Virginia Wulf Writer. Virginia Wolfe - biography and best books

Virginia Wolfe (Eng. Virginia Woolf, 1882-1941) - British writer, literary critic. The leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the XX century. He entered the Bloomsbury group.

In the interwar period Wolf. There was a significant figure in the London literary society and was a member of a mug of Bloomsbury. The most famous works include novels: "" (1925), "" (1927), "Orlando" (1928) and the story "its own room", containing well-known aphorism: "Every woman, if she is going to write, should be funds And your own room. " Her novels are considered classical works of "Consciousness flow".

Born in London in the family of the famous literary critic Sir Leslie Stephen and Julia Dakurty (in 1866, Burn-Jones wrote her, her photograph of the work of Julia Margaret Cameron, 1867). Virginia was the third child of Leslie and Julia (in the family there were three children Julia from the first marriage, the daughter of Leslie from marriage with Minnie Tekrech and four youngest Stephenov: Vanessa, Toby, Virginia and Adrian). When Virginia was 13 years old, she survived the death of the mother, which was the cause of the first nervous breakdown of the writer. After the death of Julia Sir Leslie felt pity for himself. Mother Virginia's death is experiencing more.

The older sister of Stella for some time performs the role of the hostess at home, but soon dies. Vanessa - the next seniority - is forced to engage in the house, but unlike his older sister, gives the Father, who gradually turns into a despot. After the death of the father, young Stephen moves into Bloomsbury, where their house becomes the citadel of all progressive, young minds are going to discuss, often condemn modern society. Sisters Virginia and Vanessa were very close, in childhood they swore never get married and live together. The message that Vanessa takes in 1907 the proposal of Clive Bella, heavily offended by Virginia. It happened a few days after the death of her beloved Brother Toby - he infected with a typhus during a joint travel in Greece. She stayed together with his brother. In 1909, suddenly accepts the proposal of Litton Streychi, who discovered his unconventional orientation. But marriage did not take place. At this time, Virginia begins to publish his critical articles in journals, continuing the case of the Father. There is a work on the first novel.

In 1912, she marries Leonard Wolf, writer, journalist. Marriage has become a union of self-respecting people. In 1917, the spouses found the publishing house "Hogart Press", from where all the works of the writer were published. Virginia itself was typing, edited texts. Publisher, at first did not bring profits, became a reliable source of family income Wolf.. Leonard created the ideal conditions for both by both of them, he strongly supported Virginia.

Headaches, voices, visions did not leave Virginia, she tried to kill himself several times. The writer was very demanding towards himself and his works, rewritten the novels of tens of times. She stopped to conduct a diary only during diseases, the diaries came out with a separate publication in 4 volumes, 5 volumes of letters of Virginia, which she wrote to friends, sister, Leonard and, of course, Vite Saxiv-West. They met in 1922, Vita first did not like Virginia very much, it was Vita who was looking for meetings with the writer. Subsequently, they are united by tender friendship, from Virginia - love. This feeling along with the offend printed by the treasures of Vita, became the basis of the novel "Orlando", in which the protagonist turns into a woman.

Virginia's novels were published not only in England, but also in America. With the beginning of World War II, fear for her husband, who was a Jew, caused the return of attacks and headaches. Their London House was destroyed during bombing. After completing the work on the manuscript of the last (posthumously published) novels between acts / Between The ACTS, Wolf. fell into deep depression. Considering that he can no longer torment Leonard and that it will be easier for it, Virginia Wolfe, leaving a letter to her husband and sister, on March 28, 1941 - put on a coat, filled the pockets of stones and drowned in the Oyuz River, not far from their house in Sussex. The body found children in two weeks after the tragedy on April 18, 1941. The writer's husband buried her cremated remains near Vyazh in the garden at home in Sussex.

In a suicide note, Virginia's husband wrote: "My dear, I am sure that I am going crazy again. I feel that we will not be able to survive it again. And this time I will not get better. I start to hear voices. I can't focus. Therefore , I accepted the only correct decision and make what it seems to me best. With you I was happy absolutely. You were for me to everyone, what I could dream about. I don't think that two people could be happier than we were, So far, this terrible disease has come. I'm no longer able to fight. I know that I can damage your life that without me you could work. And you can, I'm sure. You see, I can't even choose the necessary words. I can't Read. I just want you to know - for all happiness in my life I owe you. You were immensely patient with me and incredibly kind. All this know. If anyone could save me, it would be you. All Gone. Everything left me, besides confidence in your kindness. I just can't spoil your life more. I'm not a thought Yu that in this world someone would be happy than we were. "

Virginia Wolfe- English writer, literary critic.

Born in London in the family of famous literary criticism of Sir Leslie Stephen and Julia Dakurty. Virginia was the Third Shared Baby of Leslie and Julia. When Virginia was 13 years old, she survived the death of the mother, which was the cause of the first nervous breakdown of the writer.

The older sister of Virginia Stella for some time was fulfilled the role of the hostess at home, but soon she died. Vanessa - the next seniority - was forced to do the house, but, unlike his older sister, she had a hard character and strong nerves, and could rebuff his father, gradually turned into a despot.

Sir Leslie Stephen died of cancer on February 22, 1904. All his children, except Virginia, took this fact with great relief. Finally they were free! However, Virginia did not feel quite free even after the death of his father. Until the end of his life, she led the incessant inner disputes with him, then accusing, then justifies him.

Immediately after the death of his father, the family moved from an expensive respectable Kensington to the cheap Bloomsbury Bohemian District, who soon became famous for the whole world thanks to the mug of intellectuals, whose center was soon became Virginia. Here, in disputes with representatives of a new, young British culture, she honed her skills, formed her aesthetic program.

In 1905, she starts his writing career. The first publications are articles and reviews for the literary annex towards Times and other publications on the works of classics and modern authors.

However, a series of misfortunes does not leave the Stephen family. In 1906 Vanessa, Virginia, Toby and Adrian go on a trip to Greece, during which Toby, beloved Brother Virginia, which gives high hopes in the field of mathematics, infected with typhus and died in London. He was only 26 years old.

Two days later, a new blow was followed: Vanessa adopted the offer of Klywa Bella, one of the members of the Bloomsbury Mug, and Virginia remained together with Brother Adrian. In 1907, she writes "memories", where he tells about family history and its attitude towards it. Officially, the book was written for the first baby Bellov, but in fact it was an attempt to psychological self-treatment.

In 1912, Virginia was married to the journalist and writer Leonard Wolf, the frequent assemblies of Bloomsberians. It was a marriage that demanded mutual tolerance. Virginia could not overcome frigidity, which became a consequence of the harassment of its consolidated brothers in childhood, and therefore the physical proximity of the spouses, according to the recognition of the Wolfe itself, brought both disappointment and lasted no more than a month. Marriage has become an intellectual union of self-respecting people.

Leonard created almost ideal conditions for the writer's activities of his wife. In 1915 it comes out of her first novel - "away by sea". It is possible without exaggeration to say that in this marriage Leonard played the role of a caring wife.

However, in this happy marriage, the thought of parents did not leave Virginia. In 1927, she published a novel "On the Mayak", which tried to recreate the characters of Julia and Leslie Stephen in the images of Mrs. and Mr. Ramzi. And although the experience was successful, the work did not save the writer from obsessive thoughts about the Father. Until her death, Sir Leslie did not leave her consciousness.

It is possible without exaggeration to say that anger caused by the family tyranny father, as well as unequal conditions for material support and education established in the family towards the boys and girls, lay down the basis of feminist works Wolfe.

Patriarchal attachment in his own family gave rise to the rejection of the patriarchal defendant in society, which was expressed in two essay of Virginia, who became a classic feminist criticism: "its own room" (1929) and "Three Ginea" (1938). In the last essay, in particular, it places on society, arranged under the laws of the Patriarchate, all responsibility for the real threat to World War II.

Like E. M. Forster in his "Notes on the English Character", Virginia sees the vices of society in a rigid education system based on merciless competition. It is this system that brings up men with cruel, merciless and devoid of imagination. In the same education system, she saw the roots of all the terrible qualities of the nature of their father.

In the first months of war, the image of the Father again occupies her thoughts. In April 1940, she writes in the diary:

As a child, I condemn him like a 58-year-old woman - I understand, that is, I want to say - I treat him. Perhaps both glances are correct?

But even writing memoirs did not help Virginia get rid of the dead demons. Nervous breakdowns became more and more and more sudden.

In addition, continental Europe was covered by the war, and the threat of invasion of the fascist troops on the territory of Britain was quite real. In London, the house of Wolf was destroyed during the bombing, the library was destroyed, full of rare books - for Virginia, it was not a familiar loss, but the crashing of culture and civilization as a whole. Leonard was a Jew, in the event of the invasion of the German troops, his fate would be sad. Virginia and Leonard agreed that as soon as the invasion was announced, they would commit life together with suicide together.

Throughout 1940-1941, the psychic state Wolf has deteriorated. She suffered headaches, heard voices, fell into an incredible irritability. Leonard invited the doctor-psychiatrist known at the time at the time of the Doctor-Psychiatrist Octavia Wilberfors, who noted the deterioration in the state of Virginia, but could not help anything.

According to modern psychiatrists and psychologists who carefully studied the history of Wolfe disease under the preserved documents and memories of contemporaries, the writer suffered from a serious form of a maniacal depressive psychosis, in which stage of mania (i.e., the mental lift, physical and creative strength) alternate with stages Depression (full apathy, physical and emotional oppression, often accompanied by suicidal syndrome).

Perhaps the cause of the disease was a brain tumor, however, the level of medicine and especially diagnostics at that time was not so high as today, therefore treatment Wolfe was reduced, mainly to enhanced nutrition and full rest - i.e. just to That she hated most.

March 28, 1941, leaving the farewell letter Leonard, Virginia was drowned in the Oyu River near their country house in Sussex. A lot of familiar couples Wolf believed that this death was delivering to Leonard. So Virginia itself believed, what she wrote about in a suicide note.

Interestingly, until the 1960s in the abstract on the covers of the Books of Virginia Wolfe, the writer was recommended as "Daughter Sir Lesli Stephen and the wife of Leonard Wolf", that is, it was believed that these men were in the UK culture a more significant contribution than Virginia herself. However, soon the situation has changed, and today no one is in doubt that the work of Wolph largely determined the development vectors of world prose in the twentieth century and became a turning point in the formation of such a phenomenon as a female prose.

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Virginia Wolfe

"Virginia Wolfe"

English writer and literary critic. The author of the novels "Mrs. Dellowway" (1925), "By the lighthouse" (1927), "Waves" (1931) and others.

In the fate and creativity of Virginia, Woolf as if two centuries were crossed, creating a discharge of an unusual fatal force, a deception of the contradiction of two opposing epochs, the victorian morals "old, good England" and the refined decadency, paradoxically, in their character. With bewilderment, you can read about the biographies of Virginia Vulf - how this woman did not explode earlier, as was able to endure six decades, wasted by such an acute spiritual split. And for what, for which sins it was the dubious "honor" of the selection of "individuals" of the XX century.

Lady Wolfe, nee Stephen, took place from the elite, aristocratic family of the United Kingdom. Her father - the figure is noticeable in the public and literary life of England: radical, free-dimensional, atheist, philosopher, historian, literary critic. The first marriage of Leslie Stephen was married to the younger daughter Tekkesey, Harriet Miriem. She died young in 1878, and Leslie marries the second time - his chief friend Harriet became his chosen, Julia Dakworth. Virginia became the third child of Leslie Stephen and Julia.

Art for Virginia Stephen was the same daily event as for some kind of child - pranks and games.

"Virginia Wolfe"

She grew up among permanent conversations and disputes about literature, painting, music. In the house of her father, the blessings of novice writers received, the generally accepted authorities were not commended. And although Virginia, according to the unshakable Victorian Father's Principles, received a purely home education, the opportunity to have such teachers who were instructed by our heroine, and Oxford students can envy. However, if the intellectual education in Stephen's house sought to the highest level, then with spiritual well-being was very disturbing.

In its most significant novel "On the Lighthouse" Virginia to some extent exposes the situation of his own childhood - the nervous sharp Mr. Ramzi, similar to Leslie Stephen, carries a constant tension, is permanently looking for something to find it, spends time in academic conversations. This cold world of abstractions, logical constructions, intolerance and self-affirmation, on the one hand, stimulated the intellectual improvement of children in the family, on the other - killed a living soul, suppressed sensuality. The impressionable, talented Virginia father rationalism cost such an internal stress that she paid for him spiritual health and constant nervous disruptions.

Behind the facade of the external aristocratic decency was hidden, apparently, also more complex problems faced with Little Virginia.

"Virginia Wolfe"

For one of the versions, from the sixth year old, it was subjected to sexual harassment of their adult units. These children's impressions brought in the world of our heroine painful fear of physical love. In any case, when Litton Strachi, one of the close friends of Virginia in the literary fraternity, made her an offer, then she did not look at the fact that he was heard by the twisted homosexual, and agreed. True, the next day, the newly new groom abandoned the wedding, but the opportunity to marry a man who liked her only for wit and intelligence, gave out the true attitude of Virginia to sex with men.

And if not a single novel Wolfe with representatives of the opposite sex is not known, many stories and memories of our heroine have been replenished with rumors about love for women. Already at the age of sixth, Virginia was passionate about his girlfriend close to her on literary tastes. And at the twenty passionate epistolary novel tied a girl with a thirty-semichene, special from the aristocratic house. "When you wake up at night, you still feel, I hope that I hug you," Virginia tried to the girlfriend very intimate fantasies. But after all, this novel was only Platonic, although she lasted as much as ten years.

After the death of the Father, the family moved to Bloomsbury - the area in the center of London, where artists, musicians, writers were settled by tradition.

"Virginia Wolfe"

This place was destined to play a considerable role in the history of the English culture of the 20th century. The children of Leslie Stephen retained the spirit of the aesthetic conversations and the intellectual competition that reigned at the life of the father. Sons, Toby and Andrian, daughters, Vanessa and Virginia, made a core of a mug, or a salon that was called "Bloomsbury". Young people gathered in Stephen's house, who are hoarsely, walking over midnight, argued about art. Only the transfer of the names - the salon regulars - speaks of the level of these meetings: Poet Thomas Eliot, Philosopher Bertrand Russell, literary critic Roger Fry, Novelist Eduard Forster ...

The newcomer, who first came here, was not in itself. Young David Lawrence, subsequently the classics of English literature of the 20th century, it seemed that he was going crazy from endless conversations, to fit into which it turned out not so easy. In this salon, he was revered by the Prophet Freud and studied the theory of Archetypes Charles Jung. According to this new teachings, it turned out that the area of \u200b\u200bthe subconscious is no less important than the conscious sphere, the impulses, unfulfilled desires, sexual problems are hidden here, there are some unchanging behaviors and thinking models here, which relate to modern man with his ancient ancestors. All these ideas were taken to the note by young writers, melted into art discovers.

"Virginia Wolfe"

In the salon "Bloomsbury" ripened creative Credo of Young Virginia.

Her first printed stories caused an explosion of criticism discontent, bewilderment of the reader and the author's uncertainty. "House with ghosts", "Monday Lee, Tuesday ...", "spot on the wall", "String Quartet" It was difficult to even be called stories for the total lack of plot, temporary and geographical definition. Heroes, as shadows, slid on the periphery of the verbal design. It was like poems in prose, blanks for future works, lyrical essay, and rather described the author's psychological state, revealed anatomy of thinking than he was a story in the classical understanding of the word. Virginia Wolfe stood at the origins of the XX century prose, which today received the pretentious name: "Consciousness flow".

She wrote stories all the time. If any event or impression attracted her attention, she immediately recorded them. Then it was repeatedly returned to sketches, and a complete work was obtained, but because of an emergency commissionality and fear of criticism, she did not give her things long enough to print, constantly alone, improving something.

A predensive attitude to his own work is also explained by the fact that Virginia published quite late and his first novel, after writing which she fell into the hardest multi-month depression with auditory hallucinations and was forced to be treated in a psychiatric clinic.

"Virginia Wolfe"

By that time, she was already married to Leonard Wolfe, a man from the Bloomsbury circle.

Probably, the ordinary will find it difficult to believe that, despite the lack of sexual attraction to each other, this family has lived in harmony of almost thirty years. Leonard, like no other, understood his "difficult" wife. When, after the first marriage night, the husband felt that Virginia was experiencing a painful disgust for physical closeness with him, he forever stopped intimate communication with her, and the writer was grateful to him for it. Not in vain in a death message she wrote: "It seems to me that two people would not be able to live a happier life than we live with you."

Nevertheless, sometimes Virginia envied those who were not obliged to pay for their talent as opposed to her the most simple female well-being. She watched a native sister Vanessa, a luxurious woman with a bunch of kids. The Virginia once said about himself: "I'm neither one or another. I am not a man, and not a woman." At first she dreamed of motherhood, love, passion, about whom she constantly reminded the blooming species of Vanessa, but Virginia could not get rid of disgust to sex. "This foggy world of literary images, similar to sleep, without love, without a heart, without passion, without sex - it is this world that I like it, this world is interesting to me."

Still, Virginia had love ties.

"Virginia Wolfe"

Thirty-year-old Vita Skvil-West fell in a forty-year-old Virginia. This feeling has become mutual. Vita wrote well and originated from the aristocratic family. Their love relationship lasted 5 years. In the life of Woolf, this heart attachment was perhaps the only one in which the element of sex was present. Leonard on this occasion did not have objections, since the connection between the two women did not imagine the threat of marriage. In the letter, Vita Virginia wrote: "How much is good to be eunuch like me." It was during the years of connection with twisted Virginia wrote the best books.

Roman "Mrs. Dellowway" brought the fame of Wolfe in literary circles. Like all its works, the book was written with an incredible voltage of strength, with many sketches and etudes, grew later in the stories. Virginia was panically afraid to be just a formalist that could blame in the game with the word. She tragically perceived her world view to flirtally play with literary images. "I got at this book, hoping that I could express my attitude to creativity in it ... I must write from the very depths of feelings - it teaches Dostoevsky. And I? Maybe I, so loving words, just play them? No, I do not think. In this book, I have too many tasks - I want to describe life and death, health and madness, I want to critically portray an existing social system, show it in action ...

"Virginia Wolfe"

And still write from the depths of my feelings? .. Can I convey a reality? I think about the writers of the eighteenth century. They were open, and not fashed as we are now. "

What is the novel? Yes, in general, about the one-day June 1923 day. The secular lady, Clarissa Dalloweway, spends all this day in troubles on the upcoming evening reception. Her husband, Richard, a member of Parliament, breakfasts with the influential Lady Bruti and discusses important political news. Their daughter, Elizabeth, drinks tea in a cafe with a very uncompatible teacher of history, which has long become her friend.

The literary tradition did not include Virginia Wolfe among the authors who drew a dramatic portrait of the "lost generation" in their works. But the feeling of meaninglessness of life, madness, swelling world on the eve of the Second World War, are found in the face of the writer of their faithful confessor. The suicide of the mad hero of the novel "Mrs. Dallowway" - Septimus - the metaphor of the tragedy of her generation, crushed by giant shocks of two eras. For her, as for the British, brought up in the traditional Victorian spirit, the loss of the house-fortress is especially acute. The value of Virginia's house understands wide. The house is like a material carrier of the dwelling, and the house as the keeper of the soul of its inhabitants.

Books Wolfe - the prevail of today's female destinies, and therefore partly and warning.

We will not have a response to the question "What to do?". Yes Virginia at the beginning of the 20th century and did not imagine the scope of the feminist movement and its possible losses. But the writer was endowed with a gift to hear the inner voices of his heroines, and therefore it is worth listening to her covenants. She, she, with his spiritual torments, was spalling in fire, intended for a woman, which, due to circumstances, is excommunicated from a man, from the family, and ultimately - from home, knew what he said. Wolf said that a woman should be courageous, remember that marriage is a daily spiritual feat that the relationship of spouses is very fragile, and therefore it is necessary to learn mutual tolerance. And yet: although the XX century - the age of intellect, Virginia warned from the perception of the mind as a panacea. More often a more efficient beauty can be beauty. Wolfe was an artist, forever striving in life, and in the work to find harmony, which she never felt.

But it is not necessary to conclude that Virginia was a gloomy, melancholic woman. On the contrary, she became the center of attention in any company. A witty, lively, always aware of all literary and political events, finally, just a beautiful woman, she impressed a strong, whole person. Few people knew how she suffers from depression and hallucinations, how her fears were tormented, and how she terrorizes their home.

All those who knew Virginia on literary salons were shocked by her departure. Suicide was so not knitted with her appearance of a woman, insatiable loved life.

As Shakespeare Ophelia, she rushed into the river, and even, ordering the way back, put the stones in his pockets.

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Years of life: from 01/25/1882 to 03/28/1941

English writer, literary critic. The leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the XX century.

Born in London in the family of famous literary criticism of Sir Leslie Stephen and Julia Dakurty. Virginia was the Third Shared Baby of Leslie and Julia. When Virginia was 13 years old, she survived the death of the mother, which was the cause of the first nervous breakdown of the writer.

The older sister of Virginia Stella for some time was fulfilled the role of the hostess at home, but soon she died. Vanessa - the next seniority - was forced to do the house, but, unlike his older sister, she had a hard character and strong nerves, and could rebuff his father, gradually turned into a despot.

In its most significant novel "On the Lighthouse" of Virginia to some extent exposes the situation of his own childhood - the nervous sharp Mr. Ramzi, similar to Leslie Stephen, carries a constant tension, is permanently looking for something to complain, spends time in academic conversations. This cold world of abstractions, logical constructions, intolerance and self-affirmation, on the one hand, stimulated the intellectual improvement of children in the family, on the other - killed a living soul, suppressed sensuality. The impressionable, talented Virginia father rationalism cost such an internal stress that she paid for him spiritual health and constant nervous disruptions.

Behind the facade of the external aristocratic decency was hidden, apparently, even more complex problems faced with Little Virginia. For one of the versions, from the sixth year old, it was subjected to sexual harassment of their adult units. These children's impressions brought Wolf to the world painful fear of physical love.

Sir Leslie Stephen died of cancer on February 22, 1904. All his children, except Virginia, took this fact with great relief. However, Virginia did not feel quite free even after the death of his father. Until the end of his life, she led the incessant inner disputes with him, then accusing, then justifies him.

Immediately after the death of his father, the family moved from an expensive respectable Kensington to the cheap Bloomsbury Bohemian District, who soon became famous for the whole world thanks to the mug of intellectuals, whose center was soon became Virginia. Here, in disputes with representatives of a new, young British culture, she honed her skills, formed her aesthetic program.

In 1905, she starts his writing career. The first publications are articles and reviews for the literary annex towards Times and other publications on the works of classics and modern authors.

However, a series of misfortunes does not leave the Stephen family. In 1906 Vanessa, Virginia, Toby and Adrian go on a trip to Greece, during which Toby, beloved Brother Virginia, which gives high hopes in the field of mathematics, infected with typhus and died in London. He was only 26 years old.

In 1912, Virginia was married to the journalist and writer Leonard Wolf, the frequent assemblies of Bloomsberians. It was a marriage that demanded mutual tolerance. The physical proximity of the spouses, according to the Vulf itself, brought both disappointment and lasted no more than a month. Marriage has become an intellectual union of self-respecting people.

In 1917, the spouses found the publishing house "Hogart Press", from where all the works of the writer were published. Virginia itself was typing, edited texts. The publisher, in the beginning, not bringing income, was a reliable source of revenues of the Vulf family. Leonard created the ideal conditions for both by both of them, he strongly supported Virginia.

Virginia journey published his first novel "Journey Angry" in 1915. The most famous creations of her feather - the novels "Night and Day", Mrs. Dallowway, "On Mayak". Over the years of her creativity, two biographies, collections of stories, etc., were still published. Works.

In Virginia novels, Woolf paid great attention to not specific events, but an image of mental states. The reader of her novels is immersed in the thoughts of different heroes, and these internal monologues help see different points of view on the same events.

In the biography of Wolf, one love relationship is noteworthy: Thirty-year-old Vita Skvil-West fell in a forty-flying wolf. This feeling has become mutual. Vita wrote well and originated from the aristocratic family. Their love relationship lasted 5 years. Leonard on this occasion did not have objections, since the connection between the two women did not imagine the threat of marriage. It was during the years of connection with Twisted Virginia Woolf wrote its best books; In particular, the relationship with twisted and resentment was the basis of the novel "Orlando", in which the protagonist turns into a woman.

Roman Mrs. Dallowway brought the fame of Wolfe in literary circles. Like all its works, the book was written with an incredible voltage of strength, with many sketches and etudes, grew later in the stories. Virginia was panically afraid to be just a formalist that could blame in the game with the word. She tragically perceived her world view to flirtally play with literary images. "I got for this book, hoping that I could express my attitude to creativity in it ... We must write from the very deep feelings - it teaches Dostoevsky. And I? Maybe I, so loving words, only play them? No I do not think so. In this book, I have too many tasks - I want to describe life and death, health and madness, I want to critically portray an existing social system, show it in action ... And still I write from the depths of my feelings? .. Can I convey a reality? I think about the writers of the eighteenth century. They were open, and not fashed as we are now. "

Virginia Wolfe was very demanding towards himself and his works, rewritten the novels of tens of times. She stopped to keep a diary only during diseases - the diaries went out to a separate publication in 4 volumes, a significant part of the heritage of the writer is its correspondence.

Virginia's novels were published not only in England, but also in America. With the beginning of World War II, fear for her husband, who was a Jew, caused the return of attacks and headaches. Their London House was destroyed during bombing. Mental state Wolf has deteriorated. She suffered headaches, heard voices, fell into an incredible irritability, tried to kill himself several times.

According to modern psychiatrists, the writer suffered from a serious form of a manic-depressive psychosis, in which the stage of mania (i.e., the mental lifting, the tide of physical and creative forces) alternate with the stages of depression (complete apathy, physical and emotional oppression, often accompanied by suicidal syndrome).

After completing the work on the manuscript of the last (posthumously published) Novels "between acts" (Between the ACTS), Wolf fell into a deep depression. Considering that he could no longer be tormented by Leonard and that it will be easier for him, Virginia Wolfe, leaving a letter to her husband and sister, on March 28, 1941 put on a coat, filled the pockets of stones and drowned in the Oyuz River, not far from their home in Sussex. The body found children two weeks after the tragedy. On April 18, 1941, the writer's husband buried her cremated remains under Vyaz in the garden at home in Sussex.

In a suicide note, Virginia's husband wrote: "My dear, I am sure that I am going crazy again. I feel that we will not be able to survive it again. And this time I will not get better. I start to hear voices. I can not concentrate. Therefore, I accepted the only right decision and make what seems to me the best. I was happy with you absolutely. You were for me to everyone, about what I could only dream. I do not think that two people could be happier than we were, until this terrible disease came. I am no longer able to fight. I know that damage your life that you could work without me. And you can, I'm sure. You see, I can't even find the desired words. I can not read. I just want you to know - for all happiness in my life I owe you. You were immensely patient with me and incredibly kind. All this know. If anyone might save me, it would be you. Everything is gone. Everything left me, besides confidence in your kindness. I just can't spoil your life more. I do not think that in this world someone would be happy than we were. "

(nee Virginia Epelpin Stephens) (1882-1941) - English writer, critic, literary critic, translator, one of the founders of the publishing house "Hogart Press". The first in world literature of the 20th century decided to draw attention to the peculiarity of the social experience of women, helping them to become "visible" in society and realize the possibility of psychological frankness, aged former forbidden for them.

Born on January 25, 1882 in London, in the fashionable area of \u200b\u200bthe English aristocrats - Kensington. Father, Leslie Stephens, was a popular, successful writer and criticism, philosopher and historian of literature, and the mother, - Lady Julia Dakworth - a secular lady, girlfriend Maryia Hariette, daughter William Tekerei . Steffens House was the most famous literary and artistic interior of the artistic London. It was talked about impressionists, about the theory of the American psychologist William Joyce, with the light hand of which the concept of "stream of consciousness" was included in everyday life; read out work Sigmund Freud. and Karl Yunga The writers were writers David Herbert Lawrence, Henry James. Four children of Stephens were brought up in a medium where everyone "had free access to a large library, where no books were hiding from anyone."

All this welfare collapsed when Virginia turned 13 years old. At first she survived an attempt to rape from her cousins \u200b\u200bgoving in the house. It marked the beginning of a rapid hostility towards men and to the physical side of relations with them throughout Virginia. Shortly thereafter, her mother died from inflammation of the lungs. Nervous, impressionable girl from despair tried to end. She was saved, but deep, tightening depressed began to be part of her life since then. She suffered from sensation of insecurity: the brothers with whom childhood was held, entered the University of Cambridge, she stayed at home along with his sister.

When her father died in 1904, Virginia and her sister Vanessa and the brothers decided to sell the house and move from Kensington to the quarter, where London Bloomsbury lived. She wanted a new house to make the beginning of a new life - following the example of Mother Virginia founded something like a literary salon. Since 1905, she regularly wrote for the "literary application" to the Times newspaper, and her essays were popular. New death - her brother Tobias in 1906 - became a new terrible blow and entrusted it to the next disappointment.

After in 1907, Virginia's sister got married and left the house in Bloomsbury, Virginia with the second brother, Edrien once again changed the apartment. In a new place, on Fitzroy Square, it became the soul of the so-called "Bloomsbury Group". Formed as a team of freely united poets ( Thomas Eliot.), literary critic (Roger Fry), writers (Eduard M. Forster), philosophers ( Bertrand Russell), as well as economists and art historians-like-minded people (most of them were homosexuals), this group arose from the circle of dating, which Virginia brothers acquired during their studies in Cambridge. Being under the influence of the ideas of philosopher. E. Mura, they proceeded from the fact that the ideals of friendship, love and mutual attractiveness are dominant and that they can only flourish when sincerity and freedom prevail over pretendation and greberes. The attention of people to each other was extrunted by a group as a higher goal, the motto was the words of the writer E. Forster "Nothing will replace communication."

In 1912, a graduate of Cambridge critic Leonard Wulf appeared among the members of the Bloomberg Group. In the same year, it was honestly stating that she was nasty bodily closeness with a man - Virginia was married for him. The marriage bonds, united Virginia and Leonard for 29 years, became a model of mutual respect and emotional support.

Leonard actively supported in his wife craving for literary creativity. Thanks to him, she took place as a writer. Along with the husband of Virginia, the Publisher "Hogart Press" was established, engaged in translations, publishing in England and Russian classics: Ivan Sergeevich Aksakova , Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy , Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev .

Working on its first journey novel, Wulf survived another serious nervous breakdown, which brought it in 1915 to a new suicide attempt. However, she recovered, and in 1919 published written. The success of the "travel" became the basis for the continuation of literary activities: in the same year Roman V. Wulf "Night and Day" came out, followed "Jacob Room" (1922) and Mrs. Deauway (1925). The "ordinary" women had loving lifestyle and the birth of children at this time, Virginia had her books into such mileters. She wrote a lot, tireless, besides the Romanov, released several works in the 1925-1940 in 1925-1940, including literary-critical: Essay "Ordinary reader", "An ordinary reader: Part Two" and "Moth Death" (came out after her death , in 1942). Virginia's literary heritage also includes dozens of essays, thousands of letters, five thousand pages of diary records and, of course, the stories ... Vulffus became the creator of a new letter manner - where the plot can break into the half-word, where instead of the usual world action is present "Tyline Soul" where the author's letter is moving more feelings and similar to watercolor sketches. Innovative in the methods of presenting the transient worldly bustle, mapping of the inner world of heroes, descriptions of many ways to refractive consciousness, works of Virginia Wolfe entered the Golden Foundation of Literary Modernism and were taken with delight in many contemporaries. Recognition and glory, however, did not please Virginia, and only support for her husband and sisters forced her to continue to engage in writing craft.

She was always emotionally more attached to women: to the sister Vanessa (beloved "almost to mental incest"), girlfriends (M. Van, V. Dickinson, E. Smith). Feed in love in 1922 in Victoria (Vita) Sacquil-West, Virginia was involved in the relationship, lasted for almost 20 years. In 1928, Wulf reflected his girlfriend in the novel "Orlando" - a phantasmagoric biography, where the life of the ephemeral main character, becoming a man, then a woman continues for three centuries. The son of Victoria called this work "the most charming love letter in the history of literature." Emotional-frank letters and works of Virginia Wulf give grounds for the conclusion about the non-traditional sexual orientation of the writer - a consequence of the tragedy experienced in childhood, which she experienced before men and their society. She fell in love with women - but at the same time there was a disgust to all forms of proximity, including with them, did not endure the arms, did not even allow the handshakes. Novels with women Wulf experienced in the imagination, so the inclusion of Wulf in the circle of "the most famous lesbians of world history" (and its name is often mentioned in reference books in such a context) seems wrong.

The innovative works of Virginia Wulf were contemporary writers of the path of protest against patriarchal oblast. The famous Essay of Virginia "Own room" (1929), as well as the novel "Three Guinea" (1938) to this day is considered fundamental works of feminist literature. Giving an answer to the question "and what, say, was, if Shakespeare was no less gifted than he, sister? "- Wulf came up with a mini-novel (" own room ") - a story about what would happen if Shakespeare had been a woman, no matter how this woman lived and tragically completed her life - not Having the opportunity to be estimated, remaining insulted and oppressed by men. From the pages of Roman Wulf called on its contemporaries not to be content with "his angle in a common room" (as millions of women of the past), but "to silence our rooms, developing a habit of free and openly express thoughts Recognizing, finally, the fact that supports - no, we go alone ... "

Suffering out due to the fact that she did not take place as a mother, Virginia was passionately tied to children - primarily to numerous nephews. Favorite from them was Julian - the poet's great hopes. And she herself, and husband Leonard treated him as a son. The death of Juliana in Spain in 1938 revealed the seven of Wolfs in the New Sea despair. The writer again tried to go to work again and again justifying the intrinsicity of women's life as such.

In the designs of Virginia, Wulf was a new, large-scale novel "between acts", which she began to write already in a state of severe depression, tormented by hallucinations, night vision, nightmares. Doctors insisted on treatment in a psychiatric clinic: the night bombardment of London in early 1941, during which the writer's house was destroyed, the library burned down, barely died his beloved husband, - finally upset her nervous system. Virginia and Leonard Wulf moved to the city of Rodmell in Sussex county. Being in deep depression from the whole associated with the war and being mentally exhausted, Virginia began to complain to the home for the fact that all the time "hears the voices of birds singing on the olives of ancient Greece." Not wanting to keep the rest of her life to her husband in concerns associated with its obeying, she was executed on March 28, 1941, which has repeatedly described in his works and what happened more than once in practice - she committed suicide, drowned in the Ous River.

Virginia Wolfe became known in Russia together with the beginning of the 1960s of the political "thaw" of the early 1960s in the Literature in Literature. Interest in her work was particularly revived after the creation of an American playwright Edward Olbi Pieces called "Who is afraid of Virginia Wulf?" (1966), on which the movie of the same name was shot. Exalted and deeply unhappy heroine - Wulf's Cinema Analog - played by the young E. Taylor. Both the play, and the film had a very distant attitude towards the real biography of the writer, but were filled with acute drama and psychologism, reaching spiritual exhibitionism, so inherent in the works of novels and the ess seseride Wolf, who had committed to the fourth century before creating a play. In 2002, a new movie was released on the world screen, telling about the strange and tragic life Wulf - "Watches", in which the role of the writer was played by N.