Who is Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich. Works of Bulgakov

For many favorite writer, Mikhail Bulgakov is. The biography is interpreted by people of various directions in different ways. The reason is how they correspond to certain researchers his name with occultism. We can recommend that this aspect we can recommend reading the Paul Globa article. However, in any case, it should be started with the children's years that we will do.

Parents of the Writer, Brothers and Sisters

Mikhail Afanasyevich was born in Kiev in the family of Professor Theology Athanasius Ivanovich, who taught in the Sacred Academy. His mother, Barbara Mikhailovna Pokrovskaya, also taught in Karachai Progimazasia. Both parents were hereditary bells of nobles, their grandfathers served in the Oryol province.

Misha himself was in the family with a senior child, he had two brothers: Nikolai, Ivan and four sisters: faith, hope, barbarian, Elena.

The future writer was thin, elegant, artistic with expressive blue eyes.

Mikhail's education and character

In his hometown received the formation of Bulgakov. Its biography contains data on graduation in the eighteenty age of the first Kiev gymnasium and in the twenty-five-year-old age - the medical faculty of Kiev University. What influenced the formation of the future writer? The untimely death of a 48-year-old father, a stupid suicide of the best friend Boris Bogdanova because of love for Vare Bulgaca, sister Mikhail Afanasyevich, - all these circumstances were determined by the character of Bulgakov: suspiciously subject to neurosis.

First wife

At twenty-two years, the future writer married his first spouse - Tatyana Lappa, for the year younger than him. Judging by the memoirs of Tatiana Nikolaevna (she lived until 1982), the film could be removed about this short marriage. Newlyweds managed to waste the money sent by their parents on a veil and a wedding dress. In the wedding for some reason laughed. Of the colors donated with newlyweds, there were most daffodils. There was a linen skirt on the bride, and the coming and terrible mother managed to buy her a blouse to the wedding. Biography Bulgakov by dates, thus, was crowned with the date of the wedding 26.04.1913. However, the happiness of the lovers were destined to be shortly: in Europe, at that time the war was already smelled. According to the memoirs of Tatiana, Mikhail did not like to save, he did not differ prosecution in cash. For him, for example, in the order of things was for the last money to order a taxi. Valuable things were often laid in Lombard. Although young couple helped the father of Tatiana, however, the funds constantly disappeared.

Medical practice

Fate pretty severely prevented him from becoming a doctor, albeit the talent, and the professional ace possessed Bulgakov. Biography mentions that he had misfortune to become dangerous diseases, engaged in professional activities. Mikhail Afanasyevich, wanting to be implemented as a specialist, led an active medical activity. For the year, Dr. Bulgakov took on an outpatient reception of 15 361 patients (forty man a day!). He had 211 people in hospital. However, as seen, the fate itself prevented to be a doctor. In 1917, infected by diphtheria, Mikhail Afanasyevich accepted serum against her. As a result, it turned out heavy allergies. Her painful symptoms he looked at Morphy, but then he was addicted to this drug.

Recovery Bulgakov

Healing Mikhail Bulgakov, his admirers are obliged to Tatyana Lappa, consciously limiting him in a dose. When he requested a dose injection drug, the loving spouse looked off the distilled water. At the same time, she precipitated her husband's tantrums, although he once threw a burning primus in her and even threatened with a gun. The loving spouse at the same time was sure that he did not want to shoot, it was just very bad ...

The brief biography of Bulgakov contains the fact of high love and sacrifice. In 1918, it was thanks to Tatiana Lapta, he stopped being morphinist. From December 1917 to March 1918, Bulgakov lives and practiced in Moscow at his uncle on the mother's line, a successful gynecologist N. M. Pokrovsky (subsequently - the prototype of the professor of Transfiguration from the "dog heart").

Then he returned to Kiev, where again began to work by a venereologist. Practice prevented war. No longer returned to therapeutic practice ...

First World and Civil War

The first world marked for Bulgakov Moving: Initially, he worked as a doctor near the front line, then he was directed to work in the Smolensk province, and then in Vyazma. During the civil war from 1919 to 1921, he was mobilized twice as a doctor. First, in the army of the Ukrainian People's Republic, then in the White Guard Armed Forces of the South of Russia. This period of his life later found his literary reflection in the cycle of the stories "Notes of the Young Doctor" (1925-1927). One of the stories contained in it is called "Morphy".

In 1919, on November 26, he first published an article in the Grozny newspaper, which, in fact, represented the gloomy premonitions of the White Guard officer. The Red Army at the station Yegorlytsky in 1921 was broken down by the advanced forces of White Guards - Cossacks Connie ... His comrades go for the Cordon. However, I emigrate Mikhail Afanasyevich does not give ... Fate: It gets like a typhoid. In Vladikavkaz, he is treated for deadly hands and recovering Bulgakov. His biography records the reorientation of life objectives, the top takes the creative beginning.


Mikhail Afanasyevich, exhausted, in the form of a white officer, but with torn patterns, in the TERSKY, works in the theater section of the attitudes of the arts, in the Russian theater. During this period, the hard crisis takes place in Bulgakov. There is no money at all. They live with Tatyana Lappa, selling severed parts by a miracle of the surviving gold chain. Bulgakov took a difficult decision for himself - never to return to medical activities. Since his heart, in 1920 he writes a talented play "Turbine Days" Mikhail Bulgakov. The biography of the writer testifies to the first repression against him: In the same 1920, the Bolshevik Commission expels him from work as a "ex-". Bulgakov extruded, broken. Then the writer decides to escape from the country: first to Turkey, then to France, he moves from Vladikavkaz to Tiflis through Baku. To survive, changes himself, truth, conscience and writes in 1921 the commerist play "Sons of Mullah", which the Bolshevik theaters of Vladikavkaz willingly include in their repertoire. At the end of May 1921, being in Batumi, I raise my wife Mikhail Bulgakov. This biography contains information about the hardest crisis in the life of the writer. Fate cruelly revenge on treason and talent (meaning, the aforementioned play, for which he received 200,000 rubles. Feerara (33 silver). This situation will repeat again in his life).

Bulgakov in Moscow

Spouses still do not emigrate. In August 1921, Tatyana Lappa through Odessa and Kiev one leaves for Moscow.

Soon, after his wife, Mikhail Afanasyevich also returns to Moscow (Just during this period, N. Gumilyev was shot and A. Block dies). Their life in the capital is accompanied by moving, unpleasution ... Non-easy Biography Bulgakov. The brief content of its subsequent period is desperate attempts by a talented person to realize themselves. Mikhail and Tatiana live in an apartment (in the "Master and Margarita described in the novel" - House number 10 on the street. Big Sadovaya (Pigita House), under the number 302-bis, which they kindly provided Schurin Philologist Zemsky A. M., who left in Kiev to the spouse). In the house there were scandaling and drinking proletarians. The spouses were in it uncomfortable, hungry, moneyless. Here there was a gap ...

In 1922, Mikhail Afanasyevich expect a personal blow - Mom dies. He feverishly begins to work as a journalist, putting his sarcasm in feuilutes.

Literary activities. "Turbine Days" - Favorite Piez Stalin

The lives of life experience and thoughts born by arrogant intelligence simply rushed on paper. The brief biography of Bulgakov fixes his work with a feuiltonist in Moscow newspapers ("Workers") and magazines ("Revival", "Russia", "Medical Worker").

Life, endorsement of war, begins to improve. Since 1923, Bulgakov has been admitted to the members of the Writers' Union.

Bulgakov in 1923 begins to work on the novel "White Guard". He creates his well-known works:

  • "Deviliad";
  • "Fat eggs";
  • "Dog's heart".
  • "Adam and Eve";
  • "Alexander Pushkin";
  • "Bagher Island";
  • "Run";
  • "Bliss";
  • Zoykin Apartment;
  • "Ivan Vasilyevich".

And in 1925 he marries Belozerskaya Lyubov Evgenievna.

He took place as a playwright. Already then a paradoxical perception of the Soviet state of creativity of the classic was traced. Even Joseph Stalin in relation to it was controversial and inconsistent. He watched Mkatovskaya production "Turbine Days" 14 times. Then he stated that "Bulgakov - not ours." However, in 1932 he commanded her to return, and in the same theater of the USSR - in Mkate, noting that after all the "impression of the play for the Communists" is positive.

Moreover, Joseph Stalin subsequently in its historical circulation on July 3, 1941. The people use the phraseology of the word Turbine Alexey: "I appeal to you, my friends ..."

In the period from 1923 to 1926, the writer's creativity flourished. For autumn 1924, in the literary circles of Moscow is considered the current writer No. 1 of Bulgakov. The biography and creativity of the writer are inseparablely connected. He has a literary career, becoming the main thing about his life.

Short and continuing second marriage writer

Tatiana Lappa's first wife remembers that, being married with her, Mikhail Afanasyevich repeatedly repeated that he should marry three times. He repeated it after the writer Alexei Tolstoy, who considered such a family life to the wisest of the writer. There is a saying: the first wife - from God, the second - from people, the third - from the line. Does this contrived scenario artificially evolved the biography of Bulgakov? Interesting facts and mysteries in it are not uncommon! However, the second wife of Bulgakov, Belozerskaya, the lady, secular, really married a secured, promising writer.

However, with the new wife of the soul in the soul, the writer lived for the same year. So far, in 1928, "the third spouse of the writer - Elena Sergeyevna Shilovskaya appeared on the horizon. Bulgakov was still in his second official marriage, when this stormy romance began. The writer with a large artistic force described their feelings for the third spouse in the "Master and Margarita". About the attachment of Mikhail Afanasyevich to the acquired woman, who felt a spiritual relationship, says the fact that 03.10.1932. The registry office of his marriage with Belozerskaya, and on 04/10/1932, a union was concluded with Shilovskaya. It was the third marriage for the writer the main thing in his life.

Bulgakov and Stalin: Light Party Writer

In 1928, an inspired by the acquaintance with "his Margarita" - Elena Sergeyevna Shilovskaya, proceeds to the creation of his novel "Master and Margarita" Mikhail Bulgakov. A brief biography of a writer, however, indicates the creative crisis that began. He needs a scope for creativity, which is not in the USSR. Moreover, for the publication and setting Bulgakov there was a ban. Despite his fame, his plays did not put theaters on scenes.

Joseph Vissarionovich, a wonderful psychologist, perfectly knew the weaknesses of the personality of this talented author: impetence, a tendency to depressions. He played with a writer, like a cat plays with a mouse, having an indisputable dossier against him. 05/07/1926 On the apartment of Bulgakov was performed the only time search. Personal diaries Mikhail Afanasyevich, Kramol Tale "Dog's Heart" fell into the hands of Stalin. In the game of Stalin against a writer, such a trump card was received, which the fatal manifold led by the writer of the writer Bulgakov. So what is your answer to the question: "The interesting biography of Bulgakova Lee?" By no means. Up to thirty years, his adult life was plentifully filled with sufferings from poverty and unstores, then really followed six more or less measured secured lives, but following her, the violent breakthrough of the Personality of Bulgakov, illness and death followed.

Refusal to leave from the USSR. Fatal bell of the leader

In July 1929, the writer turns his letter to Joseph Stalin, asking for departure from the USSR, and on 03/28/1930 appeals to the Soviet government at the same request. The permit was not given.

Bulgakov suffered, he understood that his grown talent was lying. Contemporaries remembered by the phrase after another incomplete permission to leave: "I was blinded!"

However, it was not yet a final blow. And he was awaiting ... Everything changed the call of Stalin on April 18, 1930 at that time, Mikhail Bulgakov with the third spouse Elena Sergeyevna, laughing, went to Batum (there on the place of Bulgakov was going to write a play about the young years of Stalin). At Serpukhov station, a woman entered into their car announced: "Telegram's accountant!"

The writer, publishing the inclusion, turned pale, and then corrected it: "Not an accountant, and Bulgakov." He expected ... Stalin appointed a telephone conversation to the same number - 04/18/1930

In the afternoon, I was buried Mayakovsky. Obviously, the bell of the leader could be equally called and a kind of prevention (he respected Bulgakov, but still gently prested), and cunning: in a trusting conversation, stretch out of the source. An unfair promise from the source.

In it, Bulgakov voluntarily refused to go abroad, which until the end of his life could not forgive himself. It was his tragic loss.

The most complex assembly of relationships is connected by Stalin and Bulgakov. It can be said that the Seminarist Jdugashvili beat and broke away and the will, and the life of the Great Writer.

Recent years of creativity

In the future, the author focused on all his skills, the author focused on the "Master and Margarita" novel, which wrote to the table, without any hope of publishing.

Created on Stalin Plays "Batum" rejected the Secretariat of Joseph Vissarionovich, indicating the writer's methodological error - the transformation of the leader in the hero of the romantic.

In fact, Joseph Vissarionovich joined if it could be said so, the writer to his own charisma. Since then, Bulgakov was allowed to work only as theatrical director.

By the way, Mikhail Afanasyevich is considered one of the best in the history of the Russian director of Gogol and Saltykov-Shchedrin (beloved their classics).

Everything he wrote is secretly and prejudice, it was "disadvantaged." Stalin him consistently destroyed as a writer.

Bulgakov still wrote, he answered a blow, how could this classic could do ... Roman about Pontius Pilate. About an all-powerful autocrat, secretly fearful.

Moreover, the first version of this novel was burned by the author. It was called differently - "Devil's hoof". In Moscow, after writing it, it was rumored that Bulgakov wrote about Stalin (Joseph Vissarionovich was born with two controversial fingers on his leg. In the people, this is called Satan's hoof). Spinning, the author burned the first version of the novel. Hence later and born the phrase "manuscripts are not burning!".

Instead of imprisonment

In 1939, the final version of the "Master and Margarita" was written and read. To be published in the abbreviated version of this book only after 33 years ... to live a deadly sick Bulgakov, suffering from renal failure, it remained for a long time ...

In the fall of 1939, his vision critically worsened: he was almost blind. 03/10/1940 did not become a writer. Mikhail Bulgakov buried on 12.03.1940 at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

The full biography of Bulgakov still remains the subject of disputes. The reason is that the Soviet, exhausting option, represents the reader in the vocabulary picture of the author's loyalty to Soviet power. Therefore, interested in the life of a writer, several sources should be critically analyzed.

D Ages on the threshold of the death of Mikhail Afanasyevich did not stop polishing one of the most mysterious works of Russian literature of the 20th century, made a romance to the manuscript. The last phrase, edited by the author, was a replica Margarita: "So it became, the writers behind the coffin go?"

In the early days of the new year, the state was heavy. On January 6, he makes records for the play, who thought about the past year, "he wondered in the fall of 1939. The pen was launched 6.1.1940. Play. Cabinet, output. The swallow nest. Alhambra. Musketeers. Monologue about arrogance. Grenada. The death of the Grenada. Richard I. Nothing is written, head as a boiler ... I am sick, sick ... "

From the book of Marietta Chudakova "The Best-Fiction of Mikhail Bulgakov"

As a doctor, he understood that his days were considered as a writer and the philosopher did not believe that death is the end: "I have sometimes experienced that death is a continuation of life. We just can't imagine how this happens. But somehow happens ... "(from the memories of Sergey Yermolinsky).

1. His first literary work is the story of "Svetlana's adventures" - Mikhail Bulgakov wrote at the age of seven. In the fifth grade of gymnasium from under his pen, Faketon "Day of the Chief Doctor" came out, and the future writer composed epigrams, satirical poems. But with his real viability, young Bulgakov considered medicine and dreamed of becoming a doctor.

Children's performance "Princess Poroshina". On the reverse side Explanatory inscription N.A. Bulgakova: "Sangaevsky, Bulgakov and others. Misha brilliantly plays the role of Leshgo. " (Lies on the right). 1903.

2. Bulgakov collecting theatrical tickets from all performances and concerts that ever visited.

Mikhail Bulgakov and director Leonid Baratov, 1928

3. The writer collected newspaper and journal cuttings into a special album with references to critics about their works, first of all about the plays. Among the published reviews, according to Bulgakov's estimates, there were 298 negative and only three evaluated the work of the master positively.

Mikhail Bulgakov with Mkhat artists in the Moscow Radio Studio. 1934.

4. The first stage in the MCATE "Turbine Days" (the original name "White Guard" had to change the ideological reasons) Savior Konstantin Stanislavsky, stating that if the play was banned, he will close the theater. But from the work I had to remove an important scene of beating by the Jew, in the final to introduce "all increasing" the sounds of "international" and toast to the Bolsheviks and the Red Army from the mouth of Multilavsky.

5. Stalin loved the "turbine" very much, watched a performance at least 15 times, with enthusiasm applauding artists from government lodges. Eight times "Father of Peoples" was at Zoykina Apartment in the theater. E. Vakhtangov. Encouraging the heat of political struggle in the literature (individual strikes were reached and Bulgakov, painfully affecting his creative and personal destiny), Stalin at the same time patronized to the writer.

6. In 1926, during a sign dispute "Theatrical Policy of Soviet Power," which was opened by the report of Lunacharsky, Vladimir Mayakovsky was noisy against Mkat: "... We started with Aunt Manya and Uncle Vanya and finished the" White Guard "! We accidentally gave the opportunity to sink Bulgaku under the arm of Bourgeoisie - and squeak. And then we will not give. (Voice from the place: "ban?") No, not prohibit. What will you achieve prohibition? What this literature will be distributed in the corners and read with the same pleasure as I two hundred times read in the rewritten form of the poem of Yesenin ... "
Mayakovsky offered simply to disappear "Turbine Days" in the theater. At the same time, the singer of the revolution was often partner of Bulgakov on billiards, but the "Civil War" of their views continued until the tragic death of the poet.

7. In 1934, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov wrote a play-comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich" about how the Moscow inventor Nikolai Ivanovich Timofeyev creates a time car and with its help moves in the 30s of the XX century King Ivan Grozny. In turn, in the past, Introduces Bunch-Koretsky, as two drops of water similar on the Terrible Lord of All Russia, and the Zhorzh Miloslavsky. Since the similarity between the character Ivan Vasilyevich and the personality of Joseph Stalin was obvious, during the lifetime of the author of the play never was published.

In 1973, Leonid Guideem "Ivan Vasilyevich" was held in the cinemas of the country with a triumphal success. The director took carefully with the Bulgakov concept, changing only some details, in particular, moved an action in the 70s of the twentieth century and visited the situation - for example, the scene of the Pathethon took more corresponding to the time of release on the film screens of the tape recorder.

8. In 1937, when a hundred years was noted from the day of the tragic death of Pushkin, several authors presented the plays dedicated to the poet. Among them was the play of Bulgakov "Alexander Pushkin", which was distinguished from the works of other playwrights the lack of the main character. The writer believed that the appearance of alleged Alexander Sergeyevich on stage would look like vulgar and tasteless.

9. The famous Assistant Voland cat hippid existed a real prototype. Mikhail Bulgakova had a black dog nickname. This dog was very smart.

Stone with the grave of Nikolai Gogol on the grave of Mikhail Bulgakov

10. After the death of the writer, his widow Elena Shilovskaya chose as a tombstone a huge granite bluing - "Calvary", called so for the similarity with the mountain. For a hundred years, this stone was a foot of the cross on the grave of Gogol, the writer, whom Bulgakov Bogwood. But when the bust of Nikolai Gogol was decided to establish a bust, a stone, by using the death will of Bulgakov ("I am built with my cast-iron chinelle," he wrote in one of the last letters), moved the cemetery to Novodevichi.

One of the latest photos. Mikhail Bulgakov and his wife Elena Shilovskaya.

Today we will tell you about the life and work of such a well-known poet and playwright, like Mikhail Bulgakov, the list of works of which you will find at the very end of the article.

This man was born on May 3, 1891 in Kiev. His parents were educated and the mother worked as a teacher in the definition, and the father who graduated from the Spiritual Academy taught in various educational institutions. At the end of 1893, he began to fulfill the responsibilities of the Kiev regional censor, among which was the censorship of literature not only in Russian, but also in other languages. In addition to Mikhail, there were five more children in the family.


He studied Bulgakov in the first Alexander gymnasium, which was distinguished by a high educational level, and in 1909 he entered the University of Kiev to the Medical Faculty. Then, in 1914, the First World War began. In 1916, after graduation, the future writer worked in Cherepovets and Kamenets-Podolsky. In September of the same year, he was withdrawn from the front and sent to establish a rural hospital in


In 1917, Mikhail Afanasyevich was transferred to Vyazma. This working period was reflected in the creation of the "Note of the Young Doctor" created in 1926. The works of Bulgakov, the list of which is presented below, can not be imagined without mentioning this essay. His main character is a talented doctor, honest worker, often saves people in, it would seem hopeless situations, it acutely feels the heavy position of the uneducated peasantry from the deaf Smolensk villages and feels his impotence to change anything for the better.

The revolution

The revolution broke the usual way of life. In the sketch "Kiev-city" (1923), the writer expresses his opinion about it. He notes that with revolutionary transformations, the story has been concerned and suddenly. " Mikhail Afanasyevich free from military service after the October Revolution, and he returns to Kiev, who was soon busy with German troops. Here the writer is immersed in the whirlpool of the civil war. The works of Bulgakov, the list of which is presented below include the creations of these years.

Bulgakov - doctor

Since Mikhail Afanasyevich was a good doctor, the other fighting parties needed in his services. Although he remained loyal humanistic ideals in any situations, in his soul he gradually began to grow outrage against the cruelty of the White and Petlisters, subsequently found reflection in the stories "on the night of the 3rd number" and "flask", in the novel "White Guard" and plays "Run" and "Turbine Days". Honestly, performing medical debt, Bulgakov at the end of 1919 became an invalid witness in Vladikavkaz cruel crimes. Refusing to take part in this war, in early 1920 he left the Denikinian Army of Bulgakov. Works whose list can be found in this article, one way or another reflect these and other biographical details.

Writing Career

Mikhail Afanasyevich forever decides to leave his studies medicine and start writing a career with writing articles for local newspapers. He finished his first story in the fall of 1919. In the winter of 1919-1920, several fechens and stories were written. In one of them, the "tribute of admiration" is narrated about the street clashes that occurred during the civil war and the revolution in Kiev.

Theatrical plays

Bulgakov shortly before white retreated from Vladikavkaz, seriously fell ill with returning typhoid. He recovered in the spring of 1920, when parts of the Red Army had already taken the city. Since that time, the writer began to cooperate with the Revolutionar, with the subsection of the arts, wrote for the Ingush and Piece Pieces, reflecting his views on the revolution. They were only one-day agitoes and were created mainly in order to survive in difficult times. Vladikavkaz impressions Mikhail Afanasyevich reflected in his famous story "Notes on Cuffs."

Moving to Moscow

First in Tiflis, and then in Batumi, Bulgakov appeared the opportunity to emigrate. However, he understood that there should be near the people in this difficult time for the country. Therefore, in 1921, Mikhail Afanasyevich moves to Moscow. Starting from the spring of 1922, the articles under its authorship regularly appear in Moscow magazines and newspapers. In satirical essays and pamphletes, the main features of the post-revolutionary society were reflected. The main object of the writer satire is Nuvorishi-NEPMAN, which he called "Nakipy Nep" (Novels "Bowl of Life" and "Trillionaire"), as well as possessing low culture representatives of the population: market shoppers, residents of Moscow communal services, bureaucrats and other employees. Mikhail Afanasyevich notices the features of the new time. In one of his essays, a schoolboy boy arises (as a symbol of new trends), walking down the street with a new finger.

"Fat Eggs"

"Fat Eggs" published Bulgakov in 1924. Works, the list of which is presented below, is impossible to imagine without mentioning this story. Its action was moved to the near-unhappy imaginary future, more precisely, in 1928. Then the results of NEP became obvious, including a strong rise in the standard of living of the country's population. Peaches, the main character of the story, made a great discovery that could bring great benefits to humanity. But in the hands of self-confident, semi-armed people, with the emerging bureaucracy, bloomed during military communism and even more strengthened during the NEP years their position, the invention is turning the tragedy. Not only peaches, but almost all heroes of the Tag Bulgakov will fail the 20s. In the works of Mikhail Afanasyevich, it was striving to transfer the reader about the unpretentiousness of modern society to adopt based on respect for labor, knowledge and culture new principles of relationships.

"Running" and "Turbine Days"

In the play "Running" and "Turbine Days" (1925-1928), the writer portrayed that all power replacing each other in civil war are hostile intelligentsia. Characters of these works are typical representatives of the so-called "new intelligentsia", which perceived the revolution first or wary, or they openly fought against her. Mikhail Afanasyevich attributed himself to a new layer, as he wrote in his fellow "capital in notepad" with humor.

Heavy position writer

He responded to public changes, felt injustice, doubted the need for measures taken, but at the same time he did not cease to believe in the people, in the man of Bulgakov. Works, whose list we offer you, reflect. Doubted with Him and experienced the heroes of his creations, which was met with criticism unfriendly. Attacks on the writer in 1929 increased. All his plays were shot from the scene: "Bagher Island", "Turbine Days" and "Zoykin Apartment". Being in a difficult situation, the writer decides to write a letter to the government, in which he asked for departure from the country. Soon the conversation was held with Stalin, after which Mikhail Afanasyevich was appointed director-Assistant Mkat. Again appeared on the scenes of the production of Bulgakovsky plays, and after a while - and the drag "dead souls" (Bulgakov).

All works, the list of which is presented below, are indicated in our article in chronological order, from where you can see that after 1927 there is no longer any line of this author in print, since it was included in the list of prohibited. Despite this, Mikhail Afanasyevich did not leave his homeland. It was in our country that the Bulgakov created all the works. List, years of writing and names, look at the end of the article.

"The Master and Margarita"

In 1933, the writer was attempted to publish a novel in the "Zhzl" series, but it was again awaited. Until his death, Mikhail Afanasyevich, no longer tried to publish his writings. This time he devoted to work on the work of the "Master and Margarita", Roman, who became one of the greatest achievements of the global prose of the 20th century. A 12 years of life Mikhail Afanasyevich went to work.

Early versions of the work seemed not good enough, so for several years he again and again returned to his characters, invented new conflicts and scenes. Only in 1932 the novel acquired a plot completion.

In recent years, Bulgakov, although he continued to work, was still not printed. It reduced him and led to the exacerbation of the disease and then followed soon. Bulgakov died on March 10, 1940, and was buried in Moscow, at the Novodevichy cemetery.

List of works Bulgakov with dates


- "Notes on Cuffs":

  • 1922 - "Unusual Adventures of the Doctor", "Red Crown", "On the night of the 3rd number";
  • 1923 - Chinese history "," Flaw "," Notes on Cuffs ";
  • 1924 - "Bohemia".

- "Note of the young doctor":

  • 1925 - "Baptism by turning", "Darkness Egypt";
  • 1926 - "Towel with a rooster", "blizzard", "missing eye", "Star rash", as well as the story adjacent to the cycle "I killed";
  • 1927 - the story of "Morphy" adjacent to the cycle.

Different wrote Mikhail Bulgakov Works. The list, the stories from which we have already been listed, add novels and plays.

  • 1924 - "White Guard";
  • 1962 - "Life of Mr. de Moliere";
  • 1965 - "Standard Notes";
  • - "The Master and Margarita".
  • 1925 - "Zoykin Apartment";
  • 1925 - "Kulak Accountant";
  • 1926 - "Turbine Days";
  • 1930 - "Kabala Svyatosh";
  • 1955 - "Alexander Pushkin";
  • 1962 - "Running";
  • 1965 - "Ivan Vasilyevich";
  • 1965 - "Polo-Journey";
  • 1966 - "Bliss";
  • 1977 - "Batum";
  • 1986 - "War and Peace";
  • 1986 - "Dead Souls".

These are the basic creations who created Bulgakov. Works, the list of which was introduced to you are not exhausted specified. Here we did not include fekelons, articles, essays and some other writings, familiar with whom it would also be useful.

Films on the works of Bulgakov, the list of which was listed above, created many domestic and foreign directors. The most famous filmms of the "Master and Margarita" - Alexander Petrovich, Yuri Carry and created in Russia.

Michael Bulgakov. 1920s Museum M. A. Bulgakov

Mikhail Bulgakov arrived in Moscow in the fall of 1921 and the next year began to be published in the subtle Moscow journals - "Ruor", "Krasnaya magazine for all", "Menthach" and others; He settled on a feuiltonist in Gaza-Tu "Bogok" and became the permanent author of the Berlin newspaper "On the eve". The first of the Moscow years of Bulgakov was marked by the appearance of a large number of essays, notes, reporter reports, feuillets, stories and pees. Until the mid-1920s, Mikhail Bulgakov was known as the capital writer and only in the second half of the 1920s, after a great success of the play "Tour Days", acquired the glory of the playwright and practically remain-vil prose. We chose five stories of Bulgakov in the 1920s, written in different genres and various topics. All together they give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Bulgakov-writer of that time - about what he started and how he worked with his recent past and a new Soviet reality.

"Moonshine Lake" (1923)

"Moonshine Lake" is the visiting card of the first Moscow years of Bulgakov. Having moved to the capital, he quickly gained the fame of the subtle observer and the ingenious chronicler of the Moscow life of the first half of the 1920s. The editor-in-chief of the literary application to the Berlin newspaper "On the eve" Alexey Tolstoy asked Moscow employees: "Shlit more Bulgakov!" "Moonshine lake" is the most characteristic and funny of this series of stories and essays.

The main character of the story, occupying a room in a communal apartment No. 50, in the evening, when silence reigned in the "damned apartment", intended to read the book, but the reading interrupted the crock of the rooster. As it turned out, the rooster joined the absolutely drunk unknown citizen, the soup-tick of the quarters of Vasily Ivanovich. The main character was saved by the rooster, and for a while in the apartment again became quiet, but then the journey itself was already knocked out all the glasses and beat his wife. A drunk chairman of the Board was called to the noise, and at three o'clock in the morning he came to the hero, "swinging as the world under the wind", Ivan Sido-Rych - the second person at the board after the Chair. In the morning there were other drunk neighbors, as well as the junior janitor ("drunk slightly"), the eldest ("dead-drunk") and an expiratory ("in terrible state"). During the day, the moonshine was covered by the militia, but in the evening "scored a fresh source" in the neighborhood, and the cooking drunkenness continued with a nursing sweep. The desperate hero and his wife closed the room and left for three days to her sister.

Prototype Annushka - Anna Fedorovna Goryachev Museum M. A. Bulgakov

Mikhail Bulgakov, apparently, almost literally describes his life in a communal apartment No. 50 for a large garden street, 10, where he lived with the wife of Tatyana Lappa since the autumn of 1921. Together with them, another 16 man-centuries lived in the com-munal apartment, most of whom were the workers from the neighboring printing house. Many Bulgakov's neighbors on communication are easily recognized in the heroes of the "Moonshine Lake". So, Annushka is Anna Fedorovna Goryacheva, who will be a prototype and famous An-Nushkin-Plague from "Masters and Margari-You", and the quarthoz apartment No. 50 Vasily Ivanovich is Vasily Ivanovich Boltyrev, 35-year-old Kraspoter of the 2nd Moscow Factory The Goznak, who repeatedly threatened the Bulgakov to be dried and decently trembled to him nerves.

The Bulgakov's wife recalled about the moonshine weekdays of the apartment: "Let's buy moonshine, they will go away, be sure to fight, women yell:" Save, help! "Bulgakov, of course, pops up, runs to call the police. And the Mi-Lituation comes - they close on the keys, sit quietly. It even wanted to fool him. " And Bulgakov himself was constantly complained of a noisy apartment, dreaming quickly. In the diary of Bulgakov, a recording was preserved from 29 OK-September 1923: "I do not know positively what to do with the bastard that this apartment is." Leave the apartment No. 50 Bulgakov succeeded only in the fall of 1924, and the first separate housing with his own office appeared not only three years later.

"Chinese History" (1923)

"Chinese story" perhaps the least famous story of Bulgakov - and at the same time one of his best. It stands out by its atpicness: there is no communal life in the story, a well-known writer, there are no shops and restaurants of the noisy era of the NEP, there is no autobiographical basis - but there is a civil war.

Chance in Soviet Russia Chinese walking Walk - nicknamethe Chinese who traded from the trays (see, for example, in the "Egyptian Mar Ke" of Osipa Mandelstam: "At night, a Chinese having lost her ladies, as a necklace from Ryabchiki), and then began to call all Chinese. Saint-Zine-ingunds for warm China in cold alien Moscow. In the opium cabin, he lost the last money and a fur coat. Later, "in some kind of giant hall with semi-round vaults", the Chinese gets to the Red Army and write it with a volunteer: it turns out that Saint-Zine-along the magnificent shooter and the wonderful sighting panorama was sitting on his "agate slash eyes." In the first battle ("brilliant debut") Saint-Zin-software dies, so to the end and not aware of what is happening.

The story about the tragic death of the Chinese in the fire of the Civil War, which he does not understand and in which it turns out on a pure accident, Bulgakov clearly opposes the story of Vsevolod Ivanov "Bronz-train No. 14.69", whose hero, Krasnoamec Sin-bin-y, He has a class of alarm, it takes on the side of the Red Army and sacrifices for the sake of a common victory.

Three years later, the heroes of the "Chinese history" switched to the play of Bulgakov "Zoya-Kina Apartment" - a lonely lost Saint-Zin-software turned into a Chinese bandit and a murderer, and the old Chinese, the owner of the opium triton, became the owner of the laundry.

"Khan Fire" (1924)

Higher Fire also stands on a mansion in a series of Bulgakovsky stories: This is a fully fictional story with a strong plot and an unexpected finals written by Bulgakov practically to the dispute:

"Self-sophisticated mellist himself, V. P. Kataev, comparing our writers with O'gen-Ri, somehow complained:
- They write bad, boring, no fiction. You will read the two first paragraphs, and then you can not read. Delivery is solved. The story is prompted by the last point.
Becoming for the living, suddenly another, our Novofilist - Bulgakov:
"I swear and promise: I will write a story, and the strings will not be unleashed until you read the last line."

Ivan Ovchinnikov."In the editorial office" Gudka ""

The action of the story takes place in the Manor-Museum "Khan Rate". The old SMO-Rodel Ion, who served before the revolution from its former owners, shows the palace of a group of young tourists. Among them, he celebrates two mysterious visitors - "naked" in some shorts and pensne and a foreigner in Golden Och kakh. The palace causes different feelings from visitors - Komsomol residents, bare, bourgeois ladies with a daughter, a mysterious foreigner. In the end, empty-leading visitors, Ion is going to close the museum, notes the very harbors of a daughter alien and suddenly recognizes his face. The final story, as promised Bulgakov, it is impossible to predict in advance.

Interior of the Oval Hall in the Arkhangelskoe Manor Museum. 1954 Photo chronic tass

The prototype of the palace was probably the estate of Arkhangelsk, in which Bulgakov visited in 1923. Curious item: The surname of the main hero of Tugai-run Bulgakov then used as his pseudonym.

The story appears important for Bulgakov the theme of emigration and confrontation between the pre-revolutionary world (the mysterious foreigner in golden glasses) and the new Soviet reality (young Komsomol holders-excursions). In 1921, Bul-Gakov himself almost left Russia on a steamer from Batum to Constantinople, and before that in 1920 in Vladikavkaz was going to leave the city along with Bellai, but fell with a typhoid. Tatyana Lappa recalled later as Bulgakov reproached her:

"" You are a weak woman, could not take me out! "But when I two times say that he would die on the very first stop," how could I be lucky? " They said that they didn't say me: "What do you want to bring him to the Kazbe-ka and bury?" "

The second wife of Mikhail Bulgakov visited Emigration - Love Evgenievna Belozerskaya. The writer asked her about Constantinople when he wrote the "Run" play.

"Blizzard" (1926)

Michael Bulgakov. Around 1918. Museum M. A. Bulgakov

The story "Vyuga" enters the famous cycle "Score of the young doctor" - and the SIM-WHICH PLANT Depth, straightening of action, almost kinemato-graphic accuracy in the image of the main scene of the chase and the happy junction makes the "blizzard", as it seems the main and The most exciting raz-tale cycle.

A young doctor who takes a hundred peasants a day, enjoys unexpectedly and hot bath: on the street blizzard, and no one came to the reception - how suddenly he bring a note with a request to arrive to the patient - the bride of the Railway, whose wedding spoke The whole district ("I am not lucky in my life," I thought sadly, looking at the hot firewood in the stove "). Proschny everything in the world, the doctor agrees to go, hopelessly obscures the death of a young girl and on the way home in the wrecking blizzard loses up to Rog. The hero and the accompanying firefighters are saved from the flock of wolves ("Capelnia I saw a short message in a newspaper about myself and the ill-fated fireman") and get home - the fight against death this time ended with the victory, but this struggle is not over: "Okay me, "When the back, I muttered," but I don't have anything else ... "Will you go ... An, you will go ..." - mockingly witted the blizzard. "

A dramatic story made such a strong impression on readers that one of them sent his response to the editor with a description of a similar case: "Wolves: from the life of precious health workers with. Balakla, Izyumsky district. "

Seven stories "Notes of the Young Doctor" were published in 1925-1926 in the Log-Nale Medical Worker. They are based on real events from the life of the writer: In September 1916, he came to work for the Zemsky doctor in the village of Ni-Kola Sychevsky County (Smolensk Province) and worked in the deaf Terror of almost a year - until September 20, 1917. Already then he was on the first sketches of the stories about his life in Nikolsky. Although Pisa-Tel shifts the story for one year (the action begins in 1917, and not in 1916), and the main character of the single, in the rest of the stories quite accurately reflect his biography.

A few years later, in a letter, the Government of the USSR Bulgakov called one of his main tasks "Stubborn image of the Russian intelligentsia as a better layer in our country." One of these Russian intellectuals, unfortunately, was the young hero of the "Note of the Young Doctor".

"I killed" (1926)

One of the most important Bulgakovsky in the first half of the 1920s is connected with the understanding of the experience of the civil war - this is the topic of collective response. As Marietta Chudakova wrote, "participation - at least inaction - it is in the murder of compatriots who have fallen by a disadvantaged burden on the entire further fate of everyone individually and everyone together, this bio-graphic motive will be laid on the basis of the art world of Bul-Gakov."

Especially here there are three stories: the earlier "Red Crown" and "Unusual Adventures of the Doctor" and later "I killed." Thus, the main character of the "Red Crown" is unable to prevent murder and death, and this literally drives him crazy: "I left, so as not to see how the man-century hang, but fear went along with me in shaking legs" . He is a non-moneyless, but trying to return to the past and change the course of events.

The story "I killed" is interesting exactly what seems to be in the first and later in the artistic world of Bulgakov, this principle of the idleness of the hero and the subsequent painful feeling of guilt are violated.

The main hero of the story Dr. Yashvin in the company of friends tells how seven years ago he intentionally killed the patient. In the winter of 1919, he was forcibly mobilized by the retreating pets, he witnessed the atrocities and cruelty of Colonel Leshchenko. One day, the doctor was called to the Colonel to tie Ranu: some unhappy belt was able to rush to him with a peer knife. It is here that the largest fork that mutilated the germy of the story "Red Crown" is held. The doctor from the passive witness turns into a participant and interferes with what is happening: "Everything has stuck in front of my eyes, even to nausea, and I felt that now, now the worst and amazing events in my ill-fated doctoral life began." Dr. Yasvin shot a colonel and escaped from Petlyvo captivity.

Dr. Yashvin, a silent, brave, lucky, calm and secretive person, undoubtedly carries the features of Bulgakov. Fabul story stories is also partially autobiographical: in the winter of 1919, Bulgakov as a doctor was forcibly mobilized by Petlugovtsy, who fled from the Bolsheviks who were coming to Kiev. In captivity of Petlyurov, he witnessed the murder of a man on the bridge. Shocked Writer was able to escape at night:

"And here in the third hour [night] suddenly such calls! .. We rushed with Varota Barbara, sister Mikhail Bulgakov. Open the door - well, of course he. For some reason, he fled greatly, was trembling all, and the state was terrible - the nervous is. He was laid in bed, and after that he lay down a whole week, the patient was. "

Tatyana Lappa

The painful memories of Ven in captivity were reflected in the work of Bul-Gakov. So, in the novel "White Guard" a scene of the murder of the Jew has a challenge bridge:

"Pan Curienn did not calculate the blow and lowered a hill on his head. Something crashed in it, the black did not answer" Wow "... Take the wrong hand and woven his head, the side fell from his knees, and, waiting for her As if he wanted to grab the extractive and disinterested land for himself. Finger hooks bent and rumble dirty snow. Then in a dark puddle jerked several times lying in convulsion and verse. "

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Born on May 3 (May 15) of 1891 in Kiev, the Russian Empire - died on March 10, 1940 in Moscow. Russian and Soviet writer, playwright, theater director and actor.

Mikhail Bulgakov was born 3 (15) May 1891 in the family of the Associate Professor of the Kiev Spiritual Academy at Vozdvizhenskaya Street, 28 in Kiev.

Father - Athanasius Ivanovich Bulgakov (1859-1907), Russian Theologian and historian of the Church.

Mother - Varvara Mikhailovna Bulgakov (in Maiden - Pokrovskaya; 1869-1922).

Sister - Vera Afanasyevna Bulgakov (1892-1972), in marriage Davydov.

Sister - Nadezhda Afanasyevna Bulgakov (1893-1971), in marriage of Zemskaya.

Sister - Varvara Afanasyevna Bulgakov (1895-1956), the prototype of the character of Elena Turbine Talberg in the novel "White Guard".

Brother - Nikolai Afanasyevich Bulgakov (1898-1966), Russian scientist, biologist, bacteriologist, doctor of philosophy.

Brother - Ivan Afanasyevich Bulgakov (1900-1969), musician balalaretic, since 1921 in emigration, first in Varna, then in Paris.

Sister - Elena Afanasyevna Bulgakov (1902-1954), Prototype "Sinegylase" in the story of V. Kataeva "Diamond Moen".

Uncle - Nikolai Ivanovich Bulgakov, taught in the Tiflis spiritual seminary.

Niece - Elena Andreevna Zemskaya (1926-2012), well-known Russian linguist, researcher of Russian spoken speech.

In 1909, Mikhail Bulgakov graduated from the first Kiev gymnasium and entered the medical faculty of Kiev University. The choice of the profession of the doctor was explained by the fact that both brothers Mother, Nikolai and Mikhail Pokrovsky were doctors, one - in Moscow, the other - in Warsaw, both well earned. Mikhail, the therapist, was a doctor of Patriarch Tikhon, Nikolai - Gynecologist - had an excellent practice in Moscow. Bulgakov at the University studied for 7 years - having a release on the state of health (renal failure) filed a report for the service of a doctor on a fleet and after the refusal of the medical commission asked him to send him the Red Cross volunteer in the hospital.

On October 31, 1916, he received a diploma on the approval "To the degree of Lekary, with honors with all the rights and advantages, the laws of the Russian Empire given to this degree."

In 1913, M. Bulgakov married Tatiana Lappa (1892-1982). Monetary difficulties began already on the wedding day. It can be seen in the memories of Tatiana Nikolaevna: "Fatas I have, of course, there was no way, the wedding dress too - I am somewhere things about all the money that my father sent. Mom came to the wedding - came terror. I had a linen skirt in a fold, my mother bought a blouse. Worn us about. Alexander. ... for some reason laughed under the crown terribly. Go home in a carriage. Guests were a bit. I remember a lot of flowers, most of all - daffodils ... ". Tatiana's father sent 50 rubles a month, at the time, a worthy amount. But the money quickly disappeared: M. A. Bulgakov did not like to save and was a man of gust. If he wanted to ride a taxi for the last money, he decided on this step without thought. "Mother scolded for frivolity. We will come to her dare, she sees - neither rings nor my chain. "Well, it means everything in the pawnshop!" "

After the beginning of the First World War, M. Bulgakov worked for several months a doctor in the front-line zone. Then he was aimed at work in the village of Nikolsky Smolensk province, after which he worked as a doctor in Vyazma.

Since 1917, M. A. Bulgakov began to use morphine, first in order to alleviate allergic reactions to the antidifterinic drug, which has taken, fearing diphtheria after the operation. Then the reception Morphia became regular.

In December 1917, M. A. Bulgakov came to Moscow for the first time. He stopped at the uncle, the famous Moscow Gynecologist N. M. Pokrovsky, who became the prototype of the Professor of Preobrazhensky from the story of the "Dog's Heart".

In the spring of 1918, M. A. Bulgakov returned to Kiev, where he began private practices as a venereologist - at that time he stopped using morphine.

During the Civil War, in February 1919, M. Bulgakov was mobilized as a military doctor to the army of the Ukrainian People's Republic. Then, judging by his memories, he was mobilized to the White Armed Forces of the South of Russia and was appointed a military doctor of the 3rd Terk Cossack regiment. In the same year, he managed to work as a doctor of the Red Cross, and then - again in the white armed forces of the south of Russia. As part of the 3rd Terke Cossack Regiment was in the North Caucasus. Printed in newspapers (Article "Coming Perspectives"). During the retreat of the Volunteer Army, in early 1920, he was sick with a typhoid and therefore did not have to leave the country. After recovery, in Vladikavkaz, his first dramaturgical experiences appeared, he wrote to a cousin brother on February 1, 1921: "I caught up for 4 years with what I had to start doing it for a long time."

At the end of September 1921, M. A. Bulgakov moved to Moscow and began to cooperate as a feuiltonist with metropolitan newspapers ("beep", "Worker") and magazines ("Medical worker", "Russia", "Revival", "Red magazine for All "). At the same time, he published some of his works in the newspaper "On the eve", produced in Berlin. From 1922 to 1926, more than 120 reports, essays and feueltones M. Bulgakov were printed in the Gudok newspaper.

In 1923, Bulgakov joined the All-Russian Union of Writers. In 1924, he met with the newly returned love returned from abroad (1898-1987), which in 1925 became his wife.

From October 1926, a play "Turbine Days" was launched in Mkate. Its production was allowed only for a year, but later it was extended several times. The play I liked I. Stalin, who watched it more than 14 times. In his speeches, I. Stalin said that "the days of turbine" - "the anti-Soviet piece, and the Bulgakov are not ours" and when the play was forbidden Stalin ordered her to return it (in January 1932) and before the war, she no longer forbade. However, none of theater, except MCAT, this permission was not applied. Stalin noted that the impression of the "Turbine days" ultimately was positive for the Communists (Letter V. Bill-Belotserkovsky, published by Stalin himself in 1949).

At the same time in the Soviet press, there is an intense and extremely sharp criticism of creativity M. A. Bulgakov. According to his own calculations, 298 abusive reviews and 3 benevolent appeared in 10 years. Among the critics there were influential writers and officials from literature (Mayakovsky, Smeotian, Averbach, Shklovsky, Kergents and others).

At the end of October 1926 in the theater. Vakhtangov with great success was the premiere of the play on the play M. A. Bulgakov "Zoykina Apartment".

In 1928, M. A. Bulgakov went with his wife in the Caucasus, where they visited Tiflis, Batum, Green Cape, Vladikavkaz, Gudermes. In Moscow, this year was the premiere of the Plays "Bagher Island". M. A. Bulgakov had a plan of the novel, later than the named "Master and Margarita". The writer also began working on the play about the Molér ("Kabala Svyatosh").

In 1929, Bulgakov met Elena Sergeyevna Shilovskaya, who became his third, last wife in 1932.

By 1930, the works of Bulgakov stopped typing, his plays were withdrawn from the repertoire of theaters. It was prohibited for the production of the play "Running", Zoyikina Apartment, "Bagher Isk", the play "Turbine Days" is removed from the repertoire. In 1930, Bulgakov wrote Brother Nikolai to Paris about unfavorable literary and theater situations and a hard material situation. At the same time, he wrote a letter to the Government of the USSR, dated March 28, 1930, with a request to define his fate - either give the right to emigrate, or provide an opportunity to work in Mkate. On April 18, 1930, Bulgakov called, who recommended the playwright to contact the MCAT.

In 1930 he worked as a director at the Central Theater of Working Youth (Trom). From 1930 to 1936 - in Mkate as a director-assistant. In 1932, the performance of the "Dead Souls" of Nicholas Gogol on the drag of Bulgakov took place on the MHAT scene. In 1934, Bulgakov was twice denied to travel abroad, and in June he was admitted to the Union of Soviet writers. In 1935, Bulgakov spoke on the MCAT scene as an actor - as a judge in the play "Pickwick Club" on Dickens. The work experience in MCAT reflected in the work of Bulgakov "Standard Notes" ("Theater Roman"), the material for the images of which many employees of the theater became.

The play "Kabala Svyatosh" ("Moliere") saw the light in February 1936, - after almost five years of rehearsals. Although E. S. Bulgakova noted that the premiere, February 16, passed with enormous success, after seven ideas was prohibited, and a crushing article about this "fake, reactionary and unsuitable" play was placed in the truth. After the article in the truth, Bulgakov left MCAT and began to work in the Bolshoi Theater as a librettist and translator. In 1937, M. Bulgakov is working on Libretto "Minin and Pozharsky" and "Peter I". Friend with Isaac Dunaevsky.

In 1939, M. A. Bulgakov worked on the Libretto "Rashel", as well as over the play about I. Stalin ("Batum"). The play was already preparing for the production, and Bulgakov and his wife and colleagues went to Georgia to work on the performance when the telegram came about the abolition of the performance: Stalin found the inappropriate staging of the play about herself.

From this point on (according to the memories of E. S. Bulgakova, V. Vilenkin, etc.) The health of M. Bulgakov began to deteriorate sharply, he began to lose sight. Doctors diagnosed in Bulgakov hypertensive nephrosclerosis enu - hereditary kidney disease. Bulgakov continued to use Morphy, registered in 1924, in order to relieve pain symptoms.

In the same period, the writer began to dictate his wife the last version of the novel "Master and Margarita".

Before the war in two Soviet theaters, there were performances on the play M. A. Bulgakov "Don Quixote".

From February 1940, friends and relatives were constantly on duty at the bed of M. Bulgakov. On March 10, 1940, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov died. On March 11, a civil servant was held in the building of the Union of Soviet Writers.

Before the memorial, the Moscow sculptor S. D. Mercurov took a posthumous mask from the face of M. Bulgakov.

M. Bulgakov was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. On his grave, at the request of his widow, E. S. Bulgakova was installed a stone, called "Calvary", who had previously lying on the grave.

Bulgakov treated respectfully. Once in the name of the wife of the playwright Treneva, his neighbor in writing house, Bulgakov and Pasternak were at one table. Pasternak with some special breath read his translations of poems from Georgian. After the first toast, the mistress of Pasternak announced: "I want to drink Bulgakov!" In response to the objection of the birthday men: "No, no! Now we will drink for Vikentia Vikentievich, and then for Bulgakov! " - Pasternak exclaimed: "No, I want for Bulgakov! Versereev, of course, is a very big man, but he is a legal phenomenon. And Bulgakov - illegal! ".

After the death of the writer, the poem "Memory M. A. Bulgakov" (March 1940) wrote.

Michael Bulgakov. Roman with mystery

Personal life Mikhail Bulgakov:

The first wife is Tatiana Nikolaevna Lappa (1892-1982), the first wife, the main prototype of the character Anna Kirillovna in the story of "Morphy". It was married in the period 1913-1924.

Tatyana Lappa - Mikhail Bulgakov's first wife

Second Wife - Love Evgenievna Belozerskaya (1895-1987). They were married in 1925-1931.

Love Belozerskaya - the second wife Mikhail Bulgakov

The third wife is Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya (1893-1970). Married in 1932. She was the main prototype of the Margarita character in the novel "Master and Margarita". After the death of the writer - the keeper of his literary heritage.

Tale and novels Mikhail Bulgakov:

"Chichikov's adventures" (poem 10 points with prologue and epiralogue, October 5, 1922)
"White Guard" (Roman, 1922-1924)
"Deviliad" (Tale, 1923)
"Notes on Cuffs" (Tale, 1923)
"Bagher Island" (tale, published in Berlin in 1924)
"Fat Eggs" (Tale, 1924)
"Dog's Heart" (Tale, 1925, published in the USSR in 1987)
"The Great Chancellor. Prince Darkness "(part of the draft version of the novel" Master and Margarita ", 1928-1929)
"Copyto engineer" (Roman, 1928-1929)
"Secret friend" (an unfinished story, 1929, published in the USSR in 1987)
"Master and Margarita" (Roman, 1929-1940, published in the USSR in 1966-1967, the second option in 1973, the final version in 1990)
"Life of Mr. de Moliere" (Roman, 1933, published in the USSR in 1962)
"Theatrical Roman" ("Notes of the Deader") (an unfinished novel (1936-1937), published in the USSR in 1965).

Plays, Libretto, Mikhail Bulgakov filmcenery:

Zoykin Apartment (Piece, 1925, in the USSR was delivered in 1926, came out with a massive circulation in 1982)
"The days of turbine" (play, written on the basis of the "White Guard" novel, 1925, in the USSR set in 1925, came out with a massive circulation in 1955)
"Run" (Piece, 1926-1928)
"Bagher Island" (Piez, 1927, published in the USSR in 1968)
"Kabala Svyatosh" (play, 1929, (in the USSR was delivered in 1936), in 1931 he was admitted to the censorship to stand up with a number of bills called "Moliere", but also in such a formation was postponed)
"Dead Souls" (Roman's Stage, 1930)
"Adam and Eve" (Piez, 1931)
"Polo-Journey" (play, 1932, published in the USSR in 1965)
"Bliss (Sleep of the Reina Engineer)" (Piez, 1934, published in the USSR in 1966)
"Auditor" (filmceneuria, 1934)
"Alexander Pushkin" (Piez, 1935 (published in the USSR in 1955)
"An extraordinary incident, or an auditor" (Piece by Comedy Nikolai Gogol, 1935)
Ivan Vasilyevich (Piez, 1936)
"Minin and Pozharsky" (Opera Libretto, 1936, published in the USSR in 1980)
"Black Sea" (Opera Libretto, 1936, published in the USSR in 1988)
"Rashel" (Opera Libretto based on Madmoiselle Fifi story Gi de Maupassana, 1937-1939, published in the USSR in 1988)
"Batum" (play on youth I. V. Stalin, the initial name "Shepherd", 1939, published in the USSR in 1988)
Don Quixote (Opera Libretto by Miguel de Servantes, 1939).