Repair of wall clocks - replacement of the mechanism. Malfunctions of wall, quartz and electronic hours location gear quartz wall clock scheme

We will analyze the procedure for defecting on the example of quartz hours, which, in addition to the three arrows, there is a calendar "Day of the Week - Date". These are not the most primitive clock, but not difficult multifunctional, on the repair of which, depending on the model, it is necessary to conduct a separate conversation. Qualified repair is impossible without a professional tool. Therefore, we will assume that our workshop is equipped with a Q-Test 4000 type device, Q-Test 6000 or similar to check not only the accuracy of the clock, but also some other parameters, and a tightness test device, such as WaterProof Checker.

Face control

When determining the defect, it is necessary to take into account the client's complaints, but in any case the watchmaker must check the clock completely.

Let's start with an external inspection. In some cases, even without opening the clock, it is possible to establish the cause of the fault. If the watches are warranty, then careful external inspection will avoid problems in communicating with the client and reduce the loss of money. It is especially important in this case to determine whether the clock was worn, were not opened.

To do this, we look at the housing and bracelet for the presence of small scratches, capelar, coverage losses, etc. Special attention is paid to the bracelet lock: first of all traces of socks usually appear on the clasp. We look at the glass on the subject of scratches, chips (especially by contour). Very often, even after a few weeks of socks around the edge of the glass, small chips are formed. Checking the fastener's work - whether it works, whether it does not turn on the fastening. All detected disadvantages show the client and enter the clock's condition in the receipt of acceptance.
To determine whether the clock was opened to us, we look at the presence of dents or scratches on the lid and the cluster of the clock. However, finding tracks of autopsy on seems to be warranty hours, do not hurry to sin to the client. Once, when we sold only the domestic "mechanics", there could be no scratches on the cover of new hours. Now the situation is more difficult. In quartz hours, quite often make pre-sale replacement of the battery, and in this case the warranty hours will have traces of autopsy. Refuse to man in warranty repair of such hours is incorrect. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the traces of unqualified opening. As a rule, workshops involved
Warranty repair and pre-sale preparation, have normal equipment, not leaving traces. But if the clock was opened with scissors, then no warranty repair can already be speech.

The next step is to check the tightness. All watches entering the repair must necessarily check for tightness - in many cases later this will avoid disputes with the client and the loss of time and money. Restoration of tightness, especially if there is no lecturer in the workshop, a very long work for which a client of big money is usually not inclined to pay.

Tightness must be checked in two modes: at maximum pressure on which the clock is calculated, and at a low pressure, about 0.2 atm. Double check is particularly relevant for Japanese hours. The fact is that they have the waterproof of the head is provided by the gland located on the head sleeve. The hole under the head in the form is not a cylinder, but rather a cone. The higher the pressure, the stronger the gland turns out to be screwed into the housing and the better the seal. It turns out a paradox: with a large pressure, the clock is kept water, and when small can pass.
To accurately determine the defect, the clock must be opened. But if equipped equipment, it is possible to determine the approximate location of the fault without opening.

The Q-TEST device has two sensors that allow you to measure the accuracy of the clock: Capacitive and inductive. We measure the accuracy on both sensors. Inductive triggers on the electromagnetic field created by the coil of a stepper motor. If the impulses are, then we can completely clearly say that the electronic unit and the coil work (but it still does not mean that they are fully working!). If there are no 32 kHz pulses on the inductive sensor, and there is no opening hours on capacitive, then, without opening the clock, it is possible to say that the coil is faulty.
Often the reason for the stop of the mechanism is the calendar malfunction. Therefore, if the device showed that the electronic unit and the coil seem to work, check the calendar before the opening.

We do it in two stages. I first check the arrows by checking how it works. In the absolute majority of modern clock, the date is switched into two stages: first the disk starts to move slowly, and then jumps sharply, clicking. If this sharp jump is not at least one of the teeth, it means that the disk interferes with something. In the second stage, check the operation of the accelerated adjustment mechanism.

In different hours, the accelerated calendar adjustment is made in different ways. To check, set the time about 4-5 in the morning, so that it is guaranteed to exit the forbidden zone, and, according to the clock data rules, we translate the date.
Sometimes on the analog quartz hours, the wheelchair malfunction can be determined by a small twitching of the second arrow.

So, all work on defecting, which can be done without opening the clock, we did. It's time to open the lid and study the mechanism in more detail.
Opening will show

In quartz hours, first of all, we look at the state of the power source, i.e. Check the voltage on the battery. In most instructions for repair, it is written that the voltage must be at least 1.45 V. I believe that if the battery brought in the repair hours gives less than 1.5 V, it is better to reinforce and replace it.
The reduced voltage may have different manifestations. The stepper motor, as a rule, ceases to work at a voltage of 1.35 V, in the best hours - 1.25 V, while the generator can continue to work and at a voltage of less than 1 V. That is, the generator and the coil will produce pulses, but they will be weak for To lead the wheel transmission in motion.

We establish a battery in place, and now in opened hours check the operation of the generator for capacitive and inductive sensors.

If the capacitive sensor shows the presence of pulses, and inductive - no, then almost certainly problems in the coil.

If both sensors show the presence of pulses, carry out a detailed study of the parameters of the electronic unit. To do this, take a battery again, put forward the head to the extreme position and measure the current consumed by the electronic unit. In this position of the head, the generator continues to work, and the coil and cascades of a divider who have significant consumption are disabled. This is your own current consumed by the block. For each mechanism, this parameter is individual and specified in the documentation, but in the absolute majority of cases it should not be greater than 0.4-0.5 μA, and in simple hours - 0.25 μA. The increased current block may be the cause of the rapid battery discharge or stop the clock. If the current is higher than the norm, the block is subject to replacement. Theoretically, you can try to clean tracks if the leakage is due to dirt, or do something else, but, in a good way, the block must be changed.

Trying to repair anything in the block almost meaningless. It consists of a chip, quartz, permanent capacitor and fees with tracks. If corrosion ate the track, they canoretically try to restore them, but it is a complex and disadvantageous business. The microcircuit is in most clock compound compound and cannot be quenched.

The fault of the resonator can be caught using the instrument. The accuracy of the course of all modern hours should not be worse than 6-10 seconds per day. If the device shows a deviation of 20-30 s / a day, this indicates a quartz malfunction. But it is almost useless to change it. First, it is not always possible to drop it: about, 80% of the hours have not supassed, but a welded quartz. Secondly, a quartz resonator usually has a frequency of not exactly 32768 Hz, but somewhat different. The chip, quartz and the condenser are chosen to each other, and, replacing the crystal to another, with a different frequency, we can get very bad accuracy. The replacement of quartz may make sense only in the mechanisms having a trimmed capacitor regulating the oscillation frequency.

If the current within the normal range, check the coil, first of all - resistance. It should be around 2 kΩ (usually in the range from 1.4 com up to 2.5 com, you need to look at the documentation). Less resistance is a sign of internal closure in the coil, more - cliff. In any case, the coil is replaced.

After that, check the coil to wrecking on the ground. To do this, measure the resistance between each of the contact sites of the coil and mass. It should be more than 1 mΩ.

By moving the head into place and measure the full current of the mechanism. If the electronic unit and the coil are working, and the current consumption is greater than the norm, then the cause of the fault is in the mechanical part of the clock. Small excess (about 1.5 times from the norm) indicates the presence of dirt, sorts, etc. Wheel transmission. Usually in this case, the client complains of time failures: lag, temporary stop. Larger - 2-3 times higher than the norm - consumption is usually associated with the encoding of the wheels.

Thus, we checked the electrical and electronic part of the mechanism. Go to mechanical. It is as well as in the mechanical clock we disassemble and inspect. As a rule, the reasons for the stop are the same as in the mechanics: the falling vapor, corrosion, jammed tooth, etc. Only the power of the stepper motor is less than in the mechanical clock, therefore any sortish is more critical.
The only feature of quartz o'clock is the presence of a rotor-magnet in them. If the watches got a metal chips, a sarill, it will eventually attract the rotor of the stepper engine. Moreover, it will not remain on it stationary, and will "walk", move on it under the influence of magnetic fields. And at some moments, she can keep the engine rotation.

Chapter 3. Quartz Watch

This is the name of the wrist electron-mechanical clock with a quartz generator (Fig. 9).

Fig. nine. Kinematic scheme of quartz clock KNCH 3050:

1 - Head Transferable;

2 - shaft transfer;

3 - retainer;

4 - Kulisa;

5 - asterisk with wheel;

6 - Wheel bill;

7 - wheelchair;

8 - tribe of the minute arrow;

9 - the wheel is central with a tube;

10 - Rotor stepping motor;

11 - stator of the stepping motor;

12 - TRIB of stepper motor;

13 - gear wheel;

14 - the wheel of the second with the trib;

15 - the wheel intermediate;

16 - wheel transferable;

17 - cam coupling;

18 - lever clockwork;

19 - lever transferable with the pin;

20 - Spring Springs

Quartz generator is a source of highly stable oscillations located in the electronic unit.

A quartz generator unit is a circuit board with a quartz resonator placed on it, integral microcircuit and passive elements. The block is connected to platinum screws. The executive device in the clock is a stepper motor made in the form of an autonomous node. The battery is provided for at least 12 months of continuous hours.

The principle of operation and the kinematic clockwork scheme are as follows: the electrical signal of the quartz generator is subjected to the fission of its frequency and after the formation of the pulse comes into a stepper motor. The frequency of the impulses is 1 Hz. The stepper motor, in turn, converts successive electrical impulses into the intermittent rotation of the main wheel system.

Through the wheel system, the rotation of the motor shaft is transmitted to the arrows and the calendar device (if any).

The TRIB of the stepping motor (12) is in engaging with the gear wheelchair (13), the tribe of which leads the second wheel (14). From the tribe of the second wheel through an intermediate wheel (15) with a trib, the rotation is transmitted by the central wheel (9). The switching mechanism consists of a tribe of a minute arrow (8), a blank wheel (6) with a trib, hourly wheels (7).

The transfer shaft (2) with the head (1) may occupy two fixed positions. If the clock has a calendar device, then the translated shaft will be calculated for three positions.

In order to translate the arrow, you must put the transfer head into the second fixed position. The cam coupling (17) should be engaged with a translated wheel (16). Next, the rotation is transmitted to the arrow mechanism.

During the translation of the arrow, the locking lever, mechanically associated with the transfer shaft, stops the translated wheel and prevents the movement of the wheel system and the stepper motor when translating the arrows. After installing the arrows and when the transfer head is returned to the initial position, the lever returns to normal position, providing a step of a stepper motor.

Disassembling hours

Remove the locking ring and remove the housing cover.

Unscrew the springs of the power supply of the battery, remove the spring and carefully, preferably with the help of a tweezers, pull out the element, taking it only for the cylindrical part of the case.

Insert the power and tester to the mechanism and check the power of the electronic unit.

The advantage of the tester is connected to the platinum of the clock mechanism, and the minus - alternately to the contacts of the stepping motor connection. The arrow of the device should donate up to 1.4-1.5 V and perform oscillations in the range of 1-2 mm with an interval of 2 s. If there are no such oscillations, replace the electronic unit.

Then determine the serviceability of the stepper motor. The tester switch for this should be set to the resistance measurement position.

Connect the proven tester to contacts (outputs) of the stepper motor and measure the resistance of the coils, which must be within 3-4 com.

One tester probe is connected to the platinum of the clock, and the second to one of the conclusions of the stepping motor.

In this case, the arrow of the device must be in the left extreme position of the device. The same is repeated with another output. If, when measuring the arrow, the arrow will be rejected to the right, it means that the coil of the stepper motor closes on the body. Such an engine must be replaced.

Remove the electronic unit. To do this, unscrew the screw fastening screw, remove the insulating washer, unscrew the two screws of the block mount to platinum, carefully lift the block to the block, move it aside and remove from the speakers.

Click on the stand of the transfer shaft, pull out the shaft from the housing, and then the entire mechanism.

Unscrew the stepping motor bridge mounting screws. Remove the bridge, then unscrew the two screws of the stepping motor and carefully pull out, taking a tweezers.

When extracting and installing a stepper motor, you can only use brass tweezers, and for the power source - only plastic.

Next disassemble the arrow mechanism. To do this, you need to remove the arrows, two dial screws, dial, three screws, bridge, hour, bill and translated wheel and tribe of a minute arrows. Then remove the calendar device if it is.

Disassemble the main wheel system. To do this, screw the screws and remove the bridge.

After disassembling the mechanism, cleaning parts should be cleaned. Wash all parts, except the power source, stepper motor, dial, body glass, inserts, a quartz generator block and a colored arrows. All listed parts, except for the stepper motor, are cleaned with a soft hairbrush.

Assembling watch

Install the central wheel with the tube (9), the per minute of the minute arrow (8).

Press the central tube in the tribe hole of the minute arrows, then check the smoothness of the rotation of the central wheel, as well as its axial and radial gaps. Lubricate all the landing places of the center tube.

Collect the wheel system. This is done in the following order: Install an intermediate wheel (15) with a trib, gear (13) and a second wheel (14) wheels with tribes and a bridge of the main wheel system so that the brake of the locking lever enters the groove of the bridge, secure the bridge with screws. Check the gaps of the intermediate and second wheel with tribes and the smoothness of the system rotation.

Collect the translation mechanism. To do this, it is necessary to establish a translation lever (19), the coupling lever and the fistful coupling itself (17), as well as the translated shaft (2).

Check the smoothness of the rotation of the shaft in the platinum, install the locking lever and lubricate all the details.

Install a minute wheel with a trib, gear wheel, bridge and secure it with screws.

Install the clock wheel (7).

Install the spring washer and dial. Commit the dial with screws, and then set the hour, minute and second arrow. It should be monitored for the position of the transfer shaft; When installing a clock and minute shooter, the shaft must be in the transfer position of the arrows.

Using the transfer shaft, move the arrows to the number 12 and set the second arrow by matching its position with the division of the dial.

The minute, second and hour arrows should be installed, without applying great efforts, so as not to disturb the installed vertical gaps in the main wheel system.

Insert the mechanism into the case, the ring fastening the mechanism, the transferable shaft.

Install the quartz generator unit, stepper motor and power supply. The screw fastening of the stepper motor can not be very tightened.

Close the housing cover. After the assembly is completed, the stepper motor must immediately start its work, it will be visible on the movement of the second arrow.

Large quartz watch

As an example, we consider the mechanism of desktop electron-mechanical clocks with a quartz resonator (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Constructive scheme of quartz clock "Yantar" 59206:

1 - battery element;

2 - terminals;

3 - Gearbox mounting nuts;

4 - rear axle;

5 - locking device;

6 - stepping motor mounting screws;

7 - TRIB of stepper motor;

8 - coil fastening screws;

9 - engine stepping;

10 - Wheel bill;

11 - columns;

12 - wheel hour;

13 - panel;

14 - shaft transfer;

15 - Central wheel;

16 - Spring;

17 and 19 - the wheels intermediate first and second;

18 - Front Bridge;

20 - the wheel of the second;

21 - electronic unit;

22 - Electronic Block mounting screws

The mechanism consists of a stepper motor, the main wheel system, the battery and electronic unit.

The quartz clock generator begins to work when connecting power items to the electronic unit. For the transformation of electrical energy to the mechanical serves a stepper motor (9). From trib (7) through the first intermediate wheel (17), rotation is transmitted to the second wheel (20). On the axis of the second wheel there is a second arrow. In order to bring a minute arrow in motion, rotation is transmitted further, through the second intermediate wheel (19) and the central wheel (15), on the sleeve of which the minute arrow is fixed.

Movement from the central wheel is transmitted to the bill wheel (10), and from there - on the hour wheel (12). The central wheel assembly is equipped with a special device that allows you to coordinate the readings of the minute and clockwise. To install the exact time and translation of the minute and clockwise, the translated shaft is used (14).

To set the second arrow, at the exact time, the stop arrow is used (5).

Disassembling hours

Remove the casing and pull the battery and terminals.

Remove the electronic unit (21); For this, it is necessary, firstly, unscrew the two screws (22) fastening the electronic unit to disconnect it from the panel columns (13) and the bridge (4); Secondly, disconnect the electrical connector.

Remove the stepping motor (9); To do this, you need to unscrew the two screws (6) fastening the stepper motor to the panel columns.

Unscrew the two nuts (3) mounting gearbox.

Remove the rear axle (4), the second wheel (20), the first (17) and the second (19) intermediate wheels.

Remove the stop arrow lock device (5), the front axle (18), the central wheel (15), a bill wheel (10), an hour wheel (12).

Remove the spring (16) and the translated shaft (14).

Remove the columns (11), for which you unscrew the two nuts for fastening the columns to the front side of the panel.

If necessary, disassemble the stepping motor. To do this, remove the stepping motor rotor knot, unscrew the two coil fastening screws and remove it. After disassembly, all the details of the stepper motor and gearbox, except the coil, should be washed in gasoline. To wash the axis of the motor rotor, you need to remove the coils and the rotor, and the washing itself is carried out with the gathered magnetic pipelines.

The main malfunction of the stepper motor, as a rule, is a break of the coil wire. Repair is possible only if the external end of the wire broke out. Repair procedure Next: Coil lacquer dissolve with amylacetate near the torn end so that the length is enough to pull the wire. Then the soldering iron delete the remnants of the wire from the terminal. Make around this terminal 2-3 turns and solder the wire again.

Moisten the brush in a mixture of alcohol with gasoline and clean the soldering place, and then cover it with varnish.

The most common faults of the electronic block of hours is the failure of an integral chip and quartz resonator. These nodes are best replaced.

Defects of the main wheel system are corrected in the same way as in the mechanical clock.

Assembly and adjustment of the clock mechanism

Install two columns (11). On the right column, put on the spring (16) and fix its position with the pins of the stand. Then put the front axle on the same column (18); Spring bending must be included in the groove of the bridge.

The first intermediate wheel (17) Insert the tribant to the bridge opening. On the axis of the second wheel (20), put on the washer and a spherical spring and also insert the second wheel into the bridge opening.

Slightly lifting the second wheel, set the second intermediate wheel (19) and the locking device.

Install the rear axle and wrap two nuts.

Put the main wheel system node on the rear axle. Put a minute wheel on the front axle tube, and the transfer shaft (14) secure in the openings of the front and rear axles.

On the axis of the front bridge, wear a bill wheel, and a minute-wheel wheel on the sleeve.

On the speakers on top, set the panel (13), wrap the two nuts.

Put the coil on the base of the stepper motor assembly and secure the screws. Engine rotor Install on the axis.

Rotor tribe enter into engagement with the first intermediate wheel. Install the stepping motor and secure it with two screws.

Install the electronic unit into the appropriate engine sockets and secure it with two screws. In the dumplings insert two terminals, check the contact. If necessary, the terminals can be adjusted.

To check the operation of the mechanism, connect it to the power source.

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Quartz watches Quartz clock - a device for accurate measurement of time in which fluctuations of a quartz resonator are used to refer time. To excite oscillations of the resonator serves a quartz generator. Quartz watches also contain a frequency divider,

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Sun clock sundial - a device for measuring time through the Sun, refers to the simplest chronometric device, which is designed on the daily movement of the Sun, in rare cases - annual. Is an ancient scientific measuring instrument,

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Clock clock is a measuring device with which the current time determine the clock, minutes, seconds. The need to know the time was always, and this contributed to the creation of devices for its definition. The very first device of this kind appeared for 3000 years BC. e. -

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Clock (device) clock - instrument for measuring time intervals with a periodic sequence of a given duration, are measured in units that do not exceed one day, starting with 3/4 S. Compacts are divided into size and portableness on tower, pocket,

So, the first part we passed. The tool was slightly typed. Places where the instrument has been growing. The workplace itself was prepared. And in general - while they were doing this to all - they walked around the air well and better learned golden places and surroundings. The first part suggested quite a lot of movement and attentiveness at the campaigns - it was necessary to search. What to look for - FSE! All interesting and our not yet trained look - can use it and unusual. Something resembles a plush. What is the result:

Tool. What? First, screwdrivers, then tweezers. To them - a binocular magnifying glass, tassels, cups of Petri and needles. Mined a little oil. Yes, even for sewing machines. Well, no other. We believe that we no longer have anything. NOT. Everything. We carry out this primitive set. But without it - you should not start.

They scored carcass hours.

Different. Old. Wrist. They scored simply mechanisms - on spare parts.

We took without disaster, all that is cheaper than the cost of sticking cheap cigarettes. This is their price. Collecting house for white or prim. The fare in trolleybus. More they should not cost. Regardless of the state - integer-broken. Criteria are only two. The first is mandatory - not rusty. The second is desirable - so that they are assembled (all the details on the spot) - regardless of the objectivity. Trash. Sort. What do we have?

Wrist female.

- Star. Old. The mechanism of the barrel shape caliber 18 mm. Allegedly in prehistoric times brought the French to us and collected Lip factory. So all this is the French.

- Zarya - Penza watch factory

- Gull - Standard small mechanisms, old enough, but Living

- Glory - newer mechanisms

Many other names. All Soviet. THE USSR. Seeing the state cared about the working class - the clock released. To do not be late for work. Probably.

Men's wrist watch.

- Victory. Moscow. Lighthouse. Under this names produced many hours. We are not talking about hours. About mechanisms.

Fundamentally 2 types of mechanisms.

- "High" mechanism - for example, 1Mcz - "Moscow". Central Second Arrow. At its base, most watches were going to well-known "Sports". They stopped while pulling the crown. Erzats stopwatch. Older type of mechanism. Technical caliber We do not call - no sense. Order parts for caliber is still impossible.

- "Low" mechanism is more modern. Side Second Arrow.

And in the first and in the second case, various plants produced a bunch of modifications of mechanisms - with improvements, simplifications, RCC. Offers. There was also a bunch of external finishing species. Satisfied the demanding consumer.

In addition, a complete rainbow of other hourly mechanisms:

Glory - 2 types of mechanisms, with automatic winding and without an auto-seller. On the Internet somewhere indicated - the preimage of LIP-T-15. Again the French.

Complete hours

With alarm clock


For blind

Our task is to learn to disassemble and collect. Further everyone will go their way. One will only disassemble. The other will collect by 50% and then - as the annoyance or peacefully throw away in the garbage (the usual habits - dance dance), others - with anger that it does not work - to beat the harm. Third - calmly spread again, postponed for a couple of days and try again. This is a normal form of behavior for such an unusual hobby - accurate mechanics.

Let's start with a simpler direction - men's wrist watch. They are more female better than you can consider without a microscope. Example - "Low" victory. It is for us - the simplest. "High" harder for the first time. The clock scheme is basically identical for all single-skate hours. Therefore, it is simply necessary to understand and remember some sufficiently simple schemes. For the first workouts - just sketch what we disassemble.


Back cover.

The back covers have several types. All differences - by closing manner.

Slamming. A distinctive feature - usually, with attentive consideration, you can find a lylish in which the knife robs in order to open it with a strong pressed. In modern electronic consumer goods, a similar cover is very often practiced, but with ducts as it were for unscrewing - a good joke. If you do not know - then at least shoot - you can't unscrew.

Lysk in the glass ring. This is not a lid.

A more modern solution is a protrusion in the lid.

And here just robs a knife

Screw, with screw ring or threaded on the lid itself.

Or so - along the edge of the cover can be seen.

The first option is unscrewed by either the largest tailoring scissors (they are tougher) or tired sponges of the old caliper. On the flea markets, they can often lie in the collaps of the keys of this kind.

The corporate key (purchased in the most common store for modelors - model of steam locomotives, cars, etc. in Germany) looks like this.

A rather rare option in Soviet clock - Bayonet. Turns to a small angle and open.

Bayoneta Castle on Lid

So, the clock was discovered. What is visible - dirt.

A lot of dirt. We immediately talk about the fact that we will not have business with rusty clocks. There is no chance. It is impossible to do anything - everything must be changed. Put a new or sharpening new. It is too early for us.

Main parts of the mechanism

I - Balance.

II - Wheel System

III - a crown spring (maybe two - in glory)

IV - ratchet - they can also be several types.

What we do first - while Mekhnism is in the building - we descend the crown spring. If the head in the carp has been preserved and you can be checked (it is erased to the base) - we try to slightly turn it towards the plant and look at the ratchet. He must be slightly tested and slip into a pair of teeth. It is necessary for us - I must support it in the reserved condition and we give a clockwork to check and dissolve the spring slightly leaking the head between your fingers.

Immediately put at least 2 cups of Petri. Or white plates or dishes with a flat flat bottom. Diameter 15-20 cm. I use Petri Cups. It is easier to cover for break times.

Pull out the crown head. To do this, you need to press the needle of the retainer.

Pull the mechanism from the housing. Sometimes it is done towards the back cover. In our case, on the contrary. The ring with glass and the mechanism is removed into the dial stallor.

Remove arrows

A minute generally just - yes even a screwdriver

Close and second - this is already a little adventure. The tool - a piece of a relay is revealed (there was some electric dear - there the material on the contact groups exactly what we need is hard and thin. Went - and there is a tool you need)

Remove the balance. The size (caliber) screwdriver must match the size of the screw.

Screw unscrewed and how to raise it all this node? - And it usually has special grooves in which you can stick a screwdriver and dismiss the platinum of the balance from the base.

Balance take this way.

Everyone gradually lay out Petri dishes.

We spin the screws of the clockwork block. In the clock there is one trick - if the screw with many ducts means he is with the left thread.

Under the dial - node of the wheels of the arrows (I) and the plant assembly and the head of the head from the plant's position to the transfer position of the arrows (II) (called scientific repairs). We disassemble.

Remove the minute tribe. This is the only knot in the clock where the application effort is required. Drechi enough strongly. If jumped up - repeat. It is always removed with effort. The main thing is not to be afraid.

When disassembling the node of the protrusion of the arrows (repair) - a special obmism on the spring.

She has a nasty property - click and fly away in an indefinite direction. Against this simple reception - cover (press) all its slightly, just with your finger and carefully needle from under the finger "learn"

We put in a cup of Petri

Now the longest and neat. Washing.

We take a shallow fence. We leave there gasoline. And mine. Tassel and toothpicks. To shine. So that no dirt remains.

For small mechanisms - Belichye brush. More For large mechanisms - alarm clocks, pocket watch - you can try soft artistic brushes for oil paints.

Such: First, post after gasoline on a paper napkin. Usually I take the taable cardboard and on it a piece of a paper towel. In order not to jump and did not jump. Napkins and towels pick up the criteria - the less Verce - the better.

Let gasoline absorbed. Just put. Then we take a piece of tweezers and weigh the air from the rubber pear (enema) to blow gasoline out of the holes. And so consistently all the elements of the clocks that lie in the Petri Cup or on the improvised "dryer". Knot behind the node. This is meant that's what: if you unscrew the platinum and with it - 3 screws - they put them together. We believe - "This is our node." In order not to confuse the screws and details. They put them on the same places in Petri dish. Or better in a clean cup. Old - then wash and the protrusion. This is if we do not assume to collect quickly. Or we collect "from the sheet" - from the napkin. But this is with a certain experience, skill and speed. Balance. While there is no big experience - do not disassemble. So the Platinka-Spiral Balance block is picham in a bath with gasoline and for a long time just wrinkle in gasoline. It is clear that it is wrong. We must disassemble everything, etc. - We have no experience yet. Let us pay 5-10 hours, and then we will look at the balance. What he disassembled. Read books. And do on wise books (if it is described in detail).

Some remark about the crown spring. Do nothing. Just overlook the napkin outside. Brush clean the teeth. While nothing more. With disassembly, lubricant, assembly and replacement of the springs we will enjoy the listening time. There is no experience yet. It is difficult.

And now more intellectual work - collect the resulting puzzle

Everything is performed in the following order:

Clockwork spring

Wheel system. Also a little smallest. Gears in the bottom stones we painted. The platinum was covered, and then we need a tweezers to move the upper platinum in all directions until the top axis of gears will not fall into the stones. A little mutually, but feasible. Sometimes you can try to help the process of thin needle to move gears to which you can get. The main rule is no violence. Everything must be performed without any effort. Everything in itself over time "sticks out" to its places and platinum noticeably "falls" down. The clockwork is the thing is quite thin, the efforts are very small, the loss of effort during work is also very small, respectively - it cannot be assembled on tight landings - they can not be in definition. If the upper platinum does not sit down in place - the shisming has not sat in the stones. Or while we all moved all this - jumped out of the bottom stone. Once again we repeat - there can be no effort! The criterion for the correctness of the assembly may be the following: slightly check the drum of the clockwork spring. Tolcr slightly - all gears should start turning. It's all - almost almost effort on the clock drum.

Put an anchor fork

We put the balance.

Lubricate the stones from above - from the side of the back cover. To do this, use homemade oils.

We turn the mechanism, lubricate all the stones from the dial. We collect the mechanism of the clockwork.

Spring. Another adventure. Click it all wide screwdriver. A needle refuel into place. Springs - Probably the most Pasky What is in all this work. Jump. And we will suffer with them a) So far we do not simultaneize your hands and b) until you gain carcasses of the clocks from which we will drag spare parts without a revelation.

Put in place. Do not breathe. And suddenly pops up.

Collect the wheel of the shooter. A minute tribe is strongly planted on the gear axis. Than? Yes, that on hand will fall about suitable. How they were filmed and put. Rejoice. It will be very strongly pressing the tribe before clicking.

Lubricate. What to lubricate there - if you collected this puzzle - realized - then the lubricant will also come to think and lubricate yourself. The main rule is to lubricate only by oil and at a minimum. Lubricated all rubbing parts. Platinum should be dry. It is not a meal in the stones, it is not raised by oil from it. The stones of an anchor fork do not lubricate. Early while. Microscope is needed.

Put the dial.

We put the mechanism in the case.

By pressing the clockwork lock, put it in place. We start. Enjoy. MADE!!! Ourselves !!!

Bogdan Yasinetsky

That's what no one bothers some hours in the house, but all because they are on the wall. And there is always benefit from them, the time is shown, faulty give the interior of the comfort. Hang yourself and hang. Until then, until the owners decide to change the place of residence. And then those of them who have a habit of even time to stop, throw away. Newly drew new, but the quality of them, the same as in the old one. Therefore, I decided not to throw away.

This is a gift from the past newly skid, they are 30 years old. Time is shown exactly, but they have one pointer - they work only with a fresh battery (you need to change every four to five months, with two, even second-hand included in the parallel go much more than a year.

High-quality assembly, such as engine rotor (drive gear) has an individual mount on the board

I disassemble, I clean everything, I wipe the alcohol, missing contacts and even solder the screws fixing the installation components on the other side. All in the hope that they will earn and with one, moreover, not the strongest battery itself.

Assemmed, I tried - a miracle did not happen. Put two - go. Let's leave it, it did not work.

And this is the mechanism of modern watch. China. It is assumed that every few hours need to shake them.

I understand, clean, my. But here it is not enough. It is necessary to understand the reason for the unstable operation of the mechanism. Soon the fairy tale affects, and in real time several days bumped his eyes to the device of this mechanics and flew on the Internet.

In the virtual space found a prompt for the cause of a malfunction, but the way to eliminate there was proposed without a small delusional one. I had to invent my own. And so on the photo, the metal drain indicates a deepening in the plastic in which the upper axis of the engine rotor should be inserted (leading gear). It is made somewhat deeper than necessary and, accordingly, the rotor is hanging there, which leads at a certain point to stop the clock.

It was quite accurately determined with the diameter of this deepening, picked up the necessary drill (you can even a little smaller diameter) and drilled it through. Then he took a segment of the fishing line slightly larger diameter and with the help of small skins, the diameter of the fishing line was smoothly so so that it entered the hole with some effort.

From the inside put the segment into the hole so that there is a very small deepening for the installation of the axis of the rotor. Asked the clock mechanism, installed the battery. The clock did not go, as the fishing line rested in the axis of the rotor. Then with small passages, turning from side to the side of this improvised stopper (fishing line), pulled it out. Exactly so that the axis of the rotor is free and the clock went. The tip of the stopper rooted with nipples practically flush

MK - how to install a quartz watch mechanism - clock assembly

I do a clock, I often buy them. Usually I give the watch personally to the buyer, or send by mail. And in this case, one problem always arises - how to pack the clock so that the arrows at the clock did not break and do not break. They are pretty fragile, it is easily rushing, if you click a little more accurate on them, and how we throw parcels in the mail, you yourself know perfectly. As a result, the parcel is a huge format, and all because I try to pack the arrows with all sorts of cunning ways, to fix them so that they do not hang out and are protected (foam, poultry cellophan, etc.).

I suggest sending a clock without arrows - i.e. Remove them and put separately in bag. Then the package will be less in size and the probability of the breakdown of the arrows is reduced at all to zero. But, as it turned out, practically 90% there is a fear: "Oh, do not remove, otherwise I will not collect them back - it's hard there, I do not know how and I'm afraid to break!". Here, about everyone, everyone is similar to these words ... Honestly, I myself, when I collected a clockwork for the first time, also passed with him from half an hour until other hours disassembled, and did not look like everything was collected) . That's funny when you can and you know, and when not - torment begin.

As a result, I decided to make a small photo MK and tell me in it, or rather, to show how you need to collect the clockwork, and what is some tricks. Now I will send a clock without the shooter, and the buyer to send to this article))), and he will be able to collect everything. And why this thought did not occur before ...

Getting to work:

1. You have a clock - it is a wooden (or any other) disk, and there is a kit for assembling a quartz watch mechanism.
You see this set in the photo. Usually arrows are not included in such a set, and sold separately. Suppose we have everything completely and consider the full set.
The set includes:
- clock mechanism (black square box in the photo) with a rod and thread on it,
- metal bracket-loop - for suspension on the wall (the loop is sometimes immediately installed on the housing),
- rubber washer,
- Golden washer,
- Golden nut,
- 3 arrows - hour, minute, second.

2. There is a square base a small ledgeI show his arrow.

3. We put on a metal loop on the rod So that she gets up in this protrusion. The penetration itself (hole) should, at the same time, to be downstairs, as in the photo, do not confuse, otherwise you will not succeed in hanging the clock on the wall.

4. Now we take the rubber washer - gasket.

5. We put on rubber washer on rod - any side.

6. Now we ride the clock disc on this collected design. The rod must pass through the hole on the disk and go out together with thread! This is an important point, keep it in mind when you buy an hourly mechanism. Its rod and thread should be of such a size so that they (namely threads) have emerged outward at least 5-6 mm. Or even more, when installing the mechanism on the disk, otherwise you will not be able to turn the fixing nut on the thread.

I will give my concrete example:
I use Paneur for a disk thickness 8 mm. and 10 mm., clock mechanism I buy with a rod 22 mm. (Carving it is 18 mm.). Mechanism with a stem 18 mm. (12 mm. Thread) Not suitable for plywood thickness 8 mm. (For 10 mm. Especially), despite the fact that the instructions are written, which should be approached (for some reason they do not take into account the thickness of the rubber washer and the thickness of the golden washer, and they both give the thickness of the disc itself a few more mm.). The thread is slightly supervised above the surface, but it is not possible to wind the nut at all.
Stock 22 (18) 8-10 mm.
Stock 18 (12) Suitable for plywood thick 6 mm. or less.

7. From behind everything looks like this.

8. Cooking the golden washer and nut.

9. First take the puck.

10. I. we ride the washeron rod.

11. Then take nut and screw it on the thread rod. It is necessary to tightly fix the whole structure with the nut. Do all your hands, do not resort to the help of pliers!

12. On this photo (made more larger) it is clearly seen that the thread slightly protrudes over the nut. This is normal. Now, if she were not visible at all, then the Nut would simply be able to reach it and the whole design would fall apart.

13. Now you can wear arrows.

14. First wear a watch hour.

Attention! She puts on tight! Have this in mind. It is necessary to keep it with two fingers and put pressure on both sides of the arrow's base at the same time, otherwise it will not bearing - she has its place on the stock, its diameter, she will not stand it. before the stop.

If suddenly the arrow does not want to do it (this often happens, and this is exactly what it scares everyone - they think that they do something wrong), do so - turn it over with an invalid And stroll on the stock in this position. That's how it takes exactly. The hole drilled in the arrow has a "skirt" and it stretches a bit if you wear an arrow with an invalid up. Then remove it and put on it right.

15. Then puts on minute arrows. With her - the same story, it also puts on fairly tight. We act by analogy with the first arrow. And do not blame the sides at the bottom of the arrow when you put pressure on it!

16. It remains to wear only second arrow. It does not ride on the rod, but simply inserted on top into the hole of the rod - put it there and push the thumb top above.

17. That's all. The mechanism is installed.

18. Now you need to check in parallel, are all three arrows Regarding each other - otherwise, when rotating, they will hire each other and ... no rotation will be. The arrows are just stuck.

19. We look at it having gathered all three arrows in one place, And turning the clock on the side. If they touch each other, we fell their fingers at the base to the right position.

20. Insert the battery, Watching + and -. This is written on the mechanism.

21. And ... watch ready!The arrows began to move - time went!

That's the whole secret of assembling a quartz watch mechanism. And, as you can see, there are still some nuances, and they need to know that everything is easy and easy. I hope my photos and explanations will help you if you ever make a watch or decide to replace in the old clock clock mechanism on a new one.