Does the check valve need a fan. Reverse Ventilation Valve

Supply-exhaust ventilation should perform its functions at any time of the year and any weather, that is, to provide sufficient flow of clean air and removing spent. A big role in an effective air exchange is played by the check valve for ventilation. Such a device is often used in the system of ventilation of natural and forced type.

Causes of reverse thrust

Sometimes it is impossible to ventilate the room due to the return of air from the ventilation channel with an admixture of all sorts of smells. This happens when the balance of the volume of the incoming and outgoing air due to clogging or narrowing the total ventilation channel. And because of the installation of high power fans in other apartments, the exhaust air does not have time to be output and returns from other premises. More than this is the upper floors. Since the cuisine channels and the bathroom are connected, the fan installed in your own apartment in the bathroom will provoke the reverse craving toward the kitchen.

The problem of reverse traction

In the houses of old buildings, mines designed to smaller throughput airflow and do not cope with large volumes from modern powerful hoods. Organize an acceptable air exchange helps the reverse valve for ventilation. It helps to change the amount of air outlook and skip it only unidirectionally, blocking the movement back. Thanks to him, all sorts of smells of adjacent apartments do not fall into housing, and dust, fluff and insects fly from the street.

Principle of operation and internal device

Purpose valve assignment: adjust and be damper from reverse airflow. The principle of operation of the check valve is: the sash, hanging on the central or several parallel axes, rise under the head of the air flow in only one direction, and when the petals are lined (lamella), are lowered under their own weight or using springs, preventing reverse movement.

In addition to stopping the reverse flow in the valve, there is still a function of regulating the volume of the conductive air when the damper is rotated to a certain angle, the cross-section of the air duct changes. Devices are two-position, where only two positions "open" - "closed" and multiposition, when can be adjusted to change bandwidth.

Varieties and types

Consider specifications and types of check valves in several categories:

  • Based on the form, three types can be distinguished: round; Rectangular or square.
    Apply such dimensions that are suitable for a specific air duct. In everyday life, for home, apartments, bathroom bathroom, the round valves with a diameter of 100-125 mm are used, for ventilation on production, with a diameter of 125 mm to 1000 mm. The length of the rectangular valves varies from 7mm to 72 mm, and the width (height) is from 100mm to 1000 mm.
  • Material material may be metal (galvanized steel, aluminum alloy) or plastic. Products from plastic are more common, as they are less noise when opening and closing the blades. Because of its ease, they are more applied in everyday life, where the air pressure is not very large. Metal designs are characteristic of industrial models. They are heavier plastic and closed under the power of their own weight. They are more reliable and resistant to an aggressive environment belong to the explosion-proof category. But there are also disadvantages: metal is subject to corrosion, and condensate is collected on galvanized dampers.
  • Mounting method is horizontal and vertical. It is set in one way or another on the basis of the technical data of the valve and the corresponding duct design of the air duct or exhaust ventilation.
  • Control can be manual or electric. The valve with manual control is adjusted by hand with a lever or valve, and at a round - valve. Such devices are used in natural supply or exhaust ventilation. The electric valve is activated in the diagram with mechanical devices (fans, exhaust) and controls the volume of the passing air flow automatically (the sensors of the position of the flap).
  • We can share all varieties of valves into two groups: heated (with electric) and without heating. The advantages of the heated valve are that it does not ignore in the cold and does not accumulate condensate. No heating is suitable only for use inside the house of the duct.
  • According to the type of construction, there are such varieties: membrane; petal; butterfly; lattice.

Applying check valve

Ventilation of natural type

Apply both in the supply and exhaust ventilation. In the outer wall of the houses, a trimming vent valve is mounted, equipped with a check valve or damper. It can be equipped with air purification filter. The use of the supply valve in natural ventilation provides good access of clean air into a dwelling with reverse thrust and heat preservation. The valve or valve allows you to adjust the intensity of the air flow.

It also makes sense to install the lattice with moving blinds on the supply ducts. They direct the air flow only inside the room.

The use of flexible membrane in the ventilation grille in the kitchen is simply necessary, where the powerful flow from the exhaust and other rooms is displayed in one mine to prevent its return. The membrane design is simply obliged to be very sensitive to the slightest movements of air, since with the natural air exchange of large pressure does not happen.

In natural ventilation, you can not use a two-fledged valve with springs, requiring for opening a large pressure. In this system, a device with one petal is more efficient.

Application in case of forced system

It is well combined with such a device with mechanical devices for drawing, for example, a kitchen hood. Installation is made along with the hood.

In models where the hood with the check valve comes in the kit, it performs the role of the flap. When the hood is off, the flap closes the channel, preventing the penetration into the kitchen of odors from the common channel. The duct from the drawing should not close the opening of the exit to the overall ventilation shaft, leaving it for natural ventilation. In addition to the grid, you can install a single-olepole valve or a valve fan.

In more powerful hoods apply the butterfly valve. Such structures are attributed to additional costs. The channel from the drawing is removed directly into the street through the outer wall, pulling directly spent air. So that the cold air does not penetrate the house, an inertial grille is installed on the wall.

Inside the house or apartment for organizing the correct air circulation in all rooms, inertial grilles are installed in interior walls, and more often in the door. Such inertial lattices contribute to air movement towards the direction from the rooms towards the kitchen, to the total Ventcanal, and not vice versa.

The tonite with the check valve and its use

For high-quality air exchange, when installing air ducts, special tees use, which allow competently combine natural and forced ventilation.

Due to ineffective ventilation in the bathroom and bathroom, it is often observed in stagnation and mold formation. To prevent the incidence of third-party odors, as well as for rapidly removing moisture, an exhaust is exhausted with a check valve. But the power of the fan should not be big so that Central Ventkanal people manage to cope with the air flow.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to regularly clean all shut-off and regulating devices to maintain their performance.

How to choose a finished product

In the functioning of ventilation, the main problem is bad thrust. It is enhanced by combining all types of ventilation using the check valve.

Choosing the check valve must take into account the compatibility of all devices and mechanisms to the following factors:

  • Shape and diameter of the cross section of the channels. Choose the valve and the fan in size corresponding to your duct so that there are no problems when installing. A variety of valve models have been developed with different round and square shapes and sizes. Usually, ducts and check valves are 100 mm in size. Square valves are securely proven, which are easily attached in square mines.
  • The material from which the product is made should correspond to the type of system in order not to worsen its functioning. Indeed, in natural ventilation, the gate should react to the slightest air oscillation, it means to consist of the finest material. And in the production hoods of the device should be resistant in an aggressive medium and temperatures, so galvanized steel or aluminum is used here.
  • Appointment and device. To consider for which room the valve is selected. It must correspond to the power of the fan used so that it is enough for the disclosure of the petals. For example, if a bathroom is sufficient with a coefficient of 7, then for the kitchen - 10. There are ready-made models in a set of fan with a valve.
  • It is important to take into account the bandwidth of the check valve. In everyday life use products with a bandwidth of 4-6 m / s. The amount of air deposited from the apartment should not exceed the permeability of the total ventilation mines, otherwise it will be distributed to other apartments. Otherwise, it is necessary to install a separate air duct with the output to the street.
  • By climatic conditions, some devices are mounted only indoors, as they do not wear low temperatures. For example, the butterfly from the frost will be covered by Founder. For a private house, it is necessary to take care of the characteristic bloody wind and the penetration of rodents.
    Properly chosen valve serve as a guarantee of the quality work of your ventilation and comfortable conditions for accommodation.

Rules for placement and installation with your own hands

Initially, we define the installation sites of the check valves in the ventilation scheme. Consider an example of mounting in a ventilation mine behind the fan.

  1. Turn off the exhaust from the power supply and dismantle.
  2. In the opening of the air duct insert the valve and mark the place of attachment on it. We take it out and drills on the outlined holes.
  3. Again, insert the device into the channel and make the markup on the wall, then by driving the valve, drill the holes in the concrete opening using the jumper.
  4. In the concrete we score dowels and screw the device.
  5. The gaps along the edges thoroughly smear the silicone sealant in order to prevent air leakage and the attenuation of the stream power.
  6. In completion, install the hood in place.

Recently, the assortment appeared check valves that can be installed in front of the fan - overhead. Their mount is not so troublesome - does not require dismantling the fan. The grill with the check valve is installed before entering the ventilation channel or at the output from it. It can easily be installed with your own hands, attaching to the effect on ventilation, using self-tapping screws or "liquid" nails.

At the exit of the ventilation shaft, the valve is applied a single gravitational action and double-to-use springs together with a powerful fan.

Creating your own hands

For natural type ventilation, it is not difficult to make the valve yourself.


All sorts of smells will not penetrate the dwelling if you install the check valve on ventilation. The simplest device allows you to organize high-quality and efficient ventilation of premises, supporting a favorable microclimate.

The smells of preparing food come back again, instead of leave the room forever? Agree, this is an extremely unpleasant situation from which you want to get rid of it. Most likely the problem lies in the occurrence of reverse thrust. This is a common phenomenon that has many negative consequences.

We will help you get rid of unwanted flavors with a simple and inexpensive device. It will not require redevelopment of existing ventilation or essential financial investments. It will be enough to establish a check valve for ventilation, which will solve the problem.

For the optimal result, it is necessary to know the design options for performing valves, their advantages and cons, as well as the rules for placement and installation in exhaust systems. All information is provided in our article. It also selected useful videos with step-by-step installation instructions and photos showing the essence of the outlined material.

In order to decide on the setting of the check valve, it is necessary to find out the possibility of reverse thrust in the ventilation system at home. Understanding this process will allow correctly planning and implement air exchange in premises.

The system ventilation system is designed to provide a flow of fresh air, while removing the waste, unpleasant smell and dust. It often happens so that it does not cope with its tasks, and instead of clean air in the apartment fall. That this does not happen, it is recommended to install the check valve for ventilation.

What do you need a check valve

The check valve is a design at which the blades of the valve itself located on the axis will move in such a way that the air entering the valve will not enter the apartment. Air masses in the reverse valve are moving only in one direction, and if it changes dramatically, the device closes, which prevents the air flow to the room.

The main reasons, in the presence of which the check valve should be installed, are:

  • The lack of supply ventilation - it can be broken or clogged, in connection with which the dying air simply does not go into ventilation.
  • Improper arrangement of the exhaust pipe, as a result, getting into the ventilation of the influxed air.
  • The house has furnace heating, and when working the furnace, the burning thrust increases in the pipe, which contributes to the reverse air current in the ventilation pipe.
  • In one of the apartments of a multi-storey building, a powerful extract is installed, and when it is work, the course of air flows in other apartments is disturbed.
  • The presence of several hoods in one apartment will help enhance the thrust in one of them, which will lead to a disturbance of air outflow.

To check the presence of thrust in ventilation, you can use the candle. Apply the burning candle in ventilation and open the window. If the air flow is correct, the candle will fall.

Types of check valves for ventilation

Valves for ventilation can be classified by manufacturing material, most often they are made from:

  • Plastic.
  • Thin galvanized steel.
  • Combined materials - steel and plastics.

A variant made of plastic is often installed in apartments, offices, cottages. Such check valves have an attractive appearance and are suitable for any interior style. In addition, plastic valves will easily cope with the tasks of natural ventilation. Another undoubted plus is accessibility - plastic check valves are the cheapest devices among other analogues.

Models made of galvanized steel are used in industrial enterprises or in administrative household buildings. Such valves have a solid design, which allows them to function in the supply and exhaust ventilation systems. In addition, enterprises always extended fireproof requirements, and steel valves are well coped with this task.

In buildings where natural ventilation is present, devices from combined materials have proven well. The body of the product is made of galvanized steel, and the blades are made of plastic. Thus, the valve reacts with the smallest blow of the wind and provides a natural air exchange.

Depending on the design, check valves for ventilation are:

  1. Petal. Made in the form of a rigid valve, fixed on the axis, and contain the principle of operation of the turning mechanism. With the stream of air masses, this flap turns, thus closing or opening an air inlet.
  2. With gravitational grid. Externally resemble blinds located vertically or horizontally. When you turn on the drawing, the flaps open and start your work. This type is installed in the walls to protect communications.
  3. Membrane. Perform work on the principle of petal valves, but the damper in such devices is much thinner, and the membrane closes the lattice with a blow, thereby preventing air intake.
  4. Butterfly. In the structure with the petal type of the valve, however, has two petals on the axis, which resembles a known insect. When the ventilation is turned on, the petals are open and, accordingly, when turned off - close.

In addition, the valves are horizontal and vertical type, heated and without it, as well as rectangular or round.

How to choose the right check valve

Choosing a check valve for its apartment, it is necessary to be guided by these criteria:

  • The device must be sensitive even to a small air movement, so it is better to install an exhaust fan with grille. It will contribute to the normal air exchange and an increase in thrust.
  • The valve technical indicators must correspond to the acquired fan: the latter power must ensure the full opening of the valve petals. Pick the valve diameter exactly suitable to the size of the fan parameters.
  • Pay attention to the operating temperature of the valve - some devices can only work at medium temperatures.
  • Depending on the form of the duct, a suitable check valve is selected, having the same form. This is done for the convenience of installing the device.

Do not forget that with the wrong selection of the valve, the air exchange in the apartment can break and completely change its direction.

When self-installing valve in ventilation, it is important to remember the direction of the air masses. If this question is solved, then you can move to the direct installation of the device.

To do this, insert the valve body into the ventilation stroke and outline the openings for the future fastener. After that, according to the outlined points, drill holes using a screwdriver or drill. It is also necessary to do holes for fastening in ventilation.

Next, insert a dowel and secure the check valve in the ventilation using a screwdriver. It is important to pay attention to the gaps between the valve and ventilation: if they are too wide, it is necessary to shock them with silicone, to ensure tightness. If this is not done, the device will not be able to perform the intended function.

How to make the check valve do it yourself

Having understood with the principle of operation of the check valve, it can easily be made independently at home. The easiest of the membrane valve will be the easiest. It will take a ready-made grill, a polymer film of medium thickness, glue sealant, fasteners.

The manufacturing process consists of a sequential execution of an action algorithm:

  1. Measure the size of the ventilation hole and cut the lattice so that its values \u200b\u200bwere 2 cm more of the swelling itself.
  2. If there is a piece of plastic under the workpiece, then use the lattice to use the file.
  3. The surface of the lattice should be smooth to make membranes tightly to her.
  4. Attach two squares of a film with a thickness of 0.5 mm from two sides of the grid. Make it better with the help of sealant.
  5. Drill in the hole lattice for mounting to the wall.
  6. Install the grille in the opening and consolidate.

The homemade device will be able to work both with a natural ventilation system and with forced air circulation.

If you have problems with ventilation, it is still recommended to install the check valve, thus ensuring the comfort and lack of unpleasant odors in the apartment.

In each private or apartment building there is a system. The most important function of ventilation is constant circulation and flow of fresh air, and at the same time dust sediments and smells are removed.

Sometimes it happens that instead of air flow, a stench from neighbors arrive.

Here you understand that the reverse action valve for ventilation devices is simply necessary. We will consider in this article all the details of the check valve.

The structure of the valve

The axis with blades is the key content of this part. The curtain at a certain exposure to air passes it only in a certain direction.

In case of termination of air inflow, the blades are closed. The valve itself adjusts both the flow of air masses and the volume of clean air.

Why do you need a check valve

When developing , whether or, we recommend you to analyzea number of reasons for which installation should be installed in your indoor check valve.

  1. Violation of the technology of the arrangement of exhaust pipes leads to the fact that refrigerated air flows begin to fall.
  2. If a few hoods are located in the dwelling. This leads to an increase in outflow, due to an increase in thrust in one of the hoods.
  3. If we consider an apartment building, then there is a possibility of presence, at least one powerful exhaust, and when it works, the air flow displacement, which leads to the appearance of the reverse thrust in other apartments.
  4. Lack of fresh air. It usually happens in case of breakdown or clogging.
  5. The presence of heating, due to the furnace. In this case, when the stove is functioning, the burning is increasing in the pipe, and this in turn leads to an inverse stream in the pipe.

How to check the craving in ventilation

The question is key.

Everything is simple:

The candle should plush if the flow of the air masses is correct.

It should be noted that on and installation is better to provide installation of the check valve. Since its price is insignificant, as well as during the operation of the ventilation, it is possible to clog, deformation and exposure to the external environment, which in turn will lead to a change in air flow in the ventilation itself.

Then you will have to buy the valve, spend time and cut it into a working system.

Basic classification of check valves for ventilation

Based on

Plastic (plastics). This is one of the cheapest and commercial devices. They are often used in office buildings, houses, cottages. It looks very attractive, and thanks to the rich color palette of the material, you can implement any design.

Cink Steel. Wound wide distribution in industry and administrative premises. These models are very durable, it allows for a long time and qualitatively cope with its task. In valves made of steel, there is no such minus as fireproof, since the steel does not burn in contrast to plastic.

Combining materials. The case of the device is made of steel coated with zinc, and a curtain or blade from plastic. Received widespread indoors where there is natural ventilation. This valve reacts even on a small wind movement, providing a high-quality and natural exchange of air.

In form

  1. Round.
  2. Rectangular.

It all depends, of course, from the form of the duct. It should be noted that for round valves intended for life are produced with a diameter of 100 - 200 mm. - These are the most running size. And for industrial systems, production is possible 150 - 1000 mm.

And for life, there are mainly round valves, and for the industry is rectangular.

From installation method

  1. Vertically located.
  2. Horizontally located.

By the regulation method

  1. Manual - using valves and levers.
  2. Automatic - occurs automatically, as this is a complex of devices, the supply and exhaust ventilation, which functions as a single integer.

By structural execution

And now we will analyze the most important classification.

Petal valve

Valve single gravitational action. Air, moving out of the room, acts on the sash, fixed on the axis of the valve body. Under the action of this force, the sash opens. In case of reverse thrust, the sash closes on its own under the force of gravity.

The presence of one sash makes the design simple and reliable.

When installing this type of valves, use the level, since it should be mounted only in a vertical or horizontal position.

This design has two versions.:

  1. Models where the axis is shifted relative to the center. And usually it is located in the middle.
  2. Using counterweights that have from the external or inner side of the device.

Butterfly valve or bivalve using springs

The structure is similar to a petal valve, only has two petals placed on one axis. Hence the similarity with the insect, from which he received its name.

Usually used in the ventilation systems of forced action.

That is, when the ventilation is turned on, the blades are opened, and when you turn off the installed springs. Such a device can be placed even at an angle. Check sensitivity should be checked before purchase. Recently, sensitivity adjustment is made according to the power of springs.

Valve with gravitational grid

In appearance remind the blinds, which can be located both vertically and horizontally. When you turn on the ventilation, the air movement begins and the air movement begins, as soon as you turn off, the blinds are closed.

Most often are located in the walls to protect. The main plus of valve types of valve types is the use of them at minus temperatures in street conditions.

Flexible membrane valves

The principle of work is as similar to the work of the petal valve. Only as a curtain use a thin flexible plate, which when closing tightly adjacent around the perimeter.

Put mainly in premises with natural ventilation, as the membrane is very sensitive. The disadvantage is the fact that the membrane will be deformed with excessive reverse thrust.

How to make a check valve for ventilation with your own hands?

It should take into account the fact that the cost of standard check valves is small, and there is no sense to make the valve independently.

And if the box for ventilation is non-standard, then you should think about how to make the check valve for ventilation.

The simplest mechanism that can be done independently is a petal or membrane valve.

Instead of a curtain, choose a hard plate of metal or plastic. To prevent the flow of air flow, the curtain should as close as possible adjacent to the edges of the case. And also firmly fasten the curtain, in order to eliminate sounds and friction.

At the ventilation hole should be installed, so that the membrane is not deformed. That's all the design is ready for use.

How to install the check valve for ventilation?

First, you should decide on the number of valves that we will install.

If the air intake system is simple

So, if you have the only place of air intake, and he further enters the mine, then you can prevent the reverse craving using one valve in this system.

If the air intake system is complex

If the ventilation is complex and assumes several vents for ventilation, then the rule that adjusts the number and location of the check valves should be applied.

  • First, the valve is installed on any branchwhich connects the air fence and the main highway. It is necessary so that the air flows are not redirected toward the exhaust at the moment when it is turned off.
  • Second. Check valve should be mounted at the system output Ventilation. Many will say that during the complete sealing of the system of this should not be done, but as experience and practice shows, the presence of a valve in such places is necessary.

The check valve must be installed in easily accessible places so that it is possible to quickly and conveniently serve and clean it.

Recently, manufacturers of fans and hoods are already providing in their designs check valves. As a result, the installation of additional valves is inappropriate.

Installation of the check valve from the street

simple, we buy the valve given the shape and size of the hole, we apply it and place the places for drilling. Drills, apply and fix, pre-labeling valve edges.

It should be noted that for the streets it is best to buy valves with metal elements. If it is suddenly an ice is formed on them easily can be mechanically cleaned, and plastic is likely to break.

Installation of the check valve indoors

If you mount the invoice check valve in front of the indoor fan, the process is similar to the description above.

And if you need to carry out the installation of the check valve inside the ventilation mines, then you will need to dismantle the ventilation device.

  1. Mount the check valve inside the body of the ventilation chamber and conduct the markup under the fastening.
  2. Then we get the housing itself and drill the holes in the places marked.
  3. After that, we set the housing to the place and place the holes on the brick or concrete walls of the well.
  4. Drilling jumper hole in concrete.
  5. After installing a dowel, and we collect the whole design together, we carefully tighten, we look at no gaps between the valve and the case.
  6. If the gaps are present, they should be treated with silicone.
  7. After that install the fan.

Now you can not worry about the penetration of unnecessary smells in your room.

Finally, I would like to say that at the moment there is a huge selection of models, shapes and feed valve sizes for ventilation.

But it is worth remembering that buying in good faith manufacturers and then you will receive a device with the corresponding properties and quality assurance.

Reverse Valve Selection Rules

It should also be remembered that if you have unfair to approach the selection of the check valve, it can lead to a bad air exchange.

And in order not to happen, a number of rules should be followed when this device is selected:

  1. The size of the check valve must be coincided with the dimensions of the fan. And the power of the fan should be enough to create a stream, which without any problems will provide the opening of petals.
  2. Some devices apply only indoors. It should be paid to this when you select the valve model.
  3. Best combination - check valve + exhaust fan + ventilation grille. Such a combination will ensure maximum efficiency of air exchange.

As you can see, the check valve for ventilation plays an important role in ensuring a comfortable climate in any premises.

When applying complex ventilation systems, it is important to competently place the check valves to lock the reverse thrust of the air.

Then the combination of extracts and fans will work flawlessly. After all, the service life and the entire ventilation quality depends on the correct installation of these devices.

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Modern technologies make our dwelling are increasingly sealed. The windows of metalplastic, laminated surfaces and stretch ceilings prevent natural ventilation, which is why dampness and mold develop in homes. Households suddenly begin to suffer from allergies and frequent respiratory diseases - this is also a side effect of full sealing of the house. The stagnant air is bellped with allergens, the pathogens of microorganisms them are actively multiplied in it. That is why it is important to build a trimming valve into the wall, which will ensure the access of street air into the room and at the same time will not allow the appearance of drafts.

A trim valve - a simple device for airing

The main purpose of the supply device is to provide access to fresh air to the room. Upon the condition of normal operation, the trimming device misses the room on average to thirty cubic meters of air per hour, which corresponds to the physiological needs of one person.

The device consists of several elements:

  • Tube duct. Usually this part of the device is made of plastic.
  • Grid (metal or plastic) to protect the outer part of the air duct.
  • Inner insert with the head and filter for air purification.

Some devices are equipped with an additional insulator and. These additional elements do not allow the supply valve in the wall to drain into severe frosts and block outdoor noises.

The hygroregulation system automatically opens the valve if the room is observed exceeding the regulatory indications of humidity.

The supplier the exhaust valve can also be additionally equipped:

  • fan;
  • temperature sensors;
  • air recovery system;
  • remote control.

Advantages and disadvantages of the wall supply valve

Like any device, the ventilator has its undoubted advantages and disadvantages that cannot be mentioned. First, good:

  • Using the device, the need for constant opening-closing windows is significantly reduced. It saves time and maintains window mechanisms.
  • The device acts as a noise insulator and filters air from toxic urban impurities.
  • The device has the regulatory functions, it can be customized under the needs of a particular home.
  • Installation of the conductor in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heating devices is significantly saved by heat loss.
  • The device has minor sizes, almost impaired on the wall and does not interfere with the placement of furniture.
  • The device has a relatively small price, easily mounted and can be manufactured and installed independently.

Helpful information! Installation of the supply device in the battery area will lead to the fact that the cool air of the street will heat the heat of the radiator when entering the room. The second version of the installation of the device is in the upper part of the wall, where incoming air masses will be mixed with the heated air of the room.

Cons in the use of the device:

  • To install the ventilation valve in the wall, it is necessary to make a hole, that is, to break its integrity in some way.
  • Incorrect installation of the device can provoke the water freezing.
  • In the northern regions, in the winter time, the ventilator can contribute to the drop in the room temperature to uncomfortable values \u200b\u200bfor a person.

Types of ventilators

The supply devices differ in the following parameters:

  • the presence of adjustment of the air flow (mechanical or automatic);
  • the presence of a noise insulator and insulation;
  • the presence of additional elements;
  • the possibilities of full insulation of the duct;
  • in size and external design.

Selection of air exchanger

Before you buy a trim valve into a wall, you need to check it for compliance with some important criteria:

  • The device should not cost too cheap, a high-quality device, equipped with the necessary number of functions, is worth not less than a third of the average value of the metal-plastic window.
  • The valve must be installed directly into the window frame or in the wall next to the window. It is important to check the possibility of such an installation.
  • It is necessary to determine the type of control of the conductor - mechanical or automatic. The machine will greatly simplify the need to control the optimal temperature and humidity in the house.
  • Attention should be paid to the level of noise protection of the device.
  • Valve's ability to carry the temperature regime.

Prices and popular models

Ventilation devices with a minimum set of functions are relatively inexpensive. The simplest model can be purchased for five hundred - eight hundred rubles. But the most effective is the models in the price category two - four thousand rubles.

Table 1. The average cost of the supply valves in the wall

Image / modelAverage price, rubVolume of incoming air, cubic meter per hourDiameter, mm.additional characteristics

KIV 125.
1600 36-60 133 Anti-mosquito grille

4200 5-40 100-125 Noise suppression

2450 54 125 Heatshomo insulation

SVK B-75
2500 1,5-31 142 Heatshomo insulation

valve Valve Kiv 125

Valve Pattern EHA2, 5-35 m3 / h, white, EAR201

Titon air valve KPV-125 - 500mm

valve Valve IVK B-75

Features of mounting air duct

Before installing the valve, it is necessary to determine the location of its location. The best for this purpose is the place near the heating radiator on the bearing wall.

  • Step 1. Drilling of the hole to install the air replacement. The diameter of the opening should be a little more valve tube. This will allow you to correctly set the device and secure it in the wall.
  • Step 2. Outside on the wall in the area of \u200b\u200bdevice location, it is necessary to provide protection against rain. If there is no possibility to do this (the valve output will be located in an unavailable place), the hole must be done with a slight inclination towards the street. So rainy drops will not fall into the device.
  • Step 3. A trimming valve is installed in the wall and is fixed using a construction foam.

How to make a trim valve in the wall do it yourself

For the manufacture of a simple device will be required:

The plastic pipe will be an air duct, a piece must correspond to the thickness of the wall (a small margin can be provided). The optimal diameter of the tube is 10 - 12 centimeters.

  • On one side of the tube, the grid is fixed, it will be the outer part of the device.
  • Inside the tube is inserted with a rolled insulation (minvat, polystyrene foam). For this purpose, you can use a pipe insulation. The layer thickness should be about two centimeters, this is enough to prevent frost.
  • A foam filter is inserted into the tube.
  • The last step will be the installation of the valve. You can make it yourself or purchase a finished product at any ventilation equipment store.