The darkest hour is before dawn. The darkest hour before dawn

Hello ... Sometimes it's better to leave everything as it is ... Walking in faceless solitude among empty streets wherever you look ... To envy the free wind, lonely stars,
to the wise sun and the dumb moon ...
Sometimes we are afraid of losing and losing what we have, although everything that we do not do, and everything that happens to us is written with one hand ... And if we could learn
live in the present, then they did not hide in themselves ... Maybe that's why there is emptiness, so that a person can learn to realize and smile at happiness ...
Our loneliness is not in what is lost in the emptiness of our hearts, but in what comes out of it ... It seems to me that you are alone in a huge world when I look into your eyes ... And let the days do not differ from one another , just like time
from sunrise to sunset ... And every day the emptiness becomes silent, her stinginess does not care about the past or the future ... she is content with the fact that
looks at people ... But someday you will understand that the darkest hour in your life, just before beautiful dawn...
And let people come into your life in search of something new, but leave ... staying the same as they were ... They will understand that the old past is better than the present ...
That life is all the more interesting when the people around you are the same ... And somehow by itself it turns out that they enter your life, without noticing it, want it
change ... And the more ordinary a person is, the simpler he looks, thereby invisible to others, the easier it is to forget and lose him. And the meaning of his words and the meaning of life
not everyone can understand ... Perhaps we will never see each other again and everything will remain a simple dream of a single man ... But I ask you to never forget that your
wealth gives rise to emptiness of the heart. It is necessary to find it, because only there, there everything that you understand and feel on the way to it will acquire its meaning. Exactly where
emptiness hides your heart, and your soul, soul is true to the laws of life, your treasure is hidden - your LOVE ... Hi ... Sometimes it is better to leave everything as it is ... Stepping into an impersonal solitude of empty streets aimlessly ... Envy free wind, Lone Star,
wise the sun and the moon dumb ...
Sometimes we are afraid to lose, and lose what we have, although we do not do, and everything that happens to us is written in one hand ... And if we have learned
live this one, it is not hiding a ... Maybe that "s why there is a void and that man might learn to realize happiness and smile ...
Our loneliness is not that lost in the emptiness of our hearts, and that comes out of it ... I think that you are alone in the vast world when I look into your eyes ... And let the days do not differ from one another, as well as time
from sunrise to sunset ... And every day emptiness becomes silent, it does not have a case of avarice or to past or to the future ... it is satisfied that
looks at people ... But did you ever realize that the darkest hour of your life, just before the dawn ... beautiful
And let people come into your life in search of something new, but staying away ..... same as were ... They understand that the past is better this old ...
And the fact that life is more interesting when people around you are the same ... and it somehow turns out that they come into your life, do not noticing her wish
And the change ... not an ordinary person, the easier it is to look at, thus imperceptible to others, the easier it is to forget and lose. And the meaning of his words and the meaning of life
understand the strength not given to everyone ... Maybe we "ll no longer see each other and everything will remain just a dream lonely man ... But I ask you to never forget that your
wealth creates emptiness of heart. It must be found, because only there, there "s all that you will understand and get a feeling for him on the way to acquire their meaning. Exactly where
void hide your heart and soul, the soul is true laws of life, hidden your treasure - your love .....

Sometimes it's best to leave things as they are. Walking in faceless solitude among empty streets wherever they look, envy the free wind, lonely stars, the wise sun and the dumb moon. Sometimes we are afraid of losing and losing what we have. Although everything that we do not do and everything that happens to us is written with one hand. And if we learned to live in one present, then we would not hide in ourselves. Maybe that's why there is emptiness, so that a person can learn to be aware and smile at happiness. Our loneliness is not in what is lost in the emptiness of our hearts, but in what comes out of it. It seems to me that we are alone in a huge world when I look into your eyes. And even if the days do not differ from one another as well as the time from sunrise to sunset, and every day the emptiness becomes silent and its stinginess does not care about the past, not about the future, it is content with looking at people. But someday you will realize that the darkest hour of your life is before the most beautiful dawn. And let people come into your life in search of something new, but leave, remaining the same as they were. They will understand that the old past is better than the present. The whole life is all the more interesting when the people around you are the same. And somehow by itself it turns out that they enter your life and, without noticing it themselves, want to change it. Time will pass and you will read this letter again. And only then can you understand it. After all, the more ordinary a person is, the simpler he looks. Thus, the more invisible it is to others, the easier it is to forget and lose it. Not everyone can understand the meaning of his words and the meaning of life. Perhaps we will not see each other again and everything will remain a simple dream of a single man, but I ask you to never forget that your wealth gives rise to the emptiness of your heart. It must be found, because only there, there everything that you find and feel on the way to it will find its meaning. It is where emptiness hides your heart, soul, soul is true to the laws of life, your treasure is hidden. Your love.


Hi ...
Sometimes it "s better to leave things as they are. Stepping into a faceless loneliness among the empty streets aimlessly, envy-free wind, for single stars, wise the sun and the moon silent. Sometimes we are afraid to lose and lose what you have. Although we did not do and everything that happens to us is written by one hand. And if we have learned to live one real, not hiding b in itself. Maybe that "s why there" sa void to be able to learn to recognize and smile happiness. Our loneliness is not that lost in the emptiness of our hearts, and that comes out of it. I think we "re alone in a huge world when I look into your eyes. And let the days do not differ from one another as the time from sunrise to sunset, and day by day emptiness becomes silent and avarice is not the case not the past, not the future, it is satisfied that looking at people. But have you ever realize that the darkest hour of your life before the most beautiful dawn. And let people come into your life in search of something new, but leave remaining the same as they were. They will understand that the old past better than the present. All life and all the better when the people around you the same. And somehow by itself it turns out that they are in your life and yourself not noticing it, wish to change it. Time will pass and you will again read this letter. And only then will you be able to understand. After all, not usually what a person is, the easier it is with the mind. Thus it is noticeable to others, the easier it is to forget and to lose. And the meaning of his words, and the meaning of life to understand under the force is not given to everyone. Maybe we "ll never see each other and everything will remain just a dream a lonely man, but I pray you never forget that your wealth breeds emptiness of your heart. It must be found because only there, there everything you will find and get a feel on the way to it will have meaning .Exactly where the emptiness hides all your heart, soul, the soul is true to the laws of life, your hidden treasure. Your love.

Life is not only an atmosphere of endless happiness and a series of impressions and joy. You have probably passed (or are passing now) a period conventionally called "pitch darkness".

When you are not sitting still, you do something, but it feels like you wander aimlessly in a circle. You try to adjust certain areas of life, you strive for something, but all your efforts and efforts do not lead to the desired satisfaction. You are trying with all your might to build a bridge to the hearts of loved ones, but you can only build walls ...

What to do?

Take it easy. Take a deep breath and know that everyone goes through this. You're not alone.

When I have such moments, I always remember a wonderful phrase - "The darkest time before dawn." You just need to wait, endure ... Let's break through!

Desert of life

In any life situation, I read the Bible. It contains many encouraging examples and wisdom.

In the "dark times" I was inspired by the story of Jesus Christ, who was 40 days in the desert. Before seeing great miracles in his calling and life, He went through a terrible period. Just imagine! 40 days without food and water ... And this in the sweltering heat! Thirst, hunger, mental pressure ... Every day is like another: desert, desert, desert ... And every step carries a danger - I will meet with poisonous snakes .... brrr! The picture is not pleasant, is it?

But He endured. He knew that a huge mission lay ahead of him - the salvation of people. And that no one except Him can deliver people from sin. Therefore, I endured, humbled myself, held on ...

I believe that you are a unique person with a special mission. Only you can fulfill the vocation that you have in this life. We have no other you! And this world really needs you! Remember this in difficult times. And you will pass your desert!

The more darkness you find yourself, the more acutely you will feel the brightness of the light. He is already starting to shine in your life!

Personal experience

Once I went through very difficult moments in my life. It was bad everywhere. The strength and motivation to change something was not found. It seemed, but why? Everything will end badly anyway. There is no sense in life, faith in the best is useless ...

It was at that moment that God found me. He responded to my sincere inner search and a light turned on in the room of my life, which shines brighter every day.

Therefore, I share this light with you. Know that you are not alone. Everything that you are going through now is temporary. God is by your side. He is waiting for you to sincerely turn your gaze from problems to Him and ask for help. He will never impose Himself on you. Because He gave you free will and the right to choose: to be with Him or without Him, to be protected or vulnerable, blessed or cursed, deceived or knowing the Truth.

Jesus said to him: I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.
John 14: 6

I pray that everyone reading this article will be filled with God's, Father's love. For broken hearts to be restored, so that freedom comes to oppressed destinies, so that where darkness is, a bright Light shines!

All this I ask the Father in Jesus' Name. After all, it is written in the Bible "EVERYTHING that you do not ask the Father in my name - it will be for you!" Therefore, I believe that the dawn is ALREADY coming in that sphere of your life, where it seemed that darkness completely absorbed emotions, reason, feelings ... And you believe it :)

I know the best lies ahead!

What helps you to get through difficult periods in your life? Share with me in the comments!

She was 17 when her mother died due to complications during the operation. Graduation is on the nose, shoes are bought, a dress is invented. And suddenly - the grief "is so huge, so boundless, you are from him under the blanket, and it is guarding you there too." She stood it then, and now she wrote a text about it, which responded on the Internet with a thousand likes and ten pages of comments. In continuation of her piercing "The Mystery of Suffering" - this conversation with the nun Evgenia (Senchukova).

Many questions that we face in our church life will surely find their answer over time. However, there are those who remain a stumbling block for both neophytes and believers with "great church experience." The righteous Job asked God to explain why and why he was suffering. The God-man Jesus Christ in terrible agony on the Cross asked: My God, My God! why did you leave me? (Matthew 27:46). The question of the causes of suffering, God-forsakenness is one of the most difficult in Christianity.

- Varlam Shalamov says that you always live alone in acute grief; you can only walk this path alone. And the fact that you share the trouble with your friends is nothing more than a beautiful myth. Do you agree with this point of view?

Indeed, with extreme grief, you are always left alone. And it's not that the other won't help you, it's just that some part of your suffering still remains unavailable to anyone.

- Stories are striking when people in difficult life situations wanted to help people, but they themselves resisted such attempts. The street children fled from the clean and comfortable shelters back to their slums; wives refused to leave their sadistic husbands, who posed a threat to the lives of both themselves and their children; the terminally ill did not agree to accept help, and so on. How can this be explained, the irrational nature of man or ...?

These are very different situations, and they can be explained in different ways. Street children and homeless people simply return to their usual way of life. They do not perceive such a choice as tragic, for them it is just one of the options for a social niche. The difficulty is that they managed to adapt to uncomfortable conditions, and it is easier for them to stay in them than to change their lives. A striking example is the homeless boy Huckleberry Finn from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, who runs away from the widow who has sheltered him just because he gets bored. A homeless life with a drunken father was not perceived by him as a tragedy - rather, as a kind of freedom.

The wives of husbands who are sadistic and manipulative tend to be codependent. Such women require complex psychological assistance, which, unfortunately, they often simply cannot provide. We should also not forget that they feel a certain “responsibility” for their husbands: “How is he without me ?!”. After all, as a rule, in men who allow themselves to raise their hand to a woman, the mood alternates: from the most severe humiliation of the spouse to self-flagellation, tearful requests for forgiveness and the like.

If we consider the case of hopelessly ill patients, we need to remember that there are several stages in a person's perception of his diagnosis. The first stage is “denial”, when people refuse to believe in their illness, in the degree of its seriousness. The last stage is “acceptance”, when a person has come to terms with the fact that he is hopelessly ill. In this case, he perceives attempts to help as an "attempt" on this situation, which he has already accepted, as an attempt to destroy his already fragile world.

All this must be distinguished. And the point here is not so much in the irrational nature of a person, but in psychological mechanisms, the essence of which is that it is easier for a person to accept difficult circumstances than to decide to change them. He reaches for simple solutions... And this is predictable: in extreme situations we try to save vital energy, and when there is no guarantee that help will come, we direct all our efforts to survive in the circumstances to which we are already accustomed, and not to take risks, rushing headlong into the unknown.

- Catholicism is called the "religion of Christmas", and Orthodoxy is called the "religion of Easter." At the same time, among the Orthodox, a special emphasis is placed on the idea of \u200b\u200batonement for suffering, which sometimes confuses unchurched people. Is there no danger here of turning suffering into an end in itself? When joy and simple human happiness are perceived as something shameful and unworthy. How to avoid this temptation and be ready to accept not only Calvary, but also Easter?

There is such a problem. In fact, it is the Catholic asceticism that focuses on the passions; this is not typical for the Orthodox tradition. Another thing is that it is, rather, our mental trait - "to drink the cup of suffering to the bottom." And it is connected with historical realities, from time immemorial difficult living conditions (economic, social and others).

How can you avoid this temptation? Only by thoughtful reading of the Gospel. After all, the gospel episode of the Passion of the Lord takes, in fact, one day - Good Friday. The rest of the time, Christ's preaching is a call to unceasing joy: Rejoice and have fun (Matthew 5, 12). Even addressing the suffering, the Lord said: "Blessed ...".

Only by carefully reading the Gospel, the works of the holy fathers, will we understand that suffering brings strength and benefit when there is a realization that there will be enlightenment behind it. I touched on this problem in my publication "The Mystery of Suffering": Calvary and Resurrection are connected. As the saying goes, "the darkest hour is before dawn." When there is nowhere worse, then Easter comes. If suffering were endless, and it had no way out in the form of light and joy, the meaning of our existence would be incomprehensible.

One of the most common arguments of atheists is the existence of innocent suffering in our world: the Holocaust, the Gulag, childhood illnesses and mortality, and much more. The famous American Christian author Philip Yancy even devoted an entire book to the question "Where is God when I suffer?" In your article you answer like this: "On the next cross next to mine."

Here, non-believers may have at least two counterarguments. Firstly, if God does not want to encroach on human freedom and save the world by force, and therefore allows evil, then what has to do with the little one passing N-th course chemotherapy, writhing in pain in the arms of a grief-stricken mother and personally not yet expressing any sinful will? And, secondly, isn't there a temptation to imagine God suffering next to us on the “neighboring cross”, helpless in front of some cosmic force, similar to the fate in the mythology of the ancient Greeks, which dominates Him too? How can these two dilemmas be resolved?

The argument that “God does not want to encroach on human freedom” seems to me to work poorly at all. Because evil often arises not in connection with the sinful will of a person. Of course, evil exists as a result of the fall of the first people, this is an ontological reason, but a person can suffer being completely innocent. When someone gets sick with oncology, it means that he just got sick with oncology. If a brick fell on a person, then a brick simply fell on him - and there was no fault of his. So the first argument doesn't work.

As for the second argument, to be honest, I do not have the problem of "God's helplessness before a fatal force." Excessive anthropomorphism in the perception of God is generally inappropriate. The Lord does not correct evil, not because he is not able to, and not because he does not want to stop it. He just doesn't fix it. His motives are fundamentally different from ours: My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways are My ways, says the Lord. But as heaven is higher than earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts (Is. 55: 8-9).

You need to understand that this world lies in evil. Our task is to bring light into the darkness of this world. By by and large, Christ created the Church for this. The Lord can sometimes intervene directly through miracles, answering our prayer, but in any case, this is some kind of co-creative, synergistic act. God's answer is an answer to prayer, questioning, or even indifference. When we read in Scripture: Behold, I stand at the door and knock (Rev. 3:20), we take it literally - that God knocks timidly, never breaks in, does not enter first, expects our hospitality.

How can an unbeliever answer his questions? Remember, in The Chronicles of Narnia, in the penultimate story, The Silver Throne, there is absolutely amazing dialogue. The plot is this: heroes from our world end up in Narnia, where they learn that Prince Riliane is languishing in the Dungeon. He was not only taken prisoner, but also intoxicated: and only at night he becomes himself, and the rest of the time he is absolutely satisfied with his position and does not remember Narnia. When he was freed from the spell, the Green Witch, who bewitched him, appears. She also begins to charm our heroes: she convinces that there is neither Narnia, nor the sun (what would it be attached to?) And so on. And one of the heroes, Luzhekhmur, resisting the charms, utters very important words: “We may be children who have started a game, but it turns out that, playing, we have invented a world that is better than your real one in all respects. And therefore I am for this invented world. I am on Aslan's side, even if the real Aslan does not exist. I will try to live like a Narnian, even if there is no Narnia. "

This may be our answer to unbelieving people: “You, atheist, doubt that there will be peace after death. But I'd rather believe it. " It seems that this is called "Pascal's wager": "If you do not believe in God, you lose everything, if you believe, you do not lose anything." In this case, even more: if you believe in God, you acquire everything.

Everyone is very fond of quoting the words of Karl Marx, taken out of context: "Religion is opium for the people." But in fact, the German philosopher said the exact opposite: religion does not intoxicate, religion comforts. It is like opium, that is, like a pain reliever. He even has this phrase: "This is a heart for a heartless world."

Yes, one could argue that my belief has a therapeutic effect, that it is just a fiction, a defensive reaction. You can think so, because I can not prove otherwise. But faith does not need proof. There are things that are unprovable, but this does not negate them and does not diminish their value.

- Father Sergiy Kruglov has the idea that one of the differences between man and the entire created world is "the potency of such Suffering, which not a single thing knows." How can you explain the exclusivity of this suffering: the ability to recognize its causes, be responsible for it, or ...?

I would say that a person is distinguished by the ability to comprehend suffering. Human suffering is not exclusive: an animal with cancer suffers no less, and perhaps even more, because it cannot ask for help. But it is a person who is able to reflect on his own pain, on its injustice.

In this context, returning to your very first question about ultimate suffering, which cannot be shared with anyone, in this situation we will at least try to find the cause of suffering, realizing our own impossibility to help the suffering person.

- But any dog \u200b\u200bowner will tell how his loyal dog shared his pain with the owner. How, then, is human compassion different?

Human empathy differs only in awareness. There is one of the opinions that personality boundaries are empathy. Therefore, it is believed that dogs are closer to humans, to the formation of them, than, for example, cats. This idea is close to me. A child grows into a personality when he begins to learn to empathize, to contact the world. Any contact implies empathy. The animal is limited in its capabilities - it cannot reflect with a person about his pain, analyze the experience of the Other.

- My friend works in an Orthodox charitable organization to help seriously ill patients. I admire how selflessly she fights for every child: she comes up with and conducts numerous charity events, stands for hours in the cold, raising funds, organizes general prayers and much more. Nevertheless, it happens that her children in her charge still die. And here not only a militant atheist, but also a believer "with many years of experience" may even have a murmur, especially against the background of the Savior's words: And I will tell you: ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you, for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Which of you is a father, when a son asks for bread, will give him a stone? (Luke 11, 9-11). What then do these gospel words and prayer in general mean if we do not receive what we ask for?

This is a difficult question for me. I would answer like this: the end is also a way out, a relief. Another thing is that "the balance is not observed": loved ones are doomed to suffer.

By and large, probably your friend is herself the bread that the Heavenly Father gives to the one asking.

- One of the reports of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh was entitled "How to live with yourself?" The further, the more clearly you understand that it is this, and not external difficulties and trials, that is the most difficult challenge of human life. How do you answer this question for yourself?

How to live? - Carefully.

Recently I heard from the Orthodox psychologist Natalia Inina a phrase that she borrowed from Evagrius Pontiysky: "What is not realized easily turns into passion." I liked these words very much. Inina just says that the task of the psychologist is to help a person to be aware of what he does not want to be aware of. Asceticism is also engaged in this: to realize oneself, to find one's own personality. All monastic practices are an attempt to break through to your depth. The whole Christian life is a path to oneself, to the authentic. After all, only you yourself, the real one, can meet God. Therefore, you need to live with yourself soberly and carefully.

The sun rises and sets regardless of the time of year, circumstances and people's mood. It lives on its own. It starts the day and ends it. In our selection you will find beautiful quotes and statuses about sunrises and sunsets. After reading them, you will surely have a desire to wake up at dawn and admire it, and philosophical statements about sunsets will inspire you for a romantic walk during sunset.

A person is looking for happiness all the time, but it is hidden in simple things and is so close. Living in harmony with nature, isn't it happiness? Seeing sunrises and sunsets, isn't it wonderful? Sunrise and sunset are very beautiful, or rather even bewitching phenomena, over which you can observe every day, the main thing is desire.

Dawn is the awakening of people and nature, the beginning of a new day. The sun's rays make their way through trees and houses, with every minute the glimpses become brighter and brighter, the sun rises higher and higher. The dawn is filled with vigor, energy and optimism.

Sunset is a kind of the end of the day. When the sun goes down, the day is drawing to a close. Unlike the cheerful and optimistic sunrise, the sunset is filled with romance and mystery. It awakens human thoughts, slightly evokes sadness. But, if you watch how the red fireball is buried in the horizon line, with your loved one, then no sadness is terrible for you!

Look at this dawn. This is the eighth wonder of the world. For this you need to live. Enjoy it every morning, enjoy music, freedom. For happy life people are not needed. Trust me. (Stace Kramer)

To be happy, you need to be alone with nature.

Night cannot last forever ... No matter how endless it may seem, no matter how dark, it is always followed by the dawn of a new day.

Everything has an end, and night is no exception.

Sunset is almost always, in all worlds, crimson, bloody, flooded with molten gold, purple - something pathetic, dramatic, alarming in it ... a kind of magnificent funeral of the day according to all classical canons. But a new day is born quietly and dimly. Slightly noticeable gilding, barely perceptible pinkness - in the sea of \u200b\u200bmorning whiteness, tender and light, inspires joy and hope, simply drives away the darkness and everything, without any pathos, pressure and tension. And - a rarely observed mystery: at sunset we are awake, owls, so to speak, and at dawn we sleep. This is probably why there are fewer optimists in the world than pessimists ... (Max Dalin)

Those who wake up at dawn are born optimists.

Life is measured by sunrises, not sunsets. (O. Demchenko)

Just like the day begins with sunrises, not sunsets.

Everything has its own sunset, only the night ends with dawn. (V. Grzegorchik)

No matter how lonely and long the night may seem to you, in the morning it will end ...

The sun did not just rise, it surged like a stream and filled the whole world. (Ray Bradbury)

The sun fills life not only with light, but also with joy and optimism.

The sunsets are saturated with sadness. Because every time you see him off, you think: whatever it was, good or bad, the day is my day, and it goes away forever. (Elchin Safarli)

Sunset is the result of a day lived.

Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful if you admire it with someone you love? (Angela Montenegro)

Dawn, by the way, too ...

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same. (Mark Levy)

Nature does not tend to repeat itself, creating masterpieces.

The gray undertones of dawn are unlike the gray evening twilight, although the colors seem to be the same. At sunrise, light appears to be active and darkness is passive, while in the evening the growing darkness is active, and light is drowsily passive. (Thomas Hardy)

On the one hand, sunrise and sunset seem similar, but if you look closely, they are so different. Yes, they bring different feelings too ...


Dawn comes without the crowing of the roosters.

Dawn does not wait for everyone to wake up, it comes on its own.

Each sunset is beautiful in its own way.

Both sunsets and sunrises have a unique beauty.

There will be a new dawn - there will be a sea of \u200b\u200bvictories! And never believe that there is no way out!

Dawn is another day, another opportunity to correct mistakes and make things happen.

Get up early at dawn and remember that sunset will come when you are not expecting it at all.

The sun will go down regardless of whether you have done everything or not.

Do not be weaker than the rooster that crows at dawn, and you sleep at dawn.

So I also go to bed at 7 pm?)

To enjoy the sunrise, you must admire the dawn.

Life must be loved with all its sunsets and sunrises.

Sunset with you, dawn with you ... only you - your beloved INTERNET!

You can admire sunsets and sunrises only in nature, and not on the Internet.

I watch the sunset, which lasts three hours at this time of year. As if the sun is in last minute before entering, she nevertheless found some dignity in this world and because of this now she does not want to leave. (P. Heg)

As much as we want to continue the day, the sun will still set and night will come.

The most beautiful sunrise is not on the seashore or in the distant Alps. The most beautiful dawn is where you are, and I wake up in love and full of hope!

The dawn is beautiful anywhere, the main thing is the desire to see this beauty.

After the night, there is always dawn, you just need to wait for it and not break.

Better yet, sleep at night and wake up at dawn.

The most dark time - before dawn.

This is the best time to sleep.

Sometimes at sunset you see something extraordinary, which you don’t believe later, when you see the same thing in a picture. (A. Chekhov)

Sunset is such a beautiful natural phenomenon that it is sometimes hard to believe that it is happening in reality.

About sea sunsets

Why do you never confuse whether the sun rises or sets when you see it over the sea? (S. Lukyanenko)

All sunsets are beautiful, but sea sunsets are special.

The sunsets over the ocean are absolutely mesmerizing. It is calm today, and the sunset looks like a red orange has decided to drown in the mirror. (B. Akunin)

Sunset evokes many associations, many feelings, it awakens thoughts.

Summer evening, seashore, enchanting sunset - this is happiness!

Real happiness is being close to nature.

Summer is the time of the year when we forget about time ... After all, when sea sunrises give way to beautiful sunsets, time stops.

The sea resembles infinity, so no one watches the time there.

And in the evening, watching the sunset on the seashore, and after admiring the stars, you will feel with your soul how beautiful and endless our world is, and what a happiness it is that you live here and now.

The sunset by the sea is a truly mesmerizing sight.

When you sail on the sea, joyfully and patiently following the trail of the sun, you leave a trail of troubles and sadness behind your back ...

The sea can hide everything: tears, sadness, and even joyful thoughts ...

The most beautiful things in the world are the sea, sunset and love.

All of them are beautiful in themselves, but if you combine them, then the beauty comes out unearthly ...

In the sky, only talk about the sea. And about the sunset. They talk about how damn cool it is to watch a huge fireballhow it melts in the waves, and the barely visible light, as if from a candle, burns somewhere in the depths ...