Finishing old interior doors. How to update the bathroom door for a penny: simple ways to restore the door leaf

Most often, wooden doors are installed in the bathrooms - from solid wood, from fiberboard or from plastic. Operation in conditions of high humidity adversely affects the appearance of the door leaf: the surface warps, the paint layer deteriorates. In this regard, many are interested in the question of how to restore the door in the bathroom. About everything - in order.

Any restoration work begins with the cleaning of the old surface. A wooden door (from an array) is no exception. You will need:

  • paint remover;
  • building hair dryer;
  • spatula (scraper);
  • an old iron and a piece of thick cotton fabric;
  • wood putty, putty;
  • sandpaper;
  • door hinges, handles, lock;
  • set of brushes;
  • screwdrivers, chisel, hammer, knife and other metalwork tools;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • wooden glazing beads.

Layers of old paint must be removed

All this must be done at the initial stage of work, which is started after removing the doors from the hinges.

Restoration of the door begins after it is removed from the hinges.

In some cases, one cannot do without a crowbar, which is used as a lever, supporting the canvas from below. Glass inserts (if any) must be removed by removing the glazing beads.

Old hinges can be dismantled with a screwdriver

How to remove old paint

There are many ways to get rid of old paint.

  • In the event that you have to remove a thin layer of coating, it is more advisable to use a "wash" - an acid-based chemical agent. This is the most gentle way. After reading the instructions on the label, the product is applied with a brush to the old paint and wait for the allotted time. After the paintwork has swollen, it should be carefully scraped off with a spatula. You can use a beekeeper's scraper for this.

Paint remover from the door

It is necessary to protect hands and eyes: acid can seriously damage the skin and mucous membranes.

  • A thicker layer of paint will have to be removed with more effort. A building hair dryer is used: the heated paintwork swells, after which it is also cleaned off with a scraper. This is an effective method, but due to careless work with a spatula and a hair dryer, the wood can be damaged.

Removing paint with a hair dryer

  • If it is not possible to use a hair dryer, the old “old-fashioned” method will help: a moistened coarse cotton fabric is spread on the canvas and pressed with a heated old iron. After a few seconds, the iron and rag are removed, the paint is cleaned off. This method is far from the best: it is difficult to clean uneven surfaces. In addition, the soleplate of the iron and the rag quickly become dirty.

How to restore a solid wood door leaf

Fragments of the old paintwork remaining after cleaning the canvas can be removed with sandpaper. At first, they act with coarse-grained sandpaper and then gradually move to "zero". Grinding is performed along the fibers so that transverse lines do not form.

Sanding the cleaned door leaf with a sander

It is required to inspect the door leaf for defects. If there are any, you need to get rid of them. Small cracks are eliminated with acrylic putty. Large chips are more difficult to repair. In some cases, it is required to cut out a fragment of the canvas, and then make an overlay from wood of the same grade. It must be carefully sized and secured with glue. Small gaps are also sealed with putty. The next stage is the application of new paint. You should choose the right color: it should be in harmony with the elements of the rest of the bathroom decoration. Among stains and paints, you need to choose moisture-resistant ones: they will last longer. You can apply the coating with a brush, roller, but best of all - with a spray gun. If necessary, apply several layers. After such restoration, the door will look like new.

Do-it-yourself door painting

How to update the bathroom door from fiberboard

How to update the bathroom door if it is made of fiberboard? Such material is not very resistant to high humidity. It should be noted that some of the above technologies cannot be applied. In particular, the use of a soldering iron is not permitted. Coarse sanding paper can damage the surface. In this case, you will have to use an iron with a cotton rag or a wash of old paint. The scraper is used carefully so that the sharp edges do not damage the outer coating, which is a maximum of 4 mm thick.

After the means for removing old paint with a spatula, the door leaf is cleaned

After careful sanding with a “zero”, you need to re-apply paint. But the best way to restore doors is to paste over them with veneer. In this way, you can create the illusion of an expensive material. The price of oak veneer is about 1.5 USD per 1 m². Do not forget about the door frame: it should also be updated. Most likely, it will not be possible to replace it, since there is a risk of damage to ceramic tiles.

Restoration of plastic doors

Plastic doors look presentable, but over time, dirt penetrates the micropores and the canvas loses its original appearance. You can update it in the following ways:

  • paste over with a vinyl film imitating natural wood or marble;
  • paint with polyurethane paint;
  • cover with veneer.

In any case, the door leaf must first be cleaned and degreased. Do this with the help of conventional household chemicals. You can paint with paint, to which a hardener is added, and then filtered. In the process of work, a spray gun is used: in this way the coating is applied in an even layer. On average, it takes 9-10 hours to completely dry one layer at room temperature. Complete crystallization of the paint occurs only after 7 days.

Aerosol cans can be used to paint the door leaf

Vinyl film can be used for decoration: patterns and patterns are created using different colors. This technique is best used if the canvas is flat, without panels. It is recommended to first treat the canvas with soapy water. This will help to avoid the formation of soap bubbles and properly dock adjacent elements. If you need to paste over the entire surface at once, you will need the help of a partner.

Before painting, a new lock is inserted into the door, handles are attached, and then the canvas is hung on new hinges.

Installing a new lock on a restored door

In the event that the necessary experience is not available, it is better not to take on such work. Otherwise, the door leaf will be damaged. It is better to turn to professionals for help: through their efforts, the door will again look like new.

Video: how to update doors using stickers

Despite their unlimited service life, they wear out quite quickly. The material suffers from deformation and drying, coatings are erased or become faded.

It is possible to replace such canvases with new ones, but this is a big expense, a waste of time for replacement, subsequent repairs after they are installed.

Therefore, it is easiest to put these structures in order on your own, that is, give them a second life by updating their coating and eliminating defects. How to restore old doors? More details later in the article.

To properly and efficiently restore doors, you need to know how it's done.

Typically, interior canvases suffer from mechanical stress and moisture.

Plastic varieties are more prone to scratches.

To make them invisible, they must be gently polished.

  • Painting. A wooden door or one with veneer inserts is easiest to varnish or paint. It is better to paint a wooden surface using a special brush or spray. The wooden surface should be painted and varnished by running a brush along the fibers, then the material will lie flat, filling in all the bumps, chips and other defects.
  • Decoration. To give the updated canvas brightness, you can use other shades to create a new image. You can paint the canvas in one color, and the protruding parts in another, contrasting with the main selected shade. If the surface is smooth, then it is recommended to use carved slats made of wood or polyurethane, sticking them on the surface to be treated, after painting them in a suitable color.
  • Pasting using roll wallpaper, colored paper or fabric. On a smooth canvas, it is often offered to stick special photo wallpapers, which are sold in a store or easily purchased via the Internet. Decoration can be styled to match the room. For the nursery, drawings and reproductions from children's magazines are selected. For the kitchen, choose pages with dishes or vegetables and fruits. Before gluing paper sheets, they must be held in water, then PVA glue is applied to the entire sheet and glued to the canvas, smoothed thoroughly. After the paper and glue have dried, the surface is covered with a colorless varnish so that the work lasts longer. In the same way, you can paste over the surface of the old material with a cloth.
  • Vinyl stickers. When pasting with vinyl stickers, it is not necessary to clean the canvas of old paint and eliminate irregularities. Stickers will hide all defects, and you can paint after that. They must be glued on a degreased surface, cleaning this place with an alcohol cleaner. Remove the backing from the sticker and apply to the work area, smooth it thoroughly. Only then can you remove the film that protects the front side.
  • Groats decorations. An original way to decorate an old door is the image of drawings made from bulk materials. Rice and buckwheat are ideal for this. Grains should be glued on PVA glue or standard wallpaper. After the drawing dries well, the canvas is covered with several layers of colorless varnish. Dry cereals, and even under a layer of varnish, are stored for a very long time.

With a little effort and imagination, it will disappear how to restore old doors at home. Updated interior doors will give the home warmth and comfort, as well as improve the interior of the apartment.

Renovation of an old door with glass

How to restore old doors with glass is not an idle question at all.

Glass becomes cloudy over time, acquires scratches and, therefore, when updating it, it must be restored or replaced with a new one.

To remove the old glass, you must carefully remove the glazing beads that hold it.

You can replace the glass with a modern one: frosted, corrugated, colored, with a pattern or photo printing.

To correctly insert the new glass into the door leaf, do the following:

  • Measure the parameters of the opening in the door leaf, where the glass will be inserted.
  • Cut the glass to the required size so that it can fit securely into the opening, for which it must be 5 mm shorter than the required size on each side. To cut a piece, you will need a glass cutter and a metal ruler.
  • Insert the glass into the opening, pre-treated with sealant and fix it with glazing beads, fixing them with thin nails.

Glass with a hidden fixation is more difficult to insert, it will require a complete disassembly with unscrewing the bolts in order to pull out the old part and also insert a new one. The negative point of such a replacement is the possibility of losing the correct dimensions of the canvas. In this case, it is necessary to straighten it with a planer.

If you insert old glass, then it must be brought back to normal. Clean the old one with a scraper, acetone or a blade. Polish small scratches with toothpaste.

Renew glass with a film with a pattern, paint it or make a stained glass window on it. It is necessary to apply fresh glazing beads and replace the fittings with new parts.

Instead of glass, you can insert an acrylic shatterproof mirror. It is light and durable, lends itself well to cutting and stands out for its high decorative effect. Then the door will look like new and please the residents for a long time.

Cloths from fiberboard

Such a canvas is slightly different from working with wooden surfaces. The thickness of the fiberboard surface reaches only 4 mm, so it is necessary to remove the paint from it with extreme caution.

You can not use a blowtorch for this - you can use the iron, wrapping it in a towel, if there is no building hair dryer.

After sanding, the canvas is either varnished or painted with new paint. But there is a restoration method that allows you to turn a thin canvas into a natural wooden door - this is the veneering of the canvas.

Veneer parts are sold in specialty stores. You can glue it with an iron, heating the surface, because it already has an adhesive base.

Be careful not to overheat or burn. Glued parts can be stained and varnished. You can decorate a simple door by sticking embossed strips on its surface.

We should not forget about the restoration of the door frame - it must match the updated canvas. By replacing the fittings with a new, more modern one, you can increase the life of the door.

Plastic products

Most assume that it will last forever and its dazzling snow-white appearance will not dry out. However, even plastic products will require replacement or restoration over time.

An old plastic door can be restored in several ways:

  • Door painting. First you need to remove the old protective film from the plastic. Then wash the surface well using special products. The main difficulty in applying paint to plastic is that the liquid cannot be applied in its pure form. Add a little hardener to the paint, and then filter it. Paint is applied to the surface of plastic products using a spray gun in one layer. Next, let the paint dry and install the door in place.
  • Vinyl sticker. If there is no opportunity and desire to paint, you can stick a vinyl film on the old door, choosing the appropriate pattern and color. For high-quality gluing of the film, the plastic surface must be degreased, and then washed with soapy water. Apply a film on a clean and dry surface and smooth it, after a few seconds you can remove the white base.
  • Veneer pasting. Also process the surface of the door and stick the veneer parts on it with a hot iron. This option is acceptable and reliable. Natural material lasts longer than artificial panels.

Do not forget to update the door frame, because it cannot be replaced, gaps may form between the frame and the canvas. You also need to replace the hardware and the door will be like new.

What about metal?

You can update not only interior doors, but also the entrance, made of metal. To do this, it should be removed and placed on a horizontal, flat surface, so it will be more convenient to work. Then execute in sequence:

  • Remove or close the fittings with construction tape: peephole, handle and other components.
  • Use a drill or a wire brush to clean areas damaged by corrosion. Sand the surface of the canvas with coarse sandpaper, remove dust with a vacuum cleaner and treat the canvas with a solvent.
  • Treat the surface with a special composition for polish, but intended for cars. Putty for wooden products cannot be used - it gives poor adhesion to the metal surface. Autopolish will close up all the dents, scratches that have arisen in the process of cleaning from rust. Give a smooth surface with a spatula and allow the canvas to dry for 30-40 minutes.
  • Polish the surface to be restored with fine grit sandpaper, wipe it with a damp cloth and degrease with a special builder to remove grease.
  • Prime the surface with a metal primer designed to resist corrosion. It is convenient to apply it with a roller or a narrow brush. Let it dry and sand again with fine sandpaper.
  • Paint the surface with the selected paint in 2-3 layers - it is important to achieve the desired saturated result. Each new layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. For painting, it is recommended to use a roller, brush or spray gun. Protect yourself from paint exposure by wearing gloves and a respirator.

The door frame should be restored in the same way.

Then release the hardware from the adhesive tape or mount it again and hang the door in its place.

If only a section of the canvas is damaged, you can only update it, however, this will require a careful selection of paint by tone.

Restoring old doors with your own hands is an interesting and exciting job.

You can choose an acceptable canvas, choose the right material and dream up with decor.

In addition, you can significantly save on replacing doors, and this is an important fact for the family budget.

Do-it-yourself updated doors are a reason for the pride of the owner of the house. And how to repair them - you can watch the video:

The interior door occupies an important place in the interior of the room. It serves not only as an obstacle to noise, delimits space and allows privacy, but also is a noticeable piece of decor.

There are several reasons why you can start decorating an interior door:

  1. Firstly, despite the huge selection of ready-made (and very attractive) doors, it is sometimes very difficult to find the right model. Sometimes all the doors seem the same - "I have already seen this one at the neighbors", "and this one looks like the door to our office." You don’t want to repeat and acquire something unoriginal and become commonplace, because your interior is unique, so the door must match.
  2. Secondly, even an old door with scratches, peeling paint and indelible stains is not known why you often don’t want to change it! After all, any replacement of a door is also a replacement of the box itself, which is associated with dust, plaster, sealing the gaps formed, the need to change the wallpaper (at least around the new door) - in general, with local, and sometimes overhaul.

That is why sometimes it is much easier for the owner to update an already installed door "on the spot", that is, without changing the entire box, right here in the room. Of course, in some cases, you still have to remove the door from the hinges, but this is much easier and faster than starting a full-fledged repair. Whatever the reasons that prompted you to start decorating an interior door, we’ll say right away that often this does not require almost anything, except for the materials left over from the last repair.

And one should not think that real craftsmen and needlewomen will be able to cope with such a task - even a person who has never held a hammer or brushes in his hands can implement some of the ideas proposed in this article. And the result of your work in any case will be original, unusual and will become a source of pride - "here it is, our door, he did it himself (well, at least he decorated it)".

So, we offer you 14 interior door decorating ideas that you might want to bring to life by decorating your interior.

Idea first. We paint, we just paint

The easiest way, without frills and unnecessary work, is to put the door in order. To do this, you will first need to remove the door from the hinges, then go over it with a spatula, removing old paint, level the surface with sandpaper, close up cracks and scratches with putty, remove grease stains, seal the glass with masking tape so as not to stain it, and you can take it in hands roller or brush! It is better to choose acrylic paint - it dries faster, and paint the door in a horizontal position - so the paint will not drain and lie more evenly. However, if it is convenient for you to do all of the above on a vertically standing door, you can not remove it from the hinges. Just do not forget to put something on the floor during painting so as not to stain the linoleum or laminate.

White, simply painted door. Refurbishing or repainting a different color is not a big deal, although the moldings and carvings need special, gentle handling during sanding and removing old paint.

The second idea. We paint in several colors

The option is more complicated, although it is also associated with staining. In this case, we do not just paint the door in one color, but create a simple or complex geometric pattern of stripes, squares, rhombuses, and so on. The door must first be prepared, as in the first case - that is, it must be cleaned of old paint and the surface leveled. However, in this case, we will need much more masking tape - it is with its help that you will delimit the zones between stripes or rectangles. In addition, in order not to buy several cans of paint of different colors, you can purchase white paint (one liter per door is enough), as well as several dyes with which you can experiment with shades.

Gold and white, blue and pale pink, bright stripes on a neutral background, rhombuses and sinuous lines - a variety of patterns and color combinations can appear on the canvas of your door.

When choosing a geometric pattern, remember that a wide strip along the entire door leaf is more suitable for country style, and for classics it is better to choose other options, for example, paint the top of the door in a lighter shade and separate the parts with a horizontal strip

Idea three. Highlight moldings

Also painting the door, which in general is not too different from the first option. However, in this case, we will focus on the moldings by painting them in a contrasting color. White and black is a great combination, but already beaten up, so think about what colors will look best together. Designers have long recognized white and green, blue and yellow, red and dark blue as excellent options. Such a door will look great both in a bohemian boudoir and in a strict classic living room.

The white door with highlighted black moldings is a true classic. By the way, if your door does not have such decorations, it is easy to make them yourself - special thin wooden planks are sold that are simply nailed onto the canvas

An unexpectedly bright, pink door that looks especially aristocratic and attractive thanks to the frames highlighted in white

Idea four. We paint according to the finished stencil

A very convenient and easy way to turn your door into a work of art, even if you do not have the talent of an artist. Ready-made stencils can be purchased at both construction and specialized stores, or ordered on one of the sites, and the choice of drawings and patterns is very large. Then we simply apply the stencil to the already prepared door and apply the paint. Easy, fast and as a result - very beautiful!

Applying a drawing on a ready-made stencil is as easy as shelling pears, and the choice will allow you to choose an original inscription, an exotic pattern, and an unusual picture

Such a deliberately simple pattern can easily be created without stencils. It was the uneven lines and simplicity that became its main highlight.

Fifth idea. Art painting

Unlike all the options for decorating the door already listed, this option is not for everyone. To create a real masterpiece on an ordinary door, you will need the talent of an artist and certain skills in working with brushes, since a roller is no longer enough here. Imagine that your door is a blank white canvas, on which, thanks to your skill, a beautiful landscape, a cheerful picture or an exquisite pattern will appear. Fine hand painting always looks expensive and stylish, and you can achieve this effect by spending money only on buying paints.

Ready-made interior doors with artistic painting are offered by many European companies. Of course, they are not cheap, so you can try to create something similar with your own hands. Are you afraid it won't work? You can always just paint over a bad drawing!

Idea six. Children's creativity

Does your kid love to draw? Give him such an opportunity - let him decorate the door to the nursery. Yes, such a naive, bright pattern will be out of place in a strict living room, but as a decoration for a children's room it is a great option. Just agree with the young artist that the second half of the door is already your field for the realization of fantasies!

Usually children's paints wash off very easily, so your budding artist can repaint the door every day. But you will have to pre-prepare the canvas by putting the door in order

Idea seven. Unusual texture with paint

If you find it boring to simply apply paint, and you are afraid to take on hand-painting, you can try to achieve unusual textures, such as the effect of a wooden surface or an antique door, using very simple tools. So, with the help of a sponge you can get a spotted surface, steel wool will help to achieve the effect of an old door, a hard brush will create an expressive surface of denim. Special ready-made paints are also sold that perfectly imitate jeans, wood, canvas, velvet or slate.

On such a door, painted under a slate board, it is convenient to leave messages to household members.

Idea eight. Wall mural

If all the previous ideas concerned only work with paints and brushes, then this method is suitable for those who do not want to mess with paint. Wall murals will instantly transform the look of your interior door, turning it into a striking design element. Of course, it is best to purchase murals designed specifically for doors - in this case, your drawing will definitely look complete. Ready-made photo wallpapers usually have a standard size of 86x220 centimeters, so they are only suitable for standard doors, and without moldings and glass inserts. However, now many online stores offer custom-made door murals, so you can choose the option that is ideal for your door, with any pattern. You can cut to size doors and ordinary wall murals, however, in this case, the drawing may look unfinished.

How do you like such an unusual option - a door that turned into a telephone booth with the help of photo wallpaper?

Before sticking photo wallpapers, the door must be cleaned of stains, and the surface should be leveled, sanded and degreased with a solvent. You can use ordinary wallpaper glue, but PVA is much more reliable. The disadvantages of this option for decorating the door include the fact that a bright image will immediately catch your eye, so it can quickly get bored. In addition, the murals on the door, due to frequent touches, will lose their original attractiveness. However, no one will stop you from changing the wallpaper on the door to something more original in a couple of months.

Particularly popular are photo wallpapers with picturesque landscapes.

Wall murals on the door will help to make a small room visually larger due to the increased panoramic perspective. And sticking them is very easy, for this you do not even need to remove the door from the hinges.

Idea nine. Ordinary wallpapers

Previously, this decor option was very popular, but now many designers consider it bad manners. This does not prevent ordinary wallpaper, "migrated" to the door, to remain a popular way to decorate the interior. Sticking paper and vinyl wallpaper on the door is especially popular in Sweden, the USA and Canada. By the way, it is not at all necessary to hide the entire door behind the wallpaper - on the contrary, the wallpaper, divided into clear “compartments” thanks to moldings, looks especially interesting. The remaining surfaces of the door can simply be painted, choosing a shade that matches the color of the wallpaper. Alternatively, you can buy cork wallpaper and varnish it on top for reliability. Their unusual texture will make the door more original.

Preparing the door is exactly the same as in the case of using photo wallpapers. The main advantage is cheapness, since you can use wallpaper left over from the previous repair, and ease of decoration. The main disadvantage is rapid wear - at the joints, the wallpaper can peel off and tear.

Wallpaper pasted not on the entire door, but on parts highlighted by moldings, look more spectacular

The door, pasted over with the same wallpaper as the walls, will literally merge with the interior. On the reverse side, the door, of course, is pasted over with other wallpaper so as not to stand out against the background of the wall of another room.

Idea ten. Fabric instead of wallpaper

This option will look especially cute and homely. The door decorated with fabric looks original, the choice of fabrics today is surprisingly wide, but this method also has its drawbacks.

If you choose a single piece of fabric to decorate the door, you should take care of the original pattern.

First, when choosing a fabric, you should make sure that the glue does not leave stains on it. Secondly, the edges of the fabric should be pre-treated, otherwise the protruding threads will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Thirdly, doors decorated with fabric are not suitable for every style of interior design. Those who are fond of patchwork, that is, the creation of canvases from different pieces of fabric, can turn their door into a real application of bright shreds. By the way, if there is a place for a glass insert on the door, you can hang a small curtain here, fixing it on a fishing line and small carnations.

Very nice door, decorated using patchwork technology. The trouble is that such bright shreds have nothing to do with the classic interior style, this is an option, rather, for a “rustic” and colorful country

Idea eleven. Posters, cards, paper

An option for creative people and a great idea for a teenager's room. The door can be decorated with a poster and an image of your favorite artist or group, sheets from an old geographical atlas, or sheet music. Sticking such paper sheets and posters is as easy as regular wallpaper.

An old geographical map will be appropriate even on the interior door of an ordinary living room, but posters are better to “settle” in a teenager’s room

Idea twelve. All kinds of stickers

This simple and not too expensive way of decorating a door is becoming more and more popular today. Vinyl stickers can be purchased in online stores, the cost of a model the size of a standard door starts at 2.5 thousand rubles, they are glued very easily, and will last longer than ordinary photo wallpapers.

Stickers with such funny and at the same time useful inscriptions will not only decorate the doors, but also cheer up the guests.

If you do not want to hide the entire door behind the stickers, it is quite possible to purchase small images - a butterfly, a bright flower, and so on. They cost less, and the appearance of the door will be completely transformed. “Informative” stickers are also popular, for example, on the door of an office, bathroom or bathroom, which will tell guests what is hidden behind this door.

The elegant lady on this sticker will immediately inform the guests of the house that the bathroom is hidden behind this door.

Often, stickers can look like ordinary photo wallpapers, and sometimes they can look like hand-painted on a white door or a child's drawing.

Idea thirteen. Decoupage

The technology of scrupulously cutting out the images you like from paper and further compiling applications from these pieces allows you to transform not only a box or a photo album cover, but also an ordinary door. Everything that a beginner master of the ancient art of decoupage needs: paper drawings, napkins with a pattern you like, postcards and the like - everything from which you can cut a picture, a brush, PVA glue, scissors, glitter, acrylic varnish, contour and acrylic paint.

In the process of decoupage, you can use literally anything - from scraps of old newspapers to greeting cards.

In a brief description, the process looks like this: we apply a layer of white acrylic paint on the surface of the door, wait for it to dry, then another layer - and again wait until it dries completely. Then we apply a layer of paint of the selected shade, and then we attach the cut-out paper drawings with PVA glue. At the same time, we try to glue the piece as evenly as possible, without wrinkles and expel all air bubbles. With the help of glitter and contour, we can add dots, stripes and other small details. Then we cover the finished picture with a layer of varnish. That's all. The rest is your imagination and beautifully selected drawings.

The decoupage technique allows you to create amazingly beautiful paintings, and the lacquer coating will extend the life of the decor.

Idea fourteen. Mosaic

A door decorated with bright mosaics will be an excellent option for a bathroom; you can also decorate a metal front door in this way. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to use pieces of ceramics for these purposes - in this case, the door may turn out to be too heavy. Mosaic can be created from pieces of wood or veneer, as well as purchased ready-made, made of glass.

In this case, a bright glass mosaic occupies most of the door, making it very unusual and cheerful.

The mosaic is fixed with special glue (Moment or liquid nails are suitable) on a prepared and cleaned surface. It is worthwhile to think over all the details of the pattern in advance by drawing the layout of the pieces with a pencil. By the way, you can decorate with a mosaic not only the door itself, but also the box, highlighting the slopes using the selected pattern.

Creating a mosaic pattern is a huge scope for creativity. And if some part still falls, you can always attach it back.

An old door can become a real art object, all it takes is a little imagination and effort. To begin with, you can use one of the simplest ideas, and then, having got a taste, try yourself in the art of decoupage or painting. In any case, your door will definitely be one of a kind!

Even in those apartments where repairs have already been made, there are old, worn out by time, with minor defects or significant damage to interior doors. Scuffs and scratches give a completely unaesthetic appearance to the interior of the room. There seems to be only one way out - to update the door. However, buying a new product is often a costly undertaking. Therefore, it is a competent restoration that will help to adequately get out of the current situation.

Process details

Old or damaged interior doors are subject to restoration. The cause of mechanical damage may be, for example, a fire. High humidity can also adversely affect the wooden canvas. Often mechanical damage occurs after opening the doors using improvised tools. When restoring the product, the replacement of the door leaf, updating the door jambs, painting or tinting the surface may follow.

Resuming functionality often requires updating fittings or locks. With minor damage to interior doors, restoration work can be done by hand.

It is better to entrust the repair of original doors to a specialist in this field. Work should also be left to a professional if the restoration requires replacement of the door jamb or repair of the entire door frame as a whole.

For review, some of the advantages and features of the restoration of interior doors are presented:

  • It is profitable to repair solid wood doors, bringing them into proper and working condition, rather than spending the budget on a new product.
  • Update the old door when changing the interior style in the house. The procedure is performed even when the canvas is still in excellent condition and does not need to be replaced yet.
  • Restoration of old wooden structures is carried out when the handmade canvas and door frame have a unique ornament and texture.
  • Making the door surface with your own hands will allow you to create a unique product that will harmoniously decorate the entire interior.

  • The interior door must be repaired in the event that, due to the replacement of the door, the integrity of the opening or wall cladding may be violated.
  • Due to the non-standard size of the old door, it is better to carry out restoration work than to carry out a time-consuming replacement of the product.
  • Restoration is convenient, since the replacement of the product is often accompanied by the replacement of the entire door frame. This procedure will definitely create the need to close up the resulting cracks, plastering and wallpapering around the doorway.

For independent work, you will need a lot of free time. The phased execution of all procedures will be the key to a successful restoration of the door leaf.

The successful application of methods for restoring the product, first of all, depends on the characteristics and properties of the material for the manufacture of the door leaf.


Previously, interior doors were made exclusively from solid wood. Currently, polymers and glass are included in the composition of door panels. The surface can be coated with high-quality varnish or laminated. Oak doors or beech products are premium door leafs that have a fine natural texture and are distinguished by various shades.

Increased strength and durability make such interior products desirable and practical. Only the price due to these advantages is very high. Carrying out work on the restoration of products much more economical than replacing the entire blade.

The most demanded material in the manufacture of canvases is fiberboard. The methods of restoring such doors differ from the restoration work of solid wood products. To remove a layer of old paint from the surface of a fiberboard product, an iron and a building hair dryer are used. Given the fine structure of the surface of the product, grinding work is carried out only with a fine sandpaper.

With the help of finishing elements, by slightly changing the surface relief, you can get an analogue of a paneled canvas. Expensive models consist of dense tiled material. High-quality surface finish of the product determines the value of the product.

Often applied pasting of innovative veneer. The basis of the door will be inexpensive pine material, lumber or chipboard. Under the influence of temporary changes, veneered products may lose the integrity of the top layer. For the restoration of such doors, special wood glue is required. When using glue it is also necessary to take into account a favorable temperature regime and avoid humidity. Violation of this mode can adversely affect the veneer surface, which leads to swelling and delamination of the material.

For an amateur, the use of metal structures in the house. Iron doors also tend to wear out, unless, of course, these are armored products. Even on high-quality canvases, the exterior finish deteriorates over time, locks break, accessories crumble. Long-term operation significantly affects the appearance and mechanism of the design of such doors. In iron interior structures, aluminum or stainless steel is mainly used. Metal parts are successfully combined with other materials.

If you buy a new door, then high-quality metal products are expensive. Therefore, it will be much more profitable to repair the old door. According to the experience of professionals, it can be noted that any type of metal doors can be restored. Professionals can replace the hinges, handles and lock in accordance with the color scheme of the door leaf to be restored.

Options for different models

It is safe to classify the "Stalinist" door as an antique. Room products of this era are usually double-leaf, often with glass inserts. In the "stalinka" products are heavy and bulky, which makes it a little difficult to work on their restoration. A professional craftsman can easily choose modern material for their lining, the necessary fittings and type of decoration.

Door leafs and the surface of historical "Stalinist" doors are usually wooden. If the cause of damage is not mechanical impact, then scuffs are the effect of time. Refurbished wooden doors should have an aesthetic appearance. Masters will help you choose the main material and finishing, give a laconic look to antique doors.

In an apartment with an atmosphere of Provencal or Scandinavian interior style, the restoration of doors also has a decorative character. Finishing with the inclusion of patina and painting will turn an ordinary old white door into a stylish decor element. The presence of frames and crossbars characterize the prefabricated interior door, which is also called paneled. For example, panels can be in the form of MDF sheets or glass inserts. So it is possible to create curly elements and make the appearance of the canvas quite interesting. Restoration of paneled doors implies the preservation of existing reliefs or a complete replacement of the surface of the product.

This option is suitable for offices, bathrooms and toilets, balconies and other rooms with high humidity. Economical and moisture resistant models are indispensable for such premises.

Glass is often used as an insert, and there are also options for completely transparent doors for a newfangled living room interior, for example. Only special texture types of glass cloths are used. For safety reasons, the material must have a protective film, not form sharp fragments when broken, which is also taken into account when restoring such canvases.

How and what can be updated: ideas

Various materials are used to repair and decorate an old or damaged door. The color scheme of the provided material is also diverse. Difficult work on restoring the door and decorating the surface is best left to a specialist in this field. It is possible to fix minor scratches and simple work on decorating an old surface yourself.

An easy way to upgrade a door is surface painting. Anyone can paint a surface. Both for painting and for other types of restoration, you first need to prepare the surface of the product. Cleaning and freeing the surface from the old coating will be the first step in the restoration of the product. A fine-grained sandpaper will perfectly clean it of old paint. After small cracks and scratches are covered, then the type of coating and decorative elements are selected.

Acrylic paint is offered for painting in one color. In the case of the restoration of a wooden door, paint and varnish are selected for work on wood.

Painting in several colors is a more complex process. To do this, with the help of masking tapes, different shapes are created on the decorated surface. After applying paint over the created picture, an interesting geometric ornament is obtained. Different colors can be created by adding dyes to the white base. The existing method of surface tinting will help create the effect of the presence of the most expensive wood species in the composition of the canvas.

Special tinting impregnations - stains, will give the wood any desired color. As a rule, these are the tones of elite tree species. Due to this, the pine coating can be given a visual resemblance to the walnut canvas. Of course, it will only be external. Such properties as moisture resistance, resistance to decay in this process are not acquired.

When painting, the moment is also taken into account that the tree tends to absorb paint a little during processing. Therefore, it will be necessary to apply another layer.

When working with paint, you can create not only plain doors, but also entire compositions. Designers from the original sketch will be able to recreate any pattern if applied through a stencil. It is also better to entrust the idea of ​​restoration in the form of artistic painting to professionals, since one cannot do without artistic skills. Additionally, you can do protruding parts, that is, moldings. They are also dyed. For an original effect, they can be decorated in a contrasting tone.

In the case when the door is even, without relief and moldings, you can imitate their presence with an ornament or stick polyurethane carved slats. Reiki must first be painted in the desired color.

The next stage of finishing is the design of doors with wallpaper, fabric. In this case, there are no special restrictions, since almost any images and materials of different textures can be glued to the door. First of all, you can pay attention to the photo wallpapers, which are presented in abundance in specialized stores. Any paper materials, as well as standard wallpaper, can also be useful.

Care must be taken that the material is not too transparent. Otherwise, glue or hidden reliefs will show through. At the end of the installation, using wallpaper, fabrics or paper, it is recommended to apply a layer of varnish. Such a coating will become a protection for the door surface.

Many models of interior doors have inset glass, which is why stained glass design is very popular. Special stained glass paint is used for drawing patterns and ornaments on a glass surface. For independent work, materials for painting and stained glass work are purchased at any special store. Drawings can be transferred to glass by sandblasting the surface. In a specialized workshop, they can simply do such work.

Sticking vinyl stickers as a way to decorate and restore a product is one of the simplest procedures. Vinyl door stickers are sold almost everywhere. The protective coating can be easily removed. Without preliminary preparation, a film is glued to the door leaf. After finishing the work, the protective film on the outside is also removed. It is worth considering that vinyl stickers can even be painted.

The decoupage technique is also easy to perform and makes it possible to hide minor defects. In the process of this finishing, pieces of material, paper, napkins are collected into a single semantic picture, glued to the surface and varnished.

The option of finishing by building a picture from a mosaic is original and not expensive; in the process, fragments of ceramics, glass, wood, and veneer are used. In addition to the standard methods of restoring interior doors, you can apply an extraordinary design method. Update doors using various bulk materials. When pasting the surface with cereals, such as rice or buckwheat, you get an exclusive and original work.

To fix the grains, you can purchase PVA glue. After complete drying, the surface is recommended to be varnished several times to protect it from moisture. Considering that the cereal is dry in consistency, does not rot or deteriorate, and the lacquer coating keeps the composition from moisture, there is no doubt about the durability of such a design.

Recovery workshops

Minor damage can be repaired on your own and at home. To do this, it is necessary to properly prepare tools and materials for restoration. The stages of work are as follows:

  • At the initial stage the door must be carefully prepared. For this, the characteristics of the material of manufacture are taken into account. Basically, wooden products are subject to wear. If interior doors are covered with veneer, wax, soft in consistency, as well as a special varnish and a tool in the form of a spatula, are purchased to work with the surface of the door leaf. For wooden products, hard wax and rough sandpaper are required.

  • Before starting work, you must carefully remove the door from the hinges, fittings and locking device. If there are glass inserts, then they must also be removed, since all fasteners will be dismantled. Restoration work with the door is best done indoors with sufficient lighting. Before placing the product in the workplace, it is necessary to protect the floor covering, as there is a risk of damage to it, since the paint from the damaged product will be removed under the hot air flow from the hair dryer.

  • From the door surface remove dirt by washing it with soapy water. After the door is viewed for the presence of significant defects. Minor scratches can be filled with putty. Next, the wooden canvas is wrapped with a flannel rag. The process begins with grinding the surface with the removal of excess wax with the help of solvents. Further, the surface is recommended to be varnished.

  • In any case, when working on the restoration of a door with a painted surface the old coating must be carefully cleaned off. Doing this with your own hands is much easier than it might seem, since only a spatula and a building hair dryer are the necessary tools for the job. The latter does not have to be purchased, currently it can be purchased for rent. If the doors will be decorated in the future, you should remember the platbands and the door frame. They also need to be trimmed to match the color of the door itself.

  • After paint removal the surface is examined for scratches and other damage, they can be sealed with both putty and specialized putties for wood. The final stage of preliminary preparation is sanding and grinding the surface with sandpaper. In order to protect the door from the influence of moisture, the sealed surface is treated with drying oil. The same property is also possessed by ordinary stain, which, in addition to protection, will give the surface a natural color.

The situation when interior doors become unusable and lose their appearance is not uncommon. Knowing a few basic tricks on how to update an old door, you can save a lot and not spend money ahead of time. Having learned how to restore the surface on your own, it will turn out not only to give the apartment a fresh look, but also to translate interesting author's ideas into reality.

After reviewing a few useful secrets listed below, you will be able to do the repair work yourself. Do not forget about the importance of preparatory work, as this process also affects the beauty of the product. It will be possible to decorate the doors using paint, wallpaper, photo wallpaper, decoupage and other techniques.

Preparatory stage

Before transforming an old door, you must first prepare the surface and remove the previous coating. If you remove the product from the hinges in advance, it will be more convenient to carry out repair work. Place the door on a flat surface, use a table or goats for this. Remove from the canvas: handles, hinges, latches, locks. Replace parts with new ones if they become unusable. Do not forget to remove the glazing beads and remove the glass before starting repair work.

It will be much easier to act by adhering to the following points:

  1. Using a blow dryer, heat up the surface so that the old paint is removed much faster. When the layer begins to soften, use a spatula to remove the coating.
  2. It will be possible to repair scratches and defects thanks to putty and putty for wood.
  3. Take sandpaper with different grits. Sand the surface and sand thoroughly.
  4. It will be possible to fully update the old doors with your own hands if you distribute drying oil or stain on the surface. Such a measure will protect the canvas from moisture, and give the tree a beautiful shade.
  5. Insert the glass back into the door leaf, use new glazing beads.

If you paint a door or glue wallpaper on a canvas, then do not forget to prime it first. Choose a special primer or liquid diluted glue.

Self-adhesive film

When ideas on how to glue an old door have come to a standstill, choose the simplest and most inexpensive option in the form of a self-adhesive film. Geometric stickers can be distributed on the canvas, even if you do not first remove it from the hinges. Choose a film of a bright shade to create a contrast with the overall tone. If you match the stickers to the color of the door, it will look tasteless.

Before sticking the film with a pencil, make a markup where the patterns will be located. After that, apply the sticker to the canvas and use a rag to get rid of the air under the film by carefully wiping it. A canvas on which you can draw inscriptions with chalk will look very stylish and impressive. The cost of such a film is not cheap, but such an option will look very unusual.


In the process of updating an old door, as in the first case, it is important to use another inexpensive option - paint. Here you have to remove the door from the hinges in order to get the door painted as neatly as possible. You can choose absolutely any color - it all depends on taste preferences and the interior. Buy acrylic or water-based paint as it doesn't smell bad. It is better to refuse alkyd paint.

Experienced "artists" will be able to paint the door using dye in cans. For beginners, it is better to refuse such an idea, since it will be difficult to apply the material in one tone, since the dye will be sprayed on different sides. If you chose the standard painting option, then take matte, not glossy paint. In the second case, the dye will only emphasize all the defects and irregularities of the canvas.

Before updating the doors without changing them, take a roller to make the painting process as comfortable as possible. A wide roller is suitable for smooth and solid doors. It is best to paint the doors in 2-3 layers, applying the paint in a fairly thin ball.

How to update an old door with wallpaper: several methods

It is not difficult to glue wallpaper on the door leaf, and at the same time, all stages of work will not take much time. You can create a beautiful contrast if you choose a wallpaper with a color that will differ from the colors of the walls. Having previously prepared the doors and primed them, it will be possible to glue the wallpaper according to the following scheme:

  1. Dilute the adhesive according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Spread the adhesive backing onto the canvas.
  3. Gently begin to paste the wallpaper and do not forget to remove the bubbles. This will help a plastic or rubber spatula, which must be moved from the center to the edges.
  4. Use a metal strip and a wallpaper cutter to trim the edges of the wallpaper.
  5. Wait until the wallpaper is completely dry to move on to the next stage of decorating if necessary.

If desired, apply additional decor on top of the wallpaper.


If, before updating interior doors with your own hands (according to the photo with instructions), you purchase foam or polyurethane moldings, as well as sockets, then the decor will turn out to be quite unusual. This option will beautifully emphasize the room, decorated in a classic style. Using rounded moldings and a bright background, you can decorate a room in Provence style.

After you have time to paste the wallpaper and they have already dried, use a pencil to mark where the moldings will be. Using a tape measure, measure out how much material you will need to complete the decor. Cut the edges of the molding at a 45 degree angle. Then take PVA or other glue, process the back surface of each element and glue according to the markup. Wait until the glue is completely dry.

Wall mural

To give the room a completely new look, you can stick photo wallpapers on the door. This finish will look very bright and will help transform the interior of any room. You can order photo wallpapers in any printing house. In this case, it will be possible to individually select the design and type of pattern. Before updating old wooden doors with your own hands in a similar way, you should follow the previously given instructions for gluing ordinary wallpaper.

The effect of antiquity

In the process of updating the old door with paint and sandpaper, it will be possible to create the effect of antiquity. Before moving on to the decor, cover the canvas with dark paint in several layers. After that, apply light paint on top of the previous layer. When the dye is completely dry, take your sandpaper and start sanding the top layer so that the dark paint shows through.

Using the effect of craquelure, it will also be possible to visually “age” the doors. To do this, use varnish or paint, which, after hardening, will visually form cracks.


Decoupage of an old door will look very nice if you use ordinary napkins for decoration. Before starting work, paint the canvas white. Then take a three-layer napkin with a beautiful pattern and cut out the image with scissors. Peel off the colored layer and gently apply it to the door.

Dilute PVA glue and water in the right ratio and take a brush. Apply glue to the back of the pattern and attach it to the door. You can repeat this procedure several times until the entire application is completed. At the end, open the surface with acrylic varnish.

glass inserts

Another good way to update an old door with your own hands (using the photo clearly) is to try replacing the glass. Install new glass in the door leaf or update the decor of the old one. The stained glass technique will look unusual.

Before you paint the doors and create an unusual stained glass window, prepare the following tools:

  • stained glass paints;
  • gloves;
  • circuit;
  • marker.

It is most convenient to paint glass in a horizontal position. Using a marker, draw the outlines, and then paint the middle on both sides with paints. You can complete the whole picture by gluing small stones or pieces of glass. These details should also be outlined with a black marker on top of the drawing.

Before ennobling an old door with your own hands, take this recommendation into service. Cut small holes in the door leaf and insert small multi-colored pieces of glass into the middle. A similar method will allow you to create a beautiful composition of glass. This option is suitable if the door leaf is made of solid wood.

Stencil decor

A simple and at the same time beautiful option is the design of the door according to the stencil pattern. You can prepare a stencil yourself or you can buy it in a building (stationery) store ready-made. Take thick paper and cut out the pattern you like. You can also prepare a self-adhesive film in the same way.

First, pre-treat the door, then take a stencil and carefully go over the top with a paint roller. Spray paint is also suitable for decoration. Make sure that the template fits snugly against the surface of the door, otherwise extra smudges and stains will appear on the canvas.

Paint the door white first, and then use stencil patterns. Black and gold drawings will look very nice on a light background. When updating interior doors with your own hands, also use, on the contrary, a dark background and light stencil patterns.

art drawing

Art lovers can pay attention to such an unusual option for decorating doors. It is enough to first paint the doors in one tone, and then use additional paints and brushes for painting. The drawing can go beyond the doorway by 10-20 cm and be a beautiful continuation of the composition.

If you don’t have any special talent, but you can restore the old door with your own hands, as you want in the photo, then first take a pencil in your hands. Draw a sketch with a pencil, and then proceed to paint. Pre-cover the floor and walls with a protective film so that splashes do not spoil. In order to create a memorable design, give the children paints in their hands, where on the canvas they can express their creativity. Such art will give a lot of positive memories and emotions.


In the case when there are no ideas of what can be done with the old door, but you really want to decorate it unusually, the option with textiles is ideal. This is a very time-consuming process, but the design of the doors will turn out to be truly homely and cozy. Before proceeding to the arrangement of the door leaf, first buy a fabric with the patterns you like. Avoid too light colors, as stains and defects will appear on such a surface very quickly.

Choose a material in the store that will blend in color with the rest of the decor as organically as possible. Use double-sided masking tape to make gluing textiles as convenient as possible. Spread the tape around the entire perimeter of the door. Make sure that there are no wrinkles on the edges of the door, and that there are no shreds.

Door lamination

You can update the appearance of the room if you apply the film on the doors yourself at home. To do this, buy a self-adhesive film on an adhesive basis in a hardware store. First, pre-prepare the door leaf and cover up scratches and bumps. If necessary, remove a layer of old paint.

When gluing the film, do not forget that it connects to the surface very quickly, so you will have to work very carefully to prevent the appearance of bubbles and bumps. Paste the film gradually by millimeters, use a plastic wallpaper spatula to prevent defects.

By choosing one of the above options, it will not be difficult to update the door yourself at home. It is important not to forget about the rest of the interior of the apartment when decorating and pre-protect it with a film.