Axolotl is a tame dragon in your aquarium! Axolotl - water dragon Lifestyle, behavior.

Axolotl Is a fragile amphibian that lives in Mexican rivers. She is awake at night, under appropriate conditions it becomes an ambistoma, which hunts in the thick of forests. Axolotl in the photo looks impressive. The animal attracts the eye with a mysterious smile.

Description of the axolotl and its features

The maximum size of the body of a mature individual is 45 cm, but most of these creatures are 32 cm in size. The amphibian axolotl weighs no more than 285 g. Its body is slightly elongated with a delicate skin. The freshwater inhabitant of the axolotl is called the sea dragon, it has 4 small legs, a non-convex elongated tail.

Thanks to him, the freshwater inhabitant moves well on water. The head of this creature is wide, the eyes are dark brown or red, the mouth is large. The highlight of the water dragon is his smile on his face. Under natural conditions, dark species of axolotls are common. And the inhabitants of artificial miniature reservoirs mainly have a golden, peach-pinkish or light color.

Albino axolotls have red eyes. Regardless of the species, the aquatic dragon is very different from other freshwater creatures. He can live not only in water, but also on land. Axolotl prefers to eat:

- insects;
- fry;
- eggs.

Today, the aquatic dragon is especially popular with aquarists. He is loved for his unusually beautiful, interesting appearance and cheerfulness. Biologists note that the axolotl has incredible regenerative abilities.

If the amphibian is left without a paw, after a while it grows a new one. The internal organs of the axolotl can also recover on their own. Scientists are still researching the biological characteristics of the aquatic dragon. Axolotl, remaining in adolescence, becomes capable of creating fry.

Another highlight of the amphibian is neoteny. The water dragon gains the ability to breed offspring, remaining a larva. It can be a grub all the time. But if a freshwater inhabitant finds himself in unfavorable conditions for him, he begins to develop well.

In the middle of the 19th century, French scientists figured out that the axolotl could grow. Then some of the larvae were kept in specialized gardens. To turn a water dragon into an ambist, the water level in an artificial miniature pond is lowered and a little soil is added.

After a while, the axolotl comes out, gradually adapts to the created living conditions. Some aquarists feed the aquatic creature with food that contains hormonal supplements. If you do not have the appropriate skills, it is better not to do experiments on reincarnation, the larva may die!

Ambistoma is often compared to a salamander. The body of the reptile is large, rather massive. The tail is medium in size, the skin is especially smooth, the legs are thin. The animal's head is not small.

In nature, there are ambistomas with blue spots and large wide stripes. These animals have double vertebrae, the teeth are arranged in a transverse order. In the wild, the ambistoma lives for 8 - 10 years.


In nature, there is one type of axolotl - Mexican. An unusually beautiful, intelligent, adapted to various conditions larva, gives offspring, being very young. The Mexican water dragon is agile, cunning, playful. It is the larva of Ambystoma mexicanum, native to Mexico.

The black axolotl is a subspecies. Just like its cousin, it reproduces as a larva. Axolotl of this subspecies is kept in water at room temperature. The freshwater inhabitant is not so active, he is more calm.

The black water dragon is peaceful, but it can bite a fellow on the limbs, so the breeder needs to be extremely careful! If no dirt has entered the wound, regeneration will occur quickly. The color of the body depends on the genetic characteristics of the larva. When genes change, the axolotl transforms into its characteristic body color.

Wild varieties of this amphibian are dark green, they have golden or blackish dots on the surface of the body. Light-colored larvae are rare. Such axolotls have very developed protective functions. Individuals of light coloration are the most vulnerable.

At home, they often contain light pink amphibians, which have dark eyes. Albino axolotls are pinkish and have red eyes. Golden aquatic dragons have eyes the same color as their torso. Black axolotls are also very popular. Light-colored individuals are usually spotted.

Tiger ambistoma is an animal that appeared as a result of a mutation. The size of its body reaches 27 cm (including the tail). The tiger ambistoma has an olive body with characteristic spots or stripes.

This animal prefers to stay awake at night. During the day it hides, in the late evening it begins to hunt for mollusks. Albino tiger ambistomas were obtained in an unnatural way. The gills of such animals are deep red.

Marble ambistoma axolotl- a truly unique creation. Its black body is covered with stripes similar to marble. This type of ambistoma is relatively small, the average size of an individual is only 11 cm.

The animal leads an isolated lifestyle, it hides in coniferous and deciduous forests, often lives in burrows. The marble ambistoma loves to feast on worms, snails, centipedes.

The yellow-spotted ambistoma axolotl is distinguished by bright yellow spots on the surface of the body. But some specimens of this species do not have characteristic spots. The animal prefers to hide in burrows, but often crawls out when it rains.

Lifestyle and habitat

In nature, the axolotl is found in Mexican rivers. It also lives in Lake Xochimilco. The reservoirs in which the water dragon lived have disappeared over time. Axolotl takes root in lakes and rivers of the middle course.

It feels good in water with temperatures from + 14 to + 19 degrees Celsius. But if it drops to + 7 degrees for a while, the axolotl survives. The larva is not distinguished by increased activity, it lives at the bottom of the reservoir and waits for prey to swim by.


If the axolotl is a dragon and behaves actively, then only at night. Under natural conditions, the larva eats insects and fry. A wide mouth helps to quickly catch and swallow prey. When the larvae are hunting, they control the flow of water. Axolotls swallow their prey whole. They eat larvae and fry once every 2 days. If there is no food at all, the axolotl will starve for 15 days. Some individuals feed on their fellows.

Reproduction and life expectancy

The larva, 6 months old, is sexually mature. The length of its body does not exceed 25 cm. The mating season of the water dragon begins in March or September. In order for the larva to reproduce well, the water temperature must be within + 20 degrees.

One male, as a rule, fertilizes 3 - 4 females. After that, females lay eggs similar to fry. After 7 - 8 days, they reach a size of 1.5 cm. One-month-old larvae grow by 8 cm. Axolotl, which is 10 months old, acquires sexual characteristics. Males are usually larger than females.

Axolotl fry have very small gills. 7 - 8 days after birth, the cubs develop legs in the back, and after 3 months, the front legs develop. During the period of active development, the fry should be well fed, but too much food should not be given, since the metabolism may be disturbed. First, it is better to feed them with ciliates, then gradually add cyclops to the diet (first, the cubs eat small ones, then they switch to large ones).

After a while, it will be possible to adapt to bloodworms. Young larvae should be fed in the same way as adults. Fry, which are in new conditions for themselves, lose gills and folds. If the axolotl turns into ambisto, it tends to molt. The animal changes color, the crest located on its back becomes rounded.

Biologists believe that the color of fry depends not only on genes, but also on the level of light. The water dragon, which is kept under red light, becomes darkish. In natural bodies of water axolotls live up to 19 years old!


Axolotl price depends on age and varies from 300 to 1200 rubles. You can buy a freshwater dweller at a pet store or online.

Home care and maintenance

Axolotls came to Europe in the 19th century and have since become very popular. To this day, aquarists from different countries breed these wonderful animals at home. In order for the axolotl to take root in an artificial reservoir, you need to know the features of the content.

One adult requires 50 liters of water. As for the depth of the aquarium, it should not be less than 20 cm. In domestic and natural conditions, the larvae live on the bottom. It is forbidden to keep axolotl with aquarium fish, frogs, slugs.

Domestic fish, at first glance, are calm, but they can gnaw through the fragile gills of an aquatic dragon. If the fish are too small, the axolotl larvae simply eat them at night. Axolotl feels good in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 20 degrees Celsius.

Fish need water of a different temperature. Snails can also try to bite the larva. Frogs can infect an aquarium dweller with dangerous pathologies. Axolotl content requires care!

It makes rather high demands not only on temperature, but also on water quality. If the mark rises above + 23 degrees, the inhabitant of the aquarium experiences very intense stress. Some larvae get sick and die. The axolotl should be kept in clean, chlorine-free water. The pH level should be within 7.5 units.

If axolotl home will live in dirty water, his health will be seriously affected. In order for the larva to have strong immunity, it is necessary to keep it only in clean water. Installing a filter is highly recommended.

It should be remembered that an increase in water temperature has a bad effect on the respiratory functions of an axolotl. Periodically, you need to saturate the water with oxygen, for this it is better to use a compressor. One third of the water should be changed once a week, thus, it will be possible to create the most favorable conditions for the amphibian.

When breeding aquatic dragons in an aquarium, nuances must be taken into account. Larvae can swallow small objects, including pebbles, large grains of sand, and gravel particles. To provide them with a favorable microclimate, it is better to add rounded pebbles to the aquarium. Axolotls often hide from their owners.

So that the inhabitant of the aquarium is not bored, you should build a canopy for him (inside the container). The larva does not have very sharp eyesight. Periodically, you can supplement the illumination of aquarium plants. The water dragon needs vegetation. It is recommended to place a cladophore in the aquarium, the plant will purify the water, improving its composition.

Novice aquarists are interested in what to feed the aquatic dragon. Axolotl is a voracious animal, but you cannot overfeed it. If there is an accelerated metabolism or during feeding the axolotl does not eat all the food, the water should be changed once every 2 days.

It is strongly recommended to feed juveniles once every 3 days. They should be given high-quality protein foods. Protein in the form of pellets suitable for predatory fish is suitable. Axolotls love to feast on cod or hake fillets. You can give them worms, bloodworms, mussels. To diversify the diet of an aquatic dragon, you need to give him aquarium fish, for example, guppies or neons.

It is forbidden to feed the larvae meat, this product contains components that are very difficult to digest. If the temperature in an artificial reservoir rises and falls, axolotls reproduce on their own.

In this case, it is better to shorten the daylight hours and raise the air temperature by several degrees. In the aquarium, the female lays eggs on the algae. In this case, you should also create the most favorable conditions for the axolotl.

After 15-20 days, she hatches offspring. It is better to move it to a separate aquarium and feed it with chopped fish food. The temperature regime must not be violated, otherwise the fry will begin to hurt. If you feed a freshwater inhabitant incorrectly, he gets sick:

- intestinal obstruction;
- pathologies of cartilage tissue;
- anorexia;
- other life-threatening pathologies.

Intestinal obstruction develops when the axolotl swallows grains of sand or gravel. The result is food cessation, rapid weight loss. In such situations, you need to show the water dragon to the veterinarian. The doctor will examine and possibly order surgery. Cartilage pathologies occur due to the fact that the axolotl lacks calcium, vitamin D.

Ascites is another dangerous axolotl disease. It develops when metabolism is disturbed. The cause of the pathology is usually bacteria that have entered the body with poor-quality water. Symptoms of anorexia include bloating, loss of appetite, lethargy, lethargy.

If axolotl dragon becomes infected with an infectious pathology, it is imperative to separate it from its relatives. To treat the disease, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, diuretics. In any case, you cannot engage in independent treatment of the larva, this can lead to disastrous consequences!

Axolotls are amazing freshwater inhabitants. They are tame, cheerful, not particularly demanding to care for. If you are holding a water dragon in your hands, be careful as it is fragile and very delicate.

The cartilage tissue of a freshwater inhabitant is not thick, sensitive, one awkward movement can injure it. Axolotl animal timid. He can lightly bite his master if he takes him in hand.

Today it has become very popular to keep not only exotic fish in aquariums, but also Axolotl or water dragon- one of those. Lives in an aquarium, but not There is an opinion that keeping it at home is very expensive and difficult.

This article will help you figure out if this is the case.

Description and appearance

Water dragons are a great pet for exotic lovers. Quite often, at the sight of an axolotl, the question arises of who he is: a fish, or an amphibian. At its core, it is neotic, that is, having reached puberty before becoming an adult, a huge number of individuals of different colors and sizes have been bred by the larva for keeping at home. That is why everyone can find a pet to their liking. It can definitely be argued that the water dragon is one of the most fabulous and fantastic animals to keep in an aquarium.

Description and possible colors

Outwardly, the water dragon looks like the usual with light spots on a gray body. They can be easily distinguished from other similar amphibians by their large gills on the neck. By itself, it looks like lizard, but has a large head, rounded muzzle and tiny eyes. He has thin small legs and a tail flattened on the sides, which has a fin crest on it. In an adult larva, the length varies from 20 to 40 cm. This body structure helps the animal swim easier.

The color of the water dragon can be completely different. The most common are black interspersed with white, brown, brown or gray. Whites are less common as they are albinos. In the natural environment, they are more visible and susceptible to hazards. Very attractive are the artificially bred golden axolotls, the color of which is bright yellow.

Axolotl price

The purchase of a water dragon should only be made at the appropriate pet stores or trusted breeders. Many inexperienced owners may interbreed blood relatives, resulting in weak offspring, which in very rare cases can live longer than a year. Depending on the species, age and size, the price of an axolotl can range from two to ten dollars.

Features of life in the wild

For the first time, axolotls were discovered in the system of water channels and lakes of Xochimilco in Mexico City. The floating gardens of this lake are the ideal habitat for them, which is why these amphibians are endemic to this area. There they reproduce best, laying eggs on. Throughout their life, dragons never crawl out onto land. They live at a depth in the thickets of underwater plants, which provide them with good disguise and protection. They feed on a variety of small worms, fish eggs, crustaceans, and sometimes they can dilute the diet with algae.

Reproduction in nature occurs in spring or winter, when the temperature of the water in the reservoir drops.

Did you know? Axolotl is an excellent meteorologist. The ancient tribes of the Aztecs believed that he was the reincarnated god Sholotl, in charge of weather forecasts.

Is it possible to keep at home

Today, Mexican axolotls are mainly kept at home. The amphibian is not problematic in keeping, looks interesting and unusual. Because of this, she has more and more fans, both from beginners and experienced aquarists.

Basic requirements for a home aquarium

The most important requirement for an aquarium is an appropriate water temperature, which cannot exceed +24 ° С. The aquarium should be fairly large, with a small amount of water and the necessary pH levels to keep the pets cozy and comfortable.

Dimensions (edit)

Axolotls are quite large pets, and therefore adults need a spacious aquarium. The volume of the aquarium should be 60-80 liters per fish.

What should be the water

The ideal water temperature is below +21 ° C. This promotes good appetite and the reproduction of axolotls. Maintaining the pH between 6.5 and 7.5 is very important. The aquarium should be kept in a dark place and far from heating devices so that the water does not heat up to a critical level. It is also necessary to add clean water to the aquarium every few days and take some of the old one. You cannot completely change the water. This can lead to an imbalance in pH balance and excessive water hardness.

Important! The temperature of the water in the aquarium should not be very warm, otherwise the amphibians will stop eating and may get sick.

Soil and vegetation

A good solution for an aquarium with water dragons is a substrate of large pebbles, or no flooring at all. For vegetation, you can choose between carpet or floating algae. If you are going to breed dragons, it is necessary to have algae with large leaves in the aquarium so that it is easy for them to lay eggs. To maintain the purity of the water, it is recommended to have hornwort. Artificial plants with thorny or cutting edges should be avoided, as animals are very delicate and can injure the skin.

Optional equipment

In aquarium you can place a filter, which does not create a strong current. Otherwise, the axolotls will not be comfortable. It is very important to have equipment in the aquarium to maintain a sufficient amount of air.

Important! Do not put small pebbles or sand in the aquarium, as the pet can swallow them.

It is necessary to have many pet houses in the aquarium so that they have somewhere to hide and rest. Large driftwood or smooth stones are also good solutions.

What to feed axolotls

The ideal food for adult water dragons is bloodworms or earthworms. Also, special pellets for predatory fish, which can be purchased at any pet store, are suitable. Sometimes you can dilute the axolotl diet with shrimp, mussel and fish meat.

Important! Axolotls are incapable of digesting protein, so they should not be given meat from land animals.

Breeding features

Axolotls unique in terms of reproduction. It is, in fact, a larva that has reached sexual maturity without metamorphosis into an adult. The breeding process takes place in spring or winter when the water becomes cooler. Axolotls reproduce with the help of eggs, and their pregnancy is intrauterine. After spawning, the eggs must be moved to another container.

You need to feed babies with small food, such as daphnia and microworms. As they grow older, it is necessary to transfer to adult food.

The difference between a female and a male

The female and male can be easily distinguished by the cloaca near the hind legs. In the female, it is almost not expressed, in the male, on the contrary, it is convex and quite noticeable.

Breeding period

The breeding period for axolotls begins after a year, when the water temperature in the aquarium drops below +18 ° C. In the process of mating, the male releases semen into the water, and the female absorbs it with her cloaca. After that, the female lays about 600 eggs on the leaves of real or artificial algae. After 2-3 weeks, offspring can be expected to hatch. At first they will look like regular fish fry, but soon they will take on their usual shape. After the baby axolotls grow up, it is very important to move them to different aquariums in size. Otherwise, they will begin to gnaw off each other's legs and gills.

You can artificially stimulate the reproduction process by fluctuating the temperature of the water in the aquarium.

Did you know?In axolotls, regeneration is very developed. If damaged, they can grow new limbs and body parts.

Compatibility with other fish

Axolotls, by their very nature, do not tolerate the neighborhood and are carnivorous inhabitants of the aquarium. That's why it is not recommended to add any aquarium fish to water dragons. In addition, most species of fish gnaw off the fluffy gills of the axolotl. Another problem is that different types of fish are comfortable with different pH levels and water hardness. Therefore, what is normal for an axolotl can threaten other fish with death. But if you still want to take a chance and settle someone else in the dragon's abode, then it is better to choose calm and unpretentious types of fish. A good neighbor will be one that, like the axolotl, loves cool water.

Care problems

The main difficulties in caring for water dragons are clear frames in temperature conditions. If the water is too warm, namely, above + 24 ° C, then the pet will not eat and may die. Another problem is that axolotls often suffer from liver problems. Because of this, they should not be given a lot of fatty and live food, such as maggots or earthworms.

does not require special care and conditions of detention. He is distinguished from other inhabitants of the aquarium by his unusual appearance and behavior. It is noted that it is extremely interesting to watch him. Subject to simple rules, the water dragon will entertain you for up to ten years.

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Among the inhabitants of the aquarium, sometimes the most pretentious and unusual forms are found. One of the most original representatives of the aquatic world is Mexican axolotl.

This "water dragon" has not only an exotic appearance, but also unusual body capabilities. An interesting fact is that the axolotl is the larval form of amphibians from the genus Ambist. Surely many are familiar with the growth process of a frog. Tadpoles appear from the eggs, which eventually turn into frogs. Here you can draw parallels with the axolotl. He, like a tadpole, is an intermediate stage of maturation of an ambistoma, but, unlike tadpoles, it can perfectly exist without turning into an adult. A source:

Even more surprising, the axolotl, as a larval form, reproduces and reproduces excellently. And among other things, these amphibians are interesting for researchers, since they regenerate not only the tail, but also the limbs. If the axolotl loses a limb, then after a while another, fully restored paw grows in its place. A truly amazing organism, isn't it?

Description of the Mexican axolotl

The appearance of the axolotl is mesmerizing. It looks like a newt, has a rounded, elongated body, four legs and a flexible tail, bordered by a fin, with the help of which the axolotl moves quite vigorously in the water. The head is large and wide, with small eyes. If you look closely at the expression of the "face", it seems that the axolotl is smiling.

But the main decoration is outdoor axolotl gills, which are six branched processes located on the sides of the head. The axolotl lazily flaps them like wings, surprisingly resembling a dragon from oriental tales.

In addition to the gills, the axolotl also has lungs, which is why they are called double-breathed... From time to time, axolotls rise to the surface and swallow air, compensating for the lack of oxygen in the water. A source:

The most common color of the axolotl is gray with specks. However, aquarists appreciate the albino forms (white axolotls) with contrasting red gills. There are also black axolotls, gold, silver, etc.

It is believed that axolotls are unpretentious in keeping. Nevertheless, these amphibians are very demanding on the quality and temperature of the water. In nature, axolotls live in the cold mountain lakes of Mexico, so the water temperature in the aquarium should not be higher than 22 ° C. The axolotl will easily withstand a lower temperature, but its increase can have a detrimental effect on the health of the animal. If the apartment is too warm, a cooling system is needed.

Also, axolotls are sensitive to the purity of water and its saturation with oxygen. Regular water changes at least once a week, as well as aeration and filtration, will create optimal living conditions for the axolotl.

Axolotl aquarium

The aquarium for keeping the axolotl should be low and elongated. Large pebbles and stones are used as soil. The axolotl does not need vegetation, but you can put some artificial plants in your aquarium for decoration. The light is diffused, not bright, axolotls see poorly and are very fond of darkened places. Therefore, in addition to the soil, it is a good idea to provide the aquarium with all kinds of shelters. Avoid sharp objects that can damage the delicate skin of the axolotl. A source:

It is not recommended to add fish to axolotls, because it is a predator that easily swallows small fish and can even grab a limb to its own kind. Therefore, it is better to keep the axolotls separately, or in groups of several individuals of the same size.

What to feed axolotls

Feeding axolotls is easy. They boast a great appetite and will gladly accept any animal food from you. Most often, axolotls are fed with tubifex, bloodworms, earthworms, larvae, snails, and insects. Also, axolotls are easily accustomed to eating meat and fish. Food is given with tweezers or simply put into the aquarium. Large pieces of meat are cut into pieces. Adults are fed 2-3 times a week, juveniles - daily.

Reproduction of axolotls

Even a beginner can cope with the reproduction of axolotls. The pre-planted producers are fattened, and after a while they are transplanted into a spawning box with clean and cool water. The water temperature should be slightly lower than usual. As a rule, one male and several females are placed in the spawning grounds. Spawning takes place in the evening, after which the producers need to be deposited, and the temperature in the aquarium should be raised to 22 ° C. After 2-3 weeks, fry appear, which are fed with egg yolk, small daphnia and other food for the fry.

In order for the axolotl to turn into an ambist, the aquarium will have to be turned into a terrarium. The water level is gradually reduced, and the soil level from one side of the aquarium is increased, provoking the axolotl to exit the water. Hormonal drugs are also used for this. However, the axolotl is so good in its image of a "dragon" that not many amateurs decide on this experiment, preferring to see the ambist as forever young.

This amazing creature, reminiscent of prehistoric amphibians, can be perfectly kept in a home aquarium. It was the axolotl that became the prototype of the appearance of the kind dragon Toothless from the cartoon How to Train Your Dragon, which became popular in 2010, and also inspired the creators of the fairytale character Luntik.

Description of the axolotl

Axolotl is not a "proper name" of the animal in question... It belongs to the species Ambystoma mexicanum (Mexican ambistoma), and so you can call any ambist larva. The fact is that this species, as well as the tiger ambistoma, is most prone to neoteny - a form of existence in the form of a larva without further metamorphosis. In Greek, "neoteny" literally means "stretched youth." An amphibian becomes an adult, can reproduce and live its entire life as a larva, which is commonly called an axolotl. This is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of his thyroid gland.

It is interesting! If the conditions of existence of the larva are changed, it can undergo transformation into an adult, becoming a full-fledged adult ambistoma from an axolotl.

The word "axolotl" is borrowed from the ancient Mexican, more precisely, the Aztec language of Nahuatl. It consists of two roots: "atl" - water and "xolotl" - dog. Sometimes the name is translated as "frolicking in the water".


Axolotl looks like a fantastic dragon or even an unusual toy. Outwardly, it is a triton with a huge head, the gills of which protrude outward in the form of three long pubescent branches. The body of a salamander consists of a head, torso and tail. The skeleton is made up of cartilaginous tissue, they have no bones, especially "soft" - young individuals.

Head- in comparison with the elongated body, disproportionately large, expanded. The wide and flat mouth seems to be constantly smiling. It hides in itself inconspicuous, small, but sharp teeth - with them the axolotl only holds the prey, they are not intended for tearing. The eyes are small, black, shiny, like beads. The gills, similar to fluffy twigs, extend from the body behind the head, the larva can press them and shake them to clear adhering particles.

Torso - narrowed, slightly flattened, streamlined. In the middle along the entire back there is a ridge - this is a fin. 16 grooves on the sides give the triton a “ringed” appearance. The skin is smooth and soft. The axolotl has 2 pairs of legs: on the front it has 4 toes, and on the hind legs - 5 each.

Tail- long, wide, occupies about ¾ of the entire body. The fin fold from the back passes to it along its entire length. He is very agile, which helps him swim quickly. Together with the tail, the larva has 50 vertebrae.

Dimensions - The length of the axolotl ranges from 15 to 30 cm, the larva can weigh up to 300 g, the body in girth is about 12-19 cm. Females are somewhat smaller than males, they have a slightly shorter tail. Separate large males with a maximum length of 45 cm were recorded.

Important! The larvae of the tiger ambist differ from the Mexican ones only in their flatter muzzle and not so variegated, smoother body, otherwise they are practically the same.

Axolotl colors

These cute and funny creatures can be colored differently by Mother Nature. The color depends on the population (or an artificially bred line), as well as on the conditions in which the larva lives. Including food. Axolotls are usually divided into 3 types of color.

  1. "Naturalists"- black or just dark (gray, brown, brownish, marsh) color with specks. The pattern on the body can be different: small, large, resembling a mesh.
  2. White, but not albinos - the light color in adulthood is complemented by a patterned pattern along the back. An amphibian may not necessarily be pure white, pinkish and beige shades are often found. Gill petals are not red, but deep pink. The eyes are black or brown.
  3. "Albs"- without pigment. Completely white, without spots or patterns, with bright red branchial processes and eyes. Among albinos, there is also a golden color.

It is interesting! As a result of crosses, axolotls of a wide variety of colors are produced. Scientists experimenting with GMOs have achieved that under a fluorescent lamp, the larva glows with spots and stains on the body.

Natural and white axolotls are very diverse in color and pattern, especially those that have been bred at home or in the laboratory. In their natural environment, they are dominated by darker colors, because light individuals are more vulnerable to predators and survive worse.

Lifestyle, behavior

Axolotl can breathe in a variety of ways: gills, lungs, or skin. In clean water, gills predominantly work, but in a polluted and poorly aerated environment, the lungs come into play, and the gills partially atrophy. But when favorable conditions return, the gill "branches" grow back. Nature has endowed the larva with a strong ability to regenerate. It can restore most of the lost parts of the body - gills, fins, paws, some internal organs. The adult ambist no longer has such a regenerative ability.

Axolotls move as if by "jerks", raking in front limbs. But nimble, unlike the land ambistoma, they cannot be called, they are calm and inactive. Most of the time they spend at the bottom of reservoirs or aquariums, wiggling their tail, or "hover" in the water column, barely touching their feet. From time to time, "dragons" shake their gill branches to clean them. If you knock on the glass of the aquarium, the axolotl will slowly float away.

Life span

In the wild, these amphibians live for about 10 years. With good care, axolotls will delight the owners longer, staying healthy for up to 15-20 years.

Habitat, habitats

In nature, the axolotl has become a very rare species. They are considered endemic because they live almost exclusively in the two mountain lakes of Mexico - Cholco and Xochimailco, located in Mexico City, at an altitude of more than 2 thousand meters above sea level. There, the Aztecs once erected the so-called floating islands "chinampas", and today various ornamental plants are grown on them. Perfectly irrigated, these islets and the canals between them are very convenient for axolotls and adult ambist, so they actively reproduce there.

Since the middle of the 19th century, cute amphibians have been actively bred by domestic amateurs and collectors. Keeping them in captivity is not difficult, they breed well, are unpretentious to conditions and food, do not bother with their behavior, therefore, they are very popular as pets.

It is interesting! Experiments on tissue regeneration were carried out on axolotls, so a fairly large number of them were raised as laboratory animals.

Aquarium selection criteria

The size of the aquarium depends on how many fish you intend to keep.... Ideally, it is better to have separate containers for each axolotl, because adult salamanders interfere with each other, especially if they are of different ages. A "seasoned" male can offend a young axolotl, injure him or even eat him.

Important! Individuals of different sizes cannot be kept together. Only axolotls of approximately the same age and parameters can live together, they should be spacious.

Two young individuals can be kept together in a 50 l container, but when they grow up, this space should be given to each of them, and it is better to keep no more than a couple of larvae in a spacious aquarium of about 80-100 l.

Aquarium equipment

"Tritonchik" cannot be simply put into the water. It is necessary to provide a natural-like environment in the aquarium. Axolotl will not be able to live without soil, a large number of shelters, in bright light. So what should a caring owner take care of?


It is obligatory, as the salamanders touch it with their paws and cling to it. Without soil, they experience constant stress, and their paws can even become covered with ulcers. Small pebbles and gravel, as well as sand, are not the best choice, axolotls can swallow them, than create problems for their gastrointestinal tract. Take a pebble that won't fit in the axolotl's mouth.


They not only create a comfortable environment for the pet, but also give the aquarium a decorative look. The number of "houses" should be more than the total number in the aquarium, each larva should have a choice. Make sure that the objects in the aquarium do not have sharp edges, broken edges, because the skin of "Mexicans" is very delicate. You can put in the aquarium:

  • driftwood;
  • ceramic houses and figurines;
  • stones of different sizes;
  • arches;
  • pots;
  • halves of coconuts, etc.


Avoid placing the aquarium in very bright places, as well as near sources of noise (computer, TV). A lamp is not needed for an aquarium: they are nocturnal amphibians, they prefer darkness.

Water requirements

Water purity is important, but not as critical for axolotls... In addition, powerful filters that work continuously are terrifying to them. It is better to choose an internal filter for filtration with a sorbent inside, which creates a slight movement of water. Of course, it is advisable to keep the aquarium clean, remove food debris weekly, and add fresh water. A complete replacement is unlikely to be required before 3-4 months.

Important! Temperature is of vital importance: inhabitants of alpine lakes, larvae do not tolerate warm water. Even 21 degrees Celsius is already too warm for them, if the water heats up even more, it is even deadly: they can become seriously ill and die.

Be sure to equip the aquarium with a thermometer: the best temperature regime is from 13 to 20 degrees. If the room is hot, you will have to take measures to cool it down (in case of emergency, simply dip a bottle of frozen water into the water, which should be changed in time). You can rearrange the residence of the axolotls in the cellar or basement for the summer.

If the axolotl is initially properly housed, caring for them is not difficult. It comes down to feeding, weekly cleaning the aquarium from food waste, taking care of the water temperature.

If you need to transplant an individual into another container, you should use a soft cloth net and act very gently, because the larvae have no bones. To prevent the "dragons" from attacking each other, they must be well-fed, but you should not overfeed them either. For reproduction or completion of metamorphosis, you need to take certain measures, which we will discuss below.

Nutrition, diet

Like all amphibians, ambistoma larvae are predators, so it is best to feed them live food - bloodworms, which are used for aquarium fish.

Important! You should not overfeed, because bloodworms not eaten on time strongly affect the purity of the water.

If there is no bloodworm, you can offer the axolotls earthworms, small pieces of raw fish, shrimp, mussels, insects without wings. You will have to tinker with this type of food, because there is no point in throwing it into the water, because the larva needs movement. It is permissible to offer the larvae granulated food for predatory fish, which slowly descend, so that the predator has time to grab the food before it drowns. Do not feed mammalian meat to axolotls: the stomach of an amphibian is not able to digest it.

If the food has fallen to the bottom, it can be safely removed: "dragons" will not be able to see it, because their eyes are directed only upward. Clean up immediately so that food does not spoil the water. If the food is inanimate, you will have to hand feed the pet or tweezers. It uses its jaws only to hold live prey, and then "sucks" it into its wide mouth and swallows it whole, so the frequency of feeding adult axolotls is once every three days so that the food has time to be digested. The larva itself will not stop eating for future use, so it is very important to observe a reasonable amount of food. If the axolotl is not fed for 2-3 weeks, most likely, nothing bad will happen to it, it is very tenacious.

Reproduction of axolotl

They breed well in captivity. To distinguish the male from the female, you need to turn the larva over and examine the area of ​​the cloaca: in the male it is more pronounced, as if swollen, convex. Females have nothing of the kind, in addition, they are somewhat wider in girth than males. The beginning of the mating season for axolotls is a change in water temperature, namely. Its slight heating with a decrease in illumination. This can be easily achieved artificially at any time of the year.

It is interesting! Before planning breeding, keep the individuals apart from each other for several days at a low temperature, about 10 degrees, almost half-starving, and then put them together in water warmer than 18 degrees.

For the mating ritual, the male needs space - this is another argument for a spacious aquarium. The male releases clots of semen, and the female lays unfertilized eggs on them or sucks in clots with her cloaca. After 18-30 hours after fertilization, she will hang eggs on underwater plants or artificial objects, after which the males must be removed from the aquarium so that they do not eat the clutch, and keep the water moderately warm - 20-21 degrees. If the egg has become whitish or gray, it must be removed so that it does not infect healthy embryos.

After 2-3 weeks, fish-like fry will hatch from the pea-sized eggs... They are about 2 cm long, still without paws, which will not grow at the same time: the hind legs in a week, and the front ones after 3 months. Cubs need to be fed first with ciliates, then with daphnia, small bloodworms, special food for fry at the rate of 1: 4 of the adult dose, and as they grow up, transfer to adult food. The water for eggs and fry must be kept clean, changing daily.

Repeating insemination for a female can be done no earlier than 2 months later (up to 2-3 times a year), and the male can be a sire more often. Axolotls become sexually mature at 10-11 months, but their best fertility is at the age of 2-3 years. Individuals over 6 years old reproduce much worse.

Compatibility with other fish

Most experts do not recommend planting ambistoma larvae with other aquarium fish. Small inhabitants of the aquarium will become the prey of predatory amphibians, while the large ones will attack them themselves, and they will certainly fray the branchial processes to the slow creatures. Turtles and other aquatic animals are also not the best neighbors for them due to incompatible nutrition and possible mutual aggression. The Mexicans have common diseases with clawed frogs. In addition, different water temperatures are comfortable for fish and "water dragons".

The only exception is goldfish: they are large enough that the axolotl will not eat them, and then, they also love cool water. The main thing is to feed both those and others well in order to avoid even attempts to attack.


View: Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)

Family: Ambistomaceae

Detachment: Tailed

Class: Amphibians

Subclass: Frequent vertebral tubes

Genus: Ambistomas

Type of: Chordates

Kingdom: Animals

Dimensions: Length - about 30 - 40 cm in adult state, larval stage - about 15 - 20 cm; weight - about 300 grams

Life Expectancy: 8 - 10 years, less often up to 15 years


This spectacular and original creature is sometimes referred to as fish (like and), then to lizards (remember and).

You can read about other unusual animals in the article.

In fact, the axolotl is neither one nor the other. This is an unusual larva of one of the ambistas, which can safely live its entire life without metamorphosis.

She does not need changes, as, for example, frogs or, in order to give offspring. Thanks to this feature, it was singled out as a separate species.

Interesting! Axolotl is able to reproduce at the larval stage. This phenomenon is called neoteny. And the animal has earned the glory of an eternal child.

But it is worth lowering the temperature, and adding the hormonal preparation thyroidin to the water or food, as the baby axolotl begins to lose gills.

And soon a creature that looks like a salamander - a Mexican ambistoma - is chosen on land.

Interesting! Metamorphosis is an energy-consuming enterprise. Axolotls that have undergone artificial maturation live for about 5 years. In addition, the procedure is dangerous for animals - about 99% of the larvae die.


The amphibian axolotl, the price of which is lower than, for example, eublefara, as is typical for a child, looks cute.

The main decorations of the unusual creature:

  • large broad head with lush tufts of external gills;
  • wide, constantly smiling mouth;
  • tightly knit body, covered with delicate skin;
  • beautiful comb on the back;
  • flat tail;
  • 4 thin legs.

Mexican water monster pleases with different colors.

In nature, only black-brown color is found, but axolotls of such colors as:

  • black;
  • Gray;
  • Brown;
  • brownish green;
  • albino form.

Whatever color the axolotl is, photos of cute dragons always look amazing.

The developers of computer games exploit such an unearthly appearance to the fullest: they have created heroes that look like an axolotl.

Axolotl has a phenomenal ability to regenerate. Scientists are studying this fact, and perhaps this cute creature can help people

Key Features

The predator axolotl is motionless most of the time. He, as befits hunters, is waiting for his prey: a gaping snail or a worm.

His food is digested for 2 - 3 days.

Interesting! The axolotl has one unsolved secret - its fantastic ability to regenerate.

The ability to renew in this way is a vital necessity for him.

Cute babies have such a bad habit as biting off each other's paws. So the larvae have learned to grow lost limbs and organs.

The whole process follows one scheme:

  • the end of the stump is rounded:
  • the damaged limb takes on a conical shape;
  • the foot is constantly growing, a flipper is formed;
  • the rudiments of the fingers are laid.

Scientists are investigating this phenomenon. Perhaps, over time, the axolotl will teach people to restore their arms and legs.

And today he often has to sacrifice himself for the sake of science. Most of the populations live in laboratories.


At home, the tadpole needs to be fed:

  • bloodworm;
  • core;
  • fish fry;
  • pieces of meat.

Important! Care should be taken to prevent pets from overeating. But they don't need fasting either. Otherwise, nimble larvae will begin to bite off each other's paws.

Adult pets are fed every other day, growing young animals - every day.

Axolotls are fed with tweezers or by hand: they are hunters and respond well to movement.

Water dragons suck food into their mouths, although it looks like they are grabbing food in their jaws.

They need small teeth in order to grind delicacies.

If you decide that you need an extraordinary axolotl, which is no longer so difficult to buy today, then it's time to learn how to care for it.

The Mexican water monster will also take root well in a small aquarium.

The calculation of the volume of water is made on the basis of 30-40 liters per individual. He doesn't need a high temperature.

In the warm season, it should not exceed 21 ° C. The lower limit is 15 - 18 ° C.

A big-headed Mexican will be grateful for:

  • aerated aquarium;
  • regular water filtration;
  • timely nutrition.

And, of course, he needs your attention. Place the aquarium where you are most often.


The difference between a female and a male is obvious: the lady, as it should be in the natural world, is slightly thicker, and the successor of the genus has tubercles at the base of the tail.

The one-year-old axolotl, which was cared for according to all the rules, is ready for reproduction.

Axolotls breed from November to May. To stimulate spawning, you can:

  • temporarily reduce the temperature in the aquarium by 5 degrees;
  • put a male and a female in the same aquarium if they were kept separately.

With the onset of dusk, mating games begin first, and then spawning.

Provide your pets with peace and quiet during this time.

Two weeks after the incubation of the eggs, transparent larvae appear.

Axolotl is a funny living creature that will decorate your aquarium

After 4 - 6 days, they begin to feed them with cyclops and daphnia nauplii. In a week, the new generation can eat the tubifex.

And at the age of one month, grown-up babies happily eat cyclops, daphnia, bloodworms.

Axolotls are one of the most unusual inhabitants of aquariums. Check out his acting skills by watching the video.

Axolotl: smiling little dragon who does not want to grow up

A water dragon, a non-maturing amphibian is all an axolotl, a photo of which confirms these characteristics. It can live in an aquarium if it is well cared for.