Biography of Klestakov from the story of the auditor Gogol. Heroes of the "Auditor" Gogol

Khlestakov - "Elista" from St. Petersburg, a typical representative of the official, turned in departments and living rooms, book shops and coffee houses. He saw something, I heard something. The main thing in the life of the hollytakov was money, ranks, careers and secular life. But it was not possible to carry it out all this, and he rides the village. In the head of the Khlezkov "ease of extraordinary in thoughts", he is ready for any adventure: to be played, playing cards, weak. And here and the case is convenient converted - it is taken for the auditor. In the scene of the lies, he reaches the top, although he is constantly lying. And here there is a feature of the comedy of Gogol: the truth does not believe, and listened with open mouths. It first seems to us that Khlestakov is naive, but it is not. He simply takes the circumstances in which it falls. It seems to us that Osip suggests the owner "Wasy", but also Klestakov suspects something wrong in the current situation: "It seems to me however, they take me for a state person ... Equoo fool!" Drawing in front of Maria Antonovna, he almost said it: "Prying, madam, I am very pleased that you have taken me for such a person who ...", but it is uncompressed in time, so as not to bring trouble on yourself. Khlestakov realized that he was accepted for another, and willingly enters the role. He did not inflate officials, they deceived themselves.

The character of the horstykova is typical for many people. N.V. Hogol himself wrote: "Anyone at least for a minute ... Made or was done by Khlestakov ... and the dexterous Guards officer sometimes will be whispered by Khlestakov, and the state husband ... and our brother, a sinful writer. In a word, rarely who will not be at least once in life. " Each comedy character has its own Klestakovshchyna: at the glooming city, Shpekina, in the character of the Osip.

We meet with Klestakov immediately, in "Remarks for the Lords of the Actors": "Khlestakov, a young man of the age of 23, thin, Slim, somewhat silent and, as they say, without the king in the head ... Says and acts without any consideration ... Speech of him And words fly out of the mouth completely unexpected ... dressed in fashion. "

The scene is disclosed in front of us a bright image of a hollekove. He came to Petersburg from Saratov province to succeed in the service. Having been in the noble front and snapshot, glancing in the metropolitan trendy clothes, Khlekakov is forced to return home to his father, trading parental money and having achieved anything in the service.

Khlestakov, according to Osip, "Ostridishka is simple." "The second month went, like from Peter! Profined the expensive money, darling, now sits and the tail turned up. " He is a negligible son of the parent, speaks of his father that he is "stubborn and stubborn, old hell, a log." Living in the village of Khlestakov does not like, he is more like a metropolitan life. "My soul is eager for enlightenment," "After all, you live to tear the flowers of pleasure."

In different cities, on the way home, he tries to show himself with a secular man, Kutit, loses the latter money, because For him, "tempting to play." And he remains in the city without funds, he faces the prison.

Long sitting in the hotel, the fear of the arrival of the auditor and makes the officials led by the Gingerbird in the passing "Elista" of the state official.

I realized that he was taken for an important bird, whipping "let dust". When he tells the truth, officials consider her a lie, and when Khlestakov is lying, they accept his words for the truth.

Khlestakov is lying so that he himself believes in the heat in said and cannot stop. But he is not so stupid, as it seems at the beginning. He understands that he was accepted for a government official, and it tries to extract from this the greatest benefit for himself: extorts money, takes bribes, makes it difficult for his daughter and wife of Governing.

When he understands that it is time to end this game, what Osip asks for him, he sends a letter to his friend to Raguccin to St. Petersburg, where he really gives the characteristic to all city officials. He is ungratable, forgets about money, receptions, lunches and benefactors, writes that "Gingerbread is stupid, like a blue member", "Strawberry - Perfect Pig in Yermolka", etc.

The comedy "Auditor", written in the first half of the 19th century, did not lose their meaning to this day. There are also among us granted, panels and other heroes, similar to their features on the heroes of the comedy. There are among us and whip. No wonder they say: it's lying like xles. Khlestakov - the image of an empty, worthless person who is not capable of anything good for society. He loves to give him "devotion and respect", not giving anything in return.

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We are already accustomed to the fact that, basically, life presents to us surprises in the form of troubles and difficulties. Probably, therefore, the stories with the reverse flow of circumstances are perceived by us as something from a series of outgoing. Such situations seem to be at least ironic. The story, told in the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Auditor", except that, in essence, is a gift of fate, it is also based on the proportion of absurd. This combination makes the work unique and attractive.

Biography of Klezlekova

Naturally, when reading the work, we first pay attention to the main character. So, Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov - a young landowner, nobleman, who once got into an awkward situation.

He happened to seriously play the cards. In order to fix their position a little, it goes to his parents in the estate.

Since his path is long, he, despite the lack of finance, stops at the hotel of N. Here is a smiling lucky to him.

He is taken for the long-awaited auditor from Moscow. The bold behavior and manner keep in society do not leave officials in doubt - in their opinion, only the auditor can behave.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the story of N.V. Gogol

Since in the city of N. Cases were not perfect, and the officials also retreat from their duties, of course not in favor of the inhabitants of the city, but in favor of their pocket, the problems associated with checking their work, to avoid honestly it is impossible. Nobody wants to lose your cereal place, so everything as one they go to Khlestakov and give him bribes - the key to the fact that they will remain under their posts and avoid problems.

At first, Khlestakov was in bewilderment, but then decided to take advantage of the situation in full. With money in his pocket, he was successfully retraced from the city. The news about his fictitiousness as an auditor was known too late - to blame Khlezlekov and demand the return of money from him - a stupid occupation. In this case, it would be necessary to recognize the fact of bribery, and this would be the collapse of the career of officials.

Exterior of the horstykova

Like most of the rods and villains, Khlestakov has pleasant, with confidence features of the face. He has brown hair, "cute nozzles" and fast eyes that make even decisive people are confused. He is not tall. Its complex is far from graceful and physically developed young men - he is overlooking.

Such physical data significantly spoil the impression produced by him. But the cunning xlekakov finds a dexterous way to correct the situation - an expensive and well-kept suit.

Ivan Alexandrovich understands that the first impression of him always develops on the basis of its appearance, so it can not afford to allow a missing thing here - clothes from expensive fabric, sewing based on fashion trends. It is always cleaned to the brilliance - such an external factor significantly distracts the attention of society from the inner essence of a person.

Horstkova family, education

How did you need to look and how to behave in the first half of the XIX century to go for the auditor?

First of all, it was necessary to be born an aristocrat. A person who has a common origin, creating the visibility of belonging to the Higher Society - the case is extremely difficult.

The manner of talking, plastic movements, gesturing - it was necessary to learn for many years. For people of noble origin, such a style was commonplace, they adopted it from their parents, their acquaintances who came to visit.

Ivan Alexandrovich was not the luminaire of the highest society, but still he was a nobleman by origin. His parents own the rejection. About the state of affairs and importance of the estate knows little - the fact that parents sent money to their son, says that the estate was not unprofitable, it brought sufficient income to ensure the life of the whole family at least the most necessary.

Nothing knows about the formation of the hollekove. It is likely that he received the "average" education. Such a conclusion can be made on the basis of the position held by him. Khlestakov works by a college registrar. This type of civil service was at the very end of the list of the Tabel about ranks. If the parents of the horstakov were consistent, they would have been able to provide their best position with the help of connections or money. Since this did not happen, then talk about the big income of the family or the importance of them against the background of the aristocracy is inappropriate.

Now summarize all the data: Financial instability has always been inherent in Khlestakov, their income has never been high (if they were rich ever, they could get better with connections or acquaintances during the material take-off of their family), which means sending the sons to learn abroad Or hire him highly qualified teachers they had no money.

Attitude to service

The accurate age of the horstykova is not specified. Gogol limits its frames 23- 24 with a small years. Mostly people of this age are full of enthusiasm and the desire to realize themselves. But this is not the case of horstykova. Ivan Alexandrovich pretty frivolously relates to his work, he is little interested in the increase and the possibility of career growth. His work is not complicated and consists in rewriting papers, but to cherish in the affairs of the Khlestakov service laziness. Instead of working, he goes for a walk, or plays cards.

Such his carelessness is connected, first of all, with the fact that Khlestakov does not suffer from a lack of money. Yes, living in a poor apartment, which is located on the fourth floor, but, judging by all, such a state of affairs does not confuse Ivan Alexandrovich. It is likely that he is not used to living in luxury apartments and therefore does not seek to correct the established housing situation. For the horst, the value of life is concluded in other things - leisure and clothing. But the situation is changing radically when Khlestakov needs to be stopped in an unfamiliar city - here it stops only in the best apartments. It is likely that such a move is connected with the desire of the Klezlekov to create a person's impression so rich that all others who do not know the real state of things began to envy him. It is possible that the calculation is not only for the feeling of envy, with which Ivan Aleksandrovich assertizes, but also on the opportunity to get some bonuses from local officials or hotel owner.

It is also added to this fact that Hellekov is not able to compete with the ricers of St. Petersburg, in which he lives the main time and works. Remaining cheap housing allows him to save money on those things that would be allocated from the same as it as he is on the attributes of the appearance. After all, he does not necessarily invite everyone to his home or spread without the need about the location of his housing, but the condition and low cost of the costume can serve him a bad reputation. Since the lingerie is important for the holling, the manner of very secured aristocrats is important, then he does not have anything to save on permanent accommodation.

The parents of Ivan Alexandrovich are discouraged by the lack of a son's promotion. Apparently, they did a big bet on his ability. Father periodically expresses his indignation on this matter, but the son always finds justification - not all at once. Increases need to deserve long. In fact, such an excuse is a lie, allowing to hide the true state of affairs.

Life in Petersburg

Ivan Alexandrovich does not think his life without St. Petersburg. It was in this place that everything that is so cute to His heart is the opportunity to spend time in a variety of pleasures. He with hunting every day goes to the theater, does not refuse himself the pleasure of playing cards. By the way, he always wishes to play always and everywhere, but not everyone and not always, Hellekova gets to win - staying with his nose to him the usual business.

Ivan Alexandrovich loves an exquisite cuisine and does not refuse himself the pleasure of tasty and sat down.

Characteristic personality

First of all, Hellets stand out in society the ability to beautifully and folded - for a person preferring to live the illusion of consistency, create the appearance of a significant person, is a necessity.

Ivan Alexandrovich is aware of his gaps in knowledge, but does not hurry to eradicate them - a fictitious success, created by his lies, arrogant and pompous species, paint it.

Neverthey, from time to time, he reads books and even trying to write something on his own, but judging by the fact that there are no feedback from other characters about his works, we can conclude that these attempts were not crowned with success.

Histakov loves when he was praised and admire him, this is another reason to invent something about his life. He loves to be the center of attention - it is difficult to achieve such success in St. Petersburg, but in the province, where even his manner speaks to the capital manner causes a storm of positive emotions - this is an easy thing.

Khlestakov is not distinguished by courage, he is not ready to respond to his actions. When officials come to her hotel room, his heart overwhelms fear before being arrested. In essence, he rag, but but a good actor - he knows how to create the appearance of a person significant and very intelligent, although in fact neither the first nor the second does not correspond to the true situation of things.

Chillytov's attitude to women

Gogol is silent about the relationship of the Kleskov with women in St. Petersburg, but actively paints the behavior of Ivan Alexandrovich with female representatives in the province.

Khlestakov knows how to play the public and cause people a sense of sympathy - this applies not only to the indicators of pupils and displacement aristocraticness. Khlestakov - skillful seducer and seducer. He is nice to society of women and their attention.

It is unlikely that he puts the target to acquire his wife. For Klezlekova, love hobbies are a kind of way of playing, manipulating people.

Arriving to the city of N and having acquainted with the wife and daughter of the governor, he does not miss the opportunity to pokoke with both women. At first, he confesses to his daughter's love, but after a couple of minutes I swear in the love of my mother. Klezlekova does not confuse this fact. In addition, when Marya Antonovna (the daughter of the governor) becomes a random witness to the tenderness of the Klezlekov in relation to his mother, Ivan Alexandrovich, using the stupidity of women and having a sense of love towards him, wraps the whole situation in favor of the wedding with Marya Antonovna - at the same time Neither mother nor daughter understand their humiliating position and do not feel offended. Leaving from the city, Khlestakov understands that his walling was only for him for him, all the others, and Maria Antonovna, including, perceive everything for her pure coin. He does not bother his further fate of a young girl and the opportunity to injure her with his act - he leaves a city with a calm soul.

Thus, Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov is a typical villain, capable of bringing the sake of his pleasure to grief and hassle to other people. He does not appreciate the care of his parents and is not in a hurry to respond to those surrounding the same good for him. Most likely, on the contrary, he deftly enjoys the gullibility and the simplicity of others.

Characteristics of the image of the horstykova in quotes

Gogol character appears the central acting face of the famous Gogol text. Moreover, Khlestakov has already become the name of the nominal one, because the "father" of the character is Nicholas Gogol - it was possible to create one of the most successful, bright and capacious literary types. Here, for example, as his Creator His Creator describes:

Khlestakov, young man about twenty-three, thin, slender; Somewhat is silent and, as they say, without a king in the head, is one of those people who are called empty in the office. Says and acts without any consideration. He is not able to stop constant attention to some thought. The speech of his detachment, and the words fly out of his mouth completely unexpected. Moreover, the executing role will show comprehension and simplicity, the more he will win. Dressed in fashion ...

Remarik about the place of the image of the hollykov in the plot of Gogol Text
The hero falls into one of the small, provincial towns of the Russian Empire by chance. And just as accidentally, the whip creates the whirlwind of errors around itself. A man is constantly cooling and stumbles. However, at first the events add up for the horstykov successfully. With the arrival of the hero almost coincides the arrival of the auditor - a strict Russian official who intended to check things in the town. And here: the inhabitants of the city expect an arrival of the official, and accept our hero for him.

Khlestakov succeeds to successfully mimicarized under the audio larva. Over time, the Gogol Hero reveals its true entity. We are a hero - hinders and a gambler, a trains of parental money. The man loves women's society, the power, influence and money is eager. To the downstream, serf, the servants of the Khlestakov refers to be emphasized. The peasants hero calls the scoundrels, fraudsters, loafers and fools. Gets and loyal servant Klezlekova.

At the same time, Khlestakov seems to be very naive. The hero bring money as a bribe, meanwhile, a man perceives these "offerings" as a loan, exclamation:

Let me give me a loan, I'll settle down now with an interpreter ...

How to appreciate the image of the horstykova?

Of course, literary crituals puzzled how to properly appreciate the image of the hollekotov - in a positive or negative key. No, Gogol did not intend to submit his character with an evil gangster, a sinker, a cunning intrigue or a pass. Moreover, in our hero, so little tricks that Osip - a servant of the hero - sometimes shows much more wisdom than his owner.

Khlestakov is a victim of circumstances, the cycle of random events. The hero causes universal sympathy, because for the image of the hollykov characteristic are characteristic of such features, as a cute appearance, courtesy, charming (especially the smile of a man), as well as good-assessment. The hero belonged to the aristocratic clan, but showed the same inaccessibility to life, where he had to independently earn her accommodation, like all the nobles. The soul of a man was eager for St. Petersburg life.

Gogol estimates the horstykova as neutralized as possible. The writer represents the hero as a young man about the "twenty-three - twenty-four years old". The hero was distinguished by a welcoming and wool, the posture of the hero is beautiful, thin, slim. However, the young man was "somewhat silent and, as they say - without the king in the head, is one of those people who are called empty in the office."

"Hero's passport", according to Gogol text

1. Completely Gogol Hero was called Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov. Gingerbread emphasizes "Invisorism", that is, a shallowness, lowerness of the hero, who was not at all like a powerful auditor. However, the appearance of the horstotkova "is not enough", the young man clearly causes interest among the ladies, the favor of mature beauties and young maidens.

2. Before the hero came to the provincial edges, Khlestakov served in the St. Petersburg Office in the rank of college registrar. This is the lowest rank, according to the Russian table of ranks:

Would be really something clean, but then the elstrite is simple! ..

However, in the Saratov region, Khlezlekova had her own village, which was called the subcatellite. There is a Gogol Hero and headed, while the circumstances concluded due to the fault of the circumstances, did not go to the city of N. In St. Petersburg, Khlestakov occupies small apartments located on the top floor. Topper then occupied people who do not bragged a tight wallet:

... how to upload the stairs to myself on the fourth floor ...

3. To the service of the hero, the heart seemed not to lay. Therefore, instead of good and honest work, the young man burns life in entertainment establishments:

... Did not do: Instead of office, and he goes to walk along the Prophest, playing the picture<…> "No, the father requires me. An old man was angry, which still did not heal anything in St. Petersburg. He thinks that now I came yes now Vladimir in the pettitsa and give ... "

So, the Russian writer emphasizes that Khlestakov loved to lead a large lifestyle, indulge in various pleasures, spend money for trifles and envelope. The savings of Khlestakov did not give any way, so the hero periodically turned out to be completely "on the Mel" and led money from parental savings:

"Profine expensive money, a duct, now sits and the tail turned off, and will not be hot. Would, it would be very good for runs; No, you see, you need to show yourself in every city! .. "<…> "... the father will send money, whatever they have to recruit - and Kuda! .. I went to Kutch: I drive on the cab, every day you go to a keyshot ticket, and there in a week, look - and sends a new frak to the torture ..."

4. Khlestakov is characterized by love for luxury. Therefore, he does not refuse hero in anything, he lives not on his pocket, buys the most expensive things, prefers delicious food sings, theatrical performances, gambling, which more often lost, than won:

"And I confess, death I do not like to refuse myself on the road, and why? Is not it?.."<…> "... Hey, Osip, go to look at the room, the best, yes dinner ask the best: I can't eat bad lunch, I need the best lunch ..."<…> "I like to eat. After all, you live to tear the flowers of pleasure "<…> "I - I confess, this is my weakness - I love good cuisine"<…> "Tell me, please, do you have any entertainment, societies, where would you have, for example, play cards? .."<…> "... sometimes very tempting to play ..."<…> "... I get acquainted with passing, and then in the pictures - here you have done yourself! .."<…> "Yes, if I didn't get in Penza, I would have money to get home. The infantry captain has fetped me much: Stsos are amazing, the beast cuts. Just a quarter of an hour sat down - and everything did everything. And with all that fear I would like to fight with him again. Case just did not lead ... "

5. Khlestakov is prone to lies. The drama character is that the hero is sometimes inventing an alternative reality in which it believes. For example, according to the pseudo-auditor, he loves writing, writes literary texts, publishing stories and articles of their own production in magazines. Khlestakov, as the hero says, often reads books. However, even the reader and there is a sympathy for the negligent Gogolian character, still Khlestakov - a sinister. Let the fraudensome character of the Gogol character be casual in nature, still Gogol does not justify Klezlekov, and depicts the image of a young man objectively.

N. V. Gogol in his plays wanted to show a real "Russian character". And the auditor was one of the first such works. The main character of the Plays of Khlestakov displays the worst features inherent in his time officials. It is bribery, treasury, lechimetas and other properties.

Meet the Character

A brief image of the hollekove in the comedy "Auditor" is easy. Khlestakov is a young man who practically constantly suffers from a lack of money. At the same time, he is a plow and a fraudster. The main characteristic feature of the horstykova is a constant lion. Gogol himself has repeatedly warned theatrical actors: Khlestakov, despite the seeming simplicity, is the most complex character in the whole play. He is completely insignificant and all the despised man. Horstkova does not even respect his own servant, Osip.

Empty hopes and stupidity

Acquaintance with a short way Klezlekov in the auditor comedy reveals other verses of this character. The main character is not able to earn money to acquire the most necessary. He unconsciously despises himself. However, his own inconsistency does not allow him to comprehend the causes of his trouble, take some attempts to change life. He constantly seems to happen that a certain happy case should happen, which will make his existence without one. This empty hope and allows Khlestakov to feel like a significant face.

Good luck in the understanding of the husk

Preparing the material about the brief image of the horstykova in the comedy "Auditor", the student may noted: the universe in which Hellakov lives, represents an absolute riddle for him. It has no idea about what the ministers are doing, as his "friend" Pushkin behaves. The latter is the same xles for him - except that he is more successful. It is interesting to notice that the gingerbread together with approximate, although they are of intelligent people, were not embarrassed by the brazen lie of the main character. It also seems to them that everything solves His Majesty.

Someone was lucky, and he became director of the department. For this, they consider it, no mental and mental merit is required. All you need to do is to help occur; As it usually happens in the official sidelines, hang your own colleague. And the difference between these people and Khlestakov lies in the fact that the protagonist is frankly stupid. If he had at least in the iota in more difficult, he could recognize the delusion of others, began to start consciously play.

Unpredictable hero behavior

In the brief image of the horstyot in the comedy "Auditor", the student may noted that one of the main features of this character is the unpredictability of his behavior. In each specifically, this hero behaves "how it will happen." His hunger in a hotel in a hotel, he is under the threat of arrest - and he flatters the servant, begging him to bring something to eat. Bring lunch - he begins to jump on a chair from impatience. At the sight of a plate with food, he completely forgets how I knead the food from the owner. Now he turns into an important Mr.: "I spared on your owner!". These words can be used in the quotation characteristic of the horstakov in the comedy "Auditor". Character constantly behaves arrogant. His main features are a bhavalism, irresponsibility.


The characteristic of the image of the hollekove in the auditor comedy may contain information and the rudeness of this character. In this hero constantly makes itself felt by the showroom barnitude. He uses the word "man" with contempt, as if he says about something unworthy. Does not spare whores and landowners, calling them "pentyuhi". Even his father he calls "old hell." Only when the need comes, completely different intonations wake up in speech of this hero.

Mottry Khlylekova

To prepare briefly, the image of the horstakov in the comedy "Auditor", it is necessary to give a small description of the main features of this character. One of his key features, as was indicated, is a motley. This hero is constantly involved in the latest money. He craves entertainment, wants to delve pleasure - take the best apartments, getting better food. Do not disguise whores the game in the picture, every day loves to visit the theater. He seeks to impress the inhabitants of the city, produce Furore.

The image of the hollekova in the comedy "Auditor" briefly: a lie of the character

The lies of the horstykova does not know the boundaries. N. V. Gogol masterfully described his hero. Khlestakov first says, and only after that he begins to think. Finally, marking in lies, the main character begins and himself believes in its own significance. His speech is fragmentary, shotching. In conversations with others, he constantly stipulates that he has nothing to pay for his accommodation. However, no one listens to the horstyot. For example, during his conversation with Khlestakov, the Goryanki does not hear at all, what he seeks to tell him. Gingerbread is concerned only how to give a bribe and devoted a "important guest". It seems that the truthful of Khlestakov speaks, the less to his faith from others.

Klestakov is one of the brightest images in the auditor comedy. It is he who is the culprit of those extraordinary events that take place in the work. The great writer immediately makes it clear that Khlestakov is by no means a true auditor. But the whole point of this unusual character becomes clear not immediately.

Meet the Character

Working on an essay on the topic "The image of the Kleskov", the student must describe the characteristics of this hero in detail. In the city of Khlestakov, it is absolutely not inclined to build any plans to specifically deceive officials. After all, it does not have enough tricks for this. He does not use those benefits that suggests his situation - just for the reason he is not aware of them. Only before the departure, this hero begins to see a little: apparently, he was really accepted for the "state person." However, for whom it is precisely, whiskers never understands. All events that occur with it seem to be accomplished in addition to his will.

Visitor, who misled Governing

In writing on the topic "Auditor. The image of the horstykova "can be told about how he was deceived by the government's behavior of this hero. He could not provide such a variant of the development of events. After all, his tactics assumed interaction with the real auditor. Of course, the city could open the deception and the imaginary verifier. For him, the situation was quite understandable and familiar when the deception faces a deception. However, he was in charge of misleading, then the sincerely, with whom he applied with the people of Klestakov. Why not hold the position of the auditor?

The ratio of Gogol to his hero

In writing on the topic "The image of the horstykova", you can also describe how Nikolai Vasilyevich himself belonged to his hero. Gogol called Klezlekova "Empty Man." And even those whom in reality can be considered insignificant, also call this hero empty. Khlestakov never would have happened in life to make any business that could draw the attention of other people. Gogol emphasizes that it is the strength of fear that society has been united, put it in a comic position.

What did Klezlekova do so?

In the work on an essay on the topic "The image of Kleskov", a schoolboy may emphasize: the perverted hierarchical relations with which the society is impregnated with this hero. However, it is impossible to deny that it would not be without certain qualities of the hero itself. When a person is experiencing fear (and in the situation described by Gogol, this feeling embraced not even one individual, but a whole city), the main thing is to give people the opportunity to further indulge in this experience. No need to interfere with the increase in the "universal" fear, which occurs literally with catastrophic speed. And an insignificant hero, whip, very cleverly doing it. In a completely unconscious level, he begins to execute the role that the social situation requires him.

In writing on the topic "The image of the horstykova" it should be noted that in the subjective relationship of Hellets, it is great for this role. Of course, he intentionally did not intend to circle his finger. All he did is kindly accepted those honors who belonged to him "rightfully." And in this he sincerely convinced.


In writing on the topic "The image of Klezlekova in the comedy" Auditor "" can not do without describing the appearance of this hero. He is practically unremarkable. His age is about 23 years old. He is "thin, thin." Dress up whip according to fashion, but it does not particularly shine. Nikolai Vasilyevich also emphasizes inattention, hero's chatter. The actor, which will take over the execution of this role, the writer himself recommended to demonstrate as much as possible simplicity of character, or fraud.

Who is the whip really?

Khlestakov is a "small tsha", an official who has long been lifted by life in the capital. He does not know how to make money at all, but it copes perfectly with the task of passing them. About what awaits him tomorrow, whipping does not want to think at all. In addition to this, Khlestakov sin hobbies with gambling.

Once in an absolutely unfamiliar city, without any means of existence, Khlestakov requires itself from the surrounding attention and honors. And a group of officials from the city takes it for a high-ranking capital official.

An essay on the topic "Auditor" Gogol. The image of the horstakov, its main characteristics "

The main features of this character are an exorbitant stupidity, as well as unfulfilled self-confidence. His stupidity absolutely does not know borders. What is even worse, this quality is combined with self-confidence. Khlestakov does not have a shadow of doubt that he is worthy of such respect. And being in the society of pretty women, he is completely poured like a nightingale. And at the same time, the imagination of Klezlekova is completely not limited to the boasting by its merits, the values \u200b\u200bof its activities in society, as well as modesty. And it should be noted - if there were no admirers of this lie, they would not be able to fool the people of Khlestakov.

With people who occupy a lowest position relative to the husky himself, he draws contemptuously and rudely. He calls Osip only by faded words; Taucasted servant of Khlestakov calls "fool". An insignificant nature of this hero is particularly pronounced in those situations where the best quality character needs to show.

Talented psychologist

In writing on literature on the topic "The image of Klezlekov", it is also possible to indicate that the description of the Khlejakov, which gives him Gogol, is completely revealed in monologues and phrases of this character. His speech is a fierce, and he also prefers completely meaningless phrases, boasting. Khlestakov speaks of his talent, but in fact he has only one outstanding ability revealed in the fourth action of the work. Here this hero appears in front of the reader as a subtle psychologist. Khlestakov requires money from officials, and at the same time talks about their own needs. In a conversation with the judge, he emphasizes that the court is no longer needed. And the postmaster of Khlestakov assures that the love of other people is the main value in life. It can be undeserved, but most importantly - the feeling should be sincere.

Luke Lukich Khlestakov foggy hints on a love story. Artemia Philippovich also proposes to fix his suspicions on paper. In each of these cases, Hollytakov himself at the level of intuition is aware that all these people actually engage in trade in their vices. And therefore, inside themselves, they are ready to pay their own interrelations.

Finally, the revelations of officials make the horstakov gradually overlook. He understands that he was accepted for another person. It also shows nonsense and greed of this character. Khlestakov recalculates "earned" money, and decides to write about those misadventures that he has suffered, one familiar journalist. Only only servant Osip is prudent, and offers its Barina as soon as possible to leave this city.

Works in literature: who is such a husk (according to the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor") (1) The comedy N. V. Gogol "The Auditor" became a new step in the history of Russian drama. In all, there is a retreat from modern traditions of tradition. But the main arrogance was the image of the main character - Khlezkov. The generally accepted at the time was considered to be put in the center of the satirical work of a plow and a fraudster leading the thoughtful intrigue. Gogol also elected the hero of an insignificant small official who did not want to consciously deceive the inhabitants of the city, but the will of the case, by a strange coincidence, was the role of the "winner." The character of Horstakov began to open a global scale at one time.

He to lie and selflessly give his lies selflessly, he himself believes in noby, which invents "on the go": and in the "thirty-five thousand couriers sent behind him, and in the fact that the counts and princes" interpreted "in the front. He gives a complete will of C # Omes of rampant and disorderly fantasy, discovering this poverty of his nature. "I even write on packages:" Your Excellency, "he boasts. Hero Gogol is incredibly boastful, he wants to demonstrate his metropolitan education, for the beauty of the syllable stroke into the course of various sophisticated literary expressions: "Tear flowers of pleasure," "We retreated under the jets." At the same time, he loves to be honored: "I would, I confess, no longer demanded, as soon as I have a dedication and respect, respect for me, respect for me."

He that and the case opposes himself with men, merchants and artisans. Entering the role of influential person, fighters the interlocutors: "I myself is afraid of the State Council ...". His actions are often impulsive, he "suddenly" connects the rope-d #. His thoughts constantly led from the subject to the subject show a complete inability to focus, concentrate on something of their attention.

Very rustling of xles during his hot explanations in love of the daughter of Governing, then her mother, and daughters again. The character of the hero, incredibly exposed to someone else's influence, is constantly changing. We see that Khlestakov, although it wants to seem significant, in fact does not represent any of themselves. All the aspirations of it are low and petty: to delay father money, kut, play cards and allow themselves any other entertainment. "And why?

Because the business does not do, "the servant of Klezlekov explains," instead of office, and he goes to walk along a punching, playing the picture. " In this image, all negative features of the nobility were embodied: Motoment, ambition, chungy, claims for education under obvious ignorance. The purpose of the life of such a worthless person is to deliver all sorts of joys, without making any effort. "After all, you live to tear the flowers of pleasure," he believes. What in St. Petersburg of the Khlestakov only dreamed of (high positions, links with important persons, luxurious life, love victories), in the conditions of a county town, surrounded by officials who took him for the auditor became possible.

And he, taking this opportunity, with the brilliance fulfilled the role of "Metropolitan Stuff". (according to the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor") (2) Khlestakov - one of the characteristic characters of the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor". This is a young man of twenty-three years old, thin, thin; somewhat silent and, as they say, without a king in the head ...

" Having stopped in a small county town without a penny in his pocket, he unexpectedly was accepted by local officials for the auditor from St. Petersburg, traveling incognito. Not understanding at first the reasons for the changes that happened to him, Hellekov, nevertheless, managed to brilliantly play the role of the auditor. He is imparting importance and significance and desperately lying, painting his position in the capital and its capabilities. The boxes with ease changes the bleits: he lossed in the fluff and dust of the ILO, capable of leaning dinner at the boss owner, then an important person, on a short leg, communicating with the coluctions and dukes, then a desperate womanizer, skillfully leading amur conversations. His artist is just amazing! It is not by chance that county officials considers him a cunning and a quiet man, with whom it is necessary to behave cautiously. It is possible to understand that in front of them the usual passage, county officials manage only in the middle of the fourth action.

What does chils feel in the current situation? It is valid according to the principle: "You should not miss what is sailing itself in the hands." The comedy hero can not be called evil or cruel, he just tries to extract the maximum benefit from the situation created. The latter says that he is not stupid, himself on the mind. If you look at Khlestakov more closely, you realize that he, though sincere, but "empty", superficial person: "Says and acts without any considerations." He is alien to reflecting any sublime or philosophical nature: "He is unable to stop constant attention to any thought."

The spectacle speech is full of vulgarian, literary stamps and incorrectly understood French words. It can be concluded that Khlestakov is a typical passing and a slacker, spiritually beggar and poorly educated. At the same time, he is an unrestrained liar, brake and poseer. With such a person, it is unlikely that I would like to meet in life.