Bathroom tile calculator with layout. Calculation of ceramic tiles for a bathroom or toilet

Starting to perform finishing work in the bathroom, you first need to calculate and purchase the required amount of material. It is advisable to immediately buy the entire volume, since the next batch may differ in tone, so the calculations must be performed very accurately. In this case, tiles are used to finish walls and floors. Manufacturers offer material in various shapes and sizes. From which collection will be given preference, it will largely depend on how many tiles to the bathroom will be required. There are several calculation methods with which we will introduce you today.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding with the calculation, you must carefully measure the bathroom using a tape measure or rangefinder. For the calculation, the following parameters are required:

  • The height of the walls.
  • The width of the walls.

If the walls have the correct shape, it will be enough to take two to three dimensions. If there are niches or various protruding elements, it will be necessary to measure their parameters, too, and to clarify the dimensions of the door.

Even if at first glance the walls seem to be perfectly even: square or rectangular, be sure to perform a few control measurements. This will avoid calculation errors.

The required number of floor tiles

First way

Calculations begin by determining the floor area. To do this, its length is multiplied by the width. Then similarly calculates the area of \u200b\u200bone tile. After that, the first value is divided into the second, and the result obtained is rounded up. As a result, an approximate value is obtained, which experts recommend increasing by 5%, multiplying by a correction factor of 1.05. The resulting value is again rounded to a larger integer.

As an example, consider a bathroom with a ceiling of 2.65 m, walls of 1.8 m and 1.7 m and a door with a width of 0.6 m. In this case, if the floor tiles are 33 cm by 33 cm, you will need: ((1 , 8 * 1.7) / (0.33 * 0.33)) \u003d 28.1 pieces; 29 * 1.05 ”31 tiles.

Second way

We begin the calculation of the number of tiles for the bathroom by determining the number of tiles that will need to be laid in length and width. To do this, divide the length and width of the room by the length and width of the tile, respectively. We multiply the obtained values \u200b\u200bby each other, round to a larger integer and also increase by 5%.

According to the above example, we obtain the following sequence of calculations:

  1. 1.8 / 0.33 \u003d 5.5 pcs.;
  2. 1.7 / 0.33 \u003d 5.2 pcs.;
  3. 5.5 * 5.2 \u003d 28.6 pcs.;
  4. round the value obtained in clause 3 to 29;
  5. 29 * 1.05 \u003d 30.45 pcs., I.e. to finish the floor (after rounding up) you need to purchase 31 tiles.

If, when calculating one of the methods, a larger value is obtained, it is worth choosing it. However, it is worth noting that sales consultants prefer to use the first option.

The required number of wall tiles

First way

To determine how much bathroom tiles are needed for wall cladding, we calculate the perimeter of the room. To do this, we summarize the lengths of all its walls. If we are talking about a standard bathroom, it is enough to add the length and width and multiply by 2. In our example: (1.8 + 1.7) * 2 \u003d 7 m.

Based on the perimeter, the required number of friezes is calculated. For this, the width of the door is subtracted from the perimeter of the bathroom. The resulting value is divided by the length of the frieze or border, respectively.

If you wish, you can save money if you do not revet the part of the wall located under the bath. In this case, it will be necessary to subtract the area per this area from the general calculations.

So, for example, assuming that the dark tile will be stacked at a height of 1 m, we get that the height of the light top will be: 2.7 m -1 m - 0.08 m (frieze height) \u003d 1.62 m. Now you can calculate the required number of tiles. For this:

  • We calculate the area that the light and dark tiles will occupy.
  • The resulting values \u200b\u200bare divided by the area of \u200b\u200bone tile.
  • Round to a larger integer value.
  • We increase by 5%.
  • Round to an integer value.

In our example, you need:

  • Dark tiles: (7-0.6) * 1 / (0.2 * 0.4) \u003d 52.5 pcsÞ53 pcs * 1.05 \u003d 55.56Þ56 pcs.;
  • Light tiles: (7-0.6) * 1.62 / (0.2 * 0.4) \u003d 55.05 pieces Þ 56 pieces * 1.05 \u003d 90.3Þ91 pieces.

If decorative inserts are planned, the number of light or dark tiles should be reduced by the amount of decor purchased

Second way

In this case, we make the layout of each wall in order to understand how many tiles can be placed in the horizontal and vertical rows. In this case, the tiles that need to be trimmed are taken into account as whole. We increase the obtained value by 5% in order to insure ourselves in case of marriage or battle. We calculate the required amount of dark, light tiles and borders and go shopping.

Thus, knowing the above methods, everyone can independently calculate how many tiles to the bathroom they need. It is only necessary to correctly measure, determine the type of tile, as well as how it will be located on the wall and floor.

Repairing a bathroom is rightfully considered one of the most expensive and complex. The complexity is due to the presence of a variety of protrusions in the room: built-in cabinets, ducts for pipes, door and window openings, etc. Of course, to calculate the amount of necessary tiles in the bathroom is not easy, but quite possible. The main thing is to approach this process with special care and scrupulousness. This will avoid excessive wastefulness in the cost of repairs.

The Internet is replete with a variety of online tile calculation programs, but still the percentage of error in them is quite high. It is more expedient to calculate independently, excluding errors.

To begin with, it is worth deciding which tile will fit in your bathroom. The modern building materials market offers ready-made kits.

  • It should be noted that in a small room, it will be appropriate to look at tiles of small sizes.
  • With a low ceiling, a tile of elongated vertical shape will visually increase the height.
  • In order to exclude the possibility of slipping on the wet floor in the bathroom, you must choose a tile with a relief.
  • Before laying the material, check the perpendicularity of the walls. Otherwise, the laid tile will emphasize all the shortcomings and require a large consumption of glue, which will affect the amount of money spent.

Calculation of the required number of floor tiles in the bathroom

So, having decided on the choice of tiles, the first thing to do is to measure the width and length of the room. To understand how to correctly calculate the number of floor tiles, we give a clear example.

Conditional data:

  • The length and width of the room is 3 × 3.5 m
  • The length and width of the floor tiles - 40 × 40 cm

Calculation according to the formula:

N \u003d S p / S pl. where

N is the amount of material, in pieces,

S p - floor area, in m 2

S pl. - the area of \u200b\u200bone tile, in m 2

S pl. \u003d 0.4 * 0.4 \u003d 0.16 m 2

S p \u003d 3 * 3.5 \u003d 10.5 m 2

N \u003d 10.5 / 0.16 \u003d 65.625 m 2, by rounding it turns out 66 pcs., And taking into account marriage and battle 66 + 5% \u003d 70 pcs.

How to correctly calculate the number of wall tiles

Additional conditional data:

Room height - 2.5 m

The length and width of the tiles - 25 × 33 cm

The length and width of the border element - 8 × 20 cm

The length and width of the doorway - 2.1 × 0.4 m

Estimated dark bottom height - 0.9 m

To calculate the amount of facing material, we use the formulas:

  1. 1. N \u003d S   w.s./ S plwhere

S century - the area of \u200b\u200ball walls, in m 2

S PL - the area of \u200b\u200bone tile, in m 2

  1. S V.S. \u003d(H *R century.) -S d.p.where

H - room height, in m

P V.S. - the perimeter of all walls, in m

S dp .. - the area of \u200b\u200bthe doorway, in m 2

  1. R V.S. \u003d (a+ d)*2 where

a, d - length and width of walls, in m

  1. S   pl = a 1 * d 1 where

a 1, d 1 - the length and width of the tile, in m 2


R V.S. \u003d (3 + 3,5) * 2 \u003d 13 m

S d.p. \u003d 2.1 * 0.4 \u003d 0.84 m 2

S V.S. \u003d (2.5 * 13) -0.84 \u003d 31.66 m 2

S PL \u003d 0.25 * 0.33 \u003d 0.0825 m 2

N \u003d 31.66 / 0.0825 \u003d 383.76 pcs., When rounding we get 384 pcs. For the stock of tiles, we take into account 5% and we have 404 pcs.

How to calculate the number of tiles if two colors are selected

Suppose that the design of the upper part of the bathroom will be laid out with light tiles, the bottom will be dark, and they are separated by border elements. Now there is not one height, but three.

In the calculation, the formula is preserved N \u003d S / S PL, but the transformed:

  1. 1. N s.p. \u003d S s.p. / S pl, N etc. \u003d S tp / S pl, where

N s.p. , N, etc. - the number of light, dark tiles, in pieces,

S s.p. , S etc. - area of \u200b\u200blight, dark tiles, in m 2

S PL - the area of \u200b\u200bone light / dark tile, in m 2

  1. H St. \u003d H-h 1 - h 2, where

H - room height, in m

h 1 - the height of the dark "bottom", in m

h 2 - the height of the curb, in m

For calculations, you will also need the perimeter of all walls minus the width of the doorway:

  1. P \u003d P century - d, where

d - the width of the doorway, in m

The number of material "top"   (light tile):

P \u003d 13-0.4 \u003d 12.06 m

H St. \u003d 2.5-0.9-0.08 \u003d 1.52 m

S s.p. \u003d 1.52 * 12.06 \u003d 18.33 m 2

N s.p. \u003d 18.33 / 0.0825 \u003d 222.18, i.e. 222 pcs. Including 5% - 233 pcs.

The number of material "bottom"   (dark tile):

The calculation is similar to the calculation of a light tile.

N t. \u003d 0.9 * 12.06 / 0.0825 \u003d 131.56, i.e. 132 pcs. We add 5%, as a result we receive - 139 pieces.

The number of border material:

N b \u003d P / d 2, where

P - the perimeter of all walls minus the width of the doorway, in m

d 2 - the width of the border element, in m

Memo!   When choosing decorative elements, the number of tiles needed is directly proportional to the number of decor units.

We calculate the laying of tiles with a rhombus

The amount of material for this type of laying is calculated by analogy with the standard method, only its stock is not 5%, but 15%. The number of residues will be greater due to trimming the corners of the tiles at the places of abutment to the walls.

How to calculate grout for joints

When calculating the required volume of grout, you need to know the amount of space to be filled. The standard seam width is 1.5-3 mm. A factor of 1.5 is applied to the seam depth parameter, which takes into account material shrinkage, humidity, etc.

To calculate the grout, the following formula is suitable:

V \u003d ((½ Ppl / Spl) * T) * D * 1.5 * S total, where

V is the volume of material over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe tile, in kg

P PL - the perimeter of one tile, in m

S PL - the area of \u200b\u200bone tile, m 2

T - tile thickness, in m

D - seam width, in m

S total - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe tile, in m 2

How to calculate the volume of tile adhesive

This is the simplest calculation of all the above, because on the container, the manufacturer indicates how much mixture is intended for 1m 2. To do this, it is better to first understand what layer of glue will be applied.

There is nothing complicated in calculating bathroom tiles. There are old proven methods that have been tested by time and specialists. It is important not to make mistakes when measuring room parameters and banal carelessness.

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Reading time: 4 minutes

The most versatile and reliable wall covering in the bathrooms remains tile. That is why the ability to independently calculate the tile for the bathroom is a necessary skill for anyone who is engaged or is just planning to do repairs.

There are two types of independent calculations of the number of tiles needed. Both are simple - even a novice can handle it, although it will take a little time.

  • Initial calculation - based only on the surface area. It must be carried out to determine an approximate budget for materials. If the desired amount is known, it will help to find out if it is enough to buy the selected tile.
  • Detailed - based on the sketch, taking into account the layout, seams, etc.

Initial calculation (convenient calculators)

The methodology for this calculation is simple: you need to calculate the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls.

All you need is a tape measure and a calculator.

  • First, we measure the height of the ceiling.
  • Now you need to find the perimeter of the room - the sum of the lengths of all the walls. We measure them and add up the indicators.
  • We calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the bathroom, for this we multiply the perimeter by height.
  • The resulting area is divided by the area of \u200b\u200bone tile (length times the width) and we get the number of elements needed to surface the surfaces.

Example of initial calculation:

The bathroom has 4 walls, the length of the short one is 2.43 m, the long one is 3.7 m.
  The height of the room is 2.66 m.

We consider the perimeter of the bathroom, adding the lengths of all the walls:

Perimeter \u003d (2.43 + 3.7) × 2 \u003d 12.26 m

We consider the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls:

Area \u003d 2.66 × 12.26 \u003d 32.61 sq. m

Round to a larger integer, we get 33 square meters. m

Therefore, in order to clad the walls in this bathroom, you need 33 square meters. m tile.

Let's count the number of tiles in pieces for this area.

Let the product size be 20 × 30 cm or 0.2 × 0.3 m.

The area of \u200b\u200bone cladding element is 0.2 m × 0.3 m \u003d 0.06 sq. m

Then the number of tiles for gluing the entire room in this example will be:

33 sq. m: 0.06 sq. m \u003d 550 pieces.

For a quick calculation, just enter the data in the form below.

You can calculate the number of packs of tiles, if this is more convenient in a particular case. For packaging, the manufacturer and seller usually immediately give the total area of \u200b\u200bthe material in it. Therefore, we simply divide the calculated wall area by the area of \u200b\u200bthe tile in the pack and get the number of packages required for facing the bathroom.

The calculation is approximate and does not take into account trimming at the corners of the room, gaps in gluing and decor.

Detailed calculation: sketching

For a detailed calculation, you need a sketch of the bathroom. To compile it, you need to consider:

  • what tile pattern will be on the surfaces;
  • places without tiles (for example, behind the bathroom);
  • layout option.

The most popular tile patterns:

  1. One type of tile, without decor.
  2. Vertical and horizontal stripes.
  3. Chaotic inserts of piece decor on a tiled background.
  4. Using the finished panel.
  5. Breakdown of walls into color blocks (for example, the top of one shade, the bottom of another).

Places you can skip when laying tiles:

  • behind the bath;
  • behind the furniture;
  • behind the mirrors. Especially if you plan only a mirror cloth, which is usually glued to an uncoated surface.

Economical option

Tile can only be faced with a wet area, i.e., the place of direct contact of surfaces with water is near a bath or shower. The remaining walls are painted with specialized resistant paints.

Plus, in the selective lining is obvious - financial savings. Each square meter is not only the price of the tile itself, but also the cost of work and supplies. The downside is that to make a permutation will not work, only with the next repair. The decision is always individual and depends on the budget and features of a particular room.

Layout Types

When making a sketch, you need to choose one of the tile layout options, which can be as follows:

  • Seam to seam, or direct layout. This is the traditional, most economical way. The tile is arranged in even rows, each next joins the previous one at an angle of 90 degrees both vertically and horizontally.
  • Diagonal. Finishing elements are not placed at right angles, but at a slope of 45 degrees. The most expensive layout for the consumption of tiles, since it turns out a lot of scraps.
  • Stacking with offset or “slip”. It looks like a straight line, but each row is offset from the previous one, usually half the size of the trim element.

Other types of layouts (herringbone, modular and others) are much less common than the three presented.

Draw a diagram for each wall

After drawing up the sketch, you can proceed to the final calculation. To do this, you need to make a diagram of each wall, which is planned to be tiled.

The scheme should include:

  • the length of the wall and its height;
  • places where there will be no tile, indicating the size of these areas;
  • decorative inserts.

You will also need values \u200b\u200bsuch as:

  • length and width of elements;
  • joint width.

Calculation for direct layout

We count how many tiles stand in a row.

To simplify the calculations, immediately increase the size of the elements by the width of the seam. For example, the tile has dimensions of 35 × 25 cm, and taking into account the seam width of 3 mm, the parameters are 35.3 cm × 25.3 cm.

Consider an example:

Let the length of the wall (DS) be 235 cm. We will lay the tile vertically, its width (SH) - 25.3 cm.

DS: ШП \u003d 235 cm: 25.3 cm \u003d 9.28 pcs.

We round to a larger integer value - for laying one row you will need 10 pcs.

The calculation is similar in height:

The height of the wall (BC) is 260 cm, the length of the cladding element (DP) is 35.3 cm.

Sun: VP \u003d 260 cm: 35.3 cm \u003d 7.4 pcs.

We round up, we get 8 pcs.

Thus, for facing a surface of 260 × 235 cm with a tile of 25 × 35 cm, you will need:

The number of tiles in a row × the number of elements in height \u003d 10 × 8 \u003d 80 pieces.

Similar calculations are performed for each wall.

After counting the number of tiles, taking into account the layout, a grid of rows of columns is applied to the sketch directly on top of all available designations.

How to take into account the areas without tiles in the calculations?

Take for example the door. We turn to the diagram of the wall with the grid applied.

Thanks to the real calculation of the location of the elements immediately after applying the grid, you can see how many tiles cross the door. We count the number of integer elements that fell on the opening, and subtract them from the total number. Tiles that partially crossed the door area are not deductible.

We do the same with any area that remains unclad.

If it is decided to carry out repairs in the bathroom, then in most cases ceramic tiles are chosen for wall decoration and flooring. It is moisture resistant and durable material, so it is perfect for finishing sanitary facilities. But tile - the material is quite expensive, so in the repair process the question will surely arise how much it will take to finish the room. How to count the tile for the bathroom so that there is no surplus left, but there is no shortage?

Ceramic tile is perhaps the best choice of finishing material for rooms with difficult operating conditions, which include the bathroom. Before performing repairs, it is necessary to calculate the tiles for the bathroom in order to correctly determine the required amount of material.

We measure the bathroom

Before calculating the tiles in the bathroom, you need to arm yourself with a tape measure and measure the room. You will need to measure the length of the walls and their height. The easiest way is if the room has the correct shape of a square or rectangle. In the first case, it will be enough to measure one of the walls, in the second - two.

In the event that the room has a complex configuration, it has niches or protruding elements, it is more difficult to take the correct measurements. Have to measure all the elements of the room.

The results should be written down, and even better - make a plan of the room on a scale. This plan will come in handy when developing a repair design project and in order to calculate how much you need to buy material. On it it will be possible to note the arrangement of plumbing, furniture and other necessary things.

We calculate the tiles for the bathroom

To determine the consumption of ceramic tiles, it is necessary to recall the simplest formulas for calculating the area and perimeter of a rectangle. We consider the area according to the formula:

To calculate the perimeter, you need the formula:

P \u003d (D + L) * 2,

The following symbols are used in the formulas:

  • S - wall area, expressed in m²
  • P - room perimeter (m)
  • D is the length of the room.
  • L is the width of the room.
  • H is the height of the wall.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe room is the sum of the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. When calculating this parameter, the surface areas that are not planned to be tiled are subtracted from the result obtained, as a rule, this is the door in the bathroom.

Advice! Sometimes, in order to save material, the tiles are not placed in the space under the bathroom, because if the screen is installed, these surfaces will be hidden from the eyes. If this layout option is selected, then the height of the walls to which the bath is adjacent is measured starting from the side.

Calculation Example

To make it clearer how the calculations are made, we use an example. There is a rectangular-shaped room with the following parameters:

  • The long wall is 3 meters.
  • Short wall - 2 meters.
  • Ceiling height - 2.7 meters.

We carry out calculations:

  • The perimeter in our case will be equal to: (3 + 2) * 2 \u003d 10 meters.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe long wall is: 3 * 2.7 \u003d 8.1 m².
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe short wall will be: 2 * 2.7 \u003d 5.4 m²
  • Provided that the door is 0.6 meters wide and its height is 2.2 meters, its area will be: 2.2 * 0.6 \u003d 1.32 m².
  • The total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls to be lined will be: (8.1 * 2 + 5.4 * 2) - 1.32 \u003d 25.68 m²
  • The floor area is: 3 * 2 \u003d 6 m²

Count the number of tiles and other elements

To understand how much ceramic tile you need to buy to repair the bathroom, you need to know its size, since manufacturers produce different types of material.

Count the amount of material for the walls

For example, the following material is selected:

  • Rectangular wall tiles measuring 30 by 20 cm.
  • Horizontal borders measuring 10 by 20 cm.
  • Pencils measuring 1.5 by 20 cm.

We will calculate how many borders and pencils we need. To do this, divide the perimeter by the length of the element. In this case, the width of the door should be subtracted from the perimeter value. In our example, we get the following: (10 - 0.6) / 0.20 \u003d 47. If the result is a fractional number, then round up.

Since the pencil is placed on both sides of the border tile, it will need twice as much, that is, 94 pieces. Now we calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe tile, it will be 0.06 m² (0.3 m * 0.2 m). It remains to divide the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room by the area of \u200b\u200bthe tile, we get: 25.68 / 0.06 \u003d 428 pieces.

Advice! Ceramic tiles can never be bought end-to-end, that is, in accordance with the calculations made, since part of the material will have to be cut, part may be defective, etc. It is recommended that when using direct calculation (the simplest) add 5% to the calculated amount, using more complex options for example, when located diagonally, the increase in the estimated amount is more significant, you need to add 15%.

Counting the amount of material for the floor

We determine how much floor tiles are needed, the calculation takes place according to the same principle - the area of \u200b\u200bone element is calculated, then its required amount is calculated. For example, a square-shaped floor tile with a side length of 50 cm was selected, which means that its area will be 0.25 m².

For facing the floor of the room from the example you will need: 6 / 0.25 \u003d 24 pcs. The above are examples of how to count tiles in the bathroom if you plan to use the same type of material.

If a combination of colors is used, then it is necessary to separately consider how many tiles of different types will be required. Performing such complicated calculations manually is difficult, a special program will help determine the material consumption. It is very simple, you just need to keep the dimensions of the tiles and rooms, and choose the layout option. The program will do the rest itself.

When buying materials for repair, you always want to know their exact quantity. On the one hand, this makes it possible not to overpay for excess material, on the other hand, to continue repairs without stopping for retrofitting. not an exception. Exact calculation of tiles for the bathroom or other rooms will facilitate the work and avoid additional costs.

The consumption of tiles for laying on the floor or walls can depend on many factors. Therefore, before calculating the tiles in the bathroom, it is advisable to properly prepare.

What you need to know in advance

  • what configuration will be the material for styling;
  • how many colors do you want to use;
  • whether decor will be used (borders, patterns requiring precise fitting);
  • in what way will the styling be done.

Each of them can significantly affect the number of tiles needed for repair. For example, laying out diagonally or increasing consumption - you have to cut a lot.

And the choice in the catalog of tiles of monophonic colors and direct styling, on the contrary, will be more economical.

After you find the answers to these questions, you can start calculating the tiles for the bathroom or any other room.

Counting Options

Tile Quantity Calculator

Floor tile calculator

Bathroom tile calculator

Simply set all the necessary parameters and the system will give you the final amount of material. This option is convenient when using complex drawings and styling methods.

To produce tiles manually, experts offer two options. Let's take a closer look at them.

Area calculation

If you want to find out how much tiles you need in this way, you will have to perform the following measurements:

  • measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe base under the tile;
  • measure the areas where styling will not be carried out (doors, window openings);
  • measure the area of \u200b\u200bone unit of material.

When all the parameters are found, it remains to make simple calculations. Namely, divide by the area of \u200b\u200ba unit of material, and, if necessary, round the number up. It is necessary to add 10-15% to the obtained amount of ceramics to compensate for the expense of trimming and scrap.

When the calculation is carried out for walls - from the total area you will first need to subtract the area of \u200b\u200bdoors and window openings, if any, and then divide the result by the area of \u200b\u200bone unit of coverage.

Piece calculation

This method involves a slightly different approach to computing. And it is easier to explain with a specific example. Suppose we need to make a calculation for a bathroom with a long and a floor width of 3 and 2 m, respectively. The size of the selected ceramic is 30 × 30 cm.

Divide the floor width by the corresponding tile value: 3 / 0.3 \u003d 10. This means that 10 pieces will lie in width. We do the same with the length: 2 / 0.3 \u003d 6.7. Round to seven. So, one row in length will need 7 pcs. And now we multiply these numbers: 10 * 7 \u003d 70. It is this amount of tile that will need to be used for the floor of this room.

Such a calculation will provide higher accuracy, and is guaranteed to save you from material shortages. But, when using it, it is worth considering one detail. If the necessary fragment for trimming is not more than 50% of the size of the whole tile, then from one piece they will be two. Accordingly, the total amount will decrease slightly.

In numbers, it will look like this:

  • we take a floor with dimensions of 2.5 m by 1 m and a tile of 30 × 30;
  • consider the number of tiles in length - we get 8 points and 10 cm for cutting;
  • consider the width - 3 integers and 10 cm trim;
  • multiply whole - 8 * 3 \u003d 24 pcs.;
  • consider the number of cut fragments:
    • their length is 8, their width is 4 (3 rows of integers + 1 - of cut);
    • summarize - 8 + 4 \u003d 12 pcs.;

Since the size of one fragment is less than half of one tile, two such pieces can be made from it. And, therefore, the number of tiles for their manufacture will be 2 times less. That is 12 pcs. divide by 2 and get 6 tiles per cut. We add them to those that will be stacked intact: 24 + 6 \u003d 30 pcs. And do not forget about 10% to compensate for the marriage.

Those wishing to save money and not buy material more than such a clarification will come in handy. But it is advisable to do it only with a direct styling option.

In other cases, the probability of error is very high.

The principles for performing the calculation are quite universal and suitable for any surfaces, rooms and. And how to calculate the tile in your case - choose for yourself. We hope that our information will help you with this.