Wallpaper options for the living room. Select wallpaper for the living room (54 photos): Fashionable colors and their combinations

Background design of walls with neutral design in such interiors is practically not found.

If you do not have the ability to create, make a niche or create vertical combinations using bright and more color-rich materials.

In modern interiors, virtually any shades can be used, but it is better not to give preference to dim colors (mustard, pale-).

For modern living rooms with a small square, wallpapers are suitable for the following topics:

The design of this type is suitable for those who do not like to sit still. With a rich pace of life, even in the home interior you want to feel energy and ordering.

The concise design of modern interiors is one of the simplest and most popular ways of design of the living room, even if it is significantly limited in size.

Home comfort and romanticism

Comfort lovers often choose natural motifs for living room design. The naturalness of interior design, which manifests itself in textures, shades and patterns of patterns is characteristic of styles and.

Unlike modern living rooms, in such interiors you can create patterned backgrounds, without worrying about their psychological and aesthetic effects. Gentle floral motifs, on the contrary, emphasize home comfort in your room.

Attention! For interiors of this type, choose a light or warm palette wallpaper: more rich shades should be present in the minimum quantities, for example, on colors.

Wallpaper for a small living room of this type, too, can depict vertical or horizontal lines. But the severity of this design is better dilute more gentle natural plotsSo do not be afraid to combine the wallpaper similar color scheme.

If you want to bring your interior to modernity, but keep the heat and comfort of internal settings - use as an accent. They can depict any plots for natural themes, starting with landscapes (fields, expanses) and ending with separate colors or plants.

Glue such wallpapers in one of the zones: for the sofa or opposite (Where a fireplace or TV is usually located). If your room has a non-standard form, you can use photo wallpaper to correct its flaws (for example, stick to two walls at once or highlight the inlet door zone).

In the interiors of this type you can use single wallpaper warm shades:, soft, lavender, and others. Another option of the design of the wall, which looks sufficiently strictly, but creates a light and relaxed atmosphere, is a cell.

Try not to use saturated shades: let them be blond and perfectly perform their background destinations.

Solemnation and elegance of walls in such a living room can be emphasized using patterned wallpaper as a background or accent inserts.

Wallpaper in the living room should be selected according to certain rules. Especially ate living room not large sizes. Here it is necessary to provide a visual increase in the area, and accordingly, choose the desired style of design.

Today we will tell you how to choose the right wallpaper for a small living room and that it is necessary to envisage. Some options for design you can look at the video and photos and it will help you correctly fulfill the task.

Wallpaper selection rules for small rooms

The living room is a room that should be nice and comfortable to gather a family in the evening, sit with friends for a cup of tea, or even arrange a festive feast. This is the "face" of your dwelling, so the appearance of the living room is very important. Repair savings will lead to the rapid wear of the interior and the loss of aestheticism.

Often the living room in the apartment has very modest dimensions, have to look for solutions that can correct the flaw area. Wallpaper in the living room must also be selected based on the total area.

Choosing a Little Wallpaper, it is worth considering the following principles:

  • Quality - Quality wallpaper will last longer maintain operational properties, which is especially important for a small room, which is intended to collect guests. The cost of them will certainly pay off. After all, damage to low-quality wallpapers, even in a separate section, most likely will require their full replacement. It may be impossible to cross one cloth or very difficult.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage - Scratches, wiping easily and quickly spoil the look. Therefore, it is very important to choose a material that can withstand mechanical exposure.

Attention: a small trick: damage will be less noticeable on wallpaper with a convex pattern or small bright pattern.

  • Resistance to fading - In a small room, the walls will probably be exposed to sunlight through the windows. Colors do not have to lose saturation. Ploying, the aged situation is unlikely to please.
  • Pollution susceptibility - Since there will be people in large quantities in the room periodically, wallpapers will often circulate with hands or clothing, especially on protruding parts, corners, switches, narrow passes. The best option will be washable wallpapers, allowing remove dirt.
  • Influence on health - Not all Wallpapers are safe, some can release toxic substances, causing poor well-being, poisoning and allergic reactions. Also worth paying attention to the ability to attract dust and breathability.
  • Spectatic effect - The situation is capable of affecting the perception of space. Such a property with skillful use will be very by the way when there is a lack of space.

The wallpaper for the living room has different types and with a variety of textures, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • So vinyl wallpaper is distinguished by durability, but do not have the ability to skip air.
  • Paper wallpaper is the safest, but do not have sufficient wear resistance.
  • A good choice will become glazing - they are breathable, durable and non-combustible.
  • Silkography "breathes" due to a paper basis, and the upper vinyl layer prolongs its service life.
  • Another type is textiles - it will require neat operation, and quite roads, but pleasant texture and colors are indispensable for the embodiment of designer ideas.

Visual increase in the room

Many see that sometimes going into the room. Its sizes seem not large and walls like pressure, although the area is large. This is called visualization of the room. With the help of not large tricks, it is quite possible and zoom in area.


  • The bright walls will create the illusion of the spaciousness, and the dark on the contrary will reduce the room, they will make it look like even a cozy, but tiny "mink". Therefore, in the desire to expand the space, the choice should be stopped on white, beige, pale pink, light-purple and other pastel colors.
  • This does not mean that dark tone is prohibited. They are undesirable to use as a basis, but separate small dark or bright elements can look very profitably.
  • It is preferable to one-photon wallpaper or with a small nonsense pattern. A large bright drawing will be shy space.
  • Striped colors will help in creating the desired effect. For example, the vertical strips "raise" the ceiling, and the horizontal will expand the walls.
  • The lighting should be sufficient, the lack of light is plugging the area. The main light can be supplemented with point lamps that emphasize different zones.
  • Cold shades are well suited for the living room, give fresh interior.
  • Walls, furniture, textiles - everything should be in a single style. Fitting, knocking out individually elements of the interior crept the impression of cramped and disorder.
  • Some effects, for example, the pattern in the chameleon color, glitter elements or a volume ornament will be used to impart elegacity and the desired effect.

Creating a solid stylish interior

Armed with knowledge, you decide on the peculiarities of your home and characteristics of the material. But the living room is not only walls. It's time to proceed to the design of the living room situation as a whole to create a single harmonious space.

And everything is completely able to make it yourself, then the price of the finish will be on great. After all, designers are not enough. Here are some fashion trends in the interior design.

Laconic direction

Main features are simplicity, functionality and minimalism. There are no erratic or coupling parts and frustration with extra accessories, the number of furniture is small.


  • The walls are made up with soft pastel colors, and only one is used a bright element. It can be a picture, part of the wall, separate niches or piece of furniture. The effect is created on the contrast of brighter and more saturated shades. He gives the interior of the liveliness.
  • This concept includes minimalist, Swedish, ultra-modern and other styles. This direction is perfectly suitable for a small living room: the minimum filling of furniture and calm tones will free space as literally and impressed. Laconicity and practicality create an atmosphere with an energetic activity pane, as well as a pleasant feeling of order and accuracy.
  • Coloring can be used any, but the blower vague palettes of shades are better to beware. Muddy colors, such as gray-blue or light brown can make a diver and lifeless room.

The choice of drawing is not limited, modern production provides a wide selection, everyone can find an option to the soul:

  • Empty background - wallpaper without a picture will not limit the room, sharpen attention. In addition to the main light tone as an accent for one of the walls, it is allowed to choose an expressive noticeable color. It may even be purple or indigo. The main thing is moderation. A small simplest or niche and 1-2 interior items in the same color will be enough.
  • Strip - simple, time-tested option. Despite the simpleness and lack of claims for novelty, the bands will be an excellent assistant in the transformation of close living rooms. It is only necessary to correctly select an option that will give the desired effect.
  • The geometric ornament is simple and restrained, but at the same time gives an atmosphere of energetic and dynamism. It can be circles, squares, triangles, broken lines, intertwined in the pattern or abstract scattered, single-color or different (non-lary) colors.
  • Abstract images are usually saturated and contrastful, make a notch of creativity and relaxation from formalities. In the room of a small area, it is necessary to use such a design carefully, bright abstraction is perfectly suitable for the accent, but it is not necessary to draw out all the walls.
  • Imitation is a relative novelty, gaining popularity. The texture can imitate the stone, wood and so on. With it, it is possible to divide the space on the zones, to create a feeling of naturalness, comfort and comfort.
  • Wall mural - used as an emphasis of the element. Themes meet a variety of: Nature (see Nature Wall mural for your design), attractions, urbanism, art. Images with a perspective will visually increase the size of the living room.

Romantic direction

The main goal is warmth and comfort.

ATTENTION: Walls must be blond, and floral and vegetable ornaments are not allowed to use.

  • Tasted aggressive colors are not used, everything should be decorated in a delicate pastel or watercolor and preferably a warm palette. Bright elements here do not meet. Textiles and cute little things that complement the situation plays an important role.
  • Representatives of this area are Shebbi-Shik styles, Provence, Country and others.
  • Wallpaper can be stripped, but the lines should be more smooth and soft, rigor and minimalism are not characteristic of romanticism.
  • Interesting can be a combination of various wall designs, for example, smooth lines with flowers. The design "into the cell" will be appropriate, but it is necessary to avoid intensive paints.
  • Sometimes romanticism may seem old-fashioned. To avoid such an impression one of the walls, one of the walls can be supplemented with a photocartine illustrating, for example, a duplicating lake or watercolor still life.
  • Materials are preferred with natural or imitating them. A stylish supplement will be inserted from a tree.
  • Living room of small sizes can be very profitable to arrange in a romantic style, creating a comfortable spacious space. Tenderness and airiness of romanticism are able to transform a tiny room.

Classic direction

Let the size of the living room completely Nekorolevsky, but if you want solemnity and luxury, then there is a solution here.

ATTENTION: Classic style implies the presence of decorative elements (stucco, gilding, curly details of furniture), mirrors, high ceilings. This includes Ampire, Rococo, Baroque and Other.


  • Wallpaper design can be different, most often it is a complex, ornament, but a strip, and a cell and other options are possible. Successfully fit into the classic decoration wallpaper with a relief pattern, imitating stucco, or with a gold-plated pattern. The "cucumbers" or "Damascus" pattern in restrained colors is permissible to use in the design of small rooms. At the same time, even a large pattern will not have a negative impact on optical perception of sizes.
  • Tones are used and dark and dark, but the latter are not suitable for close spaces. The walls are better to do with a weakly distinguished pattern or generally monophonic, and more saturated in color and pattern with wallpaper to wake individual sections, or niche. You can add walls with decorative planks, mirrors and panels.
  • Lighting should be bright, no corner can not be ignored. The classic requires massive crystal chandeliers, but with low ceilings will have to be considered, selecting the model more compact vertical. By the way, wall lamps will also come.
  • Of course, in a small living room, not all the ideas of the classic style can be realized, but the mirror surfaces, glossy overflows and the abundance of light will undoubtedly play a role in the visual increase in the room.
  • Wallpaper selection is a very important step to create an interior, especially with a small area. Properly decorated walls will correct the disadvantages of the room and present it in a favorable light.

A wide selection of modern finishing materials, wallpaper of various textures and colors, and besides the principles and nuances described above will allow to turn even a small room into a modern, aesthetic, and a comfortable living room, where you can finally feel at home. And it is not dependent, choose you wallpaper for the Living room in the style of Provence or any other. The main thing is that everything is harmonious and in the topic. The instruction will help you prevent errors.

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How to pick up a small room wallpaper: 6 Golden Rules

White expands, a large pryst is stealing space, and the textured wallpaper is not completely unacceptable - forget about these stereotypes. Here are some really delivel tips who will tell you how to choose the right wallpaper for a small room and which will add to your room square meters due to the visual effect.

Rule 1: Select the appropriate print

You liked the wallpaper with a large or bright print, but are you afraid that the room will look less than a shoe box? In vain. The correct approach to the selection of large prints in the wall decoration, on the contrary, allows you to visually expand the room.

As for the right approach to the selection of the pattern, I can recommend the following:

  • The use of a print that is practically merged with the background, makes the room with air and spacious;

  • The combination of a large print with monophonic walls allows not only visually expanding the room, but also make it more cozy and homely;

  • The combination of wallpapers with a large pattern with a monophonic draper visually elevates the ceiling - take this note if you have a low ceilings;

  • Combining a large print on walls with a monophonic drapery makes windows larger, and at the same time and increases oversized room;
  • Similar effect can be achieved using a set of one-photographic furniture to a large pattern on the walls;

  • Two zones, weathered in the same color scheme, make each of the two conditional premises more spacious and functional;

  • The use of designer wallpapers with a retro print allows you to visually move the sofa from the wall, behind which there is a dressing room;

  • The horizontal pattern contributes to visual expansion of space;

  • Just as the horizontal ornament stretches the room stir, the vertical pattern pulls the room up;

The following example displays what is better not to choose for pasting all the walls in a small room. The striking contrast between the background and the pattern greatly attracts attention, and even the red pillows do not save the situation.

In the photo - Bright print on wallpaper too obsessive

Rule 2: We are looking for the right strip

You are crazy about strips, but do not risk applying it to design walls in a tiny room? Probably, you met the "wrong" strip. Depending on the necessary effect, striped wallpapers can be used in small rooms.

What will help the vertical strip

If you have low ceilings, I recommend the walls to separate the wallpaper to the vertical strip. And if another drawing and the background do not differ much on the color scheme, you will achieve a double effect, for your room will become more spacious. This is a great option for those who want to pick a wallpaper for a small dark room.

The vertical strip is able to facilitate the room, even if the design dominates rather dark and deep color. Due to the gradation of various shades of the dominant color, the interior softens and becomes more elegant.

Such an effect can be created with violet, turquoise, burgundy, gray and brown wallpaper.

Where the lack of a high ceiling is clearly felt, a vertical strip comes to the rescue. Boldly use this drawing indoors.

What is the horizontal strip

If your goal is to visually expand the room, the horizontal strip will help. The thinner the band, the effect is tangible. Wide bands practically do not change the proportions of the walls. Close to your housing and decide what you will fit.

You will need a wallpaper in a thin horizontal, if you live in "Stalin's" or in a house with high ceilings.

Important moments

So how to break the striped wallpaper so that they play your favor? The instruction is simple:

  1. It is important to choose a drawing with a maximum accuracy, so I advise you to buy more than one roll than we counted on a lot;
  2. Before sticking, take care of the perfectly smooth surface - to cover the walls, and then drove the walls;
  3. When the striped canvases fall onto the smooth walls, only then we will affect the visual effects of striped wallpapers.

Rule 3: We select

Relief wallpapers, different shades or monophonic, created for small spaces. The fact is that the presence of texture, even the most insignificant, will affect the perception of the room by man. The stronger the relief is expressed on the coating, the tangle contrasts the shadows with the light, and this gives the volume.

If you have a question that you have to break the wallpaper without prior alignment of the walls, we definitely advise you texture. The presence of the relief lubricates the initial plane and creates a new one, with uneven, and therefore advantaged in this case, the coating.

How much textured wallpaper

Fliselin has optimal qualities: durability, wear resistance, environmental friendliness. Therefore, the price of these canvases is fully justified.

Rule 4: Pay attention to shine

In addition to the relief, the walls in a small room need surfaces capable of reflecting light. Glossy, overflowing, shiny canvas - just what is needed in such situations.

This technique is effective in various manifestations. We can decorate the entire room with glitter, and you can also arrange one or two walls, strengthening accent.

Which color canvas choose? The most advantageous colors selected on the principle of contrast - gold on medium and dark brown, silver on medium and dark gray, gold on turquoise. No less effectively looks like a golden pattern on a white background.

How much will the cloth with glitter cost

Wallpaper with glitter, mostly manufactured from textiles. The material looks perfectly, resistant to sunshine, environmental.

Rule 5: Accent Wall

One of the favorite techniques that I can recommend to everyone and everyone is an accent wall. The use of an accent wall is capable of not only to decorate your housing, but also make it spacious.

What selection coloring to spread accents? Basically, I advise you to pick up a color or print contrasting with the rest of the surfaces in the room.

When an unusual ornament is present in the interior or intensive color (except for yellow and red), I recommend choosing a color similar to this color or a print.

As an accent, it is not entirely the whole wall, but only a part. It may be a headboard, zone y, or any other place that deserves pointed attention.

The location of the accent wall also depends on the furnishing of the room, the location of the openings (window and door) and, of course, from your preferences.

Rule 6: Perspective on Wallpaper

Wall mural Wallpaper Maine. Therefore, the wall of the flower macro photography is placed, think about how visually the parameters of your tiny housing will decrease. But the image that bears light and the perspective is ideal for decorating the wall in a fine room.

A few words about how beautiful to shove the photo wallpaper:

  • Remove the old coating, including the remnants of the glue;
  • Putty make all the irregularities - for the impeccable result, you need an ideal surface;
  • Apply primer on the wall, in two layers to ensure a reliable grip of two surfaces;
  • Explore the photo wallpapers on the floor, face down, and make a markup carefully;
  • Sticking start from the corner or from the window - this will be the starting point;
  • Avoid drafts when sticking.

Following my advice, you will be able to punish the photo wallpaper with your own hands. Even if you have never been doing this before.


So you got acquainted with how to make a small residential room. And at least this article will not add your apartment real prace, now you know how to create such visibility. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the material.

October 30, 2016.

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We offer to get acquainted in more detail with the question of the correctness of the choice of wallpaper in the living room, on which nuances should pay attention to when buying a material. We will also give useful tips and recommendations regarding the competent compilation of your own interior design.

View photo wallpapers for the living room, as well as various options for different styles.

Wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Today, hitting the construction store, make a choice regarding the acquisition of wallpaper, is not easy. This is due to the widest assortment offered by the sellers. Wallpaper differ not only by the color range, but also by textures, types used by materials and manufacturing countries.

And so, we suggest to consider more detailed each of the main types of wallpapers in the living room, based on the main material from which they are produced.

From paper

The most inexpensive version of the wallpaper. But, it is rather the same advantage. The flaws they have much more. They are very thin, often quite often in the process of pasting, and the surface to which they are glued must be perfectly smooth.

Well, if you decide to choose wallpaper with drawings, then for their selection you will have to trim quite large pieces of material, which is very unprofitable from a financial point of view.

Based on Fliselina

Such material is quite practical, the wallpaper is much brighter. They have a lot of density, thanks to which they are quite durable. They are also not afraid of high humidity and sunlight.

But if you want to update the interior of your home, it is not necessary to cross new wallpapers at all, because you can even paint on the phlizelin basis, and not once! Today, this option is very trendy and popular, it is proposed in a wide range of various patterns and colors.


At their basis, paper, but if we talk about their quality, it does not differ completely from Flizelin-based wallpapers. They can be washed and cleaning. The canvases of such wallpapers look a single whole, and after the wamp of the walls, there will be almost noticeable boundaries.

If the living room is saved exactly this option of wallpaper, you do not have to regret, because it will look very fresh and interesting.

Based on fabric

Yes, yes, such wallpapers will give sophistication to the interior. It is based on their fabric with phlizelin and paper, and as for the upper layer, then it, as a rule, consists of silk, jute, flax, velor and other fabrics.

Such material is designed to decorate the interiors. But, it is necessary to care for them in a special way, because they elementarily accumulate dust and dirt on themselves, and they cannot be washed.

Glass equipment

It is possible that previous versions are not very suitable for you and, in this case, we recommend choosing exactly the glazing option that are quite practical and durable. For their manufacture, fiberglass is used, which has the property of high practicality and durability.

And also to the main advantages of them include the property of fireproof, as they are not able to light up and burn. They are also not afraid of high humidity, but to paint if you want / need to be able to twenty times.

Basic based on bamboo

Choosing exactly such wallpapers, you will create in the literal, living corner of the unsuitable housing. Wallpaper is amazing, with them the living room will look luxurious. You and your guests will be very pleased to be in such a room, enjoying a pleasant atmosphere.

But it is impossible to be too carried away with such material. It will be enough for them only a small part of the wall, for example, near the TV. It is easy to care for them, as they are completely unpretentious in this regard.

It is enough to clean them with a vacuum cleaner several times during the year, but if too serious contaminated areas appear, they can be elementally removed with a wet sponge.

And yet, in the modern world it is very difficult to make a choice of wallpapers because of their huge range offered in the market.

Advantages and disadvantages of using photographic

A very popular finish option is not only a living room, but also the entire residential premises.

Even earlier, some time, images were not too different with special quality. But, today, the quality has changed very much for the best side for us. Thanks to modern technologies, the most real miracles are creating photo printing, producing real works of art.

It is very important that this type of material does not become an aggressor in the interior of the room, thereby annoying not only you, but everyone who will come to visit you. By the way, this nuance is the main disadvantage of this type of materials. The best location there is where they will not distract from pleasant conversations or viewing their favorite TV shows or movies.

It is quite difficult to combine photo wallpaper:

  • With basic on which patterns are sufficiently large
  • If there are too vividly pronounced contrast with the main interior items
  • When the space looks clumsy, and the styles look not combined with each other

Choose wallpapers based on interior style

Arrange the design in the living room is very difficult. This issue should be approached with pre-prepared, competent plan.

Even if the living room is very small, for example, in Khrushchev, it will in any case reflect the understanding of this world of their owners and inhabitants, creating an atmosphere of comfort and comfort, including for guests of your home.


This option has always been neutral. There are no aggressive elements, everything is quite cozy and smooth. The interior is performed in pastel shades, for example, beige, pale olive, terracotta, any brown shades. As for the wallpaper, they are not an exception at all, but on the walls you can safely hang photos and pictures, mirrors in bronze frames.

See us, options for photos of combined wallpapers in the living room, as well as many other variations for classic style.


In this embodiment, natural wood, fur and leather, as well as stone materials and metal be used. Forms with lines are smooth. The wallpaper should choose a vegetable motive, as well as the animal world. Also, the mosaic will also look original. And all this you can see in our catalog photos of the most interesting design solutions.

At the heart of modern - art!

High tech

This style is strict, approximate to minimalism. Speaking about the main idea of \u200b\u200bhim, then there is a high level of functionality here, because lockers are inalienable details of the interior, the same applies to the caches.

As for the wallpaper, hues can be selected any of white, gray, black, metallic. Also used smooth surfaces and definitely glossy.

East style

Of course, the living room in such a style will be incredibly cozy! After all, it is determined and filled with incredible charm.

In such a living room, every guest who came to your house will be very comfortable. You can safely choose the options for tissue wallpapers for walls in bright warm colors, they will look here the most advantageous!

It follows here everything in advance, up to each little thing. We recommend to determine the culture, in accordance with which you will draw up your housing. For example, choose Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Moroccan style and others.

Fix it in advance, you can faster and easier to determine about wallpaper. So, they can be monophonic, or in traditional patterns.

Country style

This style can be used for. In some, distant degree, it looks like Provence, although it has men's traits. It does not use anything superfluous. There will be no large number of statuettes, paintings and other things.

The walls will be decorated with wallpaper, and externally they can be similar to the laying of natural stone or wood. Light tones and patterns with vegetable motifs are applicable. We offer to view the proposed photo options to inspire the creation of an individual unique interior design.

Minimalism style

Beautiful modern version. In particular, it is suitable for those who do not like something extra and distracting. Everything should be simple and clear. This applies to any forms / lines. No details are unacceptable here. As for textiles, wallpaper, the drawing should not be obsessive. Tonality Choose unsaturated so that nothing has cut your eyes. Do not use bright accents.

Combine wallpapers in the living room - existing techniques

We offer to familiarize yourself with the photo and video presented on our website by choosing a material for the design of the walls in the hall of your home.

Using the combined option, any room can be separated from the functional areas, and at the same time the room will be enlarged visually:

  • Rest area
  • Zone of reception of trapes
  • TV viewing zone

Between the colors, there must be a smooth transition. You can also go over the walls at the top. Using light shades of wallpaper, and at the bottom - dark options. This will bring the coziness room and incredible comfort.

Very interesting is the option when three walls are covered with one option of wallpaper, and the fourth - emphasize some bright accent, for example, by the same photographic windows.

What wallpaper to choose in multifunction rooms

So, the decoration of the living room with wallpaper is one thing, but sometimes it happens when the living room is combined with other functional zones in which the interior design is selected somewhat differently.

Living room with bedroom

Wallpaper for this premises should be selected very carefully. They certainly should not be annoyed. Even, on the contrary, they must have calm tones, such as relaxing morally. But it is the wallpaper that affect the general atmosphere!

For example, on a human mood, each color and its shades can have a different action.

Positive impact will be: blue, purple, lilac, green and pastel.

The neutral effect on the person has white and silver color.

Negatively, red, acid, black.

Kitchen with living room

To date, there is a wide variety of styles, species. Many different textures, colors, textures used for the production of materials. Of course, it will be easy to get confused by anyone. Therefore, the color gamut of wallpaper for the kitchen-living room should be selected very carefully.

Positive impact will have such options as: red or orange, green or yellow.

Negatively can affect: black, violet and blue in all shades.

Putting the wallpaper very competently, the food will always get incredibly tasty on your desk. In the case of improper selection of the finishing material, there will be no desire to eat quite no desire in the kitchen.

Living room decoration in Khrushchev

Choosing wallpapers, you should consider the amount of natural lighting of the room. For example, when using large patterns with drawings, the room will seem smaller in a small room, but if you use bright finishing materials, visualize will look more.

Nevertheless, at its own discretion, it is still not recommended to produce the room. The main rule so that all among themselves is harmoniously combined, corresponding to the rest of the room. If your living room is only eighteen squares, and there are no doors between it and other rooms, you should not use sharp contrasts when the wallpaper moves from the room into the room.

The most advanced trends this season

All new items in the design of the living room design are offered to view in our photo catalog. We wish to inspire and choose exactly your design version!

Stock Foto Modern ideas how to make a wallpaper in the living room

How to choose a wallpaper for your living room. What to pay attention to. Tips for the preparation of individual design for living rooms of various squares. Photo of the interior. All sorts of stylistic features of living rooms. New 2019.

About choosing a type of wallpaper for the living room

How hard is it in our time to pick up the wallpaper for your living room, when now in almost every construction store is offered such a huge range, which includes all sorts of wallpapers, and the manufacturers have nothing to mention and mention about materials and countries - so many of them. But we will help you in this difficult situation. Let's first try to deal with the main varieties, sorting by the materials of which they are made.


Such wallpapers have many shortcomings - they are thin, often rush during pasting, and it is necessary to glue them only on a flat surface without flaws. And during the selection of drawings, there are sometimes large pieces of trimming, which is unprofitable in economically. But by themselves, they are much cheaper than all other species.


Living room in Khrushchev

When choosing wallpaper, it is necessary to consider how much natural light enters the room. Any major elements and drawings will "push" in a small room, but any wallpaper of bright shades visually add squares. But it is impossible to take at your discretion, they must certainly correspond to the tones to all other interior subjects. If between your little. And other rooms "Khrushchev" there are no doors, then you should not make sharp contrasts when moving wallpaper from one room to another.

Recent trends in the choice of wallpapers in 2019

I suggest you see the latest fashion trends in 2019.

Style for real men.

Elements from the village house (figures of the cows and the pioneer).

All shades of Marsala (wine).

Most elements of folklore.

The motifs of "vegetation" on the walls.

Please look at other photos with examples of living room design. We are sure that you will definitely find something among them.