The DPRK stated that a nuclear war could start "at any moment". Will a nuclear war break out? Nuclear war

For several days now we have been completely absorbed in the topic of the referendum. We have withdrawn into ourselves. Nevertheless, very dangerous things are happening in the world right now. Everyone is worried: “Will Trump attack North Korea? Is a nuclear war going to break out? "

Leader Kim Jong-un, whose name we hardly hear except when talking about North Korea's "crazy" nuclear tests, at the end of last week again challenged the world. First, at a military parade, he showed the ballistic missiles at his disposal. Then he tested a ballistic missile (albeit unsuccessful). Moreover, on the most important day for the country. Namely, on the birthday of Kim Il Sung, the founder of North Korea and grandfather of the current leader.

North Korea has chosen the timing very "meaningfully". Since all this followed immediately after the statement of US President Trump "if North Korea continues nuclear testing, we will give an answer." Moreover, Trump sent warships to the Korean Peninsula last week.


Will Trump bomb the DPRK?

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North Korea - "the next Syria"

Huanqiu Shibao 12.04.2017

The sea of ​​Japan is boiling

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Let's be friends with the DPRK to spite everyone

Nihon Keizai 03/28/2017 But where did this crisis come from? If Trump gives an answer, will nuclear war break out?

The goal is to encircle China

One of Trump’s goals for escalating these tensions is to divert attention away from himself. That is, to make people forget about Russia's alleged interference in the US presidential election. The missile strike on Syria, followed by the bombing in Afghanistan, and now the escalation of tension in relations with North Korea, in a sense, is explained by this goal. At the same time, Trump, in response to these accusations, weakening his position at home and abroad, wants to arrange a show of force.

Only the main goal is much more ambitious, long-term and strategically important. This is the encirclement of China.

China is a giant that is growing more and more. In the near future, it may take the place of the United States. This is what prompts the United States to take action and develop strategies designed to thwart China's even more gigantic growth. But Washington does not enter into direct confrontation with China, but pursues a policy of encirclement.

China is North Korea's largest trading partner and its only ally. The US is now aiming to separate China from its important partner by driving a wedge between them.

To this end, he also connects China to nuclear tensions in relations with North Korea. Trump, in his statements on Twitter, asked China for help in resolving this issue. And the US State Department has called on China to use its economic influence to stop North Korea's nuclear program. Thus, the United States, by pulling China to its side, seeks to spoil its relations with North Korea.

An operation against South Korea?

By doing so, Trump is also causing serious economic damage to China. Signals are already coming from the US State Department that pressure will soon be exerted on China to force it to impose sanctions against North Korea. Moreover, this policy has even begun to bear fruit. Chinese airline Air China has announced that it will suspend flights to North Korea.

Washington is targeting relations between China and North Korea, including through South Korea. South Korea, North Korea's nemesis, is currently undergoing a radical transformation. Park Geun-hye, the country's first female president, was removed from office by the Constitutional Court over corruption charges. And presidential candidate Moon Jae-in, who is expected to be elected in the May 9 elections, is in favor of cooperation with North Korea. The United States also supports this candidate. Thus, they plan to attract North Korea to their side.

"The partnership between China and Russia is dangerous"

The third stage of the strategy of encircling China is Russia. Or rather, the distance between China and Russia, which are linked by strong relations. The main author of this strategy is Brzezinski, a key US foreign policy strategist in the post-World War II era. “The most dangerous scenario for the United States is the partnership between Russia and China. Therefore, the US should not behave like an enemy with China. This guarantees an even closer relationship between China and Russia, ”writes Brzezinski.

And now Trump, trying to step up cooperation with Putin, wants to isolate China.

On the other hand, he is giving China a subtle signal. Trump gave the order to strike at Syria at the moment when he received the head of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping. He didn't stop there. In one interview, Trump said that "Jinping received the news of this blow while eating the finest chocolate cake in the world." Thus, Trump, sitting at the same table with the Chinese leader, threatens a missile strike.

This ambitious US strategy will certainly not yield immediate results. But deeply rooted states base their policies on this kind of long-term and multidimensional calculation. Therefore, everything is not at all what it seems.

The materials of Inosmi contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editorial staff of Inosmi.

Endless terrorist attacks, incessant armed conflicts, continuing disagreements between Russia, the United States and the European Union indicate that peace on our planet literally hangs in the balance. This situation is alarming for both politicians and ordinary people. It is no coincidence that the issue of the outbreak of World War III is being seriously discussed by the entire world community.

Expert opinion

Some political analysts believe that the mechanism of war was already launched several years ago. It all started in Ukraine, when a corrupt president was removed from office and the new government in the country was called illegitimate, but simply a junta. Then they announced to the whole world that she was fascist and they began to frighten her one-sixth of the land. First, mistrust was sown in the minds of the people of the two fraternal peoples, and then open enmity. A full-scale information war began, in which everything was subordinated to inciting hatred between people.

This confrontation was painful for families, relatives, friends of the two fraternal peoples. It got to the point that the politicians of the two countries are ready to push brother against brother. The situation on the Internet also speaks of the danger of the situation. Various discussion platforms and forums have turned into real battlefields where everything is allowed.

If someone still doubts the likelihood of war, then they can simply go to any social network and see what intensity the discussion of hot topics is reaching, starting with information about oil quotes and ending with the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

If it is possible to quarrel two fraternal peoples who have shared grief and victories for over 360 years, then what can we say about other countries. Any nation can be called an enemy overnight, having prepared timely information support in the media and the Internet. So, for example, it was with Turkey.

Currently, Russia is testing new methods of war on the example of Crimea, Donbass, Ukraine, Syria. Why deploy multimillion-dollar armies, transfer troops, if you can carry out a "successful information attack", and to top it off, send a small contingent of "little green men". Fortunately, positive experience already exists in Georgia, Crimea, Syria and Donbass.

Some political observers believe that it all began in Iraq, when the United States decided to remove the allegedly undemocratic president and carried out Operation Desert Storm. As a result, the country's natural resources came under US control.

Having made a little "fat" in the two thousandths and having carried out a number of military operations, Russia decided not to yield and prove to the whole world that it "got up from its knees." Hence such "decisive" actions in Syria, Crimea and Donbass. In Syria, we protect the whole world from ISIS, in Crimea, Russians from Bandera, in Donbass, the Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian punishers.

In fact, an invisible confrontation between the United States and Russia has already begun. America does not want to share its dominance in the world with the Russian Federation. Direct proof of this is present-day Syria.

Tension in different parts of the world, where the interests of the two countries meet, will only grow.

There are experts who believe that the tension with America is caused by the fact that the latter is aware of the loss of its leading position against the background of a strengthening China and wants to destroy Russia in order to seize its natural resources. Various methods of weakening the Russian Federation are used:

  • EU sanctions;
  • decrease in oil prices;
  • the involvement of the Russian Federation in the arms race;
  • support of protest sentiments in Russia.

America is doing everything to repeat the situation in 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed.

War in Russia is inevitable in 2020

This point of view is shared by the American political analyst I. Hagopian. He posted his thoughts on this on the GlobalResears website. He noted that there are all signs of the preparation of the United States and Russia for war. The author notes that America will be supported by:

  • NATO countries;
  • Israel;
  • Australia;
  • all US satellites around the world.

China and India are among Russia's allies. The expert believes that the United States is facing bankruptcy and therefore it will attempt to seize the wealth of the Russian Federation. He also stressed that as a result of this conflict, some states may disappear.

The former head of NATO A. Shirreff gives similar forecasts. For this, he even wrote a book about the war with Russia. In it, he notes the inevitability of a military confrontation with America. According to the plot of the book, Russia is taking over the Baltic states. NATO countries are defending it. As a result, the Third World War begins. On the one hand, the plot looks frivolous and implausible, but on the other hand, given that the work was written by a retired general, the script looks quite plausible.

Who will win America or Russia

To answer this question, it is necessary to compare the military power of the two powers:

Armament Russia USA
Active army 1.4 million people 1.1million people
Reserve 1.3 million people 2.4 million people
Airports and runways 1218 13513
Aircraft 3082 13683
Helicopters 1431 6225
Tanks 15500 8325
Armored vehicles 27607 25782
Self-propelled guns 5990 1934
Towed artillery 4625 1791
MLRS 4026 830
Ports and terminals 7 23
Warships 352 473
Aircraft carriers 1 10
Submarines 63 72
Strike ships 77 17
Budget 76 trillion 612 trillion

Success in war does not depend solely on superiority in weapons. According to the military expert J. Shields, the Third World War will not be similar to the two previous wars. The fighting will be carried out using computer technology. They will become more short-lived, but the number of victims will be in the thousands. Nuclear weapons are unlikely to be used, but chemical and bacteriological weapons as an auxiliary means are not excluded.

Attacks will be launched not only on the battlefield, but also in:

  • the field of communications;
  • the Internet;
  • television;
  • economy;
  • finance;
  • politics;
  • outer space.

Something similar is happening now in Ukraine. The offensive is on all fronts. Blatant misinformation, hacker attacks on financial servers, sabotage in the economic field, discrediting politicians, diplomats, terrorist attacks, disconnecting broadcasting satellites, and much more can cause irreparable damage to the enemy along with hostilities at the front.

Psychic predictions

Throughout history, there have been many prophets who predicted the end of humanity. One of them is Nostradamus. As for the world wars, he accurately predicted the first two. As for the Third World War, he said that it would happen through the fault of the Antichrist, who will not stop at nothing and will be terribly merciless.

The next psychic whose prophecies have come true is Wanga. She informed future generations that World War III would start from a small state in Asia. The fastest is Syria. The military action will be triggered by an attack on four heads of state. The consequences of the war will be dire.

The famous psychic P. Globa also said his words about the Third World War. His forecasts can be called optimistic. He said that humanity will end World War III if it prevents hostilities in Iran.

The psychics listed above are not the only ones who predicted World War III. Similar predictions were made:

  • A. Ilmeier;
  • Mulchiasl;
  • Edgar Cayce;
  • G. Rasputin;
  • Bishop Anthony;
  • Saint Hilarion and others

Image copyright Reuters Image caption DPRK leader Kim Jong-un personally attended many nuclear tests

The crisis around North Korea's nuclear program and missile tests has now reached a new, much more dangerous phase.

For decades, the international community has tried to persuade Pyongyang to abandon its weapons program.

The full-fledged nuclear combat capability of the DPRK - warheads capable of reaching distant targets using long-range missiles - until recently seemed to be something unattainable. However, today everything has changed.

It is impossible to accurately assess the military potential of North Korea. Pyongyang claims that the country already has missiles capable of reaching the mainland of the United States - and two recent tests have led Western experts to speculate that this may be true.

  • Is it possible to defeat the DPRK at all?

The Japanese government believes that the DPRK can already reduce the size of the warhead to such an extent that it can be placed on such a missile.

The US authorities also think that North Korea has developed small warheads, but it is not yet known for certain whether they have been tested.

Today, North Korea's ability to launch long-range nuclear launches is not a matter of opportunity, but a matter of time. And this may happen in the next few years.

A glimpse of hope

The fact that this period coincided with the beginning of the presidency of Donald Trump can be called an amazing historical coincidence.

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USA versus DPRK: how rhetoric intensified in the confrontation between countries

On the one hand, this further exacerbates the nuclear crisis, and on the other, it may give a glimmer of hope for a solution to the problem.

The chaos in foreign policy, bravado and inexperience reflected in the tweets of the American president have become cause for concern for many. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is perceived in the West as a completely unpredictable person. Well, now the same unpredictable personality has appeared at the head of the United States.

Image copyright EPA Image caption DPRK Foreign Minister (center) attended the ASEAN Forum in Manila

To paraphrase the words of the former head of the US Department of Defense, Trump can be called a "known unknown." Nobody knows what his reaction will be. This makes the situation more dangerous, but at the same time forces many to rethink it, primarily in Beijing.

We do not know for certain what US foreign policy is. In a complex diplomatic system, precision is important. So who represents American foreign policy?

Maybe this is Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who, under favorable circumstances, is considering the possibility of negotiations with Pyongyang (after all, Trump also spoke of such a possibility)?

Or is it the "Twitter Maester" himself from the Oval Office who is escalating pressure on Pyongyang?

Undoubtedly, the situation has already reached a decisive moment. North Korea's success means that it will soon be able to seriously threaten the US with a nuclear strike.

This is a game changer, and the Trump administration, China, South Korea and Japan will have to make difficult and in many ways unpleasant choices.

The first option is open opposition to the DPRK regime in all possible ways. Among them are the imposition of sanctions, an increase in combat capability in the region, and even a willingness to go to war. In other words, attempts by any means to change the regime in Pyongyang.

This option could lead to real Armageddon on the Korean Peninsula and is unlikely to be to the taste of China, a key diplomatic player in this drama.

Image copyright Reuters Image caption A series of postage stamps dedicated to the DPRK missile tests

There is another option - containment. It is to her that we are moving at the moment.

This means increased international sanctions - last week's UN Security Council decision actually means a trade embargo against the DPRK in sectors that depend on foreign revenues. In addition, this option implies the supply of defensive weapons to US allies - for example, the deployment of the THAAD anti-missile system in South Korea.

However, containing the DPRK is not a solution to the issue and may result in confrontation with each new round of the crisis.

There remains one more option - diplomacy, which is becoming a particularly difficult task today.

However, the combination of all the above factors - the technical progress of the DPRK, the uncertainty that arose after Trump came to power, as well as the fact that the whole world faced a choice in the North Korean issue - indicates that the diplomatic path can be successful.

Internationalsanctions against the DPRK:

  • Ban on the export of coal, seafood, iron, iron ore, lead and lead ore from the DPRK
  • Ban on Employment of North Korean Citizens
  • Ban on transactions with North Korean companies and individuals
  • Prohibition of new investments in existing joint projects
  • Expansion of the ban on entry and freezing of accounts of DPRK citizens
  • UN member states are obliged to report to the Security Council on the implementation of the sanctions resolution within 90 days.

An important decision was the strengthening of the sanctions regime, approved by the UN Security Council. It was supported by China and Russia, and Beijing also called on the DPRK authorities to stop nuclear and missile tests.

The North Korean Foreign Minister attended the ASEAN Forum in Manila, but his rhetoric was as harsh as before.

But despite the growing harshness of statements, the parties need to come to some conclusion. How will the crisis develop? Can a space for diplomatic dialogue be created?

Waiting for a signal

If diplomatic efforts did not work in the past, then at least they were undertaken. Suffice it to recall the establishment of the Korea Energy Development Organization (KEDO) in 1994.

This organization was supposed to build two nuclear power plants in the DPRK in exchange for a significant reduction in North Korea's nuclear infrastructure.

A plan was drawn up to improve relations between Washington and Pyongyang, and key nuclear facilities in North Korea were opened to IAEA inspectors.

However, the KEDO program was closed in 2002, as the United States feared that the DPRK had a secret uranium enrichment program. Foreign inspectors left the country.

KEDO had a clear goal - to close those nuclear facilities in North Korea that are associated with the country's nuclear program. However, that was over 20 years ago. Today, the reduction of the DPRK's nuclear arsenal and nuclear program no longer seems a realistic scenario.

What will be the goals of the new diplomatic deal? Is Trump's America Ready To Live Within Range Of A North Korean Nuclear Intercontinental Missile? And is Kim Jong-un's North Korea ready to open up or liberalize in such a way as to risk the future of the ruling regime?

Today we are waiting for a signal from Pyongyang. A temporary pause in testing can mean something like a pause for thought.

However, if testing resumes, we will find ourselves at the start of a whole new phase of this potentially catastrophic drama.

MOSCOW, October 17 - RIA Novosti. North Korea agrees with the idea of ​​a complete ban on nuclear weapons, said Kim In-Ren, Deputy Permanent Representative of the country to the UN. He noted that the war "can start at any moment."

The fact that Pyongyang has nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, according to the diplomat, is "a justified measure of self-defense."

"No country in the world has been exposed to such an extreme and direct nuclear threat from the United States for such a long time," the DPRK representative stressed.

According to him, the situation in the region has reached a critical point. He noted that as long as Washington, "which persistently threatens and blackmails with nuclear weapons, denies the treaty banning nuclear weapons, North Korea will not join the agreement."

"We will never, under any circumstances, negotiate our nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, and we will never even deviate an inch from the path we have chosen," the diplomat assured.

This year, he said, the DPRK "passed the final milestone in the formation of the country's nuclear forces" and now has "various methods of delivering an atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and intercontinental ballistic missiles."

"The entire US territory is in the zone of our missiles, and if the US dares to invade our sacred land even an inch, they will not escape our cruel punishment," Kim In-Ren promised.

US reaction

In turn, US Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan said that Washington is seeking a diplomatic solution to the DPRK problem, but is preparing for the worst scenario.

"We must not forget about the protection of the US allies in the person of Japan and South Korea," he said.

"Pyongyang is dramatizing"

Political analyst Andrei Suzdaltsev suggested that the severity of the problem is somewhat exaggerated.

"I think Pyongyang is dramatizing the situation a little, this is an emotional reaction. It is unlikely that the Americans are preparing an unexpected nuclear strike," he said.

According to him, the DPRK is nervous because it focuses on Trump, who is very emotional, unrestrained.

"In addition, the traditionally large-scale joint exercises of the United States and South Korea are taking place just off the coast of the DPRK. This, of course, causes concern in the leadership of North Korea," Suzdaltsev said.

UN Security Council sanctions

In September, the UN Security Council, in response to North Korea's missile and nuclear tests, unanimously introduced new sanctions against Pyongyang, which severely limited the DPRK's export and import capabilities.

The restrictions affected the supply of petroleum products - up to 500 thousand barrels from October 1 to December 31 and up to two million barrels throughout 2018 for all types of refined oil. As for the supply of crude oil to North Korea, its volumes should not exceed the figures for the past 12 months.

In addition, it is prohibited to sell condensates and gas condensate liquids to Pyongyang. The DPRK, in turn, cannot supply textile products to other countries.

On October 16, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on measures to implement the UN Security Council resolution, which provides for a number of restrictions with respect to the DPRK. The President also ordered to suspend scientific and technical cooperation with North Korea.

Russia and China proposed the DPRK declare a moratorium on nuclear tests and missile launches, and South Korea and the United States - to refrain from conducting exercises in the region to stabilize the situation on the peninsula, but Washington ignored this initiative.

Photos from open sources

The world has approached a dangerous line, this is obvious to everyone who is interested in the news of international politics. The psychic who predicted Trump's victory also believes. He told when the Third World War will begin.

Portuguese psychic and mystic Horatio Villegas, who predicted Trump's election victory back in 2015, said that less than a month was left before the start of World War III. In his opinion, a nuclear war cannot be avoided, and the recent American strike on Syria is its harbinger, the Express newspaper reports.

According to Villegas, a nuclear war involving the United States, Russia, North Korea and China could begin on May 13, since the appearance of the Virgin Mary took place on that day a hundred years ago in the Portuguese city of Fatima. The inhabitants of the planet need to "be on the alert" until October 2017, says the psychic, this is an "extremely explosive" period.

Villegas is confident that the Third World War will be short-lived and will be completed before the end of the year.

According to the medium, the conflicts arising around Syria and North Korea will become the cause of the global cataclysm. Villegas warns that people must be prepared for a war between May 13 and October 13, 2017, which "will end in great devastation, shock and death."

The date of the end of the war is also not accidental - on October 13, 1917, Maria allegedly also appeared in Fatima, warning that "the war is coming to an end and the soldiers will soon return to their homes."

In his twitter he also posted a post about the beginning of TMV:

"Horacio Villegas: I Know The Date When World War III Will Erupt

The Prophet had a prophetic dream where he saw many people running while the Earth was engulfed in a hail of fireballs. The clairvoyant believes that this means that a devastating atomic war cannot be avoided. According to the seer, the start date of the Third War is May 13, that is, during the hundredth anniversary of the apparition of the Virgin Mary in Fatima; the conflict will last until October 13, 2017. According to the prophet, war will break out due to false information spread between April 13 and May 13 this year in order to stimulate the outbreak of a conflict that will lead to the destruction of many nations. He expressed his complaints that few believed him, despite the evidence of the truth of his visions. "- tweeted Villegas.

Villegas predicted Trump's victory back in 2015. The mystic claimed that the Republican would become the "King of the Illuminati" who would "bring the Third World War into the world."

And so, a very disturbing message came from a source in the Pentagon. According to this report, yesterday the Pentagon launched the "Wolv" plan. As the source explained, the semantic basis for the name of the plan is taken from the story: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf."

The Wolv plan is the most powerful and important stage in the preparation of the war against Russia. This has never happened in modern history. It includes a strategy of persistent false-threat flagging by the United States.

Decoding the plan:

an operation is being carried out to "leak" information that that number of the United States is preparing to strike at Russia. On this day, the activity of the US strategic forces begins, as if confirming the information in the "leak". But ... it all ends with false combat alarms, interrupted activation of the ground-based components of the strategic nuclear forces, the cancellation of missions of strategic bombers and the cancellation of orders for SSBNs.


due to the created false "information leaks" about the allegedly impending US strikes against Russia and the actions of the US strategic forces that are not leading to anything (which in fact are false flags), create a false opinion in Russia that all information about the impending strikes across Russia is fake and all the actions of the US strategic forces are just muscle flexing.

So yesterday in the implementation of the first stage of this plan took part: AFGSC. US Global Strike Command. It unites under a single command the strategic nuclear forces of the Air Force, as well as the 8th Air Army (strategic bombers) and the 20th Air Force (intercontinental ballistic missiles)


Eighth Air Force. 8th Air Force.

From 2nd Bomber Wing - Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana (B-52H)

11th Squadron

From 5th Bomber Wing - Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota (B-52H)

23rd Squadron

From 7th Bomber Wing - Texas Air Force Base (B-1V)

9th Squadron

Twentieth Air Force. 20th Air Force.

From the 90th Missile Wing - Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming.

319th Missile Squadron

From the 91st Missile Wing - Minot Base, North Dakota

742d missile squadron

As the source added, such false flags will be repeated periodically so that the Russians get used to it and lose their vigilance. Until the next false flag ends with a real blow. Now the US is not yet ready for this. Heavy military equipment only this year began to be transferred to Eastern Europe by sea. For this, it is brought from all over America to the coast. (Note: read "America is preparing for the Great War. And it will be long")

They no longer hide their plans and we only have to wait for the start of the nuclear apocalypse?

For lovers of all kinds of theories, we note that his prediction does not dissonant with A. Novykh's book “Sensei-IV. Primordial Shambhala ”, below is an excerpt:

Perhaps now I will tell you what millions will soon learn, I will reveal to you the secret plans of the Archons, so that later they would not be "bored" with their work ... So, the Archons are counting on global wars for generations. And, judging by their calculations, this generation should find the Third World War. The Archons have planned three dates for the start of a new global war, depending on the geopolitical situation and the level of preparation of the population for these events. The first date is December 23, 2012, already promoted to the whole world with the help of indirect advertising as a possible date for the end of the world. The second date is 2017. And the third date is 2025. These are the main dates on which they are guided and build their calculations. Although, of course, there can be changes, as in any other plan ... In principle, their preparation for these events can be easily seen and traced. The only strong enemy of the Archons who can seriously oppose their intentions will be ...

Soviet Union?! Victor asked impatiently.

I would say a little more precisely - Russia ... So, this preparation of the Archons for a new global war will be quite easy to trace through the events. I have already told you a lot about how the Archons work, and I will tell you more. Their methods practically do not change and in the history of mankind have been highlighted and repeated more than once. All this will be done according to the old elementary scheme.

Wait not long ...)))