Invisible forces. The power of words and the invisible power of human energy Post on the topic of invisible power

Ever since the end of centuries, from the very inception of mankind, people believed in the power and existence of certain worlds, good and evil spirits, evil spirits in the house, which we cannot see with the naked eye. If calculated correctly the strength of the necessary energy of a person, then it will turn out much more than the person expects from himself. Everyone chooses what to believe in and how, but it is impossible to deny the invisible worlds around us. After all, there are billions of planets that we cannot see, so why not exist a mysterious world, which we just cannot see due to lack of knowledge and equipment.

You should never deny anything and be one hundred percent confident in your ideas, you should always keep an alternative idea and with the thought “what if ...” continue to develop and think about things that have not yet been explored.

Have you ever noticed that sad and gloomy people never succeed, but cheerful and smiling people are always fine? It often seems that the character and mood of a person depends on external factors, but in fact, a person is a separate world that everyone builds in himself. Of course, our parents lay the foundation in us, but we build ourselves with bricks of experience and knowledge, smearing everything with cement: the positive or negative force of human energy.

Human vital energy: types

If you assume that life is destroying evil spirits in the house, then you are deeply mistaken. You should know that any internal changes require constant and painstaking work exclusively on yourself, as well as work on the vital energy of every person and personality generally. All you need to start with is answering the habitual question “how are you” with the joyful phrase “delicious” or “wonderful”.

Agree that the hackneyed word “good” sounds dull and does not carry any shades of joy, on the contrary. When we use the word "good" we mean "bad" and we just don't want to offend a person.

Just try to say “delicious,” as you pronounce it, the corners of the mouth are automatically lifted up and the shoulders are aligned. If you are asked “what happened” after such an unexpected answer, you can answer “just got up in a great mood”. After such a start to the day, you will be filled with what is called: “human life energy” and the people around you will be infected with it.

Each word has its own tone and mood. Replace aggressive words with funny and ridiculous ones, for example, the phrase "I am angry" or "I am very upset" can be replaced with "I am annoyed." By portraying your negative mood with such a ridiculous word, the person you wanted to unleash all your rage on will just smile and help you. In addition, when pronouncing such a long word, you will calm down and think about whether you should use aggressive words. In fact, in any situation you cannot say bad and evil words, because even. if a person is wrong with reproaches and insults, he will not understand his mistake.

Take a closer look at the people around you, what do acquaintances and friends look like who constantly complain about life and fate? Often they have a sad look, they stoop, the corners of their mouths are down, and their eyes have long lost their shine. Often such people have mental disorders, fear of intimate relationships (intimophobia) and a number of other deviations. If you constantly grumble about life and be dissatisfied with everything, it will be so. After all, we ourselves are the creators of our own destiny, and the daily repetition of “I won't succeed, I'm bad, it's the other's fault” will turn you into an inanimate person who has absolutely no meaning in life. In addition, negativity is transmitted if you are friends and be close to such a person.

At the same time, remember at least one successful person from the environment. What does he look like? We are willing to bet that this is a strong and cheerful person who constantly smiles. He is full of strength and new ideas and infects everyone around him with his positive. If you think that such a person is born by nature, you are wrong. A person can be compared to plasticine, from which you can mold whatever you want, and we will help you to work on yourself a little.

The power of words

During the filming of the BBC film "Water", scientists conducted an experiment aimed at finding out whether water has memory and whether water can feel. Sounds pretty funny, but during the experiment, scientists have discovered amazing results. Rice was added to three containers of water, and every day the same phrase was said to each jar of rice. One bank was told “I love you”, the second “I hate you”, and the third bank was ignored. At the end of the two-week experiment, the rice fermented in the first jar, it gave off a pleasant smell and did not spoil a bit. The rice in the second container became moldy and began to rot slowly, but the most unexpected thing happened to the rice in the third container. It has turned into a black, fetid mess that has practically rotted away. From this experiment, it follows that human words that carry positive or negative affect the entire space around you.

Now think about what you are saying to your loved ones, who are known to be 80% water. It is very important to say good and kind words to the people around you, because the positive fills our life with meaning.

Regardless of whether you believe that positive and negative energy exists, that it can be transmitted and affect a person's life, it is. And an invisible cloud floats behind us, touching everyone around.

Remember that your fate and mood are only in your hands. It is important that the vitality can even control the presence of a brownie in the apartment, well-being in the family and being in the social structure.

It is very easy to change something in your life and in the lives of other people. The main thing is not to lose hope, to be persistent and hardworking, not to be afraid of difficulties and experiments. Remember that you are a unique person, you are a small universe. Think and say only good things about yourself and people, and then everything in life will be good and stable. Use only good and kind words in your vocabulary, and before you know it, your environment will change. Be honest, kind in great.

How to manage the power of words and start changing

The fact that the vitality of a person exists and the power of the energy of thoughts and words cannot be denied. It would be foolish to think that for so many centuries people have been reading prayers and various matras just out of boredom. Scientists have proven that when you pronounce the same phrase for a long time, your inner and mental state can change. Think back to the experiment about cans of rice. If you repeat to yourself every day that you cannot and you will not succeed, this will be the case. Wake up in the morning smiling and repeat what you can, even if everyone else says otherwise. Someone else's opinion is just what the other person thinks of you, but is it important to you? Is it important how the other wants to see life? It's time to think and start changing.

Remember that when you talk to another person, you fill them with your energy. That is why it is so important to always tell a person only good things, especially to children. Even if a person is not pleasant to you, try to avoid harsh and aggressive words, everyone can find bad in a person, but find good - no. It just so happened that for the most part people are evil and envious creatures, but you should not continue the tradition and follow bad examples.

Also, avoid the "not" part in your words and expressions. Remove all negativity from the lexicon, and you will not have time to notice how life will change in a positive direction. Believe in yourself and do not allow any negative outcome of any action.

Stop paying attention to negative reviews from friends, colleagues, and just a passer-by. Oftentimes, people who love us can also harm and destroy our confidence.


Everything we see only seems to be so, in reality everything is done wrong.

It seems to us that the sun revolves around us, rising in the morning and setting in the evening, and the earth on which we live seems motionless. In fact, all this is just the opposite: we live on a spinning and flying projectile thrown into space at a speed seventy-five times faster than the speed of a cannonball.

We listened with pleasure now to the enchanting sounds of a harmonic concert ... But in fact there is no sound, it is nothing but a sensation produced by air vibrations of a certain amplitude and a certain speed - vibrations that in themselves are completely inaudible. Without an auditory nerve, without a brain, we would not know what sound is. In reality, only movement exists.

The rainbow has spread its radiant arc before us; roses and cornflowers, washed by the rain, shine and sparkle in the sun; a green meadow, golden grain fields diversify the plain with wonderful tints of colors and colors ... But in fact, there are no colors, no colors, there is not even light, but only ether vibrations acting on the optic nerve. Everything seen is deceiving. The sun warms and fertilizes, the fire burns; in fact, there is no warmth, but only sensations. Heat, like light, is nothing more than a special kind of movement. This invisible divine movement reigns everywhere.

Here we have an iron bar - one of those beams that are now commonly used in structures. The beam hangs in the air at a height of five sits, resting only with its ends on opposite walls. No doubt it is solid and durable. A load is hung in its middle - one hundred, two hundred, a thousand pounds, but he does not even feel this terrible load, so only a very sensitive level can detect a barely noticeable bend in it. And, meanwhile, this bar is made up of particles that do not touch each other, are in constant vibration, move away from one another under the influence of heat and approach each other when cooled. Tell me, please, what does the strength of this iron bar depend on? From his material atoms? - Obviously not, because they do not touch each other. This strength consists only in a partial attraction, that is, in an immaterial force.

A solid body in the absolute sense does not exist at all, Take a heavy cast-iron core in our hands. This nucleus is composed of invisible particles or molecules that do not touch each other; particles, in turn, are made up of atoms that do not even touch each other. Thus, the continuity represented by the surface of this nucleus and its apparent solidity are nothing but a deception of the senses. For a mind that could penetrate its internal structure, could see this structure, our core would appear as a swarm of midges pounding in the air on a warm summer day. The kernel seems solid; but let us heat it up, and it will turn into liquid, it will flow; let us heat it up more, and it will turn into steam and still will not change its properties of its nature: whether it is a liquid or a gas, it will not cease to be iron.

At the moment we are in the house. All these walls, floors, wallpaper, furniture, this marble fireplace are all made up of particles that do not touch each other, and all these constituent particles of bodies are in motion, revolve around one another.

Our own body is the same. It is made up of constantly moving particles. It is a flame that burns incessantly and continually renews itself. This is the same as a river: standing on the bank, it seems, you see the same water in front of you, but meanwhile it is replaced every minute by a new one, thanks to the constant flow.

Each ball of our blood is a special world, and there are five million such worlds in one cubic millimeter. In our arteries and veins, in our body and brain, everything moves, knowing no time or rest, everything tirelessly revolves in a vortex of life, relatively as fast as the vortex of celestial bodies. Part by part, our brain, our eyes, our nerves, our flesh and blood - all our substance is constantly renewed, and renewed so quickly that in a few months our body gets a completely different composition.

From considerations based on molecular attraction, it is calculated that there are at least eight sextillion atoms in a pinhead, otherwise a billion squared times eight thousand. And these atoms are separated from each other by gaps much larger than their own dimensions, and yet even the most powerful microscopes are not able to show us such gaps. If we wanted to count the number of atoms contained in the head of a pin in millions, that is, dividing mentally from this number by a million every second, then such a count would have to be continued continuously for two hundred and fifty-three thousand years to reach the end.

In a drop of water, in a head of pin, there are incomparably more atoms than there are stars in the whole sky, which is known to astronomers armed with the most powerful telescopes.

What supports the earth in the midst of eternal emptiness, what holds the sun and all the luminaries of the universe? What holds this long iron bar, which has been thrown across the entire building from end to end, and on which several more floors will now be built? What keeps all bodies in shape? - Force.

The entire limitless universe, all objects, all beings, everything that we see is composed of invisible and weightless atoms. The universe is dynamism embodied. God is the soul of the universe, but not in the pantheistic sense, but in the theistic sense - recognizing a living, personal, wise, all-good and omnipotent God. By it we live and move and am.

Just as the soul is the force that sets the body in motion, just as the incomprehensible Being is the driving force of the universe! A purely mechanical theory of the universe will always be insufficient in the eyes of a researcher and thinker who penetrates deeper into the nature of things. True, the human will is weak by comparatively cosmic forces, but nevertheless, sending a train from Paris to Marseille, or a ship from Marseille to Suez, I voluntarily move some infinitely small part of the earth's mass and thereby change the motion of the moon in its orbit.

Dividing and decomposing matter, I come, in the end, to an invisible atom: matter has disappeared and disappeared like smoke. If my eyes were able to see what is in reality, then my gaze could penetrate the walls, because they are composed of particles separated by intervals; all bodies would be transparent to me, because they are only vortices of atoms. But our bodily eyes do not see what is, and this can only be seen with the eyes of the mind. One evidence of our feelings cannot be trusted: during the day there are as many stars above our heads as at night, but we do not see them.

In nature, there is no astronomy, no physics, no chemistry, no mechanics - all these are just human ways of understanding. The universe is a single and indivisible whole. The infinitely great is identical with the infinitely small. Space can be infinite without being large; time can be eternal without being long. Stars and atoms are one and the same.

The unity of the universe lies in an invisible, weightless, insubstantial force that sets atoms in motion. If even one atom stopped being set in motion by force, then the universe would stop. The earth revolves around the sun, the sun gravitates towards some kind of stellar focus, which itself will mix in space. Millions, thousands of millions of suns filling the universe are rushing, flying faster than cannonballs: these stars, which seem to us fixed, are all to the sun, rushing among eternal emptiness at a speed of ten, twenty, thirty million versts a day, striving for some unknown goal common to all suns, all planets, all satellites, all comets wandering alone in space ... in fact, it does not exist anywhere. The atoms that make up the bodies move relatively as fast as the celestial bodies. Movement rules everything, movement constitutes everything.

Even the atom itself does not represent an inert substance: it is a center of power.

What makes up the human being, what constitutes the essence of human organization, is not at all his material substance, it is not protoplasm, not a cell, not these wonderful and life-giving compounds of carbon with hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen: it is a spiritual, invisible, insubstantial force. It alone groups, sets and holds in mutual connection countless atoms that make up the wondrous harmony of a living body.

That our body quickly decomposes after death, that it decomposes slowly, constantly renewing itself during life - this is not important: our soul remains constantly alive. The center of this force is the psychic organizing atom. It is indestructible.

All that we see is only an optical illusion; there is really only one invisible.

(from book K. Flammarion "In the sky")

Ι. Actualization of knowledge and formulation of the educational problem.


Before starting to study a new topic, you need to find out with the students what they already know.

- What are all bodies made of?

- What are the smallest particles you know?

- Does a magnet always attract another magnet?

Opinions differ:

- Is always; not always - they can repel.

Demonstrates experiences:

1. Shows how two magnets attract and repel.

2. The ball rubbed on wool is attracted to the hair (as in the dialogue on p. 108).

3. An ebonite stick rubbed on wool attracts pieces of paper.

They observe, explain what they have seen.

- What did you observe? (Attraction, crackling, sparks.)

- Why do you think this is happening?

Difficult to answer.

- Read the dialogue on p. 108.

- What are our heroes talking about? What question do you have?

What is the energy of electrons capable of?

- Try to define the topic of today's lesson.

"Energy of electrons (invisible force)".

Let's draw up a work plan based on these questions.


The teacher and the children draw up a lesson plan.

- What did we do with you now? (Planned our activities.)

–What skill did you develop?

ΙΙ. Sharing knowledge

1. Work in the textbook.

- Is it possible to meet similar phenomena in nature? ( See pictures on p. 108.) (Yes. Lightning strikes during a thunderstorm.)

- What happens if two objects with different charges are connected with a wire? ( Concept introduced by the teacher.)

- This movement of electrons is called electric current.

Working with pictures on p. 109 (above.)

- What is depicted here?

- What do the arrows show?

- How did a person start to use this phenomenon?

Review the drawings and discuss the answers to the questions.

- Are electricity and magnetism related? (Work with the tutorial.) (Yes.)

Demonstrates the experience depicted on p. 109 (below), or suggests considering a drawing.

- What did you observe?

Observe the experience and discuss what they saw.

- Can this phenomenon be used for movement? ( Working with the tutorial.) (Yes. The tram and trolleybus are powered by electricity.)

- And vice versa? Can movement and magnetism be used to generate electricity? ( Working with the tutorial.) (Man learned to use this phenomenon. A generator was invented - a device in which current is generated.)

- Where has electricity found its use? ( Working with the picture below on p. 110.)

They talk about the use of electricity from a drawing.

- How does electricity go to homes? Use a poster.

The story is told based on the plan.

- Where is it developed?

- Why is it on the wire?

- Why is the two-wire cord suitable for the appliance?

Organizes the experiment. An electrical circuit is assembled from a battery, a wire and a light bulb so that the light bulb lights up (by analogy with task 10 in the workbook).

- When did the light come on?

- What materials conduct and which do not conduct electric current?

Continuation of the experiment: a material is placed between the light bulb and the battery.

Observe and discuss results.

- When did the light come on? (Metals conduct electricity, wood and plastic do not.)

- Can electricity be used wirelessly? ( See drawing on p. 111.) (Yes.) ( Provide examples.)

- How do we answer the lesson question? (Electricity is a universal form of energy.)

- What were we doing now?

- What skills did you develop?

ΙΙΙ. Self-application of knowledge.

1. Work according to the textbook.

Questions on p. 111.

2. Work in a workbook.

Two or three tasks to choose from in a workbook.

Answers questions.

Perform tasks.

Questions to the student who performed the work (the beginning of the formation of the self-assessment algorithm):

- What did you have to do?

- Did you manage to complete the task?

- Did you do everything right or were there any shortcomings?

- Did you compose everything yourself or with someone's help?

- What was the level of the assignment?

- What skills were formed while completing this task?

Now we are together with ... (student name) learned to evaluate their work.

Possible answers to difficult tasks in the workbook.

V task 1 students will write that natural electrical discharge is called lightning.

By doing task 2, students will write that magnets are used in a compass (2nd grade), an electric motor and a generator.

Answer to task 3- generator.

By doing task 4, students will write that the coil is set in motion by the energy of flowing water, heated steam, wind, etc.

V task 5 schoolchildren can write that the use of electricity is not always convenient, since current must be supplied to the mechanism or device through wires. Batteries or rechargeable batteries will help to overcome this inconvenience.

By doing task 7, guys can write that electrical appliances always have a double wire, since one by one electrons (or, more simply, an electric current) come in, and in the other they leave.

V task 8 the correct answer is the first: the switch opens one of the wires (circuits.)

By doing task 9, students can point to metal wire, electric and telephone wire, metal as an example of conductors, wood, paper, cloth, porcelain, glass, foam, etc. as an example of insulators.

V task 10 the light will only light up if the electrical circuit leading to the light bulb's filament is closed.

To do this, it is necessary that the two (bottom and side) contacts of the lamp base are connected to the positive and negative poles of the battery. All other ways of joining will not lead to success. So, the light will light up in the two left power circuits (red and yellow batteries), as well as in the case of the red battery in the middle of the picture.

V task 11 schoolchildren can write, for example, “Do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands” (water is a conductor), “Do not try to stick your fingers into the outlet”, etc.

By doing task 12, guys can write that to get electricity you have to burn coal, oil or gas, and their reserves are limited.

Everything we see only seems to be so, in reality everything is done wrong.
It seems to us that the sun revolves around us, rising in the morning and setting in the evening, and the earth on which we live seems motionless.

In fact, all this is just the opposite: we live on a spinning and flying projectile thrown into space at a speed seventy-five times faster than the speed of a cannonball.
We listened with pleasure now to the enchanting sounds of a harmonic concert ... But in fact there is no sound, it is nothing but a sensation produced by air vibrations of a certain amplitude and a certain speed - vibrations that in themselves are completely inaudible. Without an auditory nerve, without a brain, we would not know what sound is. In reality, only movement exists.

The rainbow has spread its radiant arc before us; roses and cornflowers, washed by the rain, shine and sparkle in the sun; a green meadow, golden grain fields diversify the plain with wonderful tints of colors and colors ... But in fact, there are no colors, no colors, there is not even light, but only ether vibrations acting on the optic nerve. Everything seen is deceiving. The sun warms and fertilizes, the fire burns; in fact, there is no warmth, but only sensations. Heat, like light, is nothing more than a special kind of movement. This invisible divine movement reigns everywhere.
Here we have an iron bar - one of those beams that are now commonly used in structures. The beam hangs in the air at a height of five sits, resting only with its ends on opposite walls. No doubt it is solid and durable. A load is hung in its middle - one hundred, two hundred, a thousand pounds, but he does not even feel this terrible load, so only a very sensitive level can detect a barely noticeable bend in it. And, meanwhile, this bar is made up of particles that do not touch each other, are in constant vibration, move away from one another under the influence of heat and approach each other when cooled. Tell me, please, what does the strength of this iron bar depend on? From his material atoms? - Obviously not, because they do not touch each other. This strength consists only in a partial attraction, that is, in an immaterial force.
In the absolute sense, a rigid body does not exist at all. Let's take a heavy cast iron core in our hands. This nucleus is composed of invisible particles or molecules that do not touch each other; particles, in turn, are composed of atoms that are

do not touch each other for a long time. Thus, the continuity represented by the surface of this nucleus and its apparent solidity are nothing but a deception of the senses. For a mind that could penetrate its internal structure, could see this structure, our core would appear as a swarm of midges pounding in the air on a warm summer day. The kernel seems solid; but let us heat it up, and it will turn into liquid, it will flow; let us heat it up more, and it will turn into steam and still will not change its properties of its nature: whether it is a liquid or a gas, it will not cease to be iron.

At the moment we are in the house. All these walls, floors, wallpaper, furniture, this marble fireplace are all made up of particles that do not touch each other, and all these constituent particles of bodies are in motion, revolve around one another.
Our own body is the same. It is made up of constantly moving particles. It is a flame that burns incessantly and continually renews itself. This is the same as a river: standing on the bank, it seems, you see the same water in front of you, but meanwhile it is replaced every minute by a new one, thanks to the constant flow.
Each ball of our blood is a special world, and there are five million such worlds in one cubic millimeter. In our arteries and veins, in our body and brain, everything moves, knowing no time or rest, everything tirelessly revolves in a vortex of life, relatively as fast as the vortex of celestial bodies. Part by part, our brain, our eyes, our nerves, our flesh and blood - all our substance is constantly renewed, and renewed so quickly that in a few months our body gets a completely different composition.

From. Based on molecular attraction, it is calculated that there are at least eight sextillion atoms in a pinhead, otherwise a billion squared times eight thousand. And these atoms are separated from each other by gaps much larger than their own dimensions, and yet even the most powerful microscopes are not able to show us such gaps. If we wanted to count the number of atoms contained in the head of a pin in millions, that is, dividing mentally from this number by a million every second, then such a count would have to be continued continuously for two hundred and fifty-three thousand years to reach the end.
In a drop of water, in a head of pin, there are incomparably more atoms than there are stars in the whole sky, which is known to astronomers armed with the most powerful telescopes.
What supports the earth in the midst of eternal emptiness, what holds the sun and all the luminaries of the universe? What holds this long iron bar, which has been thrown across the entire building from end to end, and on which several more floors will now be built? What keeps all bodies in shape? - Force.
The entire limitless universe, all objects, all beings, everything that we see is composed of invisible and weightless atoms. The universe is dynamism embodied. God is the soul of the universe, but not in the pantheistic sense, but in the theistic sense - recognizing a living, personal, wise, all-good and omnipotent God. By it we live and move and am.
Just as the soul is the force that sets the body in motion, just as the incomprehensible Being is the driving force of the universe! A purely mechanical theory of the universe has always been

it seems insufficient in the eyes of a researcher and a thinker who penetrates deeper into the nature of things. True, the human will is weak relative to q cosmic forces, but nevertheless, when I send a ride from Paris to Marseille, or a ship from Marseille to Suez, I voluntarily move some infinite amount of the earth's mass and thus mark the movement of the Moon along its orbit.
Dividing and decomposing matter, I come, in the end, to an invisible atom: matter has disappeared, disappeared like smoke. If my eyes were able to see what is in reality, then my gaze could penetrate the walls, because they are composed of particles separated by intervals; all bodies would be transparent to me, because they are only vortices of atoms. But our bodily eyes do not see what is, and this can only be seen with the eyes of the mind. One evidence of our feelings cannot be trusted: during the day there are as many stars above our heads as at night, but we do not see them.
In nature, there is no astronomy, no physics, no chemistry, no mechanics - all these are just human ways of understanding. The universe is a single and indivisible whole. The infinitely great is identical with the infinitely small. Space can be infinite without being large; time can be eternal without being long. Stars and atoms are one and the same.
The unity of the universe lies in the invisible, weightless, insubstantial force that drives the atoms in motion. If even one atom ceased to be set in motion by force, then the universe would have stopped. The earth revolves around the sun, the sun "Ue gravitates towards some kind of stellar focus, which 11 itself moves in space. Millions * thousands of millions of suns filling the universe1 *

rush, fly faster than cannonballs: these stars, which seem to us to be fixed, are all to the sun, rushing through eternal emptiness at a speed of ten, twenty, thirty million versts a day, striving towards; some unknown goal common to all suns, all planets, all satellites, all comets wandering alone in space ... approaching, and, in fact, does not exist anywhere. The atoms that make up the bodies move relatively as fast as the celestial bodies. Movement rules everything, movement constitutes everything.
Even the atom itself does not represent an inert substance: it is a center of power.
What makes up the human being, what constitutes the essence of human organization, is not at all his material substance, it is not protoplasm, not a cell, not these wonderful and life-giving compounds of carbon with hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen: it is a spiritual, invisible, insubstantial force. It alone groups, sets and holds in mutual connection countless atoms that make up the wondrous harmony of a living body.
That our body quickly decomposes after death, that it decomposes slowly, constantly renewing itself during life - this is not important: our soul remains constantly alive. The center of this force is the psychic organizing atom. It is indestructible.
All that we see is only an optical illusion; there is really only one invisible.
(from K. Flammarion's book "In the Heavens")

Everything we see only seems to be so, in reality everything is done wrong.

It seems to us that the sun revolves around us, rising in the morning and setting in the evening, and the earth on which we live seems motionless. In fact, all this is just the opposite: we live on a spinning and flying projectile thrown into space at a speed seventy-five times faster than the speed of a cannonball.

We listened with pleasure now to the enchanting sounds of a harmonic concert ... But in fact there is no sound, it is nothing but a sensation produced by air vibrations of a certain amplitude and a certain speed - vibrations that in themselves are completely inaudible. Without an auditory nerve, without a brain, we would not know what sound is. In reality, only movement exists.

Evidence tva of God's existence

The rainbow has spread its radiant arc before us; roses and cornflowers, washed by the rain, shine and sparkle in the sun; a green meadow, golden grain fields diversify the plain with wonderful tints of colors and colors ... But in fact, there are no colors, no colors, there is not even light, but only ether vibrations acting on the optic nerve. Everything seen is deceiving. The sun warms and fertilizes, the fire burns; in fact, there is no warmth, but only sensations. Heat, like light, is nothing more than a special kind of movement. This invisible divine movement reigns everywhere.

Here we have an iron bar - one of those beams that are now commonly used in structures. The beam hangs in the air at a height of five sits, resting only with its ends on opposite walls. No doubt it is solid and durable. A load is hung in its middle - one hundred, two hundred, a thousand pounds, but he does not even feel this terrible load, so only a very sensitive level can detect a barely noticeable bend in it. And, meanwhile, this bar is made up of particles that do not touch each other, are in constant vibration, move away from one another under the influence of heat and approach each other when cooled. Tell me, please, what does the strength of this iron bar depend on? From his material atoms? - Obviously not, because they do not touch each other. This strength consists only in a partial attraction, that is, in an immaterial force.

A solid body in the absolute sense does not exist at all, Take a heavy cast-iron core in our hands. This nucleus is composed of invisible particles or molecules that do not touch each other; particles, in turn, are composed of atoms that have not touched each other for a long time.

Thus, the continuity represented by the surface of this nucleus and its apparent solidity are nothing but a deception of the senses. For a mind that could penetrate its internal structure, could see this structure, our core would appear as a swarm of midges pounding in the air on a warm summer day. The kernel seems solid; but let us heat it up, and it will turn into liquid, it will flow; let us heat it up more, and it will turn into steam and still will not change its properties of its nature: whether it is a liquid or a gas, it will not cease to be iron.

At the moment we are in the house. All these walls, floors, wallpaper, furniture, this marble fireplace are all made up of particles that do not touch each other, and all these constituent particles of bodies are in motion, revolve around one another.

Our own body is the same. It is made up of constantly moving particles. It is a flame that burns incessantly and continually renews itself. This is the same as a river: standing on the bank, it seems, you see the same water in front of you, but meanwhile it is replaced every minute by a new one, thanks to the constant flow.

Each ball of our blood is a special world, and there are five million such worlds in one cubic millimeter. In our arteries and veins, in our body and brain, everything moves, knowing no time or rest, everything tirelessly revolves in a vortex of life, relatively as fast as the vortex of celestial bodies. Part by part, our brain, our eyes, our nerves, our flesh and blood - all our substance is constantly renewed, and renewed so quickly that in a few months our body gets a completely different composition. From. Based on molecular attraction, it is calculated that there are at least eight sextillion atoms in a pinhead, otherwise a billion squared times eight thousand. And these atoms are separated from each other by gaps much larger than their own dimensions, and yet even the most powerful microscopes are not able to show us such gaps. If we wanted to count the number of atoms contained in the head of a pin in millions, that is, dividing mentally from this number by a million every second, then such a count would have to be continued continuously for two hundred and fifty-three thousand years to reach the end.

In a drop of water, in a head of pin, there are incomparably more atoms than there are stars in the whole sky, which is known to astronomers armed with the most powerful telescopes.

What supports the earth in the midst of eternal emptiness, what holds the sun and all the luminaries of the universe? What holds this long iron bar, which has been thrown across the entire building from end to end, and on which several more floors will now be built? What keeps all bodies in shape? - Force.

The entire limitless universe, all objects, all beings, everything that we see is composed of invisible and weightless atoms. The universe is dynamism embodied. God is the soul of the universe, but not in the pantheistic sense, but in the theistic sense - recognizing a living, personal, wise, all-good and omnipotent God. To them we we live and move and I am.

Just as the soul is the force that sets the body in motion, just as the incomprehensible Being is the driving force of the universe! A purely mechanical theory of the universe always turns out to be insufficient in the eyes of a researcher and a thinker who penetrates deeper into the nature of things. True, the human will is weak relative to the q cosmic forces, but nevertheless, when I send a ride from Paris to Marseille, or a ship from Marseille to Suez, I voluntarily move some 6eCs of course - a small part of the earth's mass and thus mark the movement of the Moon along its orbit.

Dividing and decomposing matter, I come, in the end, to an invisible atom: matter has disappeared, disappeared like smoke. If my eyes were able to see what is in reality, then my gaze could penetrate the walls, because they are composed of particles separated by intervals; all bodies would be transparent to me, because they are only vortices of atoms.

But our bodily eyes do not see what is, and this can only be seen with the eyes of the mind. One evidence of our feelings cannot be trusted: during the day there are as many stars above our heads as at night, but we do not see them.

In nature, there is no astronomy, no physics, no chemistry, no mechanics - all these are just human ways of understanding. The universe is a single and indivisible whole. The infinitely great is identical with the infinitely small. Space can be infinite without being large; time can be eternal without being long. Stars and atoms are one and the same.

The unity of the universe consists in an invisible, weightless, insubstantial force, which causes the atoms to move 0, If at least one atom stopped being set in motion by force, the universe would have stopped. which itself moves in space.Millions of thousands of millions of suns filling the universe1 *

rushing, flying faster than cannonballs: these stars, which seem to us fixed, are all to the sun, rushing through eternal emptiness at a speed of ten, twenty, thirty million versts a day, striving for some unknown goal common to all suns, all planets, all satellites, all comets wandering alone in space ... The center of gravity, a fixed point that an inquisitive mind is looking for, runs away as we, apparently, approach it, and, in fact, does not exist anywhere. The atoms that make up the bodies move relatively as fast as the celestial bodies. Movement rules everything, movement constitutes everything.

Even the atom itself does not represent an inert substance: it is a center of power.

What makes up the human being, what constitutes the essence of human organization, is not at all his material substance, it is not protoplasm, not a cell, not these wonderful and life-giving compounds of carbon with hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen: it is a spiritual, invisible, insubstantial force. It alone groups, sets and holds in mutual connection countless atoms that make up the wondrous harmony of a living body.

That our body quickly decomposes after death, that it decomposes slowly, constantly renewing itself during life - this is not important: our soul remains constantly alive. The center of this force is the psychic organizing atom. It is indestructible.

All that we see is only an optical illusion; there is really only one invisible.

(from K. Flammarion's book "In the Heavens") THE SECRET OF THE BRAIN - THE OPINION OF SCIENTISTS

One of the prominent physiologists, student of Charles Sherington, Nobel laureate, Wile- der Lenfield(USA) in his article "Brain and Mind" argues that turning to religion is an inevitable outcome for science that studies the brain and consciousness. And he draws attention to the fact that outstanding scientists of the world, who tried to unravel the connection between consciousness and brain activity, inevitably came to religious views.

W. Penfield, neurosurgeon: “The human brain is a natural computer, consisting of 10 billion neurons, each of which is connected to 10 thousand others, and all together they work in parallel ... However, the mind, apparently, acts independently of the brain in the same way as a programmer regardless of your computer. "

Russian scientist, professor of the Bashkir State University Nazhip Valitov, in the strict language of formulas, he proved that any objects in the Universe interact with each other instantly, regardless of the distance between them.

Valitov re-read the Koran, the Bible and the Torah, and was surprised at how accurately their texts indicated the essence of his scientific discovery. Thought is material, the scientist is sure, and it can be instantly detected from anywhere in the Universe.

Creator of quantum theory Max Born wrote about the philosophical consequences of science the following: “The time of materialism has passed.

We are convinced that the physico-chemical aspect is in no way sufficient to depict the facts of life, let alone the facts of thinking. "

Biology professors Robert Ornstein and Richard Thompson write: "The ability of the human mind to learn to accumulate and remember information is the most amazing phenomenon in the biological world. Everything that makes us human: language, thoughts, knowledge, culture is a manifestation of this extraordinary ability."

Professor James Trefil also noted; "The only big question in science that we don't even know how to formulate ... is the question of what exactly it means for a person to be conscious."

Dr David Chamers noted that consciousness is "one of the most difficult mysteries of being to understand, but knowledge of how the brain works is perhaps not enough to comprehend it."

Dr Richard Restak says: “Only the human brain has the ability to withdraw, to explore its own work and, thanks to this, reach some new heights. Undoubtedly, it is the ability to change the plan of our actions and revise our position in the world that distinguishes us from all other creatures on Earth. "


GEOLOGY and PALEONTOLOGY: From the time of Darwin and until now, scientists have not found in the layers of sedimentary rocks of the fossil remains of many intermediate forms between different creatures that would show the regularity of the origin of one species from another. Scientists have been talking about this more and more lately.

Professor N. Heribert-Nilsson from Lund University in Sweden writes: “The paleobiological facts at our disposal do not even allow us to create a caricature of evolution. The absence of intermediate links is an established fact. They will never be found. "

Or another example: the animal and plant kingdoms are divided into orders. Until now, paleontological data have not given scientists a clue to the origin of even one of these orders. Renowned French evolutionary zoologist P. Grasse notes: “Due to the almost complete absence of paleontological evidence explaining the origin of the orders, any explanation of the mechanism of evolution would be highly hypothetical. This statement should be an epigraph to every book on evolution. "

Professor of Vertebrate Paleontology, Columbia University, USA J. Simpson noticed that paleontologists had found fossil remains of representatives of all 32 orders of mammals, and all of them were found fully formed. "The absence of transitional forms is inherent not only in mammals, it is a common phenomenon that has long been noticed by paleontologists," he writes.

LINGUISTICS: Back in the last century, she posed the question to Darwinists: "Where did the linguistic roots come from?" There was no primitive hum, as school textbooks fantasize.

ASTRONOMY: The fact that the astronomical observations of the ancient Egyptian priests - scientists behind the Zodiacal constellations are more than 75 thousand years old - cannot agree with evolution. Whereas, according to the ideas of Darwinists, at that distant period, only savages lived on our planet.

MATHEMATICS: The probability of the accidental formation of a simple protein molecule in the “primordial soup” of the ocean (in which life supposedly originated) is 1:10 113 (one with 113 zeros). However, any event, the probability of which is 1:10 s 0, is already rejected by mathematicians as impossible.

BIOLOGY: Cannot solve the problem of the origin of DNA - the genetic code, without which cell reproduction is impossible. Protein production is dependent on DNA. But DNA itself cannot be formed without a ready-made protein, - a problem arises of the type: "what happened before, a chicken or an egg?" They should probably develop at the same time. But then natural selection according to Darwin disappears.

PSYCHOLOGY: It cannot in any way solve the problem of the origin of human consciousness (not to mention such high categories as intuition or inspiration). Earlier, Mind, Human Consciousness were defined as derivatives of the "chemical function of nerve cells", that is, as a product of the physical brain. Now it has been established that a person's Consciousness can exist apart from the physical brain, independently of it (the so-called "posthumous states").