How to make a chair with your own hand. How to make a tree chair

In this article, the topic of how to make a chair with your own hands will be considered in detail with the drawings and instructions. You will certainly like these comfortable wood chairs with a high bent back and soft seat.

Regardless of whether you will make a couple of such products or a whole set of six chairs, you will be able to evaluate the simplicity and reliability of the design.

  1. Ostroject boards up to 38 mm thick for the front a and rear in the legs of the chair. Follow the leg on the board, and to reduce the number of waste, have them groups. Boot size A - 38x38x419 - 2 pcs., Boot size B before leveling - 38x108x1032 mm - 2 pcs.

Click to enlarge

  1. Tape saw blade the blanks of the rear legs to the sizes specified in the drawing. Collect the contour rear and front legs. Cut their upper ends perpendicular to the front side. Otherwise, the manufactured stool of wood will be unstable.
  2. Squeeze the nests for spikes on the front and rear legs. Make sure the legs are symmetrical and mirrored. Below is a small instruction, how to make nests yourself.

Use the forster drill 6 mm, hold it in the cartridge of the drilling machine or drill. Drill wood in nests

Guiding the chisel to perpendicularly align the walls and corners of the nest

  1. Remove the chamfer 3 mm at both ends of the rear legs B and at the lower ends of the front legs, as specified in the drawing above.

Tsargi, Predes, Crossbars and Plates Back

In this paragraph, a large section will be presented on how to make a chair, that is, the production of the main structure. The drawing of the chair with all sizes will be presented, the diagram of the connection of the elements.

  1. From the material with a thickness of 18 mm, drink the front king with, front and rear podes D, side Tsargi E and side prodes F to the following sizes: C - 18x76x419 - 1 pc., D - 18x38x419 - 2 pcs., E - 18x76x406 - 2 pcs. , F - 18x38x406 - 3 pcs.

  1. From the board with a thickness of 45 mm, drink two blanks 76 × 419 mm for the top and bottom crossbar of the back of the back G, N. Save trimming of blanks that have the same thickness and widths for the manufacture of test spikes.
  2. In order not to spoil the manufacture of chairs from the tree, you need to practice slightly. Using the groove disk, try cutting out the trial spikes on trimming with a thickness of 18 mm in size specified below in the figure.

  1. If paragraph 3 has passed successfully and you checked, as these spikes include in the legs of the legs, then drink the spikes on the parts of C, D, E, F themselves and later in the details I.
  2. In order for the design of the chair to be beautiful, mark arcs on the lower edges of the front C and side F CARG. Drink them with a ribbon saw and pass the contour.
  3. Without changing the settings of the saw machine, cut the spikes with a depth of 6 mm on the billets of the backbone of the back of the G, H in the places indicated on the crossbar pattern. Drink the same shoulders on trimming 45 mm thick for the manufacture of test spikes.

  1. Set the depth of the sawing of 10 mm and cut the first spike cheap on the front side of the crossbar and cropping with a thickness of 45 mm, as shown on the template.
  2. Raise the groove disk on a height of 29 mm and drink the second spike cheap on the back of the trimming. Check how the spike is included in the legs socket, and change the settings if required. Then cut the second spike chip on the bar harvesting.

  1. Make four copies of the crossbar template for a narrow side and two copies of the template for a wide side. The aerosol glue glue the narrow patterns to the upper side of the bottom of the bottom crossbar G and to the bottom side of the upper crossbar H, connecting the halves, as shown. Drink the crossbars with a slight indent from the contour lines and save trimming.

Note. The manufacture of wooden chairs is made from different wood breeds, for example, from an oak massif, pine, birch. Figuer is often used.

  1. Then with a grinding drum with a diameter of 76 mm or an eccentric grinder to seet the parts to the contour lines.
  2. To make a template that supports curved crossbars when drilling the sockets for steaks I, sawn one of the outer crosses of the crossbar into two halves. Drill with a diameter of 6 mm drill in the crossbars of the socket, where it is indicated on the template. Please note that the nests of the lower crossbar have a length of 18 mm, and the top is 38 mm.

  1. Two-sided scotch and glue to the drilling machine, the appearance of the backrest crossbar. Using it as a guide, drill the nests in the backrest crossbars.

  1. To cut the arc on the upper edge of the crossbar n glue to it bilateral tape exterior cropping. Aerosol glue to the front side of the crossbar copy of the front contour template. Then cut the arc. Remove trimming and smooth cutting edges. Remove templates with a narrow side of both crossbars.
  2. For the manufacture of slats I, the sturring material to a thickness of 6 mm. Drink at the specified sizes of the bar. Put the Ship Ship 6 mm in the upper end of the planks, as well as a spike depth of 16 mm at the bottom end of the planks. (Shoulder 16 mm depth will decrease to 6 mm after giving up the definitive frames.) Lower the disc to a height of 3 mm. Drink cheeks at both ends. Check how the spikes in the nests of the upper and lower backrest are included.

Video about how to make wooden chairs with your own hands. It is very detailed, be sure to look until the end. Presented interesting chips.

  1. Make five copies of the contour template for planks. The aerosol glue glue the templates to the placams I, aligning them relative to the shaved shoulders at the upper end. Extend the straight line of the template to the lower end of the plank. Obilitate the details on the contour, leaving a small allowance for subsequent grinding. Delete templates.

Assembling stool

  1. Stick and fix the front king clamps with the front king and the front proscius D between the front legs A, and the planks i between the bottom and the upper crossbars of the back of the g, N. Check the plane and rectangle of both assemblies.
  2. Enclose and fix the rear podes with the rear clamps and the g / h / i assembled back between the rear legs. Check the rectangle of the assembly.

  1. Connect the front assembly A / C / D with the rear B / D / G / H / I, glued into the socket side tsargi E and lateral podes F (see the detailed chapecule of the chair). Check the rectangle assembly with diagonals. Before drying, leave a gluing on a flat surface.

  1. Drink the rear TsEGU J and pick it up to the distance between the side Tsargami E. Insert the rear king between the side, aligning the top edge flush. Drill mounting holes in the rear legs in and screw the screws.

The video about how grandfather made a steep chair with his own hand.

  1. Drink to the specified dimensions of the corner screeds K. Make on their ends. Opels screed with a bevel plane on a boring machine table, drill cecid holes with mounting holes in the center. Then put the parts to the edge up, fix and make in the middle of their length and thickness of the divided mounting holes.

  1. Install the angular screeds of 3 mm below the upper edges of the Tsarg C, E, J. Through inclined mounting holes in the screeds, drill the guide holes in the kings and screw the screws.

Come to the finishi

Well, we almost finished the manufacture of a wooden chair with your own hands.

Collect all the details of the sandpaper with the graininess of up to 220 units and a grinding pad to soften all sharp ribs. Carefully remove the dust from grinding.

If required, toned wood with a verse. Then apply two layers of transparent varnish.

Look at the video about how else you can make a wooden chair. 7 Cool options.

Add sidushu

To make your own hands l with a soft upholstery, follow the instructions below.
Having finished the upholstery of the seat, position it on the chair close to the rear legs in and in the middle between the side kings E. through the dedicated mounting holes in the angular screeds to drill the guide holes in the seat of L. Attach the seat to the angular screeds of screws.

  • Step 1. Aerosol glue glue to the seat a piece of sponge with lateral cutting on trimming. Cut surplus, leaving the knife blade along the edges of the seat. Try to make a slice strictly vertically.

  • Step 2. To the edges of the seat were rounded, cut up the upper sharp ribs of the sponge. To do this, with the help of a marker and a ruler, run a line with an indent 100 mm from the edge inside the seat and 25 mm down.

  • Step 3. Cut the upper corners of the markup made. Hold the permanent corner of the blade, combining it with lines on the top and sideways of the sponge.

  • Step 4. Put a piece of thick synthesis in size 540 × 540 mm on the workbench. Align the seat with a sponge in the center of this piece. Wrap the edges of the sintecon around the seat and grab them with brackets. Cut the surplus of the sinteration at the corners.

  • Step 5. Align the seat-covered seat in the center of a piece of upholstery material 540 × 540 mm. Secure the edge of the upholstery with brackets in the middle of each side of the seat. Working from the middle of the sides to the corners, stretch the edges of the upholstery material and fix them with brackets.

  • Step 6. Collect the material in the corners and cut the surplus, retreating from the seat of about 20 mm. Tensioning the upholstery balance, evenly distribute the brackets. Cut all excess material.

Examples of chairs

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Chair is an important and indispensable object of life, the achievement of European culture. This is the necessary part of the interior of any home, office and other premises.

All kinds of type and shape, these products can be made of various materials. The easiest and most reliable way of their production at home is made of wood material. This article outlines a detailed description of the process, how to make a chair with your own trees.

All parts of the furniture products are made from a set of wooden blanks. The most common material for chairs is beech, oak or ash. However, it will be suitable and anywhere on hand. To produce any furniture, you need to choose only dry wood.

Tip! It is desirable that the drying is made in special dryers, because In natural conditions, wood is subject to injuries from insects, as well as the humidity of the street air will not allow to achieve high drying rates.

Homemade chair with a back, which is invited to do in this article with your own hands, is a kitchen sample belonging to a standard massive wooden version.

Preparation for work

In order to make a wooden chair with your own hands, the following devices and tools will be needed:

  • miter saw;
  • fugoval machine;
  • reysmaus;
  • a circular saw;
  • band-saw;
  • molds for marking legs;
  • line;
  • corolnic;
  • rolling machine;
  • nipseral machine;
  • manual eccentric grinding machine;
  • hacksaw;
  • wooden hammer;
  • pulberizer for varnish.

Necessary materials:

  • wood;
  • glue;
  • putty;

Procedure for performing operations

Production of blanks

The workpieces in the places of bends are grinding with manual grinders, and even surfaces are adjusted on a fugovine machine and a flight.

Marking of spikes and holes

When all the blanks of the legs and the kings are ready, it is necessary to make accurate marking for spikes and holes for them. It makes it yourself with the help of a ruler, square and pencil.

Production of spikes and holes

Production of front

The front side of our product is made with your own hands.

Making back

Embed to the manufacture of the back. The back is made of a solid thick bar. At the end of the timber, the pencil with a pattern is placed the billets for the cutting on the tape saw. After sawing, the blanks are grinding with a manual grinding machine.

  1. Cut the slots under the thorn on the billet back on the circular saw.
  2. To cut off the excess part.
  3. Insert the back into the grooves of the bottom and the upper tsarps, pre-slipping the joinery glue.

Assembly of a full chair

After that, it is necessary to collect parts of the chair between themselves. For this, all the holes and grooves are missing with their own hands, and connect the rear legs of the back. Then combine the front and rear-collected legs of the product with each other with the help of the CARG.

Important! For reliable gluing, all the collected parts of the chair must be clamping with clamps, until complete drying of the glue.

Production of seating

After the carcass of the chair is completely assembled, the seat is made. It is made from a solid board, 50 mm thick. The billet is cut on circular saw. After that, on a large ribbon saw, the workpiece is cut in half. It turns out 2 billets for the seat.

The workpiece is completely elevated with manual grinding, corners are spinning. Then we curl the edge with a manual milling.

  1. Sling in half.
  2. Grinding.
  3. Milling.

When the stool is glued, chipped chips and hats of self-tapping screws. The chair is fully elected with their own hands, and covered with a varnish. Homemade tree stool ready.


Any product of pure tree is expensive pleasure. And if the question concerns the chairs, then they must at least need 4 pieces. Therefore, it is very beneficial to every owner to master the production of chairs. Complex and expensive woodworking machines, given in the description of this process, are missing at home. It is possible to replace them easier. For example, instead of a slotting machine can be applied.

Instead of a ribbon saw, an electric bike is possible. The seat is permissible made of a shield glued from the 20-millimeter thickness racks, followed by grinding.

The article presents a technological process as a common example of production with its own hands of wooden chairs. In each individual execution, procedures and operations can be changed to the discretion of the wizard, taking into account technical capabilities.


Difficulties in child care are largely related to the fact that the purchase of all necessary may be quite severe for the family budget. Another question is whether parents are able to find in stores exactly what they would like, or among the range actually there is nothing perfect. Both reasons that do not allow you to purchase one or another product, one way or another push the idea that it would be nice to make it yourself. For example, a highchair - if dad has sufficient experience with various tools, it can well make it with his own hands.


Contrary to seeming simplicity, the children's chair with their own hands is not a simple task to fulfill it without any preparation. Do not proceed to work until you have a clear understanding of how the end result should look like, and what operations for this will have to be performed.

Also, do not ignore the calculations. Any stool should be strong enough to withstand your "passenger", and the child, although not heavy, but will not sit on it carefully, especially since the size of such furniture is also small.

Strength requirements are relevant not only for the main materials, but also for fasteners, whether they are self-tapping screws, glue or grooves. In addition, the baby is constantly growing, and it makes sense to make a highchair at least a couple of years ahead. With all its strength, the product must be convenient, that is, approximately match the overall dimensions.

Try to also ensure the proper lightness of the furniture manufactured - the owner should be conveniently mobile to move his chair to where he wants to sit at the moment.

Do not forget to follow safety. Furniture, in any case, can not be traumatic, and children's - and suppressed. The presence of any sharp edges is not allowed, and if the main material was made by wood, as happening in most cases, it must be carefully linked to avoid discontinuation of the zoom. Covering the finished product with varnish or paint, give preference to natural - the children tend to drag everything in the mouth, and can poison toxic coating.

Finally, remember that this chair is for a child. In addition to the appropriate size, the object of the furniture is desirable to be also beautiful. If the complex decor is not a task for you, try at least paint it into bright colors.

Drawings, Sizes, Schemes

Before proceeding directly to the manufacture of parts, it is necessary to make a drawing with dimensions - only so all the components will be perfectly approaching one another. You can use as one of those ready-made options that are already laid out on the Worldwide Network, and make a scheme yourself. It is important to note that there are drawings and instructions on the Internet explaining how to make a table and stool of a standard species, so they usually do not suit those who want to create something original - for example, a chair-elephant.

  • Drawing a table and chairswhich can be made in the form of a set, it is not necessary to clearly follow the principles of the drawing: they are not so many details so that they cannot be kept in the head. For us, the main thing is to make all the dimensions come out, and the details were perfectly attached one on the other, but methods of connecting individual parts must be present in the drawing. In general, it can be submitted schematically, without high drawing accuracy.
  • Think out the size (or choose on their basis ready-made drawings)Stripping from the convenience of the child. Convenient are those chairs whose seat is at the knee level or just below. In the case of a children's highchair, it is recommended to make a seat slightly higher, because the child will surely grow. At the same time, do not overdo it: if the baby is hard to climb the seat, it means that the product can be considered unsuccessful.

  • Detached with the size of the seatingKeep in mind that the owner must fit freely on it, but do not make it too big - it will take it with a chair, and it will be hard to endure. The normal backrest height is about two-thirds or three quarters of the owner's back, making it above the neck is already impractical. When determining the thickness of future parts, describe only the strength of the selected material and the weight of the child.


According to ease of processing and environmental friendliness among materials for the manufacture of children's furniture, palm of the championship holds, undoubtedly wood and its derivatives. Therefore, you can most often find a wooden chair. Nevertheless, you can not choose any tree - here too, it is worth thinking before proceeding to the manufacture. The most popular among all types of wood is the beech. It has a strength resembling oak, but at the same time it is easier to process, and it costs cheaper. In general, deciduous rocks are considered priority. From inexpensive options, they often choose birch, you can also consider the leip.

Firing fir and pine, but the resin contained in any such wood is suitable from the wood of coniferous rocks, but the resin contained in any such wood is dangerous - it can be hushed by clothes, and it can also be a threat to health. Regardless of the specific breed, choose a homogeneous tree, without bitch and cracks, with a smooth texture.

The seating material may be similar to the case material, and may also differ fundamentally. In order to save and achieve greater flexibility, the seats are also made from plywood, and even from chipboard. Choosing them, give preference only the most durable species, but remember that in any case they give way to the durability of a solid natural tree.

For increased softness, the seating can be additionally equipped with a small pillow of a foam rubber, covered with a pleasant touch with a cloth.

There is such an option of seating, both made of plastic bottles - both solid and sliced. Harmful plastic present in the form of garbage in any apartment and polluting the environment could get a second life, especially since its strength and durability is very high. This option still meets much less often due to the complexity of reliable attachment of individual parts, as well as not too attractive type of finished product.

Colors and decor

With all his practicality and convenience, the chair will definitely do not like the baby if it is impossible to describe the word "beautiful." No one does any special chairs for adolescents, but for young children, brightness and attractiveness are very important. Therefore, do not limit the colorless varnish or low-colored solutions alone. Odnotone color will generally admit only if the light or very bright shade is selected - it is often red or yellow, the so-called "warm" tones.

If the drawing is not alien to you, please the child with interesting investigative solutions. You can go "adult" by painting the frame in one color, and the seat and back is in another, and you can be oriented with the children's desire for bright and causing. The easiest option is "rings" on the legs of the chair, any patterns are also allowed and even blots - provided that it will look cute and positive. Regardless of how much and what kind of paint you used, do not forget - it should not be toxic.

In the presence of creative veins and desire a little complicate the task for the overall use of the case, you can perform a more complex decor. As an option - decorate the legs or the back of the stool by carving, but such a decision would have liked the adult. But for a child, a chic decision will be the decoration in the form of a particular animal. The classic option is when the back is cut into so to resemble the elephant, or any other cute little animal, and then painted to be more like a "cartoon" character.

Covers may become a kind of decor. In addition to its typical functions, it seems to simplify the cleaning of furniture and increase the comfort of its use, they can also decorate the head of the chair. Ideally, they should be depicted the favorite hero of the child, the characters of popular fairy tales, or the same animals. Help with the manufacture of a cover of Pope can mom, especially if she can embroider or has the skills of appliqués from the fabric. If the mother does not have such talents, you can simply alter the cover from clothing to which the necessary pictures were applied by the factory method.

For the youngest children

The children of the youngest age are still sitting on a stool only for one-sole occupation - food absorption. To teach a child to eat sitting, and in general to sit, in particular, at the table, it is important and necessary. However, the features of its development at this stage do not allow the use of ordinary chairs for this. The problem lies in the fact that a simple chair does not have a back with the handles, and a tiny child himself can still sit on it smoothly, and just falls.

As for children's chairs, their sizes usually do not allow a normal table for them. In this situation, a special chair for feeding will be an excellent way out.

Such furniture should be comfortable for both the child and for his mother - so far the child can not eat alone, because Mom will have to feed it from the spoon. For the convenience of this operation, the chair is made high at the level of normal, and even a little higher - so that the mother does not bent. The real term of use of such a chair is about the year, so if you have one child, and the second family does not plan at all, you can choose for the manufacture of not the most durable materials.

In terms of making a chair for feeding, it is perhaps the most difficult - in it the greatest number of parts. A relatively small seat is raised high above the floor, which forces to resort to the installation of additional stiffeners between the legs - for the improved stability of the structure.

Given the specifics of the child of the relevant age, and the back, and the railing is simply necessary - they must completely eliminate the possibility of falling the baby. Moreover, the barrier must be in front, although he has another useful feature - he plays the role of the table top to which food will be put. The space under the table top is left free - the baby will go there.

Cutting and assembling such a chair are quite simple. First, the drawings are cut out two identical side halves, which are then connected to each other, the seat, back and ribs of stiffness with grooves, glue or screws. Before assembly, all individual details should be glued to the perfectly smooth state, the finished product is covered with varnish or paint - ready.

Older baby models

The feature of the chairs for children, finally released from infant age, is a significant variety of design options limited only by the fantasy of the creator. The back is still considered a mandatory attribute, but the railing is no longer there, as well as the front barriers. It is not worth saving on materials in this situation - if the furniture is made with a margin in size, then the child will be able to use his highchair over long years.

The manufacturing process consists of several simple steps:

  • Think up the design to the slightest parts and make a drawing. Decide with the number of body parts - whether it will consist simply from two one-piece halves or from individual legs and the same supports under the seat, whether the back of the back will continue the rear legs or it is attached separately, and so on. Distribute everything, including the thickness of the seating and legs, in advance, refer to the ribs and additional supports under the seat. Provide the grooves, mark the places for screws.
  • If doubts about the correctness of the selected parameters still remain, try to collect a temporary chairs from cardboard according to the drawing. Unfortunately, it does not have the same strength to test the product from all sides, and in thickness differs from wood or plywood, which is also necessary to take into account when specifying the sizes, however, you will receive a visual understanding of the future.

  • Get cut out of wood or plywood individual parts.Start advise from the housing. Well, if there are many identical details in the set - then the subsequent can be cut through a simple blade ready-made first. If the design allows you, do not postpone the assembly until you cut everything - start right away as soon as you have at least two parts that must be connected. This will help immediately notice any disadvantages of the design if they are. After the items are ready, stabbing them to a smooth state.
  • When all the items are ready, proceed to the final assembly.Do not limit yourself with one type of fastener, in particular, sneaking the grooves - it will greatly strengthen the product and increase its durability. Provide the most deep entry of the grooves - tapping the hammer in places to the compounds so that the fastening is more reliable.
  • The last step is varnish and staining.

As far as detailed and intelligible there was a theoretical explanation, it is unlikely to compare on informativeness with a visual example, because it is better to see once than a hundred times to hear.

N. and the video is one of the best examples of how you can make a chairs with your own hands.The master tells literally about everything, including the size of the details used by them, so that you can do without drawing, just repeating what he says. The resulting stool is quite simple in its design, but it is easy to do it. On the network you can find a lot of other similar videos, but the models there are always approximately the same, and here the process is shown in very detailed and clearly.

See the master class on the manufacture of a children's highchair with their own hands:

The principle of making a children's chair for feeding, in general, is similar, but it should be studied in more detail and because of the increased complexity of the design, and simply because there is already another master who can reveal some new moments.

How to make a children's chair for feeding, look in the video:

If you want to have a comfortable time, then you can not do without comfortable chairs. Manufacturers offer various options for such furniture for every taste, but in order to save money, many decide to make everything alone. In this article, we suggest you consider several options for how to make a chair.

For the manufacture of the chair, the following types of sawn timber may be required:

  1. Boards.
  2. Array.
  3. Logs.
  4. Bars.

Most often simultaneously use several materials. Why in this log log? In the presence of appropriate equipment, boards and other blanks can be made independently. There are also original ideas, like a log of a chair. Some of these ideas, you can see in the photo section, at the end of the article.

As for the choice of lumber, it should not have bitch, cracks and fungal diseases.

Be careful when choosing wood, since it is often tinted for a better look.

In general, the sawn timber must comply with such parameters:

  • There should be no cracks on the bars, the edges must be smooth, and the material itself is dry. Small dismissions are allowed.
  • Boards must have a thickness of up to 100 mm.
  • The wood array breed should be suitable for the manufacture of the chair. It must be strong enough and hardy. In most cases, the choice falls on an oak or a red tree. They are easy to handle and differ in durability and durability.
  • Also used pine or beech. These wood species are no less in demand and practical.

When purchasing do not take all the materials back. Be sure to take with a slight margin.

After reviewing the subtleties of the selection of wood, let's see how you can make a wooden chair with a back. The principle of manufacturing is similar to the climbing of the toaster. Only in this case the back is still manufactured. In addition to sawn timber, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • Screws.
  • Carpentry glue.
  • Mill.
  • Chisel.
  • Hammer and other joinery tool.

Now you can consider the list of items to create a chair, as well as an explanatory drawing:

Although the details are quite a lot, but in general, it will be possible to assemble a high-quality and durable chair from a tree.

The process of work consists of the stages indicated below:

Once again it is worth reminding that each detail should be carefully polished. It should no sharp corners and all kinds of irregularities. The assembled chair is covered with a mourn and varnish (up to three layers). In this case, each layer of varnish is applied after complete drying of the previous one.

In conclusion, the seat is covered with soft skin, dermatitin or other suitable material.

In order not to damage the floors, it is recommended to fix rubber or felt lining to the back of the legs.

Now let's see how you can make a folding chair from a tree. For it, the next set of materials will be required:

  • For long legs 2 BROS 900 mm.
  • For short legs 2 BROS 550 mm.
  • For support under the seat 2 bar 290 mm.
  • For long legs 2 crossbars from the board 400 × 50 mm and 340 × 50 mm.
  • For short legs 2 crossbars from the board 280 × 50 mm.
  • Wooden rail for the base of the backrest 400 × 70 × 150 mm.
  • For seats 6 Rosek 340 × 40 × 150 mm.
  • Metal rod Ø 10 mm and 36 cm long.

The timber in all listed cases is used 30 × 30 mm, and 20 mm thick boards. To assemble a chair from these components, follow the instructions:

  1. In the bars intended for the seat support, drill holes for a metal rod. From the edge of 40 mm, and from supports 70 mm.
  2. After them, the seats with a gap between them at 10 mm are fixed to them.
  3. Now with an indent of 110 mm at the upper end drill holes in the long legs of long legs. In them, retreating 40 mm from the edge, perform the wrinkle for the back. Below drill 2 holes. So, you can consolidate the cross. The back is fixed to the top.
  4. In the prepared holes, the metal rods, which is fixed in the rubs of the legs into the ends.
  5. To short connect with long, in the middle of a bar for smaller legs drill holes. Below and above the middle on the impudent are fixed.
  6. Finally, all parts are fastened with screws.

This is how the folding chair is so simply made. Other details and details of the assembly you can see in the videos presented.

So, we looked at different options for the fascinating process of manufacturing a tree stool. Be sure that you are completely able to assemble a similar product. If you have other ideas, then write comments on this article. If you want to learn about the original solutions, then several ideas are presented in the photo gallery.



Schemes and drawings

To some of the chairs offered in the photo gallery, diagrams and drawings are attached, which will help you understand how to make the selected chair yourself:

An important attribute of each fisherman is a folding chair. Or you went with friends to a picnic, in this case, the folding chair will also be very useful. It takes up little space, so it is easy to transport in the car. Shops provide a large selection of similar chairs. But why are it all time to spend when you can in a short time it's handing a similar chair?!

Here we will look at the three most frequently necessary types of folding chairs:

  • wooden folding stools;
  • folding chairs with backrest;
  • folding fishing seats.

Wooden folding stools

We need:

  • 4 lumps for legs, each 47cm. in length; 4 cm width; 2 cm thick.
  • 4 bars under the seat long 32cm.; 4 cm width; 2 cm thick.
  • Seat: 2 bars long 35cm.; 9 cm width; 2 cm thick. Two bar lonn 32cm.; 6 cm width; 2 cm thick.
  • 2 bars of overhead pripers long 320mm.; 40mm width.; 20mm thick.
  • As a fastener, stocking 6 bolts with a diameter of 6mm., Not longer than 40 mm (including a hat!) And short screws.

Let us turn to the collection. To begin with, we will make a leg for our head. To do this, make small holes on the diameter of the bolts at the top of the future legs. Take care that the bolts are screwed to the end and their caps did not drank. The axis must be placed as high as possible, otherwise the stool will be unstable.

With the help of bolts, rigidly connect the top end parts of the legs with the crossbars, which will be located under the seat. Place two bars on the outer legs, and two on the internal.

Now we have two elements that work like hinges. Go to the installation of seats. Let's start with wide storage. Sveta will be 15-20mm.

Let us turn to the fastening of the crossbar, for this use wide bars. One of them is required to fasten on the outer legs, one is fixed on the end of the inner legs.

Next, retreating 10 cm from the bottom of the legs with the help of self-sufficiency, lock the false pores.
After that, fix the narrow inner pars that make it convenient and possible to lay out and fold the future folding chair from the tree. The principle is the same as we used when working with wide lumps.

Now you need to be a little more attentive, the height also depends on this and generally the performance of the entire design. As part of this scheme, the height of our creation can be 35-45 cm. Choose that height, which will be convenient for you, and in accordance with this, install the second narrow parts of the seating.

Rates from wide bars to fasten the narrow elements of the seat at a distance of 1.5-2CM. Lifehak: If between the average details insert a square 2 centimeter piece of wood can be increased altitude.

And on this, the manufacture of a folding chair can be considered finished with their own hands. As an additional "accessory" to your stool you can fasten the handle, then it will be easier to transfer it, especially if in the hands besides it, you need to carry more tackle and fishing rod. Just instead of short bolts connecting internal crossbars, take fasteners a little longer, then it will be possible to adapt the handle without any problems.

Folding chairs with back

For the manufacture of this instance, pre-prepare:

  • two bars with a length of 74 and 47cm, respectively, legs;
  • 5-8 flat plane lengths 32cm;
  • 3 bar 43 cm;
  • fasteners

Let us turn to the collection. Let's start with the manufacture of seats. To do this, on the supporting bars with the help of short screws at an equal distance from each other, mount the rails.

Let us turn to the collection of frame. The main components are the legs and the back of our wooden masterpiece. We choose the part where the back will be, and the racks on it will be plated for the back of the back, in the lower part there is enough one crossbar for greater stability. On the rear legs, the crossbars are also installed at the top and below.

So, we have two items that need to be copped with each other. To do this, use bolts of any convenient diameter, drill through holes in both frames and secure them with each other.
Bolts and nuts connect the front and rear frames of the chair.

Tip: Do not stand too tightly tighten the nuts, let the inner frame rotate freely, but does not hang out.

You probably have already seen similar photos of the folding chair, now and this comfortable and practical piece of furniture will appear in your house.

Folding chair for fishing

When you fish, sit on the cold, sometimes wet earth is not only uncomfortable, but also harmful to health. Professional fishermen often use folding chairs. So much more convenient and less detrimental for your back and health in general. In addition, with such a chair it is convenient to quickly change the place of fishing.

Since fishing chairs are often wet, then the wooden base of such a chair loses plastic and metal. Therefore, it is better to use plastic or metal pipes.

We will look at the option of assembly from plastic pipes.

We need:

  • plastic pipe with 50cm long. - 4 things.
  • plastic pipe with a long 35cm. - 4 things.
  • plastic corners
  • a piece of tarpaulin
  • a piece of tarpaulin
  • bolts, nuts

Let us turn to the collection. Connect the long tubes with bolts so that you have two identical crosses. Connect the opposite end of the long tubes with short, using corners. So we got a wonderful frame for your new fishing stool. But we still have a piece of tarpaulin, use it in order to strip the top of the design and create a kind of sidew.

Tip: Do not tighten the bolts too much, otherwise your chair will cease to be folding. Let his elements be freely moving relative to each other.

For the same instructions, folding chairs for fishing made of metal tubes can be made.

That's all! Chair is ready. As you can see, do it all very easily and old, unnecessary materials that probably have long been dusting on your balcony or in the garage, there is an application! Good luck in job!

Photo folding chairs do it yourself