With and without dashes. When the predicate is a steady turnover

You can study the nuances of the Russian language all your life, without mastering this difficult science to the end. In this article, we will talk about special punctuation marks called "hyphen" and "dash". What is their difference and how to write (or print) them correctly - this is what we will understand.

What it is?

Still, first of all, you need to understand the concepts themselves. So, a hyphen and a dash are two completely different not only in spelling, but also in the purpose of the punctuation mark. It is worth mentioning that the rules for writing them are not so simple - there are a huge number of different nuances when and how to correctly apply one or another punctuation mark. To figure it out - the main objective of this article. The main rule that must be followed in order to avoid mistakes will be important:

  • a hyphen is used to connect parts of one word;
  • a dash is designed to separate two words (if the word is spoken, then a short pause should follow in place of the dash).

Main problems

So, we figured out that the hyphen and dash characters are completely different in their purpose (the difference lies in the rules of their writing). Now it is worth considering the most difficult situations, when a person may have doubts about whether to put a hyphen or a dash.

  1. The hyphen is put when writing (Petrov-Vodkin, Gay-Lussac).
  2. A dash is placed in the name of those laws that are named after the names of several scientists (Boyle-Mariotte's law).
  3. The dash is placed in numerical and spatial ranges (20-21st century, on pages 1-2, Kiev-Moscow). However, if this is an elective phrase "either one or the other", then you need to put a hyphen (three to four days).
  4. A hyphen is written in various numbers, numerical designations (tel. 5-36-42).

It is also important to say that if the words that are written with a hyphen turn into phrases, then you need to put a dash or even a gap. Example: "half a spoon" becomes "half a tablespoon".

Is there a third?

There are two in Russian punctuation marksthat look approximately the same - hyphen and dash (when written, they differ in the length of the stick). However, in the topography there is one more relative of them, which looks about the same - this is a minus. How do you determine what is printed on a page? So, the main rule: look at the length of the stick, which is printed on the sheet. Everything should look something like this:

  • Hyphen: -.
  • Minus: -.
  • Dash: -.

At first glance, the differences may not be very visible, but they certainly are. A hyphen is the shortest of the characters, followed by a minus, and only then a dash is the longest punctuation mark.

About typing on a computer

Having dealt with punctuation marks, you should also learn and remember how to type the hyphen and dash correctly in the "Word". So, for this there is a certain

  1. To type a hyphen (hyphen, dash), you just need to find it on the keyboard corresponding sign (there are two keys for this).
  2. Minus (En dash). To type this character, you need to click the Ctrl + hyphen key combination on the right numeric keypad (calculator).
  3. Dash (Em dash). To put this punctuation mark, you need to click the following key combination: Alt + Ctrl + hyphen on the right numeric keypad (calculator).

In this case, you can also use special codes for typing hyphens and dashes on the keyboard. Dash - 0151; hyphen - 0150. To enter, you just need to press Alt + the code corresponding to the desired character.

About writing signs

So, we know what a hyphen and a dash are. What is the difference when typing - figured out. Now it is worth considering a few rules for their writing. So, if you need to decide what is written - a hyphen or a minus (these signs are very similar to each other), you should remember that the hyphen is small. The minus must be aligned to the width of the plus sign. Another very important rule: a dash on a computer on both sides is punctuated by spaces, a hyphen is not. A very interesting fact: the dash on the computer is beaten by the width of the letter m, therefore in the English version it is called Em dash. The same applies to other signs: minus - for the width n (En dash), hyphen - just a short stick (dash).

Rules: when to put a hyphen

So, when should you use a hyphen, according to the rules of the Russian language?

  1. For attaching particles (sometime, by someone).
  2. For attaching prefixes (in Russian, firstly).
  3. If necessary, separation of complex words (chemical and biological).
  4. If you need an abbreviation sign (quantity, physical).
  5. In phrases (internet cafe, business lunch).
  6. As a transfer sign (which, however, is practically not found on the Internet today).

Simple rules: when to put a dash

Considering the differences in their use, such as hyphens and dashes, you should remember the rules. So when should you use a dash?

  1. To indicate direct speech.
  2. This sign is placed between the members of the proposal.
  3. For connecting dates, distances (11-12th century, Kiev-Moscow).
  4. To replace repeated words that go in a row in the same heading.
  5. Other rules of the Russian language.

Russian language rules

It is worth mentioning that there are a huge number of different nuances when writing such a punctuation mark as a dash. So when should it be applied correctly?

  1. Between predicate and subject, when the tie remains zero, and the main terms are expressed either by a noun or a numeral (Love is the charm of nature).
  2. Before the following words: this, here, means, which are between the predicate and the subject (dreams are a serious mental illness).
  3. When there is a pause in incomplete sentences.
  4. An intonation dash between any members of the sentence.
  5. In the notes, when the explainable word must be separated from the explanation itself.
  6. If the sentence is explanatory, a dash can be used to distinguish it.
  7. To logically highlight an application if it is at the end of a sentence.
  8. To highlight insert structures.
  9. Also, a dash is put in complex sentences, if there is an opposition or a quick change of events.
  10. In non-union sentences (if the second part is opposed to the first; if in the second part there is a comparison with the first; in the second part there is a conclusion regarding the first part; if the sentence expresses a quick change of events; the second part of the sentence is the connecting part of the first).

However, it should be said that this is far from complete list when the dash should be put. In total, you can count up to 50 rules and nuances. Above are the most common uses of this punctuation mark.

When no dash is put

When looking at punctuation marks such as hyphens and dashes, it is also worth considering situations where dashes are not used in sentences.

  1. If there is an introductory word, negation, particle, union, adverb before the predicate (I am very sorry that my husband is not a doctor).
  2. If the predicate is preceded by a secondary member of the sentence, which refers to it (All Russia is our garden).
  3. The subject is preceded by a nominal predicate (Glorious place is this valley).
  4. A dash is not put if the subject together with the predicate make up (a foreign soul is darkness).
  5. If the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case.
  6. In various sentences of a conversational style.

Simple conclusions

Having figured out how and when to correctly apply punctuation marks such as hyphens and dashes, it is also worth knowing how to distinguish them in already written text. After reading this article, you can easily understand all the nuances and never get into unpleasant situations that relate to the illiterate spelling of punctuation marks that are similar in their appearance.

1. When both the subject and the predicate are nouns in the nominative case.

For example, let's take the famous dialogue between Lyudmila Prokofievna and Vera from "Office Romance":

- Blazer - club jacket.
- For a house of culture, or what?
- You can go there too.

Blazer is the subject, the jacket is the predicate. Both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case. So you need a dash.

A similar example from the movie "Formula of Love":

"The head is a dark object and cannot be studied."

But if the predicate and the subject are reversed, the dash is not needed. For example: "What disgusting your aspic fish is!" Disgusting is the predicate, the fish is the subject.

2. When the subject and predicate are verbs in an indefinite form.

The best way to illustrate this is famous quote from the movie "Garage":

"To betray in time is not to betray, but to foresee."

3. When both main members of the sentence are numerals.

Two by two is four.

4. When there are different variations in the connection of these parts of speech.

Noun + verb in indefinite form.

Or: verb in indefinite form + noun.

Or: noun + numeral.

5. When there are words this is, behold and means.

“Truth is what is in this moment considered true"(" The same Munchausen ").

6. When the predicate is a stable turnover.

Pie - lick your fingers.

When you don't need a dash

1. When the subject is expressed by a pronoun.

For example, in these quotes, a dash between the subject and the predicate is not needed:

- Not only are you a liar, coward and impudent, - you are also a fighter!
- Yes, I'm a tough nut!

"I am Aunt Charlie from Brazil, where there are many, many wild monkeys in the forests!"

- The man destroyed the family, drove his wife and child out of the house!

- What a child! I am an officer!

- I drove out my wife and officer!

2. When there is a particle not and it comes before a noun, numeral or phraseological phrase.

Let's recall "Only old men go to battle":

"150 tanks are not a box of matches, where do you put them."

3. When there are comparative unions as, like, as if.

“Toast without wine is like a wedding night without a bride"(" Prisoner of the Caucasus ").

4. When between the subject and the predicate there is an introductory word, circumstance, addition, union or particle.

“The professor, of course, is a burdock, but the equipment is with him, with him! How can you hear? " ("Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik")

But the main thing to remember: not putting a dash where it is needed is a mistake, but putting it where it seems to be not required by the rules is acceptable. It all depends on the intonation and the author's idea. (You can read more about copyright and intonation punctuation marks.)


Between the subject and the nominal predicate in the place of the missing link dash, if the subject and predicate are expressed by nouns in the form of the nominative case: The wing near the house on Sadovaya, designed by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel, is the only structure from the Mamontovs' possessions that has almost preserved its appearance to the present day (Kis); Pushkin region - the land of stones (Geych.); This portrait is the only pictorial depiction of the daughter of Anna Petrovna Kern (Geych.); ... My ability to keep the past to me is a hereditary trait (Nab.); And the woman leaning over the fence is your second cousin (Shherb.).


Dash is put before the predicate attached to the subject words here, this: "Respect for the past -what the hell , which distinguishes education from savagery, "Pushkin once said (Disp.); Pushkinogorye -it is not only a monument historical and literary,this is and a kind of botanical and zoologicalgarden , a wonderful natural monument (Geych.). A combination is also possible as a bundle it is: Hypotenuse -this is the side right trianglelying against right angle (from the tutorial).


Dash is put when expressing both the subject and the predicate (or only the subject, or only the predicate) with the infinitive: In this cityknow three languages \u200b\u200bis an unnecessary luxury (Ch.); An incomparable feeling -hear their [rooks] for the first time since six months of winter death! (Boon.). The presence of negation does not remove the sign: Tea drink - not firewoodchop (last); A lifeto live - not a fieldgo over (last). The same if the predicate contains words then it means: Wait for permission -means wasting time (gas.); Leave the institute now -it means lose everything (gas.); And to understand a person -means already sympathize with him (Shuksh.).


Dash is put between the subject and the predicate, if they are expressed by numerals (or a phrase with a numeral), and also if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed as a numeral: So nine forty -three hundred sixty , So? (Pis); The depth is there from the boat -four flywheels , that is, six meters (Shol.).

In the case of using a particle not before the predicate-numeral (compare the same when expressing a predicate with a noun, § 15, item 3), the dash is not put: A man can, for example, say that twice is twonot four and five or three and a half; and the woman will say that twice two is a stearin candle (T.).


Dash is put with a predicate, expressed by a phraseological turnover: Pie -real jam ; He has a talent -god forbid everyone ; Mother shed tears of joy, and father -whatever! (Cool.); Hut -so-so , barn (Shuksh.); Efim himself -do not put your finger in your mouth (Shuksh.); And Victor -neither father nor mother (Cool.); Night -even gouge out your eyes! (A. Tsvet.).

The presence of the particle not, as well as introductory words with stable combinations in the role of a predicate, prevents the setting of a dash (but does not prohibit): This officernot like you , mister gendarme (Fed.); He's a scientist with us, plays the violin, and cuts out various things,in a word, jack of all trades (Ch.).


Dash between subject and nominal predicate not put:

1. If the subject is in a personal or demonstrative pronoun: She his daughter. He wants to understand her (Shcherb.); it cabinet? it bedroom? (Ch.)

2. If one of the main members is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun or personal pronoun: Who your protector?what is learning?Who she?

3. If there is a negation with the predicate-noun: Scenery not an appendage to prose and not an ornament (Paust.); Russianot Petersburg , she is huge (Prishv.); Old agenot joy (last). However, when opposed to a predicate with a negation, it requires a dash (not ... a): And at the same time he noticed that he was not the master in his house, but only component his (M.G.) (cf. without opposition: He is not the master of his house).

4. If the predicate is expressed by an adjective or participle: And your roomso good for a child (Ch.); I have many good people, Almost allgood (Sim.); He had two wounds. Woundsuncomplicated but the man has lost a lot of blood (Paust.); Log housepink, peeling, rustic small, covered with a green iron roof (Kav.); Harsh autumnsad late view (Sick.); In the dining room feast hot andfervor (Ill.).

However, with a predicate-adjective, a dash is placed with a structural parallelism of parts of a sentence, accompanied in oral speech by intonation (stress) of both members of the sentence: Everything in her appearance attracted attention: look -acute , hairstyle -boyish , clothes -modern, fashionable ; Wed with accentuating only the predicate: Weatherintolerable , roadnasty , coachmanstubborn , horses are not driven, but the keeper is to blame (P.). Dash is also possible in the presence of several (homogeneous) predicates: Her son -yellow, long and with glasses (M.G.).

5. If the predicate is expressed by a turnover with comparative particles like, like, what, exactly, like, like and etc.: A lifelike a legend ; Skylike an outstretched tent ; Broochkind of like a bee (Ch.); Forestexactly a fairy tale ; A weekwhat one day ... It passes quickly; Pondlike shiny steel (Fet). A dash is not put and when, as, introducing a predicate, lexically the same as the subject: Ice like ice, desertlike deserts (Kav.); Villagelike a village ; Houselike a house - old, dark (Shuksh.).

6. If between the subject and the predicate-noun there is an introductory word, circumstance or addition, as well as a union or particle: Rook,of course , the bird is smart and independent, but he has no voice (Paust.); My fatherfor me friend and mentor; Moscownow port of five seas; My brotheralso engineer; This stream only the beginning of the river.

Dash in an incomplete sentence


In incomplete sentences in place of missing members of the sentence or parts thereof dash.

1. In parts of a complex sentence with a parallel structure, as well as in a simple sentence with homogeneous repeating members of the sentence, where the missing member is restored from the first part of the sentence: It was getting dark, and the clouds either parted or were now coming from three sides: on the left - almost black, with blue gaps, on the right - gray-haired, roaring with a continuous roar, and from the west, from behind the Khvoshchino estate, because of the slopes over the river valley , - dull blue, in dusty streaks of rain (Boon.); In his mind, one story inevitably brings up another in his memory, and that - a third, a third - a fourth, and therefore there is no end to his stories (Paust.); Some consider the portrait to be the work of Van Dyck, others - Rembrandt (Paust.); So she lives alone. Walks around the garden during the day, around the house at night (Shherb.).

2. In a simple sentence with a missing predicate indicating the direction of travel: Tatyana - into the forest, the bear - after her (P.).

3. If a missing clause member is restored from previous clauses: - Do you like pies with green onions? I am passion like! (M.G.); In another room, the workshop of a craftsman-jeweler is recreated. In the third - the shepherd's hut, with all the shepherd's utensils. In the fourth, there is an ordinary water mill. In the fifth - the setting of the hut where the shepherds make cheese (Sol.).


Dash is put in sentences consisting of two components with the meaning of the subject, object, circumstance (in different combinations) and built according to the schemes: "Who - to whom", "who - where", "what - to whom", "what - where", "what - how", "what - where", "what - for what" and etc.: Teachers to schoolchildren; Journalists are in hot spots; Literary awards for veterans; Textbooks for children; All wells are operational; Grades are for knowledge. The dash is also preserved when rearranging the parts: You are the key to the university.

Such sentences are common in newspaper headlines.


In independently used sentences with an absent predicate, not recoverable from the context, it can be put dash... Such sentences are divided by a pause into two components - adverbial and subject: Behind bars - a fabulous bird (Sick.); In the side streets in the village - knee-deep mud (Shuksh.); Over yellow straw fields, over stubble - blue sky and white clouds (Sol.); Behind the highway - a birch forest (Boon.); All over the sky - clouds (Pan.); Low hanging dust over the square (Shol.); Behind the screen is a door leading to the stairs (Nab.).

However, in the absence of a pause and logical emphasis on the adverbial term of the sentence, the dash not put: There, on unknown paths, there are traces of unseen animals (P.). The same when expressing subject-adverbial meaning: There is excitement in the public; Longing in my soul.

Dash in join function


Dash is put between two (or more) words that, when combined with each other, mean limits (meaning "from to") - spatial, temporal, quantitative: Trains with signs “Moscow - Kara-Bugaz , acrossTashkent - Krasnovodsk » (Paust.); Mistakenly believing that culture horse chestnut in the northwest parks, the phenomenon is notXVIII-XIX centuries, and later, removed all chestnuts from Trigorsky and from the grave hill of the Svyatogorsky monastery (Geych.); Oil reserves at Cheleken are very small and should be depleted in the firstten fifteen years of production (Paust.). The same when denoting the quantity in numbers: Manuscript of 10-15 author's sheets (see also spelling combinations indicating the approximate number: Spelling, § 118, item 5 and § 154, item 4.)


Dash is put between two (or more) proper names, the totality of which is called a doctrine, phenomenon, etc.: lawBoyle - Marriott ; matchKasparov - Karpov .

A dash is also placed between common nouns, the combination of which performs a determinative function for a noun: Systemman - machine ; Relationsteacher - student ; Problemmarket relations - social justice ... The number of combined names can be more than two: Problemproduction - man - nature ; Article by V. A. Sukhomlinsky"Teacher - collective - personality" .

Dash in selection function


Dash is put before the members of the sentence to emphasize them, accentuate them (for stylistic purposes). Such members of the proposal are called adjoining members.

1. Dash is put to underline, accentuate the explanatory members of the sentence located at the end of the sentence. Most often this circumstance: It's very bad how I had to write -for a piece of bread (Boon.); ... And again the rickshaw walked along the street -this time to the hotel (Boon.); The next day the seminarians fought the cadets again -open, at Summer garden (Kav.); Throughout the spring, Nikolai met with Ravine only once -by chance, on the street (Shol.). Such a dash can be replaced by a full stop (see § 9).

2. The dash can be placed for stylistic purposes after compositional conjunctions or their combinations with particles: Death took off his worn bast shoes, lay down on a stone and fell asleep (M.G.); And here is the river (Cool.); I have papers ... but - they are worthless (G.).


Dash is put to underline opposed clauses: Scary, sweet, inevitable, it is necessary / I - to throw myself into a multi-foam shaft, / You - with a green-eyed naiad / Sing, splash at the Irish rocks (Bl.).

st. Petersburg

All cases of setting a dash.

The material is prepared by students

One of the effective and interesting methods of working on the rules of Russian punctuation is the students' independent selection of examples for the passed rule from various texts. These can be works of both domestic and foreign literature, both classical and modern. In addition, it can be not only works of art, but also texts of a scientific or newspaper-journalistic style (fragments or individual sentences from encyclopedias, articles, etc.). The only prohibition is not to use educational literature, especially Russian language textbooks. It is very simple to check whether the student has independently found an example: ask everyone to indicate the author (surname and initials) of the book from which the sentence was written out, as well as its title. By checking the completion of this task, you will not only get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe ability of each student to perform parsing and punctuation of the text, but also learn the reading habits of your students. Russian lessons are becoming more interesting and lively. The best examples are worth dictating in class and analyzing. Be sure to name the person from whose notebook the sentence was taken. The children are also interested in learning more about each other: what they read, what are they interested in besides the school curriculum. Do not forbid choosing examples from children's books, even if your students are high school students. In A. Milne's fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh", translated by B. Zakhoder, you can find almost all possible cases of setting a dash and a colon in Russian.
Gradually, you will collect a collection of wonderful examples that you will use in the lessons instead of boring and boring examples from textbooks for everyone (especially you).
Before you are sentences collected by my students on one of the most "extensive" punctuation topics. These examples are suitable for generalizing repetition on the topic "Dash", when all special topics have been passed: a dash between the subject and the predicate, before generalizing words, when highlighting applications, inserted constructions, between parts of a complex non-union proposal and etc.


1. Between the subject and the predicate with a zero link, if the main members are expressed by a noun, infinitive, cardinal number in the nominative case, as well as a phrase containing the specified parts of speech.

Really, I thought, my only purpose on earth is to destroy other people's hopes? ( M.Yu. Lermontov... Hero of our time)

Love adorns life.
Love is the charm of nature ... ( M.M. Zoshchenko. Blue book... Love)

Love is a form, and my own form is already decaying. ( I.S. Turgenev... Fathers and Sons)

Incidentally, all poets are dreamy friends of love. ( A.S. Pushkin... Eugene Onegin)

And genius and villainy are two incompatible things. ( A.S. Pushkin... Mozart and Salieri)

- Prokatilov is power! - the company began to console Struchkov. ( A.P. Chekhov.On a nail)

To know my destiny is to cherish dreams
And there with a sigh in height
Scatter fiery tears.

(A.A. Fet.Rocket)

It is typical foolishness to rob a poor widow. ( I. Ilf, E. Petrov... Twelve Chairs)

2. Before words this is what it meansstanding between the subject and the predicate.

And reduce the amount human lives 50 million years is not criminal. ( E. Zamyatin... We)

But we know that dreams are a serious mental illness. ( E. Zamyatin... We)

Live forever in torment
amid painful doubts -
This is a strong ideal
Creating nothing, hating, despising
And shining like a crystal.

(N. Gumilev. Evil genius, king of doubt ...)

3. If the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, a dash is placed in the following cases:

and) with logical allocation of pronoun:

She is the culprit of that transformation. ( I.A. Goncharov... Oblomov)
You are a staircase in a big, foggy house. ( V.V. Nabokov. Stairs)

b) when opposed:

I am thirsty and hungry, and you are a barren flower
And a meeting with you is more bleak than granite.

(B.L. Parsnip... Miracle)

Here we are - accomplices of the gatherings.
Here is Anna - an accomplice of nature ...

(B.A. Akhmadulina. Anna Kalandadze)

in) at reverse order words:

The swan is here, taking a deep breath,
She said: “Why far?
Know that your fate is near
After all, this princess is me. "

(A.S. Pushkin... The Tale of Tsar Saltan)

d) with structural parallelism of parts of the sentence:

He is all a child of kindness and light,
He's all - a triumph of freedom!

(A.A. Block. Oh, I want to live madly!)

4. If there is a pause in place of the missing main or minor term in incomplete sentences.

Wandering his eyes, Ivan Savelyevich declared that on Thursday afternoon in his office in the Variety he got drunk alone in his office, after which he went somewhere, but he didn’t remember where, he drank stark somewhere else, and where he didn’t remember where he was lying under the fence, but again he does not remember where. ( M.A. Bulgakov... Master and Margarita)

In winter, there was a lot of light on Sandy Street, it was gray and deserted, in spring it was sunny, fun, especially when looking at white wall of the archpriest's house, on clean glass, on the gray-green tops of poplars in the blue sky. ( I.A. Bunin... Cup of life)

Fire is met with fire
Trouble - trouble and illness are treated with illness ...

(W. Shakespeare... Romeo and Juliet. Per. B.L. Pasternak)

5. An intonation dash between any members of the sentence.

The dead were lying and babbling a terrible, unknown speech. ( A.S. Pushkin... Feast in Time of Plague)

The prince removed the lock, opened the door and stepped back in amazement, even shuddered all over: Nastasya Filippovna stood in front of him. ( F.M. Dostoevsky... Idiot)

This is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor. ( I. Ilf, E. Petrov. Twelve Chairs)

6. In the notes, the explained word is separated from the explanation by a dash (regardless of the form of expression of the predicate).

Sibyl of Sami - from the name of the island of Samos. ( D.S. Buslovich... People, heroes, gods)

7. With generalizing words:

a) if the generalizing word comes after homogeneous members of the sentence:

Disgrace, execution, dishonor, taxes, and labor, and gladness - you have all experienced. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

The triumph of self-preservation, salvation from the oppressive danger - that was what filled his entire being at that moment. ( F.M. Dostoevsky... Crime and Punishment)

b) when a generalizing word comes before homogeneous terms, a colon is put after it, and a dash is put after homogeneous terms if the sentence continues after them:

everything around: the field drenched in blood, the French lying in a heap everywhere, scattered dirty rags in blood - it was disgusting and disgusting. ( L.N. Tolstoy... War and Peace)

A crowd of buildings: human, barns, cellars - filled the yard. ( N.V. Gogol... Dead Souls)

8. Between words and numbers to indicate spatial, temporal or quantitative limits ("from ... to").

A milestone was once on a large scale waterway Voronezh - Azov. ( M.A. Sholokhov... Quiet Don)

Note... If between nouns - proper names or numbers, you can insert or, then a hyphen is put.

Two or three former literary celebrities also appeared, who had happened then in Petersburg and with whom Varvara Petrovna had long maintained the most graceful relations. ( F.M. Dostoevsky... Demons)

9. To isolate the application, if it is of an explanatory nature.

Getting money was another matter, and it met with obstacles in the same way. ( L.N. Tolstoy... Anna Karenina)

10. Before the application at the end of the sentence, if it is logically highlighted.

In my room I found the clerk of the neighboring estate - Nikita Nazarych Mishchenko. ( A.I. Kuprin... Olesya)

He walked the entire Epiphany Street; at last it went downhill, feet were driving in the mud, and suddenly a wide, foggy, as if empty space opened up - a river. ( F.M. Dostoevsky... Demons)

11. To isolate common consensus definitions found at the end of a sentence, especially when listing:

This is in some showcases, while in others hundreds of ladies' hats appeared, and with feathers, and without feathers, and with buckles, and without them, hundreds of shoes - black, white, yellow, leather, satin, suede, and with straps, and with pebbles. ( M.A. Bulgakov... Master and Margarita)

12. To isolate the secondary members of the sentence, expressed by the infinitive, which are of an explanatory nature - both at the end and in the middle of the sentence:

Vasily the cat took a spring vacation - to get married. ( A. and B. Strugatsky... Monday starts Saturday)

Because of Sibgatov, Dontsova even changed the direction of her scientific interests: she went deeper into the pathology of bones from one impulse - to save Sibgatov. ( A.I Solzhenitsyn... Cancer Corps)

13. For isolating plug-in structures.

They killed him - what a strange word! - in a month, in Galicia. ( I.A. Bunin. Cold autumn)

But don't try to keep for yourself
Given to you by heaven:
Condemned - and we know it ourselves -
We waste, not hoard.

(A.A. Akhmatova... Freshness of words for us ...)

14. Between parts of a compound sentence, if the sentence contains opposition or indicates a quick change of events.

The horses walked at a pace - and soon they began. ( A.S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter)

The hetman reigned - and beautifully. ( M.A. Bulgakov... White Guard)

15. For the intonational separation of the subordinate clause and the main clauses (often - in sentences with parallel structure).

If death is light, I die
If death - I will burn lightly.
And I do not forgive my tormentors,
But for the flour - I thank them.

(Z. Gippius. Martyr)

And nowadays, the air smells like death:
Opening a window means opening the veins. ( B.L. Parsnip... Gap)

16. In non-union complex sentences, if:

a) the second part is opposed to the first:

They were chasing me - I was not embarrassed in spirit. ( A.S. Pushkin... Boris Godunov)

Do good - he will not say thank you. ( A.S. Pushkin... Boris Godunov)

b) the second part contains a consequence, result, conclusion from what is said in the first:

Veli - I will die; led - I will breathe only for you. ( A.S. Pushkin. Stone Guest)

I met you - and everything is old
An obsolete heart revived;
I remembered the golden time -
And my heart felt so warm ...

(F.I. Tyutchev... K.B.)

I'm dying - I have nothing to lie to. ( I.S. Turgenev... Fathers and Sons)

c) the second part contains a comparison with what the first says:

It will pass - like the sun will shine!
He will look - he will give him a ruble.

(ON. Nekrasov. Jack Frost)

d) the sentence expresses a quick change of events, unexpected joining:

Come to me for a glass of rum
Come - we shake the old days.

(A.S. Pushkin... Today I am at home in the morning ...)

e) the first part indicates the time or condition of the action, which is referred to in the second part:


God willing - ten, twenty years,
And twenty-five, and thirty he will live.

(A.S. Pushkin... The Miserly Knight);

I don't care, Varvara Ardalionovna; whatever - even now fulfill your intention. ( F.M. Dostoevsky... Idiot)


And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears,
And azure, and midday heat ...
The time will come - the Lord of the prodigal son will ask:
"Have you been happy in earthly life?"

(I.A. Bunin... Both flowers and bumblebees ...)

f) with the explanatory meaning of the second part (before it you can insert the union what); however, a colon is usually used in this case, compare:

I know - a nail in my boot
more nightmarish than Goethe's fantasy!

(V.V. Mayakovsky... A cloud in pants)

I'll tell you from the last
It's all nonsense - sherry brandy -
My angel.

(O.E. Mandelstam... I'll tell you...)

g) the second part is an adjoining sentence (before it there is or you can insert the word this is):

The state of shouting stones
Armenia, Armenia!
Husky mountains calling to arms -
Armenia, Armenia!

(O.E. Mandelstam... Armenia)

17. With direct speech.


Between the subject and the predicate, pronounced nouns, if:

1. Before the predicate there is a negation, an introductory word, an adverb, a union, a particle:

I am very sorry that my husband is not a doctor. ( A.P. Chekhov. Name day)

Another question: how do you feel about the fact that the moon is also the work of the mind? ( V.M. Shukshin... Cut)

Compare if there is a pause:

Styopa was well known in Moscow theater circles, and everyone knew that this man was not a present. ( M.A. Bulgakov... Master and Margarita)

So they begin to understand.
And in the noise of a running turbine
It pretends that the mother is not a mother,
that you are not you, that home is a foreign land.

(B.L. Parsnip... So they start ...)

2. The predicate is preceded by a secondary member of the sentence related to it:

[Trofimov:] All Russia is our garden.

(A.P. Chekhov. The Cherry Orchard)

Compare if there is a pause: Mr. G-v serves, and Mr. Shatov is a former student. ( F.M. Dostoevsky... Demons)

Drowning out the whisper of inspired superstition, common sense tells us that life is just a gap of weak light between two ideally black eternities. ( V.V. Nabokov... Other shores)

3. Nominal compound predicate precedes the subject:

This valley is a glorious place!

(M.Yu. Lermontov... Hero of our time)

4. The subject in combination with the predicate is a phraseological phrase:

"Someone else's soul is dark," Bunin replies and adds: "No, your own is much darker."

(I.A. Ilyin... The creativity of I.A. Bunin)

5. The subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate by a noun in the nominative case:

Yes, Luce is a type. Of course, he is a bore, but his vocabulary is gigantic. ( J. D. Salinger... Catcher in the rye)

6. In conversational style sentences:

What hair! Nonsense hair! I'm talking about it! It's even better, if it starts to tear, I'm not afraid of that ... ( F.M. Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment)

Dash, as a rule, is used in non-union complex sentences to indicate the nature of the semantic connection between its parts. However, there are other uses for this punctuation mark.

The dash is governed by the following rules of Russian grammar:

1. A dash is placed in sentences with a compound nominal predicate, between the subjects and the predicate. In sentences of this kind, the predicate is usually a generic concept in relation to the subject. For instance:

  • The tiger is a predator;
  • The cow is an artiodactyl;
  • Birch is a tree;
  • My elder sister is a teacher;
  • The older sister is my teacher.

Note 1. However, if the subject and predicate is a negative particle "not", then the dash is not put:

  • Poverty is not a vice;
  • The goose is not a bird.

Note 2. The dash between the subject and the predicate is not put if they are used in an interrogative sentence, and the subject is expressed by a pronoun, for example:

  • Who is your mother?

2. If in a sentence the subject is expressed by a noun , and the predicate indefinite form verb (infinitive), or both are expressed by the infinitive, then a dash is placed between them, for example:

  • To love you - to flutter your nerves;
  • The desire of every person is to love and be loved.

3. A dash is placed before words “This”, “means”, “this is”, “here”, etc. in sentences where the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case or by the infinitive. As a rule, these words serve to attach the predicate to the subject, and also indicate that a comparison or definition will now follow, for example:

  • Desire - this is the need of a person, despite all adversity, to make his life better;
  • Romance is walking under the moon and eyes full of admiration;
  • Loyalty is the mainstay of true human relationships, trust is the stronghold of a strong family.

4. A dash is placed in sentences with enumerations before the generalizing word. For instance:

  • Dreams, hopes, beauty - everything will be swallowed up by the inexorable passage of time;
  • Neither her tears, nor pleading eyes, nor sadness - nothing could make him come back.

5. A dash is placed before the appendix at the end of a sentence in two cases:

a) If before the appendix it is possible, without distorting the meaning of the sentence, to put the construction "namely", for example:

  • I don't like this animal too much - a cat.
  • In conversation, he demanded one thing - correctness.
  • I obey only one person - my father.

b) If explanatory words are used in the application, and the author needs to additionally indicate the independence of this structure, for example:

  • I had a cast-iron teapot with me - my only joy when traveling across the Caucasus (Lermontov).

6. A dash is placed between two predicates or between parts of a complex sentence if the author needs to unexpectedly attach or sharply oppose them in relation to each other. For instance:

  • I entered the room, not thinking to see anyone there, and froze.
  • I'd rather go to Petka - and that's all there is.
  • I wanted to go around the whole world - and did not go around the hundredth part (Griboyedov).
  • I wanted to start sewing - and the needle pricked my fingers, wanted to cook porridge - the milk ran away.

Note 1. In order to enhance the shade of surprise, a dash can also be placed after the compositional conjunctions that connect parts of one sentence. For instance:

  • Take a vacation and go to your family.
  • I really want to go there to them, to meet them, but - I'm afraid (M. Gorky)

Note 2. In addition, for even greater surprise, a dash can separate any part of a sentence, for example:

  • And she ate the poor singer - to the crumb (Krylov).
  • And grandfather threw a ruff - into the river.

According to the rules of the Russian language, you do not need to put a dash in these sentences. However, it is put only in order to better convey the meaning and reflect what happened in reality.

7. A dash is placed between the parts of a non-union compound sentence if the second part contains the result or conclusion from what was said in the first, for example:

  • Praises are tempting - how not to wish them? (Krylov).
  • The moon drew a path across the sea - the night fell lightly.

8. A dash is placed between the parts of a non-union complex sentence if between them there is a type of relationship "subordinate part - main part":

  • Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
  • The forest is cut - the chips fly.

9. Dash is placed in order to indicate the decay boundary simple sentence into two word groups. This is done only if this decay cannot be distinguished by other means. For instance:

  • So I say: do the guys need this?

Very often, such a decay is observed when one of the members of the sentence is missing, for example:

  • Marinka gets a trip to the sea for good studies, and Yegorka gets a new computer.
  • I will - into a fist, my heart - from my chest, and I rushed after him.
  • Everything is obedient to me, but I am to nothing (Pushkin).

10. In addition, with the help of a dash, they distinguish:

a) Sentences and words used in the middle of a sentence and serving to clarify what has been said, but only if the brackets can weaken the connection between the insert and the explained, for example:

  • Here - there is nothing to do - I sat down in his cart.
  • How suddenly - lo and behold! oh shame! - spoke the oracle nonsense (Krylov).
  • And only once - and even then by accident - I spoke to him.

b) A common application if it comes after the noun being defined and needs to emphasize its own independence, for example:

  • The senior sergeant - a gallant aged Cossack with badges for long-term service - ordered to "build up" (Sholokhov).
  • Before the doors of the club - wide log house - workers with banners (Fedin) were waiting for the guests.

c) Homogeneous members of a sentence, if they stand in the middle of a sentence and need special emphasis, for example:

  • Usually, from the upper villages - Elanskaya, Vyoshenskaya, Migulinskaya and Kazanskaya - they took Cossacks into the 11-12th army Cossack regiments and in the Atamansky (Sholokhov) Life Guards.
  • And again, the same picture - lonely houses, road ruts and muddy puddles - opened up to my eyes.

11. A dash can be used as an additional punctuation mark after the comma in sentences where there are two repeating words. , moreover, this repetition is needed in order to connect one part of this sentence with another. For instance:

  • I knew very well that this was my husband, not some new, unknown person, but good man, - my husband, whom I knew as myself (L. Tolstoy).
  • Now, as a judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that all, without exception, the most important, smug people, were in his hands (L. Tolstoy).

12. A dash is placed after a group of subordinate clauses before the main part of a complex sentence in order to emphasize the breakdown into two semantic parts. For instance:

  • But whether it was worth it or not - that's not for me to decide.
  • Whether Stolz did anything for this, what he did and how he did it, we do not know (Dobrolyubov).

13. The dash is placed in paired constructions, meaning any temporal, spatial or quantitative framework. , and in this case it is synonymous with a pair of prepositions "from ... to", for example:

  • Flight Novosibirsk - Moscow,
  • 1991 – 2001,
  • Ten to twelve grams.

14. A dash is placed between two proper names if collectively, they call a teaching or discovery:

  • Boyle's physical law - Mariotte.