How to get rid of the moth in the house forever. How to get rid of the moth in the apartment - folk and purchased funds

The mole feeds on the horny substance contained in fur and wool products, so it is called the insect keratophage. One little larva is enough one day to gnaw through a hole in your favorite sweater! However, this insect does not disdain organic matter, so the question of how to deal with moth in an apartment is always very relevant.

  Types of apartment moth

Depending on the taste preferences, the mole can be of several types:

1. Kitchen:

  • Barn - settles in the nuts;
  • Flour - prefers flour;

  • Potato - found in potatoes;

It looks like an adult potato moth and its larvae, which live in a potato and feed on its pulp.

  • Grain - lives in cereals;

  • Fruit - loves dried fruits.

2. Room:

  • Panning is a butterfly up to 22 mm long with light yellow wings, purple-brown at the base. It feeds on wool, which is present in the composition of outerwear, upholstery of upholstered furniture, carpets, sweaters, suits, etc. It is also attracted by pet hair and textiles contaminated with sweat, food and urine. Larvae, similar to caterpillars, hiding in the folds of tissue. Egg laying is located on the inside of the garment. The hatched larvae gradually gnaw through the tissue, leaving only a thin upper layer intact;

  • The coat is a small yellow butterfly with a slight sheen and a wingspan of up to 1.5 cm. The larvae have white translucent skin that makes them look like worms. Fur coat mole chooses felt, wool, down, fur, felt and feathers. She is very gluttonous - gnaws the moves in everything she meets on the way, regardless of whether it is suitable for food. It is very simple to notice the signs of vital activity of this moth - the fur coat begins to fade, and the fur bursts literally pour out of it. Adult females have the ability to reproduce very quickly;

  • Furniture - is a small (only 1 cm) light yellow butterfly with brown wings at the base. Often settles in the upholstery of upholstered furniture, eats both natural and synthetic fabrics, so it is very difficult to fight it. Eggs are laid in the crevices of wood, in the lower part of the upholstered furniture and the back of the upholstery. First, the larvae eat textiles and internal filler of the sofa or chair. Then they get to the wood, gnawing through whole moves running parallel to the pattern;

  • Carpet - refers to the most sustainable form of these pests. Its larvae are omnivores - they eat with appetite the fur on fur coats and collars, the skin on shoes, jackets, bags and coats, as well as flooring. Carpet moth lays eggs in the depth of the pile and other hard-to-reach areas. She is not afraid of the smell of camphor and naphthalene, so the preparations containing these agents are absolutely useless.

Interesting! An adult moth has no mouth, so it does not need nutrition. Harm is done only by the larvae. Butterflies live no more than a week, but even in such a short time they are able to lay about 150 eggs. Under good conditions (poor ventilation, high humidity and warmth) the reproduction of these pests goes almost continuously.

  First steps

Having found a gray butterfly in your apartment, do not waste time in vain - immediately get down to business. This will not allow moths to breed and finally spoil things or food stocks:

  • Inspect the premises for the presence of a moth nest. It needs to be eliminated, and the place should be vacuumed up or washed with warm water;

  • Shake clothes and bedding to get rid of hidden insects. You can use the clothes brush, carefully processing all pockets, folds, seams;

  • All that you can, put a day in a cold place, warm under the sun, wash at high temperatures or take to dry cleaning;
  • Spring cleaning. The contents of the bag from the vacuum cleaner should be shaken out as far as possible from the house.

  How to get rid of the moth - popular recipe

How to scare away moth folk remedies? We offer an overview of the most reliable and time-tested recipes that will solve the problem without harm to their own health.


For a long time, this tool was considered one of the best, but in recent years, its popularity has declined significantly. The reason for this was the large-scale use of naphthalene, which led to the development of resistance (addiction) in most populations. Moreover, it turned out that the drug is harmful to human health, as it is carcinogenic and provokes the development of malignant tumors.

Strong-smelling spices and plants

The moth, like most insects, does not tolerate strong odors, so mint, tansy, tobacco, geranium, chestnuts, eucalyptus, cloves, walnut twigs and lavender can be used to combat it. Tobacco is collected during the flowering period, tied up in bunches and laid out on window sills and in the shelves of cabinets. You can also use dry tobacco leaf. It is filled with fabric bags, which are hung in places where pests appear. A geranium pot grows well in the kitchen - it will save your home from the attacks of the kitchen moth. Chestnuts can be laid out only in those rooms and cabinets that are well ventilated. Otherwise, they will quickly become moldy.

In addition to plants, most of the known spices - fragrant pepper, cloves, vanilla, etc. have a pungent smell. To frighten off the pest for a long time, put the spices in bags and arrange them in an apartment.

Strong aroma soap

Another effective remedy for moths, which mistresses use for a long time Soap (household or toilet) laid out in the pockets of clothing, as well as between things on the shelves. Pleasant amber and pest protection guaranteed!

Essential oils

The traditional tool in the fight against indoor insects. Feel free to use the ethers of lavender, eucalyptus, mint, orange, mandarin, rosemary and geranium. They will protect your home and give a scent to underwear and outerwear. It is enough to put a few drops of ether on a cloth or paper napkin and arrange them in an apartment - where the mole likes to visit.


All citrus fruits have a very strong odor that perfectly repels pests. Spread fresh orange, mandarin, lemon or grapefruit on the shelves of wardrobes and kitchen cabinets. Replace them as they dry.

Lemon or orange peel laid out on the cabinets will help scare away the moth and drive it out of your house.

Natural remedies just scare away the mole, and not kill her. With a massive infection, they are unlikely to help you - in this case it is worth giving preference to chemical insecticides.

See more folk remedies (video):

  Fly trap

If a mole has flown into your house and you can’t catch it in any way, hang up some sticky fly traps in the room. After a while, the butterfly will definitely stick to it.

  Moth chemicals

Fighting moths at home can not do without the use of chemical insecticides. They are represented by sprays and aerosols. Among the most effective can be safely attributed:

  • Dichlorvos - they can only spray cabinets;
  • Armol - acts on all surfaces (textiles, furniture, wood). To handle a small apartment, one can is enough;
  • Clean house - it can not be sprayed on clothes;
  • Raptor - a great fast-acting drug that allows you to destroy the entire population of insects as soon as possible. Thanks to a special formula, the aerosol enters the body of the moth through chitin shells and respiratory tract. This spray is non-toxic and does not have an unpleasant odor. It is suitable for processing clothes and wardrobe or upholstered furniture. The main thing is not to use it in the kitchen;
  • Antimol - a universal remedy;
  • Morimol, Foksid, Mittoks, Supromit - insecticidal solutions that serve to protect carpets and upholstered furniture.

Sprays sprayed indoors or in a closet kill not only adults, but also larvae. Drugs are easy to use, are affordable and do not require additional training. It is necessary to close all the windows, wait a few hours, and then thoroughly clean and ventilate the room. Clothes and other textiles need to be washed in a typewriter. Not only things are processed, but also the wardrobe in which they are stored, as well as carpets and furniture upholstery.

When using sprays, clearly follow the instructions - this will allow you to quickly get rid of the kitchen and room moths.

  Moth fumigators

Fumigators are simple and long-term means of fighting the apartment moth. Turn on the device and let it do its job, the principle of which is to heat the plate with insecticide and evaporate chemical components into the air. In some models, the plates are replaced with a special liquid - both options work equally well. The most famous fumigators are "Raid", "DiK-3" and "Mosquitall".

The fumigator has a small size - about 95 * 60 * 50 mm. The lesion area covers up to 30 square meters. The device can be placed in any desired cabinet - an extension cord will help you with this.

Attention! Fumigators have a delayed action - they do not work immediately, but within 3-14 days. This small drawback is compensated by a lesser degree of toxicity than, for example, aerosols.

  Moth traps

For those who prefer effective and safe ways to destroy moles, we recommend using Swissinno traps. There are no chemical insecticides in the composition of these devices, therefore there is no question of health hazards. The trap is like a house with sticky walls. Attracted by an appetizing smell wafting from the inside, the butterfly flies inside and adheres to the walls. The design is designed so that the insect can easily find the entrance - it is open on all 4 sides. It is very simple to use the house - you only need to glue the device to the degreased surface.

  Moth sections

Homemade methods of dealing with moths include the use of special sections. They are released by Raptor and Mosquitall. They have a preventive effect and are designed to repel pests. Sections are attached or suspended plates with different flavors - lavender, chamomile, tangerine, etc. The action of two pieces covers 1⁄2 square meters. m. cabinet area. You need to change them at intervals of 1 every 4 months.

Tip! Insecticidal sprays, fumigators and sections should be stored separately from food and away from children.

  How to display the kitchen moth?

It is necessary to get rid of the kitchen moth immediately, otherwise it will ruin all food supplies. For this you need:

  • To conduct an audit in the stocks of cereals, sugar, flour, dried fruits, nuts, etc. Gray bloom, cobwebs and stuck together lumps indicate that the pests have already been here. Foods damaged by the larvae will have to be thrown away. Heat the rest in a hot oven for 20 minutes;

  • Wash cabinets, shelves and other storage areas of food stocks with a washing gel and spray or fumigator;
  • Spread garlic cloves, citrus peels, sprigs of lavender, bay leaves and other smelling plants on all shelves.


You know how to deal with the apartment moth, but do you know how to prevent re-infection? This will help you prevention measures:

  • All things in the lockers must be clean, especially those that are delayed until the next season;
  • Periodically wipe the internal surfaces of cabinets and wardrobes, treat them with disinfectant or acetic acid solution;

  • Ventilate the house regularly and clean;
  • About once a month, clean carpets and upholstery of upholstered furniture with water with the addition of disinfectants;
  • Products made of fur and wool must be wrapped in clean plastic bags or newspapers (the mole does not tolerate the aroma of printing ink), and fur coats should be packed in thick paper cases. They do not interfere with sprinkling antimolny drug;
  • Carpets, blankets, rugs, pillows, etc., at least 2 times a year, take it outside for airing and knocking out;
  • Winter shoes sent to storage, also need to prepare. To do this, remove the insoles, wash them well and dry them completely. Put tobacco, lavender or napkins soaked in ether into your shoes.

How to deal with moths? This question arises when a gray butterfly finds an unpleasant appearance in kitchen supplies or traces of its activity on clothes.

Just catching an insect and destroying it is ineffective, because the victim will be a completely harmless male.

Mole: a real disaster for things and products

The greatest misfortune are the voracious caterpillars, who actively destroy domestic products and mercilessly spoil things in the cabinets. All day long enough for such a larva to gnaw through the hole in a wool sweater. In everyday life there are about 30 types of moths, and they all carry out sabotage activities towards a person. How to deal with moth in the apartment?

The moth that lives in the closets does not like fresh air and bright light, so it does not touch things that are worn often. But in relation to winter clothing, it is not picky, it feeds on felt, wool, natural velvet, and fur. In an effort to get to the food easily gnaws on the way plastic bags and synthetic fabrics. Caterpillars of the “fur-coat” moth can withstand temperatures as low as 0 ° C and can go without food for a month.

How to deal with moths at home

You can fight moths in different ways: both popular methods, time-tested, and modern preparations are effective. Naphthalene was once considered to be the most well-known anti-tumor agent. However, the large-scale use of such a means led to the development of the resistance of some moth populations to it. In addition, it was found that the drug causes great harm to human health, because it is a carcinogen - a factor causing the occurrence of malignant tumors. How to deal with moths in other, non-endangering ways?

Folk remedies against moths

How to deal with moth folk remedies? Of the folk drugs effective tobacco, the pungent smell of which insects are absolutely not tolerated. In a lively flowering form, this plant should be kept on the window sill, periodically placing it in a cupboard with moths.

Or use dry leaves that are placed in fabric bags and hang (or decompose) in places where the moth is present. The analogue of tobacco in the fight against moths is dried lavender. Additionally, in order to enhance the result, it is recommended to lay out pieces of laundry soap in the pockets of clothes. Fresh orange peels are used to protect kitchen furniture and products.

The living geranium growing in the room will also scare off the smell of unpleasant butterflies. Fresh leaves of the plant are recommended to be laid out on the shelves of the cabinets.

However, such natural remedies are only repellents - scaring agents. In the mass presence of moths, chemical preparations should be used, the assortment of which in the consumer market is represented by various forms.

Against moth - aerosols

How to deal with moth chemicals? Aerosols and sprays ("Antimol", "Clean House", "Armol", "Raptor", "Extramit") are solutions of powerful insecticides that are in a balloon under great pressure. Sprayed in the room or wardrobe, they are a toxic effect on the larvae and adults of the moth. Simple to use, these drugs are characterized by speed of action and have a low cost. However, insecticides during and after treatment will have to be inhaled not only by the moth, but also by the person. Allergy sufferers are especially hard in this case.

The use of aerosols in comparison with other anti-molar means is perhaps the most time-consuming. When destroying moths, except for the surfaces of cabinets, it is required to process all clothes, furniture upholstery, carpets. Often on such a volume of one cylinder with the drug is not enough. After a few hours in the room you need to clean up, and things to wash and ventilate quality. The processing executed in full accordance with the instruction, will allow to get rid completely of a clothes, furniture and fur coat moths.

In the kitchen, the use of aerosols is very limited. They can handle cabinets and cabinets, pre-exempted from the products. The very places of concentration of larvae in food stocks such insecticides can not be processed.

Simple and durable fumigators

Fumigators (DK-3, Raid, Mosquitall) are quite simple to use: all you need to do is plug the drug into the outlet and forget about it. In the cabinet you can stretch the extension cord. The action is somewhat stretched in time: the effect occurs over a period of 3 days to 2 weeks. But the accumulation of insecticides in the air will be several times lower than when treated with aerosols. The principle of operation is to heat the aromatic insecticidal plate and evaporation of the poisonous substance when the fumigator is turned on in the socket. Sometimes the plates are replaced with special liquids that act similarly. Dimensions of fumigators are relatively small, about 95 * 60 * 50 mm; The area of ​​action is up to 30 m 2.

The advantage of this method is low cost and long term use. In the dining rooms and kitchens, the fumigator should be used carefully, avoiding the accumulation of chemical vapors in cabinets where food is stored.

Sections against moths

How to deal with moth in the apartment? In addition to aerosols and fumigators, there are special sections on moths (Mosquitall, "Raptor"). They are characterized by a preventive effect and are intended rather to scare away adult insects than to destroy their larvae. Therefore, the use of such devices is recommended until a winged pest appears in the house. Available in the form of hanging and attaching plates with different flavors that repel insect: chamomile, tangerine, lavender. The anti-molar effect of 2 sections extends to ½ m 2 of cabinet space. Replacement with new ones takes about 4 months. The chemical agent is recommended to be kept out of the reach of children, separately from food.

How to deal with the home moth to get rid of her forever? In combination with natural and chemical methods, it is required to get rid of the moth by physical means. Butterfly traps are used to catch butterflies. If the insects are bred in the croup, and their number is not terrifying, then the grains can be picked and heated in an oven at 60 degrees for 40 minutes. The nest found in the closet should be eliminated, the place of its location should be carefully vacuumed, shaken all the things out of the closet and placed in a cold place for a day (for example, on the balcony).

Food moth: how to get rid

Food (grain) mole settles in cereals, flour, dried fruits; its larvae in the caterpillar stage can ruin almost all edible reserves. Adults do not have a mouth, so do not eat at all. Despite the short lifespan (not more than a week) butterflies have time to lay up to 100-150 eggs. Under favorable conditions (high humidity, warm temperature and lack of ventilation) insect reproduction is a continuous cycle. How to deal with food moth in the kitchen?

To get rid of the food moth should be very carefully, in several stages. It is necessary to check all stocks of cereals, flour, sugar. When an insect is found with damaged products, you will have to say goodbye or ignite in a frying pan and sift.

  1. Food storage sites should be treated with fumigators and antimol sprays, spreading scare agents on the shelves: garlic, lavender, orange peels.
  2. Hang up the sticky tape of flies, and moths to destroy the flying butterflies manually.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the appearance of moths in the household, it is recommended:

  • All grocery products should be stored in tightly closed containers.
  • Regularly air and clean the room. Once a month and carpets using disinfectant preparations.
  • Wash and clean winter clothes before storage. Moth prefers to wind up on things with sweaty and dirty spots. After cleaning, woolen and fur things are recommended to be placed in plastic bags, fur coats - in thick paper covers, sprinkled with pre-moth preparations. Some items for storage can be wrapped in a newspaper: butterflies moths can not stand the smell of printing ink.

How to deal with cabbage moth

Outdoors, in suburban areas wielded by Unnoticeable externally, it causes significant damage to garden crops, in particular cabbage. After hatching, caterpillars feed only inside cabbage and other cruciferous crops. Gnawing tangled tunnels, they hit the plant and are able to completely destroy it.

How to deal with cabbage moth? Fighting it requires a complex, because the pest is characterized by the ability to develop resistance to effective drugs in the previous season. Be sure to need chemical processing. The best means are:

  • "Actellic". Available in 2 ml ampoules, toxic, has a 2nd class of danger. Spraying is carried out with a solution of 30 ml of the product diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • "Bitoksitsilid" and "Lepidotsid". The result is evident after 2 days from the moment of processing the garden crop, the protective effect lasts about 2 weeks.

In parallel with the chemical processing, the tracks need to be assembled by hand. This method will protect against the mass appearance of adult individuals laying eggs. It is imperative to remove weeds and dig up the ground well in the place of cabbage growth. This is necessary in order to prevent overwintering individuals from reaching the surface of the soil.

Fighting Mining Moth

There is still such a type of moth as a miner. The small insect got its name from the ancient word “mine”, which implies the creation of hidden passages. It is in this way that the tracks of the miner moth damage the leaves of plants from the inside. Moreover, it is very difficult to identify the pest externally: only the death of the plant indicates its presence.

The caterpillars of the mining moth feed on virtually all types of fruit and berry plantings, flowers, weeds, ornamental and medicinal plants. If a miner mole is found on the site - how to deal with this pest? What techniques should be applied?

In the fight against the "miners", the use of chemical preparations is effective, namely: "Bi-58", "Karate", "Dimilin", "Konfidor maxi", "Aktara", "Actofit". If there are several generations of the mining moth, spraying should be carried out repeatedly.

How to deal with moths during the flight? To do this, in greenhouses and open ground it is required to hang plates, smeared with glue, plates, plastic pieces of yellow color, placing them at the level of the main leaf mass along the rows of plants. Attach glue belts to tree trunks before flight. It is also important to remove the affected parts of plants with their subsequent destruction by hand. In the fall, it is imperative to clean under the tree and to compost the fallen leaves, and pristvolny circles carefully dig.

How to get rid of moths in an apartment at home? The question is not idle. Thousands of housewives every day face such a pest as a mole.

Sweaters in holes, shreds of fur falling out of fur coats or hats, spoiled crumbs with lumps, fallen stuffing at your favorite couch - the result of the "activity" of a small but annoying pest. It is important to know which formulations are most effective in controlling moths, how to use folk remedies and chemicals.

Where does the mole come from in the apartment

Many owners think that the flying pest lives only in cluttered, dirty apartments, and in the house where the ideal hostess works, there is no threat of an invasion of moths. What a great disappointment, if in a clean, comfortable apartment larvae of pests and adults are found. The reason - the excess food supply for insects. The voracious pest settles where there are fur and pure wool products, stocks of products, natural carpets and fur coats.

Types of moths:

  • fur coat.  Favorite habitats of harmful insects - natural fur of various types, covers for clothes;
  • grain.  It lives in cereals, prefers wheat, semolina, barley, nuts, plant seeds. The grain moth beads in grains of fine web;
  • rye  Occurs in the fields, breeds on cereals;
  • wardrobe  The species often lives in apartments and houses. Quite a large insect with bicolor wings. It settles in the folds of clothes, feeds on the horny layer of wool fibers, often gnaws holes of large diameter in things;
  • cabbage  The pest wings have a brown color. Insect breeds among cabbage leaves;
  • barley moth.  The pest penetrates into the barley grains, spoils the cereals and crops in the fields;
  • furniture.  The insect settles inside the upholstered furniture, eats stuffing and upholstery;

How to withdraw: the most effective ways

The appearance of malicious butterflies in the apartment, among things or in the croup often causes a panic attack. The owners understand that if there are adults, then, most likely, they have already laid eggs.

The ladies immediately rush to inspect the fur products and knitted things, which are often reached by a clothes and fur coat moth. Often the fears are confirmed: favorite coat and a spectacular sweater are “decorated” with holes of various sizes. We have to urgently start the fight with the moth.

Unfortunately, many owners themselves create favorable conditions for the reproduction and development of various types of harmful insects. It is important to know how to prevent the appearance of flying pests at home, which means are effective against eggs, larvae and adults.

General rules of struggle

How to bring the mole in the apartment? Useful tips from experienced hosts:

  • first you need to figure out why the mole started up in the apartment;
  • then you have to check all the wardrobes with clothes, get things, inspect the furniture, look into the jars with loose products;
  • when the habitat of the pest is found, it is easy to understand what kind of pest has started;
  • the next stage is the removal of contaminated products (the grits will have to be thrown out, the container must be thoroughly washed with soda solution and dried);
  • if knitted or fur items are struck, you need to think about dry cleaning or have to throw them away;
  • with a large number of larvae, it is undesirable to leave things eaten by moths at home. The larvae remaining in the folds will grow, continue to destroy the tissue, the process will start anew;
  • with a minimum area of ​​damage, you will have to carefully select the larvae, brush the thing, wash it to remove all insects. Dry cleaning is a great option;
  • for fidelity, experts recommend treating the affected areas of clothing with non-toxic compounds to prevent re-infection.

Important!  Treatment with toxic aerosols is carried out in protective clothing (old things with long sleeves + medical mask + gloves). Do not break the rules: inhalation of toxic fumes is detrimental to various organs.

Folk remedies and recipes

If homes are hungry flying insects, then many tenants remember the grandmother's methods. Home remedies are most relevant when there are young children or allergies.

Proven folk remedies for moth in the apartment:

  • fir oil or lavender.  Insects feeding on the stratum corneum do not tolerate the smell of these esters. To combat insect pests, it is most convenient to put cotton pads, pieces of foam rubber soaked in lavender or fir essential oil in the drawers of the dresser and cabinet. Natural esters are safe, they are allowed to use to repel pests, even in the kitchen;
  • lavender flowers  - another proven tool. Dried vegetable raw materials wrapped in gauze, arrange bouquets in areas of risk. The smell of lavender does not like flying insects and larvae, the plant is well protected things from "attack";
  • orange peel.  Inexpensive, affordable means safe for residents. Dried orange peels can be laid out in a wardrobe and kitchen cupboard, put away in a chest of drawers and a mezzanine with warm caps. Crusts can be dried in the oven or in the sun;
  • cedar bark.  The resinous aroma also repels pests. Unfortunately, not in all regions it is possible to get cedar bark, but if there is an opportunity, it is worth buying natural raw materials to scare off harmful insects;
  • tobacco leaves. Perhaps not the safest tool, but very effective. If there are no small children in the house, you can safely use ground tobacco or whole leaves. Dried raw materials spread out in places where a moth is likely to appear, close the doors tightly. It is desirable to perform the operation by the end of spring, in order to rarely open the place where warm things are stored;
  • sunlight.  Free remedy for moths. Larvae can not stand the action of ultraviolet. Experienced housewives recommend a couple of times over the summer to hang out on the balcony all the sweaters, scarves, hats, fur products, so that they are well “roasted” in the sun. Start processing in the morning, so that things hang in the heat all day. In the evening, carefully examine the knitted items and fur, remove the larvae (if they are detected), process it with antimol, and put it back into storage.


The devices are designed to scare away and destroy mosquitoes, but many owners claim that the plates and liquid for the fumigator help get rid of the moth. How to use the device for the destruction of flying pests?

The method of application is the same:

  • install the plate or pour the product into a special flask;
  • plug the device into an outlet;
  • wait for the smell to act on insect pests.

Popular brands of fluid and fumigator plates:

  • Raid.
  • Mosquitall.


With the help of cartridges with the active substance is easy to get rid of voracious insects in an apartment or house. When selecting funds, it is important to consider several indicators:

  • composition toxicity;
  • do children live at home?
  • processing area;
  • propensity of family members to allergies.

Effective drugs:

  • Raptor.  Enough expensive, but highly effective drug.
  • Clean house.  Excellent tool for processing clothes. The composition is almost odorless, the result of the application is positive.
  • Armol.  Nontoxic agent, no harmful components, suitable for use in the kitchen.

How to use:

  • read the instructions on the package;
  • protect face, hands, body from aerosol vapor;
  • remove items from cabinets, open a window for fresh air;
  • spray the product not only on the affected areas, but also on the walls of the drawers, cupboards that come into contact with contaminated things;
  • close the doors tightly so that the components are well absorbed into the treated areas.

It is possible to put things back in their place after a period of time according to the instructions.

How to destroy fleas in the apartment? Effective methods of struggle are described in the page.


How to deal with moth in an apartment with the help of traps? Device developers offer owners a win-win option to fight insects. The method is effective in combating a food variety of winged pests. Popular brands: Raptor, Aeroxon. The compositions are non-toxic, no odor.

The essence of the method:

  • the moth trap releases a special substance - ferromone, which attracts males;
  • the breeding cycle is gradually interrupted;
  • after a while all the individuals that live in the apartment disappear.


The action lasts 3-4 months. It is enough to hang the container containing the moth plates into the risk zone and the effect is sure to manifest itself: the pests do not tolerate the smell of the filler.

Popular brands:

  • raptor series (moth-free plates with a pleasant aroma);
  • mosquitall series (there is an option for the cabinet and wall version).


The older generation well remember the acrid smell of naphthalene, which was soaked with fur and knitwear in Soviet times. Toxic agent detrimental effect on the larvae and adult insects, prevented the spread of moths in the apartment.

Naphthalene is still used to deter pests. Now on sale there are tablets containing a familiar component and camphor. The cure for flying insects and their larvae is in foil.

The method of application is simple:

  • in the spring, put a tablet of antimoli in high-risk areas: the mezzanine, where the fur hats are stored, in a closet to protect the coat and knitted things;
  • close the doors, do not open unnecessarily;
  • the drug retains the active properties of one or two years or more without loss of effectiveness.

Important!  The composition is toxic, it is impossible to open the packaging, leave the drug in open areas. In no case children should not get to the antimoli tablets. If there are people in the family who suffer from oncopathology, the use of naphthalene is prohibited.

Preventive measures

It is worth spending a little time for simple manipulations and the risk of the appearance of moths in an apartment will be minimal. Moms need to teach family members simple rules, which will save the house from the invasion of flying insects and voracious larvae.

Five rules for protection from moths:

  • carefully inspect things when buying, check the seams, folds, pockets, lining. Special attention is paid to hats and fur coats made of natural fur, high-quality winter shoes with fur lining, knitted clothes, woolen carpets, blankets;
  • new things to air on the balcony in the cold or sunny weather. Before you hang or put a wardrobe item in place, you need to carefully examine all the details again;
  • check cereals, vegetables, cereals when buying. At the slightest doubt (in a pack of cereals, sticky lumps, grayish grains of unknown origin are visible) to refuse to purchase. Do not take large quantities of bulk products: during long-term storage, in most cases, the food type of winged pest is introduced into flour, semolina, millet, rice, dry spices, and nuts;
  • in the spring, place dry orange peels and lavender bouquets on the closets on the shelves; put tobacco leaves or “strong” cigarettes in the pockets of fur products. The smell will scare away winged pests;
  • more often to warm warm clothes, never pack fur hats, mittens, sweaters, scarves in plastic bags. In sunny, hot weather or severe frost to carry things to the balcony: the larvae can not stand low temperatures and ultraviolet rays.

Fighting moths at home will be successful if you understand the cause of the appearance of flying pests, determine the type of insect. Effective integrated approach:  synthetic components + folk remedies + preventive measures.

More methods of dealing with moths in an apartment can be found in the following video:

Moths in the kitchen are not only flying moths, but also their pupae, larvae and eggs.

  • This means that in order to remove pests forever, it is necessary to deal with them in a complex way - to find and eliminate the source, clean the furniture / ceiling, throw away everything that was infected and process potentially contaminated products.

The food moth can be of different types. Most often in the kitchen in a city apartment you can find: a flour moth, a bit less often - a cocaine moth (very similar to a clothes moth) and a southern barn moth (struggle with it is more difficult than with others). Where do they come from even in the cleanest kitchen cabinets?

  • Tiny, almost invisible eggs get into the kitchen in packages of cereals, cereals, gallet, dried fruit, flour, spices and other groceries. Then, during the week, larvae of the food moth hatch from them, which later pupate and turn into moths.

In this article you will find step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of the food moth, what preventive measures to take to avoid its reappearance and how to save food if you are sorry to throw it away.

Step 1. We are looking for a hotbed and contaminated products.

Moth eggs look like small white sticky grains that look like semolina. The larvae first have the appearance of small whitish worms, and then they grow to 1.27 cm and have black or brown heads. Another clear sign of food contamination is cobwebs as in the photo below.

To get rid of the food moth first thing to do:

  1. Inspection of kitchen cabinets and products.  Inspect all the supplies that are stored in kitchen cabinets - you need to find not only the source, but also products already infected with larvae and eggs.
  • Do not forget to check and not unpacked groceries, because the moth easily eats cardboard, foil and polyethylene.
  • Pay special attention to the edges of the lids of the cans - they may be spider web moth.
  • Remember that not only groceries can be infected, but also animal feed, seeds for birds, fishing baits, that is, almost everything that is not stored in the refrigerator.
  1. Inspection of the ceiling. Ceiling, ceiling plinths, wallpaper edges and chandelier base. Moth loves to hide in dark crevices and corners.
  2. Inspection tops cabinets.  Here you can also see moth cocoons.

By the way, if you are in doubt whether there is a mole in your kitchen at all, or, say, if it turned out to be removed after cleaning, then look around the room at night - adults will gather around the burning chandelier.

Step 2. We conduct a total sweep.

  1. Eliminate the source and products with obvious signs of infection. As soon as you find what product has become the source of insects, wrap it tightly in a plastic bag and throw it away immediately, or rather burn it.
  2. Clean thoroughly. Empty the kitchen cupboards and remove the shelves, and then vacuum them and the inner walls of the cabinet, paying special attention to the corners and the slots.
  • A vacuum cleaner (without a nozzle or with a small nozzle) will tighten the hiding moth and will not allow the inconspicuous eggs to remain in the closet. This method is very effective, so if you do not have a vacuum cleaner, it is worth asking your friends. The main thing after the procedure is to throw out the bag or freeze it in the freezer for 3-4 days.
  1. Wash all containers and jars. This can be done with vinegar or soap. The container containing the contaminated products should be frozen for 3-4 days or heated in the microwave for 5 minutes.
  2. Vacuum the ceiling. If you find moth settlements on the ceiling, ceiling plinths, cabinet tops, near the chandelier, as well as under the edges of the departed wallpaper, then vacuum these places as well.

Step 3. We kill adults and put up traps

How to catch adults who have already scattered in the corners of the cabinets and the kitchen? Males (by the way, harmless, but fertilizing females) can be caught using a glue trap (photo below). The principle of its operation is simple - the trap processed by pheromone of females attracts males and “catches” them, and without males the mole will not be able to reproduce, of course. Thus, pheromone traps will help prevent the reappearance of insects.

  • You can buy such a trap for 200-300 rubles in online stores and household chemicals stores.

The females will have to be killed by traditional methods - a fly swatter or a folded newspaper, since they fly slowly and slowly, it is not so difficult to do it.

Step 4. We process potentially contaminated products.

So, you discarded the source product and products with obvious signs of contamination, and what about the rest of the supplies that seem to be clean or slightly contaminated?

It is easiest to throw them away, but if you wish, you can save potentially contaminated food in the following two ways:

  • Pre-sifting and sorting out the grits, flour or other product, keep it in the freezer or on the balcony (in winter) for at least 3-4 days.
  • After pouring out the product on a baking sheet, warm it in the oven at 60 degrees for at least 40 minutes. Before heating it, of course, need to be cleaned.

Keep in mind that the first method of processing, although longer, but retains all the vitamins and nutritional properties of food.

Step 5. We carry out prevention and protect products

  1. New or cold / heat-treated products (including animal feed) should be poured into glass, thick plastic or metal containers / cans with tight-fitting lids. This will protect the supplies from the penetration of the moth and prevent it from escaping beyond the limits of the container. Recall that cardboard, paper, foil and cellophane bags are easily eaten by her.

  1. In the fight with moths in the kitchen, a popular recipe is useful - storing products with natural repellents:
  • With a pair of leaves of bay leaves;
  • With peeled, but not cut garlic (enough pairs of heads);
  • With orange peel.

  1. On the shelves, you can also put something out of the above, either: sprigs of lavender, birch leaves, geraniums, wormwood, rosemary, laundry soap, or strongly smelling essential oils. For example, suitable fir oil, which can moisten a cotton pad and leave it in the closet.

Remember that these folk remedies will scare away the adult moth, not allowing it to lay eggs in food and on the shelves, but they will not work on the larvae. Moreover, if you suddenly put a package of contaminated cereal on a shelf with lavender, the moth larvae will not die in it, and the butterflies that will appear later will not be afraid of the smell of lavender. That is why you need to deal with domestic pests complex.

And a little more about prevention

The following tips will help you avoid the reappearance of moths:

  • Try to keep food stale for more than 2-4 months and, of course, do not store supplies that have expired shelf life.
  • Products that you rarely use, keep in the refrigerator.
  • Buy dry foods in small quantities in order to have time to eat them in a couple of months.
  • Buy groceries only from reputable manufacturers and, if possible, check the quality of products in the store. For fidelity, freshly bought cereals, cereals, flour, nuts, dried fruits and other products should be frozen for 3-4 days (dry).
  • Animal feeds, such as seeds for birds or, say, bait for fishing, are not stored in the kitchen.

Periodically, even a good housewives in the house may appear mole. Since the mole is a guest unwanted, since it can spoil both clothes and food, it is necessary to get rid of them. But first it is worth determining what kind of moth has settled in your home. Then the fight against it will be more effective. Our article will help you understand the types of moths and the means of dealing with it.

The main thing in the article

Where does the mole come from in the apartment and house?

One of the main reasons for the appearance of moths in the apartment and house is the availability of food for her:

  • You can add a mole to your home when buying fur or woolen clothes. You cannot see the mole itself on them, since the larvae of this insect were brought into the room. Also the clothes moth, or rather its larvae, get into the room with the purchase of furniture (especially used ones). If there are pets in the house, they can also bring moth larvae on their fur. This method is rare, but it happens.
  • Food moth appears in the dwelling with food. If the manufacturer has not sealed the cereals or flour, then a pest can get there. Those who live in an apartment can get a mole as a gift from their neighbors. She calmly knows how to navigate through the ventilation system, so you should not be surprised if you saw a mole at your neighbors, and then noticed it in your room.

No lucky residents of high-rise buildings that have a grocery store in the house. After all, where cereals and flour are stored, moth also multiplies. Often the mole flies from the landing to the apartment, so when you go home, quickly close the door.

Types of home moth

There are several types of moths:

How to get rid of moth in an apartment: safe and effective methods

There are various methods of dealing with small pests:

  • Chemical insecticides  - they are presented in the form of various fumigators, special sections and sprayed aerosols.
  • Plants  - the moth does not tolerate the smell of particular plants, so they are placed in places where the pest has accumulated. Lavender and geranium erode the mole well.
  • Temperature  - for moths, temperatures below -5 degrees are unbearable. In the cold season, air the room more often.
  • Shaking out things  - this way you can get rid of the larvae that have settled in clothes.
  • Revision of croup  - all groats where the larvae are present must be discarded.

How to get rid of food moths?

It is difficult to remove the food mole, but it is possible. To do this, you have to do a general cleaning in the kitchen.

  1. Carefully sort through the whole cereal.
      If you notice a rump with larvae, then it must be discarded. There are such products is undesirable because there are present feces and decay products of moths. A person can get intoxicated by trying an infected product. If the hand is not thrown away, then rinse the cereal thoroughly, then dry it well in the oven at a temperature of over 70 ° C.
  2. Wash well kitchen cabinets
      Kitchen cabinets should be washed with a solution of vinegar, then re-rinse everything with water. Frequent airing of kitchen furniture is very desirable.
  3. Purchase a special storage container.
      Bulk products should be stored in a special container. This is either linen bags that can be tightly closed, or glass jars, on which the lid is well closed.

Food moth: how to get rid of folk remedies?

Always come to the aid of folk remedies, because everything you need is usually present in the house of the hostess.

  • Bay leaf  - the smell of bay leaves mol does not tolerate. It can be poured both near the cereals, and put in a jar with them.
  • Garlic  - chives will save the cereal from harmful larvae.
  • Vinegar  - periodically wipe them kitchen cabinets.
  • Citrus and Lavender  - Spread dried citrus peels in the cupboard where you store the cereal. Dried lavender will fill the house with aroma and save the kitchen cupboard from moth raids.
  • Tobacco: a rather effective method of dealing with moths is tobacco leaves laid out on the shelves.

Processing kitchen furniture to get rid of moths

Kitchen furniture should be processed only after you get rid of infected cereals.

  • Vacuum kitchen cupboards inside.
  • Then treat it with a solution of household soap with a ratio of 1: 6, or a solution of vinegar.
  • Heat the container in which the infected croup was stored in an oven at a temperature above 70 degrees. After lay on the lockers special moth products.

Preventing the appearance of food moths

After getting rid of an unpleasant neighbor, you probably will not want the mole to return again. Therefore, preventive measures are necessary:

  • Do not purchase contaminated products. After purchasing the cereal in the store, sift it. Notice if there are any larvae in it.
  • Air periodically kitchen furniture and the room itself.
  • Store cereals in specialized containers with durable lids, where the mole cannot penetrate.
  • Use traditional methods for prevention. Spread citrus peels in a cupboard, or hang a bunch of dried lavender.

How to bring the mole in the closet?

Moth prefers to keep nocturnal, so she is comfortable in cabinets and boxes with things.

  1. It will help to remove the mole thorough cleaning, washing things.
  2. Insecticidal agents in the form of aerosols and sprays, moth traps will also save the situation.
  3. Temperature exposure will help evict the mole from your closet.

Removal of clothes moth mechanically

The easiest way is to remove the mole mechanically, by slamming it with her palms or with a newspaper. However, it is not entirely effective, since you will not spend the whole day chasing after moths, and you can only slam an adult, and spoil things of the caterpillar.

It is easy to get rid of caterpillars by well-trudging things. To do this, you need to go outside or on the balcony. Caterpillars keep their clothes on weakly, therefore, they will easily fall off.

Chemicals for clothes moth


If you decide to choose the chemical method for dealing with mole, then you can purchase special sections. They are sold in the form of thin plates with a special substance inside. Due to the evaporation of the essential oils of the section, the mole is repelled. Keep in mind that the sections scare away only adults. Small caterpillars will remain on clothing, continuing to absorb products.

Spray can

Quite effective in the fight against pest and aerosol. Spray the spray should be on the inner surface of the cabinet and clothing. A substance sprayed with an aerosol is harmful to humans. Take care of respiratory protection in advance.


Fumigators are another chemical remedy for moths. There are two types:

  • electrical - look like a box with a plate inside and work from the outlet;
  • pyrotechnic - have the form of a spiral that must be set on fire. Smoke scares away the mole.

Moth sprays in the closet: a list of effective tools

  • Armol  - Especially effective against the fur coat moth. On clothes leaves no trace, has a delicate lavender smell. Destroys both the mole and the caterpillars.
  • Raptor "Protection from moths"  - displays the mole moth after several applications. It is easy to find on sale.
  • Mosquitall "Protection from moths"  - should be sprayed on clothes. With the pleasant smell of lavender.
  • Extremite  - within a couple of hours destroys the mole.

Fumigators from home moth

The fumigator is an excellent tool for those who do not want to use an aerosol and spray on clothes and closet. For people, the fumigator is not harmful, because the concentration of the toxic substance is too low for a person, and just enough for moth. It is quite difficult to find an outlet in the closet, so there the fumigator should be connected to an extension cord. Among the fumigators are quite effective:

  • Raid  - fumigator working on the plates.
  • Mosquitall  - fights moths within a radius of 30 square meters.

How to withdraw a mole moth folk remedies?

Folk remedies for moths may not be very effective, but they are worth using.

  • Soap  - Spread fragrant soap in the closet. Pray does not like his smell.
  • Oils  - soak cotton pads with aromatic oils. Lavender, orange or geranium oil will remove the harmful neighbor from the cabinet.
  • Lavender  - dried lavender must be decomposed or hung in a cupboard.
  • Tobacco  - it should be decomposed in places where moths accumulate.
  • Dried orange peel  - Spread them in the closet.
  • Geranium  - the mole does not tolerate its smell and will not fly into the room with blooming geraniums.

How to get rid of moth larvae?

  1. From the cabinet, infected with larvae, remove all clothing.
  2. Vacuum the cabinet thoroughly. Do not miss the corners, shelves.
  3. Wash the shelves and the cabinet itself inside with hot water and laundry soap.
  4. Spray in the closet spray.
  5. Rub all clothes in hot water, preferably above 50 ° C for at least 30 minutes. If the clothes cannot be washed in hot water, put them in a plastic bag and send them in the freezer for a day. After the time has elapsed, wash it at an acceptable temperature.

Top best drugs against moths


  • Raptor
  • Moskitol
  • Armol
  • Clean house


  • DiK - 3
  • Moskitol


  • Moskitol
  • Raptor

Video: the most reliable means of home moth

If a mole has started in your home, then you can and must fight it. First try the folk remedies, they are always at hand. If you do not help - go to the other. The main thing is not to start the process of struggle, because the faster you start, the faster you will destroy. Keep your belongings and products from moths, do not live side by side with the pest.