Life hacks in the country house ideas for life. Simple ideas and interesting life hacks for giving

Dacha For many people it becomes a second home. Surely you or your parents have acquaintances who leave their apartments and move to their summer residences for the period approximately from April to October. A dacha is an energetically filled place where you can relax not only with your soul, but also with your body.

Here you can restore mental strength, feel the connection with nature, harmony and peace. Many people understand how important a dacha plays in their lives, so they try to equip it accordingly. We invite you to evaluate these 27 cool ways that will help diversify even the most banal country interior.

Ideas for giving

  1. Table with stand. Simple and tasteful.
  2. A cool table in which you can even hide something.
  3. Improvised tables are the main attributes of any dacha.

  4. A cheerful fungus table will not only cover you from the sun, but will also cheer you up.

  5. Great impromptu tables! When the firewood in the hearth runs out, it will be possible to use those in them for their intended purpose.

  6. A wonderful alternative to a home bed! The main thing is that the mattress is comfortable.
  7. A bar stool whose height depends on the owner, and not on the manufacturer.
  8. Such a table, perhaps, is available to everyone.
  9. Who would have thought that flower pots could serve as a coffee table!

  10. Cool hammock on the porch. They wouldn't kick me out!
  11. When creating the original color of the carpet, you can use adhesive tape and paint.

  12. The easiest way to update plastic chairs is to repaint them.

  13. Bright chairs for a stylish summer!
  14. Superchair made of plastic boxes. Cheap and cheerful.
  15. Sitting on it is not very comfortable, but you can make a great photo shoot.

  16. A transparent bar is what every dacha needs!
  17. There are never too many succulents.

  18. And beer too!

  19. Everything you need for a comfortable stay.

  20. A table that can be used as a flower stand.

  21. Gorgeous pallet table.
  22. A wonderful ottoman that will become an essential attribute of your cottage.
  23. A little imagination and you can do just as well!
  24. Cheerful table for children and adults.
  25. Handmade pillow for colorful dreams.
  26. The eco-chair is an unusual design element.

  27. Another easy way to make a table.

A dacha, like an apartment, conveys the spirit and habits of its owner. Someone treats it as an obligatory and tedious pastime, while others put their soul and free time into the cottage. Share this collection

Life hacks for summer cottages, gardens and vegetable gardens are useful tips on how to use simple things or do-it-yourself devices to solve everyday tasks. I present to you the most interesting life hacks for summer cottages, gardens and vegetable gardens. These helpful tips are so simple and effective that using them can change the way you think about gardening forever.

Lafhacks for growing seedlings.

LIFE HACK 1. Cinnamon for seedlings.

Use cinnamon powder when growing seedlings. Sprinkling the roots with cinnamon powder will prevent seedling diseases. Cinnamon has antifungal properties and smells delicious))) Use cinnamon to prevent and treat seedling diseases.

LIFE HACK 2. Original pots for seedlings.

Citrus halves can be used as seedling pots. Make a hole in the bottom of the peel for drainage, fill with soil, sow the seeds. The beauty of such a "pot" is that the seedlings are planted directly in the peel. The peel will decompose in the soil and nourish the young plant.

LIFE HACK 3. Seedlings will water themselves!

If you are going on vacation for a few days and are worried that the seedlings will dry out, then you can try another simple life hack. Just fold some paper towels as tight as you can. Dip one end in a glass of water, and put the towel itself near the seedlings, but not on the roots (at some distance).

LIFE HACK 4. Hydrogen peroxide for prevention.

Hydrogen peroxide can be good for seedlings, it can save your plants from root rot and many fungal diseases. It also has a beneficial effect on seed germination. Periodically, it is recommended to water the plants with a solution of 1 part peroxide to 32 parts of water to improve the root system and prevent seedling diseases.

LIFE HACK 5. Epsom salt when transplanting.

Using Epsom salts when transplanting plants will help seedlings to more easily endure this procedure. When transplanting seedlings or planting new plants, add a teaspoon of Epsom salts to the bottom of the hole, cover the salt with a thin layer of soil, and plant the plant.

LIFE HACK 6. Another option for seedlings.

Growing seedlings in eggshells - why not a life hack? Not only will you save on pots, but the plants will also get enough calcium! When planting seedlings, do not throw away the shell, but crumble it into the soil - this is very useful.


Another useful tip: you can grow seedlings in egg cartons. It's simple and absolutely not expensive. A hole can be made in the bottom for better drainage.

LIFE HACK 8. Seedling dish option number three.

You can make pots for planting seedlings from toilet paper rolls. The beauty of these pots is that you do not need to get plants out of makeshift pots, you can plant plants with bushings.

Life hacks for pest control in the garden

LIFE HACK 9. Coffee against ants.

Use coffee grounds for pest control. Coffee grounds in the mail repel ants, snails and slugs.

LIFE HACK 10. Egg shell against snails.

Another way to protect your plants from pests is to use eggshells. Coarsely crumbled eggshells are an effective barrier against soft-bodied garden pests such as snails and slugs. Usually a circle of eggshells is made around the suffering plants.

LIFE HACK 11. Forks against rodents and rabbits.

Plastic forks inserted into the ground with a handle will help scare small animals away from your plants.

LIFE HACK 12. Ants fight

Take a small amount of powdered sugar and mix it with an equal amount of baking soda. Then sprinkle the mixture on areas where ants often accumulate. Powdered sugar will attract ants, while baking soda will solve the problem forever.

LIFE HACK 13. straw mulch

Straw mulch is an effective support for growing many vegetables. She has proven herself especially well in the cultivation of cabbage. straw mulch inhibits weed growth and helps retain moisture in the soil.

LIFE HACK 14. Baking soda to sweeten tomatoes.

Do you want your tomatoes to be sweeter? To do this, simply sprinkle the soil around the plant with a small amount of baking soda. Soda should not get on the plant! The baking soda will soak into the soil and reduce the acidity, which will improve the taste of the tomatoes.

LIFE HACK 15. Information stones for beauty

Having made such beautiful stones with inscriptions, you will not only decorate the garden, but also will not forget what you sowed where. You just need to pick up stones of a suitable shape.

LIFE HACK 16. Honey for transplanting cuttings.

Honey contains enzymes that promote root growth, so you can safely use honey when planting germinated cuttings in the ground. By smearing the roots of the plant with honey, you will not only help the roots grow, but also protect the plant from possible fungal problems.

LIFE HACK 17. Fertilizers for flowers.

Do not throw away the water in which you boiled vegetables or eggs. Let the water cool down and water the flowers or trees in the garden with it. Vegetable broth is a good fertilizer for flowers.

LIFE HACK 18. Milk and water for powdery mildew

Mix equal parts milk and water in a spray bottle and spray where you see powdery mildew. Perform the procedure once a week until the problem disappears.

LIFE HACK 19. banana peel

Banana skins can do wonders. Cut the banana peel into small pieces and simply throw it into the garden. As the banana peel decomposes, it will saturate the soil with beneficial microorganisms. Moreover, the soil will become lighter, its drainage will be better. Banana peel is a powerful cocktail of nutrients: calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphate, potassium and sodium.

LIFE HACK 20. Instead of a watering can.

An ordinary plastic container with a handle can be used instead of a watering can by punching holes in the lid. You can, for example, use a container from engine oil, after washing it thoroughly.

LIFE HACK 21. Hose mat.

From an old leaky hose, you can make a wonderful rug for a terrace or gazebo. Simply twist the hose in the manner shown and secure it with plastic clamps.

LIFE HACK 22. Boy's favorite place

With a little imagination, you can make a great track for your son or grandson in the country. Believe me, this place will become his favorite. It's even cooler than sandboxes!

LIFE HACK 23. We clean the paths from weeds.

Once and for all, you can get rid of weeds that sprout again and again through the paths in the country with the help of vinegar. Vinegar is especially effective in the fight against dandelions.

LIFE HACK 24. Growing vegetables from kitchen waste

After eating, never throw away leftover vegetable scraps! You can grow many different vegetables by planting clippings in good soil.

LIFE HACK 25. ExaminationSoil pH at home.

Take a handful of earth from the garden. Add some vinegar to the soil, if you see bubbles, then the soil is alkaline.

Take a handful of earth from the garden. Add some baking soda to the soil, if you see bubbles, then the soil is acidic.

I hope you enjoyed these simple summer cottage tips, or summer cottage life hacks, as it is called today. Share your impressions in the comments.

Why soak seeds in peroxide? How to defeat the Colorado potato beetle? What is the aphid afraid of? In this TOP of life hacks, we will share the wisdom of experienced gardeners. With our advice, the garden will become heavenly, and the garden will be fruitful!

1. Seeds and peroxide

  • The speed of ascent and the number of germinated seeds are often distressing. But if you soak them before sowing in a peroxide bath (for a day), they will sprout quickly and will please you with growth. For 200 ml of water - 1 tbsp. l. peroxides. After the bath, rinse the seeds and dry a little.

2. Nettle food

  • Caring gardeners prefer organic fertilizers to synthetic fertilizers. And they do it right. Moreover, some dressings give a fantastic result. For example, nettle infusion is a storehouse of minerals. Potassium, calcium, magnesium - any plant will respond with a grateful harvest to such top dressing. Fill a bucket a third full with freshly cut nettles, cover with cold water and leave for 5-10 days. Let it roam, and you mix. After strain, dilute with water (1:10) and water the plants. Fertilize once a month.

3. And for flowers - bananas

  • Flowers - both outdoor and indoor - will say thank you for a banana treat. There are many recipes for making fertilizer from a banana skin, but we will show you a simple way to feed: cut the peel with scissors and bury it in the ground. And that's all.

4. Grow by leaps and bounds

  • While adherents of a healthy diet bypass yeast, summer residents fertilize vegetable gardens with yeast, increasing crop endurance and yield. Most often, yeast complementary foods are used for tomatoes, fertilizing them twice - 2 weeks after planting in the ground and before flowering. And the recipe is this: for 10 g of dry yeast - 10 liters of water, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 500 g of ash. Experienced summer residents add - and half a liter of bird manure extract. Before watering, dilute the solution in proportions of 1:10.

5. Remove excess

  • If a couple of pods have started on the peppers and flowering has stopped, remove the zealous fellows. The plant will begin to bloom with tripled vigor and will give a good harvest by the end of the season.

6. War with the Colorado potato beetle

  • The fight against the native of North America, the Colorado potato beetle, can end in victory if you heed the people's advice. A good result is the "dusting" of bushes (potatoes, tomatoes) with sifted ash. Powder the garden in the morning while the leaves are damp with dew. Both beetles and larvae die. On one hundred square meters, an average of 10 kg of ash is spent.

7. Cucumber - with dill

  • "Cucumber with dill" is not only a popular fermented milk drink, but also ideal neighbors in the beds. Allelopathy (a science that finds out the nature of the influence of one culture on another) gives the go-ahead for their coexistence: they will only increase each other's productivity. But the tomatoes should be planted away. Neighbors from them will come out dubious.

8. Salt the garlic

  • As soon as the feathers grow ten centimeters (and not only garlic, but also onions), pour the bed with saline: for 10 liters - a glass of salt. Repeat salting two more times with an interval of ten days. Onions and garlic will grow fruitful and tasty.

9. Bouillon for the garden

  • When boiling vegetables in the country, do not pour out the water. Vitamins and minerals pass from vegetables to the broth. And if you categorically refuse to drink such water, water the garden. He's not that picky. Most importantly, wait until the broth cools down.

10. You can’t spoil the sand with oil

  • A cleaning and sharpening unit for garden tools is made from sand and vegetable oil, mixing the ingredients “to taste” in a bucket. They use the device like this: after summer work, they stick the tool into the bucket several times. The sand will clean the dirt and polish, the oil will protect against rust. Tools can be stored in oil sand.

Garden work is often tiring and annoying. Perhaps that is why summer residents are the best inventors. To facilitate their work, get rid of monotonous processes, reduce the time spent, they find non-standard solutions with minimal financial investment.

We have found the most useful and relevant life hacks from experienced amateur gardeners and beginner gardeners.

It is not necessary to spend money on the purchase of sprinklers, which are not always effective and often clog and become unusable. An excellent alternative is a 1.5 or 2 liter mineral water bottle. Below, retreating 5-7 cm from the bottom, we make holes. By the size and frequency of the holes, we adjust the degree of spraying and flow power: the smaller the holes, the thinner the streams; the greater the number of holes, the wider the flow will be.

Holes are made only on one side. Next, through a plastic tube, we connect a hose of a suitable diameter to the neck of the bottle. The tube should fit snugly into the neck so that it is not knocked out by pressure.

Such a design will last no more than one season, since algae will begin to multiply under the sun's rays and high humidity. Also, the holes can become clogged with debris. Although the replacement of such a system will not require either time or money.

2. Watering can from a plastic canister

Even advanced summer residents cannot do without manual watering: no, no, yes, you have to use a watering can. You can make it from any plastic canister. It is more convenient to take containers with a volume of 5-10 liters. The handle is already there, it remains only to make holes for the water to exit. We make them in a plastic cover with a hot nail or awl on fire. The smaller the holes, the finer the spray.

If you take a chemical canister, be sure to rinse the container thoroughly. Such an idea is good when you need several watering cans of a small volume for foliar feeding, tillage with biopreparations in a greenhouse, and work with folk remedies for plant protection. Watering cans can be signed with an indelible marker so as not to confuse the purpose of each.

Advice! On the canister, you can make a measuring scale for the preparation of working solutions. Pour 0.5 liters of water into it with a measuring cup and mark the liquid level with a marker, then another 0.5 liters and so on until full volume.

3. Mini greenhouses made of plastic bottles and disposable cups

Another useful use of plastic containers. When sowing seeds of heat-loving crops (cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin) in open ground, there is a risk of delayed germination and even death of seedlings in the event of a sharp cold snap. To solve this problem, summer residents suggest using disposable cups after planting seedlings or seeds.

They already have drainage holes that will serve for gas exchange. So that the cups are not blown away by the wind, they are buried in the soil by 2-3 cm. Seeds of 2 pcs. in the hole, they are sown in moist soil and immediately covered with a glass. As a result, the seed and the developing sprout are in a greenhouse with more favorable conditions.

The top of a 1.5-2 liter plastic bottle can be used to cover early cabbage seedlings. Immediately after planting the seedlings, the lid should be closed, but not tightly, so that fresh air can enter. When the plants take root, the covers can be completely removed.

4. A nursery from a plastic bottle

Plastic bottles with a volume of 2-5 liters. it is convenient to use for growing seedlings of flowers, greens, rooting cuttings and mustaches of strawberries.

In a bottle located horizontally, we cut out a long window on one side, so that there are sides to hold the soil. On the opposite side, we make several holes to drain irrigation water and pour a little expanded clay or river sand. Then we fill it with nutrient soil, put it on trays and sow seeds or plant cuttings.

These trays are lightweight and easy to carry. Through the transparent walls you can see the degree of development of the root system. Plastic is easy to clean and will last more than one season. And if there is no place to store nurseries after liberation, then it is not a pity to throw them away, but to make new ones for the new season.

5. A fun way to make seed holes with egg cartons

It takes a lot of effort to prepare vegetable beds. Responsible occupation - marking and cutting furrows for sowing. They should be even and the same depth along the entire length. Resourceful summer residents offer a home-made device for basting even and neat holes - a cardboard cell for eggs.

Seeds can be dipped into each hole or by skipping 1-2 holes, thus adjusting the distance between plants depending on the crop.

6. Autonomous watering for giving

The problem of watering moisture-loving plants in the country during the working week is easy to solve with a 5-liter plastic bottle. In the lower part in a circle, stepping back 2 cm from the bottom, make several holes of small diameter.

On a note! The optimal number and size of holes can be determined experimentally, but you can start with four holes with a diameter of 1 mm.

Bottles are deepened halfway into the soil even before planting seedlings or sowing. Planting is carried out in such a way that the root system of plants is in the zone of moisture (about 10 cm from the bottle). A common scheme: 4 plants around 1 bottle. The lid is closed tightly: this slows down the release of water and creates an analogy for drip irrigation. Water is poured through the neck with a hose or bucket, but not topped up to the edge of 3-5 cm.

The method is often used for autonomous watering of cucumbers, which painfully endure even short-term droughts.

7. How to propagate rare varieties of potatoes with "eyes"

The method that our grandmothers used during the war years due to a lack of seed material. Now it is actively used for propagation of rare and expensive varieties. A separate eye on a tuber is a full-fledged bud, which will give a viable plant with a root and a vegetative part. All that a kidney needs to start growing is 5-10 g from the mother tuber.

Mother tubers of seed potatoes are carefully sorted and only healthy ones are selected. The knife must be disinfected (you can wipe it with alcohol). Freshly cut slices with "eyes" are not immediately planted - the cut points must dry out to prevent infection. For prevention, they are rolled in ashes.

Planting is carried out 5-6 days after cutting. This period, the slices are stored in the shade, laid out in a single layer in a wooden box. Summer residents note an increase in the yield and marketability of potatoes from the "eyes".

Advice! The tuber does not have all active buds, so cutting into slices is best done after germination, when small sprouts appear.

8. Non-standard beds - strawberries in an old chest of drawers

Plant beds with a compact surface root system can be made from any materials at hand. Or you can not do it: just take an old chest of drawers, fill the nutrient soil in the boxes and plant strawberries and herbs.

The extended drawers resemble a multi-tiered garden bed, where the plants of each tier receive the right amount of solar radiation. Such a chest of drawers can be placed next to a country house or a summer kitchen: it is convenient and beautiful.

9. Decorative beds in barrels

Plastic barrels, painted the same color or different, can be used to create an original garden. This method of arranging the beds is good in areas with poor, acidic and heavy soils.

Each barrel is cut into 2 halves, deepened into the soil and filled with soil of the composition that a particular crop needs. It is very comfortable. It is advisable to grow onions, green and spicy-flavoring herbs in barrels.

10. Flower bed in an old enamel bath

In what only do not grow annual flowers! Here is another option: an old enamel bath for a tall and large flower bed. It looks spectacular and unusual, and the idea itself is easy to implement.

11. Onions on a feather at home in a plastic bottle

Sprouting onions on a feather for consumption in winter and early spring is not a new idea. But how to implement it, so that it is both neat and practical?

A 5 liter plastic bottle with holes all over the height filled with garden soil has several advantages:

  • takes up little space, but gives a high yield of greenery;
  • the bulbs do not feed on clean water, but grow fully in the ground, so the feather is more fragrant and tastier;
  • the filled "bed" is easy to move and does not leave dirty circles on the windowsill;
  • bulbs in the ground are not depleted, so they do not need to be replaced until the appearance of ground greenery.

12. A quick way to tie tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers in the greenhouse and in the open field

Garter seedlings take a lot of time and are very tiring. Experienced summer residents shared their secret: during planting, one end of the twine of the required length is lowered into the hole (you can have the tip protrude from the opposite side) and pressed with an earthen clod of seedlings. No knots, everything turns out quickly.

After planting, the other end remains on the ground, and after a week, rooted plants are simply wrapped with twine and tied to a support. At the end of the growing season, the ropes are simply pulled out of the soil, and the tops are sent to the compost heap.

13. Marking beds with wine corks on skewers

Well-groomed beds are the gardener's pride. Design plates with the signature of a culture or variety will also help to put things in order. Summer residents are always engaged in “varietal testing” and select varieties “for themselves”. In order not to confuse varieties after planting, the beds should be marked.

Wine corks on skewers fit well in the ecogarden and at the same time are well preserved in the open air. The name of the variety or culture is signed with an indelible marker on the cork, then a skewer is stuck into the cork and the “tablet” is ready.

14. Labels for signing varieties of seedlings from juice boxes

When buying seedlings of fruit and berry and ornamental crops at the horticultural market or in a private nursery, we often think that we can easily remember where which variety is or hope for a “note” from the seller. As a result, trees and bushes grow, notes are lost, and simple names are forgotten in a string of others.

We offer a tried and tested way to save the name of the variety directly on the growing seedling:

  • cut the juice box into strips 3-4 cm wide and 10 cm long;
  • on one side we make a hole with an awl;
  • we pass a wire or wire 10-15 cm long into the hole (with its help we will tie the tag to one of the main branches);
  • on the inner shiny side, we make an inscription in block letters with a gel pen, pressing hard on the surface so that the inscription is well readable;
  • even before planting, we fasten the label on the future stem branch.

In the future, it remains to monitor the state of the inscriptions and, if necessary, update the labels.

15. Screen-hedge of pallets with herbs and herbs

Hedges do not lose their relevance. And here is another option for a combined pallet fence. The resulting voids are covered with soil and green, spicy-flavoring herbs and flowers are planted, which are well suited for vertical beds. As the plants grow, they will close the windows in the structure and the screen will be completed.

Our selection of simple solutions to complex gardening tasks will help you plan your work more efficiently and make your stay in the country more comfortable. Feel free to implement garden life hacks on your site and remember that any idea can be improved. Join the ranks of inventors.

Reading time ≈ 12 minutes

Dacha is not only about pleasure and relaxation, but also about work. To make summer life a little easier, we have prepared a series of new useful life hacks, photos and ideas for summer cottages and gardens that you can do yourself. See for yourself how simple inventions can make everyday tasks easier!

Tips for the garden and cottages.

The second life of old things

Over time, many things (clothes, appliances, household items, tools, etc.) fail and require replacement. But do not rush to send them to the landfill - old things can find a creative and more environmentally friendly use. Next, we will tell and show in the photo how to benefit from unnecessary things and show new life hacks for giving and at home.

original trash cans

From old car tires you can make roomy, original trash cans. Due to the impressive weight of the tires, such structures will be reliable and even the wind will not be able to overturn the makeshift tank. Depending on the size and number of tires, the volume of the tank can reach 100-200 liters.

To make the tanks look presentable, the tires need to be painted in the desired color. The design can turn out so stylish that you don’t want to hide it in the far corner of the yard!

Choose a weather-resistant spray paint.

Tire trash cans.

Pond from an old bath

If you have long dreamed of arranging a cozy corner with a pond, and the bath turned out to be useless (for example, after repair), it can perfectly serve as the basis for a pond. For a harmonious look, the container should be buried to the brim in the ground. The inner surface can be pre-painted in a darker color. Around the reservoir, you can lay out stones, plant the appropriate plants. Also, the area nearby can be decorated with lanterns and figurines of animals.

Miniature pond from an old bath.

If there is no desire to build a reservoir, the old bath can be used in many other ways. For example, from it you can make a container for storing water for watering plants. Or use it as a children's pool.

Idea: the container can be painted with bright colors or stylized as an animal, for example, as Burenka, as in the photo.

Irrigation water storage.

And, of course, one of the most popular options for using a bathroom is as a flower garden. In this case, it is not at all necessary to bury the container - on the contrary, it is better to leave the bath on legs, paint it at your discretion or lay out a mosaic.

Flowerbed from the bathroom.


You can use an old rake to organize garden tools. It is enough to attach them with the outer side to the wall or cabinet, and it will be convenient to place various small tools between the teeth.

Organizer for tools from old rakes.

Flowerbeds from old items

The construction of interesting flower beds from unnecessary things is a separate big topic, to which we devoted a whole article (). In fact, a flower garden can be built from absolutely any object with a recess - you can use old furniture, dishes and even shoes.

For example, you can make an original flower arrangement from an old repainted desk:

Furniture beds.

In the same way, you can use the old teapot:

A flower bed from a teapot.

garden scarecrow

You can build a bird repeller from a variety of improvised things, for example, from old compact discs. To do this, prepare a strong rope, a dozen discs, a shovel / rake holder or a thin beam. For the top, you can use a small hoop or two boards hammered crosswise.

Disk bird repeller.

Idea: You can also use discs to decorate flowerpots - just break them into small pieces and stick them on the flowerpot to make an imitation of a mosaic.

A flowerpot with a decor from disks.


If you are wondering how to make work easier in the country, in the garden and in the garden, use the tricks that we will consider below. Simple, but so effective inventions will greatly simplify and make daily routine processes more enjoyable.

Foot Wash Stand

In the summer, we often delight ourselves with barefoot walks in the country and in the garden. But before each visit to the house, you have to wash your feet, even if you need to run into the room literally for a short time. Such a simple and compact stand for rinsing your feet from sand and earth will be very useful near the house. For filling, choose medium and large smooth stones without sharp notches.

Stand for rinsing feet.

Walkway lighting

The following life hack will not only make it easier and safer to use the paths at night, but also make the garden and yard space more decorative. It's about highlighting the paths with luminous stones. Glow stones must first be painted with luminescent paint.

Glow in the dark powder TAT 33 is best suited for this purpose. The paint comes in green, blue, orange, red and yellow shades. You can choose one color or combine. The paint is not afraid of moisture, rain, ultraviolet and temperature, so it can be safely used for outdoor work. Painted pebbles can be laid out not only along the main alleys in the garden, but also to make compositions near flower beds, flower beds, and ponds.

Glowing stones.

Hose box

A garden hose for watering is an extremely important thing in everyday life, which often constantly lies under your feet and interferes with the passage. To store the hose, you can purchase a special reel, or you can make a special wooden box with your own hands, which, among other things, will fit perfectly into the garden space.

The box can be made on top with a recess and used as a flower garden.

Hose storage box.

Shoe storage

For convenient placement of rubber country boots, you can make a simple organizer from boards and wooden pegs. It is necessary to stuff them on the board quite tightly, but the distance should be such that a pair of boots can pass freely. With the help of such a trick, you can always maintain order among country shoes.

Organizer for rubber boots.

Leaves cement path

If cement remains in stock after construction or repair, it can be used to make original stylized paths. As you know, the shelf life of cement is very short, so such a solution would be quite rational, original and useful.

From cement, you can make a path in the form of separate sheets - for this, you should use a large leaf of burdock as a form. You can also print other objects, such as tiles with an embossed pattern.

Cement path made of leaves.

Efficient watering

A simple and effective device for watering beds can be made from plastic bottles. For example, from large containers with a convenient handle or holder, you can make an impromptu watering bowl by simply piercing holes in the lid with a nail, as we did in childhood.

And if you make holes on the sides and at the bottom of the bottle, and then attach a hose with water, you get effective watering of a fairly large area.

Plastic bottle for watering.

Life hacks for the garden

In the spring, a hot, active time comes for gardeners and gardeners - after all, there is so much to do. Planning plantings in the garden and in the garden, preparing seeds, planting - there are a lot of things to do. We suggest using some tricks, tips and life hacks for summer residents that will help you survive this period more easily.

Seeding markers

When planting seeds, you can delineate the area for the holes much faster and more efficiently. For this purpose, you can use a special rake with thick, short teeth - with their help, you can quickly put down rows of holes.

Hole rake.

You can make a similar tool with your own hands from improvised means - for example, use an egg tray or wine corks attached to the platform.

Tool for wine corks.

Sowing calendar

In order to plant all the planned crops on time, not to forget or miss anything, we recommend having a garden calendar. It can have a very different look - choose which one is convenient for you.

For example, you can place it on boards, where each board is a separate month with seeds located on it in the order of planting.

Sowing calendar.

It is also useful to have a garden map - you need to transfer the territory of the garden and garden to paper in compliance with the scale and shape. Next, plan which area you want to allocate for which crop.

It is very convenient to draw up such maps every year - you will always remember what you planted in a certain area, so you can always follow the rules of crop rotation.

Garden map.

Tags for the garden

In order not to get confused in seedlings, plantings in the garden and garden, you can make markers (tags) with your own hands. Of course, you can buy ready-made store signs, but they look pretty monotonous and boring. Therefore, we propose to make them with your own hands. For this purpose, a variety of improvised materials are suitable, the main thing is to show creativity and use familiar things in an unusual way.

As a basis for notes, you can use:

We are sure that this is not a complete list of what original garden markers can be made from.

Tricks for Leisure and Decor

In addition to manual labor, we associate the dacha with relaxation and fun. We have ideas for that too! We offer you to consider some new useful life hacks and ideas with photos for summer cottages and gardens that you can do with your own hands and diversify your leisure time.

For example, to equip a place for gatherings and tea drinking, you can make a hemp table by attaching a glass, wooden or metal tabletop to it.

Table for giving from hemp.

And if there are several trees on the site to be felled, several chairs can be made for the table. Such a set, depending on the size of the stumps and their design, can be both for children and adults.

Table and chairs from hemp.

Also, painted car tires can be used as the basis for the table. By the way, tires are a very common and popular material in everyday life, from which you can build swings, playground equipment, flower beds and flower beds. You can also make ottomans from tires to the table.

Tire table.

Also among the most popular lifehacks for summer cottages and gardens that you can bring to life with your own hands is gardening (and not only). If you have several pallets in good condition, plywood, wood tools, you can build a simple gazebo in just one day.

Arbor from pallets and plywood.

A simple version of a gazebo made of wooden beams and fabric is also possible, as in the photo below:

A simple gazebo from a bar.

If there is no desire to make and build anything, for a cozy stay, you can whip up a simple fabric tent. To do this, you can simply throw a piece of tulle or other light fabric over a rope - this will be quite enough to protect you from the hot sun or annoying insects. Downstairs for relaxation, you can place a deck chair, folding chairs, ottomans or large chair cushions.

A simple tulle tent.

You can also make a tent using a hula hoop as a base (a bicycle wheel, a lampshade, an open umbrella). The larger the diameter of the base, the better. But even if the diameter of the circle is small, the fabric can be additionally stretched and fixed. It is desirable to make the top of the structure in the form of a hook so that the tent can be hung in any desired place.

Tent made of fabric and round base.

Children from such a design will be delighted:

Tent for children from a hoop and fabric.

Thus, to simplify everyday life and life in the summer, we recommend using new useful life hacks for summer cottages and gardens - most of the ideas can be brought to life with your own hands from a photo. It's amazing how sometimes simple things can solve complex problems!

Video: life hacks for summer cottages and gardens.