, long thick hair and fluffy host emphasize the individuality of the breed, thereby making the dog look like a soft toy.
  6. The Afghan hound also has an attractive and unusual appearance. These dogs are strong and tall, they have a rather long hair, which can be stacked in different ways, drooping ears, an elongated muzzle and an almond-shaped eye slit.
  7. Chihuahua certainly takes pride of place among the most beautiful dogs in the world. A miniature doggie with dozens of types of coloring and pointed ears is ideal for ladies who love everything sophisticated.
  8. Labrador Retriever is considered not only one of the most beautiful, but also the kindest dogs. Black, fawn, brown shades of wool, wide chest, thick long tail, big head - these are the virtues of a good-natured Labrador.
  9. The most beautiful dog in the world is undoubtedly the dog. This big dog resembling an antique dog, often black, gray, sometimes marble in color, has unusual outlines and shapes, which undoubtedly attracts the eye of amateur dog breeders.
  10. Dalmatian is probably the most easily recognizable and popular breed of dog. His wonderful black spots, drooping ears, kind eyes play their part. The spots on the fur and nose color of a Dalmatian can be not only black, but also brown.

In addition to purely useful functions, dogs are also called upon to perform an aesthetic function: that is, simply to please the eye of their owners with their unrivaled look.
  Naturally, each dog, if it is well-groomed, looks beautiful.
However, there are breeds that are generally recognized as the most beautiful.
  Consider the top ten, which includes the most beautiful breeds of dogs.

10. Completes the top ten of the most beautiful dogs Dalmatian breed, easily recognizable by the characteristic black or brown spotted color on a white background.
  These dogs are large, hardy, with harmonious proportions of the body. Black and white Dalmatians should have black nose, and brown and white brown. This determines the purity of the breed. It is especially nice to watch Dalmatian when it moves. His movements can be described as free and wide.

9. A beautiful breed is rightly considered a great dane.
  It is a large dog (about a meter tall and weighing about 100 kg), striking with body proportionality, noble posture and grace in every movement. Great Dane is reminiscent of an ancient statue, majestic and proud. Most often dogs are found in black color, but there are other shades, for example, marble.

8. Rating "The Most Beautiful Dogs" will be incomplete if it does not include the Labrador Retriever breed.
  This is a breed that famous people like: presidents, kings, singers. The Labrador Retriever is a big, good-natured dog, originally intended for hard work.

7. No competition "The most beautiful dog" is complete without a dog of an exotic breed of Chihuahua.
  This is a charming creature with a penetrating gaze of large transparent eyes and sweet-looking ears for its tiny growth. A chihuahua baby, with a height not exceeding 15-20 centimeters, has such a desperate and courageous disposition that even huge dogs cannot be with him in this feature.

6. The list of “the most beautiful breeds of dogs” includes the Afghan hound.
  These dogs have a height of about 70 cm and thick long hair. If you describe this breed in one word, it will be the word "elegance". Special features of the Afghan hound are almond-shaped eyes, long, well-pubescent ears, strong neck and high withers. This dog is able to skillfully maneuver, since it was bred for hunting in the mountains and to this day has kept these abilities at the genetic level.

5. The title of the most beautiful dog in the world is fully deserved by a Pomeranian dog or a miniature spitz dog.
  These are little cute dogs of bright red, orange, cream or black color. Despite their small stature (about 23 cm), the spitz are a thunderstorm and intruder, as they have a keen ear, and therefore are considered ideal watchmen.

4. Making a rating of the most beautiful dogs, it is impossible to ignore the breed German shepherd.
  These dogs, being unusually beautiful animals, also possess an extraordinary mind.
  Sheep-dogs are descendants of northern wolves and initially they were intended to protect the herd. And now this dog is used for protection of territories or as a bodyguard, as well as for many other purposes. In this regard, the German Shepherd is one of the most universal breeds.

3. Looking at the dog breed Golden Retriever, you can say without any hesitation that this is the most beautiful dog.
  This breed is named so because of the beautiful color, reminiscent of gold (golden - golden). It can be not only shades of this precious metal, but also cream colors. Wool golden retrievers can be smooth and wavy.

2. The top ten, which constitute the most beautiful dogs, includes the Siberian Husky.
  This breed was bred as a sled, but now it is more used as a companion dog or for decorative purposes to participate in shows and exhibitions.

1. Heads the ranking of the most beautiful dogs Scottish Terrier.
  Initially, this breed was bred in order to hunt rabbits and foxes. Then these dogs had spotted color and only after several decades acquired their current black color. This is the most beautiful dog in the world, and it is officially recognized. It was the Scottish Terrier who won this year's Westminster dog show in New York, the most prestigious dog show competition. And although now Scottish terriers are started more often for decorative purposes, the call of the ancestors still lives in them: they still know how and love to hunt.


The most beautiful dogs, and simply unremarkable members of the canine family, are unique animals whose life has long been inseparably linked with human life and activity. These are the first animals that were domesticated and tamed by man, and became his loyal assistants in such vital activities as hunting, fishing, cattle breeding, protecting the house and much more.

The most beautiful dogs, and simply unremarkable members of the canine family, are unique animals whose life has long been inseparably linked with human life and activity.

Of course, with the development of civilization, a number of important activities, for example, hunting, have practically lost their primary importance and turned into entertainment more likely, however, now dogs faithfully serve man not only as companions and nannies for children, but also as service dogs, outstanding whose abilities help solve serious security problems.

In the world there are more than 400 breeds of dogs, which can be divided into the following types:

  • hunting;
  • service;
  • decorative.

A number of canine experts also distinguishes herding breeds  dogs And among all this multitude of representatives of the dog world there are beautiful and majestic dogs, and there are just cute little dogs. However, no matter how harmless and cute this animal may seem, one should not forget that any representative is a predator, and almost all ornamental breeds were bred on the basis of hunting and herding animals.

Choosing an animal, many people primarily pay attention to the attractive appearance of the breed. However, a beautiful exterior is not the most important quality that the cutest dog breeds possess.

A dog is a predator, therefore it must have the appropriate appearance, i.e. the dog should be like a lion, a tiger, a bear, and in no case a herbivore (as in the case of a bedlington terrier). Professional dog experts believe that the most beautiful dogs in the world are animals that combine the following qualities and characteristics:

  1. Strict compliance of individual characteristics with typical characteristics of the breed.
  2. Harmonious color.
  3. Physical and mental health, since the cutest dog, being sick, looks sad and requires special care of the owner.

In accordance with the above criteria, you can tentatively determine which is the most beautiful dog in the world and highlight the best ones.

Gallery: the most beautiful dogs in the world (25 photos)

Top 5 most beautiful dogs in the world (video)

Ten of the most beautiful breeds

The compilation of any ratings among dog breeds is a delicate matter, and in many respects its result is relative. After all, time is passing, the fashion for breeds is changing, new varieties are derived and improved, existing ones are being “refined”. And it is not surprising that for a real dog breeder the most beautiful breed of dogs in the world is his favorite.


Of course, there are exhibitions where the pet is judged by a professional jury, therefore, according to professional dog experts, the following top 10 most beautiful dogs in the world can be singled out. In principle, this ten should be divided into 2 parts, and the first 5 positions in this rating are deservedly occupied by representatives of official and hunting breeds:

  1. Collie (Scottish Sheepdog).
  2. Russian Borzoi.
  4. German Shepherd.

The second part of the stamp is decorative rocks, namely:

  1. Chow Chow.
  2. English Cocker Spaniel.
  3. Poodles
  4. Bolonok.
  5. Pekingese.

These beautiful breeds of dogs have an interesting appearance and characteristic qualities.

Little about the characteristics

The Scottish Sheepdog, or Collie, was selected in Scotland at the end of the 18th century. She heads the top most beautiful dog breeds. The main qualities of the Scottish shepherd are:

  • endurance;
  • high degree of adaptation to the harsh climate;
  • very beautiful forms;
  • affectionate and gentle nature;
  • attentive, calm and gullible look;
  • cleanliness and accuracy;
  • light dressure.

Collies, along with chow-chow and others, are the most fluffy dogs, whose thick coat perfectly protects from the harsh climate of mountain pastures.

Collie loves people and is a great guard and protector.

The majestic and regal dog is an ancient breed, originating from the Greek fighting breeds - Molos. The main qualities of the breed are:

  1. Big, strong, agile and balanced.
  2. They are very calm, without nervousness, behavior and restraint. At the same time, they are tender and affable to the owner and his family. To strangers are mistrustful, but calm.
  3. Mastiffs need proper upbringing and treatment, because they have a cool character.
  4. Representatives of this breed have a prominent musculature.

The Russian borzoi has, perhaps, the most beautiful silhouette in the race. These fantastically fast and elegant animals are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  1. Have a great height (height at withers from 68 cm).
  2. Temperament is calm, but quickly excited at the sight of the beast.
  3. The breed is distinguished by devotion and needs proper treatment.
  4. The character is largely due to the hunting specialization.

Laiki - representatives of ancient origin, leading their ancestry from the northern wolves. The most common - hunting huskies, which is inherent endurance and vitality. They have a strong dry constitution and medium height.

In addition to hunting huskies, there are also riding ones, including Siberian Huskies. Huskies have a gentle temper, love children. Huskies are typical huskies in appearance, but this breed may have blue eyes. In addition to huskies, Russian-European, West Siberian and East Siberian Laika breeds are also common on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Huskies and other riding huskies are unsuitable for keeping in an apartment, as they need strong exercise and cannot stand loneliness. These breeds are not suitable for the role of watchmen, since they have long been accustomed to treat people well. As an option, a hunting husky may be suitable for an apartment - it is unpretentious in food and circulation, and also very affectionate.

Concerning german Shepherd Dogs, this is probably one of the most versatile laika, which can perform tasks of varying complexity. This is the real service breed. Her outstanding qualities include endurance, high adaptability, poise and distrustful nature. With incorrect training and handling, the breed can become aggressive. And with insufficient exercise can wander and make various tricks.

The next "five" - \u200b\u200bthe cutest dogs of decorative breeds: chow-chow, English Cocker Spaniel, poodles, lapdogs and Pekingese.

So, the chow-chow is an ancient Tibetan breed, distinguished by increased shaggyness. It has a calm, closed nature. Chau is a real person who does not tolerate familiarity and excessive caress even from the owners. A characteristic feature of Chow Chow dogs is the “stilted” gait, due to the special structure of the leg joints. The breed has a wide range of colors - white, cream, red, blue and even black. Wool is very thick and requires careful care.

Wool English Cocker Spaniel also needs special care, especially for wavy hair on the ears. Cheerful English Cocker Spaniels, despite their hunting origins, are excellent friends, especially when it comes to older single people. These cute little dogs are very active and fun.

Friendly character is different and such a beautiful decorative breed, like a poodle. Elegant, well-trimmed in the latest fashion poodle - a real home decoration and a worthy company to the owner. However, these dogs have one drawback - barking for no reason, which should be weaned at an early age.

Bolonka at an early age, and indeed, throughout life, resembles a wonderful toy, made by the hands of a skilled craftsman. These dogs come in 3 varieties - French, colorful and Maltese. This breed needs careful care, it does not differ in stamina, in addition, the lapdogs should be inoculated from various kinds of infectious diseases.

Cute Pekingese boasts excellent health, which invariably pleases its owners. Pekingese - independent dog, proud and a little self-centered. He does not need a large society and feels uncomfortable with children. In addition, the Pekingese is very touchy, and his fine wool requires careful daily care.

  Cute Pekingese boasts excellent health, which invariably pleases its owners.

Any beautiful breed of dogs has its advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before making the final choice.

The most beautiful breeds of dogs in the world (video)

Dog selection

The choice of a beautiful dog is not an easy task, and yet the main criteria for choosing a pet are:

  • individual tolerance, i.e. lack of allergy to wool, love of animals;
  • strong motivation to buy a dog;
  • availability of appropriate conditions of detention;
  • the need and appropriateness of lifestyle changes for the needs of the dog in motion, walking, etc.

Choosing a dog is a responsible decision, on which the quality and emotional content of not only the owner's life, but also the life of the future pet depends.

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