Prayer about pool children is strong. Important principles of reading prayers

Prayers about the health and healing of the child.

If the child is very sick unknown disease

Put hands on the head of a sick child and read out loud Jesus prayer:

"Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the doctor all-hazing, healed by the Child Sie (or - the name of the child)."

At one time you need to read at least 100 prayers. Then add 100. From some moment the improvement will begin to appear. Jesus prayer, or rather, the name of Jesus Christ, pronounced with faith and attention, is the best medicine from all diseases

Prayer about the health and healing of the child.

Dear Lord, in his word you have commanded us to pray for each other about healing, and I pray for the healing and health of my children.

I ask you that there is no illness and no disease spoiled their lives. I (...) I really ask you, protect my children from any disease.

In your word it is said: "... sent his word and healed them, and saved them from their graves." PS 106: 20. In whatever part of the body of my children (...) I did not catch the disease, I ask you, Lord, touch my children (...) Your hand and heal them completely from the top to the sole feet, give my children a complete recovery.

Dear Lord, save my children (...) from diseases and injuries. I especially ask you about healing (name a certain body). If we have to visit the doctor, point to us a specialist to whom we can trust, and give him wisdom and perfect knowledge of ways and treatment methods.

Thank you, Lord, for the fact that you suffered and died for us so that we are saved. I ask you, Lord, fulfill the promise of healing in your word that you gave believers.

I wait for you to give my children complete healing and good health.

Thank you, Lord! Amen.

Daily prayer about the health of the child to the Lord to our Jesus Christ

Maternal Prayer for Children's Health

Lord Jesus Christ, let the mercy of yours on the children of my (names), save them under your hands, cut from any evil, away from them all the enemy, open their ears and eyes, give them to mild and humility of them. Lord, we all create your own, pity the children of my (names) and turn them into repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy of my children (names), and enlighten your mind with the light of the mind of your Gospel of yours, and to mention yours on the path of the commandments of yours, and teach them, the will of yours to do your own, I will eat our God. Amen.

Orthodox prayer of the Mother of God's Healing of the Sick Child and to Give Health to the Child

Oh, Mother Mercy! You see cruel grief torrenting my heart! For the sake of the sorrow, when you pierced when a terrible sword was in the soul, with the bitterness of your sufferment and death of the Divine Son of yours, I pray you: Having a poor child, sorry and fading, and if the will of God and his salvation are not confused Divorous in the Almighty Son, a doctor's shower and teles. Oh, Loving Mother! Review, as the face of my child pale, how the whole body is burning from the alendness, and soar over it. Yes he will be saved God's help And it will serve with the joy of the heart to your only beehive son, the Lord and God to His. Amen.

Prayer of the Blessed Matrona about the rustier about help in healing about the prosperous life in the family

On the Blessed Mother Matrono, I hear and we now have the sinners, who are told by your jet and listen to you, and listen to all those who have suffered and mournful, with the faith and hope for your intercession and assistance to residuous, emerge, and wonderful healing to everyone. Now you do not care about the mercy of yours to us, unworthy, rolling in the multi-world world of Sea and NIGHDAGE Obtaining consolations and compassion in sorrowfulness and help in the diseases of bodily sickness: our diseases are healed, get rid of temptations and tormenting the devil, passionately Cross, demolish all the importance of life and not lose the image of God, believing Orthodox until the end of our days to preserve, hope and hope for God is strong, and non-estate love for the neighbor; For us, we were able to achieve the kingdom of heaven from the life of this to the kingdom of heaven with all the welfare of God, glorifying the mercy and the goodness of the father of heaven, in the Trinity of Solimago, the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

The prayer that comes from the depths of the heart and soul has a huge force. When human thoughts, clean and prayer, it turns out the most sincere. The most effective and clean is the petition of a mother about children, because children are the most important thing that there is in the life of a woman. Mother loves her child just like that, her mother's heart always hurts for her child and feels trouble.

Each mother wants to protect their children not only physically, but also to protect them from diseases, spiritual flour, heavy doom. It was the maternal spiritual petition about his children who can help them quickly recover, improve well-being, to establish relations.

Mother's prayer for children has a huge force, believers women resort to prayer very often, trying to save their child from problems.

In the hard moments, when the child experiences an ailment or suffers from Rivers, the sacred prayer for children's health will come to the rescue, it will give protection to the son or daughter, will calm the hard thoughts of the mother.

Most effective prayers for children's health

The strongest prayer is considered sincere darkness in front of the way Jesus Christ. If the child is seriously ill, stepped on the curve path, has trouble contacting in his request to the Lord and ask him for help.

Prayer sounds like this: "Jesus Christ, will be your mercy on my child (name), I will save your child under my bed, remove him from all sorting thoughts, eats away from him all sorts, opening his ears and eyes hearty, give His heart. Lord we create your own, pity Chooto My (name) and mention him to repent. Save, Lord, Merosales and Pomemuy Chado, mine, enlighten your mind with the light of yours, and to instruct him on the trail of the commandments of your and teach him, our Savior, to create your will.

Our teachi ours, Choo my (name) prays you, will be a prayer to him by salvation, support and spill, consolation in grief. Let the prayer saves him, as we save with the moles to you. And if he sins, then I will accept it, the Savior, let him bring repentance to you and give him forgiveness of his mercy. "

This sacred petition is able to give protection in any business and will calm the mind of children, put them on the path true, but only if the woman says it sincerely and is experiencing their children.

Prayer to the Kazan Icon of God's Mother of Children

The icon of the Kazan Mother of God is an ancient Russian shrine, the original icon is kept in the temple of the Yaroslavl Wonderworkers (Kazan). Every year, people from all over the world come to this icon to ask for help. This icon helps from many troubles mental disorders, problems with vision, infertility. However, the biggest force has petitions farewell to the Kazan Icon on the health of their children.

This icon comes for a prayer mother of soldiers who are on Voet. It was this icon that the commander always prayed, asking for their life or reduce the losses in the battle. Many mothers from all over Russia turn to the icon with a request to take care of their children and protect them from diseases, attack, trouble. The icon of God's Mother is considered the most revered in our country.

Mother's prayer about his Chad before the face of the Kazan Mother of God sounds so: "Our Virgin Mary, our acceptance of my, pre-way your holy pronounter. You gave birth to Jesus Christ, my son, the Savior of our Savior and burned throughout his life on Earth, loved the same and Chado, forgive him in all matters, send him to the right path, on the path of Orthodox.

Our mother of our, the queen of Heavenly be heard by me, do not turn away from me, unworthy of slaves of God (name), accept my words, open your soul and heart. Let everything be for the benefit of everything I ask my children today, before the face of your saving from the ailments, they hurt me and help with my child (name).

Do not refuse the request of my sincere, the moths of my son, so that he was remembered and sent his goodness to Chado my. Good intercession of our bless all earth, May all the children of the Earth, according to the laws of God, live, remove them from the thoughts of evil, let the holy Trinity be honored. In all matters, help them, let their thoughts be clean, keep the cleanliness of their shower, give them health and goodness in this world, in the name of the Lord God of our. Amen!".

The prayer of the Virgin about children

The prayers for the mother of God's Virgin Mary are considered one of the strongest, as Maria, Mother of God, can understand the whole pain of the maternal heart, because she also experienced all this by holding and give birth to the Son of God. You can pray for the Virgin daily every day, because the maternal love is very strong, and it is impossible to make a mother to love the child less, in Moluba can be asked about the health, the preservation of spiritual purity, about the success in study or affairs.

The prayer of the Holy Mother of God has such lines: "ABOUT, Holy Deva. The Mother of God, save and save the child of my (name) under the cover of his own. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to their parents. The moths of your son, the Lord of our Savior let him give salvation. I hand the children of your (names) to maternal look at your Virgin Mary, you are the divine cover of the slaves in your world.

Mother of God, let me in the image of heavenly motherhood, sealing soul and body wounds of my child (name). I am handing a child of my wholesale to myself to my and your heavenly patronage. Amen".

Praskoven Martyr Praskov

Prayer for children of Holy Martyr Praskovye - Rare and Strong, with read by one of the most effective diseases of infants, it sounds like that: "O, Martyr Martyr Christ Praskovya, molim, turn to Christ to Christ, asking my health to my mind. The moths of the furnace gentlemen of ours, can save us from our child's disease (name), accelerate your prayers holy march, who arrived from our sins. Satisfying the Holy Father is the light of grace of spiritual and bodily.

Holy Molubs be a sinful assistant, petition and pray for the appearances of unrelated sinners, speeding up help us, for we are weak. Or the gentlemen of ours, and with your prayers from the gloom of sinful, we will get rid of the sinful and sneak to the heavenly forces of the Trinity of the Blessed, Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen".

Prayer Mother Matron Moscow

In the medium of believers, one of the most revered saints is the Blessed Starith Matrona Moscow. You can ask for health for sick children with the following prayer: "Oh, Blessed Staritsa Matronushka, I appeal to you in a sorrowful hour. Forgive me all my sacraments, and eating all the Besysian nasty from me. Help Chada my (name) to heal faster and faith in God to haveup. Do not punish the child of my pain, a birth or other illnesses. Do not flock my soul with his sufferings, I hope your help. I pray you a blessed Staritsa about the health of the chad. Amen".

How to correctly read prayers for health children

The greatest force has the maternal prayer, uttered in the temple of God, before the saints. The strongest Molver that is read from a pure heart with clean and sincere intentions. Each word molb should be skipped through the heart and find a response in it. The disease will retreat from the baby, if he, and mother - baptic.

It will be better than a prayer to back chad, very well if a woman goes to the temple, put a candle on health in front of the saints, gaining holy water to wash the child or give him to drink. If the mother does not have the opportunity to do this, relatives can go instead of her, the main thing is that their thoughts are clean.

Important principles Reading prayers:

Even the most unpleasant diseases and symptoms are retreating if there will be a loving mother, who cares about him, supports it and can sincerely read the words of the molb.

Is there a prayer for the health of the child? What is she? When should I read the prayer for the recovery of the kid? In what conditions?

We treat with prayer

Priest Alexey Grachev:

"To us, to properly treat a person, big or small, you need to know why a person is at all sick, what is this - a disease, what are its reasons and what, actually hurts?

The Lord made a man in the image of his own way - that is, the Holy Trinity, and human nature is threehow. A person consists of body, soul and spirit.

Before the sin, these three compositions were in integrity. The fall has led to their disunity, and therefore the body, soul and spirit live separately in man.

Only in the baptized person, the grace of Holy Baptism opens the possibility of the life of the creature of the spiritual, the possibility of reunification of disobedient began.

A carnal man all human manifestations sees only a carnal vision. The spiritual man is trying to find the cause in spiritual, he is with greater height, from a larger distance sees objects and phenomena and considers them volumetric. "

We know that motherful prayer It has great strength, but prayer does not cancel the timely appeal to the specialist.

Priest Alexey Grachev:

"Of course, when the child is sick, the heart of the parents can not be calm, the excitement begins, which often, unfortunately, becomes fussy. And here to leave this fussiness helps prayer. Here you can do this. If mom and dad feel that they are in a state of panic, then they need to stop for a moment. Just get up and do nothing. Go to the icon. Pluck up courage. Pray. Then quietly, calmly continue your affairs.

Because this fussiness does not bring anything other than the disorder of the child, even from the point of view of elementary psychophysiology, which, of course, is not very tied here, but simply as the effect of a concomitant nature always exhibits itself, - a calm child, indeed, is always in a state of such -This balance, internal middle, in this internal balance in a different way, launches all physiological processes. They simply flow completely differently, they reach the goal. A man who dances in place will never get out of the bow in the top ten. You need to stop - and then shoot.

And if there is a very high temperature or acute poisoning, or even some danger when every second road?

Even if the temperature suddenly jumps, then the "Lord, Homes" can always be said before doing something. Or even simultaneously with treatment. Especially at the time of danger it is necessary! And you can still do this: let the rest of the children become an icon and pray for the sick brother or sister, and we will help him in every way.

When the Lord, the students sailed in the boat, fell asleep, began a storm, so the boat was covered with waves, students in fear and tremble woke him, and the first thing he said is: "What are you so afraid, inspired?" How could you doubt whenever you are alive or not if I am with you in the same boat? Then, I'm stuck, forbade winds and sea, and a great silence was made (MF. 8, 24-26). And this feeling should be: what Lord Radom. We must love him, we must always be with him. "

The spiritual life of the family

"It is important to grab the child of the Holy Holy Tyne, in order to put a good foundation in his treatment. And our church stands on the blood of the Lord, and every kind thing should be strengthened from the body and blood of Christ.

To be very good in the temple a note on the health of the liturgy.

For all, marked in the notes, the priest in the altar takes out of the prosphus. After the liberation of bread and wine into the body and the blood of Christ - this is committed mysteriously, the Holy Spirit, during the Divine Liturgy, - the priest immerses these particles in the Holy Bowl and prays about all comments, and their sins are melted with the blood of Christ. The holy prosfora from which the particles are removed, then bring home and eat an empty stomach, every day with holy water.

Good Order Prayer about the health of a sick baby - let's say, whose holy name he is wearing. Bring the water sanctified on a prayer and pools the child, and as much as possible.

The sick holy water can be given not only on an empty stomach, but all day. You can wash the child with this water - the head, face, body, wipe your eyes. Water is so consecrated in the temple - to heal us. Therefore, we will constantly take it from the temple, drink, look around, sprinkle the dwelling, clothes and things that we use. In the house should always be epiphany water These are special cases. And all this is good to take with a prayer, the Dab is to get sanctification and strengthening.

You can order a forty-head about health - then the child will be in the temple to remember forty days. All of the church assistance that may be rendered to him, let it be rendered.

Closer to his crib can be put on an icon - so that the child, when lying and sick, seen her. It would be nice to shower the lamp. When parents enter the room, it is desirable that they bless their son or daughter with their triple, especially for the night. You can surround the child with sanctified objects, put a cross next to him so that it is more often applied to it. You can kiss native Crosswhich, of course, should be on the child.

Well, if children are accustomed to: the cross we never remove. Even if my child, the cross remains on it.

Sometimes parents have unnecessary fears - they say, the rigid can bring harm to the child, make a suffocation, etc. and. There was no such case in the entire history of Orthodoxy. So all anxiety here can be left. Cross of Christ is our main protection. The congestion is defeated by the Devil. Defeated, but not destroyed. Therefore, he sends us thoughts against the cross. All these thoughts always proceed only from him.

If it happens, the child reflectically changes the position of the body at any inconvenience. And he is always a rigor, which hangs the cross, will correct, even in a dream, "the priest writes Alexey Grachev.

Do not stand to betray these actions "ritual" character, it is not medical measures, but a completely natural desire of a believer person to appeal to God in a difficult hour and protect the child from the influence of the disease.

Priest Alexey Grachev:

"How well, if the child knows how to pray!

Sometimes parents do not decide to read the children "adult" Gospel - read the "Children's Bible". Already years since seven, or even earlier, you can read the canonical text so that the child should be accustomed to a full spiritual food. Not artificial nutrition to feed it, but breast milk. And also - the lives of the saints. Their exploits and patience will strengthen us.

What is important for a child to enter the spiritual life! Everything changes: even a high temperature does not cause him a special concern. Even some bodily troubles are transferred otherwise. There are no whims that often accompany diseases, increased demands for parents, permanent "mothers! Dad! "- For which parents run and go around him. When a child gets sick, he already knows how to behave during the souls. "

The prayer appeal to the health of the body does not contradict the Christian morality, because the Lord does not send a disease on people, and boreal tests for the soul of man.

Brothers and sisters of a fallen child

"St. The Apostle Paul says that if one member of the body is being guided, others are being guided. If hand hurts, then the other hand feels it. Family is a single body.

Very good when there are many children in it. They then react to the disease of one of their brothers or sisters. For them, as for the patient himself, this is a whole school. It is desirable that they take part in his treatment: they brought, say, cranberry juice, soaps behind him, of course, if this is not an infectious disease in which you need quarantine. Other children should be made to understand that now we have a special time so that this event gets a spiritual response to everyone so that the whole family lives prayer and there was no indifference when one is sick, and in the next room - noise, game.

And well, when other children, while brother or sister sick, take on his usual homework. As a rule, this is done with pleasure: the sister is sick, it means that we will do more today - and for it.

Other children then begin to live sympathy, they begin to speak with a whisper, every morning come to a sick brother or sister with a question: "How do you feel?" They already feel responsible for him. And, most importantly, children begin to pray for her brother or sister. In the evening, stand on prayer, read the evening rule, and in addition it is still read a prayer for the health of sick. And it is strengthened, feels this support. So it is created by a truly family, as a whole, as one soul, like a small church. "

Baby and suffering. How to comprehend, how to incur?

Priest Alexey Grachev:

"Having visited B. children's house, leaving the feeling that, maybe this world that the enemy of human genus seeks to turn into a solid "Disneyland" with those who are still happy and smiling to the ears, meaninglessly happy robots, this fallen pornographic world is still kept only because there are children who are their own Suffers outweigh the scales of our worn and unrecord. The fate of these children will turn into eternity. Diseases and "abnormality" the essence of the phenomenon of only earthly life. If God did not make death, but she entered the world through the retreat from him, through sin, even more so he did not create diseases ...

Sick children take on the feat of martyrdom and scientific to the Lord that the Lord not to the end warming up for this world, and we may be, thanks to them, have time to repent. But we, in our neraska, according to our habit, do not think about our sins, and to blame someone else in them, we do not feel it.

And here - Ropot: If, they say, God is fair, how does he admit the suffering of children?

Yes, God is fair. He does not teach us sin. He says: "Be perfect, as your Heavenly Father perfect" (Matt. 5, 48).

For us, the question was not difficult for which the children suffer if in this, as in all, we looked at Christ the Savior, they compose all our lives with him. Why do children suffer? What did the Savior suffered for? After all, he is sinless. Every baby born to the world carries a print of original sin. And the Lord did not have. He is the cleaner of any child - suffered, and how! ..

Here is the answer to the question: for which children suffer. For our sins. For our burden on saving their souls, about their salvation. Our parental challenge consists not only to provide children with physical existence, but above all - spiritually raise them, open them the way to God. Here is the word of the Savior: "Don't let them come to me" (Matt. 19, 14).

If we do not give a baby to the temple, do not teach him to pray, if we have no icons at home, the Gospel, if we do not try to live a pious, then we also let him come to Christ. And in this - our most important sin, which falls on our children.

That is why children suffer for our sins, even if they are not guilty of them. We are connected with invisible thread, they are our blood, spirit. If they were not our children, they would not suffer for us. But then they would not be born from us. Sin is because there is the greatest evil that innocent people suffer from him. But on the same law, the sins of others are saved by some. "We are healing by the wounds," we say about the Lord Jesus Christ, who discovered the door of salvation. "

About what you need to know every Orthodox person

Priest Alexey Grachev:

"In case of extremes when the death hazard is preparing for baptism, and the priest cannot soon arrive, they can make baptism and laity so that anyone does not doubt unemployed. You can baptize and should at all time - since the birth of a baby. If necessary, you can baptize and water boiled, and unclean water from the puddle. With this baptism, it is only required that the baptizing is Orthodox, understanding the importance of divine baptism; So that he exactly pronounced the shape of baptism during a triple immersion or water dilapidation:

The slave of God (or the servant of God), the name of the rivers, in the name of the Father, Amen, and Son, Amen, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

In the demandman of Peter, the grave about this is said: "Thickers will be a priest, he is baptized, and not deacon; The same deacon, he, and not an Hipodicac; It's something like a cleric, he, and not a promsion; Through her husband, he, not his wife. Doesn't the for the sake of the sake of the sake of the sake of his wife, her husband is baptized with her husband, or the wife is better able to be smelting the shape of the baptism and the water to fuel. "

Water after baptism should be poured into the river or in such a place that does not get down with your feet.

If after that the baptized layman will be alive, the baptism should be complemented by the priest. "

Prayers about sick children

Prayer before the icon of the Savior Healer of Relaxed

Good man humor, premiecely Lord, our favors is incurred and your healed wounds! Before your Majesty, slave, humbly pray: a proud, a blessing, on the slaves of yours, and the Yokes of the Ardiece healed EsselablalanNago, three rally years of years in the at-sow, the heel of good, the delicacy and generous leaders of your visit. You are a fear of a raised angle of the Range of Esi: youstan, take away your and go. Toky and we, the sin and unwearing the slave of yours, for the divine your literature, hoping, before your Majesty, humbly fallenly, your divine mercy and inevitable humans are mightily please: Having a mercy door to us and sorry all the warmness of our free and unwitting, IMIZH predier and your humanity annoyance; Allow our sinful disease; The ailments of our shower and bodies in the health of the pretty, the impossibility of premature, sorrow in joy and grief in the consolation of premeni; from us all the despondency and oblivion; The mind is our strengthening and in the whole observance, in the hedgehog, always in your doctor's predoms. Our whole UDA is enhanced, in his whole will be the good and perfect creature. You boat the healer of good, the elimination of a weak, sick doctor, no longer healing, sound health keeper, and you are asked to you, with the original one, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and are also confused and forever. Amen.

Oh sore

Tropear, voice 4th fast in the intercession one, Christ, soon, show a visit to your suffering to your slave, and get rid of illness and bitter diseases; And erect in Yezhin Pettea and Slavith ineffective, the prayers of the Virgin, one humating. Kondak, voice 2nd

On Odra Diseases Lying and Mortal I wonder for vulnenceNago, I sometimes erected Esi, Savior, Petrov's mother-in-law and smashed to Odra Varoago, Sita and now, Mercy, Especially visit and heal: You are one of the unlandsmiths and sickness of our kind Multi-facing.

Prayer about the healing of the child

Vladyko, the Almighty, the Holy King, are punishing and not killed, saying the lowered and remove the abandonment, bodies of the sorrow correct, pray for you, our God, the slave of yours (the name of the rivers) is a prosperity to visit you, I'm sorry for him all sorting free and unwitting. She, Lord, your medical strength with heaven lowered, touched Telesce, Ugashi Fire feeder, Understand the passion and all sorts of wearing melting, Budi Doctor's slave (the name of the rivers), erect him from Odra sickness and from the bodies of the Czech and from the Church of Your Church Well-gaining and creative will be your will. Your Bo is, hedgehog is pretty and savage, God, and you, the glory I am releasing, father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer reading of the Gospel

"The reading of the psaltiri tames passion, and the reading of the Gospel falls the grain of our sins: for the word of God's light is there is. Once in the continuation of the forty days I read the gospel about the salvation of one who thoroughly my souls, and here I see in a dream the field covered with thorns. The fire will fall off with heaven, the thorns covers the field, and the field remains clean. Beyond the seven vision, I hear the voice: Turn, covered by the field, - sins of the souls who have thrasitant you; Loggy, who fell him, - the Word of God, to you for it, ". Rev. old man of parfons Kiev-Pechersky (+1855)

"Gospel ... This book has a mother of all books, also she is a prayer over prayers, and there is a helper in the kingdom of heaven, and in the mind true on earth of people leads, and encourages the Zreti God with a heart in the flesh, and the face to face in the coming essa honors Enjoy the sweet vision of the Trinity Svyatya. "


Save, Lord, and a surviving the slave of yours (the name of the rivers) of the Divine of the Divine Gospel of your Gospel, what are your saving of your slave of yours. They fell, Lord, the thorns of all the sins of him, free and unwitting. And yes, the grace of yours, which is cleansing, sanctifying the whole person, in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(And the head of the Holy Gospel is read. Then this prayer can be again read, then the next head of the Gospel, etc.)

Prayers for the Blessed Virgin

Tropar, voice 4th

To the Mother of God diligently today, sin, sinning and humble, and in penalties, in repentance, from the depths of the soul: Vladychitsa, Pomso, are mercifully, sweat, die from many of the lacerations, do not turn your slaves of the car, you are the hope of Imam.

Tsarice is my prepaying, my hope of the Virgin, the priviful hatch of the sirah and strange subsidiaries, grieving joy, insidible patroness! See my mischievous, seeing my sorrow, Pomping Jako We are mighty, shames are strange. Miscellaneous of my weight, allow the one, Impo Volishi: Yako is not imaming your help, don't you, not a dream of the Santa, nor Bogia comforter, tokmo to you, about the Bogomati, Yako and save me and covered in eyelids. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Most of the Virgin "Allorrow's joy"

About the Most Holy Master of the Virgin of Our Savior of our Savior, all mournful glades, sick visits, weakness and intercession, widows and sierah patrons, mothers saddened all-to-wear comforter, babies of wealthy fasteners, and all the harmless is always ready! You, about the blessing, giving all the grace of all overgrown and deliver all the sorrow and diseases, in the middle of the muddy sorrow and the disease has undergone ESI, look at the free suffering of your Son Your Beloved and Togo on the Cross Purpose, Fair Weapon Simeon Protded Heart Your Password . The taste of the mother, about Mati, which is a moles of our prayer, comfort of us in the sorrowfulness, Ioko is faithful to the joy of Guodatatian: the precloser of the Blend of the Trinity, the slander of your son, the Christ of our God, Mozheyshi, are ashable. Sorry for the sake with faith heart and love from the soul, you fall to you by Jaco Zaritsa and Vladychitsa, and the psalomski you dare to you: I hear, deck, and have you, and your ear of your ear, hear our mission, and save us from working out troubles and sorrow: you bo The petitions of all the faithful, sophisticated joy, executables, and the souls of their world and consolation are served. CE WHIRCH WORK OUR AND SRESS: Yavi Your mercy is yours, you have a consolation of our hearts, show and surprise our sinful wealth of the mercy of your mercy, give us tears of repentance to the cleansing of our sins and quenching the wrath of God, and with a clean heart, consistency and Hopefully incommodate, to your petition and intercession. We accept, globally, our Vladychitsa The Mother of God, a zealous disbursement, you are brought, and do not remove us unworthy from your blessing, but I will give us a getting rid of the sorrow and illness, protect us from all the hits of the enemy and slander of man, wake up the assistant restlessness to all the days of life Owner, Yako Yes, under your Material Pokrov, always be the goal and keeping your intercession and prayers to your son and God to our Savior, the Savior and Honor, the honor and worship, with its original father and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Kondak, voice 6th

There are no immai help, not immay of hope, is it, the prechile devo. You are climbing us, we hope to you and you, you wish you, you will not seem to you.

Prayer before the icon of the Holy Mother of God "Mammal"

We accept, Mrs. The Virgin, the tear praying of your slaves, to you driving: Zirima to the Holy icon, on the hands of your and the male of our son and the God of our. Gentlemen Jesus Christ: More and painlessly gave birth to him, Obach Maternia Grief Weighs and Immovers of Sons and Divorces of Human Seems: Towel Warm Fallen to the Clause Difference Differently, the Molimyer's Molim, Mellace: We are sinful, convicted in Diseases. People in Naughty Ours, Mostly, and compassionately stand out, the babies are our, tire and boring them, from the county of the illness and bitterness to get rid of them, give them health and blessings, and there will be a nourishment from the strength by virtue of the over the way, and feeding them will be joyful and The consolation, Yako and now the concept of yours from the mouth of the baby and the Lord will make his praise. O Mother's Son of God! Owning on the mother of the Sons of Human and the Slendless People of Your Songs: The Diseases Fixing us soon heal, putting the sorrow and sorrow of the quench, and do not despise the tears and the sinks of your slaves, hear us on the day of the sorrow before the icon and deliverance, and the day of joy and deliverance We accept the grateful praise of our hearts, worship our soles to the throne of your son and our God, and my graciousness will be a sin and weaning our own and try the grace of his lead the name of him, Yako and we and we, and our chada, we will glorify you, merciful intercession and faithful hope Our genus, forever of centuries. Amen.

Prayer Prev Icon The Most of the Virgin "Healer"

We accept, about the Major Master of the Mother of God, the Ladyman of the Mother of God, Siaia Prayers, with tears now bringing you unworthy slave your slave, to your workbook, the singing of being remedied with as a moutigation, I can be the very beginning of our Introduction. By Komu Vegeto Bo Vast, the fulfillment of CWORSH, chagrin of facilitates, the weakness of the health of daruenes, rarely and sucks the healing, from the shameless demons of the rogue, out of the offense of delight, levery, and the little children of Milouseski: Also, Mrs. Ladychitsa Virgin Mary, and Everyone has a multi-dying passion of the doctor: all of BO is possible by the petition to your son, to our God. Oh full of mother, the Most Holy Mother of God! Do not make sure to pray for us unworthy workers of your, the famous tasks and honoring you, and those who are defeated with the molded image of yours, and the hope of cautiously irrevocate and faith is incomprehensible to you, navigasy, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy and the Wonderworker Nikolai

Oh kind of our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! You hear us sinful, you are praying for you and calling on your assistance to help: you will have a weak, disgraceful, dead, all slander and wisely from a little glady: Fur, waters, not to leave us in the sinful captivity of our way, let's not be in joy of our enemy And I would not die in the evil deeds of our. Moths about us unworthy of our and Vladyka, you are with a challenging faces of the prestigations: you will make it a challenge of our God in the present life and in the future either, but we will not pay us on our business, and on the impurity of our hearts, but for our goodness we will reward us . At your bole, a petition is hopefully, your concern is urged, your intercession to the aid, and to the MEDIA DIVERSE Freshly, help help: save us, pleases, from evils that are on us, yes for the saints of your prayers will not attack us, and yes Do not wash in the punching of sinful and in the Tine of our passions. Moli, St. Nicholas, the Christ of our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, souls our salvation and grandgrieness, now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Great Martyr and healer Panteleimon

Oh Holy Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, God Milostivago imitator! Winning and hear us sinners, before sacring your icon of diligence praying. We succeed in the Lord God, hees from the angels of the prestige in the sky, to resolve our sins and the limits. Healing diseases of the shower and bodies of the slaves of God now commemorated, the current and all Christians of the Orthodox, to your intercession of flowing. Behold, the sin of our sake, Luhee obsessed the ESMA many few favors and are not imaginary help and consolation: to you, they are resorting, IKO is given to the grace praying for us and heal any illness and any disease. Give us to all our holy prayers for your health and blessing souls and bodies, the surveillance of faith and piety and all the time to rescue and save the great and wealthy mercies, weighing the great and wealthy mercies, we will glorify the governance of all the best, Divnago in our saints of our God, Father and son and saint spirit, forever. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Righteous Simeon of God Application

About the great waters of God and God-seeming Simeon! The throne of the throne of the tsar and the god of our Jesus Christ, the bold of IMASH to him, on the arms of your own for the sake of salvation, who spent the famous. To you, the recruitment, IKO a multi-communal concept and strong about us prayer, we resort to sin and unworthy. The moths of his goodness, Jaco, will turn his anger from us, righteously according to our us on us, and our despite of our loans, will turn us on the path of repentance and will approve of us on the path of the commandments of their commandments. Fences the prayers of your life in the world our life, and in all blessing the good hasty of as soon as possible, all the gods demanding to us. And Jacques Alder Veliky Novgorrad, the phenomenon of the miraculous Icons of Treaty, from the dedication of the mortgago movement, tako and now and all the hazards and weight of the country, who are interested in all sorts of misfortunes and misfortunes and the supreme death of your victim to save, and from all the enemy of visible and invisible covers . [Save in the world, health and grace of our sovereign of our sovereign, Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, and His Power] and the whole kingdom of Russian Budi stronghold firm and strengthened, Yako yes, a quiet and silent life, live in every piety and clean, and taco in the world Runningly, in the eternal reached peace, the ideal of the heaven of the kingdom of Christ of our God, Jesh, every glory, with his father and the Most His Spirit, now and are also confeded and forever. Amen.

Prayer to the Saint Blessed Princes Boris and Gleb

About the border sacred, the brothering of the beautiful, the kind of passionerpits of Boris and Gleb, from younjoy Christ, the clean and love of God, and the blood of your Yako bugger was decorated, and now with Christ reigning! Do not forget us and we are in the earth, but, well, the warmness of the intercession, your strong petition, before Christ, you have a lot of us: Yunya Sabi in the Holy Faith and purity, are inflamed from any nimer's prick and sewage, and all of us praying from every sulfur, crosses and Sudden death to relieve, tame all the enmity and malice, the action of the devil from the neighbor and alien ends. Molims of you, Christ-lubbivia passionwater, [Spectacle and the fabulous sovereign, Emperor Nikolay Alexandrovich in the victory of the enemies,] Sorry from the Lord's Governorates to all of us to leaving our degrees, dispossessment and health, getting rid of the invasion of the invalid, interference brangi, ulcers and glads. Suppose your deceit your dear (or the whole of this, or the abode of this) and all the holy memory of your memory, forever. Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Martyr Baby Gabriel Belostoksky

Infant's innobdient keeper and martyr's courage to the carrier, Gabriel of Blessed, the countries Our Adamanta Precious and Jewskago dishonesty is an accusable! We are sinful to you with a prayer for you, and about Gresheh your crushing, a little bit of our smooth, love of the call: our fouls do not rush, purity of the treasure, our fabrication is not Omeri, long-suffering to the teacher, but there is no wonder, we have no essentials from heaven. Healing to us is your guess of prayer, and your thoughts of loyalty to the imitatives of us to teach us. Incidentally, patiently cross the cross of temptations and the malfunction to incur care, Obache and then gracious assistance are not listened to us, pleasedness, but the Lord's freedom and we can succeed. The same and praying for the children of his mother hear, health and salvation from the Lord codes are clarifying. Take a talvano of the heart of the heart, hedgehog about the flour of your, holy infant, will not die: And in addition to this Umenenago, the reepting of the beneficia of the Bolago act we can bring, but also with such a mounted thoughts, our minds and hearts, blessed, translucent, to correct the lives of our gratefulness of God Nasty. In fact, in us about the salvation of the soul and about the glory of God, the jealousy is tireless, and about the hour MEMORY MEMORY PERSONAL KEETING POINS us. The nearest in the deaths of our Torzania demonstration and thoughts of despair from the shower of our concept of your discharge, and this is the hope of the Divine forgiveness of the forgiveness, in hedgehog and then, and now I highly glorify the mercy of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your strong intercession, forever. Amen.

You read the article Prayer About Health Baby | Prayer about sick children. Read and other materials about prayers:

To the Lord.

The sweet Jesus, my God's heart! You gave me children on the flesh, they are your soul; And my souls redeemed, you redeemed our unequal blood; For the sake of the blood of the Divine I beg you, the sweet my Savior: Thank you Touch the hearts of my children (names) and my gods (names), protect them with your fear of your Divine, keep them from bad inclinations and habits, direct them on the bright way of life, truth and Good, decorated the life of them all the kind and saving, is the fate of their jacket you are Khoshchei and save the souls of their imagine weight by fate.
Lord God of our Fathers! My children (names) and godsmans are my (names) give heart right to follow your commandments, your revelations and your charters and fulfill all this.

God! The creator of all creatures, accompanying grace for grace, you have done me worthy to be the mother of the family; Your goodness gave me children, and I dare to say: they are your children! Because you gave them a life, revived by the soul of the immortal, revived their baptism for life, according to your will, adopted them and accepted his church in the bowels. Lord! Save them in the gracious state until the end of life; There is someone to be parties to the sacraments of your covenant; consecrate your truth; yes hire in them and through them holy name Your! Nissed me your graceful help in their upbringing for the glory of your name and the benefits of the Middle! Gone to me for this purpose ways, patience and power! Teach me to put in their heart the root of true wisdom - your fear! Ozari them with the light of the control universe of your wisdom! Yes, you will be in your whole soul and your whole thinking, and you will flip to you with all my heart and your words of yours will be trembled in all my life! Give me a mind to convince them that the true life is in compliance with your commandments; That the work strengthened by piety delivers in this life a serene contentment and in eternity - inevitable bliss. Discover them the mind of your law! Yes, by the end of the days of their own in the sense of all of your own! Nasadi in their heart horror and disgust from every lawlessness, and they will be immaculate in the ways of their own, and always remember that you all our God, the Jesetter of the law and the truth of yours! Observe them in chastity and reverence to your name! Yes, you do not spoil your behavior of your behavior, but yes live according to her prescriptions! Forew their hunt for useful doctrine and prevent any kind of good deed! May they acquire a true concept of those subjects that are necessary in their state; Let they enlighten with knowledge, benefactor for humanity.

Lord! Umudri me brief with indelible features in my mind and the heart of my children's fear of the conservativeness with your fear of yours, inspire them with all the removal from every union with lawless. Yes, they do not hesitate to rotten conversations, but they do not listen to people frivolous, but they will not squeeze them from the path of your bad examples, but they will not be seduced by the fact that sometimes the way of lawless landscape in this world!
Heavenly! Give me grace in every very much to serve my seduction to my actions, but, constantly having in mind their behavior, distract them from delusions, correct their errors, to curb their perseverance and the incidence of them, to bring them to the desire for fussy and frightness; Yes, they are not fond of insane thoughts, but do not go after the heart of their own, but they will not be ingenected in their distraction, and yours will not forget and your law. Does not destroy the lawlessness of the mind and health of them, but they will not relax the sins of the spiritual and bodily forces of them. The righteous sudience, punishing the children for the sins of parents to the third and fourth kind, turn out such a kara from my children, do not punish them for my sins, but there are about their dear of their grace, and they succeed in virtues and holiness, and in favor of your favor and in love Poie people.

Father generous and all of mercy! By the feeling of the parent, I would like to children with my every abundance of the lot of earthly, wanted them blessings from the dew heaven and from Tuka earthly, but will be with them the Holy Will of yours! Code of their fate in your favor, do not lish them in the life of urgent bread, their missions are all the time to acquire blessed eternity; Be merciful to them when they sin in front of you; Do not impute them to the sins of youth and ignorance, bring them to the crushing of their hearts, when will oppose the leadership of your goodness; Karai them and Millu, sending to the path, the benefit of you, but do not reject them from your face! Take them with the favor of the prayer of them, give them success in every kind thing, do not turn your face from them in the days of the sorrow, and they will not comprehend their temptations above their forces. Autumn your grace, yes, your angel goes with them and keep them from every misfortune and an evil way, all-sell God! Having made me mother, having fun about his children, let them eat mine in the days of my life and I support my old age. Ack of me, with your relief to your mercy, to appear with them Terrible court Yours and with unworthy daring to say: "So my children, whom you gave me, Lord!" Yes, inexpressible goodness and everlasting love of yours inexuredly with them, excellently overlook the Most Holy Name, the Father, the Son and the soul of the Holy, forever. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother of Your Mother I hear, unworthy slave (name). Lord, in the gracious power of your Chad, my slaves (names). Have mercy and save them, your name for your sake. Lord, forgive them all the sins of free and involuntary, who performed before you. Lord, to nasty them to the true path of your commandments and the mind enlightened by the Light of Christ in the salvation of the soul and healing of the body. Lord, bless them in the house, at school, on the way and at every place of your dominion. Lord, save them under the root of your holy from the flying bullet, poison, fire, from the deadly ulcers and in vain death. Lord, protect them from all visible and invisible enemies, from any disease, to cleanse from every bad and facilitate their mental suffering. Lord, give them grace of your spirit of the saint for many years of life, health, chastity. Lord, multiply and strengthen them mental capacity and bodily forces. To you given to them, your blessing for pious and, if you please, family life and a physical configuration. Lord, give me, unworthy and sinful servant of your (name), the parent blessing of my children and the servant of yours at the moment of the morning, the day, the night of your name for your sake, because your kingdom is eternally, all-way and omnosis. Amen.

At a time when the child begins to hurt, it does not rarely happen so that frightened parents, they simply begin to be lost and especially bad at this moment, since there is a certain relationship between children and their parents, making those particularly sensitive to the worsening of the baby. And in our life, it does not all depend on people, so in difficult Minutes Help the prayer for the recovery of the child.

What gives a prayer for the recovery of the child is strong (helping)
The prayer appeal is a conversation with the Lord and whether in your own words or according to the sacred text, the essence remains the same - we appeal to the Most High for receiving a blessing, as well as for help in healing and further well health for their children.

There is also a huge number of evidence of a prayer for a child's disease, the health of the health is capable of providing a truly miraculous action, so it is not necessary to ignore such powerful tranquility (especially in cases where the external intervention does not work for full force, but anxiety is very strong ).

Prayer itself has the following action:

Helps to save the sore parts of the child's body from unpleasant sensations;
With prolonged I. high temperatures lowers the temperature and facilitates the overall condition of the child;
Gives chad the forces to combat the ailment;
In addition to the fact that the prayer appeal can be saved, it is also able to help the mother calm down, gather with the forces and instill faith in the speedy recovery of the child. After all, the most recent thing is to crude is the excitement of his parents, and when mom is trusted to the world, sets himself to help heavenly forces and calms down, the child begins to relax and goes on the amendment.
Naturally, the recovery of the child does not always depend only on our desire, however, if mom applies all its efforts, then the chance of getting rid of the disease will increase significantly.

Who pray for a child's health

There are many prayers for the recovery and the health of children who can be addressed to the images of various saints, namely:

* Matron of Moscow;
* Virgin Mary;
* Nikolay the Wonderworker;
* Luke Krymsky.
Since antiquity it is believed that the Blessed Matrona is a defender of family well-being and a patroness of a homemade hearth. From all over the world, Orthodox pilgrimits come to the relics to ask for the cure of relatives and people close to them. And the prayer of the Matron about the healing of the child will be a good companion for every loving mother in the most difficult times.

The text of the prayer is:

"Oh, Blessed Starius Matrona. With Moloto I appeal to you and with the hope of recovering the child. Ask for the Lord God of our Jesus Christ about the health of his beloved chad. Do not proceed to me for sinful acts and do not refuse me in righteous help. Relive the child from gentlementers, grief, crying and wedding. Otrini Borenoye and Tutu's soul. It was put on my child with a strong health and rings from him to Beshovsky. Forgive me all the lack of maternal and implicit about me before the Lord God. May it be so. Amen".

Such a prayer appeal is quite strong and therefore, after its pronunciation, the baby is recommended to give some drink by adding sacred water in advance.

Tsarina Heavenly Virgin Mary is the first in the Christian world of Mother and if the trouble came to the house and brought with them a demise of her beloved Chad, then you can seek it for help in recovery and gaining good health child. The molding of the Virgin in the health of the baby will definitely have its own action in the patient's cure, will force the body to resist the disease, and also give the power to the child.

"On the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the hands of your children (names), all the detachments, socklocks and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of the mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves.

Mother of God, enter me into the image of your heavenly motherhood. Allow soul and bodily wounds of my children (names), my sins applied. I am handing a child my wholehegable Lord to my Jesus Christ and your preching, celestial patronage. Amen".

Since time immemorial, believers, if different health problems appear for help from the Saint Nicholas, since he was widely known as a healer, endowed with a comprehensive faith. The prayer petition to the older and to this day helps to save the child from discomfort, which causes him a bodily disease.

Text of prayer:

"Oh, Saint Nicholas Wonderworker. I fall to your legs and ask about the recovery of a sick child. The miracle dropped from heaven and help him cope with a serious ailment. Before the Lord, God beyond my estimates and ask him for generous and merciful forgiveness. May it be so. Amen".

Such a petition is allowed to pronounce not only in the walls of the Church, but also at home, however, if Chado has a serious illness, then it is best to take it to the temple or invite a clergy to the house.

The saint was Luka endowed with the power of healing, the gift of witness and the wonderfulness. And addressing the elder in the prayer past, you can heal from different colleges not only adults, but also children.

Strong prayer to the Holy Luke on the treatment of a child:

"About the All-Breeding Confessor, the Holy Father of Our Lukuk, the great waters of Christ. With mild, the knees of the hearts of our hearts, and fallen to the Hacfish of honest and multi-purpose power, Ya.Khodki Chad Father Molim Majm Everything: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and human-loving God. You are now in the joy of saints and from the face of the angel of the preston. Believe Bo, Yako, you love us by the love of Love Eyuzh, the whole neighbor was loved by Esi, staying on the earth.

As soon as the Christ of our God will approve of his own in the spirit of the right of faith and piety: shepherds will give the holy jealousy and the care of the rescue of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers observed, weak and weak in faith to strengthen, learning to instruct, nasty pride. We all give the gift of Komujdotously well-consistent, and all the time for the life of the time and the eternal salvation is useful.

Grades of our statement, earth fruit, from a glad and a flock of getting rid. Sorrowful consolation, affecting healing, lost on the path of truth Return, parent blessing, Chad in the Strasse of Lord Education and learning, siphe and poor assistance and intercession.

Give us to all your archpastor blessing, yes such a prayer petition of the property, get rid of the goose dunning and avoid any entrances and tricks, heresies and splits.

We will put us on the path leading in the village of the righteous and moths about us of our omnipotentiary of God, in eternally life will be promoted with you incessantly the Slaviti and inseparable Trinity, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

It is worth noting that the clergymen recommends that the prayer appeal to learn by heart in order not to be distracted during its pronunciation, but it is also equally important to concentrate on reading the prayer and present on the image of his smiling, happy and healthy child.

Let the Lord keep you!

Watch the video prayer Matron of Moscow about healing and protection: