Sofa wardrobe transformer for a small apartment. How to choose a transformer bed for a small apartment and is it worth buying? Which mechanism to prefer

Almost all owners of urban apartments complain about the lack of space in the premises. This is especially true of studio apartments or Khrushchev. The solution to the lack of space for a small apartment will be the purchase of a folding bed.

  The transformable bed, which is offered by a domestic manufacturer from St. Petersburg, has a whole range of positive qualities.

  1. A pull-out bed is perfect for a small room in a standard apartment. After sleeping, users can fold the bed and raise it, hiding it from prying eyes. Thus, it will not interfere with the full movement, therefore, it is ideal for an apartment.
  2. They also use it for a small studio (an apartment that has walls exclusively for separating the bathroom and toilet). At the same time, there is no need to clearly distinguish between zones for sleeping and zones for entertainment with additional furniture or accessories.
  3. The transforming bed 3 in 1, allows you to adjust the height of the bottom, so it is ideal for families where there is a child. After all, children grow quickly, so there is always the opportunity to establish the necessary level of recovery.
  4. Transformable bed can be 2-level. Perfect if there are several children. At the same time, it easily folds into the wall and does not prevent children from learning and playing.
  5. For a small apartment there are options for a double bed. Now there is no need to spend extra space on the purchase of massive furniture, which takes up a lot of space.

The beds offered for the buyer’s review fit into any interior and help save a lot of space that can be used for other functions. For example, a bedroom can combine an office for work or a living room, where all households can gather.

Modern requirements of customers are extremely high, therefore, domestic production is aimed at satisfying not only functional needs, because such furniture should be beautiful, and most importantly harmoniously fit into the style of the apartment.

Variety and functionality of a transformable bed

Conveniently, all beds have a secure fit, and horizontal position is acquired only when necessary by users, so they are completely safe. The transforming bed easily takes upright position. Thanks to different folding options, the bed can be folded down, allowing you to use it as a desk or as a cabinet with drawers.

The offered transforming furniture can be either single or double, which is ideal for adults. Any variation of goods provided in the catalog is suitable for a small-sized apartment. For installation in the nursery, where there are two children, it will be convenient to purchase a bunk bed, which is easy to fold and allows you to save twice as much space.

Features and components

The transforming bed is made of durable and high-quality wood (the main material of chipboard). In addition, a laminated chipboard is used for a component of the frame. By standard, all convertible beds have an orthopedic mattress. There are options for orthopedic beds and sofas, which have a sliding mechanism that works using gas lift technology. This is a technology that allows you to comfortably push and push all the components of a bed.

Beds of this sample are divided into the following types:

  1. Beds with fitted wardrobes that work according to the folding principle.
  2. A transformer combining a bed and a table, at which both a child and an adult can work. In this case, there is no need to create a separate working area if you work at home.
  3. A bed that transforms into a sofa with a flick of the wrist of a hand, where it is convenient to receive guests, or spend a family evening watching a movie.
  4. Beds that can transform into cots for newborn babies.

Color variations and future acquisition sizes

It is possible to choose colors and textures for your future transforming bed. In St. Petersburg, our production offers various options for the texture of wood or one-color coatings that will suit the design and style of your apartment or house.

The official website helps the buyer to determine the dimensions of the transformable bed. By standards, a size of 90 to 200 mm in width and 200 mm in length is distinguished. In St. Petersburg, you can get fast delivery of both a standard children's bed and an adult, made to order.

Why choose our store

A transforming bed is a long-term purchase, so the buyer receives a guarantee from the manufacturer. How much does such furniture cost and where can I buy it? Everyone has the opportunity to buy such a transformable bed inexpensively in St. Petersburg. Only the selected base material and additional functionality will affect the cost.

You can order a bed cheaply, for this you need to follow the news of our store, we often carry out sales, make discounts for each client. If necessary, the price will include the assembly and installation of your new furniture.

  1. We offer furniture as a standard sample, which can be selected from the catalog, but also to order, by individual standards.
  2. Transformer beds will not be expensive. We cooperate with suppliers of domestic quality materials, without spending additional funds on expensive export material.
  3. Delivery in a short time at a convenient time for the buyer.
  4. Warranty for each piece of furniture.
  5. Additional discounts, in addition to sales.

Choose only functional and high-quality furniture that will give your apartment coziness and comfort. With the new convertible bed you can afford more opportunities for spending free time.

Customer Reviews Website

Review # 1: Maxim Petrov

I live in the suburbs and on weekends my son often comes to visit. He studies and lives in the city. My house does not allow me to equip a separate room for him, so I decided to purchase this bed. Double with built-in shelves for things. Now my son can stay with me. This is the best solution for a small living space.

Review # 2: Kovrova Zinaida

I saw a photo of such a closet at the school of one mom. I told my daughter. It turned out that in our stores such rational furniture can not be found. And we began to ask where anyone saw this. And the teacher said that it’s possible to buy this on the Internet. My daughter was delighted and ordered. But even more now my grandson is happy. He immediately had his own closet, and a desk, and a berth, and
  a corner in a studio apartment where you can play without disturbing anyone! How we like this wardrobe bed! I advise everyone: take a closer look! Take a closer look and purchase!

Review # 3: Lisa Lunarko

Recently I came across an amazing bunk bed that folds into a closet. I was very surprised, was eager to acquire, because I live with my younger brother. Itself is very compact and comfortable. We have a small room, therefore, perfectly assembled and laid. The mount does not hold, does not stagger, a very strong frame. Great thing.

Review # 4: Evgenia Kudinova

This transforming bed was suggested to me by my friend. For a long time I complained to him that I could not pick up furniture that was suitable in style. And he was right, it was she who won my love. My bedroom is not too small, but when there is a bed in it, there are too few free corners. And since I want more free space, I was looking for that bed, which would at least visually look tiny. But, to my happiness, my friend was also involved in the selection of furniture for me. And found it. Thank you very much, I am very happy with my new bed.

Review # 5: Alexey Belorukov

Moved from parents to a rented apartment. Since there was no point in renting a large apartment alone, I found odnushka. But then I realized how difficult it is to rationally equip the apartment, so that at the same time free space remains. So I chose this bed model. I didn’t get a wardrobe, since the built-in shelves in the bed design are quite spacious. I recommend it to everyone!

Review # 6: Andrey Volkov

I rent an apartment, and as several people very often want to move into odnushka, I decided to replace the old bed with two small ones. And that was the right decision. Residents are grateful, and I am very happy with my decision. Since my friends moved into the apartment, they were just looking for an apartment for two. Now I’m looking for a wardrobe-bed in my room, I managed to appreciate all the practicality, according to friends' reviews.

Review # 7: Petrova Marina Ivanovna

Thank you very much to everyone who helped us with the purchase of such wonderful furniture! And we picked up the color we needed for home furniture, and we did the stiffness with the lamellas as requested. Golden people! Nice furniture! Our height allowed, so we also attached a mezzanine from above. Not furniture, but one pleasure! Thanks again to everyone!

Review # 8: Hairpin Anastasia

I have long dreamed that they would come up with such good beds, so that with two fingers and three movements it turns into an object that does not take up so much space in the room. And now we have such a bed. We are glad that dreams come true. The furniture is excellent, pleasant, inexpensive, we quickly installed it, and everything was chosen according to the color wow !!! Thank you for being so cool!

The main problem of budget housing is the lack of free space. For this reason, many are forced to abandon, using uncomfortable narrow ones. It turns out that there is a simple and original solution - a transformer bed. For a small apartment, this is the best option. What are what, what to be guided by when buying and how much such models cost - in this material.

Thanks to such furniture, even a small room can easily accommodate a double bed

  • it is better to stay on a model without springs, it is not known how the springs will behave in a vertical arrangement;

  • you should not buy a mattress filled with coke chips, it is very heavy, this will create an additional load on the mechanism and require great effort in the folding process;
  • the best choice for a transformer bed is a light latex mattress, it has good orthopedic properties and at the same time retains its shape.

Varieties of transformation mechanisms

The most important part of such a bed is the transformation mechanism. There are three types of mechanisms:

  • spring;
  • gas lift;
  • counterweight.

Each of them has its own working resource. The gas lift is guaranteed to work ninety thousand times.

Note!It is better if the elevator gas is filled with nitrogen rather than air. With this filling, corrosion of parts will not form.

The spring design will work out only twenty thousand cycles. Springs tend to stretch and lose their elasticity. But they are much cheaper than a gas lift.

The most durable of the presented mechanisms is counterweight. Its only drawback is the need to allocate space to accommodate counterweight. Such devices are rarely found on sale, they are usually used in models made by hand.

Useful advice!  When choosing furniture with a dual purpose, it is better to stay on a model with a metal frame.

The cost of transformer models

Type of Picture Average cost, rub

from 8 000
Folding cupboard
from 16 000
Wardrobe-sofa bed from 25 000
Table bed
from 15 000
Bunk transformer for children
from 18 000
Bunk sofa
from 23 000

As you can see, buying a transformer bed for a small apartment is affordable for a family with even a small income. Of course, there are models whose value is calculated in six-digit numbers. Here only one question arises - if there is an opportunity to acquire such a valuable thing, why not buy a bigger apartment?

Wanting to get a spacious kitchen, bedroom and living room in a small apartment, it is not necessary to redevelop. Having selected multifunctional transforming furniture for yourself, you can significantly increase the functionality of your premises. Such furniture will also become a decoration of your interior.

Transformation of the living room into the bedroom and back

The desire to sleep on an orthopedic mattress is not always dictated by a whim, sometimes it is a necessity. Previously, all this was easily solved with a separate bedroom, and the owners of a one-room apartment did not even count on such luxury. Making a bedroom from a single living room is also not an option, since you need to receive guests somewhere. Multifunctional transforming furniture will save the situation.

We turn the wardrobe bed into a sofa

With the advent of transforming furniture, there is no need to choose between sleeping on a flat surface or sofa. The familiar wardrobe-bed can be supplemented with a sofa hiding when it is laid out.

With the help of a lifting mechanism, it quickly retracts into a niche.

If you have an elongated room, it is better to choose the option where the unfolded bed is located sideways to the wall, and not perpendicular. The sofa in this model is much wider, and the bed itself does not block the passage.

For square rooms where it is not possible to install a wide sofa - choose a perpendicular layout of the bed. Since they are no more than one and a half meters wide, you can put a desk or other furniture nearby.

We hide the bed in the wall

In the studios, there is often an option when the hall resembles a living room: in the middle there is a couch, a table and a home theater. In order not to violate the design, the bed can be mounted on the wall and lowered only at night. At the bottom, you can install a shelf or apply a drawing.

This design is ideal for people who do not want to dine in crowded places or often host guests. In this case, they only cook in the kitchen, and put the dining table in the living room.

Transformation of a small chest into a table with ottomans

If there is absolutely no place to organize a recreation area, put a transformer chest. Inside it, ottomans with folding legs are stored, and it turns into a stable table. The top of the chest opens like a book, doubling the area.

Inside there is an empty space where you can fold a tea set, CDs or books.

Three in one - coffee table, ottoman and clamshell

Often students are forced to share one room into several people. Multifunctional furniture will help save space and add stylish touches.

You can increase the number of beds by putting transformers that combine:

  • ottoman;
  • armchair;
  • cot.

If you connect the cases together, from several of these designs you can get a large dining table with low ottomans. Having disassembled them, several armchairs are obtained for joint viewing of the film.

TV wall, dressing room and bed in one set

Such a miracle cube is suitable even for those who live in a hostel, not to mention a one-room apartment. On a small patch of 2x1 meter in size is a dressing room, single bed and a spacious wall.

If you are a happy owner of an apartment with a niche, you can build a mini-nursery there using such a design and a screen.

Invisible nursery in the common room

Families living in a small apartment with children are always looking for options for arranging furniture so as to zone the area and leave walkways. With the advent of transforming furniture, you can transform one room into another.

Hiding the children's beds in the wall or desks, and adults in the closet - we get a spacious living room, and vice versa, returning everything to its place - the bedroom.

Folding bunk beds in the wall

Such beds resemble shelves in trains, but thanks to the participation of the designer they were able to hide completely. Bed linen is easily hidden inside the closet, and the room has a spacious and neat appearance.

The upper shelf is equipped with a safety limiter that protects against falling.

Bed in the desk

For families with one child, an option with a bed in the writing desk may be suitable. Both can be easily removed if guests come.

When assembled, such a "designer" resembles a small bar counter. Raising the countertop, we get a work surface for creativity, and opening the base - a single bed.

Bookcase Hiding Single Bed

Folding beds do not always perform only one function; there are models that can accommodate several bookshelves and even a bedside table. Choosing a folding bed with a rotating base, you do not have to empty the shelves each time before folding the bed.

The lifting mechanism of the bed is fixed on one side, and the shelves and bedside table on the other, so there is no need to tilt the entire base.

We remodel a small kitchen in the dining room for lunch

If you dream of a spacious kitchen, then transforming furniture will help fulfill the dream even for owners of a five-meter square. The space is expanding not visually, but really. True, you have to "get rid" of the dining table every time you cook, but thanks to the thoughtful design, this is done in a couple of minutes.

Dining table and chairs inside kitchen shelves

Each kitchen needs a cupboard with shelves, where the hostess places dishes and various spices. This option contains not only little things, but also a dining table with four full chairs.

The table consists of two halves, since the depth of the cabinet does not allow it to fit in whole, and the chairs are placed quite normally. An outsider who has entered the kitchen will not even understand that they are inside, and the hostess will be able to move freely from the countertop to the refrigerator and stove.

Disappearing dining table in a small kitchen

For a small country-style kitchen, a reclining wooden platform with benches is suitable. With one movement of the hand you lay out a full dining table.

5 stools in one ottoman

Nowhere to store chairs? Please ottoman with hidden stools. Inside it there are 5 bases, each of them is smaller than the other, due to which they are assembled like nested dolls. Soft walls of a padded stool are seats of stools.

Stools are assembled and disassembled very quickly, even a child can handle it.

We remove the mirror from the wall and get a dining table

Women will appreciate the mirror table. After lunch, fold the legs and hang the table on the wall, turning the mirror side. Fasteners under the “mirror” can be installed in the corridor, and if necessary, remove and transfer.

This table is easy to install in any room. If you live alone, then you do not need a large table. But when the guests arrive, you take off the mirror from the wall and put down the table.

Thanks to the right furniture, we can change the rooms beyond recognition, each time getting free space.

Built-in wardrobe bed in the interior of a small room

Owners of chic palazzos, the interiors of which are decorated with mahogany furniture, can never understand the multimillion-dollar army of inhabitants of small-sized apartments, settled in all Russian cities. Never understand them and the inhabitants of the rural outback, All their furniture - a few chairs, a kitchen table, yes a bed or two, randomly placed inside an extensive home. Only city dwellers each night solve the same problem of spending the night on thirty square meters of usable living space of the entire family.

Comfortable and functional small room for two in beige tones

If you put an ordinary double bed in a small room with an area of \u200b\u200btwelve square meters, the free space remaining in it should be considered in centimeters, even a small table can not be placed. Buying transformer beds for small apartments, our people get rid of the need to drag bulky furniture home. It is, above all, about the elements used for sleep. A bed purchased for an urban small-sized Khrushchev type of apartment should be even smaller.

Double convertible bed for a small one-room apartment

Bunk convertible convertible bed

Convenient transformer for sleeping and practicing bed-table

For the first time, the production of transformable furniture in Russia began in Soviet times. The mass production of sofa beds and chair beds made it possible for a person to fold a double bed to the size of a sofa, and a single bed to the size of a chair. The vacated space increased living space, apartments became more comfortable. The price, of course, bites, but the free space of the room and money are saved. Buying one thing, you get two at once. Transforming furniture is produced in the widest assortment, as evidenced by the table below.

Multifunctional furniture table bed in the interior

Bed-sofa for a comfortable living room for relaxing and for receiving guests

Great solution for a small room - folding bed

Options for bed transformer mechanisms

The mechanisms that the transformer is equipped with are divided into several types:

  • spring
  • retractable
  • folding
  • gas lift.

Unusual sofa bed for a small living room

Bed built-in wardrobe for a room in a Scandinavian style

Spring Beds

Transforming bed in the form of a wardrobe for a small apartment

Transforming furniture, has a multi-purpose purpose, it is easy to remove it when it is not needed. One of these solutions was a transformer bed combined with a wardrobe, at night it is used as a bed for sleeping, and in the morning it is safely cleaned into a wardrobe or with a flick of the wrist turns into a desk. What is called: the need for fiction is much more.

Double convertible bed for a small apartment

In this whole barrel of honey there is a rather big fly in the ointment. Many of these devices are useless for a significant part of people, because the spring mechanism is the basis for them if their owner does not have sufficient physical strength. For old sick and weak people, this pleasure is too tough. That is, if you are a young father of the family, you can very well acquire such furniture and even find some pleasure in laying out every evening, and folding such a transformer in your apartment in the mornings, turning your child’s bed into a table. For weak women, the elderly and the sick, the daily transformation of the bed is not possible.

A comfortable bed in a small apartment - a bed, built-in wardrobe

Extensible Beds

Comfortable pull-out bed for a small bedroom

However, today it is not difficult to find a suitable model of a transformer bed on the market, based on the criterion of the degree of complexity of their deployment. Perhaps the most simple to use are bed transformers at their core, with a retractable mechanism. The simplicity of using the unit does not mean at all that its mechanism is just as simple, therefore, it is highly likely that it will not last long.

Beautiful children's bunk bed with a sliding mechanism

Manufacturers often recommend less often to transform the bed. Quite a strange advice, because it is for this purpose that a bed is bought, which can be turned into a cupboard every day or, at worst, into a table. Of course, you can choose a bed if you are satisfied with its spring-loaded transformation mechanism, because there is practically nothing to break there. If the house has a strong, strong man, then the bed is a transformer and its spring mechanism - this is your option.

Stylish transforming bunk bed for a children's bedroom

Folding Beds

A great solution for a small nursery - a folding bed and a table

A transformer bed for small-sized apartments can become a good solution, if the folding mechanism is included with it. Usually they are attached to the wall.

Children's bed with a folding mechanism, which is convenient and easy to hide in a closet

Such furniture has two significant drawbacks. Firstly, you can only attach such a bed to the main wall of the room. Unstable interior partitions may collapse over time. Secondly, when transforming a bed, you can easily injure your arm or leg.

Bunk folding bed for two boys “Airplanes”

Beds with gas lift

Great transformer sofa bed for a small living room

The safest and easiest to use are the gas-lift mechanism for deploying the transformer bed. Even an old sick person who does not have great physical strength will be able to transform such a bed into a table or a closet, since the entire load upon its transformation lies with the gas-lift mechanism. Here it is, it would seem, bought a transformer bed, and with it a convenient gas-lift folding mechanism, live and be happy, but there is a little problem here, and even two.

Unusual bed, easily transforming into a table if necessary

Of all the transformer beds, these are the most expensive. In addition, the mechanism of gas lift transformers is short-lived and quickly breaks down, so before buying such a model, you need to consult a specialist and use it to choose furniture. When choosing a transformer bed, it is important what material it is made of.

A beautiful and comfortable transforming table for a student’s room

Varieties of transformer bed frames

Original transformer table-bed in the children's room for classes and for relaxation

Unfortunately, today the most common material in the manufacture of furniture are chipboard boards. Of course, if you look at the commercials of manufacturers, the material is stronger than chipboard, it just does not exist in nature, which does not cause much confidence. If you want your transformer to serve you for many years, you should choose a bed with a metal or wooden frame.

Comfortable double bed with lift

Elegant convertible bed with a convenient mirror cabinet

Video: transforming bed for two children

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Not always the size of the room allows you to install full-size furniture in it. In this case, you can save space on a berth. A transforming bed for a small-sized apartment is an excellent option that allows you to rationally use the space and keep the room in perfect order. This design with a flick of the wrist turns into a desk, cupboard, wall or sofa. Such devices are useful not only in the living room, but also in the children's room, especially if there are several children in the family.

Modern models of transformers easily take any form

Transforming models are always popular among fans of rationality.

The advantages of such devices are obvious:

  • in the children's room the bed can be transformed into a table for classes or a chest of drawers for toys;
  • furniture with a transformation mechanism is easy to assemble and disassemble, the whole procedure takes less than a minute;
  • sizes of transformers are very different, you can choose the right model for a child and an adult;
  • devices are equipped with orthopedic mattresses;

Expert point of view

Yaroslav Galayko

Lead Designer and Head of Ecologica Interiors Studio

Ask a Question

“There are models on sale decorated with carvings or upholstered in genuine leather.Tapestry or jacquard can also be used as upholstery. ”

Average cost of models

PictureModelCost, rub
Transformer cabinet28000
Sofa wardrobe bed transformer55000
Transformer wardrobe bed double55000
Bed loft transformer56400
Horizontal wardrobe bed35000
Table bed35000

Varieties of mechanisms

Transformer furniture is equipped with swing-out mechanisms, each of which has its own disadvantages and advantages:

  • Retractable mechanism.  Differs in ease in management and safety. In models with such a device, there is usually a place for bedding.
  • Folding mechanism.  It is dangerous because during transformation it may fall or pinch an arm or leg. Beds fixed to the wall save space when assembled and allow built-in shelves to be placed above them.

In addition, the folding mechanisms can be gas-lift or spring. Spring-loaded are considered more durable and reliable because of their simplicity. There is practically nothing to break in a spring. But for the transformation of such devices you need to make some efforts, so for older people it is not recommended to purchase models with a spring device.

Gas-lift devices are not so reliable, but with proper use they will last quite a long time. Furniture with this mechanism unfolds effortlessly. The only drawback of a gas lift is that furniture with it costs an order of magnitude more expensive.

Which of the described types of transformers to choose depends on the preferences of the owner of the apartment and the possibility of accommodation. But there are some nuances that should be addressed:

  • Frame material.  Transformers are made with a frame of MDF, particleboard, wood or metal. Recently, metal structures, distinguished by reliability and durability, have gained particular popularity. Wood is an environmentally friendly material, slightly inferior in strength to metal. But chipboard and MDF are unreliable, it is better to abandon this option.

  • The quality of the mattress.  Typically, the mattress comes with one set of furniture, but does not always meet the requirements of the buyer. If it is possible to purchase a mattress separately, you need to clarify its dimensions. They should fit the size of the bed. Particular attention should be paid to children's mattresses, the posture of the child will depend on the correct position in a dream. The best fillers for the mattress are coconut fiber or latex foam.

  • The size of the furniture.  The length of the berth should correspond to the growth of a person and have a margin of fifteen centimeters. To determine a comfortable width, you need to lie down and put your hands behind your head. If the elbows fit in the dimensions of the berth, it fits.

  • Safety and durability.  These options are especially important for beds in a nursery.


A transforming bed for a small-sized apartment is an excellent opportunity to rationally use the space. A wide range of models allows you to choose furniture that is suitable in size and design. When buying, you should pay attention to the quality of the folding mechanism and the correspondence of the bed to physiological parameters.