How to quickly learn English yourself at home? Learn English from scratch! Learn English from scratch on your own.

Despite the fact that at school a foreign language is included in the group of compulsory disciplines, few manage to master it within the framework of the school course. Therefore, the question of how to learn English on your own from scratch at home is acute.

You can also learn the language at home without outside help. You just need to have a clear motivation and choose the right course of study. This will achieve results. I have a collection of advice that I will present to your judgment.

  • First of all, determine the goals for which you are learning a language: passing an international exam, finding a job in a foreign company, communicating with residents of other countries or confidence in traveling abroad. Methodology is determined by intention.
  • I recommend starting the study with mastering the basics. Without this, it is unrealistic to learn the language. Pay attention to the alphabet, reading rules, and grammar. A self-instruction manual will help to cope with the task. Buy it from a bookstore.
  • Once the initial knowledge is stable, choose the contact study option. We are talking about distance courses, a distance learning school or Skype classes. If you have strong motivation and your language learning is progressing well, having an interlocutor will not hurt, since outside control is the key to successful learning.
  • While mastering the chosen course, pay attention to reading fiction. At first, I recommend using adapted books. In the future, switch to full text. As a result, master the fast reading technique.
  • Novels and detective stories are suitable for learning. Even if the chosen book is not a literary masterpiece, it will help expand the vocabulary with new words and expressions. If you encounter unfamiliar vocabulary while reading, I recommend writing, translating and memorizing it. Over time, you will see that an extensive vocabulary is often repeated in works.
  • Watch movies, TV shows and programs in English. At first, even with effective and intensive training, understanding something is problematic. Over time, get used to foreign speech and you will be able to understand. Spend half an hour watching every day.

Even if you have recently started learning a language, try to talk more often and do not be afraid of mistakes. Learn to express thoughts, and master the technique of constructing phrases with practice.

Ways to learn English in no time

Continuing the topic of the article, I will share the technique of high-speed learning of the English language. I don't know for what purpose you are learning the language, but if you find yourself on the pages of the site, then you need it.

As practice shows, people find themselves in awkward situations due to poor knowledge of the English language. We have to learn the language as part of the school course, but the knowledge gained at school is not enough for work and communication. Many people strive to become better at this issue.

Any foreign language is easier to learn in a country whose inhabitants are native speakers. But not everyone can leave the homeland for such a big goal. How to be?

  1. If you can't afford a short trip to the States or England, recreate an English speaking environment at home.
  2. Study phrases in the target language every day. Give preference to complex phrases containing phraseological phrases. A proverb or speech of a creative person will do.
  3. Put each phrase on shelves, rewrite it several times, print it on paper and hang it on the refrigerator door or in another prominent place. Repeat the studied material out loud, making the correct intonation.
  4. Surround yourself with English. He must accompany you everywhere. The player will help with this. Listening to music or statements in a foreign language, initially you will not understand well. Later, learn to catch words that will eventually grow into understandable phrases.
  5. Download the original English-language series on your computer, but with subtitles. Review the episodes before going to bed and discuss with your spouse or child the next day.
  6. An electronic book will become an assistant in the rapid development of English. Download from the Internet and read English-language works. The e-book provides a dictionary that will help you master complex literature, and the voice function will sound the correct pronunciation.
  7. Don't forget about learning English on Skype. Find a teacher on the Internet, discuss class times with him and communicate within the lessons. This technique has many advantages. You can independently choose a teacher and agree on cooperation on favorable terms. He will offer a ton of interactive lessons based on an individual approach.

Video training

The speed of achieving the goal and obtaining the result depends on perseverance, the level of motivation and the course of study chosen in accordance with the possibilities. Work hard and everything will work out. As a result, you will become smarter and feel free anywhere in the world.

Benefits of learning English

Compatriots are of the opinion that a thorough study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis inappropriate. Popular films, literary works and scientific works have long been translated into Russian. For the sake of other spheres, areas and segments, it makes no sense to master a second language.

If you are in doubt about the need to learn foreign languages, read the material and find out about the benefits of learning English. I studied it for three years and I find this skill useful. I read, communicate and perceive live speech. A lot of experience has accumulated over the years.

Once you master the English language, you will be able to perceive the world differently. This will not happen immediately, but by improving your knowledge and skills, you will gain a generally accepted perception of the world.

Let's take a look at the main benefits.

  • Broadening your horizons ... The English-speaking audience of the World Wide Web is larger than the Russian-speaking part. Outside the window is the information era, where it is considered the key to success not only in business, but also in life, possession of a foreign language expands opportunities in terms of development.
  • Watching movies in original ... As a result, it will be possible to enjoy the sound of the voice of your favorite actor, and not the translator who voices the role. The play of English words and original humor will never slip away.
  • Understanding music ... Popular charts are filled with foreign musical compositions. Knowing the language, you can understand the meaning of the song, feel the composition and get to know the personality of the performer.
  • Communication with foreigners ... Fluency in a language fosters cultural unification. People travel and communicate with residents of other countries. It is much nicer and more convenient when you can talk to foreigners. This makes the trip more enjoyable.
  • Opening the path to success and wealth ... After reading a few books about success, it turns out that not everything boils down to money. The success of Westerners is based on the perception of the world and inner philosophy. You can read the translation of such books, but then you will only be able to understand the essence of the teaching. Only the original helps to absorb knowledge.

Studying a foreign language, you discover a huge number of foreigners around you. I like talking with people who have come to Russia from afar. It helps to make friends and makes the world "home". If you don't know the language yet, it's never too late to start learning.

Why is English an international language?

The final part of the article will be devoted to the factors thanks to which the English language gained international status. The English language is the fourth in the world by the number of speakers. But this does not prevent it from remaining international. History will tell what contributed to this.

From 1066 until the 14th century, England was ruled by French kings. As a result, the structure of Old English has changed. It's about simplifying grammar and adding new words.

Two centuries later, the rules of writing appeared, which have survived to our times. At that time, 6 million people spoke English. Thanks to the English colonies, the number of native speakers increased and the formation of an international language began.

Britain was a maritime nation. After the discovery of America by Columbus, expeditions set out to the South American shores. The researchers were interested in values \u200b\u200band treasures, and so that each voyage ended in success, colonies were formed on new lands. The first such settlement was organized in 1607 in Virginia.

After some time, residents of many countries began to migrate to America in search of a better life. Since they spoke their native language, an international language was indispensable, and the role of the language went to English.

The British living in the new settlements brought traditions along with the language. Local residents were forced to speak it. The establishment of the English language as an international language was facilitated by British colonial policy.

British imperialism lasted three centuries, and by the 19th century the country's influence had spread throughout the world. The colonies later gained independence, leaving English as the national language. This contributed to the strengthening of the international status.

Today the English language is an integral part of the world community, economy, culture, technology and science. It doesn't matter if you want to become a doctor, police officer, reporter or financier, English will help you succeed.

Knowing the language, you will be able to communicate with foreign friends and colleagues, draw information from an inexhaustible English-language source.

We decided to learn english? Of course, you made the right choice, because english - the main language of international communication.

Chances are, you already ran into the main problem with learning English - a huge number of textbooks, courses on the market, most of which are a waste of time and money. And if we add to this selfeducation and complete lack of basic knowledge language, then all this confuses a person, and he loses the desire to learn English. AND a wish is the main key to successfully learning any foreign language.

So, what does the site offer you for a successful learning English from scratch?

First of all, especially for the entry-level in the form online lessons the wonderful self-instruction book by K. B. Vasiliev "Easy English" (from the second lesson, the first completely from the site)... Classes on this tutorial are perfect for children, because the texts are presented from popular English children's fairy tales, such as "Alice in Wonderland", "Winnie the Pooh and all of all", etc. Additionally, typos, some inaccuracies were corrected, and audio for the entire course for free... And it is not at all difficult to perform the exercises, because for this there are special forms for entering text, as well as keys with answers. To view the answer, move the mouse over the key:. You can only peep back after completing the exercise completely! If you have any questions, you can ask them under the lesson in the form of a comment.

Please note that there is no need to rush and skip to the next lesson immediately after completing the current one. Continue to the next lesson when you are confident that you have mastered the material of the current lesson totally.

Further parallel with the study of the audio course above, you can study the possibly simpler Assimil audio course. The audio courses page also has higher level courses, as well as an interesting tutorial on how to work with audio.

How, have you learned so much information and are still confused with verb tenses? Dont be upset, english verb tenses is the hardest part of it. After all, there are not 3 of them, as in Russian, but 12! Especially for a simpler understanding and assimilation of times, the following section was created on the effective lessons of S.P.Dugin for beginners.

Verb tenses can also be studied in the English grammar section. Initially, grammar lessons were intended for intermediate students, but translations have been added to them, and now they can be studied by slightly less powerful students. In this section highly many lessons, it will help you find answers to many questions, so do not miss it. Only proceed to study it when you are ready. And in lessons for beginners, there will periodically be links to specific grammar lessons from this section.

Have you already studied all this? Well, you give! Congratulations! What to do next? And then you will have even more independent study... Unfortunately, from the middle level it is difficult to build any path for study, build it yourself according to your interests. It takes a lot of practice. Listen to a lot of audio, video materials. Try to talk more. Not with anyone? Talk to yourself! Read, write. The site also has video materials. Perhaps there will be more of them later.

Please note that on the mobile version of the site, the right menu falls to the bottom screen, and the top menu opens by pressing the button top right.

What English are we learning? British or American?

The correct answer is both.

On the one hand, British refers to the pronunciation rules set many years ago. Almost no one speaks it now, but everyone who learns English or learns pronunciation, incl. American actors (e.g. Will Smith). Also in all textbooks standard grammar and spelling of words. It turns out that almost everyone learns British English. In American, grammar and spelling are a little, quite a bit different from British, so look for any American English textbooks. very, very stupid.

On the other hand, British English also includes a special intonation, which almost no one teaches, and it is difficult to get used to it. These lessons of intonation also do not teach. It turns out that no matter how hard we try to pronounce, we will still get more American English than British. Apart from intonation, our speech apparatus is simply more like American. Lesson 1 video is pure British English. The audio in the following lessons will sound more like American English. Otherwise, English is standard, there is no need to come up with ridiculous reasons why I should or should not learn these particular lessons. Just teach! I am responsible for the quality! (Site author)

You've probably found something interesting on this page. Recommend it to a friend! Better yet, place a link to this page on the Internet, VKontakte, blog, forum, etc. For example:
The learning of English language

1. Study with interest

Any teacher will confirm: abstract language learning is more difficult than mastering a language for a specific purpose. Therefore, at first, learn things that will be useful to you in your work. Another option is to read resources in a foreign language related to yours.

2. Memorize only the words you need

There are over a million words in English, but in everyday speech, at best, several thousand are used. Therefore, even a modest vocabulary is enough for you to talk with a foreigner, read online publications, watch news and TV series.

3. Put up stickers at home

This is an effective way to improve your vocabulary. Look around the room and see which items you don't know the names of. Translate the title of each subject into English, French, German - whatever language you want to learn. And place these stickers around the room. New words will gradually be deposited in memory, and this does not require any additional effort.

4. Repeat

Spaced repetition technique allows you to better memorize new words and concepts. To do this, run the studied material at regular intervals: first, repeat the learned words often, then return to them after a few days, and after a month, fix the material again.

5. Use new technologies

6. Set realistic goals

Be careful with the load and do not overdo it. Especially at the beginning, so as not to lose interest. Teachers advise starting small: first, learn 50 new words, try to apply them in life, and only then tackle the grammar rules.

There are many advantages to learning English on your own from scratch. Firstly, it is convenient in terms of time scheduling, and secondly, it is cheap or even completely free - most of the training materials for beginners can be found in the public domain. And thirdly, it's interesting - you can easily skip boring topics and focus only on what you like. In this article we will give some helpful tips on how to start learning English for beginners and, in fact, how to learn English from scratch to an acceptable level.

How to learn English from scratch on your own

Reading rules

Having decided to learn English on your own, first of all figure out how to read in this language. The first stage includes:

  1. studying the alphabet;

  2. learning the basics of pronunciation - pay attention to sounds that are absent in Russian: [ŋ], [r], [ʤ], [ɜ:], [θ], [ð], [ʊ].

Also check out the cases where several letters in a transcription give one sound. For example:

enough [ɪˈnʌf] - enough
although [ɔlˈðoʊ] - though

Work on your pronunciation

Even as you start learning English, gradually remove your accent. Some online dictionaries have a voiceover function. Use it when in doubt about pronunciation.

Continue to practice correct pronunciation of sounds [ŋ], [r], [ʤ], [ɜ:], [θ], [ð], [ʊ], since they are difficult for beginners. Special tongue twisters for each sound of the English language will help you with this.

Increase your vocabulary

When, while studying English on your own at home, you understand the basics of reading and pronunciation, start replenishing your vocabulary. Beginners should start with simple vocabulary by topic.

Standard topics for those looking to learn English from scratch:

  • a family;
  • sport;
  • recreation;
  • animals.

These topics are standard, but if they make you sad, replace them with what you are interested in. For example, field hockey, medieval literature, mid-twentieth century music, electric cars, etc.

Free lesson on the topic:

Irregular verbs of the English language: table, rules and examples

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In addition to nouns, learn simple verbs: take, give, walk, eat, talk, speak, ask, thank, play, run, sleep ) etc. Do not forget the main adjectives: big-small, fast-slow, pleasant-unpleasant, good-bad, etc.

Try to speak already at this stage, making simple sentences from the words learned.

Learn grammar

When, in self-study of English, you become familiar with reading and writing words and have learned the basic vocabulary, it is time for grammar. But do not immediately plunge headlong into this topic. All we need now is to learn how to correctly construct simple sentences.

For beginners in English at home, it is enough to master:

  • conjugation of the construction "to be";
  • 3 times (present simple, past simple, future simple);
  • word formation.

As you study tenses, you will find that some verbs form the past tense differently than others. These verbs are called irregular, and each form has to be learned by heart.

Listen to the speech

Finally, we come to the most interesting stage of self-study of the English language. When the foundation is laid, feel free to start practice, and already in the process, brick by brick, add new knowledge to it.

Practice is speaking and listening, inextricably linked. It is important for beginners to remember the following tips at this stage:

  • To speed up your English learning process, you can watch video lectures, video blogs, TV shows, news releases, radio and podcasts.
  • Learning a language will go faster if you decide to meet a foreigner on social networks and start communicating in writing and / or via Skype.
  • Your best assistant in learning English is trying to speak it. Bother family and friends with the question How are you? (How are you?), Or better - tell them everything yourself: what are you doing, what you think about, what you want, etc. If shyness gets in the way, talk to yourself, the main thing is to practice your speech.

By this time, with self-study, the vocabulary of the English language will no longer be enough for a beginner to understand spoken language. Therefore, learn to memorize not individual words, but immediately phrases and stable phrases.

Read more

Learning to read well in English is not easy, especially for a beginner who has chosen the path of self-study. If during a conversation the context and facial expressions of the speaker tell you the meaning of the phrases, then when reading in English, you have only impassive letters on a white background.

Helpful advice:

For beginners, Ilya Frank's method will be useful, designed for those who decided to learn the language from scratch: read special books in which sentences in English are alternated with translations into Russian. This allows you not to be distracted every time by looking for the desired word in the dictionary, but to remember it immediately in context.

With this method, after 2-3 months, even with self-study, you will pay less and less attention to the translation, and as a result, you will completely stop noticing it.

Use apps and sites

A useful dictionary, both for beginners to learn English, and for advanced students, in which words and phrases are presented immediately in the context of their use, so that you can trace the variants of their meaning in different situations.


The Multitran dictionary is useful for both beginners and translators. There are dozens of meanings for each word. Also Multitran can boast of phraseological units and stable phrases in English.


Duolingo is a comprehensive language learning platform. A great option for beginners to learn English on their own. On the website or through the application, students consistently pass lessons consisting of theory, tests, practical exercises and game assignments. As you progress through the complexity of the topics and tasks increases.


Another site that uses an integrated approach to learning English from scratch: Busuu has materials for learning vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening and writing.

Learn English by British Council

Learn English by British Council is an educational resource focused on British English. In addition to the standard theoretical rules, hundreds of exercises and tests are collected here. Learn English also has videos, podcasts, songs and games that beginners will also understand.

Cons of self-study English

For all its obvious advantages, the self-study method has and one significant drawback - it requires strict discipline from beginners... To achieve noticeable results, you need to practice regularly and systematically, but not everyone can draw up an effective program and force themselves to follow it. Another difficulty for beginners to learn English can arise with error checking. English lessons for beginners from scratch are generally understandable, but they do not provide feedback, which is very important. While vocabulary and grammar can be checked in online exercises, it is difficult for beginners to practice listening and speaking without a teacher.

Useful video on the topic:

Today, English is a universal medium of communication. With its help, excellent career prospects open up. And you shouldn't forget about access to a large amount of information material. Thanks to the knowledge of the English language, you can watch your favorite TV series at the time they are shown, and not wait for them to be translated and adapted to the Russian language.

The advantages of knowing a second language, and usually English, are very many and can be listed for a very long time. Learning Shakespeare's language is difficult even in England itself. But, everyone can learn the basics of a simple spoken language.

This does not require teachers and stuffy classrooms. Thanks to modern methods, self-study of the English language is a fun and interesting activity. And not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

IMPORTANT: There are no people incapable of "languages". Yes, for some, learning a foreign language may be easier, for others it may be more difficult. The main thing is to learn how to motivate yourself correctly and find a training course that is suitable for this.

Of course, if English is needed not for watching TV shows and reading your favorite blog, but for more serious tasks, then independent study is unlikely to help. We'll have to attend special, narrowly focused courses. But, and you can reach them, starting with independent study.

Of course, learning any language from scratch, including English, is much easier by attending special courses and communicating with a "live" teacher

But, such communication has several disadvantages:

  • such activities cost money
  • you need to adjust to the schedule
  • if you miss one lesson, you can lag far behind

Of course, many of the disadvantages of such training can be minimized by training with Skype... But, if there is no way to carve out several tens of thousands of rubles from the budget for such an activity, then the only way to learn English is to study it on your own.

How to learn English from scratch?

  • In order to learn J.K. Rowling's language from scratch, it is best to use a computer program or audio course for beginners. With their help, you can understand the pronunciation of individual letters and words. By the way, the audio course has many advantages in this.
  • With its help, training can be carried out without interrupting other activities. It can be turned on in the car when driving to work. If you prefer to travel by metro, then download this course to your smartphone and listen to it on the way.
  • Of course, the audio course cannot replace the visual perception of the English language. But, for this there are special online trainings. Choose the course you need and start learning

IMPORTANT: From the first day of learning English, you need to try to speak it. If you don’t do this, then you will not be able to speak it even when your vocabulary and grammar skills improve.

In order to learn English from scratch, first learn the alphabet, then move on to simple words - house, ball, girl, etc.

Choose a training where learning new words is presented in the form of flashcards. It should contain a word in English and draw what it means. Scientists have long established the power of visually memorizing information.

There is no need to try to memorize a lot of words at once. At first, new information will be easy. Then, new words will be memorized easily, and old ones can be forgotten. In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to pay more attention to consolidating the new material. It is better to learn one new word a day, but reinforce all the old ones, than to learn 10 new words a day, but forget what you have already passed.

Where to start learning English?

  • Usually they start learning English from the alphabet. This has its own reason, you can understand how this or that letter sounds. But, it is not at all necessary to memorize its correct order. You can remember the pronunciation of letters without the alphabet. Moreover, they do not always sound like in this list of letters from "Hey to Zeta"
  • When you begin to understand the letters, try to read as many English texts as possible. You don't need to understand what is written there. Of course, interesting pictures in the text will make you want to understand what is written in it.
  • Then you can use online translators. But, don't put all the text in them. Translate one word at a time. This will help you learn the language even better and memorize a few words.

After you get comfortable with English, get a dictionary
  • Write down in it (just write down with a pen) all the unfamiliar words and phrases you meet, and their translation
  • In parallel with maintaining your vocabulary, you need to start paying attention to grammar. English has a very complex system of tenses. There are irregular verbs and other difficulties in the way of learning this language. All of them need to devote a lot of time. But it will pay off with interest
  • Don't forget about pronunciation. Even a person who understands well what is written in English will not always be able to make out what the native speakers of this language are talking about. They tend to speak faster than teachers and language school teachers
  • To make it easier to understand English, watch films, TV series and documentaries without translation. This is a great way to learn this interesting language.

IMPORTANT: Try to devote at least 30 minutes to English every day. For this, it is advisable to select a specific clock. So our brain by this time will be able to "tune in" and the learning process will go easier in a few days.

How easy it is to learn English: English language teaching method?

There are quite a few methods of learning this foreign language. The most popular are:

  • Dmitry Petrov's method. A polyglot, well-known in our country, invented his own method and method of presenting information, which fits in 16 lessons. Probably, many who were interested in learning English have seen a series of television programs in which Dmitry taught famous people. Thanks to this technique, you can quickly immerse yourself in the language environment and understand grammar.
  • Method "16". Another technique that allows you to learn the basics of the English language in just 16 hours. It is based on educational dialogues, having mastered which you can understand English.
  • Schechter's method. This system of learning English was developed by the famous Soviet linguist Igor Yuryevich Shekhter. Unfortunately, this technique cannot be used for self-study of a foreign language. Moreover, a linguistic teacher who will be allowed to teach using this method must himself undergo special training and pass an exam.
  • Dragunkin's method. The method of teaching English, popular in our country, was developed by the famous philologist Alexander Dragunkin. He built his system on the so-called Russified transcription. In addition, he deduced "51 rules" of English grammar. Having learned which you can master this language

The above list of methods of learning English can be continued for a long time. The above systems are well suited for self-study of this language.

But, the best technique for learning English is Frank's method

English learners using this method are given two texts. An adapted passage comes first. Usually it is a literal translation, often with lexical and grammatical comments. After reading such a passage, the English text is presented.

The technique is very good, interesting, but it has one significant drawback - it is more suitable for learning to read in English, and not speak it.

How to quickly learn words in English?

  • There are many methods of memorizing words in a foreign language. The simplest of these is the traditional method. In a notebook you need to write down a few words in English (on the left side of the sheet) and their translation into Russian
  • It is advisable to always keep the notebook open and in a conspicuous place. Read the words and repeat from. Try to remember and go about your business. Refer to your notebook several times a day. After a while, you can write down a few more words. It is advisable to do this on another sheet. So, to leave it in a conspicuous place and at any moment throw your eyes on a sheet with words
  • If you don't want a notebook, you can use the card method. To do this, you need to cut sheets of cardboard into small cards. On the one hand, you need to write a word in English
  • And on the second, its translation into Russian. Turn the cards over with the English or Russian side facing you and try to translate the words that are written there. Unfold the card and check the correct answer

The card method is very popular

On the Internet, you can find online services where such cards are presented in electronic form. Thanks to the popularity of this method, it will not be difficult to buy ready-made cards today. But, nevertheless, it is better to do them yourself. After writing down something on paper, we write it down in our subconscious.

Don't try to memorize a lot of words right away. This is not very effective in the long run. Words learned quickly, as a rule, are quickly forgotten.

How to learn English verbs?

Basically, the above methods of memorizing English words are suitable for both nouns and verbs. But, among this category of English words, there are so-called "irregular verbs". Like the correct ones, they mean:

  • Action - to speak (to speak), to come (to come)
  • Process - to sleep
  • State - to be (to be), to know (to know), etc.

In school, such verbs are taught as follows. The students are given a list of them, and the teacher asks them to learn as much as possible from it for the next lesson. This list does not have any structure to facilitate the study of such verbs. Therefore, few of us were able to master the English language at school.

Modern methods are very different from those by which foreign languages \u200b\u200bare taught at school

How to quickly learn English irregular verbs?

  • As mentioned above, you can use the "flashcard method" to memorize such verbs. But, unlike "simple" words, irregular verbs have three forms. What actually makes them wrong
  • To make cards with irregular verbs, you need to write the first form on one side, and two others on the second side. Moreover, the first form does not need to be supplied with a translation. And on the reverse side, you need not only write two forms of the verb with translation, but also provide a hint. For example, "alternating irregular vowel verbs in the root from to [e]"
  • The advantage of this method is that it is easy to use. You can touch the cards with your hands, memorizing the main shape first, and then turn it over and do the same with other shapes. Such training can be done both at home and at work. Students can take these cards with them to college and repeat verbs during recess.

Example of a card:

To make it easier to memorize irregular verbs, they can be grouped by:

  • the way the second and third forms are formed
  • repeatability or non-repeatability of forms
  • alternating root vowels
  • similarity of sound
  • peculiarities of spelling

All other verbs need to be structured not alphabetically, as in school, but according to the above principles:

How to learn tenses in English

Another pitfall for anyone looking to learn English is the times. By understanding their use, you can take a big step forward in learning this language.

In general, there are three times in English:

But, the difficulty lies in the fact that each time has species. The first kind of such times is called Simple. That is, there is:

Continuous is the second kind of times.

The third kind is called Perfect. Thus, there are:

There is also another kind of times that combines all the previous Perfect Continuous (perfectly-continued). Accordingly, the times can be:

IMPORTANT: In the special literature on English, Simple can be called Indefinite, and Continuous - Progressive. Don't be scared, it's the same thing.

  • In order to use English tenses in sentences, you need to understand what is happening? It is regular, it was yesterday, it is happening at the moment, etc. Simple times denote an action that happens regularly, but its exact moment is not known. on Sundays - on Sundays (no specific time known)
  • If the sentence specifies a specific time (at the moment, from 4 to 6 hours, etc.), then Continuous is used - a long time. That is, a time that denotes a specific moment or a specific period of time.
  • If the action is over, Perfect is used. This time is used when the result of the action is already known or you can find out exactly when it will end (but it can still go)
  • The least commonly used construction in English is Perfect Continuous. It is used in order to designate a process, the action of which is not completed, but it must be said about it at the moment. For example, "In May it will be 6 months since I study English"
  • To study the tenses of the English language, you can also make tables, as for irregular verbs. Just write linguistic formulas instead. You can use special literature. Better than multiple authors

It tells very well about the times in the methodology of Dmitry Petrov "Polyglot 16"

How to learn a text in English?

  • If you need to learn a text in English in a short period of time, then you can use several techniques for this purpose.
  • Before learning a text in a foreign language, you need to prepare. Namely, translate it. On the one hand, it is impossible to learn a text in English without knowing what is written there. On the other hand, while we are translating, something will already be recorded on the "subcortex"
  • When translating a text, you need to re-read it several times. If you do this during the day, then repeat this procedure before going to bed. We will sleep and the brain will work
  • In the morning, the text should be printed and posted in prominent places. Cooking food, the text should be in a conspicuous place in the kitchen. Vacuum in the living room, it should also be visible

The text in English is very well remembered if you record it on a dictaphone

Let's go to the store, headphones in your ears and listen, repeating every word to yourself. In the gym, instead of hard rock, you need to listen to this text again.

If the text is large, then it is better to break it up into several small passages, and memorize each of them in turn. Do not be afraid, learning a text in English is not as difficult as it seems.

How to learn English in your sleep?

At the end of the Soviet era, many “unique” methods of self-education poured into our country. One of them was learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bwhile sleeping. Before going to bed, a cassette with lessons was put into the player, headphones were put on and the person fell asleep. They say that this method helped some.

I all know that sleep is very useful. According to researchers working on this problem, sleep can improve mental performance.

Anyway, a slept person better "absorbs" information
  • But, for some reason, he absorbs it after sleep. English words from the player can only ruin your sleep. This means that the perception of information will worsen the next day.
  • But, sleep can really help. But, only if you take time to study English immediately before it
  • After such a lesson, you can sleep well, and during this time the brain will “process” the information and arrange it on the “shelves”. This method of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bhas proven its effectiveness and is used by many people.
  • And this technique can be improved if, immediately after sleep, you consolidate what was learned before going to bed.

Learning English: reviews

Katya. To learn a foreign language, you need to devote at least 30 minutes a day to it. Every day for half an hour. Even one missed day will have a very negative impact. I definitely devote 30 minutes of English a day. Plus, if there is still time, then they will definitely take a bonus.

Kirill. Now there are a lot of sites on the Internet where material is presented in a playful way. I am learning English through TV series. I watch TV shows in this language with Russian subtitles. I used to read subtitles all the time. And now I'm trying to understand myself.

Video: Polyglot in 16 hours. Lesson 1 from scratch with Petrov for beginners