Which moon should you plant carrots on? When to plant carrots according to the lunar calendar

To choose the time to sow carrots in 2020 according to the lunar calendar, you need to take into account some factors. Each region: the Moscow region, central Russia, the Leningrad region, Kuban, Siberia and the Urals has its own characteristics of planting this crop in open ground. It is also planted in March, April, May, and June. Is it possible to sow carrots before winter, the answer is yes. Fans of root vegetables will find out when it is safe on the Moon, depending on its location, to plant this vegetable crop in order to minimize the risks with its establishment and growth.

Planting dates according to the lunar calendar and depending on the region

Despite the fact that “garden astrology” is an unrecognized science, it allows plant breeders to track the influence of lunar phases on the growth and life cycle of cultivated plants. Many were probably convinced that at the peak of lunar activity it was advisable to completely abandon any activity in the garden or vegetable garden, because even replanting indoor plants often causes unpleasant consequences. As for root crops, the time of the fading phase of the moon is suitable for their active growth and development. boil down to the main rule - until the first frost on the waning moon:

Favorable days Neutral Sowing prohibited
September 15-27 6, 14, 28 1-5, 7-13, 29, 30
October 15-20, 22-27 5, 14, 21, 28 1-4, 6-13, 29-31
November 13-25 4, 12, 26 1-3, 5-11, 27-30

During the spring months you can also rely on the moon. Sowing carrots in 2020 according to the moon:

When the moon is full, it is advised to collect planting material for future seasons, but sowing is strictly prohibited. The full moon depletes the root system and weakens it.

For different regions of the country, the time of planting for the winter may differ. Open ground planting in the spring in the Moscow region occurs between October and November. When a region approaches cold weather, the weather is stable and no warmth is expected. The peculiarity of sowing lies in the depth (from 5 cm). The Ural conditions are the same. This region has cold winters. Don’t forget to cover the beds with fir branches. In Siberia, the root crop is planted from the beginning of October. It is better to plant on a hill - the snow will melt faster and the carrots will ripen earlier.

Sowing crops before winter

It is recommended to choose an area sheltered from the winds with good lighting. Avoid planting on slopes and in the shade. Carrots cannot be replanted in the same place. When initially digging the soil, you should add fertilizer, such as compost; manure is not suitable for this. If necessary, lightly extinguish the soil with ash.

On a note!

Grooves for planting should be deeper than for spring planting.

It is advised to start preparing for sowing in early autumn; to do this, make furrows 2-4 cm deep, the distance between them is 15-20 cm. After planting, sprinkle a 5 cm layer of humus or peat - this will protect the plants from freezing. You can cover the beds of winter carrots with spruce branches.

The country's climate is unpredictable - first unexpected frosts, and then a sudden thaw. Therefore, it is difficult to give exact sowing dates. It is necessary to ensure that the sown seeds do not germinate before the onset of stable cold weather, otherwise all plants will die. It is better to sow it on frozen soil in mid-November, but at the same time increase the amount of planting material by 20% compared to spring.

In spring, spruce branches are removed from the beds. As soon as the snow melts, low arches are stretched over the carrots and material or foil is attached to them - for the rapid ripening of the root crop. Then they loosen the soil, and when 1 green sprout appears, they weed it.

Spring sowing: variety of varieties

The crop is sown in rows, every 25 cm, to a depth of 1.5 cm. The seeds are very small, which makes rare sowing difficult. Seed tapes can be used. Other plants, such as dill or radish, are sown nearby, which will help in marking the rows. Thinning - young plants need to be thinned.

Early varieties of carrots should grow about 5 cm apart. Later varieties should grow within 10 cm of each other. It is necessary to regularly water and weed. Fertilizer - fertilizing with ammonium nitrate is required. Use a dose of 15 g per square meter. Planting in March or late June reduces pest infestation.

Carrots can be grown safely under insect protection netting.

Varieties are divided into 3 types: early, mid-ripening and late-ripening. In spring you can plant any variety. Late-ripening vegetables - in summer. Frost-resistant early and mid-season varieties are most suitable for autumn. Early ripening carrots are not suitable for long-term storage; they are planted as long as they are planned to be consumed immediately after harvest. Mid-season carrots are mainly grown for immediate consumption. Late ripening - for storage and consumption in winter.

Select a site with well-drained soil, a pH between 6.0 and 6.8, and full sun for at least 8 hours a day. When planting carrots, mix them with radish seeds. Radishes germinate and ripen faster than carrots. It will loosen the soil when it is ready to harvest.

Use garden netting or tulle to cover the crop during the growing season to avoid infestation by carrot flies. If frosts come early, you can leave it in the ground for a while. A light frost will sweeten the crop. They collect it right before the ground freezes.

Do not let the soil dry out completely. Mulch with newspaper or even a light layer of grass to retain soil moisture and control weeds. Fertilizer for root growth should not contain a large amount of nitrogen. Fertilizer formula:

  • 5% nitrogen;
  • 10% phosphate;
  • 10% potassium.

Do not plant carrots where they were grown last year. It grows better after cucumbers, onions, cabbage and tomatoes, and seed germination can be observed by temperature readings of + 4 ... + 5 ° C. High temperatures, especially when accompanied by a decrease in soil moisture, have a harmful effect on root crops.

Within 1 few weeks of planting, the plants will be too small to successfully control weeds. During this delicate time, you need to ensure that the beds are thoroughly weeded. Onions and green onions are one of the accompanying plants for carrots. The onion scent masks the sweet-smelling root vegetable, which will repel carrot flies. For even greater success, it is recommended to plant mustard as a cover crop. Mustard copes well with the problems of root crops.

Plant the seeds directly into the ground, this crop does not like transplanting, the root may be damaged.

Many people believe that it is better to plant carrots in the spring months and harvest them in the fall. Some people, on the contrary, prefer to plant this root crop in winter, which will allow it to be planted much earlier than the earliest spring varieties. The combination of all agronomic recommendations and orientation in the lunar planting calendar for 2020 will definitely guarantee a better carrot harvest.

The lunar calendar for carrots will help you choose favorable days for planting. It can be used as a reference point by gardeners who pay attention to the phases of the moon, which affect the Earth’s magnetic field.

Carrots should be planted in open ground after the snow has completely melted and the soil has dried. The main condition is warm weather. The outside temperature should exceed +15 °C, and the soil should warm up to at least +7 °C. Such weather conditions occur in mid-spring. In the southern regions of Russia, planting can begin at the end of March. It is worth noting that each variety requires special time for planting. Seeds that can be stored until winter should be planted no earlier than May.

As for sowing in a greenhouse, the planting time will depend on its characteristics. If the greenhouse is heated, you can start planting at the end of winter. In a greenhouse without heating, but with thermal insulation, sowing begins in March. If there is no heating and the greenhouse is located on the ground, sowing should not be done before May.

In order to dig up juicy beets or carrots, pay attention to favorable days for planting:

  • March: 3, 10, 21, 27, 29;
  • April: 1, 3, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22;
  • May: 9, 11, 13, 14, 17.

Video “The correct way to plant carrots”

In this video you will learn a clever way to plant carrots in the spring.

Cultivation care

It is best to care for root vegetables on days when the moon is under the signs of Taurus, Scorpio or Capricorn. These days you can dig up weeds or thin out the ground. Fertilizer must be applied on the days of Pisces, Capricorn or Scorpio. As for watering, it must be done every day, regardless of the position of the moon, so as not to harm the seeds. Particular attention should be paid to carrots in the days of Aquarius, since there is a high probability of drought.

It is better not to carry out any activities in the garden when the moon is under the sign of Aries. Gemini is a great day for weeding. It is strictly forbidden to replant and plant seeds when the Leo phase begins. You can protect crops from pests in 2019 during Virgo days. To obtain seed stock from root crops, choose Scorpio or Libra days. Harvesting should only be done on a waxing moon, preferably when it is in Aries or Virgo.


Harvest time depends not only on the lunar calendar. Early varieties are always harvested in early spring. The collection of varieties intended for storage in autumn is carried out towards the end of spring. Astrologers say that it is not recommended to carry out any work during the full moon or new moon. Carrots removed from the soil lose nutrients. If harvesting occurs during a new or full moon, the roots are affected by magnetic fields, which cause the carrots to wither and age faster.

The readiness of the fruit for harvesting is determined by the lower leaves on the tops. If they turn yellow, the carrots are ripe. Vegetables that will be eaten in winter are harvested no earlier than September. Late-ripening varieties should also not be harvested early. They need to be kept in the ground longer, even in unfavorable weather. Don't forget that carrots are resistant to cold, so they will ripen even at low temperatures. If you want to store carrots for a long time, do not collect them in the heat.

Planting before winter

Root crops are planted before winter to reap an early harvest. This procedure is carried out in autumn or spring. This method can only be practiced in moderate winter conditions. Seeds planted in autumn are hardened at low temperatures, so they become more resistant to frost. They are saturated with moisture, so you can expect a good harvest.

In order to reap a good harvest, it is necessary to plant carrots before winter after the first frost. Typically, such conditions occur at the end of October. If planting is done earlier, the seeds will freeze.

For sowing, it is better to choose the days of the waning moon. You should refrain from gardening work on the days of the full moon and new moon. Favorable signs are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn. If you plant closer to the full moon, the vegetables will quickly grow, and by the new moon the root crops will spread out wide.

If you follow the lunar calendar, you can reap a rich harvest of tasty and juicy carrots. Please note the dates that are absolutely not suitable for carrying out any work in the garden next year.

In March, you should not work on the ground on the 1st, 3rd, 14th, 17th, 19th, 22nd, 25th and 31st. In April, unfavorable days include 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 28, 29, 30. In May, it is better not to work in the garden 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 9th, 12th, 13th and 16th. In particularly cold regions, you should focus not only on the lunar calendar, but also on the readiness of the soil, as well as temperature conditions.

Carrots, quite popular among gardeners, are among those vegetable crops whose planting must be tied to a strictly defined time. It is usually selected based on the carrot variety, local conditions, and also taking into account the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Both the waxing and waning Moon, as well as such a well-known phenomenon as its eclipse, are all elements of a process that has a direct and by no means magical effect on everything that grows on our planet. The lunar periods or phases of the moon, known to every schoolchild, also have a direct bearing on this. For a modern and fairly experienced gardener, the concepts listed above are not an empty phrase.

According to established tradition, every year astrologers calculate favorable days for planting carrots, which must be taken into account. This is explained by the fact that not only planting, but also growing a given plant is directly related to the state of the environment, which includes most natural factors.

It is also necessary to take this connection into account because carrots are almost always grown in open ground and only occasionally in greenhouses. Based on the fact that this vegetable is a fairly cold-resistant crop, it is traditionally one of the first to be planted on the site.

Note! Resistance to low temperatures allows a flexible approach to choosing the season for its sowing, which can be organized both in early spring and autumn (that is, with the prospect of wintering).

In any case, it is possible to get a good harvest not only thanks to careful care of the planted carrots (timely watering, loosening the rows and fertilizing), but also due to the correctly chosen planting day.

It is the cycles or phases of the Moon, as well as its location in certain signs of the Zodiac, that have a certain influence on the growth of the crop and the size of the harvest. For example, the so-called “lunar” carrot planting calendar compiled for the current year will tell you how to choose the right carrot planting days in May.

When to plant?

Thus, pre-designated carrot planting days have a certain impact on the main indicators of its cultivation, namely:

  • Seed germination;
  • Development and growth of culture itself;
  • Quality and volume of harvest (yield).

Let us consider in more detail how specifically the lunar calendar should be taken into account and its influence on the choice of days for planting.

Influence of lunar phases

The basis for the astrological calculation of planting dates for any garden crop is the movement of the Moon from one zodiac sign to another with its waxing or waning. Moreover, these phenomena have different effects on the development of already planted carrots. It has been proven, for example, that the movement of nutritious juices in this culture largely depends on

Satellite phases

The waxing Moon causes them to rise from the roots to the stem, and the waning month initiates movement in the opposite direction. In accordance with this dependence, recommendations for planting dates and features of caring for this crop depend on the intended purpose of the root crops, namely:

  • Regular food carrots;
  • Ornamental varieties with slightly different nutrient flow patterns;
  • Aboveground fruits that have their own characteristics of the distribution of vital juices.

Everything that is usually classified as pure “roots” gives a good result if planted in the phase of the waning Moon. Those root crops that were planted closer to the Full Moon grow noticeably more strongly into the soil (go deeper). And if you plant them very shortly before the New Moon, then the vegetables will grow a little shorter, but they will look real “strong.”

Most amateur gardeners naturally have a question: is it possible to plant carrots during the full moon, and how will this affect its yield? Astrology answers this quite specifically and warns that during this period, as well as on the day following this, it is not recommended to perform any manipulations with carrot material at all.

While the Moon is in its full phase, the carrot root system is significantly weakened and very sensitive to any external influences. During this period, it is not recommended to thin out or loosen it, as this can lead to damage to the roots.

It is also not recommended to plant root crops these days. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to call this day successful.

Nice carrot

Spring planting dates

For the spring season, the most favorable time for planting is considered to be the period when the snow has completely melted and the soil has begun to dry out a little (in many Russian regions this is the month of April).

Additional Information. The optimal soil condition is one in which the top layer becomes sufficiently dry and loose.

For small carrot seeds that are not planted very deep in the ground, the heat that warms only its outer layer is quite sufficient. In this case, it is desirable that daytime air temperatures are at least +15C, and the same indicator for the soil does not fall below +7-8 degrees. In the middle zone of the country, you can sow carrots as early as April or at the very beginning of May (in some not very warm years you have to wait until the middle of May). As a result, you should focus on favorable days for planting carrots in May, determined according to the same lunar calendar.

To determine the optimal planting time, according to astrological indications, it is also necessary to take into account the varietal differences of the seeds sown. Since the most suitable time for early-ripening varieties of carrots is March, when determining the appropriate date using the calendar, you should choose this particular month.

Accordingly, the moment is chosen for planting varieties belonging to the late-ripening variety. When considering the influence of lunar phases on this crop, in this case the optimal time for harvesting carrots should also be clarified.

Collection time must be taken into account

Joint planting with other crops

When choosing favorable days for sowing carrots by month, the following points should be taken into account:

  • Does it grow separately and away from other crops;
  • Are there beets or onions in the beds next door?
  • How close are these cultures located?

The fact is that the joint growth of these plants (onions plus carrots and beets) leaves an imprint on all of its (carrot’s) behavior, including its reaction to the state of the Earth’s satellite.

Each of these vegetables (both onions and beets) has its own preferred days for planting, so when growing them together with carrots, the approach to this issue becomes noticeably more complicated.

In particular, amateurs often discuss the question of which moon it is possible to plant carrots and beets in the spring, and which one is not, and how important it is to take this factor into account. The answer to this may be the following recommendations from experts:

  • When choosing the optimal timing for planting beets and carrots, climatic (weather) conditions must be taken into account;
  • Most gardeners prefer to plant beets in the spring, so that the soil has time to warm up to at least 5°C;

Necessary clarification. If it is planted early in soil that has not yet warmed up, the seeds may simply not germinate, and, as a result, the root crops themselves will not have time to form.

  • Very early sowing of beets also poses a danger in terms of the possibility of flower stalks appearing, which negatively affects the development of this crop;
  • The optimal temperature from the point of view of germination is +4...+5°C (even slight frosts down to -2°C are acceptable).

As for taking into account the lunar phase, which makes a beneficial contribution to the joint cultivation of these crops, it is recommended to plant them on favorable days during the waning moon.

Regarding the same question about onions, it should be noted that everything said above about beets can be fully transferred to bulbous plants. In the case of joint cultivation with carrots, the time for placing it in mixed beds should be chosen during the waning Moon.

A complete and well-systematized list of days on which planting is conducive to the development of carrot crops can be found at the following address.

As an example of choosing favorable days, let’s take a look at the estimated dates for planting carrots in the current (2018) year:

  • In March, its planting is recommended for gardeners in the southern regions; in this case, favorable days are the 4th, 24-27th of this month, as well as its very end (30 and 31);
  • The most suitable April date is considered to be the first day of the month. Additional dates when you can plant seeds: April 27 to 28;
  • May days, which fall at the end of spring, are represented in the lunar calendar for 2018 by numbers such as 19 and 20, as well as 23-24.

In the final part of the review about the influence of the moon on the planting of carrots, the following points should be noted:

  • First, the normal development and growth of a plant depends on a complete set of factors directly related to its environment (including Space);
  • Secondly, this influence has a particularly acute effect on the timing of its landing in unprotected soil from the location of the Moon in the sky and its current phase;
  • Thirdly, when choosing a specific date for planting a carrot crop, its variety (early or late ripening) should also be taken into account.

In addition, it is important to take into account lunar factors related to plants growing together with carrots (onions or beets, for example). Only an integrated approach to solving all these issues will allow us to obtain a rich harvest that does not depend on the vagaries of nature.


Like cucumbers, carrots are very highly valued by our compatriots. You can't live without carrots. And they add it to cabbage soup and borscht, and what is sauerkraut without carrots. But the most important thing is that carrots are the richest source of vitamin A. Finely grated carrots are a tasty, healthy and easily digestible product.

When to plant carrots in 2018. As in any other year, if you comply with a number of necessary requirements. Carrots are planted in the spring, when morning and night frosts have already stopped. In central Russia it will be May 12–15. The soil temperature by this time will already reach 7–8 degrees.

We should not forget that carrot seeds germinate in about 20 days and the root crop takes about 2.5 months to grow to full maturity. If you plan to get good carrots at the end of August, then you need to plant them in the last days of May.

Many vegetable growers know how useful information about the phases of the moon is. When to plant carrots? For plants growing downwards, that is, for root crops, the most favorable time is the fourth quarter of the Moon, and this is the last week before the new moon. It is at this time that you need to plant all the root vegetables: carrots, turnips, radishes, beets. When to plant carrots in the ground. When the air temperature reaches 16 - 22 degrees.

Carrot seeds are soaked in water for 24 hours to swell, then lightly dried and planted in open ground. Carrots do not grow well in the shade, so the area should be sunny. When to plant carrot seeds. Carrots for seeds are planted in the third ten days of May, on the waxing moon. It should be warm in the hole, so it is better to water the carrots on the seeds with warm water.

When to plant carrots in the Moscow region. Since this is central Russia, there are no special requirements or recommendations here. Pay attention to the Moon. April 15 is the full moon, and then until May 13 is the best time for planting. How to plant carrots correctly. Remember that carrots require well-loose soil. And if root crops are planted frequently, then they must be thinned out.

You decide for yourself which carrots are best to plant. There are both early and later varieties. There are varieties of carrots that are a real delicacy, they are so juicy and sweet. People often ask what to plant after carrots. All experienced gardeners know that you cannot constantly grow the same crop or even the same family in one place.

After carrots, it is very good to plant all legumes, as well as onions and garlic.

Carrots are one of those vegetable crops that are always planted without seedlings, in open or closed ground, if it is meant to be grown in a greenhouse until harvesting. The crop is quite cold-resistant, so it is one of the first to be sown in garden beds. How not to rush or be late with planting it, but to choose the most favorable days from a suitable period of time - the lunar calendar for planting carrots 2018 will tell you.

First of all, you should decide on the season. A fairly common mistake is to sow carrot beds before winter without understanding the intricacies. For this option, only certain winter-hardy and zoned varieties are suitable (Moscow Winter is an example). When using seeds of ordinary non-frost-resistant varieties, you will have to wait until spring.

Spring planting dates

The time when you can go out into the garden with carrot seeds comes after the snow has completely melted and the soil has partially dried. Its upper part should already be dry and loose. Since the seeds of this vegetable crop are very small, they are planted in the ground at a shallow depth, so surface heating will be sufficient.

It is desirable that during the day the air warms up steadily to +15C, and the soil temperature reaches +7-8C. For central Russia, these conditions usually develop in April or early May (there are years when you have to wait until mid-May). Regions that are more southern or have a milder climate may begin planting earlier. Varietal varieties also matter. Thus, it is recommended to sow early-ripening varieties in March, mid-ripening varieties - in April, and those intended for winter storage - in early May, completing work by the middle of the month.

When to plant carrots in 2018 will be determined not only by the planting calendar, but also by future weather conditions, so its recommendations cover all possible periods from March to mid-May.

According to popular belief, the time to sow carrots comes after aspens and violets bloom.

The influence of lunar phases on planting vegetables

The basis for drawing up a calendar is the movement of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac and the change in its phases. Moreover, any factor can be a priority in different cases depending on a number of reasons.

It is known that the movement of vital juices in plants is directly related to the lunar phases . The waxing Moon makes them move upward, and the waning Moon, on the contrary, downwards, into the roots. Accordingly, different recommendations are given for planting and caring for plants that produce root crops and those that are used for decorative purposes or produce above-ground fruits.

Everything that, like carrots, belongs to the “roots” is more favorable to plant on the waning Moon. At the same time, the roots of plants planted closer to the Full Moon go deeper, including root vegetables (radish, daikon, carrots, etc.). And being planted closer to the New Moon, they grow strong, plump, but shorter. On the New Moon itself and on the day when the disk is fully illuminated, it is not recommended to work on the ground. The beginning of the cycle, when the earth’s satellite is not visible at all, is considered especially fruitless and negative for any undertaking.

Carrot planting calendar for March 2018

As can be seen from the calendar, the change of lunar phases, the most favorable for planting carrots will be the first half of the month. From the 3rd to the 16th, the lunar disk in the night sky will grow and reach full illumination on March 17th. Only residents of the southern regions, where spring usually comes into its own on schedule, will be able to take advantage of this favorable period for sowing root crops. The second half of the month should be especially taken into account by the passage of the earth’s satellite through the zodiac circle, since the growing month will increasingly draw juices, and therefore all nutrients, from the ground upward, to the stems and leaves, which is undesirable for starting to grow vegetables growing in ground.

1 VirgoThe day is unfavorable for soaking seeds and working with them, especially for crops growing in the ground.
2 Full moonIt’s better not to do anything in the garden except for housekeeping and putting things in order.
3-5; 5-7 Libra, Scorpio beginning of 3rd quarterAn excellent time to plant carrots, if not for weather conditions that are unlikely to allow this to be done in mid-latitudes. But, if it is possible to make a temporary greenhouse, then these are ideal days for sowing.
8-10 SagittariusYou can plant the “roots” for food for quick consumption, including early carrots. But there is a high probability that it will go green and produce weak fruits.
11-12 CapricornIt’s good to plant anything that needs to be stored for a long time.
13-15 AquariusA sign of infertility. It's better to do nothing.
16 FishThe vital forces are concentrated as much as possible in the roots, but the Earth is already silent, processes are frozen - one of the most difficult days of the cycle. The seeds will last a long time.
17 Pisces, New MoonA day of complete rest from all earthworks.
18-19 AriesInfertile sign. Crops will not tolerate a lack of moisture well.
20-21 TaurusDespite the growing month, Taurus promises a good harvest.
22-23 TwinsIt's better to skip these days.
24-26 CancerThe energy will be unstable, phases are changing, the Moon continues to grow. Planting root crops is not recommended.
27-28; 29-30 Leo and VirgoTime for the Earth to rest. The lion burns the crops. It is bad for Virgo to soak seeds, and the waxing Moon also does not contribute to the yield of root vegetables.
31 Full moonIt is better to stop work in the garden.

If on the dates chosen for planting carrots the ground is not warm enough, it can be pre-watered and covered with film. After sowing the seeds, the film can be returned to its place for the first time if there is a need to speed up germination. But as soon as they appear, it must be removed to avoid overheating.

You should not plant carrots before the conditions are comfortable for this. The seeds will simply lie in the ground for a long time, losing strength and germination.

Planting carrots in April 2018

Throughout the first half of April, the Moon will be waning, which means that it is at this time that the best days come for sowing carrot beds. Let's look at this month in detail.

1 ScalesA good day for planting, full of energy.
2-3 ScorpionAlso a favorable time. Everything sown will yield a bountiful harvest and will be resistant to disease. April 3 is one of the best days for sowing carrots!
4-6 SagittariusInfertile sign. Anything that begins to grow at this time will stretch upward and produce a weak harvest.
7-8 Capricorn, transition to the 4th quarterNeutral period. The fruits will be of medium size, but will be stored for a long time and are well stored. Change of quarters, turning point.
9-11 AquariusBarren time. Fruits can degenerate, become clumsy, and produce mutants. But for those who want to experiment in terms of selection - this is it!
12-13 FishA very productive period. If weather conditions permit, start sowing carrots now!
14-15 AriesWorking with seeds is unproductive at all stages (including planting with an eye to obtaining future seeds). Anything that has a growing season of more than a month is not planted.
16 New moonA day of infertility and complete rest from gardening and other work.
17-18 TaurusThe most productive days of the month!
19-20 TwinsThe circulation of vital juices changes direction, but it is better to wait a couple more days. Gemini does not contribute to productivity.
21-22 CancerThe harvest will be good, the fruits will be tasty, but they may not withstand long-term storage. However, if the weather is favorable, you can go out into the garden beds.
23-24 Leo, change of quartersThe vital forces of the earth are in balance, but everything planted under the influence of Leo can die from drought.
25-26 VirgoAdversely.
27-28 ScalesFertile Libra against the backdrop of the Moon continuing to grow is a neutral time for carrot plantings. The harvest will be strong, but the root crops may lack juiciness.
29-30 Scorpio, Full MoonIt is better to refrain from sowing all vegetables that bear fruit in the ground.

Due to the smallness of the seeds, carrot crops require thinning, which significantly weakens their strength. An excellent way is to dilute the seed material in sand or in a flour paste, which is poured into a bottle and distributed evenly into the prepared grooves.

Favorable days of May 2018

Most often, by this time the carrot beds are already sown. However, it is best to start sowing late varieties of “red vitamin” right now - in early May, especially since in 2018 this will be favored by the waning lunar disk in the night sky. But it is advisable to complete sowing carrots before May 14, under the New Moon.

1 ScorpionThe Moon is beginning to wan, the earth is weakened, it is better to refrain from active gardening related to root crops.
2-3 SagittariusActivity is allowed, but not recommended.
4-6 CapricornNeutral period of time, it is better to wait 3-4 days. Lost time will be returned with a higher harvest.
7-8 Aquarius, 2nd quarterAn infertile sign plus a transitional phase - now it is better to start working with weeds.
9-11 FishExcellent time, all natural factors are optimal. Don't miss these days; the 9th will be especially harmonious and promising.
12-13 AriesGermination may be quick, but the harvest will be weak.
14-15 TaurusWhoever has not yet put the “girl in prison” has the last favorable chance to do so. Plant late varieties. They will have excellent keeping quality!

The proposed recommendations should not become a panacea for a gardener, even if he is just beginning to learn the basics of farming. Weather conditions and everyday affairs dictate their conditions, and we are forced to obey them. Nevertheless, it is worth considering these recommendations and, if possible, adhering to them. The earth and everything growing on it is a single living and sensitive organism, and the more balance there is in it, the greater the return will be.

Secrets of growing carrots: video