Why Elegy Sea refers to romanticism. Elegy "Sea" as a romantic work (Zhukovsky in

(Zhukovsky. "Sea")

We have a conversation about romanticism in the 8th or (with adverse circumstances) in the 9th grade. And he begins with the lecture, since no textbook is known to me, wherever romanticism is intelligible written everything you need for full-fledged work. Of course, the 8th grade is no longer the 5th, but the lecture entry still has to furnish with a variety of methodical "techniques". To begin with, inspired by saying that the ability to record a lecture is necessary for any student, and at the institute there will be no lessons. Promise that the quality of the recording will definitely be checked and the assessment will go logged in (let it be completely good assessments - not a pity). Write on the cover of the notebook "Store 5 years" (in view of the importance of information for the upcoming exams). In the course of the lecture, I usually pronounce every thought separately (if they are asked - twice, even though three times), but not dictated, but I give time to write in your own words, so the lecture can take up to two lessons.

In the next lesson, I will definitely conduct a written survey on the main lectures of the lecture (also the column of marks, also usually good). I do not regret it, because in romanticism really need to understand a lot: romantic dwellemic (In essence, the chief distinctive sign of the direction: "Romanticism is a mirror"), infinity of the human soul as the main artisticopening ("Romanticism is a soul"); Method of image of this infinity: road, Sea, Sky, Stars("All romance - with a big road"), love for exotic and far countries; Conflict worlds (external and internal, dream and reality); romantic hero (a stranger who has the key to other worlds), His right to be at least a romantic villain - if only Filiuter, living in one boring reality(Hence, by the way, the inapplicability of expressions "Positive" and "negative" hero is the look of classicists); unattainable romantic dream; creativity as a "normal" condition and human soul, and peace; spontaneity (organic) of these creative forces; From here - the layer of the entire oesthetic system of classicism, artistic experiments, including stylistic; Interest in the folk (also spontaneous, not classical) creativity, folklore, national historical past.

You need to specify one detail. An adult philologist knows that the term "romanticism" is customary to be called as a literary direction, having a limited time frame (the end of the XVIII is the first third of the XIX century) and the artistic method, which was in demand more than once and later. Such a theory: all the replacement of artistic directions can be viewed as alternations of "romanticism" and "realism" in the broadest sense. Schoolchildren are completely uninteresting to delve into subtle differences between the method and direction (yes, do I need?). But still you have to say about them before asked homemade the task. It looks like this: Among the books you read, select the one that you would attribute to romanticism (in the broadest sense), and prove your opinion, relying on the theory. Check sometimes passes in writing - after answering my questions on the lecture. The guys often write about fantasy, as this genre is always built on dvools, and in general, there are many romantic decisions. Never object to such examples - if only there were evidence. But after this theoretical digression, we must go to Zhukovsky, in particular - to the Elegy "Sea", which is made even on the exam.

First task.

Record all possible, from your point of view, interpretation of this poem.

If in this form, the task will not be understood, you can ask otherwise: "Name the main characters of this poem. Try to determine what "hidden" behind these images. "

If the work occurs in the class, then each task will have to give a small, strictly fixed time (two to three to five minutes). As soon as the time is over, we take on the "names" of the main characters on the board: the sea and the sky - and briefly write off the interpretation class of these images offered by the class. You can start with the disciple, who has more interpretations anymore. The task, oddly enough, managed to fulfill even the weakest class. Interpretations were offered such.

This is a landscape, the relations of two natural elements are described here.
- This is a relationship of two people: one loving (sea), the other is a favorite (sky).
- This is the soul of a person (sea) and her relationship with God (sky).
- This is the story of the author himself (lyrical hero), which he did not want to tell directly and depicted through the landscape.
- This is the story of any person, every human soul, because no one is happy all his life and calm, everyone has the experience of storms and suffering.

Thus, the "collective mind" of the 9th grades gave a fairly complete and deep interpretation of Elegy.

Setting the following.

Find the features of romanticism in these verses and write down in their notebooks. (for a while, who is more).

The answers looked like this:

In verses there are dwellemic (two elements and two interpretations: the history of the elements and the history of the soul);
- The sky is an unattainable sea dream;
- the seaside and sky themselves are loved by romantics (for infinity);
- In verses, strong, stormy feelings characteristic of romantic heroes are described.

And again we received a completely qualified analysis, using the Competition element. In addition, everyone is nice to feel smart and educated, see how an abstract theory suddenly helped open unexpected and interesting parties in verses.

Next, you need to apply for another term - elegy. Entering it is especially easy if the class knows and loves Tolkien (about the "Lord of the Rings" often write as a product built on romantic laws). I tell you that most of the genres came to us from Antique Greece and Rome. And Elegy from even more distant Dali - from Babylon. But in general, such a genre is almost every nation: a long song, initially part of the funeral rite. In Elegy, the singer remembers all his life, all the exploits of the depressed feeling: it was, but will never happen again. Tolkien was so buried the King of the King Theoden: He would never jump to the horse, he would not raise the sword, he would not lead his people on the battle, would not dry the bowl on the feast (he would not reveal the phone ...). The first elegy, who brought Zhukovsky glory, was called the "rural cemetery" (about the fact that this translation, we spoke earlier on the "biographical" lesson). She is full of this regrets of life, which lives irrevocably. But in the romantic elegions, not only about non-returnable life. By this time, the elegy is no longer a funeral song, but just a sad poem, in which you can regret the past youth, for example, or about gone love.

What does the Lyrical hero of Elegy regrets about the "sea"? After all these clarification and a brief record, another question about the "Sea".

The answers looked like this:

About the unavailability of the sky;
- about lost harmony of relations.

Further work with the Lyricity of Zhukovsky (in particular - the language analysis) will be built mainly on the ballads and on the passage "inexpressible" (this is the topic for another article).

"Full analysis" of artistic text

(Pushkin. "Demons")

In the dispute about the "personal" and "philological" approach to the school literature, that famous "full analysis plan" from the collection of T. Abrahe "The Art of Analysis of Artwork" managed to become an example of a soulless approach that kills any book in children's eyes. The author of this plan, of course, was at all a goal at all and did not insist at all that each book was studied for this time and forever "approved" scheme (and even just the opposite: there are examples of very different approaches to the analysis of works) . And in general, this plan is a wonderful "cheat sheet", prompting what can be written in the examination work, if all thoughts ran away, and only fear remained from the feelings. But, of course, only an eleventh grader is capable of evaluating him, for whom the exam is already real and inevit. The works of the same to be analyzed could be studied for a long time, when no one would hear any formal plans. For example, "demons" Pushkin (one of the most mysterious, "unresolved" works in the program) we read in the same 9th grade ...

To start, I gave the so-called "Adjusting" task (Favorite acceptance of my teacher Yu.A. Halfina: ask, not explaining anything in advance): Write an essay "The mystery" demons "." When someone still asked, and what's the mysterious, replied that i do not understand why, after all the experienced fears, the hero says that his heart and a plaintive ward "are" sick. " Do not compress, do not leave, but they are torn. Who he regrets why, where did fear come? Such a question of the issue really puzzled even skeptics, and everyone took up the search for answers. Of course, the results turned out uneven, and completely unacceptable from the point of view of the "scientific" philology, but they needed to us as the starting point in the conversation. Everyone now realized and felt the "content" in this text, which is not amenable to light "decoding". Of all those offered to me (this year), the interpretations went to move two.

The first interpretation belongs to a student from class, which at school has a reputation of hopelessly weak. More precisely - too peculiar, and therefore unable to fit into the modern educational system. The following was said in the paper: "In my opinion, demons are government officials who they want to do with people. And the barin and the rummer react differently on them. The man is afraid of them, and Barin looks at all this, and he has a "darkened". " And then suddenly the attack: "These are poems about the fact that people react differently to evil."

Of course, there is no word about officials in "demons". At first glance, the interpretation is completely unacceptable and arbitrary (although Gogol would probably not say so: he wrote about officials about the same spirit as our Maxim). And in the class she caused a healthy laughter. I had to pay attention to two details: on a wise prescription, very precisely determined and the plot, and the problem of these verses: a meeting of a person with evil, the reaction to evil. And the other: after all, in such a interpretation it is not about people who worn in the snowfield, but about the fate and the mountain of the whole country. There are beams-officials, but the people suffering from them. Do we have the right to say that Pushkin writes about the fate of Russia? And if yes - how to prove it?

The course of evidence turned out to be approximately so.

The way of the road is symbolic: the path is a life path (for example, in the "telega life", and not only in Pushkin works: the road-life is an archetype).

Winter road is the Russian path (topos).

The road lost in the blizzard will be the direct interference of the fate into the life of heroes in the story "Blizzard", which Pushkin wrote there, in Boldin, in the same autumn, just a little later, and everything he then wrote, connected with each other as one Grand Text, one more complex, huge thought.

Pushkin, of course, thought at this time about fate: he went to Boldino, going to marry soon, but he got into a cholera quarantine. What ahead: marriage or death? How does fate judge? (Here a lot was remembered: and "the houses are burying, the witch is given to marry?" - and the fact that the poet of marriage has just led to early death ...) So, poems about fate, and besides, prophetic.

And after a few years in the "Captain daughter" a very similar plot (Buran and Travelers, confronted from the way; By the way, there, too, there is a barin, and a thing, and someone who seemed wolf, then turned out to be a man - but a terrible person) will be A symbol of terrible, bloody historical turmoil who intervened in the fate of heroes. So there, "we got down, what to do to us?" - for sure about the fate of Russia. But after all, for the first time, the image was found in the "demons" ... The common Russian road and the common Russian fate voluntarily or involuntarily see the dear and destiny of the hero. Yes, and hero - he can be any of us.

And finally, epigraphs. When a prophetic vision began to come true, how many times these verses were put in epigraphs - and Dostoevsky, and Bulgakov, and many others. All of them were also seen that these verses about Russia and her eternal "off-road" ...

The second work on which we relied in our "full analysis" was written in a stronger class. Another student (Kolya) thought gloomily and asked why Pushkin repeats three times "rush clouds, clouds." So as not to impose any interpretations, I answered him with a shy "philology": these verses, they say, in the genre are close to the ballad, and the ballad has to have refrain. I suspect that such an answer would be welcomed by the exam, but Kohl only dispersed disassembled. And he wrote that the heroes of "demons" were thrown out of real time and space. As they circle in the field, it is also circling at one time point, and the refrain transmits it stopped time. He tried to explain the strange "invulnerability" of the hero, the lack of fear: the mysterious world of spirits is intangible and cannot cause him physical harm, but "presses the psyche". Kohl, as we see, did not suit the formal "hanging the label" on the artistic technique (they said the "ballad", "refrain" - and calmed down, I did not understand what the meaning is hidden here). He tried to explain the feature of the reception. But to prove the eligibility of his interpretation either also failed. I had to help.

Refrain divides the poem into three parts: first the path in the "real" field (time and space), then the stop ("bell suddenly fallen") and some revaluation of everything that flashes before the eyes ("Who knows them: a stump or wolf?" - or really "the demon will lead us ..."); The picture of the world begins to double and decrease on real (material) and fantastic (or spiritual - that is, inhabited by spirits). And when "horses again suffered", the hero clearly opens the "second", invisible, intangible world. It can be said that the travelers crossed the border of the two worlds, got into a kind of mysterious "here and now," where fate are revealed. It is not clear, not in the details and events - only in troubled sensations, "donating the heart ..." Such is the three-part composition.

After discussing the work and the clarification of the fact that vaguely fermented in children's attempts to explain these truly mysterious poems, you can try to "decompose" the understanding of that very universal plan.

Context. Marriage and cholera. Border situation: whether the life line is ahead, then the edge between life and death.

Topic. Life path, the fate of the heroes and the fate of the country.

Problematics. The lost path, the road on which an inevitable meeting with evil is waiting. How to meet him? "What to do to us?"

Idea (pathos - Law, I do not know what the term is worse). With regard to verses, usually this "item" is prudently lowered. But here the memory comes, firstly, the letter of Pushkin that a bold man should not get soleberry. "Courage!" - Here is the first idea, the first advice of Pushkin, how to meet an evil face to face. The second idea arises, if you compare the most mysterious words "taking care of the heart" (and "plaintive" - \u200b\u200bthat is, causing pity squeal and howl) with a persistent appeal to the grace sounding in the "Captain daughter". Courage, compassion and mercy - that's what Pushkin tried to "bequeath" to us, perhaps, in fact, suddenly seeing terrible troubles on the path of Russia.

Artistic method. But about it, maybe you should not talk at all? There are works in the great masters, which do not fit into any schemes. Yes, there is a realistic picture of the winter road, a man and a barin. Yes, there are romantic dwellemiria, and so we are presented to us that we will only consider the "demons" until the game: clouds, blizzards and the moon, the fruit of the frightener of the yammer and the poetic imagination of the hero. And besides, here so much symbolic that all conversation about the method becomes extremely conditional. Pushkin uses everything that world literature can offer.

Genre. These verses are really close to the ballad. There is also a plot (element "epic" in the lyrol-epic genre), and the mood of a gloomy mystical fierce, besides, inspired by "folk predans" and superstitions. And refrain, as already mentioned. What is not the ballad, in fact?

Image system. In the "literature" article M. Pavlov (2000, No. 45) on "demons" was published, in which the "border care" of all images (in particular, inexplicable from the point of view of simple realism "leaves in November") was considered in detail. Of course, it is necessary to talk about them in detail, turning attention to the fact that the "duality" of what is happening is due to a certain "cross-" perception of two heroes: Barina and a yammer. Thus, we have: 1) a very real picture of night blizzards, clouds running on the background of the moon, and travelers who have come down on the way; 2) the frightened look of the yamchik, who is might of the stump, then the wolf, then the unprecedented versta (and fear of the horses - in no way explained; maybe the wolf really is);); 3) The view of the main character, which was really suddenly saw the spirits with some prophetic inner eyes, either used the "Terminology" of the yamchik to express his inner state, due not only to the road adventure, but also his entire life situation.

In addition, it is necessary to note the images carrying a symbolic load: the road is fate, the winter road is the fate of Russia.

Composition. We have already spoken about her. Three parts: the real way is to stop at the point where every path is lost, the movement towards "evil" (misfortune, grief, fate), already clearly visible spiritual vision. By the way, we note the role of the bell: it sounds - silent (and it is scary) - again sounds. And in this place, catharsis comes, maybe because in the movement there is a boss and even heroism - the key to victory.

Chronotope. Why not take advantage of the keeper? Heroes moved in real time and space, and then they were thrown out of it in the space symbolic and timeless point, from which you can see future destinies.

Properties of verse. This is just very famous, studied things. Using the example of the two first lines of "demons", they always show how the "right" four-star kernel transfers the rhythm of the rabid horse, and two pyrroys make it sliding and ghostly. The same duality is the main reception that determines the entire system of these verses.

You can talk at the end of the paths: about the personification ("a blizzard is angry, the blizzard crying"), which prepares us to the author's stunning statement: "I see: demons gathered ..."; About multiple epitheats ... Yes, only Pushkin trails consumed in general from where scoop - preferred words in the most direct and accurate meaning. Syntax ... So I foresee that we will be asked to specify the role of homogeneous members and nonsense. Of course, they contribute to creating anxiety mood, transmit internal confusion. Although all this, it seems to me, it would be better to leave linguists.

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Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky is a Russian poet-romantic of the beginning of the nineteenth century ... and the author of the Sea, the verse that interests us here. The writer was able to live in the era of the heyday of Russian poetry and drama. It is thanks to the unsurpassed talent of Zhukovsky, a huge number of works of famous European poets and writers received a light Russian flavor when translating. Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky was not just a poet and translator, but became a whole epoch in the literature. The founder of romanticism and master of Elegy, translator and teacher, the mentor of the imperial house and the author of the words of the State Anthem of the Russian Empire "God, Tsar Gran."

Many messages, songs, romances, ballads and epic works that came out from under the pen Vasily Andreevich are still reference and make up the literary heritage of Russia.

Despite the fact that he fell to live and create together with Pushkin, Karamzin, Turgenev, Gogol, Krylov, Griboedov, Davydov and many outstanding Russian writers and poets, Zhukovsky managed not to get lost in the shadow of great and popular colleagues. Moreover, many young and talented poets, including Pushkin, considered Zhukovsky with their mentor and studied at the writer.

The origins of the literary romanticism of Zhukovsky

For any poet, romantic feelings serve as inspiration in creativity. And for the founder of romanticism in Russian poetry, definitely, love has always been important as air. But fate did not allow Zhukovsky to gain happiness in love. None of the beloved women gave the writer with a clean feeling and happy family life. The first love of an eighteen-year-old romantic Zhukovsky became a romantic drama. The sublime feelings for their own niece of Mary Nikolaevna Veljaminova could not have continued, so the girl hastily married a unloved man, thus putting an end to the first relationship in the life of the poet.

But after a year, the heart of Young Zhukovsky will again be in power of Amur. Choosplace of the Russian Genius of Literature, Maria Protasova, was fulfilled only eleven years. Is it possible to love another child truly? Zhukovsky was a relative and teacher of the girl, so fought with his feelings, considering the love of wondering. But this is a "wrong" romantic feeling just wondered in love with Zhukovsky.

Romantic poetry is so easy, so confidently flew out of the poet's feather. This love for the writer has become fatal. Maria Protasova grew up and answered with reciprocity to the feelings of Zhukovsky. But Mary's mother, Sister Zhukovsky, was categorically opposed to such relationships, the parent was taken away from the daughter away from cardiac attachment. Neither appeal to the emperor, no request to the sister, did not help in love to experience happiness.

Maria Protasova marries the Derptian Moira doctor. This selection of a woman made consciously, the unfortunate protasov wanted, finally, stop the heart flour from prohibited and unpromising romantic relationships. The woman still loved Zhukovsky, but since the in love was not given to live together, decided to free himself and beloved from romantic oaths and love suffering.

One step closer to family happiness ...

Only fifty-six-year-old, Zhukovsky was able to approach the long-awaited happiness. Beloved writer, twenty-year-old Elizabeth Reiterne, did not immediately give consent to marriage. But the in love poet did not want to retreat. The father of the girl, the longtime friend of Zhukovsky, immediately refused, but the intervention of the emperor made the decision. Wedding permission was obtained. But family happiness turned out to be short. Young wife distinguished. The spouse gave birth to a poet of two children, but moved away from her husband. Zhukovsky himself felt lonely, even when the family acquired.

Melancholy - Eternal companion of romanticism ... "Sea"

The romantic and thin soul of the poet was prone to melancholy. The writer perceived nature as the initial moment towards the mental expression of feelings. In the poem "Sea" Zhukovsky excellently expresses love experiences on the example of the sea and the sky.

Posted by the poet this exciting, impregnated with Elegia after marriage Mary Protasova, but is devoted to the work of their romantic love. Maria Zhukovsky enters into the image of the sea, and itself in the image of the sky. The sea and the sky, like the Egyptian Divities of the Child and Geb seize each other, but will never be able to connect.

The poet picturesquely depicts the beauty of his beloved in the image of the living sea. It can be seen that the writer is fascinated by the girl. However, the heroine confused with love is worried and tormented by hopelessness of the situation. But it is impossible to tell anyone about forbidden love, so the beloved is forced to keep their love in secret:

You are alive; You breathe; tormented by love
Anxious Duma is filled with you.
Silent sea, azure sea,
Discover me deep secret your ...

The poet asks her beloved in the form of the sea, whether the girl loves him, whether he wants to connect to one whole to him:

Ile pulls you out of earthly captivity
Far, bright sky to himself?

The sea in response takes away with huge waves. The emery of the sea raging waves seeks to connect with the sky, but can only caress the clouds. Full of life Sweet Sea can not get heaven, dark clouds are going to: "To take a clear sky from you." The poet fills the lines of Elegy by passionate experiences. The expression of the love of the sea is simply captured by the Spirit. Strong experiences of the beloved woman Eternal romantic managed to reflect incredibly dusty and gently. Clouds go, the selflessness of lovers amazes with its sincere purity and spirit of the Spirit, with which the sea copes with their experiences.

But the full calm does not occur. The sea still loves the sky:

Not at all you will return silence;
Finding your immobility view:
You are in the abyss of the late hiding confusion
You, if you admire the sky, tremble for him ...

Zhukovsky stresses the last rows that, despite the broken relationship, love did not die. Deep in the soul love is still burning with bright fire from both lovers. To carry out literary, artistic intentions from Zhukovsky helps the genre of Elegy's elected writer. Elegy describes sad, melancholic, miserable feelings, making it with philosophical notes. The poet in lyrical reflections expresses sadness of the hopeless position of his love passion for the love of all his life.

Remark about the art features of the "Sea" and the history of the creation of a poetic masterpiece of Zhukovsky

1822 will remain in the history of Russian literature as the moment of creating a masterpiece called "Sea". The reader, silent by the best examples of world poetry, for sure, remembers the maritime element inspired many poets. It is worth remembering Rilke and his famous lines "Marina, we are a sea ...". The poem of Zhukovsky differs in the way that there is no rhyme.

The verse was created during the artistic maturity of Zhukovsky, when an obvious transition from sentimentalism to romantic trends was noted in the work of the poet. Literary critics regard the "Sea" as the program text of Zhukovsky. Metaphors, epithets and skillful alliterations endow the "sea" of an extraordinary artistic value.

The image of the sea in Russian poetry has always occupied and continues to take one of the most important places. And it is not surprising, because it is a mighty, mysterious and at the same time a romantic element that visits thousands of magical images. Especially significant role "maritime" themes plays in poetry of romanticism. The aesthetics of this is largely on the opposition of real, earthly and in counterweight boring reality of the romance poet described the area of \u200b\u200bdreams, fairy tales, fantasies, and only a genuine creator could receive access to it.

The image of the sea in Russian poetry in such a context acquires new meanings: it is, if not a certain portal, a country inhabited by magical creatures. Water element dual in nature. The mirror smooth at any time can turn into huge waves that carry death and destruction.


The image of the sea in Russian poetry, if we talk more specifically, was widely used in the work of such great representatives of literature, like Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev. Even after the influence of romanticism began to fade, the motifs of the water element are, and the matter arise in the poems of Balmont, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva.

V.A. Zhukovsky

Describing the image of the sea in Russian poetry, it is impossible not to mention the work of Zhukovsky. Some literary criticism noted that a truly close interest in such topics begins at Elegist with the poem "Sea", written in 1882. The poet personifies it becomes an endless space that does not obey any human laws free from all prohibitions.

With the marine element identifies itself to the lyrical hero - in his soul, the abyss is also lurking, the baur. The Motive of Dvoemirine, characteristic of poetry of romanticism, is revealed in the poem. The sea, in Zhukovsky, hopelessly seeks to achieve the sky, touch him. "Heavenly Tver" in this case becomes exactly the unattainable ideal, in the pursuit of which the earthly life passes. Researchers compare the relationship of the sea and the sky with the relationship between the human soul and God. An important place is occupied by the image of a storm as an embodiment of an unnatural, irregular state.

A.S. Pushkin

The library of Russian poetry would be incomplete without creativity. Pushkin. The poet called Zhukovsky his teacher, but his romanticism was a few other sense: rebellious, daring, irreconcilable. His poem "To the Sea" was written during the Odessa reference. The young poet then dreamed of shooting abroad, passionately wanted to escape from the stuffy captivity. "To the sea" became a kind of poetic manifesto, reflecting all these aspirations.

Written on the death of Bairon, one of the founders of literary romanticism, the work is distinguished by a bright imagery: the sea for Pushkin becomes a symbol of freedom, unstability.

F.I. Tyutchev

With the words "the theme of nature in Russian poetry" is primarily associated, of course, the poetry of Tyutchev. The images of marine elements were reflected in his work. The sea famous poet depicts mainly at night.

As in lyrics V.A. Zhukovsky show the features of romanticism?

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The Russian public of the XVIII century was waiting for something new, not similar to strict classicism. With the advent of romanticism, the reader realized that literature could be close and clear to all of the people. Brilliant translator, a thin lyrics and founder of Russian romanticism - Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky i introduced the reader with such genres like a ballad and an eleg.

Let's start with the fact that the genre of Elegy implies the author's thinking over such "eternal" topics, as life and death, love and misfortune, war and peace. Philosophical reflections on the briefness of harmony can be found in the Elegy "Sea" (1822).

"Sea" - Romantic Manifesto Zhukovsky. Here we can find the motifs of sadness, loneliness. The poem begins the epithetoma "silent", and this epithet sounds refrain and in the fifth line. In the word "silent" lies the key to understanding the image of the sea. The sea appears in front of the reader quiet, calm, fixed. The lyrical hero is trying to discover the secret, to understand that he moves the "immense Lona" water element, which anxious thought is filled. The lyrical character concerns the relationship between the two elements: marine and heavenly. The sea abyss reflects the sky, stretches to him, is afraid of losing communication with him: "Il pulls him from earthly unholi / distant light sky to himself?" Similarly, the soul of a person stretches to the high and beautiful, striving for freedom, like a sea that languishes in earthly skies. There is an idea of \u200b\u200bromantic doolmirine: the sea, like the human soul, is looking for harmony, stretches towards the sky in the perfect world. So the author expresses the main theme of Elegy - Eternal Stere


  • 2 of 3 k1 Depth of understanding the theme and persuasive arguments
  • 1 of 2 k2 The level of ownership of theoretical literary knowledge
  • 3 of 3 k3 Validity of attracting the text of the work
  • 3 of 3 K4 Composite integrity and logicality of presentation
  • 3 of 3 k5 Following the norms of speech
  • TOTAL: 12 out of 14

The founder of Russian romanticism is considered to be V. A. Zhukovsky, who elected the world of the human soul by the main subject of his poetry.
"His poems captivating sweetness
Will take centuries an envious distance ... "
- wrote about him A. S. Pushkin. "... spiritualizing Russian poetry by romantic elements, he made it available to society, gave her the opportunity to development, and without Zhukovsky we would not have Pushkin," V. G. Belinsky recognized, who considered Zhukovsky first poet in Russia, whose poetry "came out of life. "
In poem

"Inadequate" Zhukovsky himself determined the originality of his creativity: the subject of his poetry was not an image of visible phenomena, but the expression of fleeting elusive experiences.

Invisible subject to expressive?
The poet wants to keep in flight
Not the beauty of invisible phenomena
But, what is fused to this brilliant beauty, -
This is so vague, exciting us
This emerable one soul of the finding voice,
Sie to distant rapidness,
This is the essence of the poetry of Zhukovsky. She is the story of the soul of the poet, his excitement, dreams and the dum, the lyrical expression of which is its elegances, ballads and poems. The theme of the charm of the soul, gifted by inspiration, the vision of the beautiful, always instantaneous and inexpressible, with which Zhukovsky's understanding of poetry is connected, was the main for his work.

It is particularly brightly revealed in the Elegy "Mysterious Visitor", about the elusive feeling of charm and taving the soul on the unknown ideal and the poems of the "past days of charm ...", "to -Mimo flying to the familiar", "I am a young man happened ...".
The same character of an elegic charm and ideality carries a love Lyrics of Zhukovsky, dedicated to M. A. Protasova. It includes poems "My friend, Guardian Angel My ...", "Oh, cute friend! Now with you ... "," to her "," you still stood quietly. "
Zhukovsky knew and depicted the inner world of a person who was not satisfied with the reality and fascinated by the unferaque beauty of love, friendship, nature, memories of experienced happiness, hopes and romantic hope for distant, unknown, "fascinated there."
The merit of Zhukovsky as "Poet-Romance" is that he managed to express not only his inner world, but also opened the means of the poetic image of mental life at all. With its romantic elegions and ballads, he introduced psychologism to Russian literature and closely connected poetry with the individuality of the poet, filling every poem of deep lyrism. Zhukovsky sincere and lyric and spiritual experiences, and paintings of nature, and even patriotic poems about Borodino battle.

In the patriotic hymn "singer in the village of Russian warriors," written in October 1812, are not depicted by military events, but the mood of the poet - the battle participant. The poem is written in the form of an agitated speech:
Country where we are for the first time
Tasted the sweetness of being,
Fields, hills are native,
Native sky cute light
Familiar streams
Gold games of the first years
And first years lessons -
What will be replaced by your charm?
About the Motherland holy,
What heart is not trembling,
Bless you!

Zhukovsky's poetry hit contemporaries and attracts today's readers with their musicality, melodiousness. Zhukovsky creates a musical verbal flow in which "words are notes."
Even evening ... the clouds fell in the edges,
The last ray ray on the towers is dying;
The latter in the river is a shiny jet
With extinct sky fading.
All quietly: groves sleep; in the vicinity of peace;
Shattering on the grass under the guise of tilted,
I look like a murmur, merging with the river,
Flow, bushes autumn.

These are lines from the famous Elegy "Evening", where music and the word as if merged together. Not accidentally drew attention to them P. I. Tchaikovsky, who used them for the Lisa duet and Polina in the opera "Peak Lady".
The content of Elegy is a lyrical experience in contemplating the poet of nature, which causes melancholic memories and meditation about friendship, "about the happiness of young days", about the dead friends, about their fate and their vocation:
I sit thinking; in the soul of my dreams;
To the running times I am leuing with a memoir.
About the days of my spring how quickly you hide
With your bliss and suffer!
I was Rock Sulil: Breaking by unknown paths,
Being a friend of peaceful villages, love the abrasions of nature,
Breathe under dusk oak silence
And, the gaze bowing to Penne Water,
Creator, friends, love and happiness to chant.

Lyrical motives are so natural and imperceptibly changed that poems become a single, alive, smoothly smiling musical-lyrical flow, which reflects the soul with the slightest shades and nuances of its experiences. "The essence and idea of \u200b\u200bthe style of Zhukovsky, his poetry as a whole is the idea of \u200b\u200ba romantic personality. Zhukovsky opened the Russian poetry of the human soul ... "(G. A. Gukovsky).

All this was developed by Pushkin, as well as other Russian poets: Lermontov, Nekrasov, Tyutchev, block. Carefully rereading the poems of Zhukovsky, you understand the high artistic value of his poetry and how great the meaning of this poet is not only for Russian romanticism, but also for all Russian literature.

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