Finger gymnastics on the topic “Pets. Developing fine motor skills in children: finger gymnastics on the theme of animals Finger game about a cow for children


1 "Cat - scratch" Right palm into a fist. Siberian cat, Left palm in a fist. Scratchy cat, Clench and unclench your fists. Teaches children to dance. Raise your right palm up and Well, kids, clench your fist. On command, Raise the left palm and make a fist One, two, three, four, five, Clench and unclench the fists. Gracefully, imperceptibly, Stroking hands alternately. It is necessary to raise the paws, Alternately swing the hands. Left right, left right, Fingers to collect into fists. One two three four five one two three four Left in front of the face, palm to the right; Right into a fist resting on the palm of the left; right elbow at shoulder level. Clap your hands. Vice versa. Clap your hands. The fist of the right hand rests on the palm of the left. Vice versa. The hands of both hands are connected in a cup. Palms sharply to the sides, face down

2 Chabi, Chilyabi, Chelyabi, Chabi chabi. Cross your arms smoothly, in a wave-like manner. The pads of the thumbs and forefingers touch the pads of the large and medium pads of the large and ring fingers. The pads of the thumbs and little fingers of both hands meet 2 times “Pussy Butterscotch”. She gives toffees to everyone: To a mouse, a swan, a beetle, With the index finger of the right hand, put “toffees” on the fingertips of the left hand to the Dog, the hare, the rooster. Glad, happy, all the guests! We see it in faces. Everyone clapped their hands. From the fingers, make the “characters” indicated in the text. From both fists, simultaneously and vigorously “throw out” the fingers. Show open palms. Clap. Run your fingers across the table. We ran to visit the cat. Topic: PETS AND WILD ANIMALS Show Up Arrow Hands. Walkers have a song like this: -Tik-tik-tik. Hands-beaks. Cams.

3 The bird-titmouse has this: - Peak-peak-peak. The piglet has this: Clap your hands. We stroke the fur. Open your mouth - Oink-oink-oink. The hedgehog has a song like this: -Pluff-plop-plop. Kitty's song is this: -Meow-meow-meow. And what about the fish? Topic: POULTRY Where are the palms? Here? Here. Is there a pond in the palm of your hand? Pond. First, the children show their open fingers. The big finger is a young goose. palms. Then with the forefinger, the forefinger caught, with a finger they draw a pond on the palm. Plucked the middle goose! All fingers are shown in turn. Cooked a nameless soup, And in the end they stroke themselves on the stomach. The goose flew into the mouth, And from there - into the stomach. Here! "Kitten" Fingers "jump" on the table in the rhythm of the poem.

4 The silly kitten bites hard, he thinks: this is not a finger, but a mouse (change of hands) But I'm playing with you, baby, And if you bite, I'll tell you "Shoo!" "Horses" On the white, smooth road Fingers jump - like horses. Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chok A frisky herd jumps. Fingers in the "castle". Riding, riding a horse Four “clicks” of the wrists on a strong beat. Food, food - the path is not smooth. The same Skok, Skok Pere- Skok! Across the river to the bridge. “click”, hands in front of you “click” - hands up “click” - hands down “click” - hands up “click” on each syllable, gradually stretching your arms forward.

5 “A goat and a kid” A horned goat is walking, a butted goat is walking. A little goat runs after her, rings a bell. “Hands to the sides” The horns are depicted with the index and little fingers. On the last line, the fingers are connected to Hands to the sides, to a fist, a pinch and ring a bell. Unclench and on the barrel. Hands up, in a cam, Perform movements according to the text. Unclench and on the side, Hands down, in the fist, Unclench and on the side. "Claws" The cat sharpens its claws, Sitting on the window. Oh, what are they Sharp in a cat. Oh, what little paws she has. In these paws for the time being, the fingers are straightened and clenched into fists. Stroke the palms of each other. Clench fingers into fists, turn left and right. Drowsy tsap - scratches. (V. Kudryavtsev, V. Egorov)

6 Forefinger sharp "Air clicks" In the brother's yard Kittens ran, Frightened by the click, They fled in all directions. "Claws" Cat's daughter has claws on her paws. You do not rush to hide them, with a movement about the thumb makes a click in the air (3 times), by analogy, clicks with the middle, ring fingers and little finger. Press the pads of the fingers of the right hand to the top of the palm. Press the thumb to the index finger. Say a loud "meow!" Let the kids watch! repeatedly. You can play with the second hand and two hands. Make rings with your fingers. The lambs have rings on their coats, Those lambs graze by the river, They are grazing by two shaggy dogs That wag their shaggy tails. And the shepherd on the hillock near the tree, Plays the flute intricately. Dexterous fingers run fast. Make dogs with the fingers of both hands. Wave the brushes, depict Mountain with the tails with your hands, then with the fingers of both hands. Play an imaginary flute with the fingers of both hands. Draw a flower with both hands. Shake your hands. Press the right hand to the right ear,

7 Dandelions bloom in the clearing, listen. The bell sways in the wind, We hear a wonderful melody. Stretch your hand forward, palm up. "About the cat" Substitute your palm, I'll tell you about the cat. Shall we count fingers? Let's count fingers! Stroke the palm with the other hand. They wiggle their fingers. Clench your fingers into a fist and unclench them. Alternately bend the fingers on One two three four - five! hand. Here is a fist, And here is a palm. A cat sat on the palm! And sneaks on the sly, And sneaks on the sly It can be seen that the mouse lives there! They clench their fingers into a fist. squeeze them. They put fingers on the palm, fingers of the second hand. “Run” with fingers along the arm to the shoulder. They hide the hand of the other hand in the armpit.

8 Two kittens met: Meow-meow! Two puppies: aw - aw! Two foals: yoke-go! Two tiger cubs: rrrr! Two bulls: mu-u! For each line, alternately connect the fingers of the right and left hands, starting with the little finger. Show the "horns" by extending the index fingers and little fingers. Look what horns! Topic: POTS One, two ducklings were walking. Three, four for water. And behind them trailed the fifth, Behind them ran the sixth. And the seventh lagged behind them, And the eighth was already tired. And the ninth caught up with everyone, And the tenth scared. Alternately bend all the fingers of the right, then the left hand, starting with the thumb. Rhythmically bend and unbend the fingers of both hands. Loudly, loudly squeaked: Pee wee! Not food, We are nearby, look.

Ducklings One or two ducklings walked. Three or four for water. And behind them trailed the fifth, Behind them ran the sixth. And the seventh lagged behind them. And the eighth is already tired. And the ninth caught up with everyone. And the tenth was frightened. He squealed loudly:

You, duckling, no food! You better look for your mom. Squeeze into fists and unclench the fingers of two hands at once. You can use rubber toys. Let's pet Kitty Kitty, kitty, kisulya! Yulia called the kitten. Do not rush

Finger gymnastics for children 4-6 years old RUN ALONG THE RIVER Run along the river Children race Movement of the index and middle fingers of both hands along the thigh to the knees The teacher pronounces the words clearly,

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FINGER GAMES MY FAMILY This finger is a grandfather, This finger is a grandmother, This finger is a dad, This finger is a mom, This finger is me, That's my whole family! Alternately bending the fingers, starting with

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Finger gymnastics for kids 3-4 years old My little finger, where have you been? I cooked cabbage soup with the Nameless One, I ate porridge with the Middle One, I sang with the Index One. And the Big One met me And treated me to candy. Index on the right

Gymnastics for fingers (finger games for children 5-7 years old) 1. CAPTAIN Point the ends of the fingers forward, press the hands with palms to each other, slightly open. Saying a rhyme, showing how the boat

"The ghouls have arrived" The ghouls have arrived, the dove ghouls have arrived. They sat on the head, On the daughter's head. You, my daughter, wave your hand. Whoosh-whoosh-whoosh! Wave your arms like wings. Put your hands on your head. Wave your hands,

“A goat walked along the bridge” Purpose: development of trusting, partnership relations. Content: the child sits on the lap of an adult. A goat was walking along the bridge. An adult shakes his knees Up and down. And wagged her tail

Finger and musical - didactic games. Prepared by the music director of MDOU d / s 29 Mironova E.G. The leading activity in preschool childhood is the game. Its significance in the formation of personality

Card file of finger games for kindergarten children Educator: Gimazitdinova Yulia Viktorovna Purpose of work: To develop the basics of speech motor skills in children based on finger games and exercises Tasks: "Cognition"

CARD FILE In the meadow flowers of Unusual beauty grow: (We open the palms of both hands and move our fingers alternately like petals) Yellow buttercup, (Alternately bend the fingers of the hands for each name of the flower,

FINGER GAMES Finger games provide good training for finger movements. They are very emotional, simple. They can be carried out in kindergarten and in the family. Finger games, as it were, reflect the objective

Mind at your fingertips or finger games. How well your baby's speech will develop depends on the development of fine motor skills of the hands. This will help finger games. The more attention

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Finger games Orange We shared an orange. There are many of us, but only one. This slice is for the hedgehog, This slice is for the swift, This slice is for kittens, This slice is for ducklings, This slice is for the beaver, And the peel is for the wolf.

Finger gymnastics. House and Gates A house stands in a clearing, The fingers of both hands make a "roof". Well, the way to the house is closed. Hands are turned with palms to the chest, middle fingers touch, thumbs - up - "gate".

Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten "Birch" Cognitive lesson (second junior group) "Pussy came to visit us" Educator: Zlygosteva Natalya Vladimirovna

Finger games. CAPTAIN I'm sailing on a white boat On the waves with pearly foam. I am a brave captain, I am not afraid of a hurricane. White gulls are circling, They are also not afraid of the wind. Only a bird's cry frightens a flock of golden

Compiled by teacher-speech therapist Surkova N.M. FINGER GAMES FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN ZATO STAR 2016 Finger games provide a good training for finger movements. They are very emotional, simple. They can

"Finger games and finger gymnastics for children 2-3 years old" The game is one of the best ways to develop children's speech and thinking. It gives the child pleasure and joy, and these feelings are the strongest.

Finger gymnastics for younger students lags behind, then speech development also lags behind. Specialists in the field of child psychology and speech therapy have long established that the level of development of children's speech is

Finger games for preschool children Playing finger games with children, on the one hand, we make them happy, and on the other hand, we develop fine motor skills of hands in children, and, accordingly, speech. Thanks to fingertips

Songs with movements for kids 1. 1. I love kitty very much, With her I sing a song Meow, meow, meow, Meow, meow, meow. "Pussy" can be a doll on the hand of an adult or a child participating in the game, then he holds

Finger games with children of two or three years old Each lesson has its own name, is held for several minutes, two or three times a day. Warm-up You, duckling, no food! You better look for your mom. Squeeze into fists

Speech at the Fingertips A very important part of the development of fine motor skills is "finger games". These games are very emotional, exciting. They contribute to the development of speech, creative activity.

What is fine motor skills and why is it important to develop it? Fine motor skills are the ability to perform small and precise movements with the hands and fingers and toes as a result of coordinated actions of the most important

The pad of the thumb, placed on the back of the massaged phalanx, moves, the other four cover and support the finger from below (“spiral” movement). Lambs In the meadows "byashki" graze,

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There is a close relationship between the speech function and the general human motor system. The same close connection is established between the hand and the speech center of the brain. Harmonization of body movements, fine motor skills

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Themed finger games A very important part of the development of fine motor skills are finger games. They are fascinating, contribute to the development of speech and creative activity of the child. Finger

Card file of finger games for children of primary preschool age BUNNY Bunny, Bunny, where is your tail? (clapping) Here, here, here! (hands behind back) Bunny, bunny, where is your nose? (clapping) Here, here, here!

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Advice for parents Playing with fingers - developing speech! (finger games) A ​​very important part of the development of fine motor skills are finger games. These games are very emotional, exciting.

Games of low mobility 1. "FIND THE TOY". The teacher hides the toy in advance, invites the children to find and bring it. 2. "CIRCLE-CIRCLE". Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and say the words: “Circle-circle,

Raise the mood of the child Why do we need finger games? - bring the family together, strengthening the contact between generations - stimulate the development of the brain through the development of fine motor skills - stimulate

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The purpose of finger games-exercises in the classroom is: To form the correct pronunciation, the ability to speak quickly and clearly. Develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. improve memory,

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Romashka "Summary of the GCD on the development of speech in the early age group Prepared and conducted by: Smetanina R.F. D. Engerbal Goal: Activate

Finger games for babies Finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their beauty is also in the fact that they instantly switch the baby's attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations

"Sunny Bunny" My sunny bunny, jump on your palm. (children stretch their palm forward) My sunny hare, small as a baby. (put the index finger of the other hand on the palm) Jump on the spout,

Tatiana Burmistrova
Card file of finger games on the theme "Wild animals and their cubs"

Finger games on the topic« WILD ANIMALS AND THEIR BABY»

Animals in winter

The badger and the hedgehog sleep in winter,

And the bear sleeps in winter too.

Sleep bee and ant

Waiting for warm spring days.

Children bend over fingers on hand, listing animals and insects hibernating in winter.

prickly ball

We found a prickly ball

We can't keep him.

The ball is spinning in the palms,

The ball wants to run away.

Our ball lively and warm,

Who does he look like?

Jumped the ball onto the track -

It turned out ... it's a hedgehog!

Children twist massage balls between their palms.

Look at the ball, holding it in the palms.

Children drop their hands, balls fall and roll on the floor.

Who has a coat?

The wolf's gray coat

Fur coat of a hedgehog in needles,

Fur coat red fox -

Amazing beauty.

Rabbit's white coat

The bear has brown.

He is not afraid of rain

And the weather is gloomy.

Children alternately bend fingers on hand, listing wild animals and their colors"fur coat".

They shake their heads from side to side.

hungry mouse

The mouse ate cheese and crumpets,

Pumpkin, fish, melon, cone,

Ate plums and pancakes

And dried mushrooms.

She chewed all day

But everything was not enough for the mouse!

Children bend in turns fingers on hand, listing everything the mouse ate.

forest population

Animals we read the tracks like a book.

In the forest who lives we easily let's guess:

Here are the fox tracks

Here are wolves, moose,

Boars and hares,

Bear, hedgehog.

Here are squirrels, lynxes,

And this is deer.

What a large population in the forest!

With the palms of their hands, the children depict an open book.

close "book".

Bend over fingers, listing traces animals.

Raise your hands up and lower them through the sides down.

One, two, three, four, five,

The squirrels came to play.

One went somewhere

Four squirrels left.

Now take a look -

There are already three left.

Well, well, what a pity

We only have two left.

This news is so sad

There was only one white.

While we were counting

The squirrels ran away from us.

Expose five fingers.

Hide your hand behind your back.

Expose four finger.

Hide your hand behind your back.

Expose three finger.

Hide your hand behind your back.

Expose two finger.

Hide your hand behind your back.

Stick out one finger.

Hide your hand behind your back.

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears.

Gotta warm up the paws

Bunny is cold to sit.

Hands clenched into fists.

Unfold and bend fingers.

Rubbed fingers and hands.

Gray wolf

Wolf gray, toothy,

Roaring across the field

Looking for prey.

How to find

Gives to the wolves.

Bend and unbend bent fingers.

"Walk" fingers on the table.

Clamp fingers into fists.

Fox, fox, beauty,

Everyone likes her very much.

tail fluffy,

The fur is golden.

It is important to wander through the forest,

Brings fear to rabbits.

They rub their hands.

They show everyone their brushes with splayed fingers turning them stroking fingers.

"Walk" fingers on the table.

knocking fingers on the table.

There lived a bunny

long ears,

Frostbitten bunny

Nose on the edge.

Frostbitten nose,

Frostbite ponytail

And went to warm up

Visit the kids.

It's warm and nice there, no wolf.

And they give carrots for lunch!

Fingers in a fist, expose two finger -"ears".

Stroke index and middle fingers.

Stroke the ring finger and little finger.

Rubbing their palms.

They clench and unclench their fists.

knocking fingers on the table.

The squirrel jumps,

Tearing cones from pine branches.

Squeezes deftly with paws

And he takes it to his closet.

"Run" fingers on the table.

Compress alternately fingers in a bundle on the right and left hands.

Alternate clenching into a fist fingers on the right and left hands.

"Run" fingers on the table.

Ira asks: "Hedgehog, hedgehog,

Will you sew a dress for me?"

The hedgehog answered from under the tree:

“There are no threads - only needles!”

Children with two palms beckon to themselves with a gesture.

Simulate the movement of the needle when sewing.

Press the fist of the right hand to the palm of the left. Large join the fingers of both hands. Rest fingers spread your left hand. Change hands.

Rotate index fingers around each other, then push them forward. Rest fingers clenched into a fist.

A squirrel sits on a cart

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts:


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Zainka mustachioed -

To whom in a scarf

Who cares

Who cares.

They clap their hands and bang their fists against each other alternately.

Bend one by one fingers, starting with the big one.

They clap their hands rhythmically and strike with their fists.

Christmas trees grow in the dense forest

And evil-evil wolves roam.

Sometimes a bunny will run

And the branch of the tree will tremble.

There is a clumsy bear

He will touch the tree with his paw.

And the old hedgehog, prickly side,

Sleeping under the tree

Curled up into a ball.

Fingers intertwined, large fingers - crown.

Show "clacking mouth"

Show bunny ears.

Half-bent fingers"paws".

Fingers intertwined, large fingers - muzzle

Fingers folded in"clew".

I. Voice, facial, breathing and articulation exercises on the topic: "Pets"

1. Voice exercises.


Who meowed at the door: “Meow!”?

Open soon! Meow!

Very cold in winter! Meow! -

Murka asks to go home, - Meow!

(O. Vysotskaya)


Our horse gallops:

Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chok, -

The sound of fast feet is heard.

He moved to a gallop: top, top, top.

Everybody sleeps…

The bug yapped in a dream: "Aw!"

And then she yawned: "A-a-a-..."

In an easy chair, by the window,

The kitty fell asleep: "Moore-r-..."

(S. Kaputikyan)

upset calf

Heard in the field: “Moo-oo-oo-…, mo-oo-oo-…”

Who is calling and why "Moo-u-u-..."?

It's a calf!

Burenkin is a child!

Very upset:

Nobody responds! “Moo-u-u-…!”

2. Mimic exercises


The cat Murka has a kitten:

Fluffy little baby.

Father-cat is proud of him:

"The breed he will go to me!"

(E.G. Karelskaya)

"Angry Polkan"

Why angry, Polkan?

They didn't let me on the sofa

The ball was not allowed to bite through, -

Everything! I will not serve!

(E.G. Karelskaya)

"Bug smiles"

Bug, Bug, here's the package!

It's full of candy!

The bug ate the whole package,

She smiled back at me.

(E.G. Karelskaya)

"Surprised Kitty"

Striped purr cat

Runs his nose over a book:

Why don't mice smell?

Drawn in a book?

I can't catch them!

Paw only: grab yes grab!

(based on poems by G. Lagzdyn)

3. Articulation exercises.

« Hooves »

After all, the tongue is like hooves,

Might work hard.

Click, click, click, - and will not get tired,

It will only click harder.

(E.G. Karelskaya)

"Fluff laps milk"

(lacking movements of the tongue)

The cat loves milk

He drinks it from a saucer.

How? Willingly and easily.

Not tired at all!

(E.G. Karelskaya)

"Horse smiles"

(The lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are clenched and clearly visible.)

Smiling horse:

It can be seen that the horse has a sweet life!

Equal horse teeth

Showed us by stealth.

(E.G. Karelskaya)

(E.G. Karelskaya)

4. Breathing exercises.


1. Clarify the pronunciation of consonants [g], [n], [p], [m], [m], [k], [k] in syllables and words(horse, horse, cow, bull, milk, lows, dog, head, cat, kitten, meows, etc.)

2. Strengthen the ability to reproduce a number of syllables(woof-woof, aw-aw, moo, meow, mur, and-go-go)in one breath

3. Sound imitations in texts.

Masha and the cat

Masha brought home a cat. The cat meowed plaintively: Meow meow!" Masha poured milk for the cat and called: “ Kitty Kitty!" The cat was drinking milk. After eating, the cat washed her face with her paw and purred affectionately: “ Mur-r-r, mur-r-r-…”.

shepherd boy

Early - early in the morning

Shepherd: tu-ru-ru-ru.

And the cows follow him:

« Moo-moo-moo!", Yes " Moo-moo-moo!"

two dogs

Two dogs on the doorstep

We were told very strictly:

- Aw, aw, aw!

- Woof woof woof!


The cat lives with us

Songs merrily sing: "Moore-r-r-...".

This is our kitten Tishka.

He's still quite a baby. "Meow!"

(V. Berestov)


The horse rides far

Horse screams:

« I-go-go!!»


1. Name the animal and its cubs.

Cat - kitten - kittens Cow - calf - calves

Dog - puppy - puppies Horse-foal - foals

2. Animal body parts (nose, paw, legs, hooves, neck, eye, hair, tail, belly, back, teeth, claws, ear, etc.) .

3. Distinguish and use nouns, adjectives and verbs in the singular and plural in speech:

4. Understand and use in speech words with diminutive - affectionate suffixes:


Cats - mice

This pen is a mouse. ( Right hand.)

This pen is a cat. (Left hand.)

Play cats and mice ( Wiggle your fingers.)

We can do a little.

The mouse scratches with its paws, ( Respectively.)

The mouse gnaws at the crust. ( The right hand bites the fingers of the left hand.)

The cat hears it hand to ear.)

And sneaks up on the mouse. ( The right hand "sneaks".)

About the cat

Let's open our palm, tell about the cat.

Here is the fist Clench your fist.)

And here is the palm, ( Open your hand.)

The cat sat on the palm. ( Accordingly, from the fingers.)

And steals and steals Fingers climb up the arm.)

Apparently a mouse lives there.

The cat will find the mouse there. ( Run your fingers along the forearm and shoulder.)

I walked alone along the path

I walked alone along the path. ( Fingers "walk" on the table.)

My two legs went with me. ( Show two fingers.)

Suddenly three puppies meet:

Oh, we saw a cat! ( From fingers.)

He has four paws Show four fingers.)

And on the paws - scratches. ("Tsapki - scratches.")

One, two, three, four, five, - ( curl your fingers.)

Gotta run fast! ( Fingers "run away".)

Game "Ten kittens"

(The palms and fingers of both hands are pressed against each other. Elbows are on the table.)

Our Murochka has ten kittens. ( Swing your arms from side to side without separating your fingers.)

Now all the kittens are in pairs. ( Tap with matching fingers

Two fat, two dexterous, about each other, starting with the big one.)

Two long, two tricky,

The two smallest and most beautiful.



(All movements are performed in accordance with the text.)

Cat Fedot and kittens.

(All movements are performed in accordance with the text.)

All the kittens washed their paws: like this, like this!

They washed their ears, washed their bellies: like this, like this!

And then they got tired

We fell asleep sweetly: like this, like this ...

On the carpet, the kittens are sleeping: "Mur-mur, mur-mur!"

They don’t want to wake up: “Meow - mur!”

Quietly sleeping: back to back,

And they purr in their sleep: "Moore - r - r - ....".

Everyone lay down on the tummy

They played as best they could: "Meow!"

Paws up and everything

Tumbling, naughty!

Here comes the shaggy cat

And his name is Fedot.

What kind of kids are playing around here?

I'll scare all the kittens!

(I. Lopukhina)

The cat washes

How does a cat wash? ( Spread your arms in surprise.)

He opens his mouth Respectively.)

sticks out tongue, Respectively.)

(That's what he's used to doing!)

Salivating his paw, ( Imitation.)

And, as if taking off his hat, Appropriate movements.)

Leads a paw from the back of the head - to the nose,

Waiting for a question :( wag a finger.)

"When did you wash your face? ( Hands to the sides.)

Or remained unwashed?!” ( Shake your head reproachfully.)

(E.G. Karelskaya)

bull and goby

The bull has steep sides. ( Hands on the belt.)

The bull has twisted horns. ( Show large steep bull horns above the head.)

The bull has big legs, bend down to your feet.)

The bull has a strict character. (Wag finger.)

The bull has legs like sticks, (Stomp your feet.)

The bull has funny horns. ( Of the two index fingers - horns above the head.)

The bull's tail is short, (Hand behind shows a short tail.)

The bull has a meek character. (Head tilted from side to side, cute expression.)

(E. Karganova)

Cats - mice

Gently cat, look

Releases claws.

And gently squeezes them:

The mouse is so scared.

The cat walks quietly

The floorboards do not creak.

Just don't yawn the mouse

Run away from the cat!

(E. Savelyeva)


Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo,

The shepherd lost his pipe.

And we found a pipe

We carried the shepherd.

Come on, dear shepherd boy,

You hurry to the meadow.

Burenushka lies there,

He looks at the calves.


Mustachioed, striped, purrs all day, she is not too lazy to play! ( Cat)

Mustachioed, striped, sleeps all day, he is too lazy to play ... ( Cat)

Furry, mustachioed. He drinks milk, “Moore - r - r ...” sings. ( Cat)

Calling: "Moo-u-u ... Milk to someone-u-u-..."? ( Cow)

Stroking - caresses, teasing - bites. ( Dog)

Say a word!

Who is Pushka?

Cannon paw soap ears

On the bench by the window.

The gun is washed without soap,

Because the Cannon is ... ( cat).

(V. Levin)

Washed in the morning with a paw,

I'm sitting on the window.

Who came to visit us?

Gray ... ( cat).

Who becomes who

Once upon a time there was a little puppy.

He has grown, however.

And now he's not a puppy

And the adult ... (dog).

Foal every day

He grew up and became ... (horse).

Bull, mighty giant,

As a child, I was ... (calf)

Fat lamb ram -

Plump ... (lamb).

Well, the important cat Fluff -

Little ... (kitten).

(A. Shibaev)

At the cow on New Year's Eve

A child was born.

And everyone called him

Affectionately - ... ( calf).

Who is grazing in the meadow?

far, far away

Cats graze in the meadow…


No, not horses!

far, far away

In the meadow they graze…


No, not goats!

far, far away

Cats graze in the meadow…

That's right, cows.

Drink, children, milk,

You will be healthy.

(Yu. Chernykh)

The coat is shiny and so smooth!

On the legs are hooves.

You give hay, and you will be full

Brown ... ( horse).

(E.G. Karelskaya)


Our cat


Like our cat

The coat is very good.

Like a cat mustache

Amazing beauty.

Bold eyes, white teeth.



Three-ta-ta! three-ta-ta!

A cat married a cat

For Kot Kotovich

For Ivan Petrovich.



The cat went to the market,
I bought a cat and a horn.

The cat went to the street

I bought a bun for a cat.

Do you have yourself

Or demolish Borenka?

I'll bite myself

Yes, I'll take Borenka too.

Ah, cat!


Ah, cat, cat, cat,
curly pubis,
Stole a ball from my grandmother

And hid in a corner.

Grandma caught up

And tugged at the ear.

The cat went to the stove
Found a pot of porridge.

On the kalachi oven,
Like fire is hot.

Gingerbreads are baked
The cat's paws are not given.

Come, kitty!


Come, kitty, kitty,

Come gray tail

Come, cat, spend the night,

Come play with Kostenka.

How do I like you, cat,

I will pay for the work.

I'll sew a new fur coat

And I'll order boots.

There is a kitten


There is a kitten on the bench,

He wipes his eyes with his paw.

What are you crying about, kitty?

What, gray, are you shedding tears?

How can I not shed bitter tears?

Do I have a cat

It hurts stepmother dashing.

She beat the cat, saying:

"Don't go, kitty,

To a neighbor's cellar.

Don't drag it, kitty

No sour cream, no cottage cheese.

Don't rock it, kitty

Alien little children.

Come, gray, spend the night,

Rock our baby."

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

The cat lives on the edge.

He is not poor, not rich,

He has three boys.

Everyone is sitting on benches

They eat butter porridge.

One is grey, the other is white
The third Vaska is a simpleton,

Don't call your father!

Cat got into the habit


Just like a kitten

curly pubis,
How did the cat

To a trading town.

To the trading town

For sour cream, for cottage cheese.

How did you see the cat?

Two merchants from the window.

They slammed the window

Run after the cat
How the cat was hit

across the belly,
Sprained cat legs

Across the track.




Where was?

At the mill.


What did she do there?

The flour was ground.


What was baked from flour?



Who did you eat gingerbread with?


Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone!

How much?

How many ears does a cat have?

Come on, tell me quickly!

As much as the eyes.

We figured it out right away.

How many tails does a cat have?

Just clap, no words.

If only one tail

The answer will be very simple.

How many? Three or five?

(O. Alexandrova)

kind cat

The cat lapped milk

And left some.

Let, she thought,

The mouse will drink everything to the bottom.

(V. Stepanov)

Murka the cat

Meow meow!..

Who is now

Is scratching at our door?

This is your cat Murka.

Murka is a gray skin.

I guarded your cellar
Moved all the mice

Rats chased out of the basement,
Worked out, tired.

(S. Kaputikyan)

Cat counting

One, two, three, four, five,

Little by little, little by little

Adds a cat to a mouse.

The answer is:

"There is a cat, but no mice!"

(V. Levin)

What cat?

Why are you black, cat?

Climbed up the chimney at night.

Why are you white now?

I ate sour cream from a pot.

Why are you gray?

The dog rolled me in the dust.

So what color are you?

I don't know it myself.

(V. Levanovsky)


The gray cat messed up:

He climbed into the pan with his paw ...

He treated himself to milk, -

Washes paw with tongue.

Olya saw it

She was surprised and said:

"Don't you know, pussycat,

You have your own bowl!”

new thing

I bought a cat

For the holiday of boots,

Combed her mustache

Made new panties.

But how to wear?

The tail has nowhere to go!

(E. Blaginina)

polite ponytail

Brought up ponytail

At my cat.

He is respectful throughout

He follows her.

And at the door he is before her

Won't enter -

He is polite to the cat

Skip forward.

(Vladimir Orlov)

On a raft

The raft, the raft, the raft floats.

On the raft is a shaggy cat.

Catching fish from a raft

The cat has a lot of fish

(Lev Sorokin)

Cat - fisherman

On the path over the pond

A cat walks with an empty bucket.

He would like

eat fish,

Yes, afraid to climb into the water!

Our kitten

Kitten has smooth fur

And she's probably sweet

Because Vaska is red

Often-often licks fur

(R. Selyanin)

Kisa Vasilisa

Vasya has a kitty

Kisa Vasilisa.

The tail is fluffy at the kitty,

Kisy Vasilisa.

Kisa Vasilisa

Looks like a fox.

Loves Vasya kitty.

Kisa Washu - too.

(L. Ulyanitskaya)


Life is interesting for a kitten:

Jumped into grandma's chair

The yarn began to be wound.

Where is the kitten?

Don't see!

Unwound the yarn.

And found it missing!

(V. Bardym)

Black and gray


Quietly dozing on the floor.


Quietly hiding in a corner.


Gently moved his paw,


It wagged its tail deftly.

(I. Maznin)

What's better?

The dog ran across the grass

And the cat lay on the grass.

The cat thought

“Lying is boring!

Better on grass

Run and run…”

The dog thought

"It's hard to run!

Better on the bench

Lie and lie…”

The dog was lying on the bench

The cat ran across the grass.

(Tim Sobakin)


Soup cooked Tobiki,

Bobby helped.

The cats came running

They brought bowls.

Steel cats

wash bowls,

Come out

You lead!

(L. Lagzdyn)

Masha has lunch

Dinner time has come

Mashenka sat down at the table.

Woof woof woof!

Who is this to us?

Woof woof woof!

Who is it there?

It's me, your faithful dog,

Your Arab is a black nose.

Day and night I guarded the house,

Worked out, chill.

(S. Kaputikyan)


- Doggie, doggie, black nose,

What are you spinning around?

Even the fur sticks up.

My answer to you is very simple:

I catch myself by the tail!

(E. Blaginina)

Egor and Trezor

Yegor would go out into the yard,

Only cowardly:

At the porch puppy Trezor, -

Suddenly bite?

Trezor wants to enter the house,

Only sees:

Egor is sitting by the window, -

Suddenly hurt?

Give me some milk, Burenushka!


Give me some milk, Burenushka!

At least a little on the bottom.

Kittens are waiting for me

Little guys.

Give them a spoonful of cream

A little bit of creativity

Oils, yogurt,
Milk and porridge.

Gives health to everyone

Milk cow.

little cow

Why is this cow

Vertically challenged? -

Olya Sveta answers:

Very simple!

This is the same child.

This is a calf!

(V. Volina)

Why is the calf eating?

The calf eats all day long.

How does he not get bored?

The calf eats because

What he needs to grow.

(I. Mikhailova)

Oh my bull!


Oh, you, bully-bysenka,

Oh, you, my bull, -

golden bald,

Resin barrel.

playful horns,

Lean feet,

You walk quietly

Don't wake our children!…

Cow (amusement)

Walks - wanders through the meadow

Red cow.

She will give us by the evening

Steam milk.

Sasha, Masha and Marinka -

Will be all on the lid.

Everyone will get a drink

And the cat will remain.


Heifer, heifer,

On the tail is a panicle,

pink mouth,

White belly.

Legs are spiky,

horns sharp,

The muzzle is dumb

Here she is!

(V. Kataev)


The cow looked into the river

And at the bottom lies a horseshoe.

"Oh," thought the cow,

A suitable horseshoe."

With her I would be faster

All familiar horses.



Red mane - do not touch!

Horse-nbsp;0table border=p Oh, bye, bye... If there is only one tail, p align=fire.

I'll ask the horse:

"Hurry me up!"

(Ev. Intulov)

VIII. Studies on the expression of basic emotions.

cat and spikelet

Cat-cat, go to the blackboard, ( Hand gesture inviting.)

Tell me about the spikelet!

Spikelet, my friends, ( Hands to the side.)

He's skinny like me! ( Stroke an imaginary mustache.)

(G. Vieru)

cat and cat

(Children stand in pairs: a boy and a girl.)

The cat walks on the bench (Boys step importantly, throwing a straight leg forward.)

Leads a cat by the paws. ( The girls take up their skirts, walk in small steps on their toes..)

Tops - tops on the bench,

Tsaps - Tsaps for paws. ( Children go hand in hand.)


The cat went outside cat steps.)

And squinting from the snow :( Respectively.)

I can’t find paths near the rubble, ( Hands to cheeks, sadly shake your head.)

Very cold cat Pat yourself on the shoulders, rub them.)

Live without boots. ( Bend over to your feet, then stomp your feet.)

Suddenly, I decided that it would not blow ( wave your hand.)

Fur coat in the winter breeze

And walked like on stilts Steps on toes.)

Straight along the fence.

(S. Baranov)

cat's ear

The cat says to the kittens:

I brought you a basket. ( Stretch your arms forward.)

And in the basket fresh onion, ( Demonstration.)

And eight fish!

And the kittens at the window

The cat gave a basket.
Five kittens sat next to each other The children sit on the mat.)
Everyone wants to cook soup ... ( Interfering with an imaginary spoon.)

At the wicker basket

They clean fish and potatoes. ( Respectively.)

The cat's squeak and laughter are silent,

Everyone's paws are busy. ( Spin with hands.)

(I. Demyanov)


Who meowed at the door: "Meow!" ( Meow piteously.)

Open soon! ( With your right fist, tap on the open palm of your left hand.)

Very cold in winter. ( Shrink, rub yourself by the shoulders.)

Murka asks to go home. ( Cross the fingers of your right hand along the open palm of your left.)

(O. Vysotskaya)


Little bull ( Show the horns on the head with your fingers.)

Yellow barrel. ( Hands on the belt.)

He steps with his feet, ( Step on the spot with your feet.)

Shakes his head. ( Respectively.)

Where is the herd? Moo-u-… ( Surprised expression.)

Bored alone-u-u-… ( sad face expression.)


We went for a walk

One, two, three, four, five, ( Vigorous steps in place.)

Together we went for a walk.

Towards - the dog Barbos: ( Sit down like dogs do.)

Curly tail, black nose. (Show the “tail” with your hand, and then the nose.)

kitty - kitty

Kitten - kitty - kitty, ( Insinuating, cautious steps of a cat.)

A cat is a sharp claw. (Show "claws" on both hands.)

The cat will go out into the garden - (Important gait of a cat.)

People run away: (Running in place.)

cow with calf, “Hands show “horns” on the head.)

Horse with foal. ( Running horses with high knees.)


Meow-meow, - said the cat, - ( Imitate the habits and voice of a cat.)

Let's draw a little! ( Hand movements, as if there is a brush in it.)

Spilling paint on the floor “Turn over” an imaginary can of paint.)

We climb into the paint with a paw ... ( Respectively.)

Multi-colored palms, - ( Alternate movements of the palms, as if slapping on the wallpaper.)

There are stains on the wallpaper.

Us with my brother, together with the cat ( Take a breath, lower your head sadly.)

Mom ordered...


Hello Kisa! How are you? ( A friendly nod of the head.)

Why did you leave us? (Surprised facial expression, spread arms to the sides.)

I can't live with you! ( With an offended look.)

Nowhere to put the tail! ( Show on the "tail".)

Walk, yawn, ( Appropriate movements.)

Step on your tail! (Gracefully pick up the "tail".)

TV viewer

TV with us Support your head with your hands, as if peering at the screen.)

Watching our pussy. ( Some kind of "cat" movement.)

Sees a mouse on the screen The cat started up, tensed up, ready to jump.)

The mouse is close! (Stretch your hand forward.)

It could have been a nice lunch! ( The cat is licking.)

Only - grab! But there is no mouse ... ( Appropriate movement, and then - disappointment on the face.)

(S. Muridli)

What jokes?

What kind of joke is this? (Put hands on hips, surprised expression.)

The cat is in the dog house! (Depict a cat.)

Kicked out Bobik vzashey: (Appropriate hand movement.)

“Come on, go catch mice!” (Stomp foot, commanding hand gesture.)

(I. Zhukov)

Murka the cat

Murka looks thoughtfully at the sky :( Respectively.)

Maybe the sausage will fly there? ( thoughtful expression.)

The thought that there are still miracles, ( Finger to forehead.)

Even nicer than sausage. ( Wave gracefully.)

(V. Druk)

It's a cat!

Paws ( show hands), torso ( demonstrative hand movement), tail ( the right hand wags from behind like a tail).

ear two ( palms above your head - move) and wet nose ( point to the nose),

The fur is soft! ( stroking hand movements.)

Claws are sharp. ( Show "paws-scratches".)

Here the eyes show eyes with index fingers), and here is the mouth ( point to the mouth).

Get acquainted! It's a cat! ( Insinuating cat movements.)

Well, kittens!

Mom has five kittens. ( Show five fingers.)

The cat sat on the window . (Sit down in the pose of "cat")

Mother cat is expecting kittens (Hand under the cheek, waiting position.)

After all, kittens want to eat! (Get up, throw up your hands.)

Milk and porridge are waiting! (Pull out open arms.)

Why don't they go? (Shrug in surprise.)

Because five kittens

They love chocolate very much. (Lick your lips, blissful expression.)

And the kittens ran away Running in place.)

They didn't eat porridge! (Shake your head.)

(G. Galkina)


With one hand I tear the grass, ( Grasping movements with the left hand.)

With my other hand, I also tear. ( Grasping movements with the right hand.)

I'll feed the horse with grass. ( Stretch your arms forward, palms up, kind facial expression.)

That's how many fingers I have! ( Open your palms, spread your fingers, a cheerful face.)


A four-legged baby needs to learn a lot: ( Wag your finger instructively.)

Run fast, ( running in place.), to sleep deeply ( hand on cheek)

Grass juicy pinching. ( We tear imaginary grass with our hands.)

Stood shaky ( respectively) and the horse went. (Steps, raising legs high.)

Musya and kittens.

We have a cat Musya ( Draw a cat.)

And five kittens. ( Jump in place.)

They, pressing their paws, ( Hand in hand, huddle together».)

They lie in an embrace. ( Lay your head on your neighbor's shoulder.)

Musya caresses kittens ( Get in a circle.)

rough tongue ( Appropriate tongue movements.)

And feeds them to the full ( Lashing tongue movements.)

Delicious milk:

“Let there be strong teeth, ( Show teeth.)

Let there be tenacious claws, (" Caps - scratches»)

Let the eyes be clean, ( Rub your fists on your eyes.)

Let there be fast paws! ( Run out of the circle and sit down.)

(L. Olifirova)

Finger gymnastics is an educational game that helps develop fine motor skills. A fun and exciting activity with reading nursery rhymes, as well as small rhymes, will help develop memory, coordination of movements.

Often, the nursery rhyme is a simple plot with one acting character, which is domestic or wild animals.

When pronouncing the verse with the baby, it is necessary to combine words, as well as some finger movements. Such a fun game will help to quickly develop motor memory, fine motor skills.

Thanks to the successive movements of the fingers, the baby will easily be able to recreate the verse he heard about animals. Visual, figurative, as well as motor memory helps to learn even large poems in a short period of time, this process will bring only positive emotions to the little one.

The first acquaintance with the poem takes place under the guidance of an adult, there is a demonstration of movements, as well as a reading of the verse, while the baby is watching carefully.

Then you can repeat the game with the little one. If the child is still too young, it is worth helping him to perform finger movements. Muscle development occurs quite quickly, after 4 or 5 sessions, you can evaluate the result.

Below we will consider several options for popular finger games about wild and domestic animals, which will undoubtedly appeal to children.

Option 1

The name of the proposed finger game is "Pets". During the classes, it will be possible to expand the passive as well as the active vocabulary of the baby, develop speech skills, fine motor skills.

During the lesson, you will need to prepare pictures of pets, which will be discussed in rhymes or nursery rhymes. Thanks to visual memory, the child will be able to better remember the material of the lesson.

It should be noted that the first lesson should be short (5-10 minutes), in the future, the time of finger play can be gradually increased.

Option 2

A lesson with children on the topic "Animals of hot countries" will enrich the vocabulary of children, each child will learn what wild animals live in Africa. In addition, it will be possible to develop attention, memory, as well as the thinking of children, instill love for the surrounding animal world, and develop the ability to listen not only to an adult, but also to an interlocutor.

For the game "Animals of hot countries" you will need to first prepare pictures of animals, a globe, soft toys of the inhabitants of the jungle. Before the start of the lesson, it is worth holding a preliminary conversation with the children, thanks to this, the kids will learn about what wild animals of hot countries are and in what conditions they live.

Children with great pleasure will repeat all the movements with their fingers after adults, depicting the animal world of hot countries: an elephant, a turtle, a tiger, a crocodile and other inhabitants of water and land.

At the end of the game "Animals of Hot Countries" it is necessary to sum up the lesson by asking the children whether they liked to depict animals or not.

Option 3

Carrying out finger gymnastics called "Animals of the North" will acquaint children with representatives of the animal world of the Arctic, you can also acquaint kids with animals that live in the nearby area in winter.

Thanks to a well-structured lesson, it will be possible to gradually develop thinking through comparison and generalization, instill a love for the animal world and a desire to learn more information about the inhabitants of the Arctic.

At the very end of the lesson about the animals of the north, you can read the riddles and solve them together, the illustration tips will help the children remember all the animals mentioned in the rhymes.

Along with the “Animals of the North” finger games, modeling using salt dough or plasticine will be appropriate. The main thing is to interest the little one, to be able to add variety to simple games and reading rhymes.

Psychologists have long proven the relationship between the development of fine motor skills and the development of speech and thinking of the child. Therefore, you can work with children not only in kindergarten, but also at home with their parents.

Thanks to finger games, it is possible to establish close contact between the baby and parents. A simple lesson will bring not only benefits in the development of the child, but also teach simple skills and communication skills, give the baby great pleasure from communicating with mom and dad.

You should be prepared for the fact that not all children are included in the game, you should not be persistent in this case. It may be interesting for the baby to first watch the adult, then he will undoubtedly want to imitate the movements and have fun together.

How to conduct activities with children

In order for the finger game to be successful, you should pay attention to a number of recommendations that will help you conduct a lesson with children:

  • First, discuss the content of the game with the child, try to work out the elements of the movements that will be shown later. This will help prepare the baby for the game, as well as create the necessary emotional mood.
  • Do all the necessary exercises together, he must see the adult's interest in the lesson. Learning the words of rhymes, as well as nursery rhymes, should take place gradually, each subsequent lesson will provide an opportunity to learn them by heart.
  • Choose 2 or 3 simple exercises that will be replaced by others as they are learned, this will help keep the baby interested in the game.
  • There is no need to set too many tasks for the baby; if one of them is not completed, the general interest in the game will be lost.
  • You should not force the little one to study, it is worth determining the cause of the refusal and, if possible, eliminating it.
  • Encourage your baby to sing along, reward for the slightest achievements.

Elena Trufanova
Card file of finger games on the theme "Pets"

Finger games are a stimulus for the development of fine motor skills, which means speech, memory, attention and much more. For the development of speech, it is also a very important factor that in finger games everything is accompanied by verses. Poems attract the attention of the baby and are easy to remember. And of course, finger games are one of the options for joyful communication.


One, two, three, four, five, What should we call animals? (alternately bend the fingers on the left hand)

The closest, the most faithful - Everyone knows them, probably (clap hands).

Horse, cow, dog and cat (with the index finger of the left hand we bend the fingers on the right hand).

What shall we call them? think a little (we spread our arms to the sides, as if asking others).

Live in the house with the owner (we depict with our hands the roof of the house over our heads),

So, everyone calls them home.

"Bull and Shepherd"

Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok, chok!

A bull is running towards the shepherd.

(“Run”, tapping on the table with fingertips)

He really wants to snuggle

Maybe he is very bored.

(On each hand we expose the “horns” from the index finger and little finger and turn the brushes in different directions)

The shepherd is not afraid -

Give the bull water to drink.

(We leave one hand in the described position, in a circular motion we stroke its back side with the fingers of the other hand)

Take him by the horns

And take you to the grass.

(We grab the “horned” hand with the other hand and take it to the side)

Five little pigs

Five merry piglets stand behind the gate (The left hand is on the edge of the table. The right hand lies on the table, the fingers are half-bent.)

These pigs are waiting, What they will bring to eat. Five merry little pigs look down through the crack, (Push the fingers of the right hand between the fingers of the left "in the cracks")

They run back and forth: “Where is the delicious food?” (We move the fingers of the right hand)

Five merry piglets Knock on the door with their hooves. (They tap the fingers of the right hand on the palm of the left "gate")

Suddenly this door opened: (The palm of the left hand is slightly pulled back “the gate opens”)

You can run now!

(Fingers of the right hand of the "pigs" run across the table)

Five merry piglets Loudly, joyfully squeal: “In the trough, yes, yes, yes,

(Fold the left palm with a “ladle” (trough)

And it has delicious food!”

(With the fingers of the right hand of the “pigs”, scrape the bottom of the left “trough”)


Our cat has ten kittens (Hands are folded palm to palm. The fingers are pressed in pairs to each other and separated.)

Now all the kittens are in pairs (Shake hands without separating them)

Two fat, two dexterous, two long, two cunning, Two smallest and most beautiful. (Tapping the corresponding fingers against each other (from the thumb to the little finger)


Two white hens lived in the barn, (Clench fists, bend thumbs - unbend in rhythm.)

And they took eight chickens for a walk. (We open the rest of the fingers. We bend them and unbend them.)

Four children followed each, Four beautiful obedient chickens (The pads of the four fingers of one hand touch the fingers of the other)

The chickens loved to walk together. Pushing, squeaking and pecking at something. ( Fingers intertwined, quickly move them)

As soon as it gets dark, everyone runs to their mothers. (Clench fists, thumbs bent.)

They hug each other and fall asleep immediately. (Bend the thumbs and press them to the rest (the chickens are sleeping).


Five kittens in front of you (Fingers are spread apart. Turn the brush in different directions)

Everyone nods their heads. (Bend - unbend fingers.)

Here we all run together (Run fingers on the table (knees)

Suddenly - tired, lie down. (Place your palm on the table (knees)

They saw a mouse in the distance And they crawled after it. (“Crawling” with fingers on the table (knees, pulling the palm to the fingers.)

A dog walked past them: "Woof!", - and drove them all away. (Fingers - kittens "run away")

Two goats

Once upon a time a goat went across the bridge to visit someone. (On one handle we press the middle and ring finger with our thumb.)

And another one was walking towards him, he was returning home. (On the other handle we also make “horns”)

Two horny stupid brothers

They began to butt on the bridge, (We hold the brushes horizontally, “butt our horns” on the first word of each line)

Unwilling to give in (We hold the brushes horizontally, “butt our horns” on the first word of each line)

And skip another (We hold the brushes horizontally, “butt our horns” on the first word of each line)

For a long time the goats fought, (We hold the brushes horizontally, “butt our horns” on the first word of each line)

They ran and pushed. (We hold the brushes horizontally, “butt our horns” on the first word of each line)

Here's a running forehead - bang! (We clap our hands at the word "bang")

And from the bridge into the water - plop! (We drop our hands on our knees)


One, two - there were ducklings.

Three, four - for water.

And behind them trailed the fifth,

Behind ran the sixth.

And the seventh lagged behind them,

And the eighth is already tired.

And the ninth caught up with everyone,

And the tenth scared.

(Alternately bend all the fingers of the right, then the left hand, starting with the thumb.)

Loudly, loudly squealed:

Pi-pi-pi! Not food

We're here, look around.

(Rhythmically bend and unbend the fingers of both hands.)


My turtle (hand clenched into a fist. Thumb on top) lives in a box (hand rests on other palm)

Bathing in the bath (wave-like movement of the fist in the air) crawling on the floor ("Turtle" crawls on the other hand)

I will wear it on the palm of my hand (cam returns to open palm)

She won't bite me (negative head gesture)

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