How to copy in android. Android A to Z: How to Copy and Paste Text on Android Devices

In this article, we will explain how to copy text to the Android clipboard and how to paste text and it.

Almost every computer or portable device user has heard of the clipboard. But not everyone understands the essence of this concept, and even fewer people correctly and regularly use this software wisdom.

Very often, smartphone users do not know how to work with the Android clipboard, which greatly complicates the transfer of data between applications or web pages. However, everything turns out to be quite simple.

How to copy text to Android clipboard

In order to add information to the clipboard, you need to make a long press, which is also called "tap", on the selected text. After that, two limiters will appear, which will become markers of the beginning and end of the selection. The pointers should be moved to the required positions. All the text between the delimiters will be the selection area.

Now the usual tap is performed at any point of the selection. In such a simple way, the data goes into intermediate memory.

How to paste from Android clipboard

To insert the saved information from the clipboard, you must first determine the exact location. After that, a long tap is used on the selected field. In the drop-down menu, select the "Insert" sub-item.

Many operations on a smartphone are almost impossible without using the clipboard. This feature is useful when working with a search engine or social network. You can copy not only pieces of text, but also address lines. This allows you to share links with other users or use a buffer to quickly navigate to the desired site. Ignoring this possibility can result in a waste of time and serious discomfort.

What is a clipboard?

Why was this feature needed at all? It makes using a smartphone or working on a computer much faster. Time in the modern rhythm of life has become a real treasure. That is why people try to use every opportunity to speed up processes and save an extra second. In the long term, this figure becomes more impressive.

Clipboard is an intermediate memory used to store and transfer data between parts of one application or between different applications. This storage method is efficient enough for short-term memorization. The following information immediately deletes the previous one.

Android application / Android app

Many of you must have known for a long time how to copy and paste text on devices with the platform Android... Someone discovered this opportunity quite by accident while surfing the Internet, someone found it intuitively. However, there are also those users who purchased their smartphones and tablets several months, or even years ago, but still do not know about this useful option. In addition, with the ongoing release of optimized gadgets based on Androidour community is growing steadily, accepting more and more new users. Therefore the question about copy & paste the functions can still be considered relevant.

In fact, there is nothing surprising in the fact that this option cannot be found from the first days of using a smartphone or tablet - it exists by default and is an element of those very hidden capabilities of the device, the discovery of which is often tantamount to the discovery of the century. In addition, in recent times applications and modifications from software manufacturers began to appear, in which their own function of copying and pasting text information is included, which is very different in the way of use from the original version, and this can only confuse beginners even more.

However, despite the existence of some differences in the implementation of this function, the copy-and-paste process itself is quite simple. You can copy text both from the browser and from applications, and individual documents... The procedure is as follows:

1. First, select the piece of text you need, click on any word or letter and hold your finger at this point on the screen for a few seconds.

2. After that, the area you are holding will be selected, and two limiters will appear on its borders, clicking on which you can freely adjust the size of the selected area of \u200b\u200btext.

  • Use the tab located at the top of the screen. It contains the basic actions for manipulating the text - you can select all the text, cut the selected fragment or copy it. To copy, click on the appropriate action.
  • Use a second click and hold on the selection. In a few seconds, the window “ Copy text", After clicking on which your text will also be successfully sent to the clipboard.

4. Then you just have to open the area you need to insert your text. This can be a new document, a message in a messenger, etc. Again, hold your finger on the screen for a long time until the window " Paste". By clicking on the action, your text fragment will be successfully highlighted in the area you need.

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Many users often feel the need to copy some text message, numeric data or something else on their smartphone. Copying text is indispensable in editing articles, working with texts and basic communication through social networks and SMS.

Beginners may stumble upon this opportunity quite by accident, others have to rummage through more than one page of settings, without finding a solution. Dealing with the built-in type of text manipulation, the owner of the phone may one day stumble upon an application where the method of copying content is initially sewn, but different from the factory one. Do not fall into a stupor - if the design and layout are different, then the principle remains the same. To cope with the task at hand and copy something on Android, you need to follow a few simple steps.

The algorithm of actions is as follows

  1. Select text;
  2. Select part of it;
  3. Copy;
  4. Paste content into the required field.

detailed instructions

To perform the Copy function, you first need to open a document or page on the Internet with the desired text. As a rule, it is possible to copy text information from almost anywhere, unless the creators of the site have blocked this option. Press your finger on the first word in a piece of text that interests you, and hold it for a couple of moments until it is colored with a colored marker.

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On the sides of the word, two delimiting flags will appear, which are called "sliders". Now hold down the right slider and, without lifting your fingertips from the screen, move it to the right or down. This will color the desired piece of content. If necessary, adjust the beginning of the section to the desired size.

Copy function

Now you can go to the key point and turn to the dashboard. Usually it is located at the top, below the line with the time, communication level and other parameters of the smartphone. On Android, this panel has the following standard buttons: select the entire document, cut the selected area, copy only the selected text and paste the copied one.

Android supports paste, copy and cut operations just like a regular computer. But, in order to be able to use these functions, you need to know about the differences. If you still don't know how to copy and paste text on Android, this article is for you.

Copy and paste text

If you want to copy a word, expression, paragraph, or any part of the text of a web page, message, or other source of information, follow these steps:

Copy and paste the link

  1. Open the site that interests you in your browser.
  2. Tap in the address bar of the browser on the site address and hold your finger until the context menu appears.
  3. Tap on the "Copy" button.
  4. Go to the application where you want to insert the link. It can be a text editor, chat, or another browser.
  5. Tap and hold in the text field until the menu appears.
  6. Tap on the "Paste" button to paste the copied link in the right place.

Copy and paste special characters

If you need to copy and paste a special character into the text, keep in mind that symbol images are not suitable for this. This character must be included in the standard set of special characters corresponding to a particular encoding table. Otherwise, the procedure for copying and pasting special characters is the same as in the previous two sections. I can recommend you the site, from which you can copy the most common and interesting special characters.

Cut and Paste Text on Android

Now that you know how to copy text on Android, let's figure out how to cut it. The "Cut" option will only appear in the smartphone pop-up menu if you are in editing or typing mode. For example, when you write an Email or a message in a messenger. To cut text, follow these steps:

Why can't I copy the text?

Not all applications allow you to copy text on Android. For example, web versions social networks Facebook and Twitter, open in the browser, will not allow you to copy and paste text on Android, and the applications of these networks will only allow you to copy the entire text, not fragments of it!

On mobile devices with operating system Android, the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V familiar to many users of personal computers. Naturally, copying and pasting text on mobile devices is carried out a little differently than on computers. Copying and pasting text is very important parameter, without which, perhaps, no one can do.

How does copy and paste work on Android?

In order to copy a text or a link on an Android mobile device, you need to click on the area that you are going to move and hold for a few seconds. After that, a specific area on the screen will be highlighted. If you need large text, and not just one selected word, then you can easily move the special sliders located on the left and right. After you select the desired fragment, press the "Select" button and select the "Copy" item. Next, you need to open the document in which you are going. Press and hold for a few seconds on an empty field of the document until the context menu appears. Then you need to click on the "Paste" button to place the copied text.

Copy and paste software for Android

Naturally, the Copy and Paste program is not the only one. There is another good analogue - Clipper. it software is nothing more than a clipboard manager. It allows you to store certain copied fragments of text, edit and, of course, copy them. It works on the same principle as standard copying on a mobile device with Android OS, except that a special icon of this program will appear in the menu.

All programs can be found and