At what distance to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse and open ground. Cucumbers in a greenhouse, hotbed, open ground: planting patterns Distance between cucumbers in a greenhouse when planting

Have you ever wondered what the word "farmer" means? In fact, it is not difficult to understand his morphology: a person who “makes” the earth. Namely, it does not rely on the whims of nature, independently creating the necessary conditions for a particular culture. After all, if it weren’t for the ingenuity of our ancestors, the juicy and vitamin-packed vegetable would still be growing in its original environment – ​​the tropics. But no, it was cultivated, domesticated and re-sorted for cultivation in ordinary local greenhouses. It is only important to choose the right seeds, grow strong seedlings from them and find out how to properly plant cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, which we will discuss in this article.

And now the most important question: when are cucumber seedlings ready for planting? Just inspect it: it should have 5-6 true leaves, 1-2 tendrils, a healthy thick stem and a developed root system. This is true? We're ready to start!

Greenhouse preparation: protection from pests and diseases

Why is a polycarbonate greenhouse recommended for growing these vegetables? Firstly, it is easy to create the desired microclimate for plants: there are no cracks, ventilation is organized correctly, and the sun's rays do not burn the leaves. Secondly, the polycarbonate does not need to be removed for the winter, and therefore spring work goes faster, and heat-loving cucumbers can be planted earlier. This is good, but there is still a lot of work to be done. At least you can forget about drafts from cracks and the scorching sun.

But you need to prepare the greenhouse thoroughly. Like a tropical vine that came to us from a completely different climate, this vegetable is extremely sensitive to all kinds of diseases and pests. Well, he doesn’t have the necessary protection in his genetics, because a couple of thousand years have not yet passed since this culture took root on Russian lands.

So, if you have already grown cucumbers and they were sick, completely replace all the soil this year. And disinfect the greenhouse itself with a solution of bleach: dilute 400 g of lime in 10 liters of water, then simply whitewash the entire internal surface of the structure, paying special attention to the frame.

Preparing beds for planting seedlings

Now check the acidity of the new soil - it should not be higher than 6.5. If higher, add liming material. Firstly, vegetables do not like too acidic soil, and secondly, much more bacteria and microorganisms live and thrive in such soil than in normal soil.

Before planting, the beds need to be prepared. Let's proceed from what this vine likes? Cucumber grows well and bears fruit in loose, organic-rich fertile soils. That is why it is not so much advisable, but mandatory, to add manure or compost to such closed soil, in the fall or for spring treatment. Optimally – up to 10-15 kg per square meter.

Additionally, you can apply the following fertilizers per 1 m2:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of wood ash;
  • 2 teaspoons of superphosphate;
  • 2 kg of ready-made mixture “Exo” or special for cucumbers.

Try to scatter all these fertilizers evenly, and then use an iron rake to cover them to a depth of 10-12 cm. Additionally, pour everything with the Energen growth stimulator: dilute one capsule in 10 liters of warm water (approximately 50°C), stir and spread over the surface, with the calculation of 2-3 liters per 1 m 2. This product saturates the soil with humus, which is what determines its fertility, if you remember from school biology textbooks.

Grafting onto the root of another plant

The weakest point of any greenhouse cucumber is a bad root. Too small, too delicate, which makes caring for plants quite difficult. Therefore, many greenhouse owners practice grafting onto another root, for example, pumpkin.

Such a plant will be much stronger and healthier. Try it, it's not difficult:

Some summer residents also quite successfully graft vegetables onto laginaria, because it has a more powerful root system, which is also more hardened - it quietly performs its functions even at +8°C.

Cucumber planting scheme

The traditional scheme for planting cucumbers in a polycarbonate structure is as follows: 100x50 cm, and the distance between plants is 40 cm.

You can plant both seedlings and germinated seeds in prepared beds. In the first case, you will already be sure that all the plants are strong and healthy, and in the second, you will not have to go through a rather complicated procedure - transplanting fruits with delicate roots to a new place.

Optimal calculation according to parameters:

  • 90-120 cm width of the bed.
  • 50-60 cm between rows.
  • 10-20 cm distance between plants. 10 cm – for short-climbing combs, 20 cm – for long-climbing combs.

But parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers need to be planted according to a different scheme:

Cucumbers also grow well in round beds:

  • Step 1. A pole is placed in the center of everything, and guide cords are already attached to it.
  • Step 2. Plant the sprouts in a circle, maintaining the usual distance of 15-20 cm.
  • Step 3. As the plants grow, they form a green cone, which looks nice and is quite convenient to harvest.

So, let's take a closer look at when and how to plant seedlings. First you need to grow it:

  1. We spread the prepared soil (or peat with sand) into plastic glasses. Pour boiling water over it – this will kill all harmful microorganisms.
  2. We deepen the dry seeds directly into this liquid mixture and cover with cling film.
  3. The next morning the sprouts will already be visible.

Just before planting, water lightly and dig holes. They should be located at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other, in a checkerboard pattern, which will provide better lighting for all plants. Water them with a solution of organic fertilizer "Effecton-O", taking about 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water at 30°C, and at a rate of one liter per hole. But remember that greenhouse soil, like air, has its own temperature regime, and when planting cucumbers in a greenhouse it should not be lower than 18°C.

Plant plants strictly vertically. If some sprouts are more elongated than necessary, after planting, cover them with a mixture of peat and sawdust in a 1:1 ratio - right up to the cotyledon leaves.

Plant seedlings in greenhouse beds carefully: the stem should not be deeply buried or tilted, otherwise the plant will then disappear. Water the plants so that the water reaches the depth of the roots, because... if it is 3 cm, then per square meter you need 3 liters of water. Please note that during fruiting the roots already penetrate to a depth of 18 cm.

Another important question: when planting, should I dig in the sprouts or not? Let's first figure out what exactly this technique does. By throwing soil on the stem of a plant, you stimulate the development of side shoots, i.e. strengthen the root system. For the southern regions, this is a good technique, because there the growing season for cucumber development is longer, and the expanded root will give a better harvest. But for the middle and northern zone, even if using a greenhouse, it is better not to dig up the stem, so as not to waste all the time and energy of the plant on growing more root shoots.

How to properly plant vegetables in a greenhouse?

Now let's figure out where it is better to plant the sprouts.

Method number 1. To the greenhouse beds

The work order is as follows:

  1. In the fall we prepare the soil: mix black soil, humus and ash. Mix everything well and cover with branches so that the snow lingers a little longer.
  2. In the spring, as soon as the snow in the greenhouse melts on its own, we water the soil with pale pink boiling water from potassium permanganate.
  3. Inside the greenhouse, we place metal arcs up to a meter high directly on the beds, and cover them with agrofibre and film.
  4. After three days, we open the film slightly, make a hole the size of a glass with plants (we prepare all this in advance), put a pinch of Kemira on the bottom and plant the cucumbers directly there. By this time, the seedlings should already have 3-4 leaves. There should be a total of 7 holes in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. After planting, water everything with warm water and keep it for another 7 days without watering.
  6. Two weeks after planting, we feed with liquid mullein at a ratio of 1:20.

During the day, the film can be removed.

Method number 2. In “warm” beds

Two weeks before planting, prepare the beds in an unheated greenhouse:

  1. Make trenches 20 cm deep, and put there everything organic that is found in the spring garden, or what you have prepared in advance in the fall.
  2. Water the beds with warm water and cover them with EM preparation so that the organic matter begins to quickly decompose.

In the garden bed where the cucumbers will grow, dig a shallow trench, place organic matter or manure on the bottom, cover with hay, water with hot water and cover it all with a fertile layer. Water again. Cover the beds with film for a few days to warm up. The following mixture is also suitable: a bucket of horse manure + a glass of ash + 1 tsp. urea + 1 tsp. superphosphate.

The beds themselves should be slightly higher in height than the path. As soon as the organic matter is processed by microorganisms, the soil will subside a little and become level with the rest of the earth. And the carbon dioxide and heat released in the process will be valuable.

You can plant both germinated seeds and seedlings in a warm bed.

Method number 3. In pots

Grow cucumber sprouts for the greenhouse also in small containers, like an eggshell or a newspaper glass. It is only important to create a highly organic environment by mixing sawdust with peat in a ratio of 1:3 and adding vermicompost. Check the acidity - the norm is pH 6-6.5. Next, sow the seeds to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, and pick them up at the cotyledon leaf stage. Maintain a temperature of 24-25°C, and after 5-7 days you will see the first shoots. Do not water for the first 2-3 days. It will take you 25 days in total.

Two weeks before planting, add lime and mineral fertilizers such as superphosphate and potassium magnesium to the soil. And already a week before planting, apply nitrogen fertilizers: 6 kg of ammonium nitrate per 4.5 m 3 of soil.

Cucumber root differs from tomato root in that it produces many tender long roots, which are horizontal. That is why the soil should only be soft, and you cannot dig up or replant seedlings. And peat pots with compressed walls are not suitable - the delicate roots will not penetrate them.

Method number 4. In banks

You can plant sprouts in a greenhouse not only in beds, but also in jars or bags. Five-liter water bottles are best for this. We simply cut off the bottom and top of them, dig them 5 cm into the ground and fill them with a nutrient mixture. One of the best recipes: one third compost, one second soil and one sixth ash.

Plant 2-3 sprouted seeds in each container and install a trellis. The harvest will be at least a week earlier, because... It is easier to warm the soil in jars, and much less watering will be necessary.

Method No. 5. Into the "pie"

There is also such an “old-fashioned” way. Potato peelings collected over the winter need to be dried. Next, we grind them in a meat grinder and soak them in a bucket of water right before planting the cucumbers. We make a deep hole in the garden bed and pour the wet mixture into it. Sprinkle soil on top, then a little more mixture. We plant the seedlings on this “pie”. The result will surprise you!

Important signals: don't miss it!

Please note: if after planting the next day the leaves turn white at the edges, there may be two reasons - illness or cold.

In the first case, diseased plants will have to be removed urgently, because... you will quickly infect everything in the greenhouse. And in the fall or spring, be sure to disinfect the entire structure. This could happen if you purchased seedlings at the market and did not grow them yourself. Fortunately, such an attack rarely happens.

But in the second case, if the soil temperature is lower than necessary, the roots of the cucumber begin to rot a little. This is where the white color of the leaves comes from. First of all, water the beds with warm water with manganese. It is possible to heat the air, but this is ineffective - it is necessary to warm up the soil first, and only then increase the overall temperature in the greenhouse.

That's all the difficulties that await you. And then - pleasant chores and a rich harvest!

» Cucumbers

Cucumber is one of the popular agricultural crops that is in demand among the population all year round. For planting, development and abundant fruiting of cucumbers, they need a certain microclimate, which is easiest to create and maintain in a greenhouse. Many gardeners prefer polycarbonate to build a greenhouse.

Strong, durable, easy to assemble - such structures will protect the beds from wind, cold and heavy rains, protect plants from the scorching sun, and you can grow vegetables in them 9 months a year.

If there is a heating system and additional lighting in the greenhouse, the seeds should be sown at the end of March - beginning of April. After emergence, before the formation of the first leaf, Daylight hours inside the greenhouse must be extended to 14-16 hours a day until the shoots finally get stronger.

Greenhouse lighting, lengthening daylight hours

Lamps needed turn on in time to prevent premature darkness even for a short time.

Seedlings are planted in an unheated greenhouse in early May (hereinafter we will consider a specific area - the Moscow region). To grow viable seedlings, you first need to maintain the temperature regime. The air temperature during the day should reach +22+25°C, and at night +16+20°C. The soil should be well warmed up to +15°+18°C to a depth of 10 cm. You need to start growing seedlings a month before planting them in a permanent place in the greenhouse. You should not let the seedlings outgrow - this depresses the root system.

It is best to plant seeds of self-pollinating cucumber varieties. It is advisable to sort them by size so that in the future, seedlings from seeds of the same size can be planted on each separate ridge. In this way, the same degree of germination and ripening of fruits can be achieved.

Seedlings are ready to be transplanted into a greenhouse if the stem has 3 to 4 well-formed leaves, 1-2 tendrils, the stem is strong, and the root system is sufficiently developed.

You can sow seeds directly into the ground. In this case, the plant will not expend energy on adaptation after transplantation and is guaranteed to avoid possible damage to the roots. But this method is better used in regions with a warm climate or use seeds of cold-resistant varieties.

The greenhouse for planting cucumbers must be properly prepared

This work begins in late autumn. First of all, the tops, leaves and roots left over from last year's plants are carefully selected from the ground. Then the greenhouse itself is inspected and necessary repairs are made. It is disinfected to kill pests. To do this, prepare a chlorine solution from 350-400 grams of powder, which is dissolved in 8-10 liters of water and left for 3 hours. The resulting solution is used to treat the entire internal surface of the greenhouse - the frame and other existing structural elements.

Above the beds at a height of about 2 m, ropes are pulled horizontally or supports are installed with cords hanging from them. In the future, a young cucumber branch that has reached a length of about 30 cm and already has 5-6 leaves will need a garter. In greenhouses, the plant is usually formed into one stem. Hanging a cucumber vine will significantly increase productivity, greatly facilitate the care of the crop, ensure timely and quick harvesting of vegetables, and save space.

Preparing the soil for sowing

In autumn, the soil needs to be completely changed or its top layer about 5 cm thick must be removed. A lot of pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in it over the course of the season. The soil is treated with a solution of copper sulfate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). This amount is enough to process 20-25 square meters. m area. You can use a solution of lime (20g per 6 liters of water) or potassium permanganate (6g per 15 liters of water).

Preparing the soil for sowing cucumbers

Organic and mineral fertilizers are distributed on the soil surface at the rate of 1 square meter. m:

  • 20-25 kg of manure;
  • 30-40 g of potash fertilizers;
  • 30-40 g of phosphate fertilizers.

If the soil acidity level is higher than 6.5 pH, add 200-400 g of lime per 1 sq. m. m of soil. After this, you need to dig the ground to a depth of 30 cm.

In the spring, the beds are covered with a new layer of soil consisting of a mixture:

  • 5 parts peat;
  • 3 parts humus;
  • 2 parts turf soil.

Coniferous sawdust is added to the mixture as a leavening agent.

Cucumber prefers loose soil enriched with organic matter. For 1 sq. m of soil will require 10-15 kg of manure or compost, which is applied 14 days before planting. At the same time, for 1 sq. m beds are distributed:

  • 2 tbsp. l. wood ash;
  • 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate;
  • 2 kg of ready-made Exo mixture.

These components are scattered in an even layer on top of the ridge, then embedded in the soil with a rake to a depth of 12 cm.

The soil for the beds should be well permeable and retain moisture. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, fertilize the plants, maintain air humidity to 85% and organize timely ventilation of the greenhouse. Significant changes in temperature and humidity in the greenhouse must not be allowed!

Scheme and correct landing

Tape two-line planting scheme

Planting seedlings is simple at first glance. In fact, there are features, taking into account which we will be able to grow cucumbers and care for them. Typically, in a greenhouse with dimensions of 3x6 m, beds are arranged so as to provide convenient access to them: 90-100 cm wide, the width of the paths between them is 50 cm, and the distance between plants is from 20 to 40 cm. The following scheme is often used. In the center there is a bed 90-100 cm wide. On both sides of it there are paths of 40-50 cm. Along the walls there are beds 50 cm wide. Thus, we have 4 rows of plants: 2 of them on the central ridge, one row along the walls. However, such a scheme is not a dogma; it can be adjusted depending on specific conditions - the size of the greenhouse, its shape, ceiling height, etc.

Holes for planting seedlings are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Their depth should be sufficient for transshipment of the plant along with the earthen clod. A little mixture is poured into the bottom of each hole, including:

  • humus (compost or peat) – 300-500 g;
  • superphosphate – 5-10 g;
  • potassium salt – 5-10 g.

The bed is spilled with warm water at the rate of 1 liter per cucumber vine. Seedlings are planted in the prepared hole, sprinkled with soil, and then mulched with peat on top.

You can plant in a greenhouse with seeds or seedlings

It is recommended to purchase seeds, peat cups and other materials and equipment for the garden in specialized stores.

Most often, gardeners first grow seedlings, and only then plant them in the ground using small containers. Using ready-made peat pots will make replanting easier.

Seeds are prepared for sowing. They are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried on a napkin.

Sawdust is scalded with boiling water and left to cool. The bottom of the wooden box is covered with a layer of sawdust 3-4 cm thick. Prepared seeds are distributed on top and sprinkled with the remaining crushed wood. The box is placed in a warm place, periodically moistening the sawdust. When the sprouts hatch, they can be planted.

Each pot is filled with a soil mixture (peat and sawdust in a ratio of 3:1), leaving 2 cm incomplete. Then the germinated seed is laid out and covered with a 1-1.5 cm layer of soil on top. The soil should not be swampy, but well moistened.

The seedlings will soon be able to be planted in the ground

Air temperature for seed germination is +26+28°C. In a week the first shoots will appear. Over the course of approximately 20-23 days, the plant produces 3-4 leaves.

Incorporation of seeds into the soil reaches a depth of 2-4 cm. Place 2-3 seeds in one hole. You can make furrows in the garden bed with a depth of 1-1.5 cm and distribute the seeds in them, sprinkling the soil mixture on top.

How to solve problems during cultivation, features of care

To avoid mistakes when growing cucumbers, you need to know them by sight. Let's look at the most common ones.

Rules for planting in a greenhouse

Too high a planting density will deprive plants of the amount of light and air they need. For 1 sq. m place 2-4 plants.


Avoid drafts when ventilating, cucumbers cannot tolerate them

Ventilation hatches should only be opened one at a time on one side of the greenhouse. Cucumbers do not tolerate drafts. Ventilation is required if the temperature inside the greenhouse exceeds +30°C.

Quality of planting material

Be sure to check the shift by immersing them in a 5% salt solution. Empty, unusable seeds will float to the surface. Correct specimens will sink to the bottom.

Lack of nutrition

Drying, yellowing leaves, falling off of the ovary, cessation of development... We apply mineral fertilizers that stimulate crop growth.

Improper watering, insufficient or frequent

Lack or excess of moisture will affect the yield reduction. Before flowering, water the cucumbers generously with water at room temperature. During flowering, watering is halved. When the ovary appears, watering is resumed in the same volume. When cucumbers bear fruit, the soil must be constantly moist.

Plants wither during the day

The reason is low air humidity. It is necessary to water the soil abundantly and place containers with water without covering them with lids.

Twisted Fruits

Soil drying out when growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

This occurs due to too high air temperatures, insufficient or irregular watering, and lack of nutrition. If the cucumbers are pear-shaped, then you need to add potassium sulfate as a top dressing (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water). Cucumbers are similar to carrots - the plant lacks nitrogen. You need to water it with diluted mullein (1:10), bird droppings (1:20) and urea (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water).

If the leaves of the planted plants turn white after 2-3 days, this indicates a low soil temperature or a disease of the sprout. In the first case, the soil is watered with warm water and potassium permanganate, and the air temperature in the greenhouse is increased. When disease is evident, the seedling must be removed immediately, otherwise the disease may be allowed to spread.

Agricultural work is physically demanding, cyclical and seemingly endless. Growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse minimizes plant care, and turns work into pleasure: there are always fresh cucumbers on the table and you can build a family business.

Growing an excellent harvest of good quality cucumbers is not so easy. To do this, you must adhere to the rules of agricultural technology for this crop. For example, it is important to maintain a distance between cucumber plants to provide them with comfortable living conditions. Therefore, vegetable growers need to know at what distance to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse and in open beds so that they develop well and produce an excellent harvest.

When planting cucumbers, you need to pay special attention to observing the plant arrangement. If the distance between cucumber seedlings is less than necessary, then the plants will be forced to compete with each other for food and lighting, which will certainly affect their development, and subsequently fruiting. Planting density can also lead to:

  • outbreaks of fungal infections;
  • reducing plant resistance to insect pests;
  • the appearance of barren flowers instead of female flowers.

And, conversely, plants planted too far from each other will waste space, so planting them at a distance that would exceed the recommended distance is simply unprofitable.

Therefore, the distance between cucumber bushes must be maintained as necessary for the normal development of plants of the selected variety and hybrid. It is calculated based on the area required for adult bushes of this variety, the degree of their climbing, the duration of the growing season, etc. Usually, seed manufacturers place information about the recommended distance on the packaging, but in any case, you cannot plant more than 3-4 roots per 1 m2 of bed area.

Mistakes made during landing

Mistakes when placing cucumber plants in beds can be as follows:

  1. If you plant seeds for seedlings in a greenhouse too early, at the end of winter or at the very beginning of spring, when it is still cold, the cucumbers may overgrow, their stems will quickly stretch out from the lack of heat and light and become thin. When transplanted, they will hurt for a long time. Therefore, the best time to place cucumber seeds in a greenhouse to obtain seedlings is the second half of April - early May, depending on the growing region.
  2. If you plant plants too close to the walls of the greenhouse, the cucumbers will suffer from a lack of heat when it gets cold. Therefore, it is not recommended to place them closer than 25 cm from the walls.
  3. A combination of cucumbers with other vegetables without taking into account their characteristics. For example, you cannot combine them with tomatoes, since these crops require different conditions for normal development: cucumbers love humidity and frequent irrigation and do not like drafts, tomatoes, on the contrary, prefer dry air, abundant infrequent watering, and frequent ventilation. It is also not recommended to place potatoes next to cucumbers, as this leads to a decrease in the yield of greens.

To get an excellent harvest of cucumbers, you must try to avoid such mistakes.

Optimal seed placement depth

When planting, it is important to consider not only the distance between plants, but also the depth of seed placement in the soil. The optimal depth for this crop is considered to be 1.5-2 cm, unless a different planting depth is provided for by the specifics of a particular hybrid or variety. There is no need to plant deeper: the seeds will take a long time to germinate or may rot in wet soil. At this depth you need to plant seeds for seedlings, and also sow seeds directly into the ground.

Optimal planting schemes for cucumbers

Some gardeners, due to the small area of ​​their greenhouses, try to plant cucumbers close enough to each other to get as much harvest as possible. But such a decision does not always pay off, because with proper care, even from a small number of cucumbers you can harvest a good harvest of greens.

In general, the choice of planting scheme for cucumbers in a greenhouse and open ground depends on how they will be grown - vertical or horizontal.

When grown horizontally

When plants are placed horizontally (they will spread along the ground without the use of various types of supports), they do not need to be planted too often. With this planting method, one- or two-line sowing can be used.

  1. In the first case, the distance between the cucumbers in the row should be approximately 0.6-1 m, and the row spacing should be about 0.8-1 m wide. For parthenocarpic hybrids, you can leave the width between rows at 0.7 m.
  2. With a two-line planting, 2 rows are placed side by side, the distance between which is 60 cm. The row spacing with this method of sowing should be spacious - at least 0.6-1 m. In this case, the plants are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. It is advisable to arrange the rows in the direction from west to east: this way the cucumber plants will receive the best light throughout the day.

Another option for sowing cucumbers with seeds: they are sown in furrows 5-7 cm apart from each other with a row spacing of 30-50 cm. When the seeds germinate and sprout, the plants are thinned out, leaving gaps between them recommended by seed producers.

With such planting, it is not very convenient to care for the plants: water them, feed them, loosen the soil, collect greens; they are susceptible to various kinds of diseases, but the cucumbers themselves feel most comfortable, develop better, and bear fruit longer.

With a vertical growing method

Some vegetable growers cultivate cucumbers in open beds without tying them up, but many use the vertical method, when plant vines are placed on a trellis. This not only makes it possible to make the most efficient use of the area allocated for cucumbers, but also provides them with the most comfortable conditions for good development, and also makes it as easy as possible to care for these plants and collect greens from them.

In open ground beds, cucumber plants can also be placed in a 1- or 2-line manner. In this case, the distance should be the same as that recommended for the given variety or hybrid on the seed package. It can be something like this: in rows - from 30 to 60 cm; between them – from 40 to 120 cm.

Trellis are installed on the beds even before cucumber seedlings are placed on them. Strong supports are installed, and a thick wire is stretched between them along the top. The plants themselves are tied with twines made of natural or synthetic fibers, which are attached to the wire, and then the cucumber lashes are tied with them.

  • in the greenhouse – 35-40 (in rows), 45-60 (row spacing), from 80 (between ribbons);
  • in a greenhouse – 25 (in rows), 25-35 (between rows), up to 80 (between ribbons).

You can also place cucumber seedlings not in a two-line, but in a single-line manner. In this case, the distance between the holes is left 30-40 cm, the row spacing is made wide - 0.8-1 m. This distance between the rows fully ensures excellent ventilation of the plants, illumination and heat supply to them, and also makes it easier to approach the beds and care for them. plants and, of course, harvesting.

When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, the first row from the walls must be placed at a distance of at least 25 cm, otherwise the plants will not be able to receive normal sunlight or will suffer during cold spells. This will immediately affect their growth and development processes.

When the planted plants are completely rooted, which will happen approximately 1-1.5 weeks after the day of planting, they begin to tie them to the installed trellis, and then, as they grow, they wrap the rising vines with twine.

In addition to trellises, for cucumbers in open-type beds, you can arrange another supporting structure - a net along which the plants will weave. In this case, they use a single-row planting method with a distance between cucumbers in rows of 25-40 cm. Growing bushes on a grid is convenient because their vines are evenly distributed on the support, which is comfortable for the plants themselves, and also facilitates all the actions of the vegetable grower in caring for them. It is convenient to install: it is not necessary to look for special supports; you can use any surface in a vertical direction, for example, fences, walls of buildings. You can even use one more option: install supports of the same height along the edges of the cucumber bed, put a strong crossbar on top of them, and throw a net over it, lowering it from both sides to the ground and securing it.

Distance between plants when grown in barrels

If the method of growing these plants in barrels is chosen, then the distance between cucumber seeds when planting should be maintained at least 15 cm. At least 8 or 10 pieces are sown simultaneously in one container (standard 200 liter barrel). seeds This amount is quite enough for all the cucumber plants to be provided with all the necessary nutrition, without interfering with each other at all, and to be able to easily increase a decent harvest of greens.

Distance between plants when growing on a balcony

For those who live in apartments, you can grow cucumbers on the balcony. To do this, it is best to purchase special containers that are deep and wide enough, with holes for water drainage. The volume of soil that should be in this case per 1 cucumber plant should not be less than 5 liters. This is what you should proceed from when calculating the distance needed when planting cucumbers. The approximate sowing pattern is 30 cm apart for a container about 80 cm long and 40 cm high. You can place 2 pieces in each hole made. seeds, deepening them by 1-2 cm, no more. In the future, one plant will need to be removed. With this method of placement, cucumbers will feel quite comfortable on the balcony.

What would a dacha be without cucumbers? Every gardener grows this crop in his garden plot. Cucumbers are famous for their beneficial properties and excellent taste. They are used to make preparations for the winter, and are used in cosmetology, dietetics, etc. Therefore, every summer resident tries to increase the yield of these vegetables. They can be grown both in greenhouses and in open areas. But planting cucumbers is not enough. This must be done correctly, maintaining the distance between plantings. Otherwise, they will interfere with each other, and therefore they will bear fruit worse.

For normal growth, cucumbers need free space.

Methods for growing cucumbers

A crop such as cucumbers can be planted using two methods:

  • sow seeds;
  • seedlings.

When growing seedlings, seeds are planted in pots at home, starting around mid-April. After about a month, with the onset of warmth, the grown plants are transplanted to their permanent place in the greenhouse. During this period, many gardeners begin to wonder what distance should be between seedlings.

Vegetable crops can be planted:

  • in open ground;
  • to the greenhouse.

In addition, summer residents prefer warm beds in greenhouses. There are some positive aspects here:

  • no need to tinker with seedlings and wait for them to take root;
  • getting an early harvest.

It should be noted that cucumber can be grown using two methods:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

The first method is characterized by the use of various types of supports to which the plant will cling during growth. The following can be used as support: stretched ropes, a trellis or a wire frame consisting of several layers. The second method - horizontal - is used by summer residents much more often. To use it, no support is needed; cucumbers grow in a free order, spreading in different directions along the ground.

According to vegetable growers, the location of the seedlings will depend on the chosen method. On average, the distance between plants should be 40-60 centimeters.

If the vertical method is chosen, then the minimum selected distance is enough. Thus, the garden bed can accommodate many more cucumber bushes. When planting plants in open ground, the maximum distance is selected - 60 centimeters.

Equally important is the saturation of the earth with various useful and nutrient substances. If the soil is rich in them, then the seedlings can be located at a smaller distance from each other.

The size of the beds in which vegetables will be grown also varies depending on the method chosen. When choosing a horizontal planting method, they should be wide; when choosing a vertical method, they should be narrow. To get an excellent harvest of cucumbers, experts advise choosing a vertical method of growing the crop.

When planting vertically, cucumbers can be planted closer to each other.

Growing cucumbers in open ground

Initially, you need to choose a planting method: horizontal or vertical. This is important even when growing vegetables in open ground. The distance between plants will also depend on this.

Horizontal method

In May, it is necessary to prepare a bed for planting and make holes, the length between which is approximately 40 cm. The holes are thoroughly watered. 3-5 seeds should be placed in each of them, the planting depth is 3-4 cm. Each seed in the hole is 5-10 cm from the next one. After planting the seeds in open ground, they are covered with a small layer of earth.

To avoid compacting the surface layer, repeated watering should be avoided. This way the soil will remain looser and the seeds will receive enough air necessary for growth and development.

Vertical method

In the beds prepared for planting, not holes are formed, but furrows are formed, which are located at least a meter wide from each other. Each seed must be planted separately at a distance of 15 cm. The seeding depth is from 2 to 4 cm.

Among the disadvantages of planting seeds, one should highlight their mandatory thinning. This must be done after germination, when the third leaf sprouts. When thinning, leave the seedlings at a width of 30-40 cm.

With the vertical growing method, cucumbers are planted in furrows

Growing cucumbers in a “warm bed”

They say that it is best to plant cucumbers in a “warm bed.” It is very important to provide heat specifically to the root system. This will increase productivity by an order of magnitude. It’s very simple to make such a ridge, just collect unnecessary plant debris from your garden plot, it can be:

  • chopped straw;
  • various mowed herbs (the main thing is to have time to mow them before the seeds appear, otherwise you will be tormented with weeding);
  • fallen leaves from trees;
  • sawdust and small shavings;
  • needles;
  • paper, etc.

The process of creating a ridge is extremely simple. With the beginning of spring, the first thing you should do is choose a location. You should choose a place well lit by the sun, as protected from the wind as possible. The garbage allocated for the “warm bed” is thoroughly mixed. The space for planting is created on level ground. Its width varies from 70 to 80 cm, and its length is arbitrary. The bed should be quite high: 50-60 cm.

The stacked natural waste is first watered with hot water, after which it is compacted. Just walk around the garden bed with your feet and it will sit down. Now you can proceed directly to planting the seeds. They are planted by analogy with open ground, in compliance with picking standards.

Cucumbers in a warm garden produce large yields

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

Each gardener has his own secrets in his bins for growing vegetables in order to obtain high yields. Cucumbers are one of those types of crops that do not require particularly close attention. They are quite unpretentious and very easy to care for.

A warm climate does not prevail throughout the entire country, and where coolness prevails, they try to provide additional warmth to vegetables. They do this using greenhouses. It is best to plant a crop not with seeds, but with seedlings, which makes it possible to get a harvest earlier.

Planting of seedlings is carried out using a two-line system. How does this happen? Two rows of plantings are formed on both sides. It is important to consider the dimensions of the greenhouse. Since there may be more rows, or maybe fewer.

It is recommended to plant germinated seeds in ridges or ridges. It is better if they are steam, that is, naturally heated. The most optimal parameters of the beds are as follows: length - 1 meter, height - 30 cm. For heating, use fresh manure, remove a 30-centimeter layer of soil, put fertilizer there and cover it with soil.

To prevent the cucumber bushes in the greenhouse from interfering with each other, you should take into account the distance when picking, so it is recommended to follow this pattern:

  • in a row, plants are planted every 20 cm;
  • the rows are placed at a width of 40 cm, in the central part of the rows a wire trellis is stretched along which cucumber lashes will stretch during development;
  • the passage should be 90 cm, this is necessary for unhindered access to the plantings (watering, care, fruit picking).

When transplanting plants from pots into the greenhouse, do not forget to leave part of the root ball above the surface of the bed. The root collar should not touch the ground, otherwise the seedlings may be susceptible to various diseases.

Cucumbers, although unpretentious, require attention. It’s up to you to decide which planting method to choose (sow seeds or grow through seedlings), and where to plant vegetables. All that is needed for this is to create favorable conditions. For this you will receive a harvest of fruits that will last for a long time. And thanks to the correct distance between the rows, you can plant low-growing greens.