Dogs for grazing cows. Herding Dogs

Herding dog breeds - one of the most ancient on the planet. From time immemorial, man has domesticated wild sheep, goats, and large cattle. It was then that the four-legged friends became constant companions of the shepherds. We offer you the rating of the most popular herding dogs with names and photos.

The owner of luxurious wool and high intelligence collie looks more beautiful in reality than in the photo. At first, she herded flocks of sheep and guarded peasant children, and then royal persons paid attention to her and she turned into a pet of a luxury class. Today, the collie is ready to fulfill any of these roles and is not averse to working in the police with a bloodhound. The peak of popularity of the Scottish Collie began after the release of the film "Lessie". In Russia, there are more than 10 nurseries for the breeding of the Shotlad Collies. Price puppy ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Historical fact: a collie once saved the distillery from fire and immortalized its name on the label of Scotch whiskey.

Border Collie

One of the best "cowherd boys" and the smartest breed in the world. Border is the dream of any dog \u200b\u200bowner, she is able to learn and memorize more than 25 teams on the fly. Works as a shepherd alone, without human intervention. Distinguishes each sheep by smell and is able to get along with them. They are different from ordinary collies. appearance. Border can not boast of special beauty and looks similar to ordinary black and white dogs, which can be found in any village. The uniqueness of their work can be seen in various show programs, as well as in the film “Babe”. In the nurseries of the Russian Federation, the price of a border collie puppy ranges from 25 to 50 thousand rubles.

From among the basic instincts of any dog, the most valuable is the ability to guard something. For a long time, by means of livestock, people had meat and skin, transported various goods, which was significant for the people. For this reason, dogs were used to provide protection for various livestock, as there was always a risk of predator attacks.

The dogs were specially trained for grazing. So it appeared herding dogsDescriptions of which are presented in this section of our site.

How did shepherd dogs appear

It is believed that shepherd dogs appeared long ago among the nomadic Asian tribes. Their large and brave animals could easily ward off a bear, a wolf, a stranger from the host's herd. The improvement of the skills and abilities of such dogs began in Europe. The inhabitants of this continent believed that considerable size and boundless courage - not a complete list of qualities that are necessary shaggy shepherds.

These dogs must be different in color from predators in order to be visible at night and not act as a target for the master's gun. To obtain such a color, the Europeans began to cross their dogs with local dogs, with the result that the desired results were obtained.

Also a significant contribution to the development of this group of breeds was invested by the Roman people, who wanted to adapt animals to combat with various predators. This section presents the herding breeds of dogs with photos and names, which gives an opportunity to get a general idea about these animals.

For a long time, man has domesticated sheep, goats, and after, cattle. At the same time, a constant companion of a person to a pasture is a dog. This magnificent comrade not only assisted in grazing the herd, but also protected him from attacks by predators. Initially, all members of this group were called shepherd dogs, and only after centuries were herding breeds identified. Each breed of herding dogs has its positive qualities and characteristic features.


All members of this group have such common features:

  • average size, proportional physique;
  • significant endurance, the presence of developed muscles - for long loads;
  • thick coat, undercoat - protection from all weather conditions;
  • poorly developed hunter instinct;
  • great guard qualities, distrust of strangers. When the need arises, the dog begins to stalk the beast;
  • boundless courage, courage;
  • dedication to his master.

Currently, the shepherd dog Shepherd is especially popular, as it has amazing protective qualities, excellent appearance and a host of other excellent characteristics.

These dogs can do various jobs. They do not get tired, for this reason they need loads and activity. Also, representatives of this group get along well with small children, so they can be kept in a private house where there is a baby.

Naturally, it is undesirable to leave the child alone with the dog, as these dogs have medium and even large sizes. During the game, the pet may accidentally push the child. In this case, all the shepherd dogs and cattle dogs presented in this section have a large number of positive qualities and virtues.

Since the time when sheep, goats and then cattle were domesticated by man, the dog became his constant companion on pastures. This four-legged friend not only helped to herd the herds, but also protected them from the attack of predatory animals. At first, all shepherd dogs were called shepherd dogs, and only after many centuries the breeds of shepherd dogs were identified.

And all this time, those that possess the necessary set of qualities were carefully derived from the first primitive rocks:

  • Average body size with a proportional physique.
  • Endurance and developed muscles - for large and prolonged loads.
  • Thick wool with undercoat - for protection from the weather or heat.
  • Poorly developed hunting instinct (so that the dog is not distracted from their duties).
  • Excellent security qualities, distrust of strangers. If necessary, the dog may pursue the beast.
  • Selfless dedication to the owner.
  • Courage and courage.

Geography of breeding shepherd dogs

The geography of countries where breeds of shepherd dogs were bred is quite extensive. And the more animal husbandry is developed in the state, the more homeland it is for a larger number of dog breeds in this category.

For example, Hungary has become the birthplace of five common breeds of shepherd dogs - commander, bullets, cougars, mudi and Hungarian quvas. The first two are long-haired, capable of enduring superbly even the most severe weather. Pumi is a relatively young breed bred by crossing a bullet and a Pomeranian spitz-dog. It is used not only as a herd guard, but also as a watchdog, as well as a rodent fighter. And the Hungarian herding dog (Mudi) is an even younger breed, obtained by crossing several breeds, including bullets and cougars.

Slovakia, in which there is no mountainous terrain, and, accordingly, the breeding of livestock is less developed, only a breed of herding dogs has been bred in its history - the Slovak chuvach, who is closely related to the Hungarian quasa.

Greater popularity are English herding dogs. This is a well-known collie (Scottish shepherd), as well as sheltie, bobtail. You can often see the small handsome Welsh Korg. This breed of dogs was favored by the royal family of George VI. And the dog of this breed was presented by the king as a gift to his daughter Elizabeth II. And all because their representatives are very clever, they know how to overcome difficulties perfectly and fulfill their functions.

Swiss breeds of shepherd dogs - one of the few remaining, thanks to the skillful actions of breeders, in its pure form to this day. Four types of Swiss Shepherd dogs with a unique color in the form of a tricolor - this is a significant contribution of Switzerland to the science of canine. A large mountain dog (or a large Swiss mountain shepherd) has 72 cm at the withers and has a smooth coat. The Bernese Mountain Dog (Bernese Mountain Dog) is already long-haired, with 65 cm withers. Well, the Appenzeller Mountain Dog and Entlebucher Sennenhund are short-haired, 58 and 35 cm, respectively. The photo shows Bernese Mountain Dog.

Contributed to the breeding of shepherd dogs and Belgium. And very significant. In Belgium, breeds of dogs were bred, whose shepherd qualities are high and valued throughout the world. Versatility, excellent guarding abilities, a similar constitution, height 62 cm at the withers - these are the Belgian herding dogs. They differ only in color and type of coat. Thus, the dogs of the breed Groenendael have a long black coat, and representatives of the breed Tervuren differ from the first ones with a bronze color with a black tint. Another shepherd's dog, Malinois, has the same color, but it has a shorter and more tight coat. But lakenois is a breed of Belgian shepherd dogs.

Australian Cattle Dog

She is a cattle breed, and she received her second name, healer, thanks to the manner of grabbing cattle with her teeth for the lower part of the hind limbs (from the English heel - heel) when adjusting the herd.
Australian herding dog has a body length of 44-51 cm, its color can vary from red to dark gray. This is an extremely unpretentious and hardy animal, always active and ready for decisive action. Ideal conditions for the dog - stay in the open air most of the time. Lives well with other animals. Possessing vigilance and firm grip, the dog also shows good results in the work of detention.

The history of the breed originates in the middle of the XIX century, when the development of the Australian state of New South Wales took place. Together with the cattle, the cattle breeders brought here and shepherd dogs - Smithfields (black bobtails), which were not adapted to the heat, were too large and noisy, which scared the animals.
The farmers' first attempt to cross Smithfield with a dingo (in 1830) did not succeed: the red-haired short-tailed dogs worked quietly, but they bit very hard. The attempt to cross a long-haired collie with a bull terrier was also unsuccessful. And in 1840, the landowner Thomas Kholya wrote out two Collies (black-blue and gray-black-marble) from Scotland, which were then crossed with a dingo. This is how the Australian herding dog with blue color was obtained. It should be noted that the same was done by the farmer J. Elliott from Queensland, and some still call this breed Queensland. A little later, Sydney farmers mixed the Dalmatian blood to the healers, thanks to which the breed inherited the speckled roan pattern of the “shirt”.
The breed received its recognition in 1903 thanks to Robert Kaleski, who initiated its first standard. In 1963 he came out in a modern interpretation, and in 1987 his latest version FCI was released. In 1979, the standard approved the ACU. Recognition of the breed is also confirmed by SCS, UKC, KCGB and ANKC.

Australian kelpie

The breed received its name from the water kelpie mentioned in the work of Louis Stevenson.

The Australian Kelpie is a very active dog with an excellent combination of muscular strength and great limb flexibility. Possesses high intelligence, differs loyalty to the person and fidelity to work. Despite its medium size (43-58 cm at the withers), the dog copes well with grazing, even cattle. It has short hair of black, black and tan, red, red with tan, fawn, chocolate or smoky-blue color.

The history of the breed is not fully understood. The first mention of it dates back to 1870. The version that the breed originated was the result of crossing a border collie with a wild dingo dog was widespread. The Australian Kelpie does have the habits of a wild dog. For example, when grazing, bends his head to the ground, as if sneaking up to the victim. In general, dogs of this breed can alone feed one thousand sheep. In their work, they use such techniques as biting defiant animals by the legs, as well as jumping on their backs in order to reach the other end of the herd as soon as possible.
Breed received recognition standard FCI.

Azores dog

Dogs of this breed are extremely rare. Only directly in the Azores, and occasionally at competitions and exhibitions, you can meet its representatives. Although at home, the Azorean shepherd's dog has always enjoyed a well-deserved popularity - excellent working qualities, as well as boundless dedication to the owners, make these animals the true family pets.

Azores dogs belong to the category of cattle, have a rather lively temperament, perfectly cope with the function of grazing of cows and other large livestock, they are very good guard service. The breed is characterized by a height at the withers, corresponding to 48-60 cm, and has a short tiger coat.

This breed of dog has another name - Cao de Fila de Sao Miguel (Kau fila de San Miguel) - identical to the name of the largest of the Azores. The fact is that during the period of active expansion of his possessions in Portugal, in 1427, the Azores were discovered by Henry the Navigator. The presence of lush vegetation and the absence of mammals on them became an obstacle to the population of the islands. Then Heinrich was ordered to bring cattle to the island of San Miguel, and already in 1439 there were abundant herds of animals, which gradually became wild without human presence. And then there was a need for a shepherd dog. The dogs, introduced by the settlers, became extinct, but their interbreeding with other Molossians gave life to another breed, which got its name in honor of the island.
Due to the almost complete isolation over the centuries, the Azorean shepherd dogs have kept the breed clean. And only the development of external relations gave rise to the danger of losing its pure blood. Therefore, in 1995, the breed standard recognized by FCI was described.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd Breed is one of the oldest (more than 2000 years old).
It is also one of largest breeds  (up to 75 cm at the withers, 45-70 kg). According to the type of coat, dogs of this breed are short-haired, with an intermediate length, as well as long-haired. But they all have a thick undercoat. The color can be wolf-gray, brown, fawn, red and motley.

There are two versions of the history of the breed. According to one of them, the breed originated from the Tibetan treaties and refers to 1211 BC. er when the Chinese Emperor Zhou was presented with one of these dogs. However, there are images of similar animals on the remains of the Caucasian state of Urartu (VII century BC).
But whichever of the versions one adheres to, one thing is clear - the ancient dog breeders did their best. The dog is intelligent, enduring, copes with the shepherd and guard duty, has the determination and courage.

Bright appearance and impeccable service characteristics of this dog bribe even those who are neutral to our four-legged friends. Of course, we are talking about the Scottish shepherd, collie. The price of a puppy with a pedigree is not in vain starts from 15,000 rubles - after all, its representatives are the standard of canine beauty, devotion and intelligence.

There are several versions of the origin of the breed name. According to one of them, it is associated with a variety of Scottish sheep colley. On the other - with the word coaly, which means "coal". Well, the third involves the connection of the name with the English word collar, which translates as "collar" and indicates the gorgeous mane and jabot inherent in this breed. The royal look, proud posture of its representatives, muscular physique, graceful movements, as well as magnificent thick and long hair, were appreciated by Queen Victoria, traveling through the Scottish lands. And since 1860, collie began to take part in exhibitions. Since then, breeding work with the breed was directed exclusively to the exterior and did not concern the performance of the dog.

Today, the collie is the personification of the mind and beauty in the dog world. The sharp mind of the dog allows her to master not only the standard set of commands, but also to learn the meanings of the set of words. Dogs are obedient, quick-witted, become great friends and helpers for children. In short, if you decide to have a collie puppy, the price you pay for the purebred breed, although it will be rather big, but fully meet your expectations from the acquisition.

Sheepdog from Portugal

The Portuguese shepherd has long been valued for its herding qualities. The manner of her behavior is in the livestock barking, and the same noiseless round of flocks or herds during their grazing.
This is a medium sized dog (42–55 cm, 12–18 kg) with thick, long and slightly harsh hair. There is no undercoat. Modern representatives of the breed are mostly black in color, but there are also individuals of gray, reddish, yellow and brown color.
As you might guess from the name, the native breed is Portugal, or rather, its regions Alentejo and Ribatero. Specialists-joints allow close kinship with such breeds as Briard, Pyrenean and Catalan Sheepdog.
Excellent guard qualities, tolerance for various weather conditions and unpretentiousness in food, as well as vigor, vigilance, and at the same time calm and balance - all these qualities are inherent in the Portuguese shepherd dogs.

Romanian herding dog

The breed of the Romanian Shepherd occurred, probably as a result of the crossing of herding dogs of various breeds, possibly Slavic and Turkish.
A dog of this breed is characterized by a white color (or with brown specks), which is very convenient - such a dog is not afraid of a sheep, it cannot be confused with wolves. The coat is straight, thick, of medium length. The dog has a height in withers about 58-66 cm, weight in the range of 32-45 kg, strong bones, short and strong neck, developed muscles.

Romanian Shepherds are very reliable shepherds, perfectly adapted to the harsh local conditions. These are very hardy dogs with a lightning reaction and congenital aggressiveness. Breed rather rare and little-known outside the boundary line of their homeland.

Czech dog

The Czech herding dog is one of the oldest breeds and, possibly, the forerunner of the famous German Shepherd Dog.
These shepherds have a height of 50-55 cm and weight - 15-25 kilograms. They have a proportional head and elongated muzzle. The ears are pointed, of medium size, located at a distance close to each other and set high. The muscular body also has strong bones. The saber-shaped tail finishes the perfect exterior. The coat is straight, elongated (up to 12 cm), with a thick, well-developed undercoat, thanks to which the dog remarkably tolerates both severe frosts and summer heat. The coat has a black color and a tan red color on the cheekbones, around the eyes, chest, front of the neck and on the limbs.
Having a height and weight lower than that of other working dogs, the Czech shepherd's dog is more comfortable in maintenance, more maneuverable, very active and quickly turns into work.
It should be noted that, along with the official one, the breed has other names, one of which is the Chodka dog (from the Czech ethnic group “moves”, which has long guarded the Czech Republic in Germany). The history of the breed begins with the XIII century, and in the XVI century, its breeding was already a professional level.

Then in 1984, the restoration of the breed began thanks to the work of Vilém Kurtz and Jan Findeis. In one canine edition were published photos of the Shepherd Dog and a call for readers to report the presence of such dogs. So, in the period from 1985 to 1992. 35 litters of dogs of this breed were registered. In 1997, Findeys introduced the official standard of a Czech shepherd dog.

South Russian

A distinctive feature and pride of the breed is its wool. First, it is soft, silky and very long. On the head, the fur covers the face and comes to the tip of the nose, on its legs it forms a kind of felt boots. Coat color can vary from snow-white to yellowish and smoky. But this harmless, as it seems at first glance, appearance hides under itself a rather aggressive nature, called upon to bear shepherd and guard duty.

How did the South Russian Shepherd Dog appear? The history of the breed dates back to 1797, when Asturian shepherd dogs were brought to Tavria, along with the first pairs of fine-fleeced Spanish sheep, to help herders. Being excellent shepherds, these dogs had a significant drawback. Small stature and easy addition made them very vulnerable to local steppe wolves. Therefore, the sheep breeders needed to turn the brought dogs into stronger ones without losing the shepherd’s skills. Rushing to the four-legged shepherds of Asturian the blood of Tatar sheepdogs, local greyhounds, Russian canid greyhounds, brought a breed of dogs with such qualities as endurance, speed in running and nastiness towards predators. In this case, the dog is unpretentious in content, intelligent, affectionate with his and has a lightning reaction. Breeding work was carried out in the famous estate Askania-Nova, so the breed was named South Russian Shepherd Dog. Sometimes this sheepdog is also called Ukrainian.

But unfortunately, the breed has not yet become popular. The fact is that during the period of the First and Second World Wars, due to the reduction in the number of sheep, the development of the breed stopped. As a result, by 1945, rare specimens of the breed remained only with its true connoisseurs, as well as local shepherds. Of course, since then the number of dogs has increased, but the breed has not gained popularity. There are several reasons for this. First, the activity of the animal is such that it requires a lot of space, which is impossible in apartment conditions. Modern sheep breeding does not need such a number of dogs anymore. But other skills to which the shepherd dog breeds have abilities have not been mastered by the South Russian Shepherd Dog.

People have long been engaged in the maintenance and breeding of livestock. And a dog can be a great helper in such a difficult task. But not all breeds will cope with responsibility, although some possess all the qualities of professional shepherds.

The dog is a true friend of man and a real helper

Dogs are not for nothing considered to be our smaller brothers, because these animals have not only long been in close contact with people, but also have unique qualities that are similar to humans. Some breeds have existed for a long time, others were bred specifically for some specific purposes, so it is not surprising that dogs can perform many tasks, including quite complex ones. For example, they are able to help the shepherds, or even partially or completely replace them.

What qualities will help a dog become a shepherd? First of all, courage, because you may have to repel the attacks of wolves and other wild animals. Also, the dog must be attentive to monitor the entire herd. And the speed of reaction and agility are very much appreciated, allowing not only to immediately notice the lagging or lost sheep or cows, but also to quickly return them. Such qualities are useful when moving the herd from the paddock to the field and back.

The best herding dogs:

  1. Australian Cattle Dog (it is also called a cattle dog or healer). Firstly, such animals have strong muscles and a well-developed musculoskeletal system, which allows them to move, and actively and for a long time. Secondly, having received the assignment, the dog will keep a close eye on his charges, never taking his eyes off them for a second. Third, shepherd dogs are completely unpretentious: they eat almost everything and quickly adapt to new conditions. And fourthly, they cohesively and clearly work in a team, interacting with each other and distributing tasks. This is an ideal option for driving cattle over long distances.
  2. Australian is considered one of the best herding breeds in the world. kelpie. And the main reason for this is a genetically determined quality: the representatives of this breed have a very wide viewing angle, which allows them to cover even a large herd and always keep the situation under control. In addition, Australian Kelpies are incredibly hardworking and energetic, so that performing the duties of a shepherd will give them great pleasure and provide a splash of energy. And these dogs are quite obedient and compliant, but sometimes they can disagree with the owner and make decisions on their own.
  3. Border Collie. Their homeland is Great Britain, and these dogs have long been loved by many farmers, as they are literally created for work and can help a person practically all day and night, getting real pleasure from it. Also, the breed is valued for endurance, the ability to make independent decisions and very high intelligence. Border collie can feed not only any animals, but also birds, and a few years ago these dogs were recognized as the smartest by Columbia University scientists. But the owner must prove his authority, as well as be prudent and calm, so that the pet becomes his loyal assistant.
  4. It has long been helping to keep cattle and bergamaskothat were introduced to Europe about two thousand years ago. They have all the qualities that allow them to be beautiful shepherds. Among them it is worth noting excellent hearing. A unique scent helps them to detect missing animals. Some farmers even claim that the representatives of this breed literally know by smell every sheep and perfectly distinguish "outsiders" from "theirs". Also, bargamasco is used as lifeguards and guards, and they are incredibly resilient and can withstand any temperature changes and the vagaries of nature.
  5. Bullets - medium-sized breed of dogs of Hungarian origin. A distinctive feature is the very long and curly wool that some representatives reach to the ground. And it is this kind of wool that makes the breed hardy, providing protection from cold, winds and rain. The bullets are distinguished by high performance, so they are good at work and are happy to carry out the tasks of the owner. Dogs are incredibly loyal, as well as perfectly amenable to training and training and can learn a variety of skills.
  6. Pyrenean Shepherd Dogs  can perform a variety of tasks and therefore become successful rescuers, search engines, watchmen, shepherds, and just companions and assistants in all matters. By the way, during the First World War, these dogs were part of the guard duty, and also helped in the search for the wounded in battle.
  7. Entlebucher Sennenhund  - the smallest of the Mountain Dogs. Switzerland is considered the birthplace of the breed, and representatives almost always lived in the mountains and helped the shepherds to overtake the herds. These dogs have a rather mild character, the main feature of which is helpfulness. Such a pet will go to almost anything to please his master and to please him. In addition, entlebukhery very clever, therefore, become loyal and smart assistants. And they are clever, fervent and selfless.
  8. German Shepherd   - a breed that has been known for a very long time and served people from the very first days of its existence. Initially, it was derived just as shepherd, but thanks to the unique intellectual abilities of the dog, they began to actively develop other skills, becoming excellent watchmen, search engines, and rescuers. This is a great companion, and not only a devotee, but also hardworking, always ready to help and do any work. The German Shepherd will respect and love the owner and will become a full member of the family.
  9. Bobtail (Old English Sheepdog)  - This is the result of crossing briar (he is also considered a good shepherd) and South Russian Shepherd Dog. These dogs have long been considered beautiful shepherds, and were used mainly for these purposes. But today bobtails are not so popular among the shepherds, largely because of the very unusual and demanding care wool. Today, representatives perform the tasks of security guards and watchmen, but more often become companions. In any case, they are very intelligent, smart and hardworking.
  10. Welsh Corgi - one of the oldest British breeds. The exact origin is not known for certain; many different legends are associated with it. One way or another, representatives of this peculiar breed were considered to be excellent shepherds from the earliest times, which was once again confirmed by documents dating back to the 12th century, which indicated that the welsh-corgi, which grazed cattle, was reckoned to be killed by the owner. Other dogs were not highly valued. A distinctive feature of the breed are short legs, but they allow the animals to be brisk and easy to dodge the hoofs of cattle.