How to write about your first teacher. I want to tell about my teacher

The first teacher is not only the one who gave you the first knowledge, but also the one who attracted you love for school and school. This person plays a big role in the fate of everyone, and we must be grateful to him for everything he did for us.

I remember how I first went to school. The eyes stick out of the lack of sleep, the heavy backpack pulled the shoulders, and the big white bows decorated their heads. Walking in the form was terribly uncomfortable, I stood on the line with difficulty, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers I wanted to give anyone. "I will no longer come to this strange, terrible place," I thought about school then. It didn't want to get up every day at six in the morning, but to learn and suppressed.

That day I met her - Maria Alekseevna. She had to become our first teacher, the class teacher 1 "in" class. Frankly, at first glance, I did not like it. I looked at her and thought that the latter and the evil of man I have not seen. But how often it happens in children, my first impression was false. Maria Alekseevna turned out to be a good and responsive woman. She loved the children very much and really tried to teach us something, and did not do it for a tick. She never screamed, tried to explain the material to explain the material, spent the workouts, games and open lessons with us.

The first knowledge was made to me difficult, I did not want to learn, I had no motivation. But Maria Alekseevna was not angry, she calmly explained the topic class, and then clarified the moments incomprehensible to me. With its help, I had the first knowledge, the first fives and, most importantly, there was a desire to learn. Only thanks to Maria Alekseevna, I went to school with pleasure that I was doing to this day. Lessons are no longer a problem for me, I grab all the material, with a half-clow. Do not convey words how much I am grateful to this woman who managed to interest me and teach learning.

What is my opinion about the first teachers? I think they play a big role in our lives, if not the main thing. The first teachers are an important stage of cultivation, who needs to give tribute to respect.

Writing on my first teacher

I remember that when I have not yet went to school, I was very afraid who my teacher would be. After all, this is exactly the person who will need to obey. Mom was also very worried about what my first teacher will be. We waited for this day when we see him and we can finally meet you personally.

And now he came the day. The first of September is all beautiful and smiling everywhere. Very worry stand waiting and even a little scary. And not even from the fact that there are many unfamiliar persons around me. I just had important to see the teacher and meet him. And finally, the moment has come. I see him, my first teacher.

Radiant smile and good eyes. Our acquaintance was good, we all met each other and we were told about what awaits us. The first impression was positive from him. The teacher's tone was a calm and pleasant voice that did not carry any negative. In subsequent school days I wanted to talk more to the teacher, ask something or tell something. But my silent and fear were in the first place. In a certain day, I can't remember what happened, but then I sat for her desk alone, and the teacher approached me. This is an incredible person who helped me up the mood and support me in a certain situation. So much good and warmth, as from him, I did not feel anyone from anyone.

I forever remembered my first teacher. I would not forget how with trepidation and excitement was waiting for his arrival. With a smile on my face I remember how I was afraid to speak with him for the first time, or to ask him something. In fact, it was a very friendly person who would never refuse and understand from a half-clow. Of course, he also knew how to be angry. But, this is exclusively our fault. Memories of it only positive and I am glad that it was such a teacher.

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11 class

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Nov 14, 2013 7:12:38 PM (2 years ago)

here are several of them :) the first teacher

Thank you for the fate.
What we're lucky in life
What did you bring the hand
By the beginning of a hard way!
Sowed in the hearts of good,
Recognize taught evil
And fairness of mine
You conquered all the children!
You were we guide
With our meeting with the letter.
You helped us to open the world,
Write and Book Friend!
Always for each of us
You have found time
And every day, and every hour
You were patient!
We love you with all my heart
And adults and kids
Our girls and boys,
And quiet, and chali!
We never forget
Radiant light of favorite eyes
We wish you healthy to be
We want to see you happy!

about the days of celebrations and inconspicuous Budy
Being in which year, in what edge -
We will not remember good word

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The first teacher is mine.

In 2007, I went to the first class of gymnasium No. 1.

My first teacher is Olga Ivanovna Krochkin.

From the first school day she really liked me. She taught us to write, read, count, draw and make a variety of crafts. She taught us to respect the elders, appreciate friends and girlfriends. She helps us overcome difficulties.

Olga Ivanovna Fair, kind, wise and beautiful teacher. Many girls from our class want to be similar to her.

She does not make comments on trifles. Olga Ivanovna appreciates our time and takes care of our health.

She spends a lot of personal time with us-students. She walks with us in hiking, the theater, circus, goes on the excursion.

All guys like when Olga Ivanovna spends an exciting program for different holidays. She remembers the birthdays of each student and will definitely congratulate a small gift.

This year we finish the fourth grade and go to the fifth - in ...

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Story about the first teacher

Home\u003e Other\u003e First teacher story

Story about the first teacher

"Human learning, and unacceptable - darkness," says folk wisdom. The life of each person illuminates the teacher. The teacher opens his job, a big world that his life is devoted to. For a good teacher, I want to enter his world. The world of my teacher is his student. When the question arose in front of me, about which teacher would write, I did not think of a debt. I want to tell immediately about your teacher, who seems to me, strongly affects me. This is my first teacher - Svetlana Vladimirovna. She teaches us for four years, is our cool leader. I say about Svetlana Vladimirovna - a wonderful teacher, a wonderful woman. We met with Svetlana Vladimirovna, when they came to the first class. As it seemed to me, the staruga and demanding teacher at first I was very afraid. But...

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Story schoolchild about his class.

We have a big class. Sometimes we are friends, and sometimes quarrel. But more friendly. After all, in our class there are very different guys. There are excellent students, they are the smartest of us. Excellent always have ready homework and can be written off. And they always respond well at the board and write test work on the top five. Even in our class there is a dummy. He is always late for her lessons, rarely makes homework, often comes untidy and with unleashed laces, but we still have friends with him because he is kind. And in the lessons of labor, he always behaves well and even fives. Most guys in our class are good and tearing.

There are guys engaged in sports in our class. They go to workout after class. Many boys run on football, and girls for gymnastics and dancing. In physical education, the teacher always praises them and says that they need to take an example. I also want to go to the sports section.
And in our class ...

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At the edge of the village stood a small house. Next to the house was a beautiful garden. In the house there was a teacher Maria Ivanovna. Once she taught first-graders, and now she was retired.

One day, staying at work, I passed by the house of Maria Ivanovna, my first teacher. Already began to darken. I heard some sounds in the garden. And I decided to get closer. I saw that Maria Ivanovna collected apples from the ground. I must say that that year turned out to be rich in the harvest of apples. The weather was wonderful, and the apples were a sea.

Calculating Maria Ivanovna, I entered the gate. She stood not far away. In Podol, her apron were apples. Rather, apples were everywhere: in boxes, on earth, on branches. I volunteered to help. We collected apples for a long time and remembered our school weekdays. Maria Ivanovna said that our release was one of the best and she often recalls him. I told Maria Ivanovna about my work.

Soon we were finished, but it was clear that the next day, again, a large number of apples would be on Earth. Apples already ...

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The most important years of his life is a person in school. School for a long time remains in the heart of every person a bright stage of the life path.

For each of us, the school is the second home. There is a second mother here - our first teacher. It was she who taught us to write, read, logically thinking. The teacher teaches us to be kind, honest, correctly communicate, be friends.

The school gives us a support, gives heat and joy. Every morning we rush into your bright class, where a teacher welcomes us for a warm smile.

School is the main stage in our life. She forms character, teaches us to relate to the world around us. In school, we find the first real friends and the first love.

The school is the place where we are experiencing the first joys of victories and try to hide bitter tears of lesions. The school teaches us to overcome difficulties and do not stop on the achieved. The school passes many events - intellectual, sports and ...

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So many years have passed since I first crossed the threshold of my school ... I can not believe that more than ten years have passed since I am a little girl with huge bows and a bouquet went into my first class.

Then I have not even suspected that it is waiting for me in this huge building, who will help me not get lost in confused corridors, who will open the door to me in the magical country of knowledge.

Now I can say that I was incredibly lucky, so lucky very few. After all, a person who had to help such a little girl was not lost in such a big school, became the most beautiful teacher in the world. Olga Semenovna, a woman in the years, became my faithful companion during the first years of my school life.

What can I say about my first teacher ... This is a wonderful person. I remember her branded phrases even after many years. Those methods that she used to teach us, deserve respect. It is thanks to him that I moved to high school with a huge baggage of knowledge, which were not many children from parallel classes for his age.

Let them sometimes were strict: I ranked the bell over the ear, if the discipline chrome, put on the board and read the moral lectures, but in many respects it is thanks to such methods I can be proud of good, even excellent, upbringing!

Then, in the first, in the second grade, I sometimes offended my teacher, which gives difficult tasks that scolding and teaches life, but now I definitely realized that all this was not in vain that every student of my class is ready to express her immense thanks For all the fact that she invested our still little heads.

I want to stay separately on its appearance. Imagine the classic image of a teacher from books: high growth, glasses on the tip of the nose, hair, cleaned in a strict beam, an unpleasant voice and a pointer in the hands. So, now forget all this. This is absolutely opposite to what my favorite first teacher was. Olga Semenovna was a small height with good and tired by age, sitting in a spacious chair, with a calm and quiet voice, kind and open heart and a huge talent for children's learning.

Years passed, I went through many different classes, many different teachers: strict and kind, open and secretive, smart and not very. But in my memory it will forever, it will remain - my first teacher who helped me discover the whole of this huge world, full of unknown maze, knowledge and discoveries.

Essay about the first teacher

For the first time in the first class, I went at the age of six. Then, about studying at school and teachers I heard from the stories of the older brother, then he studied in grade 5. Listening to his school stories, I had such an opinion that the teachers do not always happen, kind and fair with students. And thus, I still wanted to know what the teachers are. On September 1, before the solemn part of the holiday, I got acquainted with our teacher. My first teacher called Valentina Ivanovna.

It was a woman of forty-five years old with good eyes and with blond hair neatly collected from behind in a beam, as the teacher relies. From the moment of dating, we immediately loved her. We were not the first her disciples, so she was already a teacher with experience. She had a very pleasant and calm voice, she always clearly explained the material, and if someone did not understand something, then it was not difficult for her to explain again. And there was always silence in her lessons, everyone behaved calmly and were passionate about the lesson, but on a change, we, we were a little betrayed, and I remember, there was a very unpleasant case. The boys from our class accidentally broke in the corridor of the school pot with a flower, for which our teacher was very rejugal school director. She calmly understood in a situation, talked to the culprit of the incident and the next day brought his flower in a pot from the house. And it was not the only case when Valentina Ivanovna helped us out. She was a very kind and fair teacher.

Our class she studied 4 years, and when it came to go to a new stage of classes, it was very sad to part with Valentine Ivanovna. After all, she not only taught us mathematics, reading and other subjects, she was still very careful and worried about us.

But the circumstances in her life have developed so that our class was the last for her in this school. After graduating from grade 4, we learned that her husband died, who was disabled for several years, and she cared for him. After she did not decide to change the qualifications a little bit. She learned in special courses, and now he has been working at school for children with disabilities. Now studying in the 11th grade, we remember our early years at school and our first teacher. We always once a year, try to gather our once grade 4 and visiting our first teacher. She is a wonderful teacher and has become an excellent example of kindness and care for us.

My bright, kind teacher is Love Yakovlevna.

I remember how I came to the first class, as I saw her, as he said hello. Lyubov Yakovlevna taught me for four years. She loved us, as their own grandchildren and worried about us. I went to school to see her, I always ran to school with joy.

But trouble happened: Lyubov Yakovlevna fell into the hospital. We transferred her drawings to her in the hospital, we wanted to please her so that she quickly recovered.

Four years have passed. I will never forget you ever. You will always be in my heart forever. We will not forget your affection.

We love you, love Yakovlevna!

Kudrin Matvey

Dear first graders!

I want you to get into the class of kind and affectionate teacher in the world - to Love Yakovlevna. She will teach you a lot, this teacher cannot but obey, she always says that it will come in handy in life.

If you have a birthday, she will always congratulate you. In the soul, she will always be for you and will definitely help if you have problems.

The first teacher is Mom. Always give her affection, love, and for my birthday give her a big beech colors. Her name love confirms all the above.

When we moved to high school, Love Yakovlevna cried, but we, too. Even now we live on it.

First-graders, take care of it. She is alone, and you are a lot.

Zaitsev Nikita

My best teacher is Love Yakovlevna. She is very pleasant and kind. I often appeal to her for help and always leaving answered very kind and loving.

Love Yakovlevna gives smart tips, good knowledge and love. It is pleasant to talk to her. I love her with all my heart and want her to live for a long time and remained the same beautiful. And I also want to come to her new students and went to the 5th grade, as smart as we.

Shipitsina Natasha

My first teacher is Golovanov Love Yakovlevna. She is already old, but she teaches children now. When I learned from her, I really liked it. I went to school with great pleasure. She was me like the second mother, hegan to everything that could, helped me go to the fifth grade.

When they were vacation, I always thought about her. And on the first of September I was always happy to see her and give a bouquet of flowers. Love Yakovlevna kind, but strict, fun. Thanks to her, our class has become the best.

Nikolaev Konstantin

There was a wonderful sunny day. The first of September. Mom led my hand to my first teacher. And so I go into bright, full of good class. She was near the teacher's table - love Yakovlevna.

My first day for the point. I sit, not moving, and listen to her gentle voice.

Our feast teacher,

We will remember forever you,

How many years will pass, and still we will come to you

And in the storm, in the rain and slush.

We love you very much and always love!

Zlobin Polina.

When I came to the 1st grade, I was met by love Yakovlevna. We loved her very much, respected. In us, she invested his whole soul, I really want to be like it.

I love you and respect you

For this you taught us

I wish you a lot of happiness

And happy birthday congratulations.

Spoken Vika

Once I was 7 years old, I needed to go to my very first class.

I got up about nine o'clock in the morning, washed and started dressing. And so we have come to the street. It was light on the street, the sun straightened, a weak breeze, a light breeze. On the way, I went with my mother to the store and bought a bouquet of flowers.

When I entered the school, I saw that there were balloons with a circle and the inscription "from September 1!" Was concerned.

In the class we met love Yakovlevna. I felt her smell of perfume, her heartbeat and breathing, I saw that she was also worried.

During all 4 years, she taught us with love and understanding. I still remember her good heart, beautiful eyes.

Matvienko Alexander

Dear love Yakovlevna!

You are for me the most favorite teacher, you are the best of the best! You treat all in good faith, never threw us in trouble, always helped us. Yes, somewhere we scolded us, you made a smart girl from me. And I want to tell you a lot. Thank you for sending me to the 5th grade smart and prepared. I really miss you! I wish you health, long years of life!

And now I would like to turn to first graders.

Dear first graders! You will live with the love of Yakovlevna in one class for 4 years. Take care of it, do not argue, love how we loved her. While you are with her in one class, you are a family!

Beloborodova Valery

"My favorite teacher! My favorite teacher!" - I repeat these three words at the sight of your first teacher. I will try to plunge into the past and remember my days in elementary school. So, let's begin.

I remember how I got up early in the morning, no one had to wake me up. I walked with a fun mood to school. And there I was met by my teacher. She was dressed gorgeous, smile on face. She is good, fair, refers to everyone equally.

I remember that I had many friends at school, but my best friend is a teacher. She has fun, suited us various games, invented jokes. She invested in us very good knowledge. I told and showed us so that we all understood well. But most importantly, she invested in us - this is their soul.

My favorite teacher,

My kind, gentle friend,

I will never forget you

Touch your gentle hands.

You were us like mom,

Helped like a faithful friend

You were always friendly,

And do not forget you, do not forget.

That's all, the journey ended in the past. This teacher now teaches children at school, and no one secret, as her name is Golovanov Love Yakovlevna.

Sokolov Vladislav.

My very first teacher is Love Yakovlevna. She is kind, fair, yes ..., I do not deny that she scolded us, but always for business. Thanks to her, we grew up good people, good disciples. If something did not work, Love Yakovlevna was always ready to help, even at the difficult moment. We conducted interesting events with her, she did not have pets. They were all! She rallied us, we became the best class.

My favorite teacher,

I will never forget you.

I will love you forever,

And I will always remember!

Schmidt Ilya

Dear first graders! I want you to go in the future to learn to my teachers E Love Yakovlevna.

This teacher is very kind, always comes to help. She gave us a lot of knowledge. We are proud of our teacher!

Morozov Nikita

When we were graduation, we said goodbye to the best teacher, I then realized that she was us as the second mother. She taught us a good, gave knowledge. Sometimes we laughed at the lessons. She spent ridiculous cool clocks, scolded us for disobedience and balobiness.

She has the most tender hands, the most affectionate voice. She is the most cool teacher. She will always be with us!

Mizina Anastasia

Hello, with you a heading "My teacher", and I am her leading Ferrenik Maria. Today I invited to visit the guests of school №15, who decided to tell about their teacher.

What is your teacher?

Golovanov Love Yakovlevna.

What would you say about her as a teacher?

Love Yakovlevna is a wonderful teacher, because she gives all the soul to teach us a new one. Her work is very hard, but it has many years of experience, so it all turns out, she copes with everything. For us, she is a teacher with a capital letter. We also want to congratulate her on the anniversary and wish her huge health!

Thanks for the kind words. We hope that Yakovlevna love heard us. To new meetings!

Ferrency Maria

My first teacher ...
You entered the school with us.
We are the joy of the incomparable,
We are your first call - crazy, cheerful.
You taught us numbers and words,
You taught us with blots fight.
And one hundred councils for any cases
Gave us to try to achieve.
We watched the world through you,
His beauty and power was comprehended,
You generously gave us all myself,
We opened the horizons of Dale.
You taught to believe and dream,
Gave heart, kindness and affection,
He taught never to retreat.
The huge world you turned into a fairy tale!
Earth bow from all students
Teachers that we have to go to life.
Let our destinies are better than all colors
Your long, good way accompany.

Golovanova Lyubov Yakovlevna

"Human learning, and unacceptable - darkness," says folk wisdom. The life of each person illuminates the teacher. The teacher opens his job, a big world that his life is devoted to. For a good teacher, I want to enter his world. The world of my teacher is his student. When the question arose in front of me, about which teacher would write, I did not think of a debt. I want to tell immediately about your teacher, who seems to me, strongly affects me. This is my first teacher - Svetlana Vladimirovna. She teaches us for four years, is our cool leader. I say about Svetlana Vladimirovna - a wonderful teacher, a wonderful woman. We met with Svetlana Vladimirovna, when they came to the first class. As it seemed to me, the staruga and demanding teacher at first I was very afraid. But Svetlana Vladimirovna quickly turned our ideas "from the legs on the head." Cheerful and at the same time strict, kind and demanding, it instantly became the subjects of our permanent conversations. Many of us did not believe that in one person such qualities can be combined. We initiated, we started more and more to get to her, and she loved us. Sometimes we can distracted right in the lesson from the topic, listen to the stories about her life, joke and laugh that it does not prevent a new material at all. Svetlana Vladimirovna always knows how to revive boring lessons. Of course, not always everything was smooth, there were also unpleasant stories, but about them, I think, and not worth talking. Svetlana Vladimirovna always goes to us towards us, did not regret and does not regret my own time in order to help us. But the main thing is not even this, the main thing is that with the help of Svetlana Vladimirovna we managed to understand what a truly good teacher is. It seems to me that every teacher wants that his student has achieved success in studying his subject, in adulthood, and even surpassed his teacher. It will be the best gift and will mean that the teacher managed to teach everything he himself. It seems to me that the teacher can carry us what is interesting to him. She is good and at the same time strict and in any situation trying to find a compromise. When you come to her lesson, you charge positive emotions. She helps to find us something in life, find the path that will help discover their best qualities. Svetlana Vladimirovna gave us what he can give not every teacher: the warmth of the soul, the joy of meetings, kindness, radiant and a bright smile. I am sure that all students ever learned from her love, remember and respect this wonderful and sincere person. And I am very glad that it was such a person on my life journey. . Years will be held, much will change. I will become an adult, mastering your favorite profession, but I will definitely return to my native walls, I will come to class where we sat at the desks, where we learned the ability to be a person, I studied with her beloved teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna. I think that such a teacher as she, kinder and better, will no longer. I will never forget my teacher who opened me the way to life!

Each person in his life was the first tooth, the first word, the first book ... Together with my mother I did the first steps ... She brought me to his hand in the first class, where the teacher led me further on the roads of knowledge. It is about him that I want to tell. First teacher! He taught me to read, write and count, be friends, love the motherland, nature, respect the elders ... I remember how he was happy about my successes, worried and worried about me, and sometimes he was angry. It seemed to me that he was especially strict with me, picky and demanding. And I did not understand why. I remember the first lesson, the first part of which I met my first friend, the first textbooks, the first award and the first two ... So much of the first is connected with the first teacher! My first teacher was always kind and strict, friendly and fair. With what impatience we were waiting for the morning to make new discoveries with him. No one guessed: In order to come in the morning, the teacher was sitting at the table in the morning, looking for an interesting material for tomorrow's lesson. At the time when we went to bed, he still checked our notebooks, invented, composed, and sometimes went to bed in the morning. He wanted that we would be happy to go to school and did not bored in class. By giving yourself to other children, unfortunately, little time left for his family. The teacher seeks the disciples to understand him, because the work of any teacher is aimed at ensuring that the guys had a happy future. I am grateful to my first teacher for my first class, for everything he taught me. Thank you, Olga Aleksandrovna! Thank you, mom